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^PtAM- —
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1854-55. ^^
The Proprietors of the Edinburgh and Leith Post-Office
Directory have again the honour of submitting to the Public
another Yolume of the PubHcation, being the Forty-ninth ;
and they avail themselves of the renewed opportunity of
expressing their grateful thanks for the kind support and
patronage they continue to receive.
General Post-Office, Edinburgh,
26th May 1854.
of Edinb
e City
Quarters, 424
from one
Admiral and Bailie Courts of Leitli,
Advertisements of Insurance Companies,
(Following p. 428.)
Advertisements, Miscellaneous,
Assessed Taxes,
Bank Directory,
Bailie and Sequestration Court for th
Burgh Ten-merk Court,
Calendar, 1854-55, . ,
Calendar, Counting-house, .
Carriers, with their Quarters,
Carriers ; Judex to their Names and
Conveyance Directory,
County Directory,
Index to places in the County
County Meetings,
County Police,
Court of Chancery, .
Court of Justiciary, .
Court of Police,
Court of Session,
Customs, Port of Leith,
Days, Table shewing the number of,
month to another,
Excise Office,
Ferry Steam-boat Passages,
General Directory
Hackney-coach Regulations,
Hackney-coach Fares,
Her Majesty's Chief Officers of State
High Water at Leith, 1854-55
Holidays at Banks and Public Office
Interest Tables,
Insurance Companies. See Insurance Directory i
Justice of Peace Small Debt Court, . . 323
Justice of Peice Court, Dalkeith, . . 323
Law Directory. .... 316
Magistrates and Council of Edinburgh, . 355
Magistrates and Council of Leith, . . 356
Mail-coach Routes from Edinburgh, . 416
Markets, Weekly, in Scotland, . . 425
Medical Institutions, . . . 360
Members of Parliament for Scotland, . 353
Messengers-at-arms, . . . 325
Military Establishment, . . . 356
Names Ton Late fir Insertion, . . xl
Newspapers in Scotland, . . . 426
Newspapers publislicd in London, . . 426
Newspapers published in Dublin, . . 428
Packet Vessels from Leith and Granton, . 419
Parliamentary Directory, . . 349
Parochial Board of the City, . . 357
Parochial Board of Canongate, . . 357
Parochial Board of St Cuthbert's, . . 358
Parochial Board of South Leith, . . 358
Peers of Scotland, .... 351
Peers of Scotland, Representative . . 353
Police Station Houses, . . . 377
Post-Office (General), Edinburgh, . . 369
Adhesive Stamps and Envelopes, . 369
Adhesive Stamps to Foreign Countries, 373
Arrival and Despatch of MaUs, . 387
Ditto Foreign Mai's . . . 377
Articles which may not be sent by Post, 360
Post-Office continued : —
Books Inland, Regulations for, , 370
Bojks sent at reduced rates to certain
Colonies, .... 374
Delivery of Letters in Edinburgh, . 388
Despatcbes, .... 387
Foreign and Colonial Letters and News-
papers, General Regulations, . 372
Foreign and Colonial Mails, Times of
Despatch and Arrival in Edinburgh, 377
Illegal Conveyance of Letters, . . 369
Inland Postage and General Regulations, 369
Letters not to be delivered back, . 369
Letters not to be sealed with wax when
seat to warm climates, . . 373
Money Order Office, Regulations, &c. 389
Newspapers, and Supplements to, . 370
Newspapers in the Channel Islands and
^ Isle of Man, . . . .371
Newspapers and Periodicals charged for
Irregularities, . . . 374
Newspapers and Prices Current to the
Colonies and F^oreign Countries, . 373
Non-commissioned Officers', Seamen's, and
Soldiers' Letters, serving Abroad, . 376
— Officers of General Post-Office, . 357
Overcharges, Delays, &c., . . 369
— — Periodical Publications to and from
France, &c., .... 374
Petitions to Parliament, . . 369
Persons exempt from Sbip Letter Postage, 372
Post Towns in Scotland,
- Post Towns in England and Wales,
- Post Towns in Ireland,
- Prices Current, and Commercial Lists,
- Prices Current to Foreign Countries,
- Printed Books Forv.arded under certain
- Printed Votes and Proceedings in Parlia
ment, ....
- Do. do. do. to the Colonies, &c.,
- Rates of Book Postage,
- Rates of Postage on Inland Letters,
- Rates of Postage on Letters and News-
papers to the Colonies and Foreign
Countries, ....
- Receiving-houses in Edinburgh and Leith, 388
- Re-directed Letters, . . . 369
- Re-directed Letters to and from France
- Re-directed Letters — Officers, Soldiers,
and Seamen,
- Re-directed Letters — Foreign, Colonial,
and Sbip, ....
- Re -directed Newspapers to and from
France, &c., ....
- Registered Letters,
- Registered Letters — Foreign, Colonial,
and Ship, ....
- Ship Letters, ....
- Stamped Publications, not being News-
papers, ....
- Do. do. do. to places Abroad,
- Unpaid Letters to Places abroad,
- Weight of Foreign Letters,
- Writing or Marks >m Newspapers,
!atory Note, ....
Pkofessions axd Trades Directory, . 276
Public Offices, . • • .355
Public Offices, with the Hours of Attendance, 358
Rates for Carters, . . . .435
Rates for Chimney-sweepers, . . 436
Rates of Porterage, .... 434
Revenue, Inland — Edinburgh, . . 356
Road Court, 321
Salaries, Table for Calculation of, . . vn
Session-Clerks' Offices, . . . 359
Session-Clerks' Offices, Leith, . . 359
Sheriffs of the Counties, . . .320
Sheriff Court. . . . .320
Sheriff SmaU Debt Court, . . .320
Solicitors, ..... 316
Stage Coaches from Edinburgh, . . 422
Stamp and Legacy Duties,
Steamers from Leith and Granton, .
Steamers from Glasgow,
Steamers from other Ports in Scotland,
Steamers from principal Ports in England,
Steamers from principal Ports in Ireland,
Steamers on the Perries,
Street Directory, .
Streets, Squares, &c.. List of.
Terms in Scotland and England
Town Council, Committees of.
University of Edinburgh,
Weekly Markets in Scotland,
Writers, ....
Writers to the Signet,
XX vm
Artificial Limbs and Bandages, J. Henry, 29
West Register street, . . . liii
Artists' and Mechanics' Tools, T. Russell, 6
and 7 Hunter square, . . . Li
Bullion Dealer, Goldsmith, Lapidary, and
Jeweller, Wm. Mortimer, 18 North bridge lvi
Card, John Lough, 19 William street, . lii
Carvers, Gilders, &c., Ciceri & Pini, 81 Leith
street . . . . . li
Chemist, G. Macdonald, 7 Duke Street . lviii
Clothing — Ready-made and Second-hand : —
Pat. Conway & Co., 4 St Mary's wynd, . Lvi
James Doherty, 2 St Mary's wynd, . liv
James M'lver, 25 St Mary's wynd . LV
Coals, George Baigrie, St Leonard's, . lv
Thomas Baigrie, Scotland street station, iv
Charles Brown, St Leonard's, . . lv
Coltness (Wishaw) . . . xlv
Thos. Dixon & Son, 1 St Leonard street, lv
Edmonstone Coal and Fire-brick Works,
St Leonard's Depot, . . . lv
J. Kinlay, 1 N. B. Railway station, . lv
Sloan & Stoddart, Leith Walk, , lvi
Dressing-Case and Fancy Work-box manu-
facturers, Wilson and Co., 71 George street xlvii
Dyers and Scourers, F. & W. Cooper Hay, 1
Heriot pi., Leith walk, and 11 Fred. st. . liv
; P. & R. Hay, 5 South St
David street, .... liv
Dyer, H. Wortham, 1 Queen street, and 50
London street, .... liv
Education :--
Francalanza's Gymnasium, under Music
Hall, ..... liii
Scottish Institution for Young Ladies, 9
Moray place, .... XLiv
United Industrial School, 56 High street, xlii
Edinburgh Collegiate Institution, M. OUen-
• dorff, 7 Great King street . . L
Southern District Academy, Mr Sibbald,
23 St Patrick square . . . l
Mr Adam's School, 27 St James' square . l
Engineering, Practical and Consulting, Robert
Thornton, 60 North bridge, . . lii
English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered
Bank .....
Engraver and Lithographer, Philip B. Watt,
Equitable Loan Company, George Edge, 4
Milne square ....
Firewood Factory, foot of Leith walk,
Fishing-tackle Makers, Bird-stuffers, &c.,
Wilson & Co., 34 Princes street, .
Household Furnishings, J. Charles, 20 Brough-
ton street, ....
Lapidary, Gavin Young, Blanfield row, near
Cauonmills, ....
London Newspapers and Periodicals, H.
Robinson, 11 Greenside street,
Newspapers, J. Sutherland & Co., 12
Calton street, .... lii
Malt Liquors, Henry Bird, . . LViii
Money Loan Office, Robert Wilson, 39 South
bridge, ..... liii
Money to Lend, W. C. f'oole, 35 South bridge, nv
National Security Savings Bank, Head of
Mound, ..... XLVi
Optician, Thomas Dunn, 50 Hanover street, xlvii
Plumbers and Brassfounders, Hume & Mel-
ville, 1 Register place, . . . li
Railway Carriers, Pickford & Co. , . . xlviii
Sail-cloth and Patent Cordage Store, W. Cal-
der, 21 and 22 Commercial place, Leith, lvii
Shipping Company, London, Leith, Edinburgh,
and Glasgow, 9 Waterloo place, and Upper
Drawbridge, Leith, . . . xlix
Steam Navigation Company, The General, 21
Waterloo place. .... xlviii
Surgeon-Dentist, W. F. Vernon, 80 Princes st, l
Typefoiinders, James Marr & Co,, 27 and 29
New street, . . . .lii
Umbrella Manufacturer, John Smith, 78
Princes street .... xliv
Venetian Blinds, G. Laing, 70 Potterrow, . liii
Waste Paper Purchased, G. Adcock, 50 High
street, ..... liii
Whips, G. & J. Leggat, 4 Brown square, . lih
Wire-work, Smith & Son, 219 High Street xliv
Showing, by the Dominical Letter, the Day of the Month and Week in
any Year of the Nineteenth Century.
Dominical Letters for the Years
1800 to 1899 inclusive.
D. C. B. A. G.
1800|1801,1802 1S03 |I804jl805
18061807' 1808 1809 181o'l811
I I I ■ _i_
J1812 1813 1814 18151 1816
18171818 18191
11824 1825 1826,1827
18281829 1830 1831
1836 1837 1838 1839
[1840 184ri842 1843 1844
18451846 18471 |1848 1849il850
1800 TO 1899 INCLUSIVE.
18511 jl852 1853 1854 1655
1856 1837 1858 1859, |1860 1861
1862 1863| 1 1864 1865 1866 1867
|1868 1869 1870 1871 1 |l872
1873 1874 1875j 11876 1877 1878
I I I • ' i_
18791 11880 1881 1882 18831
1884^1885|1886,1887| J1888 1889
1890,18911 118921893 1894 1805
1896 1897 189818991
1 Fr
2 Sa
4! M
5 Tu
6 W
7 Th
8 Fr
9 Sa
I s
n: M
12 Tu
13 w
14 Th
15 Fr
16 Sa
17, j S
18 M
19; Tu
20 W
21 Th
22 Fr
23 Sa
24 ! S
25 M
;26 Tu
i27| W
i28 Th
29 Fr
30 Sa
11 Th
2: Fr
3 Sa
51 M
6l Tu
7; AV
8, Th
9' Fr
10 Sa
il2' M
113 Tu
il4 W
115 Th
16: Fr
171 Sa
18' I S
[19 M
l20 Tu
22 Th
23' Fr
24 1 Sa
f25: I S
20 M
27, Tu
28 "W
29 Th
30 Fr
31, Sa
1 W
2 Th
3, Fr
4' Sa
6l M
7| Tu
8] W
9 Th
10 Fr
111 Sa
13' M
14| Tu
15j W
16 Th
171 Fr
18! Sa
20 M
21 Tu
22' W
23' Th
24; Fr
25, Sa
27 [ M
28 1 Tu
29| W
30j Th
31 Fr
2 W
3, Th
4: Fr
5, Sa
7 M
8; Tu
9, W
lOi Th
11 Fr
12! Sa
13 S
U\ M
15, Tu
16j AV
171 Th
18' Fr
19, Sa
2o: I s
21 i M
22 1 Tu
23 W
24' Th
251 Fr
26] Sa
27! S
28 M
29 Tu
30 W
31 Th
li M
2 Tu
4 Th
5 Fr
6 Sa
8 M
9! Tu
10: W
111 Th
I2I Fr
is; Sa
I 8
151 M
16: Tu
17 \V
18 Th
19! Fr
;o Sa
31' W
E. F.
Explanation'. — Tn the Left-hand Table are the years of the Century, and above each is the Dominical
Letter corresponding with that Year. Then, opposite to the Month, at the foot of the Ripht-hand Table,
will be found a corresponding Letter, over wjiich are jilaced the Days of the Month and Week for that Month
(distinguisMng the Sundays by a different t\-pe). Each Blank Space in the Left-hand Table shows the
year following to be Leap Year ; and as every Leap Year has two Dominical Letters, the Letter above the
Blank Space must be used for January and February iii everj' Leap Year, and for the other months, use th©
Letters belonging to the respective Years.
By transposing the Dominical Letters, this Calendar would answer for any Century.
Bank Holidays are marked *
JcxE 1854.
September 1854.
December 1854.
March 1855.
. . 4 11 18 25
. . . 3 10 17 24
. 3 10 17 24 31
. . . 4 11 18 25
. . 5 12 19 26
. . . 4 11 18 25
. 4 11 18*25
. . . 5 12 19 26
. . e 1.3*20 27
. . . 5 12 19 26
. 5 12 19 26
. . . 6 13 20 27
Wed. .
. . 7 14 21*28
. . . 6 13 20 27
. 6 13 20 27
. . . 7 14 21 28
Thur. .
. 1 8 15 22 29
. . . 7 14 21 28
. 7 14 21 28
. . 1 8 15 22 :i9
Frid. .
. 2 9 16 23 30
Frid. .
. . 1 8 15 22 29
. 1 8 15 22 29
. . 2 9 16 23 30
Sat. . .
. 3 10 17 24
Sat. .
. . 2 9 16 23 30
Sat. .
. i: 9 16 23 30
Sat. .
. . 3 10 17 21 31
ULT 1854.
October 1854.
January 1855.
April 1855.
. 2 9 16 23 80
. 1 8 15 22 29
. . 7 14 21 28
. . 1 8 15 22 29
. 3 10 17 24 31
. 2 9 16 23 30
Mon. .
. *1 8 15 22 29
■..29 16 23 30
Tues. .
. 4 11 18 25
. 3 10 17 24 31
. 2 9 16 23*30
. . 3 10 17 24
Wed. .
. 5 12 19 26
. 4 11 18 25
. 3 10 17 24 31
. . 4 11 18 25
Thur. .
. 6 13 20 27
. 5 12 19 26
. 4 11 18 25
. . 5 12 19 26
Frid. .
. 7 14 21 28
. 6 13 20 27
. 5 12 19 26
. . *0 13 20 27
Sat. . .
1 8 15 22 29
Sat. .
. 7 14 21 28
Sat. .
. G 13 20 27
Sat. .
. . 7 14 21 28
GCST 1854.
November 1854.
February 1855.
Mat 1855.
Sun. . .
. . 6 13 20 27
Sun. .
. . *5 12 19 26
. . 4 11 18 25
. . . C 13 20 27
. . 7 14 21 28
. . . 6 13 20 27
. 5 12 19 26
. . . 7 14 21 28
Tues. .
. 1 8 15 22 29
. . . 7 14 21 28
. . . 6 13 20 27
. . 1 8 15 22*29
Wed. .
. 2 9 16 23 30
. 1 8 15 22 29
. . 7 14 21 28
. . 2 9 16 23 30
Thur. .
. 3 10 17 24 31
. 2 9 16 23 30
. 1 8 15 22
. . 3 10 17*24 31
Frid. .
. 4 11 18 25
. 3 10 17 24
. 2 9 16 23
. . 4 11 18 25
Sat. . .
. 5 12 19 26
Sat. .
. 4 11 18 25
Sat. .
. 3*10 17 24
Sat. .
. . 5 12 19 26
Queen's Accession, June 20
Queen's Coronation, June 28
Gunpowder Plot,.... Nov. 5
Christmas Day, Dec. 25
New Year's Day, Jan. 1
Martyrdom of King Charles I Jan. SO
Queen's Marriage, Feb. 10
Good Friday, Apiil 6
The Queen's Birthday, May 24
Restoration of King Charles II May 29
Candlemas Feb. 2
Wliitsunday, May 15
Lammas, Aug. 1
^Martinmas, Nov. 11
Lady Day, March 25
Midsummer, June 24
Michaelmas Day, Sipt. 29
Christmas, Dec. 25
When a Scotch Term falls on Sunday, the following Monday is considered the Term-Day.
sometimes erroneously supposed to fall on tlie 2d August.
Lammas is
CALCULATION OF SALARIES, &c., from £1 to £150 per annum.
£ s.
0 18
1 0
1 1
1 8
I 5
1 6
1 8
1 10
1 11
1 13
If the sum be Guineas, not Pounds, for each Guinea add a penny to each month, or a farthing to each week.
JUNE 1854.
Second Quarter 4 0 40 m. I Last Quarter
Full Moon 10 1130 a. New Moon ...
D. n. M.
17 2 14 4..
25 0 2 a.
Wliitsun. or Pentecost
Boniface Ep
11 St Barna .the Apostle
Trinity Sunday
St K\\ianil'".'.'.'.'\.'..'..
1st Sun. after Trinity.
20 Tra. King Edv.ard.
* Queen's Ace. 1837. ...
.5. en. Can. 1h. 8m. a..
21 Sum.com. — L.Day
24 Midsummer Day....
St John Baptist born...
2d Sun. after Trinity..
*Coron. of Queen, 1838
St Peter the Apostle.^..
n. M.
n. M.
3 38
8 42
3 38
8 44
3 37
8 45
3 36
8 46
3 35
8 47
3 34
8 48
3 33
8 50
3 32
8 52
3 31
8 53
3 30
8 54
3 30
8 54
3 29
8 55
3 29
8 56
3 29
8 57
3 28
8 58
3 28
8 58
3 28
8 59
3 28
9 0
3 28
9 0
3 28
9 0
3 28
9 0
3 28
9 0
3 29
9 1
3 29
9 1
3 29
9 1
3 30
9 1
3 31
9 1
3 31
9 1
3 32
9 0
3 32
9 0
22° 3' 24"
22 11 24
22 19 1
22 2G 15
22 33 4
22 39 31
22 45 33
22 51 12
22 56 26
23 1 16
23 5 42
23 9 44
23 13 21
23 16 34
23 19 22
23 21 4fi
23 23 45
23 25 19
23 26 28
23 27 13
23 27 33
23 27 28
23 26 58
23 26 4
23 24 45
23 23 0
23 20 52
23 18 18
23 15 20
23 11 58
of Time.
Clock aft.
& bef.Sun,
0 58
0 46
0 34
0 22
0 54
1 7
n. M.
8m 3
9 18
10 38
11 58
la 20
2 43
4 10
5 43
7 21
8 58
10 23
11 25
Om 5
0 29
0 45
0 57
4a 48
5 34
G 18
7 2
7 46
8 32
9 20
10 13
11 10
1 19
2 25
3 28
4 27
5 20
6 8
6 54
7 38
8 21
9 5
9 50
10 37
11 25
H. M.
8 36
10 8
11 35
Oa 59
2 20
3 38
4 57
6 16
7 30
8 40
9 40
10 24
10 55
11 18
11 34
11 46
U. M.
5 40
6 29
7 22
8 27
9 38
10 39
11 32
0 40
1 29
2 13
3 2
3 54
4 46
5 41
6 40
7 45
8 50
9 57
10 53
11 48
0 13
1 0
1 43
2 22
2 58
3 33
4 7
4 45
5 20
n. M.
6 2
6 55
7 53
9 2
10 10
11 6
11 50
0 IV
1 3
1 52
2 38
3 28
4 18
5 U
6 10
7 11
8 20
9 26
10 24
11 2S
1 21
2 2
2 40
3 16
3 50
4 25
5 3
5 41
JULY 1854.
Second Quarter 3 0 52 a.
Full Moon 10 G 25 ii.
Last Quarter.,
New Moon
17 0 25 M.
25 3 16 H.
Visita. of B. V. Marv.
3d Sun. after Trinity..
Dog Days begin
St Mattin translated...
Thomas a Beckct
ith Sun. after Trinity..
St sVitiiin traiisi. 862.
5th Sun. after Trinity.
20 St Margaret "v
Court of Session rises.
St Magdalene
6tt Sun. after Trinity.
23 Sun en.liBofih Om m.
St James Ap. mart. 43
St Anne
Tlh Sun. after Trinity..
H. M.
H. M.
3 33
9 0
3 34
8 59
3 35
8 59
3 36
8 58
3 37
8 57
3 38
8 56
3 39
8 55
3 41
8 55
3 42
8 54
3 43
8 53
3 45
8 51
3 46
8 50
3 47
8 49
3 48
8 48
3 50
8 47
3 52
8 46
3 58
8 45
3 55
8 43
3 56
8 42
3 58
8 40
3 59
8 39
4 1
8 37
4 2
8 36
4 4
8 34
4 6
8 32
4 7
8 31
4 9
8 29
4 11
8 27
4 13
8 25
4 14
8 24
4 16
8 22
23° 8' 11"
23 4 0
22 59 25
22 54 25
22 49 2
22 43 15
22 37 4
22 30 30
22 23 32
22 16 12
22 8 28
22 0 22
21 51 53
21 43 1
21 33 47
21 24 12
21 14 14
21 3 54
20 53 14
20 42 12
20 30 40
20 19 5
20 7 1
19 54 36
19 41 52
19 28 48
19 15 24
19 1 41
18 47 40
18 33 20
18 18 41
of Time.
bef. Sun.
H. M.
9m 43
11 0
Oa 21
10 31
10 50
11 4
11 14
11 23
11 31
11 41
11 53
Cm 7
0 29
10 8
11 28
ia 59
5 41
6 25
7 10
7 59
8 53
9 52
10 56
6 19
7 3
7 48
8 34
9 22
10 12
11 2
11 53
Oa 42
H. M.
11a 56
Om 3
0 12
0 21
0 33
0 48
9 13
10 40
Oa 2
1 25
2 45
4 3
5 20
6 32
7 35
8 24
8 59
9 24
9 41
9 54
10 4
10 12
10 20
10 29
H. M.
6 3
6 50
7 45
8 43
9 46
10 45
11 42
0 11
1 8
2 3
2 55
3 48
4 36
5 27
6 18
7 11
8 5
9 4
10 9
11 7
1 25
2 7
2 45
3 20
3 51
4 25
5 0
5 37
6 19
H. M.
6 28
7 15
8 12
9 14
10 17
11 16
1 35
2 30
3 22
4 11
5 2
5 53
6 45
7 35
8 35
9 38
10 36
11 41
0 9
1 2
1 45
2 25
3 2
3 35
4 7
4 42
5 17
5 56
6 40
AUGUST 1854.
Second Quarter ... 1
Full Moon 8
H. M.
10 28 a.
1 17 a.
Last Quarter 15 1 DO a.
New Moon 23 6 0 A.
D. n. M.
Second Quarter.... 31 6 7 m.
Lammas Day
G Transfiguration
6P. Al. Er.Alb.l). 1844
Sih Sun. after Trinity.
Name of iTesus
St Lawrence
Dog Days end
Grouse & Ptar. sli. beg.
Slh Sun. after Trinity..
13 Lammas Day, 0. S.
Assump. of B. V. Mary
Duch. ofKen'tb. 178G...
2Q BlackCock shoot, beg.
lOt/i Sua. after Trinity
Sun era. Vir. Oft. 30 m. a
St Bartholomew Ap
Prince Albert b. iiH.
llth Sun. after Trinity
St Augustine
St John Baptist beh. ...
H. M.
H. M.
4 18
8 20
4 20
8 18
i 22
8 16
4 24
8 14
4 26
8 12
4 27
8 9
i 29
8 7
4 31
8 5
4 33
8 3
4 35
8 1
4 38
7 58
4 40
7 56
4 42
7 54
4 43
7 51
4 45
7 49
4 47
7 47
4 50
7 44
4 52
7 42
4 53
7 39
4 55
7 37
4 57
7 35
4 59
7 33
5 1
7 30
5 3
7 27
5 5
7 25
5 7
7 23
5 9
7 20
5 11
7 18
5 13
7 15
5 15
7 13
5 16
7 10
18° 3' 45"
17 48 31
33 0
17 11
1 6
44 45
28 7
11 13
54 4
36 39
19 0
1 5
42 56
24 34
5 57
47 6
28 3
8 46
49 17
29 35
9 42
49 36
29 20
8 52
48 14,
27 26
6 27
45 19
24 2
2 36
41 1
of Time.
bef. Sun.
0 50
0 32
0 14
u. M.
Oa 52
2 19
3 52
5 24
6 46
7 48
8 27
8 51
9 58
10 12
10 29
10 57
11 34
1 29
2 43
4 1
5 19
6 37
7 56
9 16
10 39
Oa 5
1 36
3 6
H. M.
5a 53
6 42
7 37
8 37
9 41
10 47
11 51
1 47
8 7
8 58
9 48
10 38
11 26
Oa 12
0 56
6 27
H. M.
10a 40
10 52
11 9
11 44
0?n 35
1 50
3 24
5 3
6 40
8 12
9 40
11 5
Oa 28
8 2
8 12
8 20
8 29
8 36
8 46
8 59
9 15
9 40
H. M.
7 2
7 56
8 56
10 10
11 22
1 1
1 59
2 51
3 35
4 20
5 4
5 46
6 28
7 15
8 7
9 12
10 27
11 43
0 15
1 7
1 51
2 26
2 59
3 30
4 1
4 32
5 7
5 43
6 27
7 17
H. M.
7 27
8 25
9 34
10 46
11 56
0 29
1 30
2 25
3 13
3 59
4 42
5 24
6 8
6 53
7 44
8 39
9 50
11 4
0 44
1 29
2 8
2 43
3 15
3 44
4 16
4 50
5 23
6 4
6 51
7 49
Full Moon....
Last Quarter .
. 6 9 18 a. I
.14 6 30m.
New Moon
Second Quarter
.22 8 3 m.
,29 0 38 a.
Partridge sh. begins....
1 St GUes, A c:
12tt Sun. after Trinity
2Lon. bur. 166G,O.S.
Enurchus Bp
B. Virgin Mary born..
IZth Sun. after Trinity
Fis. n. of T-weedclo
14 Holycross
17 Lambert
lUhSun. after Trinity
St Matthew Apostle ....
23 Autumn com
Sun en. Lib. 9/j. 12m. M.
\hlh Sun. after Trinity
23 Day & JVight equal
St Cyprian
St Micluiel (ball A ngels
29 Michaelmas Day .
H. M.
5 18
5 20
5 22
5 24
5 26
5 28
5 30
5 32
5 34
5 36
5 38
5 40
5 42
5 44
5 46
5 48
5 50
5 52
5 54
5 56
5 57
5 59
6 J
6 3
6 5
6 7
6 9
6 11
6 13
6 15
H. M.
7 8
7 5
7 2
7 0
6 57
6 54
6 51
6 48
6 46
6 44
6 41
6 38
6 36
6 34
6 31
6 28
6 26
6 23
6 20
6 17
6 15
6 12
6 9
6 7
6 4
6 1
5 59
5 66
5 53
5 51
No. & So.
8° 19' 18"
7 57 27
35 28
13 23
51 10
28 50
6 24
43 52
21 15
58 32
35 43
12 50
49 52
26 50
3 44
40 35
17 22
54 7
30 48
7 28.
44 6
N. 20 42
s. 2 43
26 9
49 35
13 1
36 26
59 51
23 15
46 37
of Time.
aft. Sun.
0 43
1 2
H. M.
4a 29
5 38
6 25
6 54
7 14
7 27
7 36
7 44
7 54
8 4
8 16
8 33
8 55
9 28
10 14
11 15
8 26
9 52
11 23
2 22
3 34
4 25
H. M.
7a 27
8 30
9 34
10 35
11 32
10 52
11 36
1 3
1 48
2 36
3 27
4 22
5 21
6 22
7 24
10a 21
11 24
2 26
4 5
5 39
7 10
8 38
10 3
11 28
Oa 51
2 9
6 55
7 5
7 20
7 42
8 17
9 11
10 26
H. M.
8 19
9 47
11 17
0 59
1 51
2 37
3 14
3 55
4 34
5 9
5 48
6 29
7 18
8 20
9 44
U 9
0 45
1 26
1 59
2 31
3 0
3 33
4 5
4 40
5 15
5 58
6 56
H. M.
9 2
10 35
11 55
0 28
1 27
2 15
2 58
3 36
4 14
4 54
5 29
6 8
6 53
7 46
9 1
10 32
11 49
0 23
1 6
1 42
2 15
2 46
3 IG
3 47
4 20
5 0
5 37
6 24
7 31
8 55
Full Moon 6 7 37 m.
Last Quarter U 1 43 h.
New Moor. 21 9 25 a.
Second Quarter 28 7 4 a.
leth San. after Trinity
Pheasant shoot, begins.
1 Eemigius, Bp
Faith,'v. & ii!!'.'.'.!!]!!!
\ithSun. after Trinity
St Denys, Bp
Michaelmas Day, O.S.
K. Ed. conf. ti'ansl
15 Ttceed net fish, doses
18th Sun. after Trinity
St Luke the Evangelist.
iiihSun. after Trinity.
S. en. Scorp. 5h 14 m m.
St Crispin M
St Simon and St Jucle.
20th Sun . after Trinity.
Hallow Eve
H. M.
H. M.
6 17
5 49
6 19
5 46
6 21
5 43
6 23
5 41
6 25
5 38
6 27
5 36
6 29
5 33
6 31
5 31
6 33
5 28
6 35
5 25
6 37
5 23
6 39
5 20
6 41
5 17
6 43
5 15
6 46
5 12
6 48
5 10
6 50
5 8
6 52
5 5
6 54
5 2
6 56
5 0
6 58
4 58
7 0
4 55
7 2
4 52
7 4
4 50
7 6
4 48
7 9
4 45
7 n
4 43
7 13
4 41
7 16
4 38
7 18
4 36
7 20
4 34
3° 9' 57
3 33 16
3 56 31
4 19 44
4 42 54
5 6 0
5 29 3
5 52 1
6 14 54
6 37 43
7 0 23
7 23 4
7 45 36
8 8 2
8 30 21
8 52 33
9 14 37
9 36 34
9 58 22
10 20 1
10 41 32
11 2 53
11 24 4
11 45 4
12 5 54
12 26 33
12 46 59
13 7 14
13 27 17
13 47 6
14 6 42
of Time.
after Sun.
10' 17'
10 36
10 54
11 13
11 31
11 49
12 6
12 23
12 39
12 55
13 11
13 26
13 40
13 54
14 8
14 21
14 33
14 44
14 56
15 6
15 16
15 25
15 33
15 41
15 48
15 54
16 0
16 5
16 9
16 12
16 15
4a 59
5 19
8 4
8 59
10 6
11 21
2 1
10 35
Oa 8
H. M.
8a 24
9 20
10 14
11 4
11 51
1 25
2 12
3 1
3 51
4 42
5 34
6 24
7 13
8 1
8 46
9 30
10 14
10 57
11 42
Oa 30
1 20
H. M.
11a 58
3 9
4 41
6 9
7 36
9 1
10 25
11 48
la 5
2 11
3 2
8 13
9 42
11 13
n. M.
9 43
11 19
0 47
1 34
2 14
2 49
3 26
4 1
4 36
5 12
5 52
6 41
7 39
9 2
10 31
11 45
0 13
0 49
1 25
1 56
2 29
3 2
3 37
4 14
4 59
5 49
6 50
8 6
9 42
11 5
H. M.
10 33
11 55
0 22
1 U
1 55
2 34
3 7
3 44
4 19
i 54
5 33
6 15
7 6
8 21
9 51
11 11
1 7
1 40
2 12
2 45
3 18
3 57
4 37
5 22
6 18
7 25
8 53
10 26
11 35
D. H. 51.
Full Moon 4 9 1a.
Last Quarter...,. 12 10 9 a.
New Moon 20 10 2 m.
Second Quarter 27 2 40 h.
All Saints; Hallowmas
All Souls
nst Sun. after Trinity
St Leonard
Ticeed rod fish, closes..
Prince of wdus 6.1841
Martinm . — St Mart. . . .
22rf Sun. after Trinity.
14InnerH.Co. ofSess.
sit. L. 0. meet on 1st
Hugh, Bp. of Lincoln.
23(f Sun. after Trinity.
22 St Cecilia
Prin. Rovalb. 1840....
S. en Sagit. 2h lO^m a.
Martinmas, O.S
23 St Clement
St Catherine
mh Sun. after Trinity
30 St Andrew Ap...
Andermas ,
H. M.
7 22
7 24
7 26
7 28
7 30
7 32
7 34
7 36
7 38
7 40
7 42
7 44
7 46
7 49
7 51
7 53
7 55
7 67
8 0
8 2
8 4
8 6
8 8
8 10
8 11
8 13
8 15
8 17
8 19
8 21
H. M.
4 32
4 30
4 28
4 26
4 24
4 22
4 20
4 18
4 16
4 14
4 12
4 10
4 8
3 59
3 58
3 56
3 55
3 53
3 52
3 50
3 49
3 48
3 47
3 45
3 44
3 43
14026' 5'
14 45 13
15 4 7
15 22 46
15 41 10
15 59 19
16 17 11
16 34 47
16 52 7
17 9 9
17 25 54
17 42 20
17 58 29
18 14 18
18 29 49
18 45 0
18 59 51
19 14 22
19 28 32
19 42 21
19 55 49
20 8 54
20 21 37
20 33 58
20 45 56
20 57 30
21 8 40
21 19 27
21 29 49
21 39 47
of Time.
after Sun.
16' 16"
16 18
16 18
16 17
16 16
16 14
16 11
16 7
16 2
15 56
15 50
15 43
15 34
15 25
15 15
15 5
14 53
14 41
14 27
14 13
13 58
13 42
13 26
13 8
12 50
12 32
12 12
11 52
11 31
11 9
n. M.
4a 2
7 49
9 1
10 18
11 36
2 15
3 37
5 1
6 31
8 6
9 41
11 11
Go 22
1 7
H. M.
9a 45
10 31
11 17
dm 3
0 51
3 24
4 16
5 5
5 53
6 39
7 23
8 6
8 49
9 33
10 19
11 8
Oa 2
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 12
5 11
6 6
6 56
7 43
8 28
9 13
H. M.
2m 19
3 46
5 11
6 36
8 1
9 25
10 46
11 58
8 58
10 33
Om 3
1 32
2 56
H. M.
1 11
1 49
2 27
2 59
3 35
4 9
4 46
5 26
6 10
7 6
8 13
9 37
10 48
11 44
0 5
0 43
1 21
1 58
2 37
3 16
4 1
4 50
5 45
6 49
8 3
9 23
10 33
11 33
H. M.
0 3
0 50
1 31
2 9
2 44
3 17
3 51
4 26
5 4
5 46
6 36
7 38
8 55
10 17
11 17
0 24
1 2
1 39
2 17
2 57
3 38
4 24
5 16
6 16
7 23
8 41
10 2
11 5
11 58
3. H. M.
I 1 34 a.
6 llA.
*rew Moo
Second Q
D. H. M.
19 9 47a
Last Quarter
0 38a
of Time.
Clock aft.
& h. Sun.
at leith. 1
H. M.
8 22
8 24
8 26
8 27
8 29
8 30
8 31
8 32
8 33
8 35
8 36
8 37
8 38
8 39
8 40
8 41
8 42
8 43
8 44
8 45
8 45
8 46
8 46
8 47
8 47
8 47
8 47
8 47
8 47
8 47
8 47
H. M.
3 42
3 41
3 40
3 39
3 39
3 38
3 38
3 37
3 37
3 37
3 36
3 36
3 36
3 36
3 36
3 36
3 36
3 36
3 36
3 37
3 37
3 38
3 38
3 39
3 39
3 40
3 41
3 42
3 43
3 44
3 45
210 49' 20"
21 58 28
22 7 10
22 15 27
22 23 17
22 30 42
22 37 40
22 44 12
22 50 17
22 55 55
23 1 6
23 5 50
23 10 6
23 13 55
23 17 15
23 20 8
23 22 33
23 24 30
23 25 58
23 26 58
23 27 30
23 27 34
23 27 9
23 26 16
23 24 55
23 23 5
23 20 47
23 18 1
23 14 47
23 11 5
23 6 55
H. M.
2a 35
2 47
3 1
3 22
3 53
4 37
5 35
6 45
8 0
9 16
10 35
11 52
2 31
3 57
5 28
7 4
8 40
10 2
11 0
11 36
11 58
Oa 12
0 21
0 29
0 37
0 46
0 57
1 8
1 27
H. M.
9a 58
10 45
11 34
1 16
2 8
2 58
3 47
4 33
5 17
6 0
6 42
7 24
8 7
8 54
9 45
10 42
11 44
Oa 49
1 56
2 59
3 58
4 51
5 41
6 27
7 12
7 57
8 43
9 30
10 19
H. M.
5 42
7 5
8 27
9 43
10 47
11 34
Oa 6
0 30
0 45
0 55
1 4
1 12
1 19
1 26
1 36
1 49
2 9
2 41
3 37
4 58
6 32
8 11
9 46
11 17
2 7
3 29
4 52
6 13
H M.
1 25
2 4
2 43
3 17
3 52
4 29
5 6
5 50
6 36
7 26
8 31
9 42
10 41
11 38
0 1
0 45
1 33
2 20
3 7
3 55
4 48
5 42
6 38
7 37
8 43
9 50
10 51
11 50
0 20
H. M.
0 22
1 4
1 46
2 24
3 0
3 34
4 11
4 47
5 28
6 12
7 1
7 59
9 8
10 14
11 11
1 8
1 55
2 43
3 30
4 20
5 14
6 9
7 6
8 9
9 16
10 21
11 20
10' 47"
10 24
10 1
9 37
9 12
8 47
8 21
7 55
7 29
7 1
6 34
6 6
5 38
5 9
4 40
4 11
3 41
3 11
2 42
2 12
1 42
I 12
0 41
aft. 11
bef. 19
0 48
1 18
1 48
2 17
2 46
3 15
Concep. of B.V. M. ...
•2d Sunday in Advent..
10 Grouse, BlcKkCock,&
Ptarmigan sh. ends .
St Lucy
3d Sunday in Advent..
23 Ct. of Session rises
<S e/iCapr. 2h. 59m. ii.
22W. com.-Shortest d.
ith Sunday in Advent..
St Stephen the mar
Holy Innocents' Day..
30 ' Sa
31 j S
31 St Sylvester
y 186
Full Moon
........ ]
D. n. 1
3 8 1
1 0 1
9 51.
3 a.
New Mo(
Second (J
uarter ..
D. H. 51.
18 8 37m
25 1 39m
of Time.
bef. Sun.
n. M.
8 47
8 47
8 47
8 46
8 46
8 45
8 45
8 44
8 44
8 43
8 42
8 41
8 40
8 39
8 38
8 37
8 36
8 35
8 33
8 31
8 30
8 29
8 27
8 25
8 24
8 22
8 20
8 18
8 16
8 15
8 13
H. M.
3 47
3 48
3 49
3 50
3 51
3 52
3 53
3 55
3 56
3 58
4 0
4 2
4 4
4 5
4 7
4 9
4 11
4 13
4 15
4 17
4 19
4 21
4 23
4 25
4 28
4 30
4 32
4 34
4 36
4 39
4 41
23° 2' 17"
22 57 12
22 51 40
22 45 40
22 39 13
22 32 19
22 24 59
22 17 12
22 8 59
22 0 20
21 51 15
21 41 45
21 31 49
21 21 28
21 10 43
20 59 33
20 48 0
20 36 2
20 23 41
20 10 57
19 57 50
19 44 21
19 30 30
19 16 17
19 1 44
18 46 49
18 31 34
18 15 59
18 0 4
17 43 50
17 27 17
H. M.
la 53
2 32
3 25
4 33
5 46
7 3
8 21
9 36
10 53
1 32
2 57
4 28
6 3
7 32
8 43
9 30
9 58
10 15
10 27
10 36
10 45
10 54
11 2
11 15
11 31
11 55
1 18
2 22
H. M.
11a 10
0 53
1 42
2 29
3 14
3 57
4 33
5 19
6 1
6 44
7 32
8 24
9 22
10 25
11 31
1 41
2 39
3 32
4 21
5 8
5 54
6 40
7 27
8 16
9 6
9 58
10 49
11 39
H. M.
7m 30
8 38
9 31
10 9
10 34
10 51
11 3
11 12
11 20
11 27
11 35
11 42
11 53
Oa 10
0 33
1 15
2 22
3 53
5 35
7 15
8 52
10 23
U 50
2 39
4 1
5 20
6 32
7 29
8 11
II. M.
1 8
1 50
2 31
3 7
3 43
4 16
4 51
5 28
6 6
6 47
7 33
8 31
9 37
10 43
11 52
0 21
1 16
2 9
3 1
3 51
4 38
5 26
6 15
7 4
7 55
8 52
9 59
11 13
1 39
U. 51.
1 29
2 10
2 48
3 24
4 0
4 33
5 11
5 47
6 27
7 11
7 59
9 3
10 9
11 17
1 43
2 35
3 24
4 12
5 2
5 50
6 39
7 28
8 23
9 25
10 36
11 50
0 23
1 16
2 2
3' 44"
4 12
4 40
5 7
5 34
6 1
6 27
6 53
7 18
7 43
8 7
8 30
8 53
9 16
9 37
9 58
10 19
10 38
10 57
11 16
11 33
11 50
12 5
12 21
12 35
12 48
13 1
13 13
13 23
13 34
13 43
IstSun. after Epiphany
N. Year's Day, O.S
2d Sun. after Epiphany
13 St Hilary Bp
Court of Session meets
20 St Fahlan
Sun en. Aq.lA. 36^m. A.
3d Sun. after Epiphany
21 St Agnes V
22 St Vincent SI
Conversion of St Paul..
ith Sun. afterEpiphany
30 i Tu
31 1 W
*K. Char. L mart. 1649
Full Moon
Last Quarter..
D. H, M. MOON'S PHASES. d. n. m.
. 2 3 41 M. I New Moon 16 6 48 a.
.10 3 0 m. I Second Quarter 23 5 34 a.
Fish. N. of Ttoeed open
1 Par. & Pkca. sh. ends
1 St Bridget
Sepltiayesima Simdaij.
2 Purification, or>
Candlemas j(
3 Blasius, Bp
5 St Agatha, V
*Queen married, 1840.
iSexagesiina Sunday....
Candlemas, O.S
14 St Valentine, Ep....
Quinqaofiesima, or)
Shrove Sunday. ...$
S.en.Pisces,ih 14jmM.
Ash Wednesday
St Matthias the Apos.
Quadragesima — \st
Sunday in Lent
H. 31.
8 11
8 9
8 7
8 5
8 1
8 0
7 58
7 56
7 54
7 52
7 50
7 47
7 45
7 42
7 40
7 37
7 33
7 30
7 23
7 26
7 23
7 21
7 18
7 16
7 13
7 11
H. M.
4 43
4 45
4 47
4 49
4 51
4 53
4 55
4 57
5 0
5 2
5 4
5 6
5 9
5 11
5 12
5 14
5 17
5 19
5 21
5 24
5 26
5 28
5 31
5 33
5 34
5 36
5 39
5 41
I701O' 26"
16 53 17
16 35 50
16 18 6
16 0 5
15 41 47
15 23 13
15 4 24
14 45 19
14 26 0
14 6 25
13 46 37
13 26 35
13 6 20
12 45 52
12 25 12
12 4 20
11 43 16
II 22 1
11 0 36
10 39 0
10 17 15
9 55 20
9 33 17
9 11 5
8 48 44
8 26 16
8 3 41
of Time.
bef. Sun.
13' 51"
13 59
14 6
14 12
14 17
14 21
14 25
14 28
14 30
14 31
14 31
14 31
14 30
14 28
14 26
14 22
14 19
14 14
13 56
13 48
13 40
13 32
13 22
13 12
13 2
12 51
n. M.
3a 36
4 51
6 8
7 25
8 41
9 59
11 17
2 6
8 18
8 32
8 52
9 1
9 8
9 20
9 35
9 55
10 26
11 10
Oa 10
1 20
H. jr.
1 12
1 55
2 37
3 18
3 59
4 41
5 26
6 14
7 7
8 6
9 9
10 14
11 18
Oa 19
1 15
2 58
3 46
4 33
5 21
6 11
7 1
7 53
8 44
9 35
10 23
n. It.
8m 40
8 50
9 11
9 21
9 29
10 12
10 30
11 2
11 53
la 13
2 51
4 32
6 13
7 51
9 23
10 52
1 46
3 9
4 24
5 26
6 12
6 45
II. M.
=2 21
"2 57
3 29
4 0
4 31
5 3
6 35
6 12
6 54
7 39
8 42
9 59
11 25
0 4
1 8
2 2
2 52
3 35
4 19
5 1
5 42
6 25
7 8
7 69
9 8
10 33
11 58
0 32
H. M.
2 30
3 14
3 44
4 14
4 47
5 19
5 53
6 34
7 15
8 8
9 16
10 43
1 37
2 26
3 13
3 57
4 39
5 23
6 i
G 45
7 31
8 30
9 51
11 17
MARCH 1855.
Full Moon
Last Quarter.,
D. H. M. MOON'S PHASES. d. n. m.
.. 3 10 8 A. I New Moon 18 4 45 ir.
.11 1 59 A. I Second Quarter.. ..25 11 25 m.
St David, Ahp. d. 544..
Chad. Bp
2d Sunday in Lent
Zd Sundayin Lent
St Gregory, M
In.H. ofC.ofSes.rises
is Pr. Louisa 6. 1848..
St Patrick
Mid Len t Sunday
20 Lords Ordinary of
Court of Session rise
S. en. Aries, ih Imu.
21 Day and night equal
21 St Benedict, Ahp...
21 Spring commences.
6th Sunday in Lent
25 Annun Lady Day
H. M.
H. M.
7 9
5 43
7 6
5 45
7 3
5 47
7 0
5 50
6 58
5 52
6 56
5 54
6 53
5 56
6 50
5 58
6 48
6 0
6 45
6 2
6 42
6 4
6 40
6 6
6 37
6 9
6 35
6 11
6 32
6 13
6 29
6 15
6 27
6 17
6 24
6 19
6 21
6 21
6 19
6 23
6 17
6 25
6 13
6 27
6 11
6 29
6 8
6 31
6 5
6 33
6 3
6 35
6 1
6 37
5 58
6 39
5 55
6 41
5 53
6 43
5 50
6 46
So. & No.
7°40' 59"
7 18 11
6 55 16
6 32 15
6 9 9
5 45 58
5 22 42
4 59 22
4 35 58
4 12 30
3 48 59
3 25 25
3 1 49
2 38 10
2 14 30
1 50 48
1 27 6
1 3 22
0 39 39
s. 15 56
N. 7 47
0 31 28
0 55 9
1 18 47
1 42 23
2 5 57
2 29 28
2 52 56
3 16 20
3 39 41
4 2 57
of Time.
hef. Snn.
12' 39"
12 27
12 15
12 2
11 48
11 34
11 20
11 5
10 50
10 34
10 18
n. M.
2a 36
10 20
11 50
2 49
8 22
9 1
9 56
11 3
Oa 19
1 38
2 57
4 15
11a 10
11 54
10 58
11 52
8 18
9 5
9 50
10 33
11 15
H. M.
7ni 6
8 18
8 33
8 59
9 40
10 45
Oa 14
1 53
3 33
5 12
6 47
8 19
9 51
11 21
Cm 47
2 10
n. M.
1 21
2 2
2 36
3 7
3 33
4 3
4 34
5 6
5 41
6 19
7 8
8 9
9 36
11 14
1 48
2 33
3 13
3 53
4 30
5 9
5 48
6 30
7 20
8 26
9 56
11 26
0 0
0 53
1 31
H. M.
1 43
2 19
2 53
3 21
3 49
4 18
4 49
5 23
5 59
6 43
7 35
8 50
10 28
11 56
0 31
1 25
2 10
2 54
3 32
4 12
4 49
5 28
6 8
6 54
7 48
9 9
10 43
0 35
1 13
1 49
Full Moon
Last Quarter..
D. H. M.
2 2 28a.
9 9 36 a.
New Moon
Second Quarter
D. H. M.
. IG 3 5a.
. 24 5 57m.
Pa!m Sunday
Richard Bp
St Ambrose
* Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Easter Tuesday
Loto Sunday ,
St Donan [meets
Conv. of K. Burghs....
Alphege, Atp ,
Sun «n.Tauj". 4/i.l3mA
2d Sun. after Easter ..
St George
St Mark Evang
25 Ds. Glo-sier b. 1776
25 Prs. Alice 6» 1843..
3d Sun. after Easter...
H. M.
5 47
5 45
5 42
5 39
5 37
5 35
5 32
5 29
5 27
5 24
5 21
5 18
5 10
5 13
5 11
4 59
4 57
4 55
4 52
4 49
4 47
4 45
4 42
4 39
4 37
4 35
H. M.
6 47
6 49
6 51
G 53
6 55
6 57
6 59
7 1
of Time.
J Clock bef,
DecUnationJ& aft. Sun.
7 21
7 23
7 25
7 27
7 29
7 31
7 33
7 35
7 37
7 39
7 41
7 43
7 45
4° 26'
4 49 15
12 17
35 13
58 3
20 48
43 25
5 57
28 21
50 37
12 46
34 47
5G 39
18 22
39 57
1 21
22 38
43 41
4 35
25 18
45 49
6 9
23 17
46 13
5 5G
25 26
44 42
3 45
22 34
41 9
H. M.
5a 32
6 51
8 12
9 37
11 5
Cm 38
6 20
6 54
7 43
8 46
10 1
11 18
Oa 37
1 54
3 13
4 31
5 51
9 41
10 32
11 21
Oa 9
0 58
1 48
10 33
11 16
5m 56
6 2
6 8
6 17
6 25
6 39
7 0
7 35
8 33
9 52
11 27
la 3
2 41
4 15
5 47
7 18
8 49
10 17
11 45
Im 3
2 6
H. M.
2 4
2 34
3 5
3 32
4 i
4 37
5 14
5 58
6 51
8 0
9 34
11 9
1 27
3 24
4 2
4 40
5 18
6 3
6 52
7 55
9 20
10 40
11 47
0 12
0 50
1 26
n. M.
2 20
2 50
3 17
3 49
4 20
i 56
5 33
6 24
7 22
8 45
10 27
11 47
0 16
1 4
1 48
2 29
3 5
3 43
4 20
5 0
5 40
6 25
7 18
8 35
10 2
11 15
1 9
1 42
MAY 1855.
D. H. M.
FuUMoon' 2 4 3m.
Last Quarter 9 3 2 m.
New Moon 16
Second Quarter 24
2 13 M.
0 2si.
D. H. ST.
Full Moon 31 2 48 a
St Philip & St James. ..
1 Pr. Arthur b. 1850...
1 Beltane
3 Inven. of the Cross.,
ith Sun. after Easter .
6 St John a. Fo7'i. Lot.
H. M.
4 33
4 31
4 28
4 26
4 24
4 21
4 19
4 17
4 15
4 13
4 11
Rogation Sunday..
Whitsunday Term..
Ascen. Day — ffoly Thr.
17 Gen. Assembly meets
StDunstan, Abp
Sun. after Ascension...
S. en. Gem. ih 18m a..
Court of Session sits....
25 Prs. Helena b. 1846
* Q. Victoria b. 1819...
27 Whitsun. Term,O.S.
St Augustine Abp
Whitsunday— Pentecost
27 Venerable Bede..
*K. Ch. II. restored.
3 58
3 56
3 54
3 53
3 51
3 50
3 48
3 47
3 46
3 45
3 43
3 42
3 41
3 39
H. M.
7 47
7 49
7 52
7 54
7 56
7 57
7 59
8 1
8 3
8 5
8 7
8 9
8 11
8 13
8 15
8 16
8 18
8 20
8 22
8 24
8 25
8 27
8 28
8 30
8 32
8 34
8 35
8 37
8 38
8 39
8 41
14° 59' 29"
15' 117 35
15 35 25
53 0
10 20
27 23
44 10
0 41
16 54
32 51
48 30
3 51
18 55
33 40
48 6
2 13
16 1
29 29
42 37
55 26
7 53
20 1
31 47
43 12
54 16
4 58
15 18
25 16
34 52
44 6
52 57
of Time.
aft. Sun.
8 44
10 16
11 48
\m 5
2 0
8 58
10 16
11 34
Oa 52
2 9
0«i 2
0 51
6 44
7 37
8 26
9 14
10 1
10 49
11 38
Oa 29
6 23
7 5
7 46
8 27
9 9
9 53
10 41
11 34
H. M.
4 33
4 45
5 3
5 34
6 26
7 39
9 9
10 45
Oa 21
10 43
11 53
H. M.
1 57
2 30
3 3
3 38
4 15
4 59'
5 48
6 50
8 7
9 34
10 50
11 48
0 10
0 58
1 42
2 25
3 3
3 40
4 17
4 56
5 41
6 30
7 26
8 30
9 43
10 42
11 39
0 0
0 38
1 18
1 59
H. M.
2 11
2 47
3 19
4 5
4 37
5 22
6 19
7 26
3 49
10 16
11 23
1 19
2 2
2 44
3 21
3 58
4 37
5 18
6 3
6 56
7 57
9 5
10 16
11 12
0 58
1 39
2 20
Note. — For two per cent
take the
half of four per cent ; for two and a half per
cent, take the half of five 1
per cent;
for three
cent, take three-quarters
af four per cent; and for three and a half per
cent, i
take off one-eighth from four per
1 Day.
4J per cent.
5 per cent.
5 Days.
4 per cent.
£ s. d.
£ s. d.
£ s. d.
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 I
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 2
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 3
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 5
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 6
0 0 2
0 0 3
0 1 1
0 0 5
0 0 6
0 2 2
0 0 7
0 0 8
0 2 8
0 2 5
0 2 8
0 10 11
2 Days. 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
6 Days. 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
2 ;
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 3
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 4
0 0 2
0 0 2
0 0 6
0 0 2
0 0 3
0 0 7
0 0 5
0 0 6
0 1 3
0 0 11
0 1 1
0 2 7
0 1 2
0 1 4
0 3 3
0 4 11
0 6 5
0 13 1
0 16
3 Days. 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
7 Days. 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 3
0 0 2
0 0 2
e 0 5
0 0 3
0 0 3
0 0 7
0 0 4
0 0 4
0 0 9
0 0 8
0 0 9
0 1 6
0 1 5
0 1 7
0 3 0
0 1 10
0 2 0
0 3 10
0 7 4
0 8 2
0 15 4
4 Days. 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
8 Days. 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 2
0 0 2
0 0 2
0 0 4
0 0 3
0 0 3
0 0 6
0 0 4
0 0 5
0 0 8
0 0 5
0 0 6
0 0 10
0 0 11
0 1 1
0 1 9
0 1 11
0 2 2
0 3 6
0 2 5
0 2 8
0 4 4
0 9 10
0 10 11
0 17 6
9 Days.
4 per cent.
per cent.
per cent.
30 Days.
4 per cent.
4J per cent.
5 per
£ s. d.
s. d.
s. d. f.
£ s. d. f.
£ i. d.
£ s.
d. f.
0 0 0
0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0 3
0 0 0
0 0
0 3
0 0 0
0 0
0 0 2
0 0 12
0 0 1
0 0
1 3
0 0 0
0 0
0 0 3
0 0 2 1
0 0 2
0 0
2 3
0 0 0
0 1
0 1 0
0 0 3 0
0 0 3
0 0
3 3
0 0 1
0 1
0 1 1
0 0 3 3
0 0 4
0 0
4 3
0 0 1
0 1
0 1 3
0 0 4 2
0 0 5
0 0
5 3
0 0 1
0 1
0 2 0
0 0 5 2
0 0 6
0 0
6 3
0 0 1
0 2
0 2 1
0 0 6 1
0 0 7
0 0
7 3
0 0 2
0 2
0 2 2
0 0 7 0
0 0 7
0 0
8 3
0 0 2
0 2
0 2 3
0 0 7 3
0 0 8
0 0
9 3
0 0 4
0 5
0 5 3
0 13 3
0 1 5
0 1
7 2
0 0 7
0 7
0 8 3
0 1 11 2
0 2 2
0 2
5 2
0 0 9
0 10
0 11 3
0 2 7 2
0 2 11
0 3
3 1
0 0 11
1 1
1 2 3
0 3 3 1
0 3 8
0 4
1 1
0 1 11
2 2
2 5 2
0 6 6 3
0 7 4
0 8
2 2
0 3 11
4 5
4 11 0
0 13 1 3
0 14 9
0 16
5 1
0 4 11
5 6
6 1 3
0 16 5 1
0 18 5
1 0
6 2
0 19 8
2 2
4 7 3
3 5 9 0
3 13 11
4 2
2 1
10 Days. 1
0 0 0
0 0
0 0 1
1 Jlonth. 1
0 0 0 3
0 0 0
0 0
1 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 0 2
0 0 12
0 0 1
0 0
2 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 0 3
0 0 2 1
0 0 2
0 0
3 0
0 0 1
0 1
0 1 1
0 0 3 0
0 0 3
0 0
4 0
0 0 1
0 1
0 1 2
0 0 4 0
0 0 4
0 0
5 0
0 0 1
0 1
0 1 3
0 0 4 3
0 0 5
0 0
6 0
0 0 1
0 2
0 2 1
0 0 5 3
0 0 6
0 0
7 0
0 0 2
0 2
0 2 2
0 0 6 1
0 0 7
0 0
8 0
0 0 2
0 2
0 2 3
0 0 7 0
0 0 8
0 0
9 0
0 0 2
0 2
0 3 1
0 0 8 0
0 0 9
0 0
10 0
0 0 5
0 5
0 6 2
0 14 0
0 1 6
0 1
8 0
0 0 7
0 8
0 9 3
0 2 0 0
0 2 3
0 2
6 0
0 0 10
0 11
1 1 0
0 2 8 0
0 3 0
0 3
4 0
0 1 1
1 2
1 4 1
0 3 4 0
0 3 9
0 4
2 0
0 2 2
2 5
2 8 3
0 6 8 0
0 7 6
0 8
4 0
0 4 4
4 11
5 5 3
0 13 4 0
0 15 0
0 16
8 0
0 5 5
6 1
6 10 0
0 16 8 0
0 18 9
1 0 10 0 1
1 1 11
4 7
7 4 3
3 6 8 0
3 15 0
4 3
4 0
20 Days. 1
0 0 0
0 0
0 0 2
1 Year. 1
0 0 9 2
0 0 10
0 1
0 0
0 0 1
0 1
0 1 1
0 17 0
0 19
0 2
0 0
0 0 1
0 1
0 1 3
0 2 4 3
0 2 8
0 3
0 0
0 0 2
0 2
0 2 2
0 3 0 0
0 3 7
0 4
0 0
0 0 2
0 2
0 3 1
0 4 0 0
0 4 6
0 5
0 0
0 0 3
0 3
0 3 3
0 4 9 2
0 5 4
0 6
0 0
0 0 3
0 4
0 4 2
0 5 7 0
0 6 3
0 7
0 0
0 0 4
0 4
0 5 1
0 6 4 3
0 7 2
0 8
0 0
0 0 4
0 5
0 5 3
0 7 2 1
0 8 1
0 9
0 0
0 0 5
0 5
0 6 2
0 8 0 0
0 9 0
0 10
0 0
0 0 10
0 11
1 1 0
0 16 0 0
0 18 0
1 0
0 0
0 1 3
1 5
1 7 2
14 0 0
1 7 0
1 10
0 0
0 1 9
1 11
2 2 1
1 12 0 0
1 16 0
2 0
0 0
0 2 2
2 5
2 8 3
2 0 0 0
2 5 0
2 10
0 0
0 4 4
4 11
5 5 3
4 0 0 0
4 10 0
5 0
0 0
0 8 9
9 10
10 11 2
8 0 0 0
9 0 0
10 0
0 0
0 10 11
2 3
13 8 1
10 0 0 0
11 5 0
12 10
0 0
2 3 10
9 3
U 9 2
40 0 0 0
45 0 0
50 0
0 0
Showing tlie number
of Days in one MontTi, to the s
ame Day in
any other I
.Ian. Feb. M»r. ApriL
May. June. July
Auff. Sept.
t.- N07.
120 151 181
212 1 243
3 1 304 1
334 1 36
' 1 "■'1 ""1
5| 28 1 59 1
89 120 150
181 1 212
2| 273
306 1 33
61 92 122
153 1 184
t| 245
275 1 306 1 334 | 365 |
30 61 91
122 1 153
3| 214
245 1 276 1 304 | 335 |
365 31 61
92 1 123
5| 184
334 365 30
61 1 92
2| 153
184 21
304 335 365
31 1 62
2 1 123
153 184 1 212 1 243
273 304 334
365 1 31
1 92
122 153 1 181 1 212
242 273 303
334 1 365
)| 61|
92 123 1 151 1 182
212 243 273
304 1 335 1
1 31 1
61 92 1 120 1 151
181 212 242
273 1 304 1
1 365 1
! Decemlber
31 1 62 1 90 1 121
151 1 182 212
243 1 274 1
1 335 1
Note. — The 13th and 14th Vict. c. 97, imposes a duty according to the number of words in deeds,
by a general rule applicable to all deeds ■where progressive duty is not expressly charged.
For the progressive duty on a deed when none is expressly charged under the instrument,
reference must be made to the head " Progressive Duty."
Admission as a Burgess, or into any Corporation
or Company in any Burgh in Scotland, in lieu
of the duties of £1 and £3 fomierly pa3'able, 5s.
Admissions of other descriptions various ; as to
which see the schedule annexed to 55 Geo. III.,
c. 184. See also License, below.
Admission to act as Advocate, £50 ; as Writer to
the Signet, Sohcitor, Agent, Attorney, or Pro-
curator in any court, £25 ; to act as Agent in
Supreme Courts without indenture (in addition
to the said £25), £60 ; do. in Inferior Courts
without indenture (in addition to the said £25),
£30 ; to act as Notary-Public, £20 ; to be fel-
low of College of Physicians, £25 ; or license
by do. to practise physic, £15 ; to degree of
Doctor of Medicine, £10 ; to ecclesiastical bene-
fice, £2.
Affidavits. — For every sheet or piece of paper,
parchment, or vellum, on which the same shall
be written or printed, 2s. 6d. Affidavits autho-
rised to be made before Justices of Peace are
Agreement, or minute or memorandum of agree-
ment, without a clause of registration (not
charged othenvise than under the head agi-ee-
ment in the schedule to the Act 55 Geo. III.,
c. 184, nor expressly exempted from duty),
where the matter is of the value of £20 or up-
wards, whether the same is evidence of a con-
tract, or obUgatory upon the parties from its
being a written instrument, together with every
schedule, receipt, &c., endorsed or annexed,
2s. 6d. Progressive duty on words, 2s. 6d.
Note. — The agreement, if liable to one duty of
2s. 6d., may be stamped if brought to the Com-
missioners at London, or their office at Edin-
bm'gh, or lodged with the distributors of stamps
in the country, within fomteen days after being
made. If after, at Loudon or Edinburgh, on a
penalty of £10. 7 and 8 Vic, c. 21, § 5.
Amount not exceeding £50
Above £50 and not above £100
... 100 ... 200
... 200 ... 500
. . 500 and upwards
Atpisenticeship Indentures.
If the premium be under £30
£30 and under £50
50 ... 100
lOa ... 200
200 ... 300
300 ... 400
400 ... 500
500 ... 600
600 ... 800
800 ... 1000
1 000 or upwards
If no premium, 2s. 6d.
Indentures of clerks or apprentices to writers to
the signet, solicitors, or agents in the Su-
preme Courts of Scotland, £60 ; Inferior
Courts, £30. See DUPLICATE or Counter-
Exem. — Indentures of apprentices for sea- ser-
vice and poor children.
Award or Decreet- Arbitral
Bills and Promissory Notes
£1 15 0
Not exceeding two months after date,
or sixty days after sight.
£ S.
£ 8 d.
For£2¬above£5,5s. 0 1
0 16
Ab. 5, 5s, ... 20 ... 0 1
0 2 0
20 ... 30 ... 0 2
0 2 6
30 ... 50 ... 0 2
0 3 6
50 ... 100 ... 0 3
0 4 6
100 ... 200 ... 0 4
0 5 0
200 ... 300 ... 0 5
0 6 0
300 ... 500 ... 0 6
0 8 6
500 .. 1000 ... 0 8
0 12 6
1000 ... 2000 ... 0 12
0 15 0
2000 ... 3000 ... 0 15
15 0
3000 1 5
1 10 0
s. d.
... 10
... 15
Drawing singly same as inland bills.
When in sete, then for every biU of each
set not exceeding £100
Above £100 and not above 200
200 ... 500
500 ... 1000
1000 ... 2000
2000 ... 3000
The duty on an inland bill, draft or order for the
payment of any sum of money at stated periods,
if made payable to the beai-er, or to order, or if
delivered to the payee, or some person on his or
her behalf, where the total amount thereby
made payable is specified therein, or can be
ascertained therefrom, is the same as on a bill
payable to bearer or order on demand for a sum
equal to such total amount.
N.B. — Promissory notes for £100 or imder ai'e
not to be drawn payable to the Nearer on de-
mand, except bankers' re-issuable notes, which
require a different stamp.
See Drafts.
Bills of Lading 6d.
Bonds and other Securities.
Bond (personal) giveu for any certain sum
of money not exceeding s. cl.
£50 1 3
Exceeding £50 and not exceeding 100 2 G
100 ... 150 3 9
150 ... 200 5 0
200 ... 250 6 3
250 ... 300 7 6
And Tvhere the same shall exceed £300, then
for every £100, and also for any fractional
part of £100,— 2s. Gd.
Bond as secm-ityfor«iOvi?eA' to he thereafter lent,
advanced, or paid, or ivMch may become due
upon account-ctirrent, together with any sum
already advanced or due, or without, as the
case may be, —
Where the money secured or to be ultimately
recoverable shall ie limited not to exceed a
given sum, — The same duty as on a bond for
such sum.
"Where uncertain, and icithout any limit, — The
same as on a bond for a sum equal to the
amount of the penalty.
Where there is no penalty, the bond shall be
available for such an amount only as the ad
valorem stamps will cover.
Personal Bond given as a security for the
transfer or retransfer of any share in any of the
Government or Parliamentary Stocks or Funds,
or of the Banks of England 01- Ireland, or of the
East India Company, or of any other company
or corporation, — The same ad valorem duty as
on a bond for a sum of money equal to the
value of the stock or fund secured, according to
the average price at the date of the bond, or on
either of the ten days preceding ; or the latest
day preceding on which there shall have been a
kno^vn sale.
Personal Bond given as a security for the
payment of any sum of money, or for the
transfer or retransfer of stock secured also by a
wadset, or other instrament paying duty as a
wadset, or for the performance of covenants
contained in such instrament, or for both those
purposes, provided such other instrument hear
even date with, and be referred to in such
bond —
Where the sum of money or the value of the stock
secured shall not exceed £800, — The same ad
valorem duty as on a mortgage or wadset for
securing the like amount or value.
Exceeding £800,— £1.
Personal or Heritable Bond given as an
additional or further security for the pajinent
of any sum of money, or for the transfer or
retransfer of any share in any of these stocks
previously secured by a bond or other security
therein referred to, which has paid the proper
ad valorem duty on bonds at the date thereof, —
Where the sum or the value of the stock shall not
exceed £1400, — The same ad valorem duty as
on a bond or mortgage for securing the like
sum or value.
Where said sum shall exceed £1400, — £1, 15s.
Bond — Transfer or Assignment disposition or
assignation of any such bond as aforesaid, and
which has paid the proper ad valorem duty on
bonds —
Where the principal money or stock secured by the
bond shall not exceed in whole 1400, — The
same duty as on a bond for the total amount or
And in every other case such transfer, assign-
ment, disposition, or assignation shall be
chargeable with the duty of £1, 15s.
Personal or Heritable Bond given as the
only or principal security for the payment of
any annuity upon the original creation and
sale thereof, — The same ad valorem duty as on
a convej'ance upon sale in consideration of the
sum or value given or agreed for the purchase.
— See Duties on Conveyances.
Personal Bond given as a collateral or
auxiliary security for the payment of any
annuity upon the original creation and sale,
where granted or conveyed or secured by any
other deed or instrument, paying the ad valorem
duty on conveyances upon the sale of any
property —
AVhere such o.d valorem duty shall not exceed 203.
such bond shall be chargeable with a stamp duty
of equal amount therewith.
And where such exceeds 20s., — £1 .
Personal or Heritable Bond given as a security
for the payment of any annuity (except upon
the original creation and sale), or of any sum
or sums of money at stated periods (not being
interest nor rent upon a lease), for any definite
and certain term, so that the total amount to be
paid can be previously ascertained, — The same
ad valorem duty as on a bond of the like nature
for the payment of a sum of money equal to
such total amount.
Personal or Heritable Bond given as a security
for the payment of any annuity (except as
aforesaid), or of any money at stated periods
{not being interest nor rent upon lease), for
the term of life or any other indefinite period,
so that the whole cannot be previously ascer-
Where the annuity or sum secured shall not exceed
£50 per annum, — £1.
Exceeding £50 and not exceeding £100 per
annum, — £2.
And where exceeding £100 per annum, then for
every £100, and also for any fractional part of
£100 per annum,- £2.
But where there shall be both a personal and
heritable bond in separate deeds of the same
date for securing any such annuity, &c., and
the ad valorem duty above charged amounts to
£2 or upwards, the heritable bond only to be
charged with the ad valorem duty, and the
personal bond to be chai'ged only with a duty
of £1.
Bond of any kind or description given for any
other purpose than as aforesaid, — The duty
chargeable by any act in force at passing 13tli
and 14th Vict. c. 97.
But no such bond shall be charged with any
greater amount of stamp duty than the ad
valorem duty before charged upon a bond given
for the payment of a definite and certain sixm
of money of the same amount as the penalty of
such bond.
Bond of Relief to a cautioner or sm-ety, — £1, 15s.
Bond for the due execution of an office, and to
accoiuit for money received by virtue of such
oflBce, — £1, 15s.
Bond given for, or iu respect of, duties of customs
or excise, or for preventing frauds or evasions
tliereof, or for any other matter relating thereto
— relanding of plate — registering of British
vessels, — 5s.
Hekitable or Personal Bond, of any kind
whatever, not otherwise charged nor expressly
exempted from all stamp duty, — £1, 15s.
Note. — The above provision, that the duty shall
not exceed the ad valorem duty on a sum the
same amount as the penalty in the bond, applies
to the four preceding entries.
Charier, Disposition, or Contract (after 4th
August, 1853), containing the first original
constitution of feu and ground annual rent rights
in Scotland (not being a lease or tack for j'ears),
in consideration of any annual sum payable in
perpetuity, or for any indefinite period, whether
fee farm or other rent, feu-duty, ground annual,
or otIienA'ise :
Where the annual sum thereby made pay- s, d.
able shall not exceed 20s 2 6
Exceeding 20s., and not exceeding £12 :
then for eveiy 20s., and any fractional
part of 20s 2 6
Exceeding £12, and not exceeding £2-t :
then for 40s., and for any fractional
part of 40s 5 0
Exceeding £24 : then for eveiy £4, and
for every fractional part of £4 10 0
Charter of resignation, confirmation, novodamus,
upon apprising, or decreet of adjudication or
sale, of heritable subjects holdeu of a subject
superior, — 5s.
Progressive duty of 5s.
Charter-party 5s.
Composition- DEED with Creditors £1, 15s.
Con^'EYANCE, whether gi'ant, disposition, assign-
ment, transfer, renunciation, or of any other
kind whatsoever, upon tlie sale of any lands,
tenements, rents, annuities, or other property,
heritable or movable, or of any right, title,
interest, or claim in, to, out of, or upon any
such, that is, for the principal or only deed,
instrument, or writing whereby the lands or
other things sold are granted, assigned, trans-
ferred, renounced, or otherwise conveyed to or
vested in the purchaser, or any other person, by
his direction —
Where the purchase or consideration money ex-
pressed shall not exceed
£25 £0 2 6
Exceeding £25 not exc. 50 0 5 0
50 ... 75 0 7 6
75 ... 100 0 10 0
100 ... 125 0 12 G
125 ... 150 0 15 0
150 ... 175 0 17 6
175 ... 200 10 0
200 ... 225 12 6
225 ... 250 15 0
250 ... 275 17 6
275 ... 300 1 10 0
300 ... 350 1 15 0
350 ... 400 2 0 0
400 ... 450 2 5 0
Exceeding £450 not exc. £500 £2 10 0
500 ... 550 2 15 0
550 ... 600 3 0 0
And where the purchase or consideration money
shall exceed £600, then for every £100, anil
also for any fractional part of £100, — 10s.
It is directed that the purchase money or consi-
deration shall be truly expressed awA set forth in
ivords at length in or upon every deed or in-
strument of conveyance ; and where such con-
sideration shall consist, either wholly or in part,
of any stock or security, the value thereof re-
spectivel}', to be ascertained as after mentioned,
shall also be truly set forth, as aforesaid, in or
upon every such deed or instrument ; and such
value shall be deemed to be the purchase or con-
sideration money, or part thereof, as the case
may be, in respect whereof the ad valorem duty
shall be cliarged.
And where the consideration, or any part of the
consideration, shall be stock in the public funds,
or any government debenture or stock of the
banks of England or Ireland, or any debenture
or stock of any corporation, company, society,
or persons or person, payable only at the icilL
of the debtor, the duty shall be calculated (tak-
ing the same respectively, whether constituting
the whole or a part only of such consideration)
according to the average selling price thereof
respectively, on the day, or on either of tlie ten
daj's preceding the date of the deed or instru-
ment of conveyance, or if no sale shall have
taken place within such ten days, then accord-
ing to the average selling price thereof on the
day of the last preceding sale ; and if such con-
sideration, or part thereof, shall be a mortgage,
bond, or debenture, the amount whereof shall
be recoverable by the holder, or any other secu-
rity whatsoever, whether payable in money
or otherwise, such calculation shall be made
according to the sum due thereon for both prin-
cipal and interest.
In any case where property shall be sold and
conveyed iu consideration of any rent charge or J
annuity, or any annual or periodical payment \
to be made permanently or for any indefinite
period, so that the total amount of the money
to be paid for such property cannot be previ-
ously ascertained, which rent charge, annuity,
or other payment, shall be made subject to re-
demption or purchase upon terms and condi-
tions specified in the deed or instrument, where-
by the property sold shall be conveyed to, or
vested in, the purchaser, or any person by his
direction, the money or the consideration men-
tioned in the said deed or instrxunent as that on
payment or transfer, delivery or satisfaction,
of which the said rent charge, annuity, or other
payment shall be redeemed or purchased, or
repurchased, or shall cease to be payable, shall
be deemed to be the purchase-money or consi-
deration, on the sale of the said property so sold
and conveyed, and in respect of which last-
mentioned purchase-money or consideration,
the ad valorem duty shall be chargeable ; and
•where any such last-mentioned consideration
shall consist wholly, or in part, of any stock or
security mentioned in the Act 13 and 14 Yict.
c. 97, the value thereof shall be ascertained as
in such Act is in that behalf provided ; and
where any such annuity, rent charge, or other
payment aforesaid shall be made, subject to
redemption or purchase, or repurchase or dis-
continuance, upon payment or satisfaction of
any money or value to be ascertained or calcu-
lated in manner provided in the said deed or
instrument, the amount of such money or value
shall, for the purpose of charging the said ad
valorem duty, be ascertained or calculated, as
in such deed or instrument shall be so provided.
16 and 17 Vict. c. 59, § 11.
Copies of Extracts from the public register, or
from books of any court of record, 2s. 6d. And
where the same shall contain more than 600
words,' any less quantity of words over and
above the first 600 words, or above any second,
third, or other full quantity of 600 words, a
further duty of 2s. 6d.
Copy attested of any agreement or deed for the
security or use of a person not being a party
or taking benefit under it, — Is.
Progressive duty' for every 720 words, — Is.
Copy attested of a will, testament, or codicil, or
of a confirmation of a testament, testamentary
or dative, — same duty as above.
Copyright of Designs, certificate of, — £5.
Covenant. — Any deed containing a covenant for
the payment or repayment of any sum, or for
the transfer or retransfer of stock, in any case
where a mortgage, if made for the like purpose,
would be chargeable under this schedule with
any ad valorem duty exceeding in amount
£1, 15s. ; or for the payment of any annuity,
or any sums at stated periods, in any case where
a bond for the like purpose would be chai'geable
with any such duty, — the same ad valorem
duty 33 on a bond respectively for the like pur-
When it is an additional security to a properly
stamped bond referred to in it, the ad valorem
duty here charged not payable.
Exemption. — Any covenant contained in a deed
chargeable under Mortgages of Settle-
Debentures, or Certificate for receiving back
duties of Customs or Excise on goods exported
after the 10th October 1853.
AVhere the di-awback to be received shall not ex-
ceed £10, .... Is. Od.
Where the same shall exceed £10, and
not exceed £50, ... 2s. 6d.
And where the same shall exceed £50, 5s. Od.
(16 and 17 Vict. c. 59.)
Deed not othei-wise charged, — £1, 15s.
Deputation of a Gamekeeper, — £1, 15s.
Disentail, instrument of, — £1, 15s.
Draft or Order, after 10th October 1853, for
the payment of any sum of money to the bearer,
or to order, on demand, — Id.
And the following instruments shall be deemed
and taken to be drafts or orders for the payment
of money within the intent and meaning of this
Act, and of any Act or Acts relating to the stamp
duties on bills of exchange, drafts, or orders,
and shall be chargeable accordingly with the
stamp duties imposed by this Act, or any such
Act or Acts, viz. : —
All documents or writings usually termed letters
of credit, or whereby any person to whom any
such document or writing is, or is intended to
be, delivered or sent, shall be entitled, or be in-
tended to be entitled, to have credit with, or in
account with, or to draw upou any other per-
son for or to receive from such other person any
sum of monej' therein mentioned.
Exemptions from the Duties on Drafts or Or-
ders.— All drafts or orders for the payment
of money to the bearer on demand, drawn upon
any banker or bankers now by law exempted
from stamp duty. All letters of credit, whe-
tlier in sets or not, sent by persons in the
United Kingdom to persons abroad, authoris-
ing drafts on the United Kingdom. (16 and
17 Vict. c. 59.)
N.B. — Tiiese drafts or orders on bankers to be ex-
empted, must be issued within fifteen miles of
the place where tiie banker carries on his busi-
ness— the place of issuing must be triUy speci-
fied in them, and they must be dated on or
before the day on which they are issued, and
not direct the payment to be made by a bill or
note. The place of issue is where the drawer
parts with the possession of the draft, such as
the place where posted. If an unstamped draft
is issued within fifteen miles of the banker, as
above, it may circulate any distance from the
place of issue without affecting its validity.
The penny draft stamp will validate drafts
drawn beyond fifteen miles of the banker's place
of business.
Note. — The duty on drafts or orders may be im-
pressed on the paper, or an adhesive stamp may
be affixed. Where an adhesive stamp is used,
the maker of the draft is required to cancel the
stamp by writing on it his name or initials.
Penalty for omission, — £10. Penalty for re-
moving adhesive stamps, or using them a se-
cond time, or doing any act to defraud of duty,
£20. (16 and 17 Vict. c. 59, s. 3, 4, and 5.)
Duplicate or Counterpart of any deed or in-
strument, of any description whatever, charge-
able with any stamp duty, under any Act or
Acts in force —
Where such stamp duty (exclusive of progressive
duty) shall not amount to the sum of 5s., the
same duty as chargeable on the orighial deed or
instrument, including the progressive duty there-
on (if any).
And where the same (exclusive as aforesaid)
amounts to the sum.of 53. or upwards, — 5s.
And where in the latter case any such deed or ie-
strument, together with any schedule, receipt,
or other matter put or indorsed thereon or an-
nexed thereto, contains 2160 words or upwards,
for every entire quantity of 1080 words con-
tained therem above the first 1080 words, the
progressive duty of 2s. 6d.
In such latter case the duplicate or counteipart
(excepting counterparts of leases not signed
Dy the lessor, 16 and 17 Vict. c. 69), is not
available unless stamped with a pai-ticular
stamp for denoting the payment of the full
stamp duty on the origin^ deed or instrument,
which shall be impressed upon such, on the
same being produced, together with the original
deed or instrument, and on the whole being
duly executed and stamped in aU other respects.
Duplicates to have denoting stamp impressed,
are received by the Sohcitor of lulaud Revenue,
Edinburgh. See afterwards.
Insurance Policies.
Where the sum insured shall not exceed £500j
Then for every £50, and any fractional part of
£50, £0 0 6
Where it shall exceed £500, and shall
not exceed £1000,
Then for every £100, and any fractional
part of £100, .... 010
Where it shall exceed £1000,
Then for every £1000, and any frac-
tional part of £1000, . . 0 10 0
(IG and 17 Vict. c. 59.)
Duty on each policy 0 1 0
Besides 3s. per cent, per annum on every insur-
ance made or renewed.
Exemptions.— PahYic hospitals ; also agricultural
produce, farming stock, and implements of hus-
bandry, provided the insurance shall be effected
by a separate and distinct policy.
Policy of insurance upon any voyage whatever,
for every £100, or fractional part of £100,
charged according to the rates of premium on
the sums insm'ed, viz. : —
a. d.
Not exceeding 10s. percent 0 3
Exc. 10s. and not exceeding 20s 0 6
20s. ... 30s 1 0
30s. ... 40s 2 0
40s. ... 50s 3 0
Exceeding 50s. percent 4 0
But if the separate interests of two or more dis-
tinct persons shall be insured by one policy or
instrament, then the said respective duties, as
the case may require, shall be charged thereon,
in respect of each and every fractional part of
£100, as well as in respect of every full sum of
£100, which shall be tliereby insured upon any
separate and distinct interest.
Policy of insurance, for every £100, or fractional
part of £100, insured for any certain term or
period of time :
s. d.
Not exceeding six calendar months 2 6
Exceeding six calendar months 4 0
Policy of mutual insurance upon any voyage
whatever, and not for a period of time, for
every £100, or fractional part of £100,
thereby insured to any person or persons 2 6
Lease or tack of any lands, &c., granted in con-
sideration of a sum of money by way of pre-
mium or g7-assum, tcithout any yearly rent^ or
with any yearly rent under £20, — the same
duty as for a conveyance on the sale of lands
for a sum of money of same amount — (See Con-
veyance)— except leases and tacks for a life or
lives not exceeding three, or for a term of years,
determinable with a life or lives not exceeding
three, by whomsoever granted, and leases for a
term absolute not exceeding twenty-one years,
granted by ecclesiastical corporations, where
the duties would, under the Act, amount to £1,
15s, or upwards.
Lease or tack of any lands or heritable subjects
at a yearly rent loitlwut any sum of money by
way oi premium or grassum —
Where the yearly rent shall not
exceed £5 £0 0 6
£5 and not exceeding 10 0 10
10 ... 15 0 16
15 ... 20 0 2 0
20 ... 25 0 2 C
25 .... 50 0 5 0
60 ... 75 0 7 G
75 .. 100 0 10 0
And where the same sum exceeds £100,- then for
every £50 and fractional part of £50, — 5s.
Granted in consideration of a sum by way ot pre-
mium or grassum, and also of a yearly rent
amountinq to £20, or upwarcls, — both the ad
valorem duties payable for a grassum only and
for a lease in consideration of a rent only of the
same amount, except the leases before excepted.
Lease or tack of any mine or minerals or other
property of a like nature, either with or without
any other lands or heritable subjects, where any
p)ortion of the produce shall he reserved to be
paid in money or kind —
K it be stipulated that the value shall amount at
least to a given sum per annum, or it he limited
not to exceed a given sum, to be specified, then
the ad valorem duty shall be charged in respect
of the highest of such sums.
And where any yearly sum is reserved in addition
to or together with such produce, relative to the
yearly amount or value of which there is no
such stipulation or limitation, the ad valorem
duty shall be clxarged in respect of such yearly
And where both a certain yearly sum and also
such produce relative to the yearly amount or
value of which there shall be such stipulation
or limitation is reserved, the ad valorem duty
shall be charged on the aggregate of such yearly
sum, and also of the highest yearly amount or
value of such produce.
N.B. — Where a grassum or rent is in grain, it is
to be charged according to the stipulated rate
of conversion, and if none be stipidated, ac-
cording to the fiars on an average of seven
years. Where there are separate grassums or
rents payable to separate pro indiviso proprie-
tors in the same deed, the stamp is on the
cumido amount.
Lease or tack, of any kind, not otherwise charged,
— £1, 15s.
Assignment or siurrender of a lease or tack upon
any other occasion than a sale or mortgage, —
A duty equal to the ad valorem duty with
which a similar lease or tack would be charge-
able under 13 and 14 Vict., c. 97; but w^herea
similar lease would be chargeable under said
Act with any stamp duty amounting to £1, 15s.
or upwards, such assignment or surrender shall
be chargeable with a duty of £1, 15s.
And no stamp duty, except the ad valorem duty,
shall be chargeable for any lease expressed to be
gi-anted in consideration of tlie surrender of an
existing lease and also of a sum of money.
Letter or Power of Attornet, or Commis-
sion OR Factory £1 10 0
Letter of Attorney for Sale or Transfer
of Stock 10 0
Annual license to bankers issuing notes, £30.
Appraisers, £2. Pawnbrokers, £7, 10s. Ad-
mitted and practising attorneys, &c., if resident
in city or county of Edinburgh, and in posses-
sion of office lliree years or upwards, £9 ; if
not so long, £1, 10s. If resident elsewhere,
and admitted for three yeare or upwards, £6 ;
if not so long, £3. To dealers in gold and sil-
ver plate, above 2 oz. gold or 30 oz. silver,
£5, los. Do. under do., £2, Gs.
MoRTGAaES, Heritable Bonds, &c.
Wadset, and heritable bond, disposition, assigna-
tion, or tack in security affecting property
heritable or moveable ; also infeftmeut of an-
nual rent, but without any personal bond or
obligation therein contained for payment of the
money secured ; also letter of reversion or back
bond, for qualifying absolute conveyance of any
property, and also any deed whereby a real
burden shall be created on lands or heritable
subjects, as a seciurity for any definite and cer-
tain sum of money not exceeding s. d.
£50 1 3
Exc. 50 and not exceeding £100 2 6
100 ... 150 3 9
150 ... 200 5 0
200 ... 250 6 3
250 ... 300 7 6
And where the same exceeds £300, for every £100,
and fractional part of £100, — 2s. 6d.
Where the deed is made as a security for the re-
payment of money to he tliereafter lent, ad-
vanced, or paid, or which may become due
upon an account current, together with any
sum already advanced or due, or without, other
than any sums to be advanced for the msmance
of any property comprised in such secmity
against damage by fire, or for the insurance of
any life or lives, or for the renewal of any grant
or lease upon the dropping of any life or lives,
pursuant to any agreement in any deed where-
by any estate or interest held upon such life or
lives is granted, assigned, or assured, or where-
by any annuity is granted or secured for such
life or lives.
If the total amount of the money secured or to be
ultimately recoverable is limited not to exceed
a given sum, — The same duty as on a wadset
for such limited sum.
And if the total amount is uncertain and without
any limit, then the same shall be available as a
security or charge for such an amount only as
the ad valorem duty denoted by the stamp will
And where the same is made as a security for the
transfer or retransfer of any share in any of the
government or parliamentaiy stocks or funds,
or of the Bank of England, or of Ireland,
or of the East India, or of the South Sea
Company, or of any other company or cor-
poration, in consideration of stock or money
advanced or lent at the time, or previously due
and owing, or foreborne to be paid, being pay-
able,— The same duty as on a mortgage tor a
sum equal to the value of the stock or fund se-
cm-ed according to the average price at tlic date
of the mortgage, or on either of the ten days
preceding, or on the latest day preceding on
which there lias been a known sale.
And where the same respectively shall be made,
as a security for the payment of a sum of money,
and also for the transfer or retransfer of a share
in any of the said stocks or funds, the said ad
valorem duty sliall be charged in respect of
And in case the same respectively shall be made,
as a security for the payment or transfer, to dif-
ferent persons, of separate and distinct siuns or
shares, — The ad valorem duty shall be charged
for each separate and distinct sum or share
therein specified and secured, and not upon the
aggregate amoimt.
And Avhere any such deed or instrument shall be
made respectively as a security for the payment
of any annuity, or any sum by way of repay-
ment, or in satisfaction or discharge, or in re-
demption of any sum lent, advanced, or paid,
as or for, or in the nature of a loan intended to
be repaid, dischai'ged, or redeemed, in manner
aforesaid, — The same duty as on a mortage or
wadset for the sum of money so lent, advanced,
or paid.
Transfer, disposition, or assignation of any wad-
set or other such security, &c. —
Where no Jjirther sum or stock shall be added to
the principal already secured, if such principal
shall not exceed in the whole £liOO, — the same
duty as on a wadset, &c., for the total amount
or value of such principal.
And if such principal shall exceed in value in the
whole the sum of £1400. — £1, 15s.
And where any further sum or stock shall be
added to the principal akeady secured, — the
same duty as on a wadset, Sec, for such further
money or stock only.
And in every other case not expressly provided
for, — £1, 15s.
Such instrament is not chargeable with furtlier
duty (^except progressive duty) by containing
any further or additional secmity for the pay-
ment, transfer, retransfer of such money, stock,
interest, or dividends, or any new covenant,
proviso, or other matter whatever in relation to
such money or stock, interest or dividends.
Any deed made for the further assurance only of
any property already constituted a security, by
a deed which has paid the ad valorem duty —
Also any deed made as an additional or further
security for any sum, &c., already so secured —
AVhere the total amount or value akeady secured
does not exceed £1400, — the same duty as on
a wadset for the amount.
And in any other case, — £1, los.
If any further sum be added to the principal,
the deed is chargeable only (exclusive of pro-
gressive duty) with the ad valorem duty on
wadsets. Sec, in respect of such further sum.
Reconveyance, surrender, discharge, or renimci-
ation of any wadset, or other such security, or
of the benefit thereof, or of the money or stock
secm'ed —
Where the total amount of the principal shall not
exceed £1400, — the same duty as on a wadset
for the amount. And in any other case, —
£1, 15s.
Newspapers. — Any newspaper printed on one
sheet not exceeding 2295 in. in superficies, — Id.
A supplement printed on one sheet, and with the
newspaper not exceeding 2295 inches in the
whole, is free of duty.
Any other supplement not exceeding 1148 inches,
— |d.
Any two supplements, each printed on one sheet,
and together not exceeding 2295 in., each, — i-d.
The superficies is one side of the paper, and "ex-
clusive of the margin.
NoTAPviAL Act, any -N^hatsoever, — 5s. And for
every sheet or piece of paper, parchment, or
vellum on which the same shall be written, — 5s.
P.A.TENT, Letters.
Letters for Inventions.
On petition for grant of letters patent £5 0 0
On certificate of record of notice to
proceed 5 0 0
On warrant of law-oflBcers for letters
patent 5 0 0
On the sealing of letters patent 5 0 0
On specification 5 0 0
On the letters patent, or a duplicate
thereof before the expiration of the
third year 50 0 0
On the letters patent, or a duplicate
thereof before the expiration of the
seventh year 100 0 0
On certificate of record of notice of
objections 2 0 0
On certificate of every search and in-
spection 0 10
On certificate of entry of assignment
or license 0
On certificate of assignment or license 0
On application for disclaimer 5
On caveat against disclaimer 2
On office copies of documents, for every
ninety words 0 0 2
(16 Vict. c. 5).
Patent Medicine.
Price not exceeding Is., l|d. ; not ex. 2s. 6d.,
3d. ; not ex. is., 6d. ; not ex. 10s.. Is. ; not
ex. 2Gs., 2s.
Plate. — Gold, per oz. 17s. Silver, Is. 6d.
Exemptions. — Watch-cases, rmgs, &c.
Precept of Clare Constat 5s.
Progressive Duty 5s.
Progressr'e Dutt on Words.
Where any deed or instrument of any description
whatever chargeable with any stamp duty,
together Mith any schedule, receipt, or other
matter put or endorsed or annexed, contains
2160 words, or upwards, then for every entire
quantity of 1080 words contained therein, over
and above the first 1080 words, there shall be
chai'ged the further progressive duty follow-
ing, i.e.—
Where such deed or instrument shall be charge-
able with any ad valorem stamp-duty not
exceeding in the whole 10s., — a further pro-
gressive duty equal to the amount of such ad
valorem duty.
And in every other case (except where any other
progressive duty is expressly charged thereon),
— a further progressive duty of 10s.
But progressive duty is not chargeable on a deed
on which such duty was not imposed before
the Act of 1850. (13 & 14 Vict. c. 97).
Protests.— On bill or note for any sum s. d.
less than ... £20 2 0
£20 and less than £100 3 0
100 ... 500 5 0
500 or upwards lo 0
Protest of any other kind,— 5s.
And for every additional sheet,— 5s.
Proxy to vote in joint-stock company whose
shares are transferable 2s. Gd.
Receipts for money amounting to £2 or upwards,
— ]d.
The following provisions as to what shall be
deemed a receipt, and the exemptions from re-
ceipt duty by 55 Geo. III. c. 184, are still in
Any note, memorandum, or writing whatever,
given upon the payment of money, whether
signed or not, shall be a receipt if it shall
import or signify that any sum of money,
debt, or demand, or any part thereof amounting
to £2 or upwards, has been paid or settled;
and like documents given upon payment by
bills, drafts, promissory notes, or oilier securi-
ties for money, are also receipts.
Entries made bj' persons receiving money in pass
books kept by the person paying the money, are
receipts ; and receipts given for 40s., or up-
wards, whether for a purchase at a sale by auc-
tion or other ready money dealing, or the pay-
ment of wages, must be stamped.
Among the exemptions from receipt duty are —
Receipts written on promissory notes., bills,
drafts, or orders for the payment of money,
duly stamped.
Letters by the general post acknoicledying the
safe arrival of any bills of exchange, pro-
missory notes, or other securities for money.
This will of course include acknowledgment by
the general post of post-office orders, and drafts
or orders now used instead of letters of credit ;
but, according to tiie views of the Board of In-
land Revenue, the letters must not go beyond
the acknowledgment of the safe amval of bill,
&c. If bills, &c., are said to be received in
payment of a particular account or debt, or the
amount placed to the credit of the remitter, if,
in short, the appropriation is mentioned, the
letters will not be exempted. Where advice is
given by letter to a person that money has been
paid to his credit, a letter in return acknow-
ledging the receipt of the letter, is not charge-
able as a receipt, but any intimation that the
money has been received is liable.
Receipts written on any bond, mortgage, or
other security, or any conveyance, deed, or
instrument whatever, duly stamped, acknow-
ledging the receipt of the consideration money
therein expressed, or the receipt of any prin-
cipal money, interest, or annuity thereby se-
Note. — Stamps may be impressed or affixed.
Where adhesive stamps are affixed, the granter
is required to cancel the stamps by writing his
name or initials on them. Penalty for omission,
— £10. Penalty for removing adhesive stamps,
or using them a second time, or doing any
XX]] 1
i fraudulent act to defraud of duty,— £20. (16
aadl7 Vict. c. 59, §3, 4, and5.)
Resignation. — Principal or original instrament
of resignation, or service, or cognition of heirs,
or charter, or sasine of any houses, lands, or
other heritable subjects holding burgage; also
instrument of resignation of lands, &c. not held
burgage,— 5s. Progressive duty,— 5s.
Sasine.— Instrument of sasine given on any
charter, precept of dare constat, or precept
liom Chancery, or on any wadset, heritable
bond, disposition, apprising, adjudication of
any heritable subjects not of burgage tenure, —
5s. Progressive duty, — 5s.
Schedule or Inventory of heritage or mov-
ables, or containing the terms of any proposed
sale, lease, &c., or regulations for the cultiva-
tion and management of any farm, Sec. sepa-
rate from and referred to in lease, bond, deed,
agreement, &c., chargeable with any stamp-
duty not exceeding 10s. — the same duty as
shall be chargeable on such lease, bond, agree-
ment, &c., and where referred to in such,
chargeable with a duty exceeding 10s., — lOs.
Progressive duty, — lOs.
Scrip Certificate, after -tth August 1853, that
is to say, any document denoting or intended to
denote the right or title of the holder tliereof,
or any person to any share or shares in any
joint-stock or other company, or proposed or
intended company, or any certilicate declaring
or entitling the holder thereof, or any person, to
' be or become the proprietor of any share or
shares of or in any such company, where such
certificate, or the right or title to such share or
shares shall be, or be intended to be, transfer-
able by the delivery of sucli certificate, or other-
wise than by deed or instrument in writing, —
Id. (16 and 17 Vict. c. 63).
Settlement. — Any deed or instrument, whether
voluntary or gratuitous, or upon any considera-
tion other tlian a bona, fide pecuniary con-
sideration, whereby any dejinite and certain
principal sum or sums of money, or any dejinite
and certain shai-es in any stocks or funds, shall
be settled or agreed to be settled upon or for
the benefit of any person or persons, either in
possession or reversion, either absolutely, or for
life or other partial interest, or in any other
manner whatsoever, — if such sum or sums, or
the value of such share or shares, together, shall
not exceed in the whole £100, — 5s.
And if the same sliall exceed £100, then for every
£100, and fractional part of £100,— 5s.
All such deeds which contain any settlement of
lands or other property, or any other thing
besides the settlement of such money or stock,
.shall be chargeable with such further duty as
any separate deed containing such settlement of
lands or other property, or other thing, would
have been chargeable with, exclusive of the pro-
gi'essive duty.
And where there is more than one such deed
chargeable vi-ith any such duty exceeding
£1, los., one of them only shall be charged
■witli the ad valorem duty ; and also where any
settlement shall be made in pursuance of any
previous articles chargeable with and which
shall have paid any such duty exceeding £1, 15s.,
it is not chargeable with the ad ludorein duty ;
and the deeds not chargeable with the ad va-
lorem duty shall be charged with the duty to
which they are liable under any more general
description in the stamp schedules ; and on the
whole being produced, duly executed and
stamped, the latter shall also be stamped with
a particular stamp for denoting the payment of
the said ad valorem duty.
Exemption from this ad valorem dntn. — WilN,
testaments, and testamentary instrument'^, and
dispositions mortis causa.
Writ of Acknowledgment by any person iti-
feft of lands in Scotland, in favour of the heir
or disponee, of a creditor fully vested in riglii
of an heritable security constituted by infeft-
ment,— 10s. (16 and 17 Vict. c. 63, § 6.)
Inventory Duty.
The duty is imposed on the inventory of the i>er-
sonal estate and effects of deceased persons, re-
quired to be recorded in the Commissary Courts
according to the rates in the following table,
and is regulated by the amount of such estate
in Scotland. The same rates of duty are pay-
able on probates and letters of administration in
respect of tlie personal property situated in
England and Ireland.
Amount of Deceased's
Amount of Deceased's
Personal Estate.
Personal Estate.
( 100
f 60
90 1
^ ,
150 '
• 6,000
270 I
300 1
330 1
600 '<
675 ;
L 40,000
easing progressively to £1,00
The inventory-duty is paid on the whole personal
property in Scotland, and probate and adminis-
tration duty on the whole personal property
situated in England and Ireland, without de-
duction of debts ; but the Act 5 and 6 Vict. c.
79, § 23, provides for a return being given
on proof of the constitution and payment of
the debts. This repayment must be claimed
within three years ; but the time will be pro-
longed on application to the Board of Inland
Revenue. If there be any omission in the in-
ventory iuferring payment of furtlier duty, an
additional inventory of such is required to be
exhibited, by 48 Geo. Ill, c. 149, § 38 ; and
§40 provides that the same shall also specify the
amount or value of the estate and effects of the
same person comprised in the former inventory.
By 16 and 17 Vict. c. 59, § 8, such additional
inventory shall be chargeable only with such
amount of stamp duty as, together with the
stamp duty charged upon the former duly
stamped inventory of the estate and effects of
the same deceased person, shall make up the
full amount of stamp duty, in respect of the
total amount of all the estate and effects of
the deceased specified in the said additional and
any such former inventory. If the estate be
over-estimated, or something improperly in-
cluded, in the inventory, an inventory on a
stamp corresponding to the value must be ex-
hibited, and the original stamp will be allowed
on affidavit as a spoiled stamp.
On Legacies, Residues, §-c.
To Children or their descendants, or lineal """^ i"' "•
ancestors, £10
Brother or sister, or descendant, . 3 0
Uncle or aunt, or their descendants, 5 0
Grand uncle or aunt, or their descendants, 6 0
All other relations or strangers, . 10 0
The husband or wife of tlie deceased is not
chargeable with duty. If the legatee's hus-
band or wife is of nearer consanguinity than
the legatee, duty is payable according to such
nearer relationship. (16 and 17 Vict. c. 51,
This duty is payable for every legacy out of the
personal or moveable estate, or out of or charged
upon the real or heritable estate of the deceased,
or out of any moneys to arise by tlie sale, mort-
gage, or other disposition of the deceased's real
or herhable estate, or any part thereof: Also
for the clear residue (^after deducting debts,
funeral expenses, legacies, and other charges
fii-st payable thereout) of the personal or move-
able estate, whether the title to sucli residue
shall accrue by virtue of any testamentaiy dis-
position, or upon a partial or total intestacy :
And also for the clear residue of the moneys to
arise from the sale, mortgage, or other disposi-
tion of any real or heritable estate, directed to
be sold, mortgaged, or otherwise disposed of by
any will or testamentary instrument.
Annuities are valued for legacy duty according to
tables annexed to the Succession Duty Act.
Duty is not exigible on legacies or residues under
£20 ; but if a legatee take two or more legacif
under any testament, which shall togetlicr br
of the amount of £20, each shall be charge 1
with duty, though each or either may be separ-
ately under that amount.
N.B. — Priutt'd forms and regulations regarding all
the succession-duties will be obtained gratis, on
application at the Inland Revenue Office, Edin-
burgh ; and at the offices of the distributors of
stamps m tlie country.
Succession Duty.— The duty commences on tlie
death of persons dying after the 19th May 1853,
and seems to be imposed on all property, both
heritable and moveable, passing by death, not
liable to the duty on legacies and successions to
personal estate upon intestacy — the duty im-
posed by the Legacy Duty Acts. The duty on
heritable ])roperty is charged on the annual
value, after allowance of the necessary out-
gomgs (§ 22), as an annuity for the life of the
successor (§ 21), which is to be valued by tables
annexed to the act.
Personal Property is liable to duty according
to the value of the succession ; and money
charged on heritage — heritable securities — is
chargeable as personalty (§1.)
Rates of Succession Duty.
Lineal issue or lineal ancestor of the predecessor,
— £1 per cent.
Brothers and sisters of the predecessor and their
descendants, — £3 per cent.
Brothers and sisters of the father or mother of the
predecessor and then- descendants, — £5 per cent.
Brothers and sisters of a grandfather or grand-
mother of the predecessor and their descendants,
— £6 per cent.
Any other person, — £10 per cent.
The husband or wife of the predecessor is not
chargeable with duty (§ 18), and if the suc-
cessor's husband or wife shall be of nearer con-
sanguinity than the successor, duty is payable
according to such nearer relationship (§ 11.)
The following are also exemptions from the suc-
cession duty : —
1. Successions from the same predecessor, passing
on any death, not amounting in principal value
to £100 (§ 18). 2. Any succession of less value
than £20 in the whole (ib.) 3. Legacies and
personal property charged Avith legacy duty, iu
respect of the same acquisition (ib.)
Note. — The collection of the succession duty -svill
form a branch of the legacy-duty business of the
Inland Revenue. Fonns of the accounts may
be obtained at the Legacy Duty Office, Edin-
burgh, and at the offices of the distributors of
stamps in the country.
Parties who may purchase stajnps (except receipt
stamps, labels for medicines, newspapers, and
postage stamps) at London, Edinburgh, or
Dublin, under the value of £10 each, but to the
value of £30 or upwards in the whole, are
allowed discount at the rate of 30s. per cent. —
12 and 13 Vict. c. 80 : and any person who
pitrchases at the stamp offices of London, Edin-
burgh, or Dublin, stamps for receipts to the
amount of £5 or upwards, or of any aistribntor
or sub-distributor not within ten miles fi-om
said respective offices, to the amount of £1 or
upwards, shall receive an allowance at the rate
of £7, 10s. percent. — no allowance for a fraction
of a pound.— 13 and 14 Vict. c. 97, § 18.
The solicitors office, No. 5 in tlic Inland Picvenue
Office, is open for the allowance of spoiled
stamps every Tuesday and Thursday, from
twelve noon to 2 p.m. The distributors of
stamps at the following places also receive
spoiled stamps for allowance : Aberdeen, Ayr,
Banff, Cupar-Fife, Dumfries, Dundee, Elgin,
Glasgow, Greenock, Inverness, and Perth.
A supply of forms of affidavits is kept by the
solicitor and the above distributors, and
claimants may attend at the solicitor's office, and
have the affidavits filled up and taken ; or they
may get copies of the forms, and take the oath
before a Justice of the Peace,and afterwards lodge
the affidavits and the stamps with any of the
above officers. If the claim be admitted, a
ticket is issued, stating that application is to be
made for the new stamps after Thursday se'en-
night, and within six weeks from the date of the
ticket. If not made within that time the claim
will be forfeited.
The stamps, if belonging to parties resident in
Edinburgh, or within ten miles thereof, must be
presented for allowance within six months after
being signed in the case of executed instruments,
and six months after being spoiled in the case of
unexecuted instruments. If beyond that dis-
tance, six months in the former, and twelve
months iii the latter case.
Bills or notes delivered to payees, or negotiated or
issued in any way, and bills accepted or ten-
dered for acceptance, cannot be exchanged,
imless a new bill be produced, in all respects
the same, excepting the correction of the error.
As to the exchange of sea policies of insurance,
see 54: Geo. III. cap. 133.
Unsigned instruments are allowed, if inadvertently
spoiled. Signed, if void in law from the
beginning ; from error or mistake, unfit for the
purpose originally intended ; from death or
reiiisal to sign, of any person whose signature
is necessary ; from the want of the signature of
some material and necessary party ; from refusal
to act under, or from non-acceptance — they
shall be unfit for or fail of the purpose intended ;
or if the transaction be carried through by
another instrument duly stamped. — See .53 Geo.
III. cap. 108. In the case of transfers of stock
signed by the seller alone, and other instruments
if by one party, new deeds require to be pro-
duced to the proper officer of stamps, who, as to
transfers, is instructed to certify in what parti-
culars they diff^er from those spoiled.
Stamps of a different description may be obtained
for any stamp spoiled if it be of the value of £G
or upwards. Application for this purpose to
the commissioners of Inland Revenue should be
lodged with the affidavit. The commissioners, "
by 3d and 4th Will. IV. cap. 97, sec. 19, may,
if in their discretion they think fit, refund, in
money, the amount of spoiled stamps. They are
also authorized to repay the amount of stamps
for which the possessor has no immediate use,
if applied for within three months after being
purchased. In both cases is deducted the per
centage allowed by law on the purchase of
Beyond Ticelve Months.— Iha duty, or deficiency
of duty, shall be due and payable to her Majesty,
and also the penalty of £10. The deed will only
be stamped on payment of the whole or (as the
case may be) the deficiency of the stamp duty
remaining payable on it, over and above such
duty, a penalty of £10; and if the whole
amount of said duty or deficiency shall exceed
£10, then, in addition to said duty and penalty,
there shall be paid, by way of additional
penalty, interest on the duty or deficiency at the
rate of 5 per cent, from the date or first signing
of the deed ; but such interest shall not exceed
the amount of the said duty or deficiency of duty.
Within Ticelve Months.— U the deed shall be
brought to the Commissioners of Inland Reve-
nue within twelve months after the first signing
or executing, in order to be stamped, it may be
stamped without payment of the penalty, or on
payment only of a portion thereof, provided it
shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Com-
missioners that the deed was not duly stamped
previously to being signed, by reason of acci-
dent, mistake, inadvertency, or urgent necessity,
and without any wilful design to evade or delay
the payment of duty.— 13 and 14 Vict. c. 97,
sect. 12.
Abroad. — If the deed shall be executed by any
party abroad, it may be stamped without any
penalty, if brought to be so within two calendar
months from the time of being received in the
kingdom, upon proof of the facts to the satis-
faction of the Commissioners. — 13 and 14 Vict
c. 97, § 13.
N.B. — Instruments are received at the Solicitor's
Office, Inland Revenue, Waterloo Place, Edin-
burgh, and transmitted to London to be stamped,
if within sixty days of the first date, on pay-
ment of the duty ; if beyond that date, on
payment of the duty and penalty. Parties, on
applying, will be furnished with a Schedule, and
after being filled up, it is to be presented, along
with the instrument, at the Solicitor's Office, No.
5, Inland Revenue, between 10 and 12 o'clock,
on Mondays and Wednesdays only. The amount
of duty wished to be impressed on the. instrument
is to be inserted by the appUcant before being
presented at the Solicitor's Office ; and after-
wards he pays it, and the penalty, if any, to
the Cashier, No. 3, Lobby. The instrument
will be returned through the Warehouse-keeper,
No. 2, Lobby, and it must be called for after
eight days, and within twenty-one days from
the date of its being lodged.
The opinion of the Commissioners of Inland
Eevenue as to the duty to which a deed, whether
previously stamped or otherwise, is chargeable,
may be obtained on the deed being presented at
their ofiice (London) and a fee of 10s. paid.
Tiie duty or insufHcient duty -which tiie Com-
missioners may assess, and the penalty, if any,
being paid, they shall stamp the deed with tlie
duly so paid, and thereupon, and also in the
case of tlie deed being previously sufficiently
stamped, shall also impress the deed with a
particulai" stamp to be provided for tlie purpose.
The deed shall then be received in evidence not-
withstanding imy objection to it as insufficiently
.stamped. The provision does not apply to
bonds or mortgages for unlimited amounts, nor
instruments after being signed, prohibited from
being stamped. The opinion of tiie Commis-
sioners may be appealed against to the Court of
Exchequer at Westminster, on the stamp duties
assessed being paid, and 40s. for costs being
deposited. (13 and 1-i Vict. c. 07, § 14 and 15). .
Tlie Commissioners may also adjudge on deeds \
not liable to any stamp duty ; and if any duty i
is assessed the party mav appeal. (IC aud 17
Vict. c. 50, § 13).
N.B. — Instruments are received for adjudication at
the Solicitor's Office, Inland Revenue, Edin-
burgh, on the same conditions as to duty and
penalty as instruments to be stamped merely
(see above). The mode of proceeding is as
follows : — The sum of leu shillinris fur the
adjudication stamp is first to be paid to tiie
Ciishier, No. 3, Lobby. Tlien tiie schedule (the
duty to be impressed of course not being inserted
in tlie scliedule), the instrument after exLcution,
and a full copy (written on foolscap paper) of
it, are to be left at tlie Solicitor's Otiice, No. 5,
on Mondays and Wednesdays, between 10 and
12 o'clock 0/^?^. Bet\vcen 10 and 12 o'clock on
the Thursday following, a party, who can give
explanation, must call on the chief clerk of the
Solicitor's Department, No. 6 ; aud he should be
prepared to pay the proper duty, and i)eiialty, if
any, to the Cashier, No. 3, Lobby.
It is desired that there may be appended to tlie
copy of tlie instrument, a table giving tlie sab-
stance (particularly dates and sums), of its
clauses and provisions, and a reference to the
page of the copy on which each commences.
Duplicates or counterparts of instniments requiring
to be impressed with the denoting stamp to ren-
der them valid, may be lodged at the Solicitor's
Office, No. 5, Inland Revenue, Edinbm-gh, be-
tween 10 and 12 o'clock on Mondays and Wed-
nesdays only. A transmission of them is made
once a-week to the Head Office. The principal
instrument, as well ;ls the duplicate, must be
lodged, and both must appear to be properly
stamped, otherwise they will not be transmitted.
Mem. — The revenue takes no risk of loss or in-
jury connected with the custody or carriage of
the instruments received and trausmitted to be
Armokial Bearings. £ s.
rer.=ons using armorial bearings, and
keeuing a carriage taxed at the rate
of £3, 10s 2 12
Not keeping such cai'riage 0 13
Carriage with four wheels, di-awn by two
or more horses or mules 3 10
Do. drawn by one horse or mule 2 0
Carriage with four wheels, each of less
diameter than thirty inches, and drawn
by two or more ponies or mules not
exceeding thirteen hands in height.... 1 1.')
Do. drawn by one such pony or mule.... 1 0
Carriage with less than four wheels,
drawn by two or more horses or mules 2 0
Do. drawn by one horse or mule 0 15
Do. drawn by one pony or mule not ex-
ceeding thirteen hands in height 0 10
Carriages kept solely for being let to hire,
one-half the above duties respectively.
Carriage with four wheels, used by a
common carrier chiefly for the car-
riage of goods 2 6 8
Do. with less than four wheels 16 8
Exemptions. — Licensed hackney aud stage car-
riages. Carriage kept for being let to hire with
a horse or horses by a person licensed to let
horses for hire. Waggon, van, or cart used
solely in trade or husbandry, on which the
name, surname, and place of abode of the owner
is legibly painted, and which on no occasion i-
used for any purpose of pleasure, except for
conveying the owner or his family to or from
Dogs. — For every dog XO 12 0
JIaximum charge for any number of
hounds 39 12 0
Do. of greyhounds 9 0 0
Exemptions. — Any dog kept wholly for the care
of sheep or cattle, if not a greyhound, hound,
pointer, setting dog, spaniel, lurcher, or terrier ;
also dogs under six months old.
Game Certificates.
Upon every person who shall use auy dog, gun,
net, or other engine, for the purpose of taking
or killing any game whatever, or shall take or
kill, or assist in so doing, any game by virtue
of auj' appointment duly registered as game-
keeper : £ s. d.
If such person shall be servant to any
person charged with duty in respect of
such servant 17 6
And if such person shall not be a ser-
vant as above 4 0 10
For every other person using any dog or
killing game, &c 4 0 10
Any person giving at present a right to kill hares
in Scotland, may do so himself, or by any per-
son permitted by writing under his hand, upon
his own land, without payment of the annual
duty for a Game Certificate.
Hairpovvder, persons using £1 3 6
Race-horses, each 3 17 0
Horses exceeding the height of thirteen
hands, for riding or drawing carriages,
each 110
If one only used, by a farmer or a bailifl^,
shepherd, herdsman, clergyman, phy-
sician, surgeon, or apothecary 0 10 6
If not used for riding or drawing car-
riages, but kept for trade 0 10 6
Pony or mule, not exceeding thirteen
hands, for riding or drawing any car-
riage 0 10 6
If not used for riding or drawing any
caniago 0 5 3
Exemptions. — Horses used solely for the purposes
of husbandry or by market-gardeners in their
business, and mares kept solely for breeding.
Any horse used truly for the purpose of husbandry,
or of drawing any carriage not chargeable with
duty, or of carrying burdens in the course of
the owner's trade or occupation, and which may
be ridden to or from the place where the load
or burden is to be taken up or deposited, or for
procuring medical assistance.
Horses used in drawing licensed stage carriages.
Horses kept solely to be let for hire by licensed
Horses kept solely for drawing licensed hackney
Horses kept for sale by assessed horse dealers, and
not otherwise used.
Persons keeping horses or mules bond fide for the
purpose of husbandry, and .occasionally using
tiiem for drawing burdens, not chargeable with
♦Jio duty of 10s, Gd for more than two of such
horses or mules kept on any one farm, or any
one parish or place, provided such horses or
mules are not employed in any purpose of trade,
or in drawing for hire, or in drawing any car-
riage chargeable with duty.
Farm-horses or mules occasionally used for draw-
ing burdens, or let for drawing, for hire or pro-
fit, if not used for drawing any carriage charge-
able with duty.
Horsedealers.— Every person exercising the
business £13 IS 0
Exemptions. — Persons who sell only horses bred
by themselves, or kept as ftirming-stock at least
three months.
House Duty.
On each inhabited dwelling-house of the annual
value of £20 or upwards, occupied as a farm
house by a tenant or fann-servant, or in which
articles are exposed for sale, a duty of 6d. per
pound ; all others, — 9d.
Male Servants.
For each male servant, eighteen years or upwards,
in the capacity of maitre d'hotel, house-steward,
master of the horse, groom of the chamber,
valet de chambre, butler, under-butler, clerk of
the kitchen, confectioner, cook, house-porter,
footman, running-footman, coachman, groom,
postilion, stable-boy, or helper in the stables
of the master, gardener, park-keeper, game-
keeper, Inmtsman, or whipper-in £1 1 0
Under eighteen years 0 10 G
Under-gardener , 0 10 C
Under-gamekeeper 0 10 6
N.B. — The above duties are payable for every
male employed as above, and not being a servant
to his employer, if the employer shaU otherwise
be chargeable with the foregoing duties on a ser-
vant or carriage, or for more than one horse.
Tavern-waiters above eighteen years
of age £1 1 0
Under eighteen 0 10 0
Exemptions. — Any male servant under the age of
twenty-one, being the son or grandson of the
employer, and a member of his household.
JIale servant employed by any licensed victualler
to carry out liquor to customers, although
occasionally required to wait on guests, pro-
vided one only is kept.
Male servant employed as an hostler or helper in
the stables of any licensed innkeeper.
Male servant employed as groom or stable-boy by
any livery stable-keeper, horse dealer, or person
licensed to let horses for hire, or to keep and use
any stage or hackney carriage ; also male
servant employed by such licensed person to
drive any licensed st/ige or hackney carriage, or
carriage and hoise let to hire for less than
twenty-eight days.
Male servant employed by stable-keeper for taking
care and training a race-horse.
Aebet, foot of Canoiigate
Abbey hill. Spring Gardens to
Abbey hill house, Norton place
Abbey mount, Abbey hill
Abercom place, Jock's lodge
Abercromby place, foot Duke st.
Adam square, South bridge
Adam street, Roxbui-gh place
*Adelphi place, Links
*Admiralty street, Couper street
Advocates' close, 357 High street
Ainslie place, Great Stuart street
Aird's close, 1-35 Grassmarket
Aitchison's close, 58 West port
Albany street, foot of Duke street
* Albany street, North Fort street
Albany Cottage, York laue
Albert place, India place
Albyn place, west end of Queen st.
Alder bank, Jock's lodge
Alison's close, 34 Cowgate
Alison's place, foot of Leith walk
Alison's Square, Potterrow
Allan street, Stockbridge
Allan's close, 269 High street
Allan's close, 79 Grassmarket
Allan's court, 269 High street
*Allanfield, Queensferry road
Alva St., Charlotte pi. to Wm. st.
Amphion cottage, Trinity
Amphion place, N. B. Canongate
Anchor close, 243 High street
Anchorfield, Newhaven
Anderson's place, foot Leith walk
Anderson's close, 14 Cowgate
Annandale st., head of Leith v>'alk
Ann street, St Bernard's
Annfield, Newhaven
Antigua street, Union place
Archer's hall, Buccleuch street
Archibald place, Lauriston
Argyle square. North College st.
Argyle place, Meadows
Arniston place, Newington
Arthur street and places, Pleasanee
Arthur lodge, Dalkeith road
Ashley buildings, entry from 15
High street
"Assembly st. east end Bernard st.
Athelstane cottage. Ferry road
AthoU crescent, bv Maitland street
AthoU place, Atholl crescent
Bailie Fyfe's close, 101 High street
Bailie's court, 50 Cowgate
Baiufield, Fountaiobridge
Baird's close, 135 West port
Bakehouse clorjc, 1 iG Cauongate |
Baker's place, n. w. Circus place
Ballantyne's close, 7 Grassmarket '
*Baltic street, ea^t cud Bernard st.
Bangholm, Queensferry road
Bangholm bower, near Trinity
Bauk street, Lawnmarket
Bank street, North, Mound place
*Bank street, Bernard street
"■'Bank pi. and ho., Queensferry rd.
*Barm close, 15 Coalhill
Baron Grant's close, 15 High st.
Barony street, foot of Broughton st.
Barringer's close, 91 High street
■"Bathfield, near Leith fort
"■'Bath street, James' place
Baxter's close, 469 La-mimarket
Baxter's place, head of Leith walk
Beattie's close, 84 Grassmarket
Beaumont place, head of Pleasanee
Beaumont cottage, do.
Beaver hall, Canonmills
Bedford street, top of Dean street
Beggrie's entry, 69 St Leonard st.
Belleville, Dalkeith road
Belle-vue crescent, Mansfield place
Bellevue terrace, E. Claremont st.
Bellevue cottage, Trinity
Bellevue cottage. Ferry road
Bellfield, Trmity
Bell's close, 272 Canongate
*Bell's court, 25 Constitution st.
Bell's entry, 17 St Leonard street
Bell's Mills, near Sunbury
Bell's ■wyTid, 146 High street
■^Bernard st., Baltic st. to Shore
"Binnie's close, 36 Giles' street
Bishop's close, 129 High street
Blaeket place, Minto street
Blackfriars' wynd, 96 High street,
and 236 Cowgate
Blackford, Canaan
Blair's close, CastlehUl
Blah' street, from Hunter square
Blanfield house, Broughton road
Blanfield row, Canonmills
Bleek cottage, Granton road
Blenheim place, Baxter place
Bloom row, Canaan
BIyth's close, 517 Castlehill
Boghall, Boroughmuirhead
Bennington park, Bonnington
Bennington road, Claremont cres.
to Newhaven
Bonnington bank, Queensferry rd.
Bonnington brae, Bonnington
Bonnington place, Bonnington
■^'Bonnington bank, Bonnington rd.
^Bonnington row, w. end Yardhds.
Bonnington lodge. Ferry road
Bonnington mount, do.
Borough loch. Archers' hall
Boroughmuirhead, Bruntsfield pi.
Borthwick's close, 190 High street
Boswell's court, 392 Castlehill
Boswell road, Granton road
Botanic gardens, Inverleith row
Bow bridge, Boroughmuirhead
"Bowerhall, Bonnington road
■^Bowie's close, 27 Queen street
■^"Bowling-green street
Boyd's entry, St Mary's wynd
Braid, Boroughmuirhead
Brand place, Abbey hill
Brandfield place, Fountainbridge
Brandon street, Henderson row-
Bread street, Port-Hopetoun
*Brickfield, Eestalrig road
'^Brickwork close, 104 Kirkgate
Bridge place, Bonnington bridge
^Bridge street, Upper Dra'vrbridge
Brighton street, Lothian street
Bristo port, Candlemaker row
Bristo street. Chapel street
"Broad ■wynd, Shore
Brodie's close, 304 Lawnmarket
Bro-nn's close, 79 Canongate
Bro^wn's close, 385 La-wnmarket
Brown's court-, 125 Canongate
Brown's court, 396 Castlehill
Bro^wn's court, 27 Crosscausey
Brown's entry, foot of Leith walk
Brown's place, Vennel
■^BroinTi's place. Junction road
Brown street, 134 Pleasanee
Brown street lane, Brcwn street
Brown's square, Argyle square
Bronghton markets, Broughton st.
Broughtou street, Catharine street
Broughton place, Broughton street
Broughton lane, 33 Broughton st.
Broughton park house, Claremont
street, east
Broughton hall, Claremont cres.
Broughton point, Powderhall
Brunswick street. Hillside cres.
Brunswick street, Clarence street
*Brunton's close, 70 Tolbooth wd.
Brunton place, G. London road
Bruntsfield ho., Bruntsfield links
Bruntsfield links, Wright's houses
Bruntsfield place, Bruntsfield links
Buccleuch place, George square
Buccleuch pend, St Patrick square
Buccleuch street, Buccleuch place
Buchanan's court, 300 Lawumarket
Buchanan's close, 283 Cowgate
Buckstane, Boroughmuirhead
Bull's close, 181 High street
Bull's close, 307 Cowgate
Bull's close, 106 Canongate
'■"Burgess cl., Shore and Water lane
'^Burns' sti'eet, Lochend road
Burnet's close, 156 High street
Byer's close, 373 High street
■•'Cable wynd, 51 Giles' street
Caldwell lane, St Ann's yards
Callender h. and entry, 67 Canong.
Calton street, Leith street
Caltonhill, from Calton street
Calton place, Calton street, south
Calton, low, from Leith wynd
Cameron house, Dalkeith road
Campbell's close, 87 Canongate
Campbell's cl., east, 137 Cowgate
Campbell's cl., west, 109 Cowgate
Campbell's entry, 145 Cowgate
Canaan, Grange 1. to Morningside
Canal basin, Port-Hopetoun
Canal street, below N. bridge, west
Candlemaker row, Cowgate head
Canning place, Causeyside
*Cannon st., east side Leith Fort
Canongate, Abbey to Netherbow
Canongate, north back of^ Water-
gate to Low Calton
Canoiigate, south back of, Cowgate
Canonmills, no. of Bellevue cres.
Canon street, CanonmiUs
Cant's close, 108 High street
Carfrae's entry, 112 Canongate
Cargillfield, Trinity
Carlton street, St Bernard's
Carlton TeiTace, Regent terrace
Carnegie street, 160 Pleasance
Carrubber's close, 135 High street
Carmbber's court, Carrubber's cl.
Cassell's place, foot Leith walk
Oastlebank, King's stables
'Vastle bank, Merchiston
Castlebarns, Port-Hopetoun
Castlehill, Lawnmarket to Castle
Castle terrace, St Cuthbert's glebe
Castle street, 117 Princes, street to
Queen street
Castle wynd, 46 Grassmarket
Catharine bank, Bonnington road
Catharine street, Leith street
Catholic chapel lane, Broughton st.
Causeyside, Summerhall
Chalmers' close, 81 High street
Chance Lot, Queensferry road
Chapel court, foot Trunk close
Chapel street, west Nicolson street
Cliapel wynd, 51 West port
*Chapel lane, 18 Quality street
Charles street, George square
Charlotte square, George st, west
Chavlottest., south, Princesst.west
Charlotte place, Queensferry st.
■^''Charlotte street, foot of Kirkgate
*Charlotte lane, 58 Charlotte st.
Cherry bank, Bonnington road
Chessel's court, 240 Canongate
Cheyne street, Stockbridge
Christian bank. Trinity pier
Christie's entry, 75 St Leonard st.
Church hill, Morningside
Church lane, Heriot row
Church street. Spring Gardens,
India place
Circus Royal, foot Howe street
Cii'cus place, east Royal circus
Circus place, west Royal circus
*Citadel, so. side of new Wet Dock
"Citadel st., Citadel to Couper st.
Claremont st., east Claremont cres.
Claremont cres., Broughton road
Claremont St., w. Saxe-Coburg pi.
Claremont place, Clarence street
Clarence street, Brunswick street
Clarendon crescent. Dean bridge
*Claremont cottage, Claremont pk.
^Claremont park, e.side Leith links
Clarkeville, Grange road
Clearburn, by Prestonfield
Clerk street, St Patrick square
Clerk's mUls, CanonmiUs
Clermistone house, Corstorphine
Clifton lodge, Boswell rd.. Trinity
Clifton Bank, Grange Road
Clyde street, north St Andrew st.
*Coalhill, Tolbooth wynd, to She-
riff brae
Coates place, west of Manor place
Coates, east, Melville street
Coates, south, by Maitland street
Coates, west, by Maitland street
Coates crescent, by Shandwick pi.
Coates hall, west Maitland street
*Coatfield lane, 14 Kirkgate
*Coburg st.,&c., n. end Bridge st.
Clock Mill, King's park
Cockburn Ibank, Bonnington place
College, South Bridge
College street, north, Adam sq.
College street, south, Nicolson st.
College street, west, from Horse
wynd to Potterrow
College wynd, north College street
and 205 Cowgate
Coltbridge, Corstorphine road
Coltbridge road, Whitehouse toll
Comely gardens. Abbey hill
Comely bank, Stockbridge
Comely green, Norton place, east
Commercial bank el., 142 High st.
Commercial court, 247 Cowgate
^Commercial place, north end
Sandport street
'■'Constitution court, 33 Constitu-
tion street
■^Constitution street, Bernard st.
Conn's close, 162 Cowgate
Cooper's entry, 130 Canongate
Corunna place, Bonnington road
Coull's close, 315 Canongate
■*(;ouper street, Coburg street
Cowan's close, 43 Crosscausey
Cowan's close, 95 Cowgate
Cowan's close, 28 Tolbooth wynd
Cowgate, Grassm. to St Mary's w.
Cowie's close, 107 Grassmarket
Covenant close, 162 High .street
Craig's close, 265 High street
Craigend, north back of Canongate
Craighouse, Boroughmuirhead
Craigie terrace, Dalkeith road
Craigentinny house, Restalrig
Craigleith cottage. Comely bank
Craigleith quarry, Comely bank
Craigside place, foot of Salisbury st.
Craigside, foot of Salisbury street
Crawford's close, 8 Grassmarket
^Crawley court, 112 Kirkgate
*Cromwell street, Coburg street
Crichton street, George square
Croft-an-righ, Abbey hill
Crooked-dykes, 62 east Crosscausey
Crosscausey, Chapel street
Cro^wn street, foot of Leith walk
Cumberland street, Duncan street
to St Vincent street
Cumming's close, 52 Canongate
Currie's close, 94 Grassmarket
Currie's court, 82 Abbey hill
Dalkeith road, St Leonard street
Dairy lane. Hay weights
Dairy mills, by Coltbridge
Dalrymple place, Carnegie street
Danube street, St Bernard's
■"'Darling's brae, 24 Giles' street
and 28 Yardheads
Darlings' buildings, Saunders' st.
Darnaway street, Heriot row, west
Darnley villa, Canaan lane
Davie street, w. Richmond street
Dean, by Water of Leith
Dean-bank, Saxe-Coburg place
Deanbank house, Saxe-Coburg pi.
Dean park, by Bell's mills
Dean street, Stockbridge
Dean terrace, Stockbridge'
Dean lodge, Saxe-Coburg place
Deanhaugh street, Stockbridge
Denholm Green, Trinity
Deuchar street, Morningside
Dewar close, 100 West bow
Dewar close, 102 Grassmarket
Dewar place, Tobago street
Dick's place. Grange
Dick's close, 195 Cowgate
Dickson's close, 222 Cowgate and
118 High street
■^Dock gates, east end Wet Docks
*Dock street, north end Bridge st.
^Dock place. Commercial place
Douglas court, Leith wynd
Douglas lodge, Merchiston Park
Douue Terrace, Gloucester place
Downie place, Port-Hopetoun
Drum, Easter road
Drumdryan, Lochrin
Drumdryan lane, Lochrin
Drummond place, foot Dublin st.
Drummond street, south Bridge to
Drummond court, 6 Drummond st.
Drumsheugh, MeWlle place
Dublin street, foot of Duke street
Duke street, York place
*Duke street^ foot of Leith walk
Dumbie-dykes, s. back Canongate
Dunbar street, Earl Grey street
Dunbar's close, 413 Lawumarket
Dunbar's close, 137 Canongate
Duncan street, Newiugton
Duncan street, Drummond place
Duncan's close, 35 Canongate
Duncan house, Newington
*Duncau's place. Links
Dundas street, Abercrombie place
Dunlop's court, 36 Grassmarket
Dunlop's close, 45 Grassmarket
*Eastfield, SeafielJ baths
Easter road, Norton place to Leith
Earl Grey street, Home street
Echo bank, Grayfield toll
Eden, Morningside
EdgehiU, Dean park
Edmonstine close, 112 West bow
Egypt, Morningside
*Elbe Street, north end of links
Elder Street, James' square
Elizafiold, Bennington
*Ellen street, Albany street to
London row
Elm row, Leopold place
Elphinstone court, south Gray's cl.
Emiston, Bosewell road
Erskine pi., Maitland st., east end
Esplin's close, 39 Grassmarket
Eton terrace, Dean bridge
Exchange, Royal, 291 High street
E\Te place, Brandon street
Factory close, 33 Crosscausey
Fairnington place, Stockbridge
Falcon hall, Morningside
Farquhai-son place,west Preston st.
Perry road, east and west of In-
ver leith row
Fettes row. Royal crescent
Fife place, Leith walk
Fillyside, Leith
Fingal place. Meadows
Finlayson's close, 164 Canongate
Fisher's close, 312 Lawnmarket
Fisher's entry, 131 Cowgate
Fishmarket, Canal street
*Fishmarket, Riddle's close
*Fleshmarket, 48 Tolbooth wynd
Fleshmarket, Fleslimarket close
Fleshmarket close, 199 High st.
Forbes place, Beaumont place
Forres street, Albyn place
Forester's Wynd, 98 Cowgate
Forrest road, Bristo port
Forsyth's close, 57 Canongate
*Fort street, north toll-bar, Hill-
*Fort street, south, Queensferry
Forth street, Broughton street
Forthfield cottage, Trinity
Foulis' close, north, 229 High st.
Fountain close, 28 High street
Fountainbridge, Mainpoint
Fountain court, 81 Fountainbridge
*Fox lane, Bath street
*Foxe's lane, 71 St Andrew street
and 63 Tolbooth
Francis place, west Preston street
Frederic street, 89 Princes street
to Queen street
*Frithtield, near the Baths
FuUerton's close, 6 Abbey hill
Gabriel's road, w. Register street
Galloway's entry, 58 Canongate
Galloway's close, 425 High street
Gardner's crescent, Tobago street
Gayfield square, Leith walk
Gayfield street, east Broughton
Gayfield place, Gayfield square
Geddes's close, 223 Canongate
General's entry, 58 Bristo street
and 77 PotteiTow
Gentle's close, 122 Canongate
George place, Leith walk
George square, Charles street
George street, St Andrew square
to Charlotte square
*George street, west from the Fort
Georgefield, Triuitj-
George IV. bridge, Melbourne pi.
Gibb s close, 250 Canongate
Gibb's entry, 104 Nicolson street
Gibraltar house, St Leonard's hill
Gifford park, 72 Hope park end
Gilchrist's lane, Grecnside row
'^Giles' street, 102 Kirkgate
Gillespie's Hospital, Wright's
houses toll
Gillespie street, Gilmour place
Gilmour place, Lochrin
Gilmour street, Paul's work
Gilmour street, Simon square
Gilmour's close, 99 Grassmarket !
Gladstone close, 20 Grassmarket i
*Glover street, middle of Duke st.
* Golf-house, Duke street
Glanville pilace. Baker's pilace
Glenfinlas street, Charlotte square
Glenorchy place, Greenside row
Gloucester place, India street
Golden Acres, Inverleith row
Gothic house. Trinity
Gothic villa, foot of York road
Goshen, Canaan
Graham street, Lauriston
Grange, Tollfield, Grange toll
Grange, Causeyside
Grange bridge, Boroughmuirhead
Grange court, 68 Causeyside
Grange loan, Causeyside
Grange place, Causeyside
Grange villa, 78 Causeyside
Granton pier, Granton
Grant's close, 85 West bow
Grant's close, little, 5 Nether bow
Grassmarket, West bow to Vennel
Grayfield and Grayfield toll, Dal-
keith road
Gray street, south, upper Gray st.
Gray street, upper, Salisbury pi.
Gray's court, 95 Nicolson street
Gray's close, north, 125 High st.
Gray's close, south, 56 High street
and 244 Cowgate
Grecian cottage. Trinity
Greenhill bank, Boroughmuirhead
Greenhill, Bruntsfield links
Greenhill garden, Bruntsfield links
Greenside place, Greenside street
Greenside street, Calton street
Greenside lane, Baxter's place
Greenside row, Nottingham place
Greenside House, Hillside ores.
Greig's close, 8 Abbey
Greyfriars' pi. GeorM IV. bridge
Grindlav's close, 97 West bow
Grove street, Morrison street
Grove place. Grove street
Grove cottage, Grove street
Grove house, 116 Fountainbridge
Grove road. Grove street
Gullan's close, 264 Canongate
Haddington court, south back of
Haddington's entry, 80 Canongate
Haddington place, Annandale st.
Haddon's court, 112 Nicolson st.
Hailes' street, Gilmour pi. ic. ch.
Halkerston's ^vynd, 163 High st.
Hall's court, 230 Cowgate
*Ham})urg place, Albany place
Hamilton place, Mayfield loau
Hamilton place. High riggs
Hamilton place, Glanville place
Hamilton's close, little, 67 Grassm.
Hamilton's close, 61 Grassmarket
Hamilton's court, 1.33 Fountainb.
Hamilton's entry, 36 Bristo street
Hamilton's Folly, 29 St Leonard st.
Hammerman's close, 55 Cowgate
Hanover street, 77 Princes streit
to Queen street
Hard well close, 193 Pleasanca
Hart street. Forth street to
Broughton place ■
Hastie's close, north College street
and 225 Cowgate
Hatter's court, 154 Pleasance
Haugh street, Stockbridge
'"Hawkfield, Restalrig road
■"Hawkhill, near Lochend
Hawthorn-bank, by Lynedoek \<\.
Hawthorn-ville, Whalebrae
Hay Lodge, Trinity
Hay Weights, by west Maitland .=!r.
Hay's court, Mainpoint
Hay's street, Nicolson square
Haymarket, Dairy lane
Hebron bank, Canaan
Helen cottage and pi., Morningsidi'
Helen place, Leith mount
Henderson's row, foot Pitt street
Henry place, Henry street
Henry street, St Leonard's
Hercles street, foot Carnegie .'^t.
Hermitage place, Stockbridge
Hermitage, Lochend road
Hermitage (upper), Restalrig road
^Hermitage hill, Restalrig road
*Hermitage park, Lochend road
■^Hermitage place. Links
Heron's court, 184 Cowgate
Heriot bridge, Grassmarket
Heriot court, Leith walk
Heriot hill, by Canonmills
Heriot's hospital, Lauristou
Heriot mount, Carnegie street
Heriot place, Lauriston
Heriot cottage, Brandon street
Heriot row, Abercromby place
Heriot buildings, opposite C'r-
chardfield place, Leith walk
High riggs, Mainpoint to Tollcror-s
High street, Castlehill to Nether-
High School wynd, 387 Cowgate
High School close, 387 Canongate
High School yards. Surgeon square
Hill place, Nicolson street
Hill square. Hill place
Hill street. Thistle st. to Youug st.
Hillside crescent, great London rd.
Hillhotisefield, s. Queensferry road
Hodge's court, Blackfriars' wynd
Holyrood street, Hercles street
Holyrood liouse. Abbey
Holly lodge, Trinity
Holyrood street, south back Canon-
Home street, Leven street
Home's close, 28i Canongate
Hope street, Princes street to
Charlotte square
Hope crescent, Annandale street
Hope street, Cassels' place
Hope street terrace. Junction
Hope's court, 45 Higli street
Hope park, back of Meadows
Hope park end, Buccleucli street
Horse wynd, foot of Canongate
Horse wynd, 179 Cowgate to Col-
lege street, west
*Horse wynd, 73 Giles" street
Howard place, Warriston crescent
Mowe street, Heriot row
/Hume's close, 101 Cowgate
' Hunter's close, 129 Grassmarket
Hunter square. South Bridge and
High street
Huntly street, Canonmills
Hyndford's close, 50 High street
India street, west Heriot row
India place. Circus place
*Industry lane, north Fort street
Infirmary street, South bridge
Inglis court, 17 West port
Ingliston street, Adam street
Innes's court, 93 Pleasance
Inverforth, Laverock bank, Trinity
Inverleithfield, Queensferry road
Inverleith house, by Stockbridge
Inverleith place, head of Inver-
leith row
Inverleith terrace, Inverleith row
Ironside court, Monteith's close
Ironside place, 69 Abbey hill
Ivy lodge. Trinity
Jack's closes, 225 and 233 Canong.
Jackson's close, 209 High street
Jamaica street, Howe street
^Jamaica street, Ferry road
James' court, 501 Lawnmarket
*James lane, Bath street
•^James' place, south end Bath
Jamieson's close, 63 Grassmarket
*Janefield place, Easter road
Jessfield, Bonningtou road
Jew's close, 44 Causeyside
Jock's lodge, Musselburgh road
John's place, 19 St Leonard street
*John's lane, Charlotte street
*John's place, west side Links
Johnston's close, 332 Lawnmarket
Johnstone's place, Raeburn place
*Johnstone's street, Coburg street
Jollie's close, 595 Castlehill
Jordan place, Momingside
Jordan bank, Momingside
*Junction street. Great, south,
Kay's court, 76 Crosscausey
Keu" street, Graham street
*Kemp's close, 15 Giles' street
Kerr street, Glanville place
Killiebrae, 26 West port
Kincaid's court, 159 Cov,-gate
King street, Little, James' street
King street. Great, Drummond
place to Royal circus
*King's street, Yardlieads
King's park. Abbey
King's place, Leith walk
King's stables, south back of Castle
Kinloch's close, 149 High street
Kinloeh's close, 259 Canongate
Kinniburgh's close, 15 Grassm.
Kirkbraehead house, west of
Princes street
*Kirkgate, Leith walk to Tolbooth
Kitchin's court, 176 Cowgate
Kyle place, Norton place
Lady Lawson's wynd, Lauristou
Ladyfield place, Tobago street
Lady Stair's close, 447 Lawnmark.
Lady wynd, 25 West port
Lamb's close, 84 Crosscausey
Lamond's close, 23 Grassmarket
*Lapicide place, back of Leith Fort
Larchfield villa, Easter road
Larkfield, Queensferry road
Laverock bank, Trinity
Lauder park, 58 Causeyside
Lauristou, Teviot row to ToUcross
Lauriston terrace, Lauriston lane
Lauristou lane, Lauriston
Lauriston place, Lauriston
Lauriston street, Lauriston to
Lawnmarket, 381 High street to
Law's court, 127 Nicolson street
*Lawrie's close, 11 Yardheads
*Laurie street, 53 Constitution
Leather court, Boyd's entry
Leggat's land, Stockbridge
*Leith fort road, Leith to New-
*Leith saw mills, west of Sheriflf-
Leith street, Waterloo place to
Calton street
Leith street terrace. East Register
Leith Walk, Elm row to Leith
Leith wynd, head of Canongate
Leith mount, Queensferry road
Leopold place. Great London road
Leslie place, Deanhaugh street
Leven street, Lochrln
Lilliput, Trinity
Lindsay place, George IV. bi-idge
*Links, east side of Leith
*Links place, south-west corner of
Livingston's close, 18 Crosscausey
Lixmount, Trinity
*Little Carron, Glassworks
Lochend farm, near Restalrig
Locbend's closes, 107 and 115 Ca-
Lochrin, Home street
Logan's close, 287 Canongate
Logan's court, 83 north back of
Logie-green, CanoamilLs
London road. Great, head of Leith
*Londcn row, Albany street
London street, Drummond place
Long close, 26 Pleasance
Lord Russel place. East Scicnnes
Lothian road. Princes street to
Lothian street, College street
Lovers' lane, Leith walk
Lutton place, south Clerk street
Lynedoch place, Melville place
Lyon's close, 215 High street
M'Connochie's close, 44 Cowgate
M'Dowal street, foot of Leith wy.
M'Kenzie place, west India place
M'Laren place, Leith wynd
Macneil's place, Leith walk
*Madeira place, Madeira street
*Madeira street, west end of
Prince Regent street
Magdalene Asylum, 181 Canongate
Mainpoint, head of west port
Maitland street, west end of Princes
Maitland street, west from Atholl
place to Haymarket
Maitland street, Newhaven
Maitland place, Newhaven
Malloch's close, 73 Canongate
Malta green, St Bernard's row
Malta terrace, St Bernard's row
Manor pi. , west of Goates crescent
Mansfield place, London street
Mansion house road. Grange
Manual's court, Crosscausey
Marine villa, Leith links
Marionville, Restalrig road
Market street, Fleshmarket to
Market street, Low, above Green
Market place, Brunswick street
Mary King's close, foot of Allan's
Marshall's close, 3 Grassmarket
Mary's place, Raeburn place
Mary cottage. Trinity
Maryfield, Easter road
Mayfield, Trinity
Mayfield loan, Dalkeith road
Meadowbank, Parson's green
Meadow lodge. Meadows
Meadow pi., so. side of Meadows
Megget's court, 54 Abbey hill
Meggetland, Boroughmuirhead
Melbourne place, La^^Timarket
Melville place, opposite Charlotte
Melville crescent, Melville street
Melville street, Charlotte place to
Manor place
Merchant street, Candlemaker row
Merchiston house, Fountainbridge
Merchiston lodge, Boroughmuir-
Merchiston bank, Boroughmuirh.
Merchiston park, Boroughmuirh.
Merchiston castle, Boroughmuirh.
Merchant maiden hospital, Lau-
riston lane
*Merilees' close, 33 Yardheads
*Meetinghouse green, 56 Giles' st.
Mtuse lane, south St Andrew st.
*Meuse lane, 25 Constitution street
Middleby street, Newington
Middlefield, George's place
Middleton's entry, 32 Eristo st.
Miller's close, 171 Canongate
Mill bank, Canaan
Millbui-n, Morningside
Miln's close, 212 Canongate
Miln's court, 517 Lawnmarket
Milu's square, 173 High street
Mino park, St Leonard street
Mint, bottom of so. Gray's close I
Minto sti-eet, Newington |
*Mitcliell street, 120 Constitution i
Model buildings, Piliig street
Moffat's close, 29 Netiierbow j
Monro place, Jock's lodge I
Montagu street, Clerk street
Montpellier, Bruntsfield place
Monteith's close, 61 High street
Montgomery street. Elm row
Moray place, west Heriot row
Moray street, Pilrig street
'*Morayfield, opposite Hawkfield
Morden, Spring garden, Abbey
Morrison's close, 117 High street
Morrison street, Tobago street
Moriison place, Jock's lodge
Morningside, Borouglimuirhead
Morocco close, 275 Canongate
'■'Morton street, Duke street
*Morton entry, 24 Kirkgate
Morton, Boroughmuirhead
Mound, Princes st. to Bank street |
Mound place, head of Mound
Mount Pleasant, Morningside
Munro's close, 119 Canongate
Murdoch's close, 70 High street I
Murray street, 52 east Crosscausey I
Murray's close, 177 Pleasance ]
Murrayfield, Coltbridge I
Myreside, Boroughmuirhead '
Nelson street and place, Aber- !
cromby place
Netherbow, head of Canongate
New High School, Regent terrace
New lane, Annfield, Newhaven
New bank. Trinity
New street, Canongate
NewLngton house, Blacket place
Newington, Liberton road
Newport street, Castlebams
Nieolson square, Nicolson street
Nicolson street, CoUege street to
St Patrick square
Niddry street, High street to Cow-
Niddry street, south, 253 Cowgate
Northfield, Bennington road
North bridge, High st. to Piinces
Northumberland street, Nelson
street to Howe street
Northumberland place, east Nor-
thumberland street
Norton place, east end of Regent
Nottingham place, Calton street
Oakfield court, 108 Pleasance
Oakleigh villa, Wardie
Old Assembly close, 170 High
street and 158 Cowgate
*^01d Chiuxh wf., Sandport street
Old Fishmarket close, 19G High
street and 144 Cowgate
Old Fleshmarket close, 333 Canon-
*u1d Fleshmarket, 75 St Andrew
Old Gibbet toll, Dalkeith road
Old Mealmarket, 122 Cowgate
Old Playhouse close, 196 Canong.
Old Post-office close, 253 High st.
Old Stamp-Office close, 221 High
*Okl Sugar-house close, 84 St
Andrew street
Orchardfield, Leith walk
Orchardfield street, Mainpoint
Orchardfield place, Tobago street
Orphan's iiospital. Dean
Osborne Cottage, Ferry road, W.
J. Row
Osburn Cottage, Trinity
Oxford terrace. Dean bridge
Palmer's buildings, 17 west Nicol-
son street
Panmure's close, 129 Canongate
Panmure house, 129 Canongate
Park place. Park street
Park street, Bristo street
Parkside street, St Leonard's
Parliament sq., St Giles' church
Parson's green, road to Piershill
Paterson's close, 441 Lawnmarket
Paterson's court, Old Broughton
Paterson's close, 108 Pleasance
'"■Pattison street, 31 Elbe street
Patriot-hall, Hamilton place, j
Paul street, Simon square
I Paul's work, foot of Leith wynd
j Peter's close, 187 Cowgate
I Perth street, Henderson row
Physic gardens, below N. bridge
Picavdy place, York place
! PiershiU. barracks, Jock's lodge
■**Pillans' place, north to Seafield
I Pilrig place, Pilrig street
j Pilrig street, Leith walk
Pipe's close, 619 Castlehill
I Pu'niefield, Leith walk
I Pii-rie's close, 246 Canongate
1 Pitt street, Dundas street to toll
I -'Pitt street, HUlhousefield
Plainstones close, 78 Grassmarket
I Plainstone close, 232 Canongate
I Playhouse close, 200 Canongate
I Pleasance, St Mary's wynd to St
I Leonard's
; Plowlands, Morningside
j Pollock's close, 28 Cowgate
I Ponton street, Fountainbridge
! *Poplar lane, north side. Links
■ Port-Hamilton, Canal basin
j Port-Hopetoun, south-east of Lo-
i thian road
i Portland place, Lauriston
^Portland place, Prince Regent
*Portland terrace, Portland place
Potterrow, west College street
Powburn, near Grange toll
Powderhall, Bonnington road
Preston street, Causeyside to St
Leonard street
Prestonfield, near Graytield toll
Primrose bank. Trinity
•Primrose street, west end of
■'Prince Regent street, west end of
Couper street
Piliaces street, Waterloo place to
Hope street
*Prospect bank, Restalrig road
* Quality court, 25 Constitution st.
*Qnality street, Charlotte street
* Quality lane, 15 Quality street
Quarry closes, 18, 26 Crosscausey
(,iuarry holes, Easter ro. to Leith
Queen street, York place
*Queen street, 69 Shore
Queen's place, Nottingham place
Queen's place, foot of Leith w?lk
Queensferry street, west end of
Princes street
Queensferry road, fiom Bonning-
ton road to Windlestrawlee
^Queensferry road, Couper street
to Bonnington
Rae's close, 281 Canongate
Kaeburn place, Stockbridge
Raimesfield, Ferry road, E.J. Row
Ramsay gardens, Castlehill
Ramsay lane, Castlehill
Ramsay close, 41 Canong.ate
Ramsay jilace, Bonnington road
Randolph crescent. Great Stuarc
Randolph cliff, Randolph crescent
Rankeillor street. Clerk street
Rankeillor place, St Leonard st.
Ratcliffe place. Grange toll
RatclifFe terrace, Causeyside
Rattray's close, 11 5 Cowgate
Redbraes, Broughton road
'Redhall, Bonnington
Regent Bridge, Waterloo place
Regent road, Calton hiU
Regent arch. Low calton
Regent terrace. Regent road
■^Regent street, west end of Couper
Register place, west Register st.
Register street, east, Leith street
to James' square
Register street, west. Princes st.
to St Andrew square
Register house, east end of Princes
Reid's close, 80 Canongate
Reid's court, 95 Canongate
Reikie's court, 65 NicoTson street
Restalrig, by Piershill barracks
Richmond cottage, Wardie
Richmond cottage, W. J. Row
Richmond lodge. Trinity
Richmond lodge, York road
Richmond viUa, Ferry road. W. J.
Richmond villa, Wardie
Richmond street, east, south Rich-
mond street to Salisbury street
Richmond street, west, Nicolson
street to east Richmond street
Richmond street, north, Adam
street to south Richmond street
Richmond street, south, north
[ Richmond street to Pleasance
j Richmond lane, Richmond place
to north Richmond street
Richmond courts 23 Richmond
Richmond place, Roxburgh place
to West Richmond street
Richmond pend, 19 Richmond pi.
Riddle's close, 322 Lawnmarket
*Riddle's close, 74 St Andrew st.
Riddle's entry, 35 New street
Riego street, Tollcross
Rill bank, Hope park
Ritchie place, foot Carnegie street
Robb's court, Castlebams
Robb's entry, St John's hill
Robertson's close, 263 Cowgate
Rockville close, 388 Castlehill
Romily place, Tobago street
Ronaldson's build. , Smith's place
■*Ronaldson's wharf. Upper draw-
Rosebank, Broughton road
Rosebank, Mayfield loan
Rosebank, G-ardnor's crescent
Rose court, 13 George street
Rose cottage, Trinity
Rose villa. Trinity
Rose park, Trinity
Rosehall, Dalkeith road
Rose street. South St David street
to south Charlotte street
Rosemount house, Morrison street
Rosemount, Tobago street
^"'Rosemount, Hermitage hill
Roxburgh place, Drummond st.
Roxburgh street, Drummond st.
Roxburgh ter. e. Drummond st.
Roxburgh's close, 341 High street
Rowley's close, 38 Abbey hill
Royal crescent, Pettes row
Royal Exchange, 2h1 High street
Royal terrace, Blenheim place to
Carlton place
Roy's court, 82 Hope-park-end
Rutland st., west end Princes st.
Rutland place, Lothian road
Rutland square, Rutland street •
St Andrew square, east end George
St Andrew street, north, St And-
rew square
St Andrew street, south, Princes
*St Andi-ew street, 131 Kirkgate
St Andrew's lane, north St Andrew
St Ann's yards, Holyrood palace
St Anthony place, Port-Hopetoun
*St Anthony street, 91 Kirkgate
*St Anthony court, St Anthony
*St Anthony lane, St Anthony st.
St Bernard's crescent, Stockbridge
St Bernard's place, Saunders st.
St Bernard's row, Johnston place
*St Bernard's street. Shore
St Catherine's villa, Grange road
St Colme street, Albyn place
St Cuthbert's entry, 167 Westport
St Cuthbert's st., west Maitland st.
St David street, so.. Princes st.
St David street, north. Queen st.
St Giles' villa. Grange road
St James' square, east Register st.
St James' street, St James' square
St James' pi. north St James' st.
*St J ames' place, Links
St John's close, 188 Canongate
St John's hill, Pleasance
*St John's lane, 40 Charlotte st.
St John's street, Canongate
St Leonard .street and hill, head of
St Leonard's cot., St Leonard lane
St Leonard lane, St Leonard street
St Margaret's station, Jock's lodge
St Mark's place, Bennington
St Mary's wynd, head of Canong.
*St Ninian's la., back Old Church
St Patrick square, St Patrick st.
St Patrick street, Nicolson street
St Roque, Canaan
St Stephen street, Clarence street
St Vincent street, foot of Howe st.
^Salamander st.. Little Carron
Salisbury green, Dalkeith road
Salisbury place, opposite SaHsb.rd.
Salisbury road, Arniston place
Salisbury square, foot of Brown st.
Salisbury street, Pleasance
Salt backet, back of Leith street
Sandilands' close, 71 High street
*Sandport street. Commercial pi.
Saunders' Street, Kerr street
Saxe-Coburg place, west Clare-
mont street
Sciennes, Hope-park-end
Sciennes place, from Sciennes
Scott's close. High riggs
Scott's close, 123 Cowgate
Scotland street, Drummond place
"'Sea Cot., n.-e. corner Seafield
-Seafield baths, Seafield
''Seafield house, east end of Links
Seaforth cottage. Trinity
*Seaside house, Eastfield
*Seagrove, Pirniefield
Sea Cliff villa. Trinity
Seaton's close, 365 Canongate
Sellar's close, 369 Lawnmarket
Semple street. Canal basin
Semple's close, 599 Castlehill
Shakspeare sq., back of Theatre
Sii and wick place, w., e. Princes st.
*Sheepliead wynd, 67 Giles' street
Shepherd's court, Leith wynd
''Sheriff brae, Coalhill to King st.
Shoemakers' close, 315 Canongate
'•■'Shore, Ferryboat stairs to Upper
Shrub hill, Shrub place
Shrub place, Leith walk
Sibbald place, St Patrick square
*Silverfield, Bennington road
Silvermills, Fettes row
Sime's court, Caltonhill
Simon square, Gibb's enti-y
Simpson's court, Potterrow
Skinner's close, 613 Castlehill
Skinner's close, 66 High street
Slater's court, 140 Canongate
*Smeaton*s cl., 20 St Andrew st.
Smith's place, Leith walk
Smith's close, west, 121 Grassm.
Smith's close, east, 125 Grassm.
Society, Brown's square
Society close, 15 Nether bow
Somerset house and cot., Mary pi.
South bridge. North bridge to
Nicolson street
Southern cemetery. Grange road
Spence's place, Castlebarns
*Spence's place, Bennington road
Spittal street. Bread street
Spring gardens. Abbey hill
Spring gardens, Church street
Springfield, Leith walk
Springfield villa, Mansionhouse rd.
Stafford street, Shandwick j>lace
*Stanfield lodge, lionniugton road
Star bank. Trinity
Stead's place, Leith walk
Stevenlaw's close, 134 High street
Steel's place, Morningside
Stevenson's close, 153 West piort
Stewart's close, 90 Canongate
Stewart's street, Jock's lodge
Stewartfield, Bennington toll
Stockbridge, n. w. of New town
Stouefield, Canaan
*Storie's alley, 122 Kirkgate
Strathie's close, 86 Canongate
Strichen's close, 104 High street
Stuart street. Great, Moray place
to Randolph crescent
Stuartfield, Jock's lodge
* Sugarhouse close, Coburg street
'■" Summerfield, Restalrig road
Summerfield house, Restalrig road
Summerhall, Hope-pai'k-end
Summer place, Howard place
Sunbury distillery, Water of Leith
Simnyside villa. Trinity
Surgeon square, &c., foot of Infir-
mary street
* Swanfield, opposite Silverfield
Swan's close, 31 Grassmarket
Swinton row. Elder street
Sydneyfield, Granton road
Sydney place, Canaan
Sylvan place. Meadows
Sylvanbank, Mansionhouse - road.
Taufield house, Canonmills
Tanner's close, 123 West ]Dort
Tap hall, Qeensferry road
Tamiet street, Drumdryan
Temple's close, 145 Grassmarket
Tennis court, 86 Abbey hill
Terrace, Leith street
Teviot row, Bristo street
Thistle street, north St David st.
to Hill street
Thomas street, St Cuthbert street
Thomson's close, 40 Canongate
Thomson's court, 54 Grassmarket
Thomson's close, 13 Abbey strand
" Thomson's place, Duke street
Thomybank, Fountainbridge
* Timber bush, Bernard street to
Tipperlinn, Boroughmuirhead
Tobago place, Tobago street
Tobago street, Castlebarns
Tod's close, 587 Castlehill
Toddrick's wynd, SO High street
Tolbooth wynd, 165 Canongate
"Tolbooth wynd, upper drawbr.
Tollcross, foot of Lauriston
Torphichen street, av. Maitland st.
'■'Tower street. Shore
'■Trafalgar lane, Hillhousefield
Trinity, foot of Inverleith row
Trinity crescent. Chain pier
Trinity, south-west of Newhaven
Trunk close, 55 High street
Tweeddale court, 16 Nether bov.-
Union place, head of Leith v.alk
Union street, Union place
* Union street, foot of Leith walk.
Valentine's entry, 72 Canongate
Valleyfiekl, Wright's houses
■*Vanburgh place, so.-e. side Links ;
*Vaults, 25 St Andrew street i
Veitch pi. and sq., Stockbridge
Vennel, Heriot place j
Victoria place, foot of Carnegie st.
Victoria street and terrace, Mel-
bourne place
Viewbank, Trinity
Viewfield, Trinity
Viewforth, Bruntsfield links
*Viewfortli cottage, Etstalrig road
View[jark, Bruntsfield links
View Ville House, Granton roatl
View Ville Cottage, Ferry road
* Vinegar Close, 35 Giles' street
Walker street, Coates crescent
Wallace plaoe, Tobago street
Wallace's close, 28 Causeyside
War drop's court, 459 Lawnmarket
Wardie crescent, Granton road
Wardie, Queensferry road
WardieBumhouse, Windlestra wlee
Wardie, Granton
Warrendcr's park. Links
Warrender lodge. Meadows
Warrender crescent, Howard place
Warriston place, Warriston cres.
Warriston. east Queensferry road
Warriston's close, 323 High street
Watergate, foot cf Canongate
*Waterlane, foot of Kirkgate
*Water's close, 64 Shore
Water of Leith, Dean
Waterloo place. Princes sti-eet to
Regent road
■'Waterloo buildings, Bernard st.
*Watson'8 place. Primrose street
Watson's hospital. Meadows
Watson's (J.) institution, Dean
Watson's close, 122 Canongate
Weaver's close, 65 West port
Weir's close, 208 Canongate
*Weir's close, 40 Kirkgate
Well close, Leith wynd
Well close, 86 West port
*Wellington place. Links
Wellington street, Great, Queens-
ferry road
Wellwood lodge. Bruntsfield place
Wemyss place, Albyn place
West bow, Castlehill to Gra.ss-
West port, Grassraarket to Main-
Wester close, 177 West port
Westerhall, Meadows
Whale brae, Nowhaven
Wharton lane, and Wharton place,
Whitebank, Morniugside
White horse, or Boyd's close, 274
White's court, Warriston's close
Whitehouse, Boroughmnirhead
Whitefield place and house, foot of
Leith walk
Wight's place, 95 Causeyside
William street, Stafford street to
Manor place
Williamfield, Bonnington road
Willow brae, Jock's lodge
Willowgrove, Lady Lawson's wynd
Wilson's court, 134 Canongate
Windlestrawlee, Queensferry road
Windmill street, George square
Windsor street, Leopold |)lace
Windsor villa, Coltbridge road
Woodbine cottage. Trinity
Woodburn, Canaan
WoodviUe, Canaan
Wood's court, 13 West Kicol.MHi
World's-end cluse, 10 Nethcrliow
Wright's houses. Leven street
Wright's close, 87 Cowgate
Writer's court, 315 High stre'.t
*Yardheads, St Anthony's laiiv to
north end King street
York buildings. Trinity
ork Ian " ' '
e, -fc
York lane, York place to Albany
York lodge, York road
York place, Queen street to
Picardy place
York road. Trinity
Young street, north Charl"tt'^
Abercorn, South QueensfeiTy
Abercom Place, Portobello
Acornlodge, Musselburgh
Adam's Row, Dalkeith
Addiston, Hermiston
Adelphi Place, Portobello
Adiston, Ratho
Adniston, Tranent
Aikendean, Fushiebridge
Airfield, Dalkeith
Albert Cottage, Lasswade
Alderston Mains, Mid-Calder
Almondbank, Cramond
Almondhill, Kirkliston
Alnwickhill, Liberton
Aminondell, Broxburn
Amosendean, Penicuiok
Anceretlaw, Penicuick
Ancralaw, ]?enicuick
Annfield, Tranent and Dalkeith
Annsmill, Penicuick
Aimville, Kirknewton
Argyle Villa, Portobello.
Ashley, Ratho
Auehineorth, Penicuick
Auehindinny, Penicuick
Auld Cathie, Kirkliston
Baberton, Currie
Baberton Mains, Hermiston
Back o' the Rig, Currie
Backhill, Musselburgh
Backsidelee, Liberton
Baillyfield, Portobello
Balgreen, Slateford
Balleny, Balemo
Ballingall Lodge, Murraylield
Bank, Penicuick
Bankfoot House, Prestonpans
Bankhead, Dalkeith, Balemo,
Uphall, and Tranent
Bank House, Liberton, Port'i-
bello, and Prestonpans
Bank Mill, Penicuick and Balerno
Banks, South Queensferry
Bankton, Prestonpans
Barbauchlaw, Musselburgh
Barley Dean, Lasswade
Barnton, Cramond
Basket Hall, Musselburgh
Bath House, Portobello
Bavelaw (East), Balemo
Beachside House, Musselburgh
Beechwood, Corstorphine
Beeslurk, Penicuick
Beggar's Bush, Musselburgh
Bellfield, Musselburgh and Porto-
Bellfield House, Dalkeith
Bellham, Ford
BeUmount, Corstorphine
BeUslaw, Dalkeith
Bell's Mill, Winchburgh
Bellsquarry, Mid-Calder
Bellwood, Penicuick
Bellybught, Dalkeith
Belstane, Kirknewi.oii
Bevelaw, Balemo
Bilston, Roslin
Bilston Brae, Loanhead
Biuny, Uphall
i Birchfield, Currie
Bird's Mill, Kirkliston
j Birsley, Tranent
! Blackcoat, Dalkeith
Black-craigs, Uphall
i Blackshill, Kii-kliston
Blackside, Ford
Blaircochran, Penicuick
Blawweary, Currie
BUnkbonny, Currie, Dalkeith,
Musselburgh, and Blackball
Bloom, Livingston, Mid-Calder
Bloomy Hall, Musselburgh
Blucher Hall, Musselburgh
Boathouse, Kirkliston
Bog HaU, Roslin
Boggs, Tranent
Boggs Mill, Slateford
Bonaliy, Colinton
Bonnington, Ratho
Bonnyrigg. Lasswade
Bootland Hill, Kirknewton
Bowbridge, B. Muirhead
Bow o' Beer, Kirknewton
Braefoot, Corstorphine
Braehead, Cramond
Braehead Mains, Cramond
Brae Hill, Kirkliston
Braidwood, Dalkeith
Brewer Bush, Lasswade
Briary Cottage, Ford
Bridge-end, Musselbiu'gh, Peni-
cuick, Dalkeith, Liberton,
and Portobello
Briggs, Kirkliston
Broadwood, Penicuick
Broadlaw, tlphall
Broadlea Cottage, Portobello
Broadwood, Penicuick
Broadyetts, Uphall
Brokenbridge, Liberton
Brook, Balemo
Broomfield, Blackball
Broomliill, Ford, Lasswade, Lib-
erton, and Penicuick
Broomhouse, Corstorphine and
Broom Park, Cramond
Broomie-knowes, Lasswade
Broomrigg, Tranent
Broomj'-knowe, Lasswade
Brotchrig, Lasswade
Broxburn, Uphall
Brucefield, Mid-Calder
Brunstane House, Penicuick and
Brunstone Cottage, Musselburgh
Brunstone Mill, Musselburgh
Bryan's Colliery, Dalkeith
Buckstane, B. Muirhead
Burdiehonse, Liberton
Burghloe, Loauhead
Bumbrae, Kirknewton
Burnhall, Kirkliston
Burnhead, Liberton & Lasswade
Burnhouse, Kirknewton and Por-
Burnside, Kirkliston and Ford
Burnwyude, Ratho
Burton Cottage, Portobello
Bush, Penicuick & Musselburgh
Bush (Easter), Roslin and Milton
Buteland, Balerno
Buteland Hill, Kirknewton
Butlerfield, Lasswade
Buxley, Tranent
Buxton, Colinton
Byredoor Park, Kirknewton
Byresloan, Ford
Caibney, Musselburgh
Caimtowers, Liberton
Cairns Castle Inn, Kirknewton
Cakemuk, Ford
Calderwood, Lasswade
Caldwells, Ford
Caledonia, Colinton
Callerstane, Hermiston
Cameron Bank, Liberton
C^mpend, Dalkeith
Campie House, Musselburgh
Capelaw, Penicuick
Car berry, Musselburgh
Carlaverock, Tranent
Carlourie, Kirkliston
Carmelliill, Kirkliston
Caroline Cottage, Portobello
Carrington, Rose well
Carthall, Gilmerton and Liberttm
Castlelaw, Penicuick
Castlesteads, Dalkeith
Catharine Cottage, Portobello
Catharine Lodge, Musselburgh
Cauldcots, Liberton
Cauldshoulders, Penicuick
Chamber's Cottage, Musselburgh
Causewayend, Kirknewton
Chesterhall, Ford and Tranent
Civility, Ford
Clay barns, Dalkeith
Cleek-him-in, Peniciiick
Clermiston, Corstorphine
Clermiston, North Blackball
Clifton, Kirkliston
Clifton HaU, Kirkliston and Ratho
Clouthouses, Tranent
Coats, Penicuick
Coekbum, Currie
Cockenzie, Prestonpans
Cocklaw, Currie
Cockle Mill, Cramond
Cock-me-laue, Colinton
CockmiiLr Inn, Penicuick
Cockpen Manse, Lasswade
Colinton Mains and Mill, Colint-on
Comiston, Colinton
Contentibus, Mid-Calder
Corbiehill, Cramond
Cornbauk, Peuicuick
Corntowu, Penicuick
Corslet, Currie
Corston, Kirknewton
Corstorpbine Hill and House,
Costerton, Ford
Cottage Lane, Muiselburgb
Cousland, Dalkeitk
Cousland Park, Tranent
Cowden, Tranent and Dalkeith
Cowpits, Musselburgh
Coxeydean, Kirkiiuwtou
Craigbrae, Ku-klistou
Craig Crook, Blackball
Craigend, Kirkliston
Craigentarie, Currie
CraigbaU, Musselburgh
Craigie, Kirkliston
Craigie Hall, Cramond
Craiglockhart, Slateford
Craigmillar, Libertii'U
Craigo'er, Liberton
Craigpark, llatho
Craigs, Cramond and Libeiion
Craigton, Wincbburgh
Cranston, Ford
Cresswell, Peiiieuiok
Crew, Blackhall
Crichton, Ford
Cricbtondean, Ford
Crofts, Dalkeith
Cromilands, Kirkliston
Crossgate Hall, Dalkeith
Crossgreen, Upball
Crosshouse, Traaeut aud Penicuick
Cucking, Penicuick
Cultons, Hermiscou
Cummingfield, Loanhead
Curldubs, Upball
Currie Hill, Balerno
Curriemuirend, Colinton
Cuttle, Prestonpans
Dalhousie Castle, Lasswade
Dabnaboy, Ratho
Dalmeny, South Queensierry
Dalmore MUls, Penicuick
Dalrymple Loan, Musselburgh
Dambrae, Musselburgh
Damhead, Slateford and Loanhead
Danderhall, Dalkeith
Darcy, Dalkeith
Davidson's Mains. Blackball
Dean Park, Balerno
Dechmont, Upball
Denshouses, Penicuick
Dewarton, Ford
Dodridge, Ford
Dolland's Cottage, Musselburgh
Dolpbinston, Tranent
Dovecot, Musselburgh
Dove Hill, Upball
Dowie's Mill, Cramond Bridge
Dreghorn, Colinton
Drum, Liberton
Drumfortb, Upball
Drummore, Musselburgh
Dmmpark, Liberton
Dryden, Roslin
Drydenbank, Loanhead
Drylaw, Cramund
Dubbead, Kii'kDewton
Duddingston, Portobello
Dumbi-ydon, Slateford
Duncliffe, Murrayfield
Duudas Castle, South Queensferry
Dunedin, Murrayfield
Dun Esk, Lasswade
Duntervie, 'Wincbburgh
East Bakgour, Upball
East Binny, Upball
East Broadlaw, U]^hall
East Bush, Musselburgh
Easter Bush, Ro.-liu and Peuicuick
Easter Mains, Kirkliston and Up-
Easter Newton, Kirkuewtou
East Camps, Kirknewton
East Craigie, Cramond
Easter Cowden, Dalkeith
East Craigs, Corstorpliine
Eastfield, Portobello, Kirkliston,
Musselburgh, and Penicuick
East Haugh, Kirkne\rtou
East Houses, Dalkeith
East Mains, Upball and Trauent
East Mill, Currie
East Villa, Portobello
East Side, Penicuick
Ecclesmachan, Upball
Eckford Cottage, Lasswade
Edgefield, Loanhead
Edgebead, Ford and Liberton
Edmonstone, Dalkeith
Eldin, Lasswade
Elginhaugh, Dalkeith
EUieston, Kirkliston
Elm Row and Bank, Lasswade
Elmfield, Dalkeith
Elpbinston, Tranent
Engine Cottage, Loanhead
Enterkins Gate, Colinton
East Bank, Dalkeith and Mussel-
Eskdale Cottage, Lasswade
Eskgrove, Musselburgh and Lass-
Esk Hill, Roslin and Musselburgh
Esk Mills, Penicuick and Dalkeith
Esk (North), Musselburgh
Esk Parkj Musselburgh
Esk Side, Musselbiu-gh
Estherville, Corstorpbine
Fair Afar, Cramond
Fairfield, Dalkeith
Fairfield Cottage, Portobello
Faimeyhill, Liberton
Fairneyside, Liberton
Faimeyside Lodge, Creenend
Faimyflat, Slateford
Fairnylaw, Colinton
Falhills, Penicuick
Falla, Black sbiels
Fallside, Tranent
FamehoU, Penicuick
Felton-green, Musselburgh
FiUiside, Leith
Firbank, Lasswade
Firhill Cottage, Colinton
Firth, Roslin
Fisherrow. Musselburgh
Fishers' Tryst, Peuicuick
Fivehouses, Liberton
Five-stanks, Upball
Flowerfield, Loanhead
Fordel, Ford
Forkneuk, Uphall
Forresthall, Slateford
Forth Cottage, Fisherrow
Foulstruther, Tranent
Fountainhall, Tranent
Four-mile-hill, Corstoriihlne
Foxball, Kirkliston
France (Little), Liberton
Franktield, Loanhead
Freelands, Ratho
Friarton, Penicuick
Frith, Roslin
Fuffet, Dalkeith _
FuUerton, Penicuick
Fullfurd, Milton Bridge
Gallowshall, Dalkeith
Gardner's Hall, Ford
Gateside, Kirkliston
Gil:)raltar, Dalkeith
Gibson Lodge, Corstorpbine
Gibnerton, Liberton
Gladsmuir, Tranent
Glebeside House, Dalkeith
Glencorse, Milton Bridge
Glendevon, Kirkliston
Glen Esk, Loanhead
Glen Kevock, Loanhead
Glen Nurseries and Cottage, Mus-
Glenpark, Currie
Goatbrae, Lasswade
Gogar (Upper), Hermiston
Gogar (Nether) Mains and House
Gogar Mount, Ratho
Gogarston, Ratho
Golf-hall, Corstorpbine
Goodtrees, Currie
Gordon Castle, ^Musselbui-gh
Gorebridge, Fushiebridge
Gorgie, Slateford
Gorton, Lasswade
Gortonlee, Lasswade
Goshen, Musselburgh
Goukshill, Dalkeith
Gourlaw, Lasswade
Gowaxdiill, Currie
Gracemount, Liberton
Gray Brae, Penicuick
Gray's MHl, Slateford
Greenbank, Lassv.^ade
Greenbum, Kirknewton
Green Cottage, Musselburgh
Greendykes, Tranent and Uphall
Greenend, Liberton
Greenfield Lodge, Lasswade
Green HaU, Musselburgh
Greenhead, Tranent
Greenlaw, Penicuick
Greenpark, Liberton
Greigs' HaU, Liberton
Greybrae, Penicuick
Greykuowe, Penicuick
Grottle, Cramond
Grove End, Lasswade
Gutters, Currie
Habershaw, Penicuick
Haggs, Ratho
Hailes, Slateford
Halkerston Cottage, Inveresk
Hall of Broxburn, UphaU
Hallcross House, Musselburgh
Halls, Penicuick
Hallj'ards, Kirkliston
Hamilton Lodge, Portobello
Hangingside, Uphall
Kevock, Lasswade
Longford, West Calder
Hanley, Corstorphine
Kilburn, Penicuick
Longlaw, Dalkeith
Hardeugreen, Dalkeith
Killrigg, Loanhead
Long Niddrie, Tranent
Harelaw, Tranent
Kilpunt, Kirkliston
Loug.stone, Slateford
Harmony House, Balerno
Kinellan, Murrayfield
Longthorne, Dalktitli
Harpersbrae, Penieaick
Kings, Kirkliston
Look-about-ye, Kirkliston
Harviston, Fushiebridge
King's Knowes, Slateford
Loretto, Musselburgh
Hatton, Kirknewton
King's Law, Tranent
Lothian Burn, Loanhead
Hatton Mains, Eatho
Kingside, Penicuick
Loughfaugh, Ford
Haugli (Newlistou), Kirkliston
Kingston Grange, Liberton
Loupilees, Kirkliston
Haugh-liead, Ford, Balemo, and
Kinleith and K. Mill, Currie
Ludgate Lodge, Ratho
Kippielaw, Penicuick
Luilen Houses, Penicuick
Hawthorn Brae, Duddingston
Kirkbrae, Liberton
Lugton, Dalkeith
Hawtliorn Cottage, Slateford
Kirkettle, Roslin
Luisfield, Duddingston
Hawtliornden, Lasswade
Kirkhill, Penicuick and Uphall
Lyden, Kirknewton
Hay's Craigs, Uphall
Kirkhill Cottage, Uphall
Lymphoy, Currie
Hazelbank, Mnrra^iiold
Kirkland, Penicuick
Heddlefaulds, Kirkliston
Kirkland Lodge, Hermiston
Magazine, Ford
Herekies Loan, Musselburgh
Kirkpark, Musselburgh
Magdalen Foundry, Musselburgh
Hillend, Uphall and Kirknewton
Kirkton, Penicuick
Magdalen Lodge, Musselburgh
Billhead, Musselburgh and Lass-
Kirkton Lodge, Mun-ayiield
Maitland Brae, Bridge, and Bower,
Kittlepurse, Penicuick
Hillhouse, Kirknewton
Knightridge, Uphall
Makemerry, Tranent
Hillside, Lasswade
Malcolmston, Currie
Hilltown, Dalkeith
Laflis Houses
Mallenj^, Balerno
Hillwood, Ratho
Lampockwells, Tranent
Malleny Grove, Balerno
Hillwood Cottage, Katho
Langside, Dalkeith
Mallsford, Dalkeith
Hilton Cottage, Lasswade
Lankinsdub, Winchburgh
Malta, Ku-kliston
Hodges, Tranent
Larch Grove, Balemo
Manor House, Musselburgh
Holemill, Colinton
Latch, Kirknewton
Mansfield, Dalkeith and Currie
Holkgate, Broxburn
Lairrel Bank, Lasswade
Marchbank, Balerno
Holms, Uphall and Musselburgh
Laurencelaw Cottage, Milton Br.
Marchfield, Blackball
Holycoat, Lasswade
Laurie's Den, Penicuick
March Hill, Penicuick
Honeyhole, Lasswade
Lauriston, Cramond
Marchwell, Penicuick
Honeybrae, Penicuick
Laverock Hall, Liberton
Margaret Grove, Cramond
Hopefield, Lasswade
Lavrockdale, Colinton
Marine Cottage, Portobello
Hopetown Woodend, Winchburgh
Law, Uphall
Marrfield Mills, Penicuick
House of Hill, Blackball
Lawfield, Dalkeith
Marybank, Penicuick
House o' Muir, Tranent and Mil-
Lawhead, Penicuick and Kirk-
Maryfield, Tranent, Penicuick,
ton Bridge
and Portobello
Houston and H. Mill, Uphall
Lawi-ence Law Cottage, Penicuick
Marylands, Ratho
Howdenshall, Liberton
Lead Burndean, Penicuick
Masterton, Dalkeith
Howgate, Roslin and Penicuick
Leadburn, Penicuick
Mauricewood, Milton Bridge
Humble, Kii-kliston, Kirknewton,
Learielaws, Broxburn
Mavisbank, Loanhead
and Upper Keith
Lecrielaw, Dalkeith & Kirkliston
Mavisbush, Lasswade
Hunter's Tryst, Colinton
Leith Head, Currie
Maybank, Penicuick and Loanliead
Hyvot's Mill, Libertoa
Lenney Park, Corstorphine
Mayfield, Dalkeith
Lennieport, Corstorphine
Mayfield Cottage, Loanhead
Inch, Liberton
Lenny, Kirkliston
Mayfield Folly, Liberton
Inglis Green, Slateford
Lenny Moor, Cramond and Kirk-
Mayshade, Loanhead
Ingliston, Kirkliston and Eatho
Meadowbank House, Kirknewton
Innerwick Lodge, Murrayfield
Leven Hall, Musselburgh
Meadowfield, Corstoi-phiue
Inveresk, Musselburgh
Lexmouth, Blackball, Corstor-
Meadowhead, Libertoa
Inveresk House and Lodge, Mus-
Meadow House, Corstorphine
Liberton Bank, Liberton
Meado-mnill, Tranent
Inverey House, Portobello
Lighthill Cottage, Loanhead
Meadowsjiot, Dalkeith
IronmUl, Dalkeith
LiUyburn, Penicuick
Meggetland, Slateford
Limefield Mains, Mid-Calder
Melville Castle, Lasswade
Jack's House, Kii-kliston
Linden Lodge, Loanhead
Middlemills, Lasswade
Jane Cottage, Musselburgh
Lingerwood, Dalkeith
Middle Norton, Ratho and Kirk-
Jaw, Ratho and Hermiston
Linkfield, Musselburgh
Jesgfield, Portobello
Linkhouse, Prestonpans
Middleton, UphaU
John's Bum, Balerno
Linnburn, Kirknewton
Midfield, Lasswade and Mussel-
Joppa, Portobello
Linnsmill, Kirkliston
Joytield Place, Colinton
Listonshiells, Kirknev.'ton
MUch-hall, Penicuick
Juniper Green, Colinton
Little France, Liberton
Milk-houses, Uphall
Little Vantage, Kirknewton
Millburn Tower, Hermiston
Kaijies Cottage, Liberton
Loanhead, Ford, Kirkliston
Millerhill, Dalkeith
Kaims, Kirknewton
Loaninghill, Uphall
Millhill, Musselburgh
Kates Mill, Slateford
Loanstane, Penicuick
MHlrig, Kii'kliston and Kirknew-
Keith House, Upper Keith
Lochend, Kirkliston
Kellerstain House, Hermiston
Lochend Cottage, Musselburgh
Milnholm House, Musselburgh
Kellerstane, Ratho
Loganbank, Penicuick
Milton, Milton Bridge, Kirkliston,
Kerkettle, Roslin
Logan house. Penicuick
and Tranent
Kersemill, Penicuick
Loganlee, Milton Bridge
Mirryfield, Tranent
Kerse Hill Toll, Hermiston
Logie Heriot, Ford
Moat, Roslin
Moffat Place, Dalkeith
Moldart Cottage, Currie
Monktou, Musselburgh
Monktonhall, Musselburgh
Montrose Stables, Lasswa-Je
Moor Park, Musselburgh
Mordun, Libertou
Morrison's Haven, Prestonpaus
Morton, Liberton
Morton Cottage, Portobello
Moi-tonhall, Liberton
MossenJ, Uphall
Mosshouses, Peniculck
Mossie Mill, Colinton
Mount Charles, Portobello and
Mount Chassie, Lasswadc
Mount Earl, Roslin
Mount Esk, Lasswadc
Mouuthooly, Winchburgh
Mount Lodge, Portobello
Mount Lothian, Penicuick
Mount Pleasant, Portobello
Mount Vernon, Liberton
Muirbank, Balerno
Muirburn, Kirkliston
Muirend, Kirkliston
Muirhouse, Blackball and Liber-
JIuii-park. Tranent
Muldron, Whitburn
Murray Hill, Lasswadc
Murrays, Ford
Muttonhole, Cramond and Ford
Myles, Tranent
Myres, Kiiklistoa
Nellfield, Kirkliston
Nether Deckmount, Uphall
Nether Houses, Lasswade
Nether Lenny, Cramond
Nether Liberton, Liberton
Nettlebill, Uphall
Neville Cottage, Liberton
Nevin"s Knowe, Roslin
Newbattle, Dalkeith
Newbigging, Musselburgh, Uphall,
and Lasswade
Newbridge, Kirkliston
New Craighall, Musselbiu-gh
Newfarm, Dalkeith
Newfield, Bonnyrigg, Lasswade
New Hailes, Musselliurgh
Newhall, Penicuick
Newhouse, Ratho
Newhouses, Kirkliston
Newland, Kirkliston
Newlandburn, Ford
Newlandridge, Ford
Newliston, Kirkliston
Newmains, Kirkliston
Newmills, Balerno and Dalkeith
New Milton, Roslin
New Pentland, Loanhead
Newton Mains, Ratho
New Eoad, Dalkeith
New Saughton, Cramond
Newstead, Penicuick
Newton, Dalkeith, Musselburgh.
Winchburgh, and So. Ferry
Ne^vton (Easter), Kirknewton
Newton Grange, Dalkeith
Niddrie (Long), Tranent
Niddry, Libert-on and Wincli
Niddry House, Prestonpaus
Niddry Station, Musselburgh
Nine-mile Burn, Penicuick
Nivelle Cottage, Liberton
North Clermiston, Blackball
North Esk Mill, Dalkeith
Northfield, Portobello and Pres-
North Cxyle, Corstorphine
Norton, Ratho
Oakleak, Penicuick
Oakmount, Lasswade
Oatlands, Ford
Oatbridge, Uphall
Oatsley, Roslin
Old Liston, Kirkliston
Old Saughton, Corstorphine and
Olive-bank, Musselburgh
Onthank, Penicuick
Orchardfield, Kirknewton
Ormiston, Kirknewton
Ormiston, Tranent
Ormiston Hall, Tranent
Outerston, Fushie Bridge
Oxenford, Foi'd
Oxgangs, Colinton
Over (rogar, Hermiston
Overshieil, Kirknewton
Ovortoun, Kirkliston and Kirk-
Palmyra Cottage, Portobello
Pap Inn, Penicuick
Paradykes, Loanhead
Parduvine, Dalkeith
Parkburn, Liberton
Parkend, Dalkeith
Parkend Cottage, Musselburgh
and So. Ferry
Parkhouse, Portobello
Parknook, Liberton
Parson's Pool, Lasswade
Pathhead, Ford and Kirknewton
Patie's Hill, Penicuick
Pavilion House, Prestonpaus
Peaseflat, Dalkeith
Peaston, Tranent
Peffer Mill, Liberton
Peggyslee, Penicuick
Peggy's MiU, Cramond
Pelton House, Cramond
Pembroke Lodge, Murrayfield
Pencaitland, Tranent
Pendreigh, Lasswade
Penston, Tranent
Pentecox, Liberton
Pentland, Roslin and Loanhead
Pentland Pathhead, Loanhead
Pick, Penicuick
Pilmuir, Balerno
Pimlers Acre, Musselburgh
Pinkhill, Corstorphine
Pinkie Hill and Mains, Mussel-
Pimie Hall
Plaintree-shade, Penicuick
Plewlands, Boro. Muu-head
Plover Hall, Roslin and Preston
Polton, Lasswade
Pomothom, Penicuick
Port Buchan, Broxburn
Port Seaton, Prestonpans
Post Buchan, Uphall
Powflats, Broxburn
Preston, Ford and Prestonpans
Preston, Prestonpans
Preston Cottage, Prestonpans
Preston Orange, Prestonpans
Preston Hall, Ford and Lasswade
Prestonholm, Lasswade
Preston Lodge, Corstorphine
Priest Inch, Winchburgh
Priest Mill, Kirkliston
Primrosehill & Place, Musselburgh
Prospectbank, Lasswade
Providence Hall, Musselburgh
Pumpherston, Mid-Calder
Punclieonlaw, Kirklist<jn
Pyethall, Uphall
QuARRVUEAD, Lasswadc
Ramsay Lodp.e, Portobello
Ramslacks, Carrie
Ransfield, Ratho
Ravelrig, Balerno
Kavelstone, Blackball
Ravenshaugh, Musselburgh
Ravensnook, Penicuick
Raw Camp, Kirknewton
lledcoal, Tranent
Redhall, Slateford
Redheughs, Corstorphine and Las.s-
Reid, Ford
Remote, Ford
Reservoir, Penicuick
Ruvelslike, Penicuick
liiccarton, Hermiston
Richmond Lodge, Portobello
Riggenhead, Tranent
Roads, Penicuick
Roddenlaw, Ratho
Rosebank, Roslin, Portjbello, and
Roseberry, Fushiebridge
Roseburn, Murrayfield
Rosefield, Portobello
Rosefield Avenue, Portobello
Rose Hall, Musselbui-gh
Rosehill, Penicuick
Rose Lodge, Portobello
Rosemaius, Ford
Rosemay, Penicuick
Rosemount, Penicuick, Portobello,
Prestonpans, k Musselburgli
Rose Park, Trinity
Roseview, Penicuick
Rose Villa, Portobello
Rosewell, Lasswade
Rosewell Dean, Lasswade
Roslin Lee, Roslin
Rumble Bank, Currie
Ryal, Uphall
Salton, Tranent
Sandydean, Lasswade
Saughinside, Ford
Saughland Ford
Saughton Hall and Mains, Slate-
Saughton House, Cramond
Sea Beach House and Cottage,
Sea Mill, Musselburgh and Pres-
Selms, Kirknewton
Seton, Tranent
Seton, South Mains, Prestonpans
Sbawfair, Dalkeith
Shaw's Hospital, Prestonpans
Sbeepfield, Musselburgh
Sheriffhall, Dalkeith
Shotthead, Currie
Shrewsbury Cottage, Lasswade
Shrubmount, Portobello
SighthiU, Hermiston and Slateford
Silverbum, Penicuick
SUver Knowes, Cramond
Skeltymuir, Lasswade
Skillnowe, Penicuick
Slat«barns, KirkHstoa
Slockendrouth, Slateford
Smeaton, Dalkeith
Smeaton Park, Inveresk
Souterhole, Cramond
South Bush, Musselburgh
Soutbfield, Liberton, Portobello,
Tranent, and Cramond
South Gyle, Corstoi-phine
South -house, Liberton
South Melville, Lasswade
South side. Ford
Spafield Mills, Lasswade
Spittal, Penicuick
Spittleton, Kirknewton
Springbank, Lasswade
Springfield, Lasswade and Peni-
Springfield Works, Loanhead
Spring Garden, Musselburgh
Spyfield, Colinton
Spylaw k Sp . Bank, Colinton
Squaretown, Dalkeith
Standingstone, Kirkliston
Stank ards, Uphall
St Ann's, Lasswade
St Ann's Cottage, Colinton
St Catherine's, Liberton
St Clement's Wells, Musselburgh
St Germain's, Tranent
St Leonard's MiUs. Lasswade
Steell's Hospital, Tranent
Stelknow, Penicuick
Stenhouse, Liberton
Stenhouse MiUs, Corstorphine and
Stewartfield, Broxburn
Stewart HUl, Kirknewton
StiUknowe, Penicuick
Stobs, Fushiebridge
Stonedykehead, Liberton
Stoneyport, Slateford
Stoniebank and HUl, Jlusselburgh
Stonyhill, Musselburgh
Stonyrig, Kirknewton
Straiton, Liberton
Straton Place, Portohello
Strawberry Bank, Dalkeith
Summerfield House, Dalkeith
Summer Side, Dalkeith
Sunnyside, Kirknewton
Swanston, Colinton
Sweethope, Musselburgh
Swine Burn, Wiuchburgh
Sycamore Bank, Lasswade
Sycamore Grove, Musselburgh
Tarphin, Colinton
Templehall, Kirknewton and Peni-
Templehouse, Balerno
Thomiebank, Dalkeith
Thomycrook, Dalkeith
Three-mile-town, Winchbur^n
Threep-muir, Currie
TodhiUs, Dalkeith
Tor, Murrayfield
Torphin. Colinton
Tottly, Winchburgh
Townhead, Balerno and Loanhead
Tower Mains, Liberton
Trabrown, Tranent
Trafalgar Lodge, Musselburgh
Tryste Street, Loanhead
Tumdykes, Ford
Tumhouse, Kirkliston and Cra-
Tuxphin, Colinton
Tusenlum, Musselburgh
TynebaJik, Ford
Tyneholm, Tranent
TjTie Lodge, Ford
Upper Frith, Penicuick
Upper Gogar, Ratho
Upper Liberton, Liberton
Upper Spylaw, Slateford
Valleyfield, Penicuick
Vaughanside, Ford and Penicuick
Venerfair, Ford and Penicuick
View-bank, Lasswade
Viewfield, Lasswade
Viewpark, Lasswade
Vogrie, Ford
Wadixgbcrn, Lasswade
Walltord Lodge, Prestonpans
Walltower, Penicuick
Wallyford, Musselburgh
Walston, Penicuick
Waltham Lodge, Murrayfield
Wanton Walls, Musselburgh
Waterstone, Uphall
Wathome, Dalkeith
Waulk Mm, Mvsselburgh
Weddingbum, Lasswade
Wellington Place, Musselburgh
Wellington Villa, Portobello
West Bangour, UphaU
West Bank, Tranent and Porto
West Beadlaw, Uphall
West Binny, Uphall
West Bonington, Ratho
West Briggs, Kirkliston
West Broadlaw, Uphall
Westbrook, Balerno
West Bush, Musselburgh
West Colinton, Colinton
West Craigs, Corstorphine
Westedge, Liberton
Wester Bonington, Ratho
Wester Hailes, Slateford
Westfarm, Winchburgh
Westfield, Cramond
Westfield Cottage, Portobello and
Westholmes, Musselburgh
West Houses, Dalkeith
West Mains, Musselburgh and
West Mills, Colinton, Mussel-
burgh, and Lasswade
West Muir, Kirkliston
West Pans, Musselburiih
West Pilton, Blackball'
West Side, Penicuick
West Wood. West Calder
Wheatfield, Portobello
Wheatlands, Kirkliston
Whelpside, Balerno
Whim, Penicuick
Whinnyhaugh, Penicuick
Whinny-row Cottage, Lasswade
Whippylaw, Ford
White Bogs, Lasswade
Whiteburgh, Ford
White Craig, Miisselburgh
Whitehill, Lasswade and Kirk-
Whitehill Colliery, Lasswade
Whitehouse, Musselburgh
Whitelaw, Currie
Whitemoss, Ku-knewton
Wilkieston, Ratho
Williamfield House, Portohello
Wilson's Park, Portobello
Windford, Uphall
Windj'goul, Tranent
Winton, Tranent
Wisp, Liberton
Woodbank, Dalkeith
Woodbine, Corstorphine
Woodbine Cottage, Lasswade
Woodburn, Dalkeith
Woodcote, Blackshiels
Woodend, Winchburgh
Woodfield, Colinton
Woodhall, Colinton, Tranent, and
Woodhead, Ford
Woodhouselee, Roslin
Woodland Cottage, Portohello
Woodrow, Ormiston
Woodside, Colinton
Woodville, Colinton & Murrayfield
Woobnet, Dalkeith
Wright's Mill, Juniper Green
Wynsford, Uphall
[ ^^^ ]
Amazon Life Assurance Co. and Sick Benefit
Society, 37 George st. — J. Faulds, agent
A}i;oun, Robert, W.S., 3 Fettes row
Ballingall, A. furniture dealer, 48 Howe st.
Bell, John, general agent, 19 N.-West Circus
Burr, ]\Irs John, 14 Heriot place
Burrell, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 7 Carnegie street
Colledge, William, surgeon, Maryfield, Easter
Douglas, James, of Cavers, 34 Moray place
Dunn, John H. 10 Buccleuch place
Dunn, W. silk merchant, 10 Nicolson street
Fauld^, ]\Irs, 37 George street
Gralloway, Robt. bookbinder, 4 Clyde street
Goidd, Mrs, shawl darner, 160 Canongate
Ivison, M. W. engineer and patent agent, 160
I Jamieson, John, printers' furniture and brass
rule maker, engraver on wood, and stereo-
typer, 43 East Crosscausey — house, 9
Crichton street
Mathison, Walter, spirit mercht., 92 High st.
Moir, David, smith and ironmonger, 41 Ko.
Munro, Donald, jobbing mason, Chalmers' cl.
Scott, Henry, ship-broker, 35 Bernard st.
Steadman, Aiidrew, provision merchant, 3
Quality lane
Telfer, John T. manufacturing goldsmith and
jeweller, 26 George street
Trotter, Robt. trimming warehouse, 15 Green-
side street
Walker, M. & Co. 78 Rose street
Whitton, R. H. auctioneer and appraiser, 13
London street
Queen Street Hall Richard B. Sanderson.
Abbott, Francis, Secretary to the General
Post-Office for Scotland, 25 Moray place
Abercrombie, Misses, 33 Moray place
Aberdeen, Leith, & Clyde Steam-Shipping
Co.'s Offices, Granton pier, Dock gates,
Leith, and 6 South St Andrew street, Edin-
burgh— G. Mathieson, agent
Aberdeen, Moray Firth, Inverness, Caithness,
Orkney, and Shetland Steam-Shipping Co.'s
Offices, Granton pier. Dock gates, Leith,
and 6 South St Andrew street, Edinburgh
— G. Mathieson, agent
Abernethy, Scott, watchmaker, 90 Kirkgate
Abernethy, Mrs, midwife, 9 Jamaica street
Abernethy, ]\Iiss, 110 Lauriston place
Academy, "Royal Scottish, of Painting, Sculp-
ture, and Architectm-e, Royal Institution —
D. 0. Hill, secretary
Academy, Edinburgh, Henderson row
Academy, Southern, Park place house
AcqurofF, John, hair-dresser, 20 Rose street
Adair, John, tailor, 227 High street
Adam & Kirk, W.S., 9 South Charlotte st.
Adam & M'Gregor, wool merchants, 5 Baiik
street, Leith
Adam, Alex., teacher, 27 St James' squai-e. —
See Adv. — ^house, 14 Dundas street
Adam, Alex. F., W.S., 19 Claremont crescent
Adam, Geo. {Sasine OJJice), 6 St Vincent st.
Adam, Henry, wine & spirit merchant, 8
Young street — house, 6
Adam, James, S.S.C, 19 Claremont crescent
Adam, James, victual dealer, 80 Pleasance
Adam, James, advocate, 36 Castle street
Adam, John, baker, 17 Tolbooth -wynd, Leith
Adam, John, draftsman & engraver on wood,
1 Windsor street
Adam, John, lodgings, 18 Brunsmck street
Adam, Patrick (Sang & A.), 9 Brandon st.
Adam, Robert, wright, 56 Lothian street
Adam, Robert, city accountant. City Cham-
bers— house, 18 Gardner's crescent
Adam, Steph. wool-merchant, 3 Bonning. pi.
Adam, Mrs, 11 Grove street
Adam, Mrs, 53 Queen street
Adam, Mrs, 9 Bonnington place
Adam, Miss Louisa, 13 South Castle street
Adams & Co. wine-merchants, 14 South St
Andrew street and 5 Meuse lane
Adams, Alex, bootmaker, 35 Bridge st. Leith
Adams, Alex. Maxwell, M.D. 16 Argyle sq.
Adams, Aw. {A & Co.), 13 Duke street
Adams, George C, S.S.C. 10 Duncan street,
Drummond place
Adams, Gilbert, bootmaker, 61 Nicolson st.
Adams, James, coffee-room, 219 High street
Adams, John, S.S.C. Drumsheugh cottage
Adams, John, jun. S.S.C. 9 Danube street
Adams, Nat. chimney sweep, 59 Thistle st.
Adams, Rob. smith and ironmonger, 4 Rut-
land place — house, 28 Torphichen street
Adams, W. D , M.D. and Surgeon, 16 Argyle
square and 53 Nicolson street
Adams, Mrs M. ladies' nurse, 1 Mound place
Adams, Mrs, lodgings, 52 Broughton street
Adamson, David M., S.S.C. 16 Nelson street
Adamson, George, contractor, 35 Leith st.
Adamson, Henry, plasterer, 32 Arthur st.
Adamson, James, manager, Johnstone & Hun-
ter's printing office, 12 Beaumont place
Adamson, Thomas C. tea-dealer, record office
for servants, 4 South St Andrew street
Adamson, W. M. cooper and fish-curer, 51
Giles' street — house, 5 Cable wynd, Leith
Adamson, Mrs John, 30 Kirkgate, Leith
A<lcock, Gilbert, paper warehouse, 50 High st.
ho. 35 South bridge
Addis, Rev. Thomas, Morningside place
Addis, Mrs William, 6 Grove street
Addison, Alexander, baker, 124 Kirkgate
Addison, Andrew, lodgings, 55 Princes street
Addison, llev. Berkeley, 19 Great Stuart st.
Addison, Jas., spirit dealer, 57 North bridge
Adie, Alex, and Son, opticians, 50 Princes st.
Adie, Alexander, optician, Canaan Cottage
Adie, John, optician, 50 Northumberland st.
Adie, William, spirit dealer, 7 Dock pi. Leith
Adie, Mrs Robert, 11 Duncan street
Adjutant-Generai/s Office, 3 Hope street
AiivERTi.SER Publishing; Office, 13 Hanover
street — Printing-Office, 91 Rose street
Advocates' Library, Parliament square
Advocate, Lord, 15 Great Stoart street
Advocates' Widows' Fund, 5 S.E. Circus
place — John Cay, collector
Affleck, Archibald, fleshir, 9 Home street
Affleck, George, hosier, glover, and laceman,
39 Queen street
Affleck, James, grocer, lOCauseyside — house,
11. Canning place
Affleck, John, wright, 38 Brunswick street
Affleck, Robert, grocer, wine & spirit dealer,
26 St Leonard street
Affleck, Miss, 10 Blenheim place
Agnew, Mrs George, 1 Rankeilior street
Agnew, Lady, 24 Moray place
Agriculturist Fire, Life, Cattle and
Hail Insurance Co. 9 South St Andrew
street — F. M'Minn, superintendent
Agricultural Improvement Office, 7
Pitt street
Agricultural Labourers' Dwellings As-
sociation, 51 George street— Patrick Moli-
son, acting secretary and accountant
Aikman, Andrew & Co. law printers, 11
Hanover street — house, 82 Princes street
Aikman, Aw. corn dealer, 12 Queensferry st.
Aikman, Arch. & Co. merchants, 1 Victoria
Aikman, Archibald {A. A. Sf Co.), 94 Lauris
ton place
Aikman, A. and D., wholesale leather mer-
chants, 5 and 38 Niddry street
Aikman, Colin C. com. & wine merchant,
36 Mitchell street, Leith— ho. 3 George pi.
Aikman, George, engraver and printer, 29
North bridge — house, 5 Roxburgh terrace
Aikman, Rev. J. Logan, 4 Bellevue terrace
Aikman, John & Son, painters, paper-hangers,
and glaziers, 8 Queensferry street
Aikman, John, S.S.C. 48 Frederick street
Aikman, Matthew, flesher, 6 Middle market
— house, 9 Graham street
Aikman, William, wholesale atationer, 30
Victoria strett — house, 2
Aikman, Mrs James, 3 George place
Aikman, Mrs James, 5-b St Patrick square
Aikman, Mrs, 11 Charles street
Aikman, Miss, 11 Charles street
Aimers, Samuel, tailor, 38 Rankeilior st.
Ainslie, Daniel, 48 Moray place /
Ainslie, David, 54 Queen street
Ainslie, James, cod merchant, 34 Sheriff
brae — house, 2 Old Bridge end
Ainslie, John, furniture dealer, 258 Cowgate
Ainslie, Jolm, farmer, Ilillend
Ainslie, Robert, W.S. and attorney in Exche-
quer, 1 4 Abercromby place
Ainslie, \Vm. (of Gardner^ Ainslie) 44 Howe
Ainslie, Mrs, 5 Wharton place
Aird, Thomas, 3 Saunders St., Stockbri'lge
Aird, Misses, Spring valley, Morningside
Aire, Miss, 6 Springfield
Airmet, Jas. earthenw. dealer, 96 Pleasance
Airtb, Mrs, Hope street, Leith walk
Aitchison and Sons, confectioners to her Ma-
jesty, 77 Queen street
Aitchison, Christopher, painter, glazier, and
paper-hanger, 22 Nelson street
Aitchison, David, draper, 22 Kirkgate — ho.
9 Glover utreet, Leith
Aitchison, Francis, 6 Broughton place
Aitchison, George, baker, 1 Wemyss place
Aitchison, Geo. spirit merch. 163 High st.
Aitchison, Geo. grocer and spirit dealer, 35 j
Richmond place
Aitchison, James, draper, 18 N.-West Circus
place — house, 1 5 Brunswick street
Aitchison, John, grocer, 49 Cowgate
Aitchison, John & Co. brewers, 48 South back
of Canongate
Aitchison, John, tailor and clothier, 18 North
Aitchison, John, wholesale spirit merchant,
44, 45, and 46 Shore
Aitchison, Tho. shoemaker, 31 Richmond pi.
Aitchison, Mrs, 15 St John street
Aitchison, Mrs, 13 East Adam st.
Aitchison, Mrs Major, 67 Great King street
Aitchison, Mrs Isabella, biker, Granton
Aitchison, Miss, 68 Gforge street
Aitken and Campbell, wine merchants, 11 St
James' square— house, 22 Broughton place
Aitken, Alex. & Co. smiths, ironmongers, and
tinsmiths, 19 Hanover street
Aitken. Alex, seal and gentral engraver and_
lithographer, 3 St Andrew street.
Aitken, Alex, iron merchant, 5 Sylvan place
Aitken, A. {Marshall (S( A.), 19 Buccleucti
Aitken, Alex, coal agent, 9 Port- Hamilton
Aitken & Co. firewootl factory, 69 Fountaia
Aitken & Co. English coal merchants, Junc-
tion bridge wharf, Leith
Aitken, A. C. sharebroker, 20 St Andrew sq.
Aitken, Andw, (/. A. S)- Co.), 6 Mansfield place
Aiiken, Andw. (A. G. S,- Co.), 4 Vanburgh pi.
Aitken, David, flesher, 20 Home street
Aitken, Gray, & Co. corn factors and com-
mission merchants, 27 Quality street
Aitken, James & Co. wholesale tea and coffee
dealers, 2 Blenheim pi. — ho. Maryfield Ho.
Aitken, James, farrier, 14 Potterrow
Aitken, James, chemist and druggist, 44
Broughton street — ho. 12 Fettes row
Aitken, James, solicitor. County buildings,
— house, 45 St Cuthbert street
Aitken, James {J. A §• Co.), Maryfield house
Aitken, James, collector of aunuity assessment,
12 Royal Exchange — house, 5 North St
James' street
Aitken, John, veter. surgeon, 42 Buccleuch st.
Aitken, John, wholesale tea and coffee mercht.
7 1 Adam square — house, 6 West Newington
Aitken, John, teetotal coffee-house, 104
Hi}^h street
Aitken, John, painter & glazier, 3 Union pi.
Aiiken, John, upholsterer, cabinetmaker, car-
ver and gilder, house agent, and appraiser,
39 Frederick street
Aitken, Robert, tea and coffee dealer, 1 West
College street — house, 2 Buccleuch place
Aiiken, Robt. gardener, Jock's Lodge
Aitken, Ttiomas (London i.^ Edin. Shipping
Co.), 8 London r<»w, Leith
Aitken, Walter, baker, 117 Nicolson street
Aitken, William, 56 Bridge street, Leith
Aitken, Wm. grocer, 14 Tolboothwynd, Leith
Aitken, William, accountant, 7 Tollcross
Aitken, W. grocer, 19 St Andrew st. Leith
Aitken, Wm. chemist and druggist, 3 Pitt
street and 44 Broughton street — house, 12
Fettes row
Aitken, Mrs Janet, grocer, 44 Home street
Aitken, Mrs W. midwife, 7 Leith street
Aitken, Mrs, Craigside place
Aiken, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 3 Jamaica street
Aitken, Mrs, 16 Keir street
Aitkenhead, Adam.flesher, 13 E. Richmond st.
Aitkin, Miss, 12 Brandon street
Albion Cloth Warehouse, John Dick & Co.,
Assembly Rooms, George street — agents for
Bicknell & Moore, London
Albion Insurance Office of London, 14
Royal Exchange — Andrew Muir, agent
Albion Loan Co. 23 Rose street
Airier, Wm. 13 Salisbury street
Alder, William, jun., commission agent, 60
New buildings. North bridge — house, 13
Salisbury street
Alexander & Co. silk dyers, 76 Clerk street
Alexander, Andw. baker, 58 East Crosscausey
Alexander, Charles, tailor and clothier, 105
Nicolson street
Alexander, Charles, nursery and seedsman,
32 W. Register st house, 15 Nelson st.
j Alexander, Frederick, commission agent, 60
New Buildings, North Bridge — bo. Cumin
place. Grange
Alexander, George, Wright, 156 Causey side
Alexander, H D., M.D. surg , 46 Canongate
Alexander, Jas. T. surgeon and accoucheur,
3 Randolph place
Alexander, James, 43 Lauriston place
Alexander, Jas. {Rich. A. and Son}, 22 Cla-
rence street
Alexander, James, nursery and seedsman,
Leith Walk Nursery
Alexander, Rev. John, 4 St Vincent street
Alexander, Jn. grocer & spirit mercht. Newh.
Alexander, John, flesher, 163 Fountainbridge
Alexander, Jn. (T. Sf J. Alex.) 108 Lauriston
Alexander, John, tailor and clothier, 2 Can-
ning place
Alexander, Jn. builder, 10 Gilmour place
Alexander, Lewis, wine and spirit mercht. and
manuf. of liquors, &c. Union st. lane
Alexander, Richard & Son, wine merchants to
the Qieen, 24 Frederick street
Alexander, Richard, draper, hosier, and shirt
maker, 467 Lawnmarket
Alexander, Richard, 16 St Vincent street
Alexander, Robt., butcher & poulterer, 42 So.
Clerk St. — house, Eraser lodge, Newington
Alexander, Thos. & John, surgeons, 5 Grass-
Alexander, Tho. & Son, coopers, 71 St
Andrew street, Leith
Alexander, T. B. {A. ^ Son), 71 St Andrew
street, Leith
Alexander, Thomas, surg. 45 Lauriston place
Alexander, Thomas, comm. agent, 93 Giles'
street, Leith
Alexander, Thomas, comm. agent, 2 Laurie
street, Leith
Alexander, Wm., W.S. commissary clerk of
Edinburgh, Commissary Ofiice, Parliament
square — Chambers, 10 N. St David st. — ho.
/ 4 George sq.
Alexander, W. {Cockburn ^ Co.) 11 Windsor
Alexander, Wm. dyer, 3 East Mayfield loan
Alexander, Wm. 21 Comely Bank
Alexander, Wm., J. P. officer, 12 Charles st.
Alexander, Mrs James, grocer and spirit dealer,
79 Kirkgate — house, 52 Charlotte st. Leith
Alexander, Mrs & Co. outfitting and baby
linen warehouse, 53 George street
Alexander, Mrs, grocer, 24 Home street
Alexander, Mrs, lady's nurse, 8 Hamilton pi.
Alexander, Miss, 7 Nicolson square
Alison and Cowan, corn merchants, 29 Consti-
tution street, Leith
Alison, A. 8 Prince Regent street, N. Leith
Alison, Jn. (^A. S{ Cowan), 9 Hermitage place,
Alison, Dr W. P. professor of the practice
of medicine, 44 Heriot row
Alison, Mrs, 1 9 Upper Gray street
Allan & Gavin, wine merchants, 25 Sheriff
brae, Leith
Allan, Alexander & Co. bankers, 40 Princes
Allan and Dunlop, stockbrokers, 4 St Andrew
Allan, Alex, millwright, Mayfield loan
Allan, Alex, advocate, 5 Hillside crescent
Allan, Alex, goods manager, E. P. & Duodee
Railway — house, 3 Scotland street
Allan, Alex, cabinetmaker, upholsterer, and
licensed appraiser, 1 Shandwick place, and
Castle terrace
Allan, Geo. {Ballantine and A.), 12 Nelson
Allan, Geo. {Com. Bank), 34 Danube street
Allan, George, baker, 4 Shrub place
Allan, Geo. 44 Cumberland street
Allan, .lames, tailor, 86 South bridge
Allan, James, 20 Barony street
Allan, James & Co., cabinetmakers and up-
holsterers, 53 Earl Gray street
Allan, J. G. (A. ^' Gavin), 6 Leopold place
Allan, John, cabinetmaker, 18 Dundas street
Allan, John, 87 George street
Allan, John, 29 Frederick street
Allan, John R. spirit dealer, 435 Lawnmarket
— ho. Wardrop's court, Lawnmarket
Allan, Robert, eharebroker, 29 York place
Allan, Thomas & Co. printers and publishers
of the Caledonian Mercury, and general prin-
ters, 265 High street
Allan, Thos. C. {iicoit &; A.), 9 Brunton place
Allan, Thomas, manure contractor, 1 1 Pillans'
Allan, W. {Customs), Hillbousefield
Allan, Wm., S.S.C. Moray street
Allan, Mrs Ann, dressmaker, 68 Nicolson st.
Allan, Mrs Wm. coal merchant, 12 Port-
Hamilton — house, 6 Newport street
Allan, Mrs, French staymaker, 87 George st.
Allan, Mrs, gardener, Lover's lane, Leith wa.
Allan, Miss Joanna, 11 Brandon street
Allan Miss, 17 Norton place
Allardice and Sclanders, upholsterers and cabi-
netmakers to the Queen, 12 George st.
Allardice, Thomas, 21 Howard place
Allen, Alfred {Inland Revenue)^ 68 Cumber-
land street
Alliance Assurance Co. 32 India street —
CM. Bars tow, agent
Alliance British and Foreign Life and Fire
Assurance Co. 95 George street — David
JMaclagan, manager
Alliance Marine Assurance Co. 15 Bernard
street — John Warrack & Co., agents
Allison, Alex, asphalter, 44 Whitfield place —
house, 189 Rose street
Allison, James, shipmr. 37 Couper st. Leith
Allison, John & Son, house agents and feu
collectors, 24 Middle Arthur place
Alloa and Leith Steam Packet Co.'s Office,
Konaldson's Wharf I
Allshorn, G. E. surgeon and homoeopathic
chemist, 69 George street — ho. 52 Hanover
Alston, Gleo. clothier and hatter, 40 Hanover st.
— house, 12 AthoU place
Alston, Hugh, 21 Parkside street
Alston, John, tea dealer, wine merchant, and
grocer, 50 Tolbooih wynd, Leith
Alston, Mrs, 8 Nicolson square
Alves, Charles George, Lieutenant- Colonel,
H.E.LC.S. 26 Broughton place
Alves, Henry Scott, 9 Royal terrace
Alves, Miss E. 17 Uaeburn place
Alves, Miss, 6 Scotland street
Anchor Assurance Co. 3 Mitchell street —
James Cochrane, agent
Ancrum, J. W. cork manufacturer, 142 Rose
Anderson & Patterson, upholsterers and house
agents, 10 Queensferry street
Andersons and Wood, merchants, 14 St An-
thony street
Anderson's Royal Fancy Bazaar, 47 North
Anderson, Alex, cabinetmaker, 33 Brunswick
Anderson, Alex. 12 Hill square
Anderson, Alex. 27 South Clerk street
Anderson, Alex. Graham, 10 S. St James' st.
Anderson, Andrew, M.D. 40 Minto street
Anderson, Archibald, 14 Bruntsfield place
Anderson, Campbell, gardener, FiUyside gar-
Anderson, Charles, M.D.,F.R.C.S. 40 QuaUty
Anderson, C. W. (R. A. ^ Co. ), 1 Laverock
I Anderson, Charles, S.S.C. 41 Heriot row
Anderson, D. of Moredun, banker, 98 George
Anderson, David, spirit merchant, 25 Citadel
Anderson, David, farrier, Hamilton's entry
Anderson, DaviJ, hairdresser, 119 Nicolson
Anderson, D. baker, 13 Hamilton pL — ho. 1
Riego St.
Anderson, David {A.d: Wood), 15London row
Anderson, D. S. laboratory, 247 Canongate
Anderson, Duncan, Keeper of Chapel Royal,
Ironside place
Anderson, Duncan, gardener, W. Norton pi.
Anderson, Ed. bazaar, 6 & 7 Greenside st.
Anderson, Francis, 34 Charlotte square
Anderson, Geo., Rosebank, Mayfield loan
Anderson, George, teacher, 8 Heriot place
Anderson, George, grocer & victual-dealer,
4 Amphion place
Anderson, Geo. shipmr. 38 Bridge st. Leith
Anderson, George S., writer, 28 Carnegie st.
Anderson, Hart, collector of West Kirk poor-
rates, 1 Rutland street
Anderson, Hugh, agent for Falkirk Iron Co.
5 Aleadow place
Anderson, Isaac, S.S.C. 41 York pi. — house,
14 Mary field
Anderson, James, solicitor-at-law, 5 Hill sq.
Anderson, James (of Customs), 4 View place,
Glover street, Leith
Anderson, James, musician, 17 Canning pi.
Anderson, James, bookbinder, 68 Nicolson st.
Anderson, J. upholsterer, 28 Candlemaker
Anderson, James, plasterer, Lothian road —
house, 23 Downie place
Anderson, James C, Lauder road. Grange
Anderson, James, jun. draper, 345 High st.
— ho. 13 Brandon Street
Anderson, James, supervisor of Inland Re-
venue, 7 London row
Anderson, James, weaver. Water of Leith
Anderson, James, civil engineer and architect,
1 4 Clarence street
Anderson, James, tailor and clothier, 33
Richmond place
Anderson, James T. 3 Gloucester place
Anderson, James, printer, I Clerk street
Anderson, James, 3 Portland place
Anderson, John and Francis, W.S., 50 Castle
Anderson, John, agent, Stonefield cottage,
Anderson, John (T. A. Mathieson §• Co.),
— ho. Borougbmuirhead, Morningside
Anderson, John, bookbinder & stationer, 233
High street
Anderson, John, grocer and victual dealer, 23
Bristo street
Anderson, John, Cafe Royal, 1 Register pi.
Anderson, John, boot and shoemaker, 9
Young street
Anderson, .John, 31 St Bernard's crescent
Anderson, John, W.S. 32 Moray place
Anderson, John, lodgings, 11 Drummond st.
Anderson, John, trowser-maker, 4i North
bridge — bouse, 8 Beaumont place
Anderson, John, jun. bootmaker, 21 South
bridge — house 5 Windmill street
Anderson, John, Holland lodge, S. Gray st.
Anderson, Jn. (R.GrieveSf Co.), 28 Saxe-co-
burg place
Anderson, John, purveyor offish to the Queen
for Scotland, 106 George street — ho. 108
Anderson, John, dairy, 39 Constitution st.
Anderson, John G., Viewfield, Trinity
Anderson, Letham, writer, 62 Cumberland st.
Anderson, Lewis, ironmonger, 32 Bridge
street, Leith
Anderson, Matthew, railway contractor, 9
Trinity crescent
Anderson, Michael, law printer, 7 George
street — house, Wardie house
Anderson, Patrick, 2 W. Claremont street
Anderson, Peter, W.S. 29 Howe street
Anderson, Peter, tailor, 21 Lothian street
Anderson, Peter (^Shore Dues), 11 Portland
place, Leith
Anderson, Robt. teacher of natural history and
physical science, 7 Gayfield square
Anderson, Robert, S.S.C. 1 Dundas street
Anderson, Robert (^National Bank), 6 West
Preston street
Anderson, Robert, pianoforte seller and tuner,
10 Dean street
Anderson, Robert, printer, 160 High street —
house, 98 Grange place
Anderson, Robert & Co. metal merchants, 6
Timber Bush, Leith
Anderson, Robert, 6 Ingliston street
Anderson, Robert, gardener, Merchiston
Anderson, R. and R. candlemakers, 93 Giles'
street — ho. 2 Cassels' place, Leith
Anderson, Robert (^Normal Institution)^ Castle
terrace — house, 48 London street
Anderson, R. 0. (G.P.O.), 4 Great King
Anderson, Thos. secretary Nat. Batik of Scot-
land, 41 St Andrew square
Anderson, Thos. Scott, W.S. 1 Atholl place
Anderson, W. spirit dealer, 33 Elbe street
Anderson, Wm. corn merchant, 5 Archibald
Anderson, Wra. perfumer, 2 East Register st.
Anderson, Wm. Marchmont, herald, lyon elk.
depute. Register ho. — house, 13 Union st.
Anderson, Wm. 21 Broughton street
Anderson, William, corn-dealer, 165 West pt.
Anderson, Wm. flesher, 18 Middle market
Anderson, W. and J. ironmongers, 22 Nicol-
son street
Anderson, William, town clerk, 107 Consti-
tution street, Leith
Anderson, William, merchant, 38 Constitu-
tion street — ho. 1 Salisbury road
Anderson, Wm. baker and confectioner, 12
South College street
Anderson, Wm. trunk & portmanteau maker,
1 Charles st.
Anderson, William, slater, 227 High street
Anderson, Wm. merchant. Hermitage place
Anderson, Wm. carter. Junction road, Leith
Anderson, Wm. {Betl Sf Co.), 7 Brown st.
Anderson, Mrs C. ladies' nurse, 23 Howe st.
Anderson, Mrs Charles, 8 London street
Anderson, Mrs C. 10 Blackett place
Anderson, Mrs, 7 George square
Anderson, Mrs Helen, 3 Hope street
Anderson, Mrs Jas. 30 Rutland square
Anderson, Mrs Jane, grocer, 38 Home street
Anderson, Mrs John, 20 St Cuthbert street
Anderson, Mrs John, 12 Gayfield square
Anderson, Mrs, lodgings, 22 Albany street
Anderson, Mrs Margaret, 5 Cheyne street
Anderson, Mrs Michael, 20 Howe street
Anderson, Mrs Wm. 2 London street
Anderson, Mrs M. 10 Duncan street
Anderson, Mrs, 28 Rutland square
Anderson, Mrs, 2 Queen street
Anderson, Mrs, 20 Coates crescent
Anderson, Mrs, sick nurse, 1 St Bernard's pL
Anderson, Mrs, lodgings, 39 Dublin street
Anderson, Mrs, ealing-house, 20 Rose street
Anderson, Miss Agnes, 29 Clarence street
Anderson, Miss B. dressmaker, 16 Greenside
Anderson, Miss Margaret S. 6 Windmill st.
Anderson, Miss Mary, dressmkr. 44 India pi.
Anderson, Miss, sen. of Winlerfield, 24 In-
verleith row
Anderson, Miss, 46 Gilmore place
Anderson, Miss, 8 Lynedoch place
Anderson, Miss, ladies' seminary, 16 AthoU
Anderson, Miss, 23 Howe street
Anderson, Miss, dressmaker, 74 Constitu-
tion street, Leith
Anderson, i\Iiss, Rosebank, Mayfield loan
Anderson, Miss, 5 Howe street
Anderson, Misses, 10 Maryfield
Anderson, Misses, 1 Blacket place
Anderson, IVIisses, 5 Great King street
Anderson, Misses, dressmakers, 35 West Ni-
colson street
Andrew, James, M.D., F.R.C.P.E. 15 Queen
Andrew, Mrs, 3 Mary place
Andrews, Wm. accountant, 20 Coburg street
Angelica, Mademoiselle, teacher of dancing,
1 Albyn place
Angus, David R. bookseller, stationer, and
news-agent, 9 Bread street
Angus, James H. agent, J 5 Buccleucb street
Angus, J. plumber and gasfitter, 5 Charles st.
Angus, Robert, woollen and linen draper, 68
and 69 Tolbooth wynd — house, 2 Welling-
ton place, Leith
Angus, Thomas, flesher, 164 Rose street —
house, 116
Angus, Wm., agent, I Market street — house,
1 Lothian road
Angus, Mrs C. 10 Dublin street
Angus, Miss Jessie, dressmaker, 47 India pi.
Annan, James, plasterer, 8 Bread st. — house,
1 Alva street
Annuity Assessment OfBce, 12 Royal Ex-
Anstruther, James, 42 Moray place
Antiquarian Society, 24 George street
Anton, James, agent, 2 ToUcross
Arbuckle, Joseph, cutler and bandage maker,
48 Nicolson street
Arbuthnot, Sir Robert Keith, Bart. 16 Char-
lotte square
jArcher & Mann, solicitors, 21 Beinard street,
I Leith
Archer, James, portrait painter, 21 York pi.
j^.rcher, John, fruit merchant, 2 Duke street,
Archer, Robt. 1 Summerfield, Leith
Archer, Mrs W. 3 Middle Arthur place
Archibald, C. baker & confectioner, 1 Archi-
bald place
Archibald, David, farrier, 166 Rose street
Archibald, David, tailor, 77 Rose street
Archibald, George, 10 St Patrick square
Archibald, George, keeper. County Hall
Archibald, Jas. surgeon, 89 Wester Newington
Archibald, Jn. victual dealer, 3 Greenside pi.
Archibald, John, hatter, 92 High street
Archibald, John, baker, 29 Pitt street
Archibald, William Power, hotel-keeper, 87
Princes street
Archibald, Miss, 2 South-west Circus place
Archibald, Misses, 30 Pdtt street
Architectural Institute of Scoiland, 51
George street ,|
Arcus, Mrs John, lodgings, 3 Stafford street
Argus Life Insurance Co. 38 Frederick street
— Scott, Rymer, and Scott, agents
Arkley, Patrick, advocate, 29 Great King st.
Arkley, Miss Elizabeth, furniture sempstress,
26 Pleasance
Arkley, Miss, 18 Cassells' place
Armet, Wm. & Son, tailors, 8 Shakspeare sq.
Armitage, Alex. B. accountant, 40 Albany st.
Armitage, Mrs Samuel, 40 Albany street
Armour, Harry, priuter, 54 South bridge—*
house, 18 Buccleucb place
Armstrong, Thomas, cashier, Bank of Scot-
land — house, ditto
Armstrong, William, joiner and cabinetmaker,
2 Nottingham terrace
Armstrong, Miss Margaret, dressmaker, 2 St
James' place
Arnaud, Major, Middlefield house, Leith
Arniston Colliery Office, St Leonard's De-
pot— John Wotherspoon, agent, 17 Parkside
Arnold, James, baker, 25 Home street
Arnot, Rev. David, D.D. 38 George square
Arnot, Henry, Abbey mount
Arnot, Mrs Andrew, 2 W. Newington place
Arnot, Misses, Bellevue cottage. Trinity
Arnott & Malcolm, W.S. 2 Forth street
Arnott, .Tames, W.S. 5 Wemyss place
Arnott, James Rich, dispensing chtniist, 82
Howe street — house, 30
Arnott, James, baker, 44 Buccleucb street
Arnott, John, W.S. 1 St Vincent street
Arnott, Mrs, 1 St Vincent street
Arnott, Mrs, 30 Howe street
Arnott, Missjteacher of drawing, French and
music, 30 Howe street
Arthur, Andrew, pastor of Bristo st. Baptist
Church, 15 Buccleucb pi.
Arthur & Son, clothiers, IQ So. St David st.
Arthur, Chas. secretary to the Edinburgh &
Leith Gas Co. 33 Howe street
Arthur, Geo. Wellington place
Arthur, John, house agent, 4 Roxburgh terrace
Arthur, John, railway contractor, 11 St
James' place
Arthur, Richard, S.S.C. 16 Royal Exchange —
house, Viewfield, Merchiston
Arthur, Wm. 4 Rankeillor street
Arthur, Miss, 2 Wellington place
Akts, Royal Scottish Society of — James Tod,
secretary, 55 Great King street
Arts, The Royal Association for Promotion
of Fine — J. A. Bell, 69 York place, sec-
Arts, Royal lustitution for the Encourage-
ment of Fine — Institution, Mound
Ashenheim, Jacob, jeweller, silversmith, and
watchmaker, 25 Castle street
Ashworth, Mrs, 33 Gaytield square
Assay, Goldsmiths' Office, 98 South bridge
Assembly Rooms, 54 George street
Association for the Revival of Sacred Music,
St Cecilia Hall, Randolph place
Asylum, Foreign and Domestic Life Assurance,
35 Frederick street — H. Fraser, W.S. agent.
— See Adv.
Asylum, Magdalene, 181 Canongate — J. S.
Ogilvy, treasurer
Asylum for Industrious Blind, 58 Nicolson
street — Thos. Wallace, manager
Asylum for the Female Blind, 38 Nicolson
street — Miss Bathgate, matron
Atkinson, Isaac, 17 Minto street
Atkinson, Jas. Charles, master. Royal Navy,
2 Madeira street
Atkinson, John Balfour, 8 Royal terrace
Atkinson, J. T., General Fost- Office, Otchdrd-
field, Leith Walk
Atkinson, R. coach-hirer, 8 N.-W. Circus pi.
Atlas Fire & Life Assurance Co.'s office —
John Campbell, 8 Scotland St., W. White,
12 Frederick st., H. Tod, 5 York place,
G. F. Chiene, 7 George street, agents
Auchie, Alex, upholst. auctioneer, appraiser,
and undertaker, 25 George street — house,
4 Argyle square
Auchie, Alex. jun. Grange road
Aucbineloss, John, smith, North Rose st. lane
—house, 24 Gardner's crescent
Auditor's Chambers, 16 Royal Exchange
Aue, Dr C. E. teacher of German, 43 Northum-
berlnd street
Auld, Hugh, 40 Drummond place
Auld, James, bootmaker, 897 Lawnmarket
Auld, John, W. S. 10 Duke street
Auld, John, shoemaker, 13 Heriot's buildings
Auld, John, bootmaker, 5 Elm row
Auld, Wm. shoemaker, 513 Lawnmarket —
house, 20 Meadow place
Austin, John, mason, St Bernard's row
Austin, IVIrs Elizabeth, 8 Mary place
Austin, Miss, 1 Walker street
Ayer, James, tailor, 10 Catharine street
Aytoun, James, advocate, 39 Heriot row
Aytouii, Wm. Edmondstoune, advocate, pro-
fessor of rhetoric and belles lettres, sheriflf
of Orkney, 16 Great Stuart street
Aytoun, Mrs, 28 Inverleith row
Aytoun, Mrs M. C. W. of Purin, 19 Coates
Aytoun, Miss, 39 Heriot row
Bawdon, Isaac, mail-guard, 13 Calton hill
Baprg, Mrs, 46 Nicolson street
Bagg-iley, W. H. &Co. commission merchants,
50 George street
Baggot, Richard, 11 Leopold place
Baigrie, George, coal merchant, Echo bank
Baijiri*, Thos. coal merchant, Scotland Street
Station. — See Adv.
Baildon, H. C. chemist and druggist, 73 Princes
Baildon, Wm. druggist, 10 Torphichen street
Bailey, Joseph, Abana villa, Lauder road
Bailey, John, boot & shoemaker, 78 Princes st.
Bailey, John, 1 Gardner's crescent
Bailey, Wm. jun. commission agent and
merchant, 25 Greenside place
Bailey, W. 28 Danube street
Baillie & Palmer, coach-lace manufacturers,
Mint close
Baillie, Charles, advocate, sheriff of Stirling-
shire, 14 Randolph crescent
Baillie, George (late of the Bengal establish-
ment), H.E.I.C.S. 3 Atholl crescent
Baillie, J. M. (Moncreif Sj- B.), 14 Walker st.
Baillie, James W., W.S. agent for Western
Life Assurance Company, and Law Fire
Assurance Company, 14 Walker street
Baillie, John, Grange road
Baillie, P. spirit dealer, 14 Hanover street
Baillie, Robt. G. of Culterallers, 14 Walker
Baillie, Robert, clothier, 3 Melbourne place —
ho. 3 Spittal street
Baillie, Thomas, S.S.C. 4 Baxter's place
Baillie, Thos. & Nicol, provision mercht. Vic-
toria street
Baillie, Walter (^Warrick and B.), 18 Buc-
cleuch place
Baillie, William, of Falahill, W.S. 31 Regent
Baillie, Wm. 5 Inverleith terrace
Baillie, Wm. R. (^Mackenzie and B.), 3 Nor-
thumberland street
Baillie, W. boot & shoemaker, 25 Thistle st.
Baillie, Zerub, 5 Brown's place
Baillie, Mrs Barb, midwife, 2 Roxburgh st.
BailHe, Mrs, sick-nurse, 7 Wright's houses
Baillie, Mrs, 7 Lynedoch place
Bain, Alex. B. spirit merchant, 4 Cable wynd
Bain, Arthur, printer, 5 North bank street
Bain, D. G. 32 Alva street
Bain, Daniel, boot and shoemaker, 8 North
Bain, Donald, grocer, wine and spirit mercht.
66 Briato street
Bain, D. accountant, cham. E. Broughton pi.
Bain, James, 1 Charles street
Bain, John, boot and shoemaker, 69 Shore
Bain, J. spirit merchant, 167 Canongate —
house, 179
Bain, Thos. cabinetmaker & upholr. Coates
place — house, 26 Bread street
Bain, William, lodgings, 8 Kerr street
Bain, Mrs, 9 Trinity crescent
Bain, Mrs Marion, 29 Clarence street
Bain, Mrs, brok. & str-hat mak. 157 Cowgate
Bain, Miss, crimper and gofferer, 16 Calton
Baird, A., tea dealer and grocer, 34 Home 8t.
Baird, Captain Andrew, 18 Grove street
Baird, James, fruiterer, 18 Stockbridge market
Baird, JohnW., W.S, 4 Drummond place
Baird, John, skinner and wool dealer. Silver
Baird, Joseph, merchant, 14i Royal Exchange
— house, 28 Minto street
Baird, William {G.P.-O.), Rose cottage,
Hewitt place
Baird, Wm. plasterer, Coates place
Baird, Mrs Nicol, 11 Annandale street
Baird, Mrs W. G. 20 Drummond place
Baird, Mrs, of Camelon, 4 S.-W, Circus pi.
Baird, Miss, 23 Broughton place
Bairnsfaiher, Mrs, 16 Howard place
Baker, Geo. Rainbow tavern. North bridge
Bald, Robert, mining engineer, 33 Albany
Bald, Mrs, sick-nurse, 27 William street
Balderston, Mrs, 23 Melville street
Baldwin, Mrs B. M. 2 Claremont place
Balfour & Co., wine merchants, 14 George
Balfour, Alexander, teacher, Bell's school, Gt.
Junction street, Leith — house, Northfield
Balfour, Andrew, 3 St John's hill
Balfour, Andrew, 20 Elder street
Balfour, Geo. C. advocate, 3 Darnaway street
Balfour, J. H., M.D. professor of medicine
and botany, 2 Bellevue crescent
Balfour, Jas. of Pilrig, W.S. 9 Picardy pi. —
house, Pilrig house
Balfour, James, jun. W.S. Waterloo place —
house, Bonnington brae
Balfour, J. & J. M., W.S. 9 Picardy place
Balfour, .James, 12 Maitland street
Balfour, John M., W.S. 9 Picardy place-
house, Pilrig house
Balfour, John & Co. corn factors, 133 Con-
stitution street — house, 10 Waterloo place
Balfour, Robert, accountant, secretary of City
of Glasgow Life Assurance Co. 17 Clare-
mont crescent
Balfour, Thos. A. G., M.D., 3 St John's Hill
Balfour, Thos. flax mercht. 118 High street
Balfour, Rev. Wm. 3 St John's hill
Balfour, Mrs Wm. Salisbury Green cottage
Balfour, ]Mrs Melville, 19 Warriston crescent
Balfour, Mrs, 10 Waterloo place
Balfour, Mrs, 2 Moray place
Balfour, Misses, 20 Elder street
Ballantine & Allan, house- painters, glass-
stainers, and japanners, 42 George street
Ballantine, James {B. Sf Allan), Warrender
Ballantine, John, farmer, Upper Braid
Ballantine, J. saddler, 8 Lothian road
Ballantyne, James, baker, 42 Clerk street
Ballantyne, Rev. James, 12 Rankeillor street
Ballantyne, .J. stationer and bookseller, 49
Bernard street — house, 5 Summerfield
Ballantyne, James, merchant, 31 Clerk street
Ballantyne, J. A., printer and stereotyper,
Paul's Work — ho. 6 Lauriston Lane
Ballantyne, John, historical and portrait
painter, A.R.S.A. 6 Abercromby place
Ballantyne, Robert M. {T. Constable d; Co.),
2 Windsor street
Ballantyne, Wm. late of Customs, 11 Van-
burgh place, Leith
Ballantyne, Mrs A. 2 Windsor street
Ballantyne, Mrs Wm. 13 Gay field square
Ballantyne, Misses, dressmakers, 55 India pi.
Balleny, John, Bainfield, Queensferry road,
Balleny, W. superintendent of the Edinburgh
Cemetery, 3 Warriston crescent
Balleny, Miss, 57 Albany street
Balleny, Miss, corset maker, 6 Bristo street
Balmain, James, 4 East Adam street
Balmain, Michael, accountant {Clydesdale
Bank), 19 Pitt street
Balmain, Miss, dressmaker, 219 High street
Balmain, Misses, milliners, &c. 21 Charloite
street, Leith
Balmer, ]\Irs, ladies' nurse, 13 Hill place
Bank of Scotland, Bank siieet — Branch,
36 Constitution street, Leith Tho. Jones,
Banks, Alex. jun. bookbinder and stationer,
29 North Bridge
Banks, Geo. boot and shoe manufacturer, 7
Union place
Banks, Henry, merchant tailor, 22 Duke
Banks, John, die & stamp cutter, 59 S. Bridge
Banks, Peter S., S.S.C. 67 Great King street
Banks, Robert, grocer, 59 Pleasance, and 6
India place
Banks, Wm. engraver, printer, and litho-
grapher, 26 Waterloo place — house, 13 St
James' square
Banks, Wm. grocer and wine merchant, I
Pitt Street
Banks, Miss Elizabeth, 2 Elm row ]
Banks, Misses, 9 Hamilton place, Newington j
Bannatyne Club — David Laing, secretary.
Signet Library
Bannatyne, Peter {National Bank), 3 South
Fort street, Leith
Banner & Co. tea and coffee merchants, 4
Victoria terrace
Bannerman, Jas., D.D. professor of divinity.
New College, 7 Clarendon crescent
Bannerman, Mrs, 2 Romily place
Bannerman, Mrs, midwife and sicknurse, 39
India place
Bannerman, Miss, embroiderer, 4 North St
James' street
Baptie, David, musical copyist, 98 Rosest.
Baptie, John, carpenter and house agent, 30
Earl Grey street
Baptie, Mrs, 15 Gardner's crescent
Barber, Mrs H. spirit dealer, 6 Carrubber's
Barbour, G. F., The Grange house
Barbour, Mrs Geo. 17 Gardner's crescent
Barclay, Davidson, basket maker, toy and
fancy warehouse, 71 North Hanover street
Barclay, Geo, commission agent, 9 Gardner's
Barclay, Geo. {^Berry, Henderson^ d: Co), 1
Carleton terrace
Barclay, John, merchant, 5 Leven street
Barclay, Major P. 14 Coates crescent
Barclay, William C. painter and gilder, 2
Roxburgh place — h<». 13 Drummond street
Barclay, Mrs A. D. 5 Cassell's place
Barclay, Miss, 7 Carlton terrace
Barker, Barnard, clothes broker, 139 Cowgate
Barker and Forbes, tailors and clothiers, 31
South bridge
Barker, Patrick, furn. dealer, 172 Cowgate
Barker, Thos. inspector of letter-carriers, 5-b
St Patrick square
Barker, Miss, matron, Stewart's hospital
Barland, John Watling, chemist and druggist,
21 Home street
Barlas, James, secretary, Scottish Union In-
surance Co. 47 George street
Barlas, Robert, land valuator, 34 Gilmore pi.
Barlow, John, veterinary surgeon, assistant
professor Veterinary College, 8 Clyde street
Barlovv^, John, 1 Pilrig street
Barlow, Mrs, 15 Stafford street
Barnes, Misses, Madeira place, Canaan lane
Barnetson, Alex. (Lieut. H. P.), 3 Clarence
Barnett, John, watchmaker and jeweller, 128
Nicolson street
Barr, Wm. victual & spirit dealer, 30 Cowgate
Barrie, Andrew, clock and watchmaker (/a/e
Whitelaw Sf B.), 3 S. St Andrew street
Barron, John, accountant and depute clerk of
teinds, 45 Queen street
Barron, Mrs, 9 Mansfield place
Barrowman, A. Duncan, janitor. University
Barrowman, Mrs, 19 St Patrick square
Barry, Jn. H., British hotel, wine merchant,
70 Queen street, and Granton hotel, Gran-
ton Pier
Barry, Colonel, R. E. 4 Windsor street
Barstow, Charles M. accountant, 32 India st.
Bartholomew, George, engraver, 20 Hadding-
ton place
Bartholomew, John, engraver, 13 Union st.
Bartholomew & Law {late Metcalf ^ Co.)^
milliners and dressmakers, 29 Queen street
Barton, John, 6 Saunders street
Barton, Robt. Bangholm bower. Trinity
Barton, Miss, lodgings, 9 South-east Circus pi.
Bartram, James, bootmaker, 114 Nicolson st.
Barty, Margaret, 30 Hamilton place
Baths, Public, 12 Nicolson square — David
Little, manager
Baxter, C. and^E., W.S. 32 Castle street
Baxter, Chas. (C. Sf E. Baxter), 3 Brandon
Baxter, Edmund ( C §• -E. Baxter), 3 Bran-
don street
Baxter, John, 5 Lutton place
Baxter, John, 3 East Broughton place
Baxter, Peter, S.S.C., 51 N. Hanover street
Baxter, Wm. flesher, 15 East Adam street
Baxter, M. & E. victual dealers,241Canongate
Baxter, Mrs M. lodgings, 52 Bristo street
Baxter, Mrs William, 8 Albany street, Leith
Baxter, Miss, matron. Royal Infirmary
Baxter, Miss, dressmaker, 32 Frederick street
Baxter, Misses, 22 Scotland street
Bayley, Isaac, S.S.C. {M'Ritchie, B., ^ Hen-
derson^, 13 Regent terrace
Bayne, Charles, fruiterer, 87 Princes street
Bayne, Christopher, boot and shoe maker, G4
Leith street
Bayne, James, S.S.C. 99 George street
Bayne, Jas. spirit dealer, 7 Hanover street
Bayne, John {Boyd ^ B.), 29 Rose street
Bayne, Menzies, painter, glazier, and paper-
hanger, 27 Elder st. — ho. 65 Pleasance
Bayne, Mrs, 15 Dublin street
Bayne, Miss Lihas, 7 Rankeillor street
Beadie, J. C. merchant, 36 Sheriff'brae, Leith
Beaton, A. dyer and renovator, 3 Nelson st.
Beaton, Dun. grocer and spirit mer. 6 Cowgate
Beaton, Hugh, coal mercht. 8 Fountainbridge
Beatson, David, mercht. Madeira st. Leith
Beatson, David (session-clerk for the city),
City Chambers
Beatson, James {Council Record Department),
23 Clerk !^t.
Beatson, Robt. writer, Ferneyhill, by Libert.
Beatson, William, grocer andprovi^ion dealer,
134 Nicolson street
Beatson, Mrs, matron, Edin. poor's house
Beattie, Adam, builder, 100 Laurifton jdace
Beattie, Adam, millmaster, 2 Huntly street
Beattie, Alexander, Star hotel, 36 Princes st.
Beattie, George ( W. B. ^- Sons), 5 Lothian
Beattie, J. M. I Leslie place
Beattie, John, auctioneer, 50 Nicolson street
Beattie, John, tobacco manufr. 11 Cowgate-
head — house 10 Graham street
Beattie, Peter, inspector of poor, 163 Canon-
gate — house 6 Comely green place
Beattie, Wm. and Sons, builders and wood
merchants, 23 Bread street, and 15 Foun-
tain bridge
Beattie, Wm. ( W. B. Sr Sons), 122 Lauriston
Beattie, Mrs, 58 Queen street
Beattie, Miss Jane, teacher of drawing, IQ
London street
Beck, Miss Jemima, 3 Stafford street
Beda, A. W. agent^ 54 Constitution street ,
Bee, David, victual dealer, 190 Cowgate
Beenie, Mrs Andrew, 2 Druminond street
Beenie, John, baker, 3 St Aniliony place
Begbie & Lee, heraldic and ornamental en-
gravers & printers, 75 Princes street
Begbie, Alex, shoemaker, 138 Nicolson street
Begbie, James, plasterer, 191 Canongate
Begbie, James, M.D. physician, 3 Charlotte
Begbie, James Warburton, M.D. 21 Alva st.
Begbie, Major Thomas Stirlin^% 42 Casde st.
Begbie, John, dairyman, 191 High street
Begbie, Peter and Co. smiths and iron-
mongers, 29 E. Rose street lane
B gbie, Peter, coal merchant, 31 Constitution
street, Leith — house, 105
Begbie, Robt. {B. ^- Lee), 12 Antigua street
Begbie, W. & Co. lapidaries, 9 Leith street
Begbie, W. M. teacher, 6 X. E. Circus place
Begbie, Wm. stoneware dealer, 28 Sandport
street — house, 16
Begbie, Miss, 36 Alva street
Beilby, Geo. Thos., M.D. surgeon. Falcon
cottage, Morning^ide
Beitb, Donald {Murray 8f Beith), 50 Castle
Belford, Colin G. 5 Dundas street
Belfrage, William, writer, 49 Queen street —
house, Windlestrawlee
Belfrage, W. hosier, glover, shirt and stock
maker, 75 George street — house, 73
Bell & Bradfute, booksellers, 12 Bank street
Bell, Rannie, and Co. wine merchants, 62
Constitution street, Leith
Bell & Dodds, shoemakers, 12 Victoria st.
Bell & McLean, W.S. 5 Hill street
Bell & Co. boot and shoe makers, 33 South
Bell, Alex. Melville, prof, of elocution and
vocal physiology, for the removal of stam-
mering, &c. 13 South Charlotte street
Bell, Alex. M., W.S. East Morningside ho.
Bell, Alex, ironmonger, 98 Princes st. —
house, 28 Torphichen street
Bell, Archibald, advocate, 81 Great King st.
Bell, Andrew B. advocate, 20 Great King si.
Bell, Archibald, bookbinder, 40 East Rose
lane — house, 17 Rose street
Bull, Benj. surg. F.R.C.S. 8 Shandwick pi.
Bell, Benj. R. advocate, sheriff of Elgin and
Nairnshire, 6 Shandwick place
Bell, Dr Charles, physician and accoucheur, 36
India street
Bell, Dandeson C, H.E.L C.S. 7 Darnaway st.
Bell, G. Graham, advocate, 43 Melville st.
Bell, G. Hamilton, F.R.C.S. 13 Charlotte sq.
Bell, Geo., M.D., 4 AihoU place
Bell, George, cabinetmaker, 8 St James' sq.
Bell, Geo. jeweller and silversmith, 44 North
bridge — house, 44 Rankeillor street
Pell, Geo. wine merchant, 1 Queen's place,
Leith walk
Bell, James, clock and machine maker, 7
Richmond place
Bell, James & Son, bell hangers and Venetian
window blind makers, 16 S. St Andrew st.
Bell, J. A. architect, 69 York place
Bell, James & Co. wine merchants and corn
factors, 50 Bernard street, Leith
Bell, J. Montgomerie, advocate, and sheriff
of KincardiiieHhire, 4 Forres street
Bell, James, S.S.C. 25 York place, agent for
the Commercial Credit Mutual Assurance
Society, and the Law, Property, Fire and
Life Assurance
Bell, .John B. writing-master, and teacher of
arithmetic and book-keeping, 36 George
street — house, Liuder road
Bell, John, writer, 10 Craigside place
Bell, John Beatson, of Glenfarg, W.S. 20
Great King street
Bell, John {Thos. B. Campbell 6f Co.), 8
Picardy place
Bell, John, tailor and clothier, 27 S. Hanover
Bell, J. & W. cork manufacturers, 115
Bell, Lindesay, 3 St Bernard's row
Bell, Oswald, Major E.I.C.S., Greenhill gar-
Bell, Peter, 11 Gilmour place
Bell, P. smith and ironmonger, 9 North-west
Circus place
Bell, Robert, advocate, and sheriff of Ber-
wickshire, 15 Great Stuart street
Bell, Robert C. engraver, 3 Summerhall pi.
Bell, Robert F. & Son, corn factors and general
commission agents, 5 Union place
Bell, Robt. architect and land surveyor, 25 St
Patrick square
Bell, Thomas, smith, Broughton market — ho.
7 Union street
Bell, Walter (Stewart S,- B.), 3 Wallace place
Bell, Walter, bootmaker, 16 Lothian street
Bell, William H. assistant clerk of Session, 10
West Maitland street
Bell, Wm., S.S.C. and notary- public, 19
Elder street
Bell, W. sacking manufacturer, 89 West bow
Bell, William, stock and share broker,2 North
St David street
Bell, Mrs Adam, Larkfield, Trinity
Bell, Mrs Carlyle, 66 Northumberland st.
Bell, Mrs Charles R. 20 Pitt street
Bell, Mrs Robert, 30 Royal circus
Bell, Mrs, 22 Forth street
Bell, Mrs, 4 Atholl place
Bell, Mrs, 6 Dean terrace
Bell, Miss, 2 Barony street
Bell, Miss Jane, dressmaker, 10 Calton hill
Bell, Miss, milliner, 340 Lawnmarket
Benevolent and Stranger's Friend Society,
84 High street — Robt. Anderson, treasurer
Benhar Colliery Office, Haymarket station —
C. Brown, agent
Bettholme, Hon. Lord, 76 Great King street
Bennet, Alex., W.S. 16 Howe street— ho. 18
Bennet, Archibald, sec. Bunk of Scotland^
Caroline cottage
Bennet, Charles, cabinetmaker and uphol-
sterer, 33 Frederick street
Bennet, Forrest, woollen draper, hosier, and
hatter, 96 Kirkgate, Leith
Bennet, J. jun. clerk, Helen place, Leith
Bennet, James, corn-factor, 13 Bernard street
— house, 5 Hope street
Bennet, Lieut. Lindsay, 11 W. Richmond st.
Bennet, Mrs John, sen. waggoner, 31 Queen
street, Leith
Bennet, Ann and Maria, embroiderers, 138
Bennet, Mrs, 6 Upper Dean terrace
Bennet, Miss, 22 Scotland street
Bennett, Dr, prof, ot Institute of medicine &
consulting physic. F.R.C.P. 1 Gleniinlas st.
Bernard, Tlios. and J as. distilkrs, Leith Dis-
tillery, 9 Yardheads
Bernard, Thos. and Jas. brewers, 71 North
back ot Canongate
Bernard, Thomas {T. ^ J. Bernard), 17 Leo-
pold place
Bernardes, Robert, boatbuilder, Newhaven
Berry, Henderson, and Co. corn-factors and
merchants, 127 Constitution street
Berry, David, builder, 9 Society
Berry, James, saddler, 13 Bread street
Berry, Ja^. saddler, 11 Constitution st.
Berry, Lawrence, plasterer, 3 Greenside row
Berry, Walter, 4 Hermitage place. Links
Berry, Mrs, 36 Cumberland street
Berry, Mrs, of Tayfield, 13 Claremont cresct.
Berry, Miss, 2 Loudon street
Bertram, D. F. bookseller, 117 Nicolson st.
Bertram, Geo. {W. 4- G. B.), 14 Upper Gray
Bertram, Jas. engineer and millwright, An-
derson's place
Bertram, Jus. Glass, & Co. periodical venders
and news agents, 27 Hanover street
Bertram, John A. and Co. wine merchants,
26 Quality street, Leith
Bcriram, John Archibald, 16 Leopold place
Bertram, Wm. & Geo. millwrights and en-
gineers, 14 East Sciennes street
Bertram, Wm. {W. ^- G. B.), 3 Sciennes pi.
Bertram, Mrs, Middlefield house
Bertram, Mrs, Canaan grove
Bertram, Miss, of Kerswell, 21 Rutland sq.
Berwick, A. & Co. brewers, Wilson's court,
134 Canongate
Berwick, David, 23 Howard place
Berwick, John B. 50 Albany street
Berwick, Mrs William, SO Albany street
Best, Miss, 12 Leopold place
Bethune, Johrt, writer, 9 Mackenzie place
Bethune, Mrs, 36 Moray place
Betts, James, 27 East Claremont street
Beveridge, James, 1 Wardie
Beveridge, J. Pringle, account. 14 Duke st.
Beveridge, John, practitioner for synovial dis-
eases, "26 London street
Beveridge, P. S. (^S*. §- F. S. B.), 38 Bernard
Beveridge, Robert, baker, 54 London street
Beveridge, S. (S. ^ P. S. B.), 3 John's pi.
Beveridge, S. & P. S. solicitors and notaries
public, 38 Bernard street, Leith
Beveridge, Thomas, D.C.S. 14 Duke street
Beveridge, Thos. Knox, W.S. assistant clerk
of session, 98 Lauriston place
Beveridge, Mrs Matia, spirit dealer, Bonning-
ton bridge
Bews, J. M. writer, 30 Rutland square
Biggar, John, cabinetmaker and undertaker, 72
Clerk street — houne, 45 Montagu street
Biggar, Benjamin, merchant, 7 Timber bush
Biggar, M'^alter, 15 Claremont crescent
Bill-Chamber, Register house
Billet-Maste ii's Office, Police office, Leith
Billing, William N., HomcEopathic chemist,
19 Castle street
Binnie, Alex, spirit dealer, 48 Grassmarket
Binnie, John, baker, Murrayfield
Binny, Graham, W.S. 9 Hart street
Bird, Hen. grocer & spirit mer. 2 Leggat's
land — house, 3 Johnston place
Bird, Henry, gro. & spirit mtrch. Castle barns
Bird, Thomas (/. Sr A. Reid ^ Co.), 26 and 27
South bridge
Bird, Mrs, 7 India street
Birkmyre, Rev. John, D.D. 4 Comely bank
Birrel, Wm. cabinetmaker, 347 Cowgate
Birrel, William, messenger. Union Bank^ 5
St James' square
Birrel, Mrs Catharine, 15 Buccleuch street
Bishop, J. boot & shoemaker, 71 Broughton
Bishop, J. B. engraver, 19 Union st.
Bishop, Jas. coal merchant, 10 Port-Hopetoun
Bishop, John, merchant, 1 West Nicolson
Bishop, John, seedsman, 49 Kirkgate, Leith
Bishop, J. victual dealer, 53 Hanover street
Bishop, William, flesher, 2 Bristo street —
house, 56 Lothian street
Bishop, Mrs, 46 Great King street
Bishop, Mrs, Tipperlinn
Bishop, Mrs, 17 Albany street, Leith
Bishop, Mrs, 26 Elder street
Bisset, Archibald, draper, 43 Home street
Bisset, George, smith and bell-hanger, 161
Rose street
Bisset, James, builder, 20 Nelson street
Bisset, Mrs Thomson, 13 Tolbooth wynd,
Bisset, Miss Margaret, dressmaker, 6 East
Broughton place
Black, Adam and Chas. booksellers, 6 North
Black, Adam {Adam 8; Charles 5.), 38 Drum-
mond place
Black, Adam, teacher of English and elocution,
27 Buccltuch place.
Black, Alex, architect, surveyor, and super-
intendent of works for Heriot's Hospital,
12 Royal Exchange — ho. 19 Lauriston st.
Black, Alex, professor of exegetical theology,
F. C. College, 16 Claremont crescent
Black, Andrew, brushmaker, 30 St Andrew sq.
— house, 15 Clyde street
Black, Chas. {A. ^ C. Black), 23 Scotland st.
Black, D. M. & H., W.S. 21 St Andrew sq.
Black, David, tobacconist, 27 Princes street
and 70 Leitb st. — ho. 13 Rankeillor st.
Black, David, shoemaker, Hillhousefield
Black, David Martin, 21 St Andrew square
Black, G & J. Caw, messengers-at-arins anJ
sheriff-officers, 30 St James' square
Black, Geo. (B. Sf Caw), 30 St James' sq.
Black, Henry, solicitor, 21 St Andrew square
Black, Hugh, 2 Model buildings
Black, James Tait (/4. §• C. Black), 10 Lon
don street
Black, James, smith and machine maker,
Richmond court — house, 80 Potterrow
Black, James, 30 Saxe-coburg place
Black, John & Son, tailors, clothiers, and out-
fitters, 15 Commercial place — ho. 19
Black, John, paper-ruler, 132 High street
Black, John E. baker, Morningside
Black, John, mail-guard, 22 Broughton st.
Black, John, 19 India street
Black, John, advocate, 41 Northumberland st.
Black, John (Cay ^- Black), 12 Castle street
Black, Jn. letter-carrier, Corunna place
Black, Peter, joiner, Hillhousefield
Black, Thomas, coal merchant, 3 1 Cumberland
Black, W., merchant and commission agent,
37 Charlotte st., Leith — ho., Williamfield,
Bonnington road
Black, William, 7 Union street
Black, William, tea, wine, and spirit mer-
chant, 1 Norton place — ho. 3
Black, Mrs M. Whitebank, Canaan
Black, Mrs W. 19 Canongate
Black, Mrs, 4 Great King street
Black, Mrs, 15 Buccleuch street
Black, Miss A. lodgings, 13 Pitt street
Black, Miss Isabella, 21 Montagu street
Black & Callender, JVIisses, boarding school,
21 Forth street
Black and Logan, dressm. 83 Great King st.
Blackadder, Jas. 34 Abercromby place
Black Braes Colliery office, 16 So. St Andrew
Blackburn, Andrew, banker, 9 St Andrew sq.
Blackburn, Robert B. advocate, 9 Great
Stuart street
Blackburn, Samuel, portrait-painter, 29 Drum-
mond place
Blackball and Fox, grocers, 211 Canongate
Blackball & Scott, comb manufacturers, 21
New street and 22 North bridge
Blackball, Mrs James, 22 Upper Gray st.
Blackball, Miss, 17 Greenside street
Blackie, Alex. 16 Gayfield square
Blackie, Andrew, grocer and spirit dealer, 46
High street
Blackie and Son, publishers and booksellers,
5 South College street
Blackie, George V. gardener, Summerfield,
Blackie, John Stuart, professor of Greek, 43
Castle street
Blackie, John R. watchmaker, 36 Bridge st.
Blackie, John, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit
merch., 207 Cowgate — ho. 138 Nicolson st.
Blackie, Robt. head porter. Royal Infirmary
Blackie, Thos. macer (C. of Scs.), 13 London
Blackwell, J. C. accountant and agent, 26 St
James equare
Blackwell and Munro, wholesale fruit and
spice merchants, 13 ileuse lane
Blackwell, R , Somerville cottage, Leith walk
Blackwell, Thos. (-B. ^ Mmiro), 46 Albany st.
Blackwood, Alexander, shipmaster, 3 Fort
street, Leith
Blackwood, Jas., W.S. stock & share broker,
19 St Andrew square
Blackwood, John {JV. B. ^ Sons), 3 Ran-
dolph crescent
Blackwood, T. and J. silk mercers, 43 Geo. st.
Blackwood, Thomas {T. Sf J. Blackwood),
43 George street
Blackwood, Captain W. 5 Coates crescent
Blackwood, William and Sons, publishers,
booksellers, and printers, 45 George street
Blackwood, Wm. (T. 4- J. Blackwood), 5
Clarendon crescent
Blackwood, Mrs Robert, 5 Archibald place
Blackwood, Miss, 39 Melville street
Blackwood, Miss, 1 Darn away street
Bladworth, J. Sheffield and Birmingham ware-
houseman, 52 Lothian street — lio. 5 Preston
Bladworth, Richd. wholesale ironmonger and
hardware merchant, 3 Melbourne place
Bladworth, Mrs William, 4 Ladyfield place
Blaik, David, engraver, 34 Xorth bridge
Blaikie, G. F. consulting engineer, 17 Union
Blaikie, James & Son, iron founders, Canon-
gate foundry, Tolbooth wynd
Blaikie, James {Jan. B. and Sons), 1 St John
Blaikie, Jas. jun. {Jas. B. §• Sons), I St John
Blaikie, Thomas (J. G. Thomson and Co.),
29 St Andrew street, Leith
Blaikie & Douglas, engineers and millwrights,
32 Bath street, Leith
Blaikie, Rev. W. G. 25 Pilrig street
Blaikie, Mrs, 10 Rankeillor street
Blaikie, Mrs Margt. 7 Windsor street
Blair and Kennedy, drysalters, 40 Leith
Blair, Charles, clothier & breeches maker,
377 High street
Blair, C. {Herdman ^- 5.) 20 An nandale street
Blair, Hugh (^Hunter, B., and Cowan), IS
Randolph crescent
Blair, James, tea dealer, 3 Fountainbridge
Blair, John, & Co. brewers and maltsters, 23
N. B. of Canongate
Blair, John, W.S. 10 Ann street
Blair, John, engineer, 19 London row, Leith
Blair, Robert, Italian wareh. & confectioner,
37 George street — house 50
Blair, Thomas, spirit dealer, 54 Regent arch
Blair, Mrs, of Avonton, 30 Charlotte square
Blair, Mrs F. 1 Walker street
Blair, Mrs Henry, Bonnington mills
Blair, Mrs J. C. 15 Fettes row
Blair, Miss Charlotte, 43 Albany street
Blair, Miss J. Hunter, 8 Torphichen street
Blair, Miss, grocer, 19 Greenside row
Blake, John, London pianoforte agent, 133
Princes street
Blake, Misses Rachel and Anne, teachers of
pianoforte and singing, 133 Princes street
Blauc, Victor, importer of ladies' French
boots and shoes, 69 George street
Blane, William, grocer, 149 Fountain bridge
BlanshardjGeo. {Raimes, Blanshard, 8( Co.),
15 Smith's place
Blanshard, Thos. (Raimes, Blanshard, &; Co.),
17 Smith's place
Blanshard, Miss, 17 Smith's place
Bltakly, William A. boot and shoemaker, 38
Tolbooth wynd, Leith
Blenkinsopp, George T. Leaton, of Hoppy-
land castle, Durham, 88 Abbey hill
Bloxom, T. P. commission agent, 2 Morning-
side place
Blind Asylum, 38 and 58 Nicolson street
Blind, School for the, 2 Gayfield square — E.
Sutherland, Esq. treasurer
Blumenreich, John, missionary, 2 Greyfriars'
Blyth, Benj. Hall, engineer, 124 Geo. street
— house, 26 Minto street
Blyth, David, painter, 4 East James street
Blyth, Chas. A. artist, 39 South bridge
Blyth, Edward L.I. civil engineer, 124 George
street — ho. 9 Bruntsfield place
Blyth, John, bootmaker, 367 High street
Blyth, Robert, superintendent of streets and
buildings {Police Office) — house, 2 Buc-
cleuch place
Blyth, Sydney, hardware merchant, 39 South
Blyth, W. victual dealer, 56 Broughton street
Blyth, Mrs, 9 Bruntsfield place
Blyth, Mrs, lodgings, 1 Gabriel's road
Boag, J. & P. wool merchants, 14 Quality
street, Leith
Boag, J. R. grocer, 25 N, Richmond street
Boak, Alexander, tanner and currier, 25 West
port — house, 4 Lauriston lane
Boak, Wm. tanner, currier, & leather japan-
ner,59 West port — house, 37 Gilmour place
Boe, David, fruiterer, 20 Hanover street
Boggie, Dr John, 16 Broughton place
Bogie, James, smith. East Thistle street lane
Bogie, Wm., M.D., H.E.I.C.S., 3 South
Blacket place
Bogie, Miss, lace cleaner, 22 Rose street
Bogle, Andrew, W.S. 21 St Andrew square
Bogle, Rev. Wm. teacher, Dr Bell's school,
Greenside — house, 9 Brand place
Bogle, Mrs Colonel, 19 Albany street
Bogue, Miss, 1 Crown street
Bolton and Co. ship-chandlers, painters, and
paper-hangers, 16 and 17 Commercial pi.
Bolton, David (^Bolton and Co.), 14 Commer-
cial place
Bonar, Rev. Andrew R. 3 St John street
Bonar, James {Tawse and B.), 15 York pi.
Bonar, Thomson {Bank of Scotland), 96 Lau-
riston place
Bonar, William, Warriston house
Bonar, Mrs, 15 Ann street
Bonar, Mrs .Tames, 15 York place
Bonar, Mrs Thomson, 27 Charlotte square
Bonar, Misses, 27 Scotland street
Bone, Hugh, M.D. inspector-general of hos-
pitals, 44 Castle street
Bones, Richd. Anchorfield, Newhaven
Bonnington Chemical Company, Bonnington
Bonnar and Carfrae, painters, 29 Castle street
Bonnar, David, tailor, 2 Crichton street
Bonnar, Thomas (of Bonnar and Carfrae),
18 Dundas street
Bonnar, Thomas, engraver, 59 York place
Boog, Rogers, & Co., saddlers and harness-
makers (/a^e Maxton, Boog, 8j- Co.), 80
Princes street
BooiT, John, saddler, {B. ^- Rogers), 4 Hope
Boog, Robert, S.S.C 1 Annandale street
Boog, Thomas, cutler and surgical instrument
maker, 105 High street
Boog, William, saddler, 9 St Bernard's row
Boog, Miss, 1 Annandale street
Bookbinders' Benefit. Society — H. Hume,
preses. 41 North Richmond street
Bookless, Mrs George, 8 Young street
Booth, Mrs Helen, 22 Warriston crescent
Bootland, Joseph, billiard rooms, 3 West
Register street
Boreham, James, lodgings, 25 Cumberland st.
Borland, William, agent and house-factor, 6
North St Andrew street. — See Adv.
Borrowman, John, lodgs. 71 Cumberland st.
Borrowman and ftlitchell, wine and spirit mer-
chants, 57 Niddry street
Borrowman, Wm. victual dealer, 84 St Mary's
wynd— house, 30 St John's hill
Borthwick, Dawson, & Co., stationers and
envelope manufacturers, 3 Hunter square
Borthwick, Adam, Bhoem. 5 HenJerson row
Borthwick, Archibald, accouuiant, 5 North
St David street — ho. 18 Regent terrace
Borthwick, David, chimney-sweep, 3 Green-
side place
Borihwick, J. ( W. and J. B.), 6 Fountain br.
Borthwick, Ja. (W. and J. B.), 14 Lauriston
Borthwick, Jaa. manager of the N. British
Insurance Co. 14 Claremont crescent
Borthwick, James, chimney-sweep, 9 Green-
side place
Borthwick, Thomas, accountant, 28 Butland
Borthwick, W. and J. engineers and mill-
wrights, Mainpoint Foundry
Borthwick, Walter, victual and spirit dealer,
51 Fountainhridge
Borthwick, Wm. ( IF. ^- J. B.), 3 Hamilton
place. High riggs
Borthwick, Mrs, of Crookston, 1 1 Atholl ores.
Borthwick, Mrs, lodgings, 4 Great Stuart
Borthwick, Miss, 29 Lauriston lodge
Boswall, Mrs, of Blackadder, 27 St Andrew sq.
Boswell, Alex, brush, trunk, portmanteau, and
bellows maker, -iO Nicolson street
Boswell, Alex, brush, trunk, portmanteau,
and bellows manufacturer, 8 South Hanover
street — house, 10
Botanic Gardens, Inverleith row
Bouch, Thomas, civil enttineer, chambers, 78
George street — house, 31 Nelson street
Bouchard, J. {^Register House), Spring gard.
Boucher, John, 3 Rutland square
Bourgois, Benoit, tavern, 8 Middle market
Bow, Robt. H., C.P2. 7 South Gray street
Bow and Swan, bakers, 6 N. College street
Bow, Mrs Dr, 7 South Gray street
Bow, Miss, 2 Gillespie ctreet
Bowack, Nicol, bookseller, stationer, and
news-agent, 46 Leith street
Eowe, Mrs Thomas, 4 Hermitage hill, Leith
Bo we, Mrs William, 10 Wellington pi. Leith
Bower, John, prov. dealer, 204 Canongate
Bower, Mrs M. 1 Rankeillor street
Bowie, Andrew F. 25 Parkside street
Bowie, George, 39 Dublin st.
Bowie, Henry, 56 Cumberland street
Bowie, John, W.S., United Guarantee Life
Assurance Company, 13 Forth street
Bowie, Robert, 39 Dublin st.
Bowie, William (^Government Emigration
Office — Eiist India, Colonial, and General
Agency), 17 South St David street — house,
28 Regent terrace
Bowie, Mrs, lodgings, 13 St James' square
Bowie, Misses, children's dress maker, 68
Leith street
Bowlby, Mrs Capt. 7 Hamilton pi. Newington
Bowman, John, linen draper, 1 Church st.
Boyak, Benjamin, boot and shoe maker, 17
Hill place
Boyack, James, grocer, 2 Richmond pend
Boyce, Mrs, John, spirit dealer, 13 Coastitu-
tion street, Leith
Boyce, Mrs, 20 Great Stuart street
Boyd, Bayne, & Co. fruiterers, 41 Princes st.
Boyd, And. millwright, 118 Fountainbiidge
Boyd, David, H.E.I. CS. 26 Drummond
Boyd, G. W. & Co. printers, 13 North
Bank street
Boyd, J. (B., Bayne, S^ Co.), 4 East Broughton
Boyd, James, LL.D. (^High Sch.), 43 George
Boyd, James, cabinetmaker, 14 Scotland st.
Boyd, John, upholsterer & undertaker, 2 York
Boyd, .John, jun. 1 Drummond place
Boyd, Jn. {Oliver Sf B.), 32 Melville street
Boyd, J. L. Albany cottage, Hope terrace
Boyd, Robert, 15 Buccleuch place
Boyd, Samuel, mercht. tailor, 5S Shore, Leith
Boyd, Thos. E., Carlton lodge, Murrayfield
Boyd, Thos. J. {Oliver ^ B.), 11 Regent ter.
Boyd, Thomson {Oliver §• B.), 14 Royal ter.
Boyd, Mrs Andrew, cook, 19 Jamaica street
Boyd, Mrs John, 14 Royal terrace
Boyd, Miss, 27 South Clerk street
Boy Ian, P. tailor & clothier, 15 St Mary's wd.
Boyle and Mann, engravers, printers, and li-
thographers, 142 High street
Boyle, Archibald T. advocate, 1 1 Stafford st.
Boyle, John, accountant, valuator, and auc-
tioneer, 4 Bank street
Boyle, Mrs Edward, midwife, 42 London st.
Boyle, Janet, straw hat maker, 10 Heriot
Boyle, Rev. Joseph, South Fort street
Boyle, Mrs, staymaker, 21 Bank street
Boyne, Alex, grocer, 17 Sandport street
Boyne, James, hatter, 13 Commercial pi. Leith
Bradbrook, Richard, grocer, Newhaven
Bradshaw, John, stationer, 8 St Patrick sq.
Bragg, Alexander G. West Liliiput cottage
Braid, Alex, grocer and victual dealer, 5 W.
Adam street
Braid, Andrew, coal merchaat,21 St Andrew
Braid, Francis, joiner and undertaker, East
Cumber, lane — house, 15 Brunswick street
Braid, Archibald, 4 Rankeillor street
Braid, Wm victual-dealer, 6 Arthur street
Braid, Mrs, 36 Hanover street
Braidwood, James, bookseller, 26 George street
Braidwood, Jas. wholes. & ret. tea & cof. deal,
and grocer, 1 Sandport street, Leith — ho. 11
Bennington place
Braidwood, William, 9 Earl Grey street
Braidwood, Misses, 6 Comely Green place
Brand, Andw. music teacher, 1 Paterson's co.
Brand, Wm,, W S. sec. Union Bk. 5 Nor-
thumberland street
Brander, James, bootmaker, 39 Queen street
Brash, Alex, grocer, 24 Yardheads, Leith
Brash, David, wine and spirit raercht. 12 Coal-
hilJ, Leith — house, 32 Giles' street
Brash, Peter, 3 Eastfield, Leith
Brash, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, 10 West
Nicolson street — house, 33 Richmond place
Brash, Wm. grocer & spt.-dealer, 257 Canongt.
Brash, jMrs, 5 Brandfield place
Brashe, Miss, dressmaker, 3 Young street
Brebner, Alex, builder, Hillhousefield
Bremner and Wilks, ham shop, 9 Hanover st.
Bremner, Andrevf, 14 Comely bank
Bremner, Charles, W.S. 3 Ramsay gardens
Bremner, Mrs, 3 Castle street
Bremner, AV. {Scott and Ori), 5 Lauriston
Brenton,Wm. perfumer, Arthur st. Leith wk.
Bridgps, Jas., W.S. 10 Hanover street — ho.
Belfield, Musselburgh
Bridges, J. M. surg.-dentist, 27 Dundas st.
Bridges, Sirs, 1 Bowling Green street
Bridges, Mrs, 27 Dundas street
Bridgeford, D. T. writer, 28 Torphichen st.
Briers, William, baker, 25 Thistle street
Brigstocke, George A. importer of wines and
coram, agent, 4 St Andrew square — ho. 2S
Bath street, Portobello
Briggs, David, R,N. 6 Duke street
Brims, Andw. bootmaker, 61 Broughton st.
Bringloe, Francis John, W.S. 11 Walker st.
Bringloe, Hugh S. depute-clerk of Session, 11
Walker street
Britannia Life Assur. Co — Hugh Ross,
W.S. agent, 48 India street. — See Adv.
British Copper Office, 11 Dock place — Chas.
Philp & Co. agents
British Empire Mutual Fire and Life As-
surance Co. 7 Elder s;. — John Robertson,
junr. S.S.C. agent.
British Guarantee Association — Ralph E.
Scott, acct. manager, 127 Princes st. — See
British Hotel, 70 Queen street, John Barry
British League of Juvenile Abstainers — office.
East Assembly laue, 53 Rose street — G.
Ford, clerk
British Linen Company's Bank (Thos. Cor-
rie, Esq. manager), 38 St Andrew square —
Branch, 48 Bernard street, Leith
Erittie, William, 10 East Adam street
Broadfoot, John and Son, gen. agents and
ship brokers, 16 Assembly strtet, Leith
r Broadfoot, Jno. St Anthony pi. .Junction road
I Brockie, James, tailor and clothier, 369 High
Brockie, William, baker, 18 Grcenside street
Brockie, Miss, 51 Frederick street
Brodie and Kennedy, W.S. 59 Northumb. st.
Brodie, Alex. 20 Northumberland street
Brodie, Alex, goldsmith, 2 Trinity crescent
Brodie, Geo. advocate, 20 Northumberland st.
Broilie, James & H. painters, &c. 19 Green-
side place —ho. 16 Gretnslde place
Brodie, John C, W. S. {Gibson- Craigs, Dal-
ziel, iSf Brodie), 26 Moray place
Brodie, John, W.S. 1 Melville crescent
Brodie, Wm. sculptor. Dean bridge — ho.
6 Spring gardens, Stockbridge
Brodie, Wm. J. 51 Broughton street
Brodie, Mrs Colonel, 63 Northumberland
Brodie, Miss, 10 Hart street
Brodie, Miss, 4 Duncan street
Brodie, Miss, 28 StaflPord street
Brody, C. M. East Claremont street
Brolochan, A., 4 Brown's place
Brooks, Abrm. spirit merchant, 37 Rose st
ho. 3 Young street
Brooks, Ann, dressmaker, 3 Young street
Brooks, Misses, 41 Great King street
Broomfield, John, baker, 71 Pleasance
Brotchie, Rob. & Co. merchants, 8 & 9 Mit-
chell street, Leith
Brotherston, Wm. weigher, St Leonard's depot
Brough, Wm. grocer and spirit dealer, 1 Mor-
rison street — bouse, 2
Brougham, Mrs, 51 George square
Broughton, Mrs Major, 21 Inverleith row
Broun, Archd. advocate, 4 Melville street
Broun, Lady, 7 Torphichen street
Brouneau, Mon., Teacher of French, 61
Queen street
Brouneau, Madame, Teacher of Dancing, 61
Queen Street
Browns & Pearson, accountants, 128 George
Brown & Wardrop, architects, 19 St Andrew
Brown, A. bookseller and binder, 13 South
College street
Brown, Adam, 82 Rose street
Brown, Alex, solicitor and N.P. 12 Royal
Exchange — bo. 13 Bank street
Brown, Alex, groctr, wine and spirit raercht.
10 Pitt street — house, 19
Brown, Alex., bootmaker, 10 South St James*
Brown, Alex, painter and glazier, 10 West
Richmond street
Brown, Alex, grocer, 3 Fyfe place — ho. I
Pilrig place
Brown, Alex, spirit dealer, Newhaven
Brown, Alex, baker, 51 Canontiate
Brown, Alex. 42 Cumberland street
Brown, Alex. 10 Elm row
Brown, Rev. Alex. W. 6 Henderson row
Brown, Andrew, tailor, 33 Thistle street
Brown, Dr Andrew, surgeon, 8 Stafford st.
Brown, A. B. picture frame-maker, E. Thistle
street lane
Brown, Rev. Archd. 75 Adam square
Brown, Chas. clock and watch maker, 4 Bristo
street — house, 10 Salisbury street
Brown, Chas. coal merchant, St Leonard's
Station, and No. 3 Haymarket — House, St
Leonard's depot.— See Adv.
Brown, Charles, painter, glazier, &c
Lothian street
Brown, Rev. Chas. John, 39 George square
Brown, Charles, wrii^ht, 24 Wright's houses
Brown, David, water officer, 24. St James' sq.
Brown, David, writer, 72 Northumberland st.
Brown, David {T. k Co.), 51 North bridge
Brown, David, grocer, &c. 29 Clerk street
Brown, Rev. David, St Bernard's, Raeburn
Brown, D. N., chemist and druggist, I St
John street
BrowQ, Geo. timber merch. 26 Horse wynd —
house, 30
Brown, George, baker, 7 Rose street
Brown, George {Brown and Wilson, GlaS'
gow), 20 Howard place
Brown, George, writer, 17 Cheyne street
BrowD, George, baker, 5 Huntly street
Brown, George, bootmaker, 60 Queen street
Brown, Gordon, 34. Buccleuch place
Brown, Hugh, crystal & Staffordshire ware-
house, 5 Low ^Market street
Brown, Hugh, bookseller, 20 Heriot buildings
Brown, Hugh, tanner, currier, and leather
merchant, Gullan's close, 2(j4 Canongate
Brown, J. M'Kerrell, 34. Ann street
Brown, James, smith, 139 Fountainbridge
Brown, James, draper, 16 Tolbooth wynd —
house, 2 Wellington place
Brown, James, 4 Charlotte square
Brown, James A. 4 Charlotte square
Brown, James, cut-glass raanufaciurer, and
dealer in china and stoneware, 43 London
Brown, James, spirit merchant, 16 St Andrew
street, Leith
Brown, James, of Currie, architect, 12 Albany
Brown, James, teacher of English, &c. 1
Nicolson square
Brown, John F. teacher, 7 Upper Gray st.
Brown, John, teacher, 3 High Albany street
Brown, John (J. B. §- Co.), 25 George street
Brown, John, 25 India Street
Brown, John, S.S.C. 4 Duke street
Brown, John, W.S. County rooms — house, 2
Gayfield place
Brown, John, fish salesman and commission
agent, 1 9 Niddry street
Brown, John, grocer and wine merchant, 136
Nicolson street
Brown, John, shoemaker, 123 Nicolson st.
Brown, John C. landscape painter, Viewforth
cottage, Leith
Brown, John, Robin Hood hotel, 1 Gabriel's
Brown, John Crombie, 4 W. Pnston street
Brown, Rev. John, D.D. Arthur lodge
Brown, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 16 St
Anthony place — ho. 18 D.)wnie place
Brown, John, i\LD., F.R.C.P. 23 Rutland st.
Brown, John, tobacconist, 144 Princes street
Brown, John and Co. bootmakers to her Ma-
jesty for Scotland, 34 Princes street
Brown, John, joiner & undertaker, 18 Pot-
terrow — house, 23
Brown, John, butcher, 7 Shrub place
Brown, John, 18 Downie place
Brown, Joseph, 6 Upper Gray street
Brown, Lieut.-Col. Laurence, 29 Cumber, st.
Brown, Matthew, cabinetmaker, 31 St Leon-
ard street.
Brown, Richard, 5 George place
Brown, Robert, linen mannt. Water of Leith
Brown, Robert, coal-mercht. Railway, St
Leonard's — house, 59 St Leonard street
Brown, Robert, of Firth, 29 Geor<£e square
Brown, Robert, architect, 24 Fettes row
Brown, Robt. grocer and wine merchant, 1
Duke street, Leith
Brown, Robert, accountant and house agent,
5 Picardy place
Brown, Robt. house painter, 14 Bedford st.
Brown, Robert, brassfounder, 63 No. bridge
— house, 23 Sciennes street
Brown, Robert, land valuator, 39S Castlehill
Brown, R. draper, 37 London street
Brown, Robert ( Union Bank of Scotland),
31 Morrison street
Brown, Stuart, 12 Henderson row
Brown, Capt. T., Mayfield cottage, Newington
Brown, Rev. Thomas, 8 Comely bank
Brown, Thomas, wright. Poplar lane
Brown, Thomas, clothier and draper, 35
George IV. bridge
Brown, Thomas, writer, 30 Alva street
Brown, Thomas J. 18 Clarence street
Brown, Thomas, engraver, 4 Roxburgh place
Brown, Thomas, architect and house agent,
4 St James' square
Brown, Thos. artist, and teacher of drawing,
29 Frederick street
Brown, Thomas, commercial traveller, 6 Hill
Brown, Thomas, Edinr. Gas Co. 17 New st.
Brown, Thomas, 14 Pitt street
Brown, 'W dXler (^Scottish Equitable Lift Assu-
rance Society), 45 Montagu street
Brown, William, smith. Brown's place, Leith
Brown, Wm. A. hairdresser, 5 Bridge street
Brown, W. hosier & draper, 76 Nicolson st.
Brown, W. provision dealer, 138 Rose street
Brown, Rev. Dr Wm. Janefield, Duddingston
Brown, Wm. fruiterer, 5 So. Hanover street
Brown, William, smith and beam maker, 26
Brown, Wm. surgeon, F.R.CS. 25 Dublin st.
Brown, Wm. shipmaster, 17 Albany st. Leith i
Brown, W. hosier, glover, and shirt merchant,
43 Leith street — ho. 7 Annandale street
Brown, William, R.N., 8 Hailes street
Brown, Mrs, cook, 8 Market street
Brown, Mrs Abram, 8 Malta terrace
Brown, ]Mrs Dr, 32 Dundas street
Brown, Mrs D. 31 Clerk street
Brg 57
Bruce, George G. ( Gen. P.-O.), 5 Broughton
Bruce, Geo. {Bruce and Kerr), 6 Baltic St.
Bruce, Henry, 7 Montagu street
Bruce, Hugh, advocate, 39 Aloray place
Bruce, James, baker, 23 Earl Grey street
Bruce, James, 21 Carnegie street
Bruce, James, 4 Comely green place
Bruce, Rev. Dr John, 24. Saxe Coburg place
Bruce, John, W'.S. 22 York place
Bruce, John, 26 Royal terrace
Bruce, John, 2 William street
Bruce, John, warehouse, Orchardfield
Bruce, 0. Tyndal, of Falkland, 81 Princes
Bruce, Peter, writer, 29 Raeburn place
Bruce, Ralph, Lieut. -Col. 39 Moray place
Bruce, Robt. bricklayer and furnace builder.
23 Union place
Bruce, Rob. Glasgow temperance hotel and
lodgings, 35 Leith street
Bruce, Robert, M.D. 42 York place
Bruce, W. 46 Constitution street
Bruce, Rev. Wm. 3 Upper Gilmour place
Bruce, Mrs George, 22 St Patrick square
Bruce, Mrs James, 1 Salisbury place
Bruce, Mrs Thomas, 16 Ainslie place
Bruce, Mrs, of Langlee, 2 Glenfinlas street
Bruce, Mrs Wra. leather merchant, & Union
Bruce, Mrs William, 42 York place
Bruce, Mrs, 2 Randolph place
Bruce, Mrs, sen. of Symbister, 25 Hadding-
ton place
Bruce, Mrs, tavern and lodgings, 20 Flesh-
market close
Bruce, Mrs, of Powfoulis, 22 York place
Bruce, Mrs, 1 James' place
Bruce, Miss, 39 Moray place
Bruce, Miss, 3 Hiliside crescent
Bruce, Misses, dressmakers, 69 Broughton
Bruce, Misses, 16 Scotland street
Brumby, Miss, dressmaker, 48 Lothian street
BruntOD, Adam, upholsterer, 27 Howe street
Brunton, Alex, cooper, 43 Abbey hill
Bruntoii, James, tailor, 7 Drummond street
Brunton, J. tailor and clothier, 95 Princes
Brunton, Wm. and Co. cloth merchants and
warehousemen, 13 Nicolson sq. — house, 40
George square
Bryce, A. H, 40 Albany street
Bryce, David, architect, 131 George street
Bryce, David, junior, architect, 29 Frederick
Bryce, James, gunmaker and rifle manufacr.,
5 West Register street — house 15 Drum-
mond street
Bryce, Rev. James, D.D. Leven bank, "White-
house gardens
Bryce, John, wine merchant and grocer, 1 7
North- west Circus place
Brown, Mrs Elizabeth, Spring gardens
Brown, Mrs Hanna, 7 Brandon street
Brown, Mrs Janet, 4 Hill place
Brown, Mrs J. furniture glazer, 60 India
Brown, Mrs James, 20 Dublin street
Brown, Mrs Osburn, 23 India street
Brown, Mrs P. midwife and ladies' nurse, 9
Brown street
Brown, Mrs, 25 St James' square
Brown, Mrs Robert, 23 x4.nn street
Brown, Sirs Dr, 20 Howard place
Brown, Mrs Wm. 45 Minto street
Brown, Mrs, Tower Park cottage. Trinity
Brown, Mrs, 24 Clerk Street
Brown, Mrs G. B. 6 Upper Gray street
Brown, Mrs, baker, 495 Lawnmarket
Brown, Mrs, provision dealer, 2 Causeyside
Brown, Miss Agnes, Wellwood lodge
Brown, Miss Anne, Viewfield lodge, Green-
hill gardens
Brown, Miss Elizabeth, boot and shoemaker,
18 South College street
Brown, M. silk and worsted shop, 5 Frederick
Brown, Miss Marion, 3 Meadow place
Brown, Miss S. Wortland, teacher of music
and singing, 5 Picardy place
Brown, Miss, of Newton, 21 Stafford street
Brown, Miss Euphemia, dressmaker, 10 Cal-
ton hill
Brown^ Miss, 15 Gardner's crescent
iBrown, Miss, dressmaker, 9 Charlotte place
Brown, Miss, 8 Albany street
Brown, Miss, dressmaker, 27 William street
iBrown, Miss, 3 Jamaica street. North Leith
iBrown, Miss, 6 West Claremont street
jBrown, Misses, 8 "Wharton place
IBrowne, Major, late H.M. I6th Infantry, 14
St Bernard's crescent
iBrowne, Mrs, 26 Scotland street
Browne, Miss, 2 West Circus place
'Browne, Miss, 3 Forres street
iBrownlee, Alex, stabler, 20 Grassmarket
■Brownlee, James & Co. provision merchants,
14 Kirkgate
Bruce & Cunningham, civil engineers and
land surveyors, 21 Castle street
Bruce & Kerr, corn merchants, 106 Constitu-
tion street, Leith
Bruce, Alex, jewel-case and pocket-book ma-
nufacturer, 10 South Hanover street
Bruce, Alexander, writer, 4 Thistle court —
house, 22 Abercromby place
Bruce, Charles, S.S.C. 68 Great King street
Bruce, Daniel, carver, gilder, picture- liner,
restorer, and looking-glass manufacturer,
12 Greenside place— house, 28 Gay field
Bruce, Daniel, 09 Broughton street
Bruce, David, flesher, it Middle market
Biuce, Donald, agent, 5 Alison square
Liiuce, George, of Langlee, 2 Glenfinlas st.
Bryce, John, wine merchant and grocer, 135
Princes street — house, 2 Charlotte street
Bryce, Robert, 18 Lothian street
Bryce, Thomas, gun and pistol maker, 4
Calton street
Bryce, Wm. architect, 19 Dundas street
Bryce, William IM. synod officer, Established
Church, 388 Castle hill
Bryce, Mrs William, Sylvan bank, Mansion-
house road
Bryce, Mrs, 23 Walker street
Bryden, Adam (J. B. and Sons), 14 Frede-
rick street
Bryden, James, 12 Beaumont place
Bryden, James, builder, 8 SummerliaU
Bryden, John & Sons, bell-hangers, Venetian
and spring- roller blind makers, 65 George
St. and 112 Buchanan st. GlasiJ;ow
Bryden, John M. (J. B. and Sons), 40 Fre-
derick street
Bryden, John ( W. B. and Son), I Howe st.
Bryden, Thomas, smith, 76 Causeyside
Bryden, Wm. & Son, bell-hangers, Venetian
and roller blind manufacturers, 55 George
street and 7 Royal bank place, Glasgow
Bryden, Mrs, gardener, Morayfield, Leith
Bryden, Mrs Wm. I Howe street
Bryden, Miss, 5 Howe street
Brydon, J. general merchant, 190 Canongate
— house, Croft-an-righ cottage
Brydon, J. jun. paper, rag, and cotton- waste
merchant, 20 New street
Brydon, James, flesher, 86 Kirkgate
Brydon, James, woollen and linen draper, 25
Brydon, Mrs Dr, 11 Charles street
Brydon, Miss, 6 Pitt street
Brydone, J. printer, publisher, and bookseller,
17 Hiinover street — ho 27 Dundas street
Brydone, James, fancy stationer, &c., 29
Princes street
Bryson, A. (/?. B. d- Sons), 4 Inverleith ter.
Bryson, .Tames, optician, 24 Princes street
Bryson, Rob. and Sons, chronometer, watch,
and clock makers in ordinary to the Queen,
66 Princes street
Bryson, R. [R. B. and Soiis), 65 Princes st.
Bryson, Mrs, Trinity villa
Buchan, Mat. and Co. rectifiers, wine and
spirit merchants, 32 Bernard street
Buchan (if/. B. Sf Co.), 3 Queen's place,
Leith Walk
Buchan, Thos. clerk, 9 Glover street, Leith
Buchan, Thomas, Cherry bank
Buchan, William, cork-saw factor, 15 Con-
stitution street
Buchan, Mrs Dr, 15 Argyle square
Buchan, Mrs Hannah, coach-hirer, 6 Char-
lotte place
Buchan, Mrs, greengrocer, 5 DubJin street
Buchanan, Rev. A., St Thomas' manse, Leith
Buchanan, David {Mercunj Office), 27 Rae-
burn place
Buchanan, Edward G. general agent. Bell's
court, Quality lane
Buchanan, James, S.S.C. 21 George street-
house, 83 Causeyside
Buchanan, Jas. leather merch. 1 Old Bridge-
Buchanan, James, D.D. professor of divi-
nity, 51 Lauriston place
Buchanan, James, 49 Moray place
Buchanan, James, teetotal coffee-house and
commercial lodgings, 114 High street
Buchanan, Wm. advocate, 33 Drummond pi.
Buchanan, Wm. H. accountant, 33 Drum-
mond place
Buchanan, W. M,, M.D., E.LC.S. 3 Carlton
Buchanan, William, 8 Roxburgh terrace
Buclianan, Mrs, 11 Forth street
Buclianan, Mrs John, Black Bull Fftn, 1 Sa-
lamander street, Leith
Buchanan, Miss Jane, grocer, 4 Saunder's st.
Buchanan, Miss, 1 West Maitland street
Bucher, Signor, professor of singing, 2 Great
Stuart street
Bucher, ]\Irs, 38 York place
Buckle, George, bootmaker, 10 N. St David st.
Buckle, John, Wharton house, Wharton lane
Buckmaster, T. & Co. tailors and array clo-
thiers, 135 George street
Budge, W. cartwright, 18 Johnston street,
Budge, Mrs David, 146 Princes Street
Budge, Mrs, 56 India street
Bulk, Jas. house carpenter, 2 West Broughton
Buist, Robert, flesher, 2 North Melville place
Buist, Mrs, 4 North Melville place
Buncle, A. potatoe dealer, 32 St Patrick sq.
Burden, George, teetotal coffeehouse, 129
High street
Burge, Wm. hat and cap manufac. 10 North
bridge — house, 8 Nicolson square
Burgess, Alex, mail- guard, 5 Terrace, Leith st.
Burgess, Geo. bootmaker, 47 South bridge —
house 13 Brown street
Burgess, Jas. merchant, 4 Park street
Burgess, Jas. jun. merchant, 63 New Build-
ings— house, 11 Trinity crescent
Burgess, .Jn. wood and ivory turner, 153 High
Burgess, Mrs I., lodgings, 35 Lothian street
Burke & Grant, upholsterers and undertakers,
and house agents, 1 Abercromby place
Burke, John and Son, upholsterers and cabi-
netmakers, 13 Queen street
Burke, J. (J. B. and Son), 62 Hanover street
Burn, Archd. plumber, 79 George street
Burn, James, W.S. 51 Great King street
Burn, Geo. and Son, provision merchants, 182
High street
Burn, Andrew {G. B. 4" Son), 9 Brown street
Burn, Geo. ( G. B. i Son), 7 Wharton place
Burn, John, M.D. 7 Teviot row
Burn, Captain John, R.N. 4 Tobago street
Burn, Peter, 1 London street
Burn, Mrs, North Merchiston house
Burn, Miss, 43 Gilmore place
Burn, Misses, dressmakers, 79 George street
Burness, James, S.S.C. 11 Drummond place
Burness, Wm. printer to her Majesty, 1 N.
St Andrew St. — house, 11 Drummond pi.
Burnet, Alex, cabinetmaker, ^53 Cowgate
Burnet, Andw. agent ( Win. Younger Sf Co.),
6 Maryfield
Burnet, Jn. spirit dealer, 56 W. Richmond st.
Burnet, John, Caledonian hotel, 1 Castle st.
Burnet, Mrs H. lodgings, 39 Constitution st.
Burnet, Elizabeth, lodgings, 118 Princes st.
Burnet and Barclay, hat manufacturers, 173
High street
Burnett, G. advocate, 8 Walker street
Burnett, George, tailor, 182 Rose street
Burnett, George, head-master. Young street
school — house, 23 Downie place
Burnett, Geo. baker, 160 Fountainbridge
Burnett, James H., VV.S. notary public, soli-
citor to the Treasury, 4 Moray place
Burnett, James, japanner, 34 Toddrick's wyd.
Burnett, Thos. tailor & cloth. 35 W. Registerst.
— house, 10 North St David street
Burnett, Mrs, of Kemnay, 8 Walker street
Burnley, William T. 24 Ainslie place
Burns, David, 30 Rankeillor street
Burns, Edmond, clothier, tailor, and shirt-
maker, 13 Bank street
Burns, George, Eagle hotel, 1 Catharine st.
Burns, George, grocer and spirit dealer, 5
Summer place
Burns, John, 5 Salisbury place
Burns, John (Inland Revenue), 4 Comely
green crescent
Burns, M., Lord Belhaven's coal agent, office
40 Lothian road
Burns, P. coal merchant, 42 Lothian road
Burns, Robt. victual dealer, 50 Grassmarket
Burns, Thomas, W.S. 3 Hope Park square
Burns, Mrs M. 11 Melville place
Burns, Mrs William, 3 Comely green cresct.
Burns, Mrs, 71 Broughton street
Burns, Miss, 4 Arniston place
Burns, Miss Jane, 10 Arniston place
Burnside, John, 2 Crichton street
Burnside, Mrs, 35 Scotland street
Burnside, Miss, 12 Lynedoch place
Burrill, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 4 W. Richmond st.
Burt, Dr, F.R.C.P. 88 George street
Burt, Rob. & Co. mattress makers, 28 Pleasance
Burtt, Geo. E. agent, 5 Clerk street
Burt, Mrs, 108 George street
Burt, Miss, 8 AthoU place
Burton, Emanuel, cabinetmaker. Quarry close,
Burton, James, wright. Circus lane — house,
19 Dundas street
Burton, J. H. advocate, 25 Ann street
Burton, Mungo, artist, 19 Dundas street
Burton, Mrs, 2 Teviot row
Bush by. Miss, 13 Torphichen street
Butchard, C. T. (G.P.-O.), 1 Broughton pi.
Butement, Mrs W. lodgings, 2 Sandport st.
Butt, Albert F. tavern-keeper, 6 Rose street
Butt, James & Co. ham-curers, 36 Frederick
Butter, Miss, Pitlochrie, 28 Alva street
Butters, Lawrence, seal engraver to the Queen,
41 George street — house, I Fingal place
Butti, L. G. and Sons, carvers, gilders, and
dealers in curiosities, 1 and 2 Ronaldson's
buildings — ho. 2 Spring6eld, Leith walk
Butti, .J. A. carver, gilder, and looking-glass
manufacturer, 14 S. Hanover street — ho.
15 St James' square
Butler, D., New Greyfriars' school, Vennel
Butler, Robert, spt. dealer, 36 College wynd
— ho. 19 Hercles street
Byres, Robert, 13 South Charlotte street
Byres, Thomas, baker, 167 Rose street
Byrn, Mrs, 18 Walker street
Byrne, Mrs, French stay maker, 17 Bank st.
Cadell, Lieut.-Col. Geo., E.LC.S. 13 Ran-
dolph crescent
Cadell, John, of Tranent, advocate, 20 Picardy
Caddell, Mrs, 15 Atholl crescent
Cadell, Miss Harriet B. 3 Torphichen street
Cadenhead, A. F. writer, 22 Raeburn place
Cafe, D. S. cupper {Royal Infirmary)^ and
medical galvanist, 16 Elder street
Cafe Royal Tavern, West Register place
Caird, F. G. agent, 27 Hanover street— ho.
22 Gayfield square
Caird, John, surg. F.R.C.S.E. 21 St Patrick
Caird, Margaret, fishmonger^ 1 Fishmarket
Cairnie, John {Potts, C. ^^ Ray), 17 St Pa-
trick square
Cairns, Geo., S.S.C. and solicitor-at-law, 23
George IV. bridge— ho. Springbank, Green-
hill gardens
Cairns, John, gardener, Gilmore park
Cairns, John B., W.S. 26 Dublin street
Cairns, John, writer, 26 Dublin street
Cairns, Thomas, baker and confectioner, 50
and 53 Home street
Cairns, Mrs, Ayrshire needle-work, muslin
and lace printer, &c. 77 Princes street
Caithness, Earl of, 17 Rutland square
Calder, Adam, 17 West Preston street
Calder, Alex., Belfield house. Trinity
Calder, Alex. (Alliance B. %■ F. Assurance
Co.), 20 Rankeillor street
Calder, Alex. {National Insurance Co.), 20
Rankeillor street
Calder, Alexander, smith, 116 Rose street
Calder, David, grocer, wine and spirit mercht.
112 Canongate
Calder, R. seed merchant and commission
agent, 14 Elm row
Calder, Robert, coal agent, 180 Rose street
Calder, Thomas, tailor, 333 High street
Calder & Tait, smiths and ironmongers, 2
Albany street and St Andrew lane
Calder, Thomas (C. S^- Tait), 23 Dublin st.
Calder, Wm. sailmaker, cordage, sailcloth, &c.
store, 21 and 22 Commercial place— house,
Rose Mount, Madeira street, North Leith
— See Adv.
Calder, Wra, Travellers hotel, 9 and 10
Market street
Calder, William, cattle dealer, 19 Archibald
Calder, Mrs Jas. cowfeeder, 103 Fountain br.
Calder, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 37 India place
Calder, Mrs, lodgings, 56 Cumberland street
Calderhead, Wm. confectioner, 48 Home st.
Calderwood, R. waggoner, 18 Duke st. Leith
Calder wood, Wra. corn merchant, 18 Buc-
cleuch place
Caldwell Brothers, wholesale stationers and
publishers, 15 and 1? AVaterloo place — ho.
II Henderson row
Caldwell & Co. button and trimming merchts.
313 High street
Caldwell,"Charle8, 7 London street
Caldwell, Geo. flesher, 20 New market, Leith
Caldwell, David, smith and farrier, Bangholm
Caldwell, T. builder, 11 Henderson row
Caldwell, Misses, milliners and dressm. 76
Kirkgate, Leith
Caledonian Fire and Life Assurance Office,
1 9 Georgestreet, and 9 Bernard street, Leith.
— See Adv.
Caledonian Loan Co — Andw. Rutherford,
manager, 7 Royal Exchange — house, 87
Caledonian Mercury Office, 265 High street
Caledonian Railway Tavern, Lothian road.
Caledonian United Serv. Club, 14 Queen st.
Caledonian Youths' Friendly Society, 122
Nicolson street
Callam, Alex, writer, 5 Richmond pend
Callam, George and Co. braziers to Her IMa-
jesty, smiths and ironmongers, 13 Green-
Slop TllftOG
Callam, Geo. ( G. C. ^^ Co.), 2 Baxter's place
Callam, John B. 3 Spittal street
Callam, Thos, gasfitter, brazier, and tinplate
■worker, 56 Shore— ho. 21 Charlotte street,
Callender, David, boot and shoemaker, 19
Bank street
Calleuder, Dd. tanner, St Anthony lane, Leith
— house, Lochend road
Callender, Henry, accountant, 32 St Andrew
square — ho. 1 1 Forres st.
Callender, Mrs, 8 Annandale street
Callender, Miss, 27 Gray street
Calton Hill Brewery, 26 N. Back Canongate
Calvert, F. B., A.M. professor of elocution,
25 York place
Calvert, John R., W.S. 4. Rutland square
Calvin New Translations Society — acting
and editorial secretary, Robert Pitcairn,
F.S.A., 9 Northumberland street
Camden Society — T. G. Stevenson, agent, 87
Princes street
Camerne, Mrs Colonel, 17 Dundas street
Cameron, Violard,& Co. French corset makers,
milliners, & dressmakers, 124 Georgestreet
Cameron and Co. paper makers and wholesale
stationers. Stead's place
Cameron, Alex. Customs, 6 Bank place
Cameron, Rev. Andrew (Editor of Christian
Treasury), 39 George square.
Cameron, Andw. drysalter, 47 Regent arch —
house, 14 Calton hill
Cameron, D. spirit dealer, 142 Canongate
Cameron, Daniel, librarian Mechanics^ Sub-
scription Library, 8 James' court
Cameron, Donald, wholesale stationer, 23 Blair
Cameron, H. teacher, 13 Antigua street
Cameron, James M. (J', i^ J. M. C.) 28 Ber-
nard street
Cameron, Jas. provision merchant, 6 Riddel's
close, Leith
Cameron, James, bookbinder and stationer,
6 Clerk street
Cameron, James, City and Dean of Guild offi-
cer, 2 Church street
Cameron, James, spirit dealer, 32 St Andrew
street, Leith
Cameron, .James, warehouseman, 21 Kirkgate,
Cameron, J. and P. general carriers, contrac-
tors, and railway agents, forward goods to
most parts of Scotland, England, and Ire-
land, agents for the Scottish Central Rail-
way, Scottish Midland, Dundee, Perth, and
Aberdeen Junction and Aberdeen Railways.
Office, 39 George IV. bridge.
Cameron, J. & Son, brush and curled hair
manufacturers, Craig's close, 265 High st.
Cameron, Jn. 33 Alva street
Cameron, John, 35 Scotland street
Cameron, John, tea, wine, and spirit dealer,
14 Rose street
Cameron, John, vintner, 12 Fleshmarket cl.
Cameron, John, shipmaster, 72 Kirkgate
Cameron, John, 19 Graham street
Cameron, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 3
Alison place
Cameron, -John R. 36 Hanover street
Cameron, P. (J. <|- P. C), 9 George square
Cameron, Peter, tailor, 24 Cumberland street
Cameron, R. painter & glazier, 214 Canongate
Cameron, Robert, picture-frame maker, N. St
Andrew street lane
Cameron, Robert, cowfeeder, 19 South back
of Canongate
Cameron, Simon, confectioner, 305 High st.
Cameron, Thomas & J. M., Bath street Rope-
work, Leith
Cameron, Thomas, jun. 28 Bernard street
Cam 61
Campbell, J. M. (Stein and Campbell), 49
Northumberland street
Campbell, John, grocer, 24 St Andrew street,
Leith — house, 59 Constitution street
Campbell, John, painter and glazier, 28 St
Patrick square — ho. 4 Sibbald place
Campbell, John, 4 Alva street
Campbell, Captain John, Blackford lodge,
Whitehouse loan
Campbell, John, W.S. 8 Scotland street
Campbell, John Archd., C.S., NP. Coramiss.
for Eng. and Irish affidavits, 2 Albyn place
Campbell, John, M.D. 8 Great Stuart street
Campbell, John, stabler, W. Northumberland
street lane
Campbell, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 15
Carnegie street
Campbell, John, cowfeeder, 18 Rose street
Campbell, Joseph, glazier, 65 Kirkgate
Campbell, Neil Colquhoun, advoc. 42 Nor-
thumberland street
Campbell, Robert, ironmonger, 19 Home st.
Campbell, Robert, spirit dealer, 14 Cromwell
street, Leith
Campbell, Simon (C. §• Smith), 26 York pi.
Campbell, Thos. E. & Co. metal merchants,
milled lead and lead pipe manuf. 8 Picardy
place and 117 Constitution street, Leith
Campbell, Thomas, 12 George square
Campbell, Thos. letter- carriei-, 48 Potterrow
Campbell, Thomas, grocer, tea, wine, and
spirit merchant, 8 Dublin street — house, 6
Hart street
Campbell, Thomas, flesher, 31 Thistle St.—
house, 4 Queensferry st.
Campbell, William, W.S. 6 Rutland square
Campbell, Lady, of Abreuchill, 6 Howard pi.
Campbell, William (G. P.-O.), 1 St John's
Campbell, Mrs Alexander, spirit dealer, 2
Richmond lane
Campbell, Mrs Archibald, 3 Duncan street
Campbell, Mrs Geo. boarding school, 1 1 Belle-
vue crescent
Campbell, Mrs Jane, 9 Inverleith row
Campbell, Mrs Dr John, 13 Lynedoch pi.
Campbell, Mrs Major, 11 Saxe Coburg place
Campbell, Mrs William, 114 Ljiuriston pi.
Campbell, JNIrs, of Southhall, 68 Northum-
berland street
Campbell, Mrs, 60 North Castle street
Campbell, Mrs, cook, 90 Rose street
Campbell, Mrs, sick-nurse, 57 Cumberland st.
Campbell, Mrs, lodgings, 10 Heriot place
Campbell, Mrs, 3 Howard place
Campbell, Mrs, patent French staymaker, 3
Hill street
Campbell, Mrs, of Possil, 12 Abercromby pi.
Campbell, Mrs, sick nurse, 5 Crichton street
Campbell, Miss Amelia, of New field, 121
Princes street
Campbell, Miss, 30 StaflFord street
Campbell, Miss Helen, 50 George street
Cameron, Thomas, cabinetmaker, Charlotte
lane — ho. 39 Thistle street
Cameron, W. teacher of music, 1 St John st.
Cameron, Wm. Hodges, Secretary to tlieEdin.
Uater Company, 123 Princes street
Cameron, William, merchant, 37 Dundas st.
Cameron, William, tea, wine, and spirit mer-
chant, 9 East Richmond street
Cameron, Mrs C. ladies' nurse, 6 Bristo street
Cameron, Mrs, French staymaker, 37 Dundas
Cameron, Mrs, 20 Cumberland street
Cameron, Mrs, lodgings, 1 1 Calton street
Cameron, Miss, 23 Archibald place
Cameron, Miss, 1 Thomas street
Cameron, Miss, 44 Castle street
Cameron, Miss, 8 Atholl place
Cameron, Misses, dressmakers, 29 Fredrick st.
Campbell and Trail, W.S. 7 Melville street
Campbell and Smith, S.S.C. 26 York place
Campbell & Henderson, glass dealers, glaziers,
and horticultural builders, 51 N. Hanover
Campbell & Co. lace merchants, 63 George st.
Campbell, Messrs A. and A., W.S. 22 Dublin
Campbell, Alexander, 6 Charlotte square
Campbell, Archd. 4 Great King st.
Campbell, Arch. & Co. brewers, 145 Cowgate
Campbell, Archd. post horse and coach hirer.
East Rose street lane
Campbell, Archd. saddler, Lothian road
Campbell, Arthur, W.S. {A. ^ A. Campbell),
8 Drummond place
Campbell, Arthur,jun. W.S. (A. and A. Camp-
bell), 12 India stre<^t
Campbell, A. C. 2 Darjing's buildings. Stock-
Campbell, C. glass merchant, 1 Gayfield place
Campbell, Charles, of Combie, 1 4 Grove st.
Campbell, C. W. 11 Howard place
Campbell, Dick,& Son, shoemak. Morningside
Campbell, Donald, wine and spirit merchant,
521 Lawnmarket
Campbell, Douglas, 42 Ann street
Campbell, Dun. provision merchant, 87 Con-
stitution street — house, 2 Smith's place
Campbell, Geo. & Co. stationers and printers,
40 Leith street
Campbell, Geo. cowfeeder, 13 Buccleuch st.
Campbell, Geo. booksr. stationer, and news-
agent, 12 Howe street
Campbell, James, advocate, 37 Dublin street
Campbell, James, draper, 7 Dublin street
Campbell, Rev. James R. 15 Annandale st.
Campbell, James (Assist. Comm. Gen,), 3
Middleby street, Newington
Campbell, James, 30 Rutland square
Campbell, James, Hill street lane, north
Campbell, James, city recorder, 30 Candle-
maker row
Campbell, Mrs J. G. hotel keeper and com-
mercial inn, 41 Shore
Campbell, Miss Isabella, 1 Manor place
Campbell, Miss M. dressmaker, 47 India pi.
Campbell, Miss Mary Duneaves, 10 Manor pi.
Campbell, Miss, 42 Great King street
Campbell, Miss, of Dalziell park, 117 Princes
Campbell, Miss, of Lochnell, Holyrood house
Campbell, Miss, of Succoth, 7 Gloucester pi.
Campbell, Miss, 35 Heriot row
Canch, Mjs, 23 London street
Candlish, R. S., D.D. 4 So. Charlotte st.
Candlish, Wm. lodgings, 8 Annfield, Newhv.
Cankwell, R. & Sons, boot and shoe makers,
2 Victoria street
Cannan, David, D.D. 38 Danube street
Cannon, Alexander, printer and publisher, 46
Hanover street — ho. 1 1 South St Andrew st.
Cannon, Alexander, Temperance hotel and
coflPee-house, 11 South St Andrew street
Canongate Clerk's Office, Canongate Court-
room— William Fraser, jun. W.S. clerk
Cappie, James, M.D. 9 Roxburgh street
Caravanna, Mrs, 33 Dublin street
Carfrae, Alexander, bank messenger, Clyde
street lane
Carfrae, David, preserver of birds and animals
to the university, 36 Rose street
Carfrae, Robert, house painter, 1 Erskine pi.
Carfrae, Thos. land-surveyor, 1 Erskine place
Carfrae, Wm. saddler, 7 Queen sferry street —
house, 3 Wallace place
Carfrae, Mrs & Son, bird-stuffers and fishing-
tackle makersj 3 Frederick street
Carfrae, Miss Jane, 1 1 Middleby street
Cargill, James, teacher, 1 Corunna place
Carlier, Mrs, 30 Haddington place
Carlyle, Wm. canine repository, Lothian road
Garment, John, S.S.C. {Patrick, M'Ewen, ^■
C), 15 London street
Cai-michael, Archibald, spirit merchant, 280
Carmichael, James {Register House)^ 44 South
Carmichael, James, poulterer, 5 and 6 Poultry
market and 106 George street — house, 34
North bridge
Carmichael, J. {High School)^ 16 London st.
Carmichael, Mitchell ( Property and Income
Tax), 1 Summerhall place
Carmichael, L. pharmaceutical chemist, 13
Calton street — house, 4 Calton Hill
Carmichael, Robt. flesh er, 75 Northumber-
land street — house, 44 Howe street
Carmichael, Thomas, smith, 5 St Andrew st.
Carmichael, Walter, architect, teacher of archi-
tectural drawing {late James Ruthveri), 44
South Bridge
Carmichael, William, A.C.S. 4 Hope street
Carmichael, Wm. S. surgeon and accoucheur,
22 Northumberland street
Carmichad, Wm. flasher, 3, 4, & 5 Broughton
Carmichael, Mrs Robt. poulterer, 60 Queen
street — house, 62
Carmichael, Mrs, 36 Inverleith row
Carmichael, Mrs, 22 Northumberland street
Carmichael, Mrs, lodgings, 23 Maitland st.
Carmichael, Misses, teachers, 23 Maitland st.
Carnishelie, James, figure and mould maker,
11 Greenside place
Carnduff, John, tailor and clothier, 9 Leith
street — house, 13 James square
Carnegie, James, jun. W.S. 16 Windsor street
Carnegie, J. mercantile agent, 100 Lauriston
Carnegie, James, lodgings, 55 Princes street
Carnegy, James, Laverock bank house, New-
Carnegy, Rob., M.D. 19 Drummond place
Carnie, Jas. sen. fisherman, Newhaven
Carnie, Chas. merchant, 16 Clarendon cresc.
Caron, J. French teacher, 136 George street
Carpenter, M. boarding-house, 7 Buccleuchpl.
Carphin, George, 16 East Adam street
Carphin, George ( Commercial Bank), 8 Salis-
bury road
Carphin, Mrs, 8 Salisbury road
Carr, Michael, tailor & clothier, 1 Blenheim
Carr, Mrs, straw-hat maker, 2 St Vincent st.
Carr, Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 1
Blenheim place
Carr, Misses E. and C, French staymakers,
14 Greenside street
Carrick, James, smith and ironmonger, 156
Rose street — house, 4 Queensferry street
Carrick, William {Inland Revenue)^ 14 West
Preston street
Carrick, Mrs, 32 Broughton place
Carron Co.'s warehouse, Wet docks — John
Machattie, agent, Leith
Carron Co., Liverpool and Leith traders-
John Machattie, agent, Leith
Carruthers, Miss, of Holraains, 3 Frederick st.
Carse, David, coach builder, Orchardfield
Carse, J. & Son, patent axletree manufactory,
18 Greenside row
Carse, Thos. {J. C. Sr Son), 31 Gayfield sq.
Carse, Thomas {H. M. Customs, Leith), 17
Albany street, Leith
Carson, Miss, 82 Lauriston place
Carstairs and Robertson, wine and commission
merchants. Trinity vaults, 99 Giles' street,
CarstairSjA. engraver & chasser, 2 Shakspeare
Carstairs, D. gardener. Lovers' lane, Leith wk.
Carstairs, George {James Nasmyth 6f Co.)., 13
St James' square
Carstairs, James, gardener, Restalrig
Carstairs, James, comb maker, 30 Leith walk
Carstairs, Matthew, plumber and gasfitter, 71
Northumberland street — house, 23 Howe st.
Carstairs, Mrs, fruiterer, 106 George street —
nursery, Wariston lodge— ho. 59 Castle st.
Carstairs, Mrs Dr, Rose bank, Bonnington
Carter, Frederick Hayne, accountant, 16
Queen street, agent for the United Service
and General Life Assurance and Guarantee
Association — liouse, 12 Carleton street
Carter, Josepli, tobacco manufacturer, 116
High street — house, 129 High street
Carter, Nicholas, wine merchant, 44 Hanover
Carter, Mrs John, tea, wine, and spirit mer-
chant, 202 Pleasance
Carter, Mrs Nicol, grocer, and spirit mer-
chant, 237 Canongate — house, 45 New st.
Carter, Mrs, 13 Annandale street
Carter, Mrs, 46 South Clerk street
Carter, Mrs, 1.5 Dean terrace
Carus, Miss Jane, 46 Queen street
Caskey, William, grocer and "spirit dealer, 16
College wynd
Cassels, Alex., W.S. 20 London street
Cassels, John G. {^Edin. and Leith Brewery')^
200 Canongate — house, 44 Rankeillor st.
Cassels, Walter Gibson, Blackford house
Cassie, James, dyer, 13 Baker's place
Castle, James, working jeweller, 21 Leith st.
Castle, John, accountant, 21 Leith street —
house, 13 Broughton place
Cathcart, James, Fergus&on, & Co. wine mer-
chants, 84 St Andrew street, Leith
Cathcart, Jas. (^Cathcart, Fergusson^ §■ Co.),
12 Carlton terrace
Cathcart, R. A., W.S. 1 George street
Cathcart, Mrs, 17 Great King street
Cathels, Misses, dressmrs. 67 Cumberland st.
Cathie, N., tailor and clothier,219 High street
Cathie, Thos. flesher, 19 William street
Cattanach, Wm. (Sunbury distillery). Haw-
thorn bank
Cattanach, Wm. jun. wine and spirit mercht.
102 Nicolson street — house, 12 Minto st.
Gaunter, Robert, 31 Saxe Coburg place
Cavage, Colonel, Bellville, Newington
Cavaye, Robt. Northfield place, Jock's lodge
Caw, John {Black and C), 25 St James' sq.
Caw, John B. 1 Hill square
Caw, Miss, 7 Grove street
Cawthorn, Mrs E. 2 Melville street
Cay and Black, advertising and newspaper
agents, 45 George street
Cay & Johnston, furnishing ironmongers and
railway coach lamp manufacturers, 7 Green-
side place
Cay, John, jun., W.S. 5 S.-E. Circus place
Cay, John, advocate, sheriff and commissary
of Linlithgowshire, 5 S.-E. Circus place
Cay, Mrs John, 14 Barony street
Cay, Miss Jane, 6 Great Stuart street
Celtic Society of Ireland — T. G. Stevenson,
87 Princes street, agent
Cess OfBce, County o; City, 57 North bridge
Chad wick, Colin, grocer and spirit dealer, 14
Citadel, Leith
Chadwick, Mrs James, grocer, 6 Shrub place
Chalmers' Territorial Church and Schoolt;
Manse, Rev. James H. Wilson, 137 Foun-
Chalmers and Chisholme, vinegar makers, and
wine and spirit merchants, 39 Potterrow
Chalmers, C. S. (of D. Robeitaon Sf Soil), 8
Elbe street, Leith
Chalmers, Charles, Castle bank, Eorough-
Chalmers, David, M.D. 47 Lauriston place
Chalmers, George, saddler, 65 Clerk street
Chalmers, J. (C ^ Chisholme), 3 Lothian
Chalmers, James K. 1 Sylvan place
Chalmers, James, spirit dealer, 14 WestMait-
land street
Chalmers, James, spirit dealer, 7 Fox lane
Chalmers, James, shoemaker, 27 India street
Chalmers, James, spirit mercht. 75 Shore
Chalmers, John, spirit merchant, 8 St Andrew
street and 114 Kirkgate, Leith
Chalmers, John, shoemaker, 26 Calton hill
Chalmers, John, surveyor of buildings, 30
St James' square
Chalmers, John, coal merchant, 11 PortHope-
toun — house, 1G9 Fountainbridge
Chalmers, John Inglis, 27 Inverleith row
Chalmers, Richard, grocer, 8 Fife place
Chalmers, William & Co. spirit dealers, 2
Shrub place
Chalmers, Wm. tailor, 9 Barony street
Chalmers, Mrs M., 38 Cumberland street
Chalmers, Mrs James, lodgings, 22 India
Chalmers, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 84 Gt. King st.
Chalmers, Mrs, 1 Sylvan place
Chalmers, Mrs Thos. 20 Barony street
Chalmers, Mrs, 5 Norton place
Chalmers, Miss A., Craigleith house^
Chalmers, Miss MarioUj 33 Dublin street
Chalmers, Miss, Churchhill, Morningside
Chalmers, Miss, 58 India street
Chamber of Commerce & Manufactures, 10
Hunter square— J. F. MacfarJane and W.
Law, honorary secretaries
Chambers, W. ( IF. <|- R. C), 13 Manor place
Chambers, W. and R. publishers, 339 High
Chamney, Thos. & Co. boot and shoemakers,
16 Bristo street
Chancellor, George, W.S. {Macallan §• C,
Agents for the Liverpool and London Fire
and Life Insurance Co.), 26 Rutland sq.^ —
ho. 34 George sq.
Chancellor, Mrs, sen. of Shieldhill, 34 George
Chancery OfBce, Register house — director,
Archd. M'Neill, W.S. 8 Hill street— house,
73 Great King street
Chaplin, Thos. Robertson, accountant, II
Gloucester place
Chapman, David, card manufacturer, 32
Bernard street, Leith
Chapman, Edward, M.D., Hawkfield house
Chapman, John, M.D. Hawkfield ho. Leitb
Chapman, John, junr. surgeon, Hawkfield ho.
Chapman, John, joiner, 208 Canongate
Chapman, Thos. auctioneer and appraiser,
5 Melbourne Place — ho. 10 St Patrick sq.
Chapman, IMrs Henry, Leith mount, Leith
CiiAniTv Workhouse, Forrest road
Charity Woikhouse, Canongate, Tolbooth
CuARiTY Workhouse, West Kirk, Lothian rd.
Charles. C. furniture dealer, 60 Broughton st,
Charles, George, flesher, 5G Fountainbridge
Charles, George, agent, 15 St Anthony place
Charles, James, cowfeedtr, 6 Elder street
Charles, James, furnishing ironmonger, 20
Broughton street. — See Adv.
Charles, John, 42 Inverleith row
Charles, Wra. flesher, 8 Middle market —
house, 3 Buccleuch street
Charteris, Miss, 33 Bridge street, Leith
Chatham, Jn. cheesera. & grocer, 326 Lawn-
market — house, 23 Archibald place
Chatto, Mifs, 21 Pitt street
Chaumont, Louis F. teacher of French, 44
Castle street
Clieape, Douglas, Lixmount, Trinity
Cheape, Mrs, of Rossie, 31 George square
Chedburn, George, lodgings, 53 Frederick st.
Chedburu, George, bootmaker, 88 Princes st.
Chedburng, basket and brush warehouse, 88
Princes street
Chesney, David, saw maker and retailer,
Mary King's close
Chessar, Mrs Wm. lodgings, 10 Castle street
Cheyne, Charles, surgeon, 3 Hamilton place,
Cheyne, Henry (^Gordon, Stuart, and C),
6 Koyal ttrrace
Cheyne, Misses, Rosebank, Whitehouse loan
Chicken, William, wine and spirit dealer, 14
Market street
Chiene, Glo. T. accountant, 7 George street —
— Lous?, 9 Howard place
Chiene, Pat. 24 Abercromby place
Child, W. K. & Co. china and cut glass
store, 97 George street
Child, W. K. merchant, 1 Baxter's place
Child, Mrs, 8 Hart street
Chilton, Wm. lodgings, 7 No.-W. Circus pi.
Chirniide, Matthew, tailor and clothier, 25
North bridge
Chisholm, Archd. smith, 24 Kirkgate, Leith
Chisholm, David (iV. B. Insurance Office), 33
Montagu street
Chisholm, John Knox, dentist, 33 Queen st.
Chisholm, Robert {Mackay §- C), 25 East
Claremont street
Chisholm, Robt. cowfeeder, 22 Charles street
Chisholm, Robt. clothier, 25 Thistle street
Chisholm, Wm. leather mercht. 15 Blair st.
Chisholm, Miss, French staymaker, 16George
Chisholm, Mrs, straw-hat manufacturer and
furrier, 18 North bridge
j Chisholme, Robert, 15 Bruntsfield place
I Christiansen, J. & Co. shipbrokcrs and com-
mission merchants, 2 Dock place — housp,
I 43 Bridge street
j Christie, Alex, old bookseller, 97 Nicolson st.
j Christie, Alex, wine, spirit, and malt liquor
mercht. 23 George st. — house, 67 Hanover
I street
i Christie, Alexander, historical and portrait
j painter, 20 Forth street
Christie, Alexander, spirit dealer, 3 Dock
Christie, Alex, lodgings, 30 Cumberland st.
Christie, Alex, of Hawkhiil, Leith
Christie, George, lodgings, 5 Howe street
Christie, Captain James, 8 Duncan street
Christie, Hendry, tobacco and snuff manufr.
45 South bridge
Christie, James, grocer and wine merchant,
30 High street
Christie, James, shoemaker, 22 Thistle street
Christie, John C, W.S. 20 Forth street
Christie, John & Son, breeches makers, hosiers,
and glovers, 16 George street
Christie, John {of A. C/o/g Sf Co.), Lauder
road. Grange
Christie, John, 10 Hanover street
Christie, John, 6 St John street
Christie, Joseph, superintend, east division,
Edinburgh Poor's House
Christie & Alexander, black cloth and silk
merchants, and general and family m.^urn-
ing outfitters, the national mourning ware-
house, 82, 83, and 84 South bridge
Christie, Peter, engraver, printer, and litho-
grapher, 5 Drummond street
Christie, Robert, manager, Scottish Equitable
Life Assurance Society — house. Juniper
green, Colinton
Christie, Robert, grocer and wine merchant,
53 Hanover street
Christie, Robert, junior (secretary Northern
Assurance Company), 16 Bonnington pi.
Chribtie, Robert L. working jeweller and
watchmaker, 18 and 20 Bank street, and 19
Tolbooth wynd, Leith
Christie, Samuel and William, slaters, 45
Constitution street
Christie, Captain T., R.N., 16 Hope street
Christie, Wm. cabinetmaker, Victoria terrace
Christie, William, 22 Scotland street
Christie, William {J. C. 4- Son), 16 BJacket
Christie, W. L. 27 Hamilton place. Stock -
Christie, Mrs David, 20 Forth street
Christie, Mrs John, 25 St James' square
Christie, Mrs, 2 Darnaway street
Christie, Mrs, 14 Pitt street
Christie, Mrs, 9 Duncan street
Christie, Miss, 30 Howard place
Christison, Dr, professor of materia medica,
and consulting physician, 40 Moray place
Christison, John, advocate, sheriff of Ayrshire,
3 Great Stuart street
Chrystal, C. shoemaker, 28 Haddington pi.
Chrystal, Robert, tobacconist, 185 High street
— house, 72 Broughton street
Chrystal, Miss, teach, of drawing, 72 Brough-
ton street
Chrystie, Misses, 30 Dublin street
Church of England Life and Fire Assu-
rance Institution, 55 Great King street.
— See Adv.
Church (Established) of Scotland Schemes
Office, 22 Queen street
Chyne, IVIrs, 50 Rankeillor street
Ciceri and Pini, carvers, gilders, and looking-
glass manufacturers, 81 Leith street — house,
11 Calton street. — See Adv.
Circus Place School, 4 N.-E. Circus place, and
2 Royal circus — A. Musgrave, rector
City Chamberlain's Office, 10 Royal Exch.
City Chambers, 10 Royal Exchange
City Clerk's Office, 10 Royal Exchange
City of Edin. Paving Board, 39 George st.
City of Glasgow Life Assurance Co. 21 St
Andrew sq. — Rob. Balfour, sec. — See Adv.
City of Glasgow Bank — Alex. Stronach.mana-
ger, 12 Hanover street — sub-offices, 60
Grassmarket, and 8 Hunter Square — Chas.
Hay, sub-manager
City Poor-Rates office, 57 North Bridge
City Procurator-Fiscars office, 10 Royal Ex-
Clapperton, Jas. {Wishart 8^- C.),Williamfield
Clapperton, James, 15 West Preston street
Clapperton, John & Co. wholesale and retail
woollen drapers, 371 High street
Clapperton, John (J. C. §- Co.), 14. Great King
Clapperton, J. china merchant, 48 Dundas st.
Clapperton, M. J. grocer, 31 Upper Gray st.
Clapperton, Thos. {J. C. §- Co.), 12 Teviotrow
Clapperton, Mrs Alex. 14 Great King street
Clapperton, Mrs James, Williamfield
Clark & Crawford, grocers and wine merchts.
3 Rutland place
Clark, Adam, Wool Pack inn, 14 Bristo street
Clark, Alex. (Falkirk Iron Co.) 6 Wharton
Clark, Alex, provision store, 79 Broughton st.
Clark, Alex, clerk, 52 Broughton street
Clark, Andrew R. advocate, 64 Northumber-
land street
Clark, Chas., S.S.C 51 Castle street
Clark, David, inspector of weights, 124 Pleas.
Clark, Fran. Wm. aiivocate, 35 London street
Clark, G. & A. grocers and wine merchants,
1 Elm row — house, 17 Forth street
Clark, George, plumber, 23 Rose street
Clark, James, spirit dealer, 4 Shakspeare sq. —
house, 2
Clark, John, 6 Teviot row
Clark, John, Venetian-blind manufacturer,
Gayfield sq. and Lothian Road
Clark, Rev. John, 9 St John street
Clark, Robert, wholesale tea dealer^ 36 Drum-
mond place
Clark, R. and Co, merchants, 31 Hanover st.
Clark, R. & R. printers, 42 Hanover street
Clark, Robert (R. ^- R. C), 33 East Clare-
mont St.
Clark, Robt. engraver & lithographer, 8 So.
St Andrew st. — houpe, 26 Dublin street
Clark, Robert, writer, 24 Pleasance
Clark, T. & T. law-booksellers and publish-
ers, 38 George street
Clark, Thos., D.D. 7 Queen street
Clark, Thomas {T. Sf T. C), 4 Hart stre
Clark, Thomas, waiter, 19 Fettes row
Clark, Wm. house-agent, 22 Carnegie st.
Clark, Mrs John, 11 Keir street
Clark, Mrs John, hotel and tavern, Pier pi.
Clark, Mrs, sick-nurse, 12 Carnegie street
Clark, Mrs, milliner and dressmaker, 40
George street
Clark, Miss, 30 Royal circus
Clark, Misses Eliza and Jane, 78 George st.
Clarke, Ralph, Meadow lodge. Meadow walk
Clarke, Wm. Echo Bank
Clarkson, Eben., M.D., E.I.C.S. 18 Brough-
ton place
Clarksou, William, builder, 7 Spittal street
Clarkson, Mrs, 34 London street
Clason, James H. 10 Buccleuch place
Clason, Rev. Patrick, D.D. 22 Gtorge sq.
Clay, John, smith. Circus lane
Clazy, Geo. city missionary, 18 Meadow pi,
Cleghorn, George, china and cut gla.'s ware-
house, 12 St Andrew square
Cleghorn, John, Clydesdale inn, 2G Grass-
Cleghorn, Thos. advocate, 26 Queen street
Cleghorn, Wm. spirit dealer, Tyne Castle
Cleghorn, William, teacher, 5 Buccleuch st.
Cleghorn, Mrs, Stonefield, Canaan
Cleghorn, IMiss, 40 Castle street
Cleghorn, Miss Jane, Berlin and fancy ware-
house, 6Q George street
Cleland, Mrs Wm. 7 Malta terrace
Cleland, Mrs, 13 Annandale street
Clement, George, grocer and spirit dealer, 42
North Richnaond street
Clement, Miss Ann, dressmaker, 42 North
Richmond street
Clephane, Mrs, 15 Buccleuch street
Clepbane, Mrs Joseph, lodgings, 6 Howe st.
Clerihew, Peter, lodgings, 3 Albany street
Clerk, John, coal office, E. & G. Railway
Station, Haymarket
Cleugh, John C. {Mackay, Cunningham , §•
Co.)., 9 Newington place
Cleugh, Miss Eliza, 3 Rutland square
Clinkscales, Robert, linen-draper, 168 High
street — house, 24 St Patrick square
Clunes, Jas. {Mercury Office), 33 Parkside st.
Clunas, Alex, coal merchant, 7 Lauriston st.
Clydesdale Banking Co. Royal Exchange —
James Greenhill, manager
Clydesdale Dairy Co. 24 Howe street — James
Christie, dairyman
Coates, Thomas, recorder Calton burying
grounds, 17 Calton hill
Cobban, Mrs, 25 Raeburn place
Cobbold, Charles, Broughton park
Cobbold,Thos. Spence, M.D. 25 Archibald pi.
Cobham, M. prof, of music, &c. 38 India st.
Cochrane, Andrew, 14 Brandon street
Cochrane, Paterson, & Co. corn factors and
general com. agents, 20 Constitution street
Cochrane, Henry, assistant superintendent,
Dairy Cemetery
Cochrane, Henry, Railway inn, Haymarket
Cochrane, James & Co. gas-meter makers,
Greenside lane
Cochrane, Robt. & John, coach builders, 36
Bread street
Cochrane, .James, 2 Janefield place, Leith
Cochrane, Jn. mast and block maker, 29 Com-
mercial pi. — ho. 13 Cromwell st. Leith
Cochrane, John, tin-plate worker and gas-
fitter, 77 Kirkgate
Cochrane, John, china merchant, 27 West
Preston street
Cochrane, Jn., M.D. surgeon and apothecary,
503 Lawnmarket — ho. 17 Argyle square
Cochrane, Robert, corn dealer, 30 Earl Grey st.
Cochrane, Robt. H. grocer, 2 High street
Cochrane, Thomas, shawl manufacturer, 15
Nicolson street
Cochrane, Wm. G. {^Cochrane and Paterson),
2 James' place, Leith
Cochrane, Wm. tailor and clothier, 115 Kirk-
gate, Leith
Cochrane, Mrs, 35 York place
Cochrane, Mrs, 5 Randolph place
Cockburn and Co. wine raerchts. 7 Duke st.
Cockburn, Alexander, 16 Alva street
Cockburn, Alex, cowfeeder, 208 Canongate
Cockburn, Alex, surgeon R.N. 9 Union street
Cockburn, A. goldbmith and jeweller, 3 Fre-
derick street
Cockburn, C hosier, glover, and shirt maker,
96 Princes st. — house, 13 Bank street
Cockbiirn, James, fruit merchant, 2 JBristo
place — bouse, 3 Chapel st.
Cockburn, James, hairdresser, 45 Clerk st.
Cockburn, J. H. West India merchant, 1 Baltic
Cockburn, J., and Campbell, wine merchants,
32 St Andrew square
Cockburn, John ( C. ^- Campbell), 5 Doune ter.
Cockburn, John, keeper. Royal Society , Royal
Cockburn, John, tea, wine, and spirit mer-
chant, 21 South Castle street
Cockburn, P. cowfeeder, 25 Arthur street
Cockburn, Peter, cowfeeder, 18 Duke street,
Leith, and 107 Kirkgate
Cockburn, Robt. coal merchant, 19 Dundas st.
Cockburn, Robert, coffee-room, 51 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
Cockburn, R. L. baker, 27 Dean street
Cockburn, Mrs C. cap maker, 13 Bank street
Cockburn, Mrs, 2 Manor place
Cockburn, Mrs, French staymaker, 2 Buc-
cleuch street
Cockburn, Miss Agnes, 1 1 Dublin street
Cockburn, Misses, 4 Castle street
Cockson, Mrs, India shawl and lace darner,
22 Society
Coghiil, J. pay-sergeant & storekeeper. Royal
Mid- Lothian Yeo. Cavalry, 15 St James' sq.
Colcleuch, Mrs, 23 St James' square
Coleman, Abraham, surgeon-dentist and
chemist, 18 Frederick street — house, 13
Colden, John and Son, wrights and under-
takers, Morrison street, Tobago street
Coldstream, Dr John, F.R.C.P. 51 York place
Coldstream, Mrs, 1 Hermitage place, Leith
Cold well, James, smith, Mary place
Collector's office, Canongate poor-rates, 163
Collector's oflSce, West Kirk poor-rates, 1
Rutland street
Collector's office. Police & Prison Assess-
ments, Police chambers. High street
Collector's office, Police Assessment, 110
Constitution street, Leith
Collector's oflBce, S. Leith poor rate and
road money, 59 Constitution street
Collegiate Institution, 7 Great King street.
— See Adv.
Collie, D. R. & Son, printers and publishers,
19 St David street — ho. 51 Hopepark end
Collie, D. of Commercial Bank, 7 So. Char-
lotte street
Collier, G. baker, 23 Tolbooth wynd, Leith
Collier, John, tailor, 14 Heriot pi. Lauriston
Collier, William ( Witness Office), 2 West
Nicolson street
Collins, E. & Son, joiners, upholsterers, and
cabinet-makers, 110 Rose street — house, 26
Frederick street
Colonial Life Assurance Co. 5 George street.
— See Adv.
Colquhoun, John C. advocate, 10 Melville st.
Colquhoun, James, M.D., H.E.I.C.S.24War-
riston crescent
Colquhoun, Ludovic, advocate, 18 George
Colquhoun, Peter, grocer, 70 Cumberland st.
Colquhoun, Miss, 27 Stafford street
Colthered, John, dairy, 16 Cumberland street
Colston & Son, printers, &c. 80 Rose street-
house, 33 Parkside street
Colston, Mrs James, 38 Rankeillor street
Coltness Colliery Oflfice, Chas. Brown, agent,]
Lothian road
Colville, Mrs, 100 Lauriston place
Colville, Misses, 7 Rankeillor street
Colvin, George {Dryburgh Sf Co.), 12 Beau-
mont place
Comb, James, coal merchant, 4 Semple street
Comb, Robert, upholsterer, 6 Hanover street
Comb, Robt. shoemaker, 22 Dundas street
Combe, Charles T. ( Combe, Ree S^- Co.), 36 York
Combe, George, 45 Melville street
Combe, J. S., M.D., F.R.C.S.E. 36 York
Combe, Matthew, tailor, 34 North bridge
Combe, Ree & Co. corn factors and merchants,
19 Constitution street
Combe, Misses, 7 Morrison street
Commercial Bank of Scotland, 14 George St.,
and 24 Constitution street, Leith
Commercial Credit Mutual Assurance Soc.
25 York place
Commissary Office, Exchequer Chambers,
Parliament sq. — W. Alexander, W.S.
clerk — T. Inglis, depute
Common, Robert, waiter, 4 Hill place
Common, Wm. candlemaker, 8 Union place and
Megget's court — house, 13 Union place
Compositors' Society — Wm. G. Souter,
15 Richmond place, clerk
Compton, Mrs, Grange loan
Comrie, Alex. 18 Rankeillor street
Conacherj J. & P. organ-builders, 3 Downie
Conacher, John, auctioneer and appraiser, 22
and 100 Victoria street
Condamine & Drummond, wine merchants,
4 Duke street, Leith
Condamine & Co. vfine merchants, 4 Duke
street, Leith
Condamine, R. de la, 28 Brougbton place
Congleton, Thos. wine & spirit mercht. 6 Han-
over street and 355 High street — ho. 369
Connell, James, of Lonning head, 38 Inver-
leith row
Connell, William, coach and harness maker,
6 Richmond place
Connell, Mrs, 1 So. James street
Conning, Alex. jun. flesher, 18 Raeburn place
Connolly, Archd. cattle-dealer, Belfrage lane
Connolly, James S. printer, 9 Montagu street
Connolly, Miss Margaret, dressmaker, 5©
Buccleuch street
Conochie, John, letter-carrier, 10 Middle
Arthur place
Conochie, Wm. letter-carrier, 10 Arthur st.
Consistorial Clerk's Office, Parlislment
Constable, J. & M. shawl, crape, and dress
cleaners, 56 Lothian street
Constable, Thomas, printer to her Majesty,
11 Thistle St.— ho. Selville, Portobello
Constable, Thomas and Co. publishers, 31
St Andrew Square
Consul, American, John Broadfoot, 16 As-
sembly street
Consul, Belgian, John M. Mitchell, 2 Dock
place, Leith
Consul, Brazilian, H. Denovan, 10 Dock
Consul, Danish, Wm. Marshall, 26 Consti-
tution street, Leith
Consul, French, for all Scotland, Jules
P'leury, 17 Heriot row
Consul, Hanseatic Vice, A. Robinow, 25
Constitution street, Leith
Consul, Oldenburg, Henry Denovan, 10
Dock gates
Consul, Mecklenburg, Henry Denovan, 10
Dock gates
Consul, Netherlands & Hanover, Alexander
Paterson, 9 Bernard street, Leith
Consul, Portuguese, Wm. Muir, 42 Quality-
street, Leith
Consul, Prussian, J. G. Thomson, 18
S. St Andrew street, and 27 St Andrew
street, Leith
Consul, Russ-ian, David Thom, 28 Constitu-
tion street, Leith
Consul, Spanish, James Gordon, 2 Coatfield
Consul, Swedish and Norwegian, T. Hut-
chinson, Railway buildings. Citadel
Conway, Patrick, clothier, 4 St Mary's wynd.
— See Adv.
Conway, Mrs, 53 Lothian street
Cook, Alex. Shank, advocate, 35 Gt. King st.
Cook, Alex, carter, Albany st. cottage, Leith
Cook, John {W. 8f J. C. ), 1 1 Great King st.
Cook, Robt. shipmaster, Claremont Park,
Cook, Thos. hatter, 3 Tolbooth wynd
Cook, W. & J., W.S. 32 Abercromby place
Cook, Walter, 25 Drummond place
Cook, Misses, 9 West Preston street
Cooke, James, teacher of music, 40 Gt.Kingst.
Coombs, Rev. J. A. 34 Great King street
Cooper, Alex, carver and gilder, 21 Baltic st.
Cooper, A. haircutter & perfr., 19 Downie pi.
Cooper, Charles, 30 St James' square
Cooper, David, accountant, 5 Greenside row
Cooper, Edw. A. printer, 31 Cumberland st.
Cooper, Jas. boot and shoem. 3 High terrace
Cooper, Robert, lodgings, 35 Scotland street
Cooper, Thos. & Co. buiton factors, agents,
&c. 1 & 2 So. bridge, & 2 No. bridge
Cooper, Thomas (C. Sf Co.), 15 Blacket pi.
Cooper, Thomas, silversmith, 2 Swinton row
— house, 20 Barony street
Cooper, Wm. teacher of writing, arithmetic,
and book-keeping, 10 George street
Cooper, Wm. cowfeeder, 3 Sheriff brae
Cooper, Mrs Wm. hotel and tavern keeper,
23 Fleshmarket close
Cooper, Miss Hannah, Lord Russell place
Copland, Geo. clothier, 37 Frederick street
Copland, R. T. tailor & clothier, 20 George
Copland, Mrs Francis, midwife, 88 Abbey hill
Corbett, Wm. surgeon-dentist,53 Frederick st.
Corbett, Mrs Jane, lodgings, 14 Cumberland I
street j
Cormack, D. & Son, smiths and ironmongers, '
1 Terrace, Leith st, & Shakspeare square
Cormack and M'AIillan, W.S. 33 York place
Cormack, D. {D. C. 4" Son), Comely Green
Cormack, David, S.S.C. and accountant, and
agent for the Law Life Assurance Suciety
of London, 33 York place. — See Adv.
Cormack, Hugh, bookseller and stationer, 48
George street — house, 21 Leopold place [
Cormack, James (Z). C.6{Soii),'l\ St James'" sq. ;
Cormack, James, spirit dealer, 10 Shore |
Cormack, Jolin, butcher, 10 Elder street — I
house, 25 Clyde street 1
Cormack, Wm. 22 Inverleith row |
Cormack, Mrs, 106 Lauriston place
Cormack, JMiss, straw-hat maker and mil-
liners, 13 Xorth bridge
Corner, J. wood engraver, 14 Beaumont
Corner, Jas. & Co. {late A. Machryde), hair-
dresser & perfumer to the Queen, 67 George
Corner, John, tailor & clothier, 60 Princes
Corner, ]\Iiss JIary, lady body-belt and stay-
maker, 161 Rose Street
Cornet, Mrs, lodgings, 12 Cumberland street
Corns, Wm. & Co. stationers, envelope manu-
facturers, and bookbinders, 26 Waterloo
place — house, 7 Little King street
Cornwall, Dr, F.R.C.S.6 West Circus place
Cornwall, James, 6 Bellevue terrace
Corrie, Thomas, 25 Melville street
Corstorphine, Peter, boot and shoemaker,
M'Niel place, Leith walk
Cosens, John, W.S. 15 Broughton place
Cosens, Peter, advocate, 15 Broughton place
Cossar, G. (^Bank of Scotland) , 4 Frederick
Cossar, James, flesher, 113 Causeyside
Cottam, Richd. tailor, 6 Infirmary street
Cottingham, Joseph {Office of Inland Reve-
7iue), Elizafield, Bonniugton
Cotton, George & Son, tobacconists to the
royal household, 23 Princes street
Cotton, George, S.S.C. 40 York place
Cotton, George ( G. C. and Son), 71 Bristo st.
Cotton, George, tobacco manufacturer, 231
High street
Cotton, James, 231 High street — house, 10
Buccleuch place
Cotton, John, snuff manufacturer, 35 Princes
street, and 68 Bristo street
Cotton, Wm. (G. C. Sf Son), 3 Blacket pi.
Coubrough, John, grocer and spirit merchant,
19 Greenside street
Council Chambers, 10 Royal Exchange
Council Chambers, Leith, 107 Constitution
County Fire Office, 8 Gloucester place-
Webster & Kenny, and Fred. H. Carter,
16 Queen street, agents
County Police Office, County hall, Edin-
burgh, and Bathfield cottage, Leith
County Prison Board, 39 George street
Couper, Andrew, brewer, 1 1 St Anthony st.
Couper, J. ( Wm. C. 8f So7i), I London street
Couper, Robert, dairy, 5 Duncan street
Couper, Wm. H. writer, 4 Pitt street, Leith
Couper, Wm. & Son, bootmakers, 6 St An-
drew square
Couper, Miss, dressmaker, 6 Leopold place
Couper, Misses, dress and strawbonnet makers,
7 Barony street
Couper, J. & A. dressmakers, 30 Rose street
Coupland, John, bookbinder, 56 High street
Courant Publishing Office, 188 High street
— printing office, 190
Court, John, S.S.C. 21 George square
Cousin, David, architect and city superinten-
dent. City chambers — ho. Greenhill gardens
Cousin, Geo. surveyor and valuator of build-
ings, 12 Royal Exchange — house, Greenhill,
Bruntsfield Links
Cousin, James, cabinetmaker, 101 Hope park
Cousin, John, builder, 56 Cumberland st.
Couston, D. provision merchant, 33 Sheriff
brae, Leith
Coutie, Wm. boot and shoemaker, 309 High st. J
Coutts, Alex, spirit dealer, 44 Broughton st. ^
Coutts, Charles, spirit dealer, 10 Gibb's entry
Coventry, Andrew, advocate, 29 JMoray place
Coventry, Rev. George, of Shan well, 33 Mel-
ville street
Coventry, Mrs Dr, 28 Moray place
Cow, W., Laverock bank cottage, Trinity
Cowan & Co. paper makers, stationers, and
vellum binders, 17 Princes street
Cowan & Strachan, silk mercers, &c. 15
Princes street
Cowan, Alex. 30 Royal terrace
Cowan, A. D. 1 Lower Gilmour place
Cowan, Charles, ironmonger, 136 High st.
— house, 8 Gilmour place
Cowan, David {Hunter, Blair, and C), 17
Moray place -
Cowan, Geo., M.D. surgeon, 30 Clerk street
Cowan, Geo. razor paste and furniture oil
manufacturer, 1 S.-W. Circus place
Cowan, James (Coivan Sf Co.)., 17 Princes st.
— house, 33 Royal terrace
Cowan, James, M.D. surgeon, 14 Rankeillor st
Cowan, Dr James, surgeon R.N. 23 Nelson
Cowan, James G. {Grindlay, C. and Co.., Leith),
24 Drummond place
Cowan, James, gardener, 1 Abbey
Cowan, John, portrait painter, 2 Marshall's
Cowan, Lord, 4 Ainslie place
Cowan, Robert, W.S. 9 Carlton terrace
Cowan, William^ brassfounder and gas meter
maker, 60 Buccleuch street — ho. 1 West
Maitland street
Cowan, Wm. 3 Comely greeu place
Cowan, Wm. 2 Montpelier
Cowan, Mrs, 7 Hill place
Cowan, Mrs, 9 Carlton terrace
Cowey, Mrs Wm. 3 Gayfield place
Cowie, Alexander, 27 Gilmore place
Cowie, R. A. portrait and historical painter,
68 George street
Cowieson, David & Peter, printsellers, sta-
tioners, and general warehousemen, 50
Nicolson street
Cownie & Son, clothier, 27 Lothian street —
house, 41 Lothian street
Cownie, William, jun. 13 Rankeillor street
Cowper, Wm. writer, 29 Alva street
Cowper, Mrs, corsetmaker, 34 Castle street
Cowper, Misses, day and boarding school, 22
Gardner's crescent
Coxe, James, 9 Atholl crescent
Cox, Robert, W.S. 25 Rutland street
Cox, Wm. envelope maker & black borderer,
2 Greenside place
Coxson, James, grocer, 100 Abbey hill, and
6 Baxter's place
Grabble, John & Co., merchts.. Great Junction
road, Leith
Grabble, John (J. C. 8)- Co.), 27 Pilrig street
Crabbie, R. S. wine and spirit merchant, 59
Yardheads — house, 1 Smith's place
Crabbie,Mrs Janet, linen and woollen draper,
42 North bridge — house, 37 North bridge
Crager, Philip, 3 East Preston street
Craig, Christie, and Co. hat manufacturers,
23 Potterrow
Craig and Rose, oil merchants and drysalters,
Anderson's place
Craig, Alex, and Co. clothiers and hatters to
the Queen, 103 & 104 South bridge
Craig, Alex. 6 Carlton street
Craig, And. & Wm. lock and hinge makers,
Rae's close, Canongate
Craig, Archibald ( Crazp-s Brothers), 1 1 Blacket
Craig, David, baker, 6 Norton place
Craig, David Jamieson, 38 Dublin street
Craig, D. Register House, 15 Brandon street
Craig, Henry, Wardie crescent
Craig, Jas. T. Gibson, W.S. 24 York place
Craig, James, tea, wine, and spirit merchant,
40 Broughton st. — house, 64
Craig, James, grocer, wine merchant,' and
spirit dealer, 40 Clerk street
Craig, James, manager Sunhury Distillery,
20 Great Stuart street
Craig, James, shoemaker, 385 Lawnmarket
Craig, John, clothier, 3 Leith street terrace —
house, 24 Greenside place
Craig, John, provision merchant, 8 Catharine
street — house, 10
Craig, Jn. (^Advertiser office), 23 Lauriston st.
Craig, Thomas, baker and victual dealer, 42
Broughton street — house, 72
Craig, Mrs Jas. midwife, 10 Middle Arthur p].
Craig, Mrs Janet, spirit dealer, 1 St Leo-
nard's hill
Craig, Mrs J. 8 Grove street
Craig, Mvi, ladies' nurse, 51 India place
Craig, Miss, 6 West Claremont street
Craig, Misses, stockmakers, 80 Princes street
Craigs Brothers, wholesale and retail woollen
drapers and hatters, 107 South bridge
Craigie, Dr Dav. physician, 19 Montagu st.
Craigie, Forbes (G.P.-O.), 8 Roxburgh ter.
Craigie, George, lodgings, 9 Wemyss place
Craigie, George (G. P.- O.), 56 India street
Craigie, Henry, W.S , Falcon hall
Craigie, Jas. straw bonnet manufacturer, .ji.>
South bridjie — ho. 24 Buccleuch place
Craigie, P. Edraonstone, Colonel, C.B. 47
Melville street
Craigie, Wm. S. tailor & clothier, 4 Buccleuch
Craigie, Mrs, of Dumbarnie, 17 Rutland street
Craik, David, writer, 11 Duncan street
Cramond, Miss Jane, 85 Great King street
Cranston, Robt. temper, hotel, 43 Princes st,
Cranston, Miss Elizabeth, 48 Castle street
Craufurd, James, solicitor-general, 18 Char-
lotte square
Craven, Wm. lace merchant, 121 Princes st.
Craw, Henry, coach -hirer, 20 Charles street
Crawford, David, press & machine maker, 3"2
St Patrick sq.
Crawford, David, S.S.C., master extraordinary
in High Court of Chancery, 2 N.-E. Circus
Crawford, David, millraaster, Bennington
Crawford, Rev. Dr, 13 Great King street
Crawford, Rev. David, assist, treas. and sec.
U. P. Church, 5 Queen street — house,
37 London street
Crawford, George, baker, 106 Rose street
Crawford, G. W. writer, Summerbank, Bel-
le vue
Crawford, Jas. jun. W.S., master extraordi-
nary in Chancery, and commissioner Courts
of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and
Exchequer, 12 Duke street
Crawford, James, warehouseman, 50 South
Cravvford, James, slater, 24 Kirkgate
Crawford, James, agent, 1 and 2 Greenmarket
Crawford, James, boot and shoe maker, 1 St
Bernard's place
Crawford, Jas. coal merchant and agent, 14
Port-Hopetoun — house, 166 Fountainbridge
Crawford, John, Balquhatstone Colliery, 14
Port Hopetoun, and 118 Princes street
Crawford, John, 4 Pitt stret^t, Bennington
Crawford, John, tailor and clothier, 2 Mait-
land street, Newhaven
Crawford, M. (Canal Co.'s office), 1 Port-Hopn.
Crawford, NimmOj leather- cutter, 25 East
Crawford, R. & D., S.S.C and N.P. 2 North
East Circus place
Crawford, Thos. baker^ 68 Kirkgate
Crawford, Walter {Miller ^- Crcnvford,) 61
Clerk street
Crawford, Wm., M.D. surgeon, 29 Broughton
Crawford, Wm. port, painter, 46 Gt. King st.
Crawford, W^m. baker, 31 Shore
Crawford, Mrs A. F. 5 Randolph clifF
Crawford, Mrs, 2 Melville street
Crawford, Mrs Catharine, lodgings, 8 Hopest.
Crawford, Mrs, barm brewer, Haddon's court
Crawford, Misses, 1 7 Archibald place
Crawfurd, John, 59 Constitution street
Crawfurd, Major, 22 Royal circus
Crawfurd, Wm. of Cartsburn, 5 Bellevue cr.
Crawfurd, Miss, embroiderer, 26 India place
Crease and Taylor, brewers, Drumdryan
Crease, W. & Sons, manufacturers & whole-
sale haberdashers, 4.21 Lawnmarket
Crease, Wm. (C 4" Sons), 2 Bruntsfield pi.
Crease, Jlrs, 2 Bruntsfield place
Cree, David, commission agent, 3 Smith's pi.
Cree, James, merchant, 7 Brunton place
Cree, Mrs Wm. 8 Smith's place
Creigh, T. R. Gibraltar house
Crerar, P. & Co. shooting establishment, 357
Advocates' close
Crerar, Mrs, spirit merchant, 106 Nicolson st.
Crewdson, Isaac, commercial traveller, 9
Blenheim place
Crichton, Alex, housekr. Custora-ho. Leith
Crichton, Alex. (G.P.-O.), 31 West Norton
Crichton, Andrew, LL.D. 33 St Bernard's
Crichton, David, carpenter and cabinetmaker,
3 ToUcross and Wharton lane
Crichton, G. & M. gold and silver smiths and
watch makers, 55 North bridge
Crichton, George, 1 1 Viewforth
Crichton, Hew, S.S.C. 13 Nelson street
Crichton, Hew H., W.S. 13 Nelson street
Crichton, J. A. advocate, 13 Nelson street
Crichton, M. H. 8 Sciennes
Crichton, W. silv. plate manufr. 63 No. bridge
Crichton, W. 3 West Newington
Crichton, Mrs Colonel, 9 Clarence street
Crichton, Mrs, 12 Danube street
Crighton, Hugh Ford, artist, 40 Great King
Crighton, James, grocer, tea & wine merchant,
1 Kerr street — house, 6 Spring gardens
Crighton, Mrs James, 2 Carlton street
Croal, James, Merchiston park
Croal, Geo. music teacher, 17 London street
Croal, Robt. (Couraitt Office), 15 South Col-
lege street
Croall, J. and W. coach and harness makers,
York lane
Croall, John & Son, job and postmasters,
Royal Caledonian Bazaar, 9 & 10 Leith walk,
Dublin street and Young street lanes
Croall, John, coach builder and coach proprie-
tor, 4 Princes street, and Caledonian
Bazaar, 10 Leith Walk, Middlefield
Croall, Peter, coach builder, 61 Princes street
— house, 10 North St Andrew street
Croall, William, jun. and Co. coach builders,
1 7 Greenside place
Croall, W. {J. 8f W. C), 21 Broughton street
Crocket, John, 14 Canongate
Croil, Alexander, Leslie bank, Whitehouse
Croket, Miss, 10 Lynedoch place
Crole, David, 3 Ramsay gardens
Croley & Co. staymakers, 23 Duke street
Croley, William, pharmaceutical chemist and
druggist, I Downie place
Croll, David, cabinetmaker, 242 Cowgate
Croll, David, jun. cabinetmaker, 291 Cowgate
Crombie, Alexander, of Thornton, 1 1 Moray
Crombie, Andrew, & Son, dyers, 19 Brown
square, and Water of Leith
Crombie, George D. 2 Alva street
Crombie, James, carter, 1 Spence place
Crombie, John, 19 Brown sq. — ho. 90 Lauris-
ton place
Crombie, Miss, 90 Laiiriston place
Crooks, Geo. merchant and agent, 44 Quality
(J room. Rev. David M. 1 Upper Gilmore
place aj
Croom, Mrs, 3 Argyle square "
Cropper, William, painter, &c. 7 India street
— house, 25
Crosbie, George, 19 Walker street
Crosbie, James, spirit merchant, 40 West
Richmond street
Cross & Carruthers, jewellers, and dealers in
articles of vertu, 61 Hanover street
Cross, James, spirit merchant, 87 Kirkgate
Crossan, A. bootmaker, 107 Rose street
Crouch, William, watchmaker, jeweller, and
parcel conveyance office, agent for the Kent
Mutual Assurance Society^ 40 North bridge
— house, 11 Lutton pi.
Crow, Wm. tailor, 105 South bridge
Crowe, James, tailor and clothier, 2 North
Crowe, Robert B. rector Rev. Dr Andrew
Thomson's school, 10 Queensferry street
— house, 1 Grove street
CllOw^f Agent's Office, Parliament square
—John Clerk Brodie, W.S. Agent
Ckown Hotel, 10, 11, and 12 Princes street
Crown Life Assurance Office — E. Logan,
W.S. 141 George street, and Patrick
M<»rison, accountant, 2 Scotland st. agents
Crudelins, C.W. (Swaine 6fCo.), Jessfieldho.
Cruickshank & Ronaldson, cabinetmakers,
upholsterers and undertakers, 1 M' Neil's
Cruickshank & Veitch, cabinetmakers and
upholsterers and house agents, 107 George
street and 38 St Cuthbert street
Cruickshank, Alex. & Sons, shirt makers,
hosiers, and glovers, 57 George street
Cruickshank, Alexander (J. C. &,- Sons), 49
Lauriston place
Cruickshank, Alex, fort-major, Edinburgh
Cruickshank, Edward, 1 6 Comely bank
Cruickshank, Jas. surgeon, 12 Dublin street
Cruickshank, William, gardener, Annfield
cottage, Newhaven
Cruickshank, Sirs, lodgings, Anchorfield,
Cruickshank, Mrs John, 3 Wallace place
Cruickshank, Mrs Thomas, tobacco manufac-
turer, 63 Broughton street
Cruickshanks, Miss, 7 Stafford street
Cruickshank, Miss, ti Duncan st. Newington
Cuddie, Miss Clementine, Millburn lodge
Cvilbertson, James, writer, 27 Elder street
CuUen, Rev. G. D. 28 Royal ten-ace
CuUen, John, W.S. 34 York place
Cullen, Thomas, surveyor of taxes, 6 Water-
loo place
Cullen, Mrs, 30 Pitt street
Cullen, Mrs, 14 Inverleith row
Cullen, Mrs James, 2 Lynedoch place
Cullens, Alexander, 22 Pitt street
Cumine, Captain George (late E.I.C.S.), 14
Clarendon crescent
Cumine, Miss, 20 Ann street
Cumming, James, LL.D., H.M. Inspector of
Schools, 20 Pilrig street
Cumming, James, wine and spirit merchant,
3 Heriot bridge
Cumming, J. commercial traveller, 6 Fyfe
Cumming, Thos. wood merchant and packing-
box maker. Market street
Cumming, William, M.D., F.R.C.P.E, 42
Queen street
Cumming, Mrs Dr, 1 Rankeillor street
Cumming, Hon. Mrs Leslie, 44 Queen street
Cumming, Mrs, midwife, 38 Brunswick st.
Cumming, Mrs, lodgings, 4 Maitland street
Cumming, Miss, 31 Minto street
Cummings, John, turner, 81 High street
Cummins, Mrs John, 112 Lauriston place
Cundell, Joseph, agent, British Linen Co,
48 Bernard street, Leith
Cuningham & Co. wine merchants, 17 Clyde
street and 5Q Great King street
Cuningham, Alex, secretary, Northern Light-
houses, 84 George street — ho. 17 Coates
Cuningham, Andrew, grocer, 36 Couper
street, Leith
Cuningham, And. jun. wright, 58 Tolbooth
Cuningham, W. A. 86 Great King street
Cuningham, Miss, 86 Great King street
Cuninghame, John, of Duloch, 23 Moray pi.
Cuninghame, Miss J. 3 Raeburn place
Cunning, William, smith and ironmonger, 38
Queen street — house, 9 S.-E. Circus place
Cunningham & Marshall, wine merchants, 99
George street
Cunningham, Eraser, & Co. nurserymen and
florists, Comely bank
Cunningham, Alex, grocer, 15 Earl Grey st.
Cunningham, Alexander, 10 Fettes row
Cunningham, Alexander J. shoemaker, 20
Dean street
Cunningham, B. & E. milliners and straw-
hat makers, 3 Admira'ty street
Cunningham, G. civil engineer and land sur-
veyor, 21 Castle street
Cunningham, Geo. Godfrey, 2 Hillside cres.
Cunningham, Jas., W.S. 50 Queen street
Cunningham, James C. {J.&;J. C), 88 Lau-
riston place
Cunningham, James, wright, 32 Elbe street
Cunningham, John and James, seed, linseed
cake, and artificial manure merchts. 102
West bow
Cunningham, John, 1 Hailes street
Cunningham, John (Signet Libry.), 2 Atholl
Cunningham, John S. (J. 4' J- C.), 13
Rutland square
Cunningham, John Sinclair, banker, 14
George street
Cunningham, Thomas, hat manufacturer, 61
North Bridge
Cunningham, William, D.D. professor of
theology in New College, 17 Salisbury road
Cunningham, Wm. cashier Scottish Union
Lnsurance Co. 3 1 Princes street
Cunningham, Wm. agent, 15 Albany st. Leith
Cunningham, Mrs, 39 Montagu street
Cunningham, Mrs James, china warehouse, 19
Howe street
Cunningham, Mrs Patrick, 31 Princes street
Cunningham, Mrs, of South Lodge, 75 Queen
Cunningham, Mrs, Bonnington
Cunningham, Mrs, 3 Grove place
Cunninghame, Mrs, 17 Blacket place
Cunningham, Miss, 47 Castle street
Cunyngham, Henry L. Dick, Salisbury green
Cunyngham, Sir W. H. Dick, Bart. Preston-
Cupples, George, 25 Gilmore place
Curie, Jas. (Younger and Curie), 6 Cheyne
Curll, William, 15 Henderson row
Curll, Mrs, 15 Henderson row
Currer and Dickson, grocers and wine mer-
chants, 7 Antigua street
Currer, Adam, grocer and wine merchant, 79
Queen street' — house, 34 Castle street
Currer, Sirs, 9 Antigua street
Currie & Lamb, bookbinders and stationers,
10 Hunter square
Currie and Co. wholesale confectioners, 28
Victoria street
Currie, Alex, advocate, sheriflf of BanflPshire,
43 Heriot row
Currie, Adam, shipmaster, 45 Tolbooth wjnd,
Currie, David (C. ^V Lainh), 3 Blair st.
Currie, Francis, spirit dealer, 1 Downie pi.
Currie, James, shoemaker, 9 Leith st. terrace
Currie, Rev. James, rector, Normal Institu-
tion, Castle terrace
Currie, John, furniture dealer, 44 Blaii st-
Currie, John, f:;ardener and florist, Rosehall
Currie, Pet. {Caatoms), 28 Bernard st. Leith
Currie, Peter, teacher of English, geography,
&c., 1 Thistle street — ho. 13 GiytieUl sq.
Currie, Thomas, spirit merchant, 5 Shak-
speare square
Currie, William, 102 Causeyside
Currie, Wm. cork manufacturer, llSKirkgate
Currie, Mrs, spirit dealer. Echo bank
Curriehill, Lord, 5 Ilandolph crescent
CuRiiiERs' Club House, 20 Cowgate
Curror & Stewart, S.S.C. 53 Castle street
Curror, Adam, farmer, Myreside
Curror, David (Curror ts Stexart), 16 Grove
Curror, John, farmer, Comiston
Curry, Miss, matron, George Watson's hospl.
Cushnie, Alex, glover and gaiter maker, 5Q
Leith street
Cushnie, William, Malta green cottage
Cusine, James, 23 Bernard street, Leith
Custom House, Commercial place, Leith
Cuthbert, Alex, lace and muslin merchant, 11
and 13 North bridge — ho. 12 Union street
Cuthbertson, A. victual dealer, 8 St Anthony
Cuthbertson, Andrew Gray, merchant, 1
King's place — house, 1 Kaeburn place
Cuthbertson, James, spirit dealer, 4 Regent
street, Leith'
Cuthbertson, Wm. superintendent Ed. Wes-
tern Cemetery, Dean
Cuthbertson, Wm. F. bookseller and stationer,
1 7 South bridge
Cuthbertson, Wm., W.S. (SJiepherd, Grant,
^' C), 6 Albany street
Cuthbertson, Mrs, 25 Pitt street
Cuthbertson, Miss, 21 Dean terrace
Cuthill, Alex, livery stables, 51 Rose street
Dahl, Abram, 12 Bonnington place, Leith
Dale, R. P. artist, 24 Clerk street
Dale, Thomas, shoe warehouse, 30 Jamaica st.
Dalgety, Charles, coal-fitter and general mer-
chant, 30 Coatfield lane
Dalgleish, David, flesher and poulterer, 15
Bread street
Dalgleish, D. and Son, clothiers and outfitters,
5 Drummond street
Dalgleish & Son, cork manufacturers, 118
High street
I Dalgleish and Forrest, auctioneers and furni-
j ture dealers, 4 St Andrew square
I Dalgleish & Grierson, coal mercbants, 3 North
I British and Caledonian Railway
I Dalgleish, James, coacli-hirer, 73 Causeyside
1 Dalgleish, James, W.S. 14 Rutland square
Dalgleish, Jn. Ladies' Institution, 1 Park pi.
Daltfleish, John, tailor, 25 Thistle street
Dalgleish, John, wright, 42 Pleasance — house,
8 Roxburgh terrace
Dalgleish, Mark, British Linen Co. Bank
Dalgleish, Robert, flesher, 93 Fountain bridge
Dalgleish, Robert, Holyrood glass-works.
South back of Canongate
Dalgleish, William, letter-carrier, 15 Catharine
Dalkeith Colliery Office, St Leonard's depot
— George Baigrie, agent. — See Adv.
Dall, Pat. R.N. superint. of harbour and docks,
Customhouse — house, 1 Scotland street
Dall, Thomas, accountant, 5 York place
Dall, Wm. & Co. china & glass merchants, 4
Hanover street — house, 17 Keir street
Dallas, Mrs, 5 Maitland street
Dalmahoy & Wood, W.S. 12 Hill street
Dalmahoy, Pat. (D. ^- Wood), 69 Queen st,
Dalrymple, Jn. tea and coffee merchant, 2
Princes street — house, 3 Gayfield place
Dalrymple, Hew, 7 Hailes street
Dalrymple, J. rope and sail maker, 5 Dock
street — house, 5 N. Junction street
Dalrymple, William, S.S.C. 1! Pitt street
Dalrymple, Wm., W.S. 11 Pitt street — house,
45 St Cuthbert street
Dalrymple, Miss, 77 George street
Dalzell, Mrs, 2 Hamilton place, Newington
Dalziel, Miss, fishmonger, 35 Frederick st.
Dalziel, George (Gibson- Craigs, D. Sf Brodie),
]0 Regent terrace
Dalziel, Rev. George, Magdalene Asylum,
181 Canongate
Dalziel, Wm. engraver and printer, 4 East St
James' street
Dalziel, Mrs, Magdalene Asyl. 181 Canongate
Dalziel, Mrs William, 3 Morton street
Dalziel, Miss, 10 Stafford street
Dalziel, Miss Jane C. 5 Saxe Coburg place
Daniel, Wm. S., W.S. 3 Summer place
Danks,W.& Co. china and crystal merchants,
40 South bridge
Danks & Swan, glass, china, and rag mer-
chants, 32 Cowgate
Danks, John, 39 St Leonard street
Darg, Miss, dressmaker, 15 Dublin street
Darling, A. 10 Buccleuch street
Darling, George, clothier and outfitter, 93
South bridge
Darling, John, grocer, 5 Rose street
Darling, Robert, carter and farmer. Bank
cottage, Leith
Darling, Rob. boot andshoem. 4 Summer pi.
Darling, Wm. wine merchant and grocer, 47
Nicolson St. — ho. 19 West Nicolson st.
Darling, Wm. stay manufacturer and general
merchant, 94 So. bridge — ho. 5 Park st.
Darling, William, spirit dealer, 32 Heriot's
Darling, William, spirit merchant, 45 Ber-
nard street, Leith
Darling, Mrs R. lodgings, 3 ]\Iaitland place,
Darling, Mrs, 7 Saxe-Coburg place
Darling, Miss, millinery, stay, and baby-linen
warehouse, 15 South bridge
Darling, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 5
Gray's court, Nicolson street
Darling, Misses, and M'Laren, milliners and
dressmakers, 20 George street
Darling, Miss, 17 Pitt street
Darlington, Daniel, upholsterer, 34 North
Castle street — house, Lauder road, Grange
Darlington, Henry, upholsterer, 5 Frederick
Dauglish, John, 7 Fingal place, Meadows
Davidson & Syme, W.S. 22 Castle street
Davidson & M'Gregor, provision and corn
merchants, 9 Giles' street
Davidson, Ai, gravel dep. 28 Duke st. Leith
Davidson, Alex, hairdresser, 1 St Leonard st.
Davidson, Rev. Alex., Catharine bank
Davidson, Arch, advocate, Sheriff of Aber-
deenshire, 24 Rutland square
Davidson, Charles, house agent, 6 Abbey hill
Davidson, Chas. 6 Shrub place, Leith walk
Davidson, David, corn merchant, 2 Queen's
Davidson, Donald, shoemaker, 50 Frederick
Davidson, Eben. ship and insurance broker
and commission merchant. Wet Docks, Leith
— house, 11 Cassell's place
Davidson, George, secretary to Directors of
Assembly rooms, 54 George street
Davidson, Rev. George R. 17 Greenside pi.
Davidson, Henry, 6 Athol crescent
]3avidson, H. secretary and superintendent
Edinburgh Southern Cemetery, Grange
Davidson, H. M. 5 Duke street
Davidson, James, hair dresser, 64 Abbey hill
Davidson, James, optician, 39 South bridge
Davidson, James, 2 Grange place
Davidson, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 2
South Richmond street
Davidson, John, A.M. teach, of mathematics,
2 Smith's place
Davidson, John, & Co. salt and colour manu-
facturers, 24 Sheriff brae
Davidson, John & Co. shipbrokers and agents,
24 Sheriff brae
Davidson, John, S.S.C. & N.P. 17 Elm row
Davidson, John, house-painter, 46 George
Davidson, Jonathan & Co. steelyard makers,
Barony street — ho. 21 Leith street
Davidson, Laur. (Z). ^ Syme), 7 Rutland sq.
Davidson, Rev. Peter, 1 1 Dean street
Davidson, P. M. 2 Christian bank
Davidson, R. D. merchant, 9 Smith's place
Davidson, Robert, advocate, 28 York place
Davidson, Robert, E.LC.S. 14 Ann street
Davidson, Robert, pianoforte tuner, 21 South
Castle street
Davidson, Robert, spirit merchant, 3 North
Newington place
Davidson, Samuel, spirit dealer, 5 Hope st.
Davidson, Thos. auctioneer and appraiser,
7 West Lauriston place
Davidson, Walter, cabinetmaker, 57 Frederick
street — house, 59
Davidson, Wm. coffee and spice merchant, 18
Greenside place — house, 17 Elm row
Davidson, Wm. furnishing ironmonger, 120
High street — house, 14 London street
Davidson, William, bootmaker, 10 Rose st.
Davidson, Mrs Barbara, 8 Saxe-Coburg place
Davidson, Mrs C. Forbes, 10 Walker street
Davidson, Mrs David, 28 Gayfield square
Davidson, Mrs Ann, ladies' nurse, 2 Green-
side place
Davidson, Mrs Jane, lodgings, 7 Forth st.
Davidson, Mrs Janet, lodgings, 21 Leith st.
Davidson, Mrs John, 2 Hailes street
Davidson, Mrs, lodgings, 68 George street
Davidson, JMrs, ladies' nurse, 42 Home street
Davidson, Miss Margaret, 1 1 Forres street
Davidson, Miss, dressmaker, &c. 1 South
Charlotte street
Davidson, Miss, 21 Montagu street
Davidson, Misses, 58 North Castle street
Davie, Duncan, chimney sweep, 63 Brough-
ton street
Davies, Thos. civil engineer and architect, 14
South St Andrew street
Davis, E. H. soda water manufacturer, 36
Blair street
Davis, Philip, 72 Great King street
Davis, William, 51 Hope park end
Davis, Wm. H. spirit dealer, 1 Montagu st.
Davis, Mrs Ann, ladies* nurse, 24 Bristo st.
Davison, John, tailor, 6 Ro.xburgh place
Davison, Samuel Dobson {H, and Co.), 24
Charlotte street, Leith
Dawson, Rev. Joseph B., Wesleyan chapel,
Duke street, Leith
Dawson, Thomas, 6 York place
Dawoon, Wm. colour and varnish, and prus-
siate of potash manufacturer, 20 Elbe st.
and 4 Commercial place — house, 5 James'
place, Leith
Dawson, William, 63 Y^ork place
Dawson, William {Borthwick, D, Jj Co.)., 8
Henry street
Dawson, William, prussiate of potash and
ultramarine manufacturer. Salamander st.
Day, John, sub-inspector of poor, 52 Kirkgate
Day, coffee-house and commercial lodgings,
52 Kirkgate
Dea, George, grocer and spirit dealer, 57
H'ch street
Deaf and Dumb Institution, Henderson row
— Charles Rhind, principal
Deaf & Dumb place of worship^ 58 Bruns-
wick street
Dean Bank Institution — Miss Janet M'Vean,
Dean of Faculty of Advocates — John Inglis,
30 Abercromby place
Dean of Guild's Offic, 10 Royal Excharp;e
Dean, John (Sasine Office), 2 Lauriston tcr.
Dean, John, bricklayer and furnace builder,
6 Spittal street
Deans, John Wm. tea dealer, 47 North Hano-
ver street — house, 51
Deans, Robert, draper, 8 South St David st.
Deans, Wm. merchant, Pirniefield
Dearness, Donald, 2 Kerr street
Deas, Lord, 5 Heriot row
Deas, Joseph, coal merchant and agent, 51
Brunswick street
Deas, Thomas, tailor, 90 Rose street
Deas, Mrs, 51 Brunswick street
Deas, Mrs Colonel, 3 Pitt street
De Fivas, Victor, 53 George street
D'Egville, Made, teacher of dancing, 50 Fre-
derick street
De Flandre^ M. teacher of French, 32 Duu-
das street
Dempster, Geo. spirit dealer, 5 Annfield, New-
Dempster, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 1 Leslie place
Dempster, Miss, 112 Lauriston place
Denkam, Ad. coal mercht. 4 Orchardfield pi.
Denham, George, baker, 5 Davie street
Denham, G. H. seed merchant, Hope parii-
end house
Denham, James, assistant clerk of Session, 3
Lauriston lane
Denholm, James, currier, 3 Simon square
Denholm, James, boot-tree and last maker,
Gilmore street, Paul's work
Denholm, Jn. chimney-sweep, 19 Seraple st.
Denholm, William, smith, Morningside
Denholm, WiUiam, cart-wright, Mary place
Denness, Mrs William, victual dealer, 13
St Andrew street, Leith
Dennistoun, Jas. of Dennlstoun, 119 George st.
Dennistoun, Mrs, ] 4 Royal circus
Denovan, Henry & Co. com.-merchts. ship and
insurance brokers^ 10 Dock gates, Leith
Depository Free Church publication scheme,
Johnstone & Hunter, books. 15 Princes st.
Deseret, Phineas, writer, 4 Eastfield
Destitute Sick Society, William Whyte,
13 George street, treasurer; John M'CuUoch
(British Linen Co.), sub-treasurer
Deuchar, John, of Morningside
Deuchar, Lieut. Pat., R.N. 2 Henderson row
Deuchar, Robt. solicitor, 2 Nicolson square
Deuchar, Mrs Alex. 2 Henderson row
Deuchar, Misses, ladies' sem. 2 Wharton pi.
Deuchar^ Miss Elizabeth R. teacher of draw-
ing, 2 Wharton place
Devaux, Alfred, prof, of music, 7 India street
Devin, Peter, miniature painter, 3 Rutland sq.
Devlin, Thomas, spirit dealer. Pier place,
Dewar & Co. tea, wine, and spirit merchants,
1 Kirkgate — ho. 2 Charlotte street, Leith
Dewar, Alex, boot maker, 2 Riddle's close
Dewar, Andw. shoemaker, 14 South College
street— house, 9 Brighton street
Dewar, Archibald, 41 Bristo street
Dewar, Eb. clerk, Leith distillery, Bonnington
bank, Leith
Dewar, Hugh Bruce (Duncan &j i>.), 22 An-
nandale street
Dewar, John, lodgings, 8 Forres street
Dewar, John, advocate, 52 Great King street
Dewar, John, bootmaker, 3 Hanover street —
bouse, 12 South St David street
Dewar, John (A^ Bank), 37 W. Register st.
Dewar, John, spirit merchant, 8 Greeuside
Dewar, Peter, fruiterer, 4 Howe street
Dewar, P. spirit merclit. 34 Candlemaker row
Dewar, Wm. grocer, 31 William street
Dewar, Wm. teacher of dancing, 59 South br.
Dewar, Mrs, sen. of Vogrie, 35 Melville street
Dewar, Mrs, millin. & dressm. 47 Hanover st.
Dewar, Mrs, 7 Brighton street '
Dewar, Mrs H. M. 1 Eyre place I
Dewar, Mrs John, 82 Rose street '
Dewar, Miss Isabella, teacher, 10 West Pres-
ton street
Dibtlin, Henry Edward, teacher of the harp,
piano, and organ, 4 South Frederick street
• — house, Elizabeth cottage, Jordan burn
Dick, A. M. wine and brandy merchant, 8
Iluntly street — house, 6
Dick, A. carver & gilder, 92 Princes street
Dickj Abercromby Robert, advocate, 1 Char-
lotte square
Dick, Charles, brewer, 263 Cowgate
Dick, James, tailor & clothier, 27 Hanover st.
— house, 40 Princes street
Dick, James, Maryfield
Dick, James, clerk, 21 Couper st.
Dick, John, spirit dealer, 11 Dock st.
Dick, John, plumber, 59 Albany street — house,-
58 Broughton street
Dick, John, plumber, 133 Rose st.— ho. 165
Dick, John, spirit dealer, 4 Church lane
Dick, John, 27 Drummond place
Dick, Capt. John, late 42d, 31 Dublin street
Dick, R., Bonnington mount
Dick, Robert, woollen draper, 100 So. Bridge
— house, 16 Keir street
Dick, Thomas, engraver, 8 Elder St.
Dick, Thomas, tailor, Silvermills
Dick, Thomas, cowfeeder, 9 Bedford street
Dick, Wm. veter. surgeon to the Queen, and
professor of veterinary medicine. Veterinary
College, Clyde street
Dick, Wm. grocer & spirit dealer, 17 Dean st.
Dick, Wm. 40 Princes street
Dick, Mrs, 31 Minto street
Dick, Miss Ann, straw-bonnet maker, 47
Earl Grey street
Dick, Misses H. & J. milliners, straw-hat
makers, and muslin printers; 55 George st.
Dick, Miss Jane, grocer, 14 So. Richmond st.
Dick, Miss Janet, 18 Dundas street
Dick, Miss M. dressmaker, 5 Picardy place
Dick, Miss, 13 Gayfield square
Dick, Miss, 3 Great King street
Dick, Misses, dressmakers, 35 Hanover st.
Dick, Misses, dressmakers, 43 Broughton st.
Dickie, H. D. manager Caledonian Insurance
Co. 3 Ann street
Dickie, W. wig maker, hair-cutter, and per-
fumer, 69 Nicolson street
Dickie, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 50 Brunswick st.
Dickie, Miss, 14 Dean terrace
Dickinson, George, clothier, 14 Drummond st.
Dickins, Mrs, straw bonnet manufactory, 47
Clerk street
Dickman, John, chronometer, watch, clock, and
nautical instrument maker, 4 Charlotte pi.
Dickson and Steuart, W.S. 17 India street
Dickson, A. grocer, 3 Elder street — house, 5
Grange place
Dickson, Alex, advocate, 23 Royal circus
Dickson, Arch. W. surgeon, 13 Northum. st,
Dickson, Arthur, 2 Hill square
Dickson, A. J., S.S.C. 59 Queen street — ho. 1
Claremont place
Dickson, David, of Kilbucho and Hartreej
advocate, 23 Royal circus
Dickson, Dd. (J. D. & Co. wholesale stationers)^
16 George square
Dickson, George, S.S.C. 4 Great King street
Dickson, George, advocate, 3 Royal circus
Dickson, George, 19 Bernard street
Dickson, George H. 13 Lutton place
Dickson, G.(J. Veitch Sf Co.) 19 Bernard street
Dickson, Henry, coppersmith & brazier, 4
Queen's place, Greenside row
Dickson, Henry G., W.S. 3 Dundas street —
house, 7 Fettes row
Dickson, Henry G. jun. 22 Fettes row
Dickson, Jas. Jobson {Home and D.}, 15
Hill street
Dickson, James, merchant, 48 George square
Dickson, James, Holyrood Glass Works — ho.
Chessels' court
Dickson, James, tea, wine, and spirit mercht.
12 Tolbooth wynd, Leith — ho. 2 Benning-
ton place
Dickson, James & Co. wholesale stationers, 10
South St Andrew street
Dickson, Jas., shipmaster, 5 Admiralty street
Dickson, James and Sons, seedsmen, nursery-
men, and florists, 32 Hanover street-
nurseries, Inverleith and Broughton park
Dickson, Jn. & Son, gunmakers, 63 Princes st.
Dickson, John, bookseller and stationer, 29
Nicolson street
Dickson, Jn. sen.(j: D. §• Son)2^ Scotland st.
Dickson, Jn. jun. (J.ZJ.^-iSon) 17 St James' sq.
Dickson, John, merchant, Geneva cottage,
Whitehouse gardens
Dickson, John, wright, 12 Duke street, Leith
— house, 47 Quality street
Dickson, Rich, architect, 3 Glover street
Dickson, Rich. junr. (D. J. Thomson ^ Co.).
3 Janefield place
Dickson, Robt. letter-carrier, 12 Queen's place
Dickson, Robert and Co. wine and spirit mer-
chants, 1 Brunswick street — house, 19
Dickson, Robert, flesher, 4 Richmond lane
Dickson, R. & E,. architects, J 1 Broughton pi.
Dickson, Robert, grocer and spirit mercht. 23
West Nicolson street
Dickson, Robert, architect, 1 1 Broughton pi.
Dickson, Robt. 12 Atholl place
Dickson, Thomas, candlemaker, 9 Semple st.
Dickson, Thomas, coach- hirer, 2 Scotland st.
Dickson, Thomas Goldie ( Watson and D.),
accountant, 3 Royal circus
Dickson, Walter, W.S. 3 Royal circus
Dickson, W. Gillespie, advocate, 7 Fettes row
Dickson, William (J. D. <h Co. wholesale
stationers), 20 George square
Dickson, Wm. accountant, 4 Brandon street
Dickson, William, secretary Edinburgh Life
Assurance Co. 22 George street
Dickson, Wm. grocer & spirit dealer, 12 Cowg.
Dickson, William, grocer, 23 Jamaica street
Dickson, W. ( Currer and D.), 9 Antigua st.
Dickson, W. writing-master and teacher of
arithmetic and book-keeping, 44 Howe st.
Dickson, W. cowfeeder, 68 Potterrow
Dickson, Mrs A. P. boarding and day school,
10 Northumberland street
Dickson, Mrs Archd. 39 East Claremont st.
Dickson, Mrs David, spirit dealer, 26 Queeu
street, Leith
Dickson, Mrs Dr, 13 Clarendon crescent
Dickson, Mrs J. W. 25 London street
Dickson, Mrs Margaret, 10 Annandale street
Dickson, Mrs Margaret, 16 Frederick street
Dickson, Mrs Margaret, 10 Annandale street
Dickson, MrsR., of Alton, 11 Brunswick st
Dickson, Mrs Thomas, 6 Shrub place
Dickson, Mrs, 43 East Claremont street
Dickson, Mrs, 3 Chapel street
Dickson, Mrs, 28 London street
Dickson, Mrs, midwife, 46 Home street
Dickson, Misses H. and J. dressmakers, 28
Charles street
Dickson, Miss Isabella, grocer, 6 Ponton st.
Dickson, Miss, dressmaker, 7 Coates place
Dickson, Miss E. Berlin warehouse, 29 Ber-
nard street, Leith
Dickson, Miss, 4 Albany street, Leith
Dicksons & Co. nursery, seedsmen and florists,
1 Waterloo place — nurseries, Leith walk,
Pilrig street, and Redbraes
Diey, Alex, coach hirer. Regent terrace lane
Dingwall, Arthur, advocate, 3 Rutland square
Dingwall, R., teacher, 1 6 Comely bank
Dingwall, Mrs Ann, 32 Rutland square
Dingwall, Mrs Jan. cowfeeder, 146 Canonj^ate
Dirom, W. house- carpenter and undertaker,
4 Northumberland place
Dirom, Miss, dressmaker, 4 Northumber. pi.
Disher, John, brewer, 200 Canongate
Disher, Robt. brewer (£". j^- L. Brewing Co.)
— house, Greenhill gardens
Disher, Robert, spirit merchant, 62 Cumber-
land street
Dishington, T. {T. D. <Sf Co.), 2 Welling, pi.
Dishington, Thomas, and Co. corn factors and
gen. coram, agents, 32 Constitution street
Dispensary & Humane Society, Leith Mill
Dispensary, Royal Public, 21 West Rich-
mond street
Dispensary, Homoeopathic, .5 St James' sq.
Dispensary, New Town, 17 Thistle street
Dixon, John, baker, 2 Union street
Dixon, John", 3 West Arthur place
Dixon, Thos. & Son, coal merchants, 1 St Leo-
nard street. — See Adv.
Dixon, W. & J. butchers & poulterers, 2 Howe
street and 1 Cumberland street
Dixson, Robt. baker, 3 Shakspeare square
Dixson, Miss, dressmaker, 36 George street
Dobbie, Thomas, conservator of the Scott
monument, 7 Sciennes court
Dobie, George, painter and glazier, 48 Han-
over street
Dobie, James, surgeon- dentist, 21 St Andrew
Dobie, John, wright, 3 Richmond place
Dobie, William, muslin, lace, ribbon, and
bonnet warehouse, 44 Leith street
Dobson & Co. wrights and undertakeis, 23
West Preston street
Dobson, David, auctioneer and appraiser, 24
West Preston street
Dobson, Geo. (Customs), 2 Auburn place.
North Fort street
Dobson, Rob. jun. (Hughson^ D.) Melbourne
house. Grange
Dobson, Miss Alison, 8 Buccleuch place
Docherty, Jas. clothier, 2 St Mary's wynd. —
See Adv.
Dodds, Alex. 40 St Leonard street
Dodds, Andrew, slater, 129 High street — slate-
yard. Wet docks, Leith
Dodds, .Tames, 21 Warriston crescent
Dodds, Mrs J. D. lodgings, 3 Downie place
Dodds, Mrs Rachel, lodgings, 1 Broughton pi.
Dods, J. & R. cabinetmakers, 63 Cowgate
Dods, John, 5 Deanhaugh street
Dods, William, gardener. Old Botanic cottage
Dods, Wm. gardener, Restalrig
Dods, Mrs Margaret, 12 Junction st. Leith
Dods, Mrs George, 8 Ann street
Dods, Mrs, 13 N.-W. Circus place
Dods, Mrs Marcus, 2 So. Charlotte street
Dodson, John, of Littledale, 1 5 Clarendon
crescent >
Doig, Alex, grocer and spirit dealer, 6 Romilly
Doig, Alex, spirit dealer, 34 Shore
Doig, Charles, writer, Seafield house, Leith
Doig, James, smith and gasfitter, 19 Bristo st.
Doig, John, H.E.LC.S. Retired List, 17 War-
riston crescent
Doig, R. wine and spirit dealer, 1 Hunter sq.
— house, I Fleshmarket close
Don, John, packing-box maker, 87 Constitu-
tion street
Donald, Henry E. writer, 22 William street
Donald, John, wine and spirit merchant, 50
Hanover street
Donald, W. silk dyer and scourer, 34 Fre-
derick street and 24 Veitch's square — house
8 Hamilton place
Donald, Mrs Alex. 21 AthoU crescent
Donaldson, A. & Sons, globe makers, printers'
joiners, & brass rule cutters, 7 So. Niddry st,
Donaldson & Son, prov. dealers, 14 Heriot pi.
Donaldson, Alex, bootmaker, 45 Princes street
Donaldson, Archibald, plasterer, 3 Davie street
Donaldson, Andrew, causeway-layer and con-
tractor, 142 High street
Donaldson, Colin, clerk, II N. College street
Donaldson, David, baker, 2 Canongate
Donaldson, George, grocer, tea, wine, and
spirit merchant, 1 Mackenzie place
Donaldson, George, writer, 1 West Richmond
Donaldson, George, ho. carpenter, 1 Elder st.
Donaldson, H. spirit mercht. 127 Grassmarket
Donaldson's Hospital — treasurer's office, 32
I Abercromby place
I Donaldson, James, spirit mercht. 27 West pt.
I Donaldson, John, advocate, prof, in the Uni-
I versity — house, Marchfield
I Donaldson, .John, 16 Church street
I Donaldson, John, lodgings, 4 Infirmary street
1 Donaldson, John G. spirit dealer, 42 Potterrovr
i Donaldson, Jn. port, paint. 2 E. Broughton pi.
j Donaldson, J. dealer in prints and pictures^
I 10 Terrace, Leith street ■
! Donaldson, John, 12 Gardner's crescent *
: Donaldson, Peter, spirit dealer, 37 Sandport st.
j Donaldson, William, tailor and Highland
! costume maker, &c. 55 George street
Donaldson, Wm. 12 Terrace, Leith street
Donaldson, Wm. trim, warebo. 46 So. bridge
! — house, 9 Montagu street
i Donaldson, Wm. tobacco pipe manufacturer,
; 14 Morton street
; Donaldson, Wm. spirit dealer, 19 Elbe street
j Donaldson, Mrs J. lodgings, 10 Wellington
Donaldson, Mrs, 29 Buccleuch place
Donaldson, Mrs, 26 Walker street
! Donaldaon, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 9 Jamaica st.
I Donaldson, Mrs, 22 Melville street
Donaldson, Mrs, 51 Buccleuch street
Donlevy, James, teacher. Holy Cross School,
1 12 Canonp-ate
Dores & Laidlaw, fleshers, 23 and 24 Middle
Dott, Aitken, carver, gilder, and frame maker,
16 South St David street
Dougal), David, 3 East Register street ,
Dougall, Robert, lodgings, 39 Albany street
Dougall, James, teacher, 1 Gillespie street
Doughtic, Alex, slater & glazier, 48 George st.
Doughty, Alex, slater & glazier, 47 Potterrow
Douglas and Baird, grocers, oilmen, and wine
merchants, purveyors of spirits to her Ma-
jesty, 89 George street
Douglas, Dr A. H. 62 Northumberland street
Douglas, Arch.(Ge/i.i».-0^'ce),l 7 Gilmore pi.
Douglas, Arehd. agent Western Bank of Scot-
land, 30 Grassmarket— ho. Blackford villa
Douglas, Andrew, Venetian-blind maker and
joiner, 22 Greenside place
Douglas, Chris., W.S., chambers, 22 Young
street — ho. 17 Drummond place
Douglas, Chris. {Melville 4- JJoug'as), 9 N. St
David street
Douglas, David, W.S. 23 Great King street
Douglas, D. (D. and Baird), 49 S. Clerk st.
Douglas, F.Brown, advocate, 21 Moray place
Douglas, George, 5 South College street
Douglas, Jas. dentist, 32 St Andrew square
Douglas, James, 4 Wemyss place
Douglas, James, 10 Eankeillor street
Douglas, James, portrait painter, 9 Hill sq.
Douglas, Jame?, gardener. South bank
Douglas, J. waggoner, 15 Constitution street
Douglas, Jas. tailor & clothier, 67 Castle st.
Douglas, James, 15 Richmond place
Douglas, James (Crease, H. S^- £).), 2 West
Lauriston place
Douglas, James, victual dealer, 2 Castle Barns
Douglas, James, teacher of English, 48 India st.
Douglas, J. T., general agent (Merchants' and
T/adesmen's Life Assurance Office), 1 N.
St David street — ho. Mercbiston park
Douglas, James, lathsplitter, 10 Lothian road
Douglas, James, baker, 15 Soutb St Andrew st.
Douglas, John, spirit mercht. 186 Canongate
Douglas, John, spirit dealer, 40 Giles' street
Douglas, John B., W.S. 13 Drummond place
Douglas, John David, searcher of Public
Registers, JO North St David st house,
Inverleith field, Granton road
Douglas, John, shipmaster, 4 Portland terrace
Douglas, Peter, 100 Pleasance
Douglas, Robert, grocer and spirit merchant,
172 Fountainbridge
Douglas, Robert H., Douglas' hotel
Douglas, Sholto, shoemaker, Orchardfield pi.
Leith walk
Douglas, Thomas, victual dealer, Newhaven
Douglas, Thos. H., florist, Mercbiston park
Douglas, Thos. flesher, 89 St Andrew st. Leith
Douglas, W. C. 9 Charlotte place
Douglas, W. ( Com. Bank), 2 George place
Douglas, William, P.S.A., 4 Wemyss place
Douglas, Wm. engraver, 2 Grey friars' place
Dovj 77
! Douglas, M. & J. milliners and widows' cap
j makers, 24 Hanover street
' Douglas, W. S., common agent and accoun-
tant, 2 Greyfriars' place
Douglas, iMrs, hotel keeper, 34. and 35 St
Andrew square
Douglas, Mrs Charlotte, 13 Hart street
Douglas, Mrs John, tobacconist, 13 Sandportst.
Douglas, Mrs. Thos. G. 34 Rose street
Douglas, MrsEliz., lodgings, 25 St James' sq.
Douglas, Mrs M. victual dealer, 7 Riego street
Douglas, Mrs Richard, 23 Lauriston street
Douglas, Mrs,- 5 Moray place
Douglas, Miss A. R. miniature painter, 13
Hart street
Douglas, Miss, 9 Nelson street
Douglas, Miss, 13 Maitland street
Douglas, Miss, 1 Oxford terrace. Dean
Douglas's Hotel, 34 and 35 St Andrew square
Douglas's School, 9 Great King street — house
48 India street
Doull, David and Co. British wine manuf. and
confectioners, 71 Potterrow, and 74 Princes
Doull, David (D. D. S,~Co.), 16 Rankeillor st.
Dove, David, S.S.C. Arnistoa pi., Newington
Dove, James, smith, engine-pump maker, and
coach-timber bender, Greenside lane
Dove, Patrick Edward, 6 Torphichen street
Dow, Alexander, wine and spirit dealer, 7 St
Andrew street
Dow, James, varnish maker, 49 Thistle street
Dow, James, seal engraver, CO North bridge
Dow, William, cork sole manufacturer, 2 St
Mary's wynd — house, 115 Canongate
Dow, William, cabinetmaker, 24 India street
Dow, Mrs Wm. innkeeper, 23 Sandport st.
Dow, Mrs Ann, 121 Rose street
Dow, Miss Jane, 69 Broughton street
Dow, Isabella, tobacconist, 52 Home street
Dow, Misses, commercial boarding house, 57
North bridge
Dow, Miss, seminary, 31 York place
Dowell, Alex. (D. & Z.), 18 George street
Dowells & Lyon, auctioneers and valuators,
18 George street
Dowell, Jas. {D. & Z.), Dick pi. Grange
Dowie, Charles, pawnbroker, 1 Milne's court
Dowie, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 54
Dowie, Peter, commission agent, 17 Quality
Dowie, Thos. (L.L.E.and G. Shipping Co.),
Mayfleld house, Leith
Dowie, Wm. contractor, Canonmills cottage
Down, John, boot and shoe maker, 1 2 Rose st.
Downie & Laird, nursery and seedsmen, 17
Frederick street — nursery, AVest Coates
Downie, Alex-, official searcher of records in
General Register House — ho. 4 Wharton pi.
Downie, Charles, teacher, 6 Salisbury street
Downie, Jas. shoemaker, 4 West Richmond st.
Downie, John, grocer, 9 Elbe street
Downie, John, spirit dealer, 28 C lyde street
Downie, J. (D. §• Laird), West Coates nursery
Downie, John Macleay, accountant ( Cowan Sf
Co.), 12 Upper Gray street
Downie, Mrs C. lodgings, 1 S. Charlotte st.
Downs and Lethem, wholesale grocers and
general merchants, 11 Timber bush
Downs, John (Z). and Lethem), 9 Vanburgh
place, Leith
Drechsler, Louis, teacher of sin^ng, 1 1 6 George
Drevar, Miss, dressmaker, 25 Frederick street
Drew, Thomas, wine merchant and grocer,
1 Tobago street — ho. 127 Fountainbridge
Drew, Miss, toy dealer, 99 Princes street
Drover, D. teller National Bank, 25 Qua-
lity street
Drover, Miss, 13 Stafford street
Drummond, A. victual dealer, 163 Causeyside
Drummond, B. M. marine artist, 5 Regent
Drummond, Chas. bookseller, printer, and
bookbinder, 133 Kirkgate — ho. 5 Albany
street, Leith
Drummond, Rev. D. T. K. Montpelier cottage
Drummond, George & Son, house and hor-
ticultural builders, 4> Henderson row
Drummond, Geo. spirit dealer, 15 Canongate
Drummond, Henry Home, of Blair-Drura-
mond, 110 Princes street
Drummond, James, lodgings, 118 Princes st.
Drummond, James, artist, 26 Dundas street
Drummond, John, clerk, Shore Dues office,
9 London row
Drummond, Peter, tailor and clothier, 11
Calton street
Drummond, Thos. builder, 16 St Vincent
Drummond, Wra. porter, Holyrood house
Drummond, Wm. tailor, 13 Tolbooth wynd,
Drummond, William, mason, 22 Fettes row
Drummond, W., CM., 102 Fountainbridge
Drummond & Laing, wholesale stationers, 34
Drummond, Mrs, midwife, 56 Bridge street
Drummond, Misses, 26 Dundas street
Drybrough & Co. brewers, 67 North back of
Drybrougb, G. grocer & spirit dealer, New-
Drybrough, J., Windsor Villa, Coltbridge Road
Drybrough^ N. & Sop, coopers, 39 Mitchell
Drybrough, T. {D. and Co.), 7 Manor place
Drybrough, Mrs, Windsor Villa, Coltbridge
Drybrough, Mrs A. 45 Inverleith row
Dryburgh, Mrs, 12 James' place, Leith
Dryden, Gavin, & Co. comraiss. agents, 33
Bernard street
Dryden, James, grocer, 36 Jamaica street
Dryden, James, builder^ 5 Saunders street
Dryden, John, spirit dealer, Anchorfield
Dryden, Mrs, 49 Charlotte street, Leith
Dryden, Miss, 11 Cheyne street
Drysdale, Capt. 12 Fettes row
Drysdale, Andw. {Munros Sf Z>.), 23 St James'
Drysdale, Andrew, Sunbury distillery
Drysdale, David, wine merchant and grocer,
2 Nicolson street — house, 5 Minto street
Drysdale, James, spirit dealer, 3 Dock street
Drysdale, Geo. H. victual dealer, 154 and 209
Drysdale, James, merchant and commission
agent, 2 Drummond street
Drysdale, John, baker, 1 Crosscausey
Drysdale, Joseph, S.S.C. & acct. 16 Royal
Exchange — house, 18 Gardner's crescent
Drysdale, Peter H. baker, 32 Fountainbridge
Drysdale, Robt. Janitor's lodge, Moray house
Drysdale, Wm., D.CS. 3 Hart st.
Drysdale, Mrs A. spirit dealer, 1 W. Preston
Drysdale, Mrs Janet, spirit dealer, Salamander
Drysdale, Miss, dressmaker, 41 George street
Drysdale, Miss, 9 Hope street
Dubuc, Dr, prof, of French, 121 George st.
Ducat, Mrs, 68 Great King street
Dudgeon, Alexander, 22 Ann street
Dudgeon, Alexander, baker 51 Thistle street
Dudgeon, John & Co. merchants, 17 Consti-
tution street
Dudgeon, Colonel Peter, 10 Carlton street
Dudgeon, William, 22 Royal terrace j
Dudgeon, Mrs Wm. 10 Cassells' place m
DufF, Alex, advocate, 60 Northumberland st. J
Duff, Alex, wine and spirit merchant, 17 Fre-
derick street — house, 69 Rose street
Duff, Ale?;, spirit merchant, 1 70 Canongate
Duff, Donald, accountant {E. and G. Bank),
22 India street
Duff, Rev. Henry, Summerfield house, Leith
Duff, John, spirit dealer, 33 Couper street
Duff, Thomas (Agent N. B. Railway Co.
Leith), house, George street. North Leith.
Duff, Mrs, Sycamore bank, Duddingston |
Duff, jMrs M. milliner, 7 Shakspeare square :
Duff, Mrs, 17 St Patrick square
Duff, Eliz., French corsetmaker, 26 George
DufEn, Mrs Richard, 12 Stafford street
Duffus, P. boot and shoemaker, 38 Howe st.
Duffy, John, shoemaker, 28 High street
Duffy, Philip, broker, 305 Cowgate
Dufrayer, Mrs Alfred, 28 Rutland street
Dugdale, Jos. mail-guard, 6 South St James'
Duge;an, J. P. leather merchant, 23 Elder st
Du Gue, Monsieur, French teacher, G5 York
Duke of Buccleuch Coal Store, foot of Con- j
stitution street
Dumbreck, Thomas, 7 Howard place I
Dumbreck, William, M. D., F.R.C.S. 49
Albany street
Dumbarton Crown Glass and Bottle Ware-
house, R. F. Bel], agent, 5 Union place
Dun, Alex. Campbell, 18 Clareraont crescent
Dun, Andrew, 19 St Patrick square
Dun, Finlay, 41 Heriot row
Dun, Robert, teacher, 12 Windmill street
Dun, Thomas, flesher, 14 St Patrick square
Dun, Miss M. baker, 130 Pleasance
Dunbar, Alex. 1 Windsor street
Dunbar, J. furnishing ironmonger, 38 Dundas
street — house, 20 Pitt street
Dunbar, Sir Wm., Bart, of Mochrum, advo-
cate, 47 Keriot row
Dunbar, Mrs Professor, 24 Howard place
Dunbar, Mrs G. 2 Deanhaugh street
Dunbar, Mrs, 5 West Circus place
Duncan, Alex, and Sons, paper makers, 20
South St Andrew st.
Duncan, Alexander, Parson's green
Duncan & Dewar, W.S. 6 Hill street
Duncan and Gordon, com. merchants, 9 Ber-
nard street
Duncan and Miller, S.S.C. and N.P. 11
Nelson street
Duncan, Colin & Son, coal merchants and
drysalters. Old Church wharf and Dock st.
and Scotland street stations
Duncan, Flockhart, & Co. chemists to the
Queen, 52 North bridge, and 139 Princes st.
— night bell, 54 Xorth bridge, and 2 Char-
lotte street
Duncan, Flockhart, & Powell, chemists and
druggists, 18 Bernard street, Leith
Duncan, Geo. (T. D. i- Co.), 4 Bruntsfield pi.
Duncan, Henry, Comely gardens
Duncan, Henry, spirit merchant, Morningside
Duncan, Jas. & Co. merchants and brokers,
9 Baltic street
Duncan, James {D. S,- Dewa?-), 6 Hill street —
house, 46 Queen street
Duncan, James, 1 Assembly street, Leith
Duncan, Jas., M.D., F.R.C.S.E. 12 Heriotrow
Duncan, Dr James Matthews, F.R.C.P. 55
Castle street
Duncan, James, of Ceylon, 11 Clarence st.
Duncan, Lieut-Col. John, E.LC.S. 19 Carl-
ton terrace
Duncan, John, 21 Fettes row
Duncan, J. M. advocate, 36 Castle street
Duncan, J. (A. D. S^-Son), 20 S. St Andrew st.
Duncan, John, senior, 2 Heriot row
Duncan, J. tobacco pipe manufac. 41 Whit-
field place
Duncan, Rev. John, LL.D. prof, of Oriental
languages, New College, 29 Elder street
Duncan, John, W.S., 27 Dundas street
Duncan, John, 2 Madeira street
Duncan, Rev. R. Dick, 8 Bruntsfield place
Duncan, R. & G. ladies' bootmakers, 33
George street — house, Westerhall Hall
lodge, Meadow place
Duncan, S. shipmaster, 7 Regent street, Leith
Duncan, Brothers & Co. provision merchantP,
12, 13, and 14 Charlotte street, Leith
Duncan, Thos. & Co. bootmikers to the Queen
and Prince Albert, 59 Princes street
Duncan, Thos. brushmaker to the Queen,
26 Greenside place — house, 24
Duncan, Thomas, C7 Cumberland street
Duncan, Thomas, saddler, 31 Fountainbridge
Duncan, Wm. James, manager JSational Bank
of Scotland, 18 Coates crescriit
Duncan, William, S.S.C. 1 Heriotrow
Duncan, William, jun. (Z). .5- Miller), 11
Nelson street
Duncan, Mrs, 78 Great King street
Duncan, Mrs, of Parkhill, 34 Miuto street
Duncan, Mrs Dr, 7 India street
Duncan, Mrs Joseph, 38 Brunswick street
Duncan, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 21 Jamaica street
Duncan, Mrs, grocer, 3 Cumberland street
Duncan, Mrs William, 4 Blacket place
Duncan, Mrs, Belleville, King's park \
Duncan, Mrs, 4 Northumberland place
Duncan, Mrs Thomas, 13 Comely Bank
Duncan, Mrs, 3 Hamburg place
! Duncan, Mrs, straw-hat and dressmaker, 30
j Cumberland street
j Duncan, Misses, 27 Howard place
j Duncan, Miss Ann, 14 Archibald place
Duncan, Miss Jane, 67 Great King street
Duncan, Misses J. & R. straw-hat manufac-
turers, 33 George street
Duncanson, Thos. distiller, 11 West Sciennes
Duncanson, Walter, shipmaster, 25 Bridge
Dundas & Wilson, C.S. 16 St Andrew square
Dundas, Alex, wright, E. Rose street lane
Dundas, George, adv., sheriff of Selkirkshire,
9 Charlotte square
Dundas, Geo. accountant, 24 Broughton pi.
Dundas, Rear-Admiral Henry, Craig R.07-
ston, Granton pier
Dundas, James, letter-carrier, 19 St James' st.
Dundas, John, C.S. 25 St Andrew square
Dundas, John F. civil engineer, 15 St Ber-
nard's crescent
Dundas, Wm. Pitt, deputy- clerk registrar of
Scotland, General Register House
Dundas, Sliss Hamilton, 8 St Bernard's cresc.
Dundee, Perth, and London Shipping Co.
2 Dock gates — D. Smith, agent
Dunlop, Mrs Alan C. 31 Royal terrace
Dunlop, Alex. Murray, advocate, M.P. 67
Queen street
Dunlop, Alex, of Clober, 45 Moray place
Dunlop, Charles, cabinetmaker and house
factor, 29 Brunswick st. and Circus lane
Dunlop, C. & J. booksellers and binders, 14
Greenside place
Dunlop, G. & G., W.S. 53 Great King street
Dunlop, George, & Co. merchants, 15 John's
lane, Leith
Dunlop, Henry, 30 Melville Street
OuDlop, James U. agent and com. merchant,
30 Coatfield lane, Leith — house, 5 St John's
place, Leith
Dunlop, Robt. J.sharebroker, 7 Henderson row
Dunlop, Mrs Archd. 19 West Nicolson street
Dunlop, Mrs Wm. 4 Gilraore place
Dunlop, Mrs, 4 Salisbury place, Newington
Dunlop, Mrs, 4 John's place, Leith
Dunlop, ^Irs, 6 Pitt street
Dunlop, iVIrs, 1 1 Wemyss place
Dunlop, Miss, 6 South Charlotte street
Dunlop, Misses, 2 Darnaway street
Dunn, David, metal merchant and ironmonger,
a Blair street
Dunn, David, contractor, 20 Pleasance
Dunn, George, missionary, 2 Deanhaugh st.
Dunn, Jas. painter, glazier, &c. 4 Teviot row
Dunn, John, hairdresser, 70 Kirkgate, Leith
Dunn, Thomas, S.S.C. 78 George street —
house, 2 Duncan street, Xewington
Dunn, Thos. optician, mathematical & phi-
losophical instrument maker, 50 Hanover
street — house, 7 Buccleuch place. — See Adv.
Dunn, Mrs John, 4 South Junction street
Dunnett, Wm. classical teacher, 2 Drumraond
Duns, James, slater, 161 Rose street
Duns, Miss, milliner, 161 Rose street
Dunse, Geo. china merchant, 70 Canongate
Dunsmure, Alex. mer. 8 St John's pi. Leith
Dunsmure, Major, 10 Coates crescent
Dunsmure, James, 26 Castle street
Dunsmure, J., M.D., F.R.C.S.E. 57 Queen
Dunstone, Wm. clerk, 7 Spence's pi. Leith
Durham, Jas. & Son, paperraakers, 7 George
Durie, David, grocer, 72 Shore
Durie, James, baker, 62 Tolbooth wynd, Leith
Diirrner, Johannes, professor of music, 65
Castle street
Durward, Andrew, cabinetmaker, upholsterer,
and undertaker, 7 Clerk street — house, 1
Durward, Misses, 49 Buccleuch street
Duthie, Walter, W.S. 6 Great King street
Dyce, Archd. Brown, Colonel E.LC.S. 7
Ainslie place
Dycer, Charles, physician, 18 Pitt street
Dyer, J. A. commercial agt. 5 Buccleuch pi.
Dyer, Mrs A. Reid's court, Canongate
Dyer, Miss, 2 Windmill street
Dykes, Rob. C. & Co. bootmakers, 98 High st.
Dymock & Paterson, solicitois-at-law, 56
George street
Dymock, James R. tea, wine, & brandy mer-
chant, 16 Nicolson st. — house, 3 Arniston
Dymock, Robert Lockbart, solicitor-at-law,
and proc- fiscal for the city. City Chambers
— house, 19 George square
Dymock, IMrs W. M'Lean, 14 Broughton pi.
Eadie, James, hairdresser, 26 Sandport st.
j Eager, Mrs, teacher of music, 54 Frederick st.
Eagle & Henderson, nurtery, teedsmen, and
Horists to the Queen, nursery and seed ware-
house, Leith walk
Earwaker, John, Hampshire house and com-
I mercial hotel, 108 Eose street
Easson, Jamee, cork manufac. 23 Baltic st.
I East India, Colonial, and General Agency —
j Wm. Bowie, 17 South .St David street
Easton, George, agent S. T. League, 54
t South bridge
\ Easton, James, cabinetmaker, 28 Greensidc st.
! Easton, .James, tailor, 3 Greenside row
i Easton, Mrs Isabella, 15 Norton place
I Euston, Mrs Thomas, 33 Albany street
Easton, j\Irs, laundress, 4 Norton place
j Easton, Miss, 10 South St Jiitnes' street
i Easton, Misses, dressmakers, 118 Princes st.
Eaton, James, 8 Alva street
1 Ebsworth, Jos. publisher and teacher of vocal
I music, 4 Montgomery street
Eckford, Walter, Trinity baths
Eckford, Walter, skinner, Silvermills
\ Eckford, Mrs, Trinity baths and lodgings
; Economic Life Assurance Office — Henry
I Maitland, agent, 9 Xorth St David street.
I — See Adv.
Edgar, James, porfrait-painter, 34 Cumber-
I land street
i Edgar, Robt. provision dealer, 23 Howe street
Edgar, Robt. boot and shoem. 187 High street
I Edgar, Mrs, 22 London street
j Edge, George, manager Equitable Loan
1 Co. of Scotland, 4 Montgomery street
Edinbukgh Bible Society Committee Rooms
& Depository, 6 York place
Edinburgh Barm Company, Rose st. lane
Edinburgh City Mission, 10 George street —
Thomas Scott, treasurer
Edinbukgh Clothing Society, 18 Bristo street
Edinbukgh City Mission Office, 6 York place
— Rev. James Trench, superintendent
Edinburgh Eye Infirmary, 140 George street
Edinburgh Funeral Establishment, 9 and 10
Leith walk — John Croall & Son, proprietors
Edinburgh Gas-Light Co. 25 Waterloo pi.
Edinburgh, and 115 Constitution st. Leith
Edinburgh & Glasgow Bank, 29 George st.
— branch, 19 Charlotte street, Leith
Edinburgh and Glasgow Union Canal Co.'s
office, 1 Port- Hopetoun
Edinburgh Guardian Office, 279 High street.
Royal Exchange
Edinburgh Institution for Languages, &c.
8 Queen street
Edinburgh Institution for the Education of
Y'oung Ladies, 23 Charlotte square
Edinburgh Ladies' Institution for Southern
Districts, 1 Park place
Edinburgh & Leith Gas-Light Company, 8
George street, and 10 Baltic street, Leith
Edinburgh & Leith Glass Co. 42 Salaman-
der street, Leith
Edinbubgh & Leith Brewery, 200 Canongate
EjDiNRur.GH and Leith Loan Co. 16 Calton st.
Edinc'jrgh, Leith, & Granton Railway sta-
tion, Citadel, Leith
Edinburgh Life Assurance Co.'s Office, 22
Geo. St. — G. L. Finlay, manager. — See j.c/i;.
Edinburgh Loan Co. pawnbrokers, 39 South
bridge, & 1 South Niddry street — Robert
Wilson, manager. — See Adv.
Edinburgh News office, Writers court
Edinburgh Normal School, Castle road
Edinburgh Normal School, Moray house
Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee Railway Co.
y Princes street — Henry Lees, secretary
Edinburgh Poor's House, Forrest road
Edinburgh ReligiousTractand Book Society's
Depot, 13 South St Andrew street
Edinburgh Ropery Co. 28 Bath street and 35
Edinburgh School for the Blind, 2 Gayfield
Edinburgh Sabbath-school Teachers' Union,
2 Melbourne place
Edinburgh Subscription Lib. 24 George st.
Edinburgh Water Company, 123 Princes st.
—Alex. Ramsay, manager
Edington, Mrs G. lodgings, 4 Melville place
Edington, Miss D. H. lodgings, 2 Rutland sq.
Edmond, G. teacher, 24 King street, Leith
Edmond, James, Newbank, Trinity
Edmond, John, rope and sailmaker, C4 Shore
Edmond, Mrs, 47 Cumberland street
Edmonston & Douglas, English and foreign
booksellers, 87 Princes street
Edmonston, Alex. (£. und Douglas), 25
Scotland street
Edmonston Colliery office, St Leonard's and
Sands, Leith — Andrew Gray, agent— See
Edmondston, F. & Son, engravers and prin-
ters, 60 North bridge — ho. 17 London st.
Edmondston, Thomas & Son, iron-merchants
and seedsmen, 110 West bow
Edmondston, T.( T. E. 8f Son), 1 Wharton pi.
Edmondstoune, Mrs, 5 Great Stuart street
Edmonstoune, Mrs Thos. 3 Fingall place
Edmonstoune, Miss, of Newton, 11 Manor pi.
Edmunds, Edmund, professor of singing, 1
Gloucester place
Edward, Peter, victual dealer, 51 Yardheads
Edward, John, 16 Scotland street
Edwards, Wm. brassfounder, 60 Nicolson st.
Elder, Alex, printer. Anchor close — house,
49 North Richmond street
Elder, Alex, grocer, wine and spirit merchant,
40 North Hanover street
Elder, Alex, general agent and merchant, im-
porter of Bohemian glass, lava goods, &c.,
1 Broughton place
Elder, George, grocer and spirit dealer, 2.5
Dean street
Elder, James, 5 Thistle street
Elder, James, spirit dealer, 17 Buccleuch st.
Elder, John {T. E. ^ Co.), 16 Pilrig street
Elder, John, goldsmith, 156 High street
Elder, John, W.S. 5 So. Charlotte st. — house,
3 West Circus place
Elder, John, messenger, Commercial Bank, 20
Rose street
Elder, Lewis, spirit dealer, Dean
Elder, Thomas {T. E. ^- Co.), 1 Fife place
Elder, Thomas & Co.wine merchants, St An-
thony court
Elder, Thomas, farmer, Lennie mains
Elder, Wm. victual dealer, 34 Tobago street
Elder, Wm. writer, 10 Torphichen street
Elder, Mrs, hotel, 9 South St David street
Elder, Mrs, 19 Abercromby place
Electric Telegraph Company's Office, 26
Bernard street, Leith
Elgin, W. & Son, booksellers, stationers, and
library, 10 North St Andrew street
Elgin, Wm. jun. 22 Scotland street
Elgin, W. sen. {E. §- Son), 19 Norton place
Elliot, John, York hotel
Elliot, Robt. 65 Lauriston place
Elliot, W. Scott, of ArkJeton, W.S. 32 Regent
Elliot, Mrs H. 97 Causeyside
Elliot, Miss, boarding school for young ladies,
23 Windsor street
Eliott, Miss Euphemiaof Stobs, 1 Torphichen
Ellis, Adam G. (?F., A. G., and R. Ellis), -3 7
Drummond place
Ellis, John, house factor, 3 St Bernard's row
Ellis, Robert ( W., A. G., and R. E.), 4 Royal
Ellis, Thos., upholsterer, cabinetmaker, un-
undertaker, and house agent, 21 and 23
George IV. bridge
i Ellis, W., A. G., & R., W.S. 4 Royal terrace
Ellis, William, gentlemen's sick nurse, 19
Jamaica street
Ellis, Mary and Eliza, dressm. 82 Rose st.
Elmslie, Airs Geo. stoneware house, 10 and II
Charlotte place
Elphiston Colliery office, 10 Elder street
Emigration Office, 10 N. St Andrew street
Emilie, Mrs Mary, superior, St Margt's convent
English and Scottish Law Life Assurance
and Loan Association — William Smith, man-
ager, 120 Princes street. — See Adv.
Episcopal Church Society Training Institu.,
16 St John St. — Rev. John Hunter, A.M.
Equitable Fire Insurance Co., 65 Princes
St. — Alexander Jamieson, secretary. — See
Equitable Loan Co. of Scotland, 4 Milne
sq. — sale room, 1 Hunter sq. — Geo. Edge,
manager. — See Adv.
Erith, Wm. John, commission agent, 4 North
St David street
Erskine, Alex, slater, 11 St Andrew st. Leith
Erskine, James, printer, 49 Brunswick street
Erskine, Jamee, glass and china merchant, 40
Erskine, John, tailor, 6 Lothian street
Erskine, Mrs, St Giles' villa. Grange road
Erskine, Mrs, 21 India street
Erskine, Misses, 13 Alva street
Erskine, Miss, 112 Lauriston place
Erskine, Miss Harriet, 9 Manor place
Erskine, Miss, 6 Manor place
Espie, Geo. & Jas. clothiers, 22 South bridge
Espinasse, Fran9ois, French teacher, 1 Hill st.
Espline, Mrs Charles, lodgings, Morniogside
Essex Economic Fire Assurance Association,
17 George street — J. G. Harrison, agent. —
See Adv.
EssoH, Geo. A. {Lindsay if E.), 10 Gt. King st.
Esson, James, innkeeper, 4 Rose street
EuDson, Mrs, tuscan and straw-bonnet ware-
house, 30 Kirkgate
Eunson, Miss, dressmaker, 23 Bernard st.
European Lite Insurance and Annuity Office,
10 North St Andrew street I
Evans, Robert, tailor, 2 Kerr street j
Evans, Mrs Owen, victualler, 34 Yardheads !
Evans, Wm. W. superintendent Experi-
mental gardejis, Inverleith row I
Evening Post and Scottish Record News-
paper office, 30 Hanover street — printing-
office, 82 Rose street
Ewan, G. M. working jeweller, 12 Gardner's
Ewan, Mrs Wm. 121 Princes street
Ewart, John, joiner and cabinetmaker, Pitt
street toll — house, 8 Cumberland street
Ewart, Wm. cabinetmaker, 2 Drummond st.
Ewart, Wra. cabinetmaker and organbuilder,
132 High street
Ewart, WiUiam, H.M. Customs, 15 Cannon st.
Ewart, Mrs, 27 Nelson street
Ewart, Miss, dressmakers, 33 Castle street
Ewart, Misses, milliners, &c. 29 Richmond pi.
Ewing, Benjamin, tailor, 30 Frederick street
Ewing, George, 3 Chapel street
Ewing, Henry, Sunbury distillery
Fairbairn and Co. hosiers and drapers, 30 St
Andrew square
Fairbairn, Dr, surgeon, 53 George square
Fairbairn, Rev. Jas. Sunnyslde villa. Trinity
Fairbairn, Jas. house-gov. Geo. Heriot's ho«p.
Fairbairn, James, engraver, 38 Charlotte sq.
Fairbairn, John, 25 Warriston crescent
Fairbairn, Wm. surveyor of buildings, 37 Fre-
derick street
Fairbairn, Mrs James, Lothian road
Fairbairn, Miss Isabella, lodgings, 7 Forres st.
Fairbairn, ]\Iiss, lodgings, 7t) George street
Fairbairn, Miss, 2 West Newington place
Fairfoul, Wra. 9 Hercles st.
Fairgrieve, John, printer, 74 Rose st ho. 34
Fairgrieve, Thos. chemist & druggist, 46 Clerk
street — ho. 1 Sylvan place
Fairgrieve, William, smith, 8 Dock street
Fairgrieve, Miss ]\I. milliner, 99 Princes st.
Fairley, George, spirit dealer, 62 Causeyside
Fairley, James, grocer, 1 Gilmore place
Fairley, James, wine merchant and grocer, 67
Lauriston place
Fairley, Jas. & Wm. umbrella makers, 35
Nicolson street
Fairley, John, flesher, 46 Broughton street
Fairley, Mungo,coal merch. 20 Port- Hamilton
Fairley, Elizabeth, wine and spirit merchant,
18 Calton street
Fairly, Thos. S. writer, 24 Gayfield square ;
Faithfull, Rev. Valentine, 12 Gloucester pi. ^
Falconar, Miss, Falconhall, Morningside ■ '
Falconar, Miss, 2 Coates crescent
Falconer, Dav. grocer and tea-dealer, 18 Home
Falconer, Duncan, sheriff-officer, 3 Victoria st.
Falconer, George, of Carlowrie, New Club,
Princes street
Falconer, Henry D. flesher, 82 Pieasance
Falconer, James, writer, 8 Mary's place
Falconer, John, glazier, 23 Thistle street
Falconer, Joseph, shipping agent. Wet Docks
Falconer, Thomas, tobacconist, 3 Bristo port
and 361 High street
Ewing, William, cooper, 55 Broughton street j Falconer, Mrs J. S. 23 Duke street
Ewing, Mrs, French corsetm. 30 Frederick st. Falconer, Mrs, lodgings, Anchorfield
Exchange, Royal, 291 High street Falkirk Iron Co. warehouse, 18 Picardy pi
Exchange Coffee-room, 130 Constit. st. Leith | — H. Anderson, agent — ho. 5 Meadow pi.
Exchange Stables, 125 Constitution st. Leith i Falkner, James P., S.S.C, 8 Bank street
Exchequer Office, Parliament square 'Falkner, Misses, milliners and dressmakers.
Experimental Gardens, Inverleith row j 65 Castle street
Extractor's Office, Register house Falla, jMisses M. & J. milliners and straw-hat
Experience Permanent Property Investment makers, 21 India street
Society, 3 North St Andrew street — A. Pa
terson, manager
Eye Dispensary, 405 Lawnmarket
Eyre, Thos. stocking manufact. 3 Kerr street
Eyre, Misses, boarding-school, 8 Randolph cliff
Fackney, Mrs James, lodgings, 25 Bridge st.
Faed, John, R.S.A. portrait-painter, 51 North-
umberland street
Fair, Thomas, 17 Hope crescent
Family Endowment and Annuity Office, 4
St Andrew square — Robert Allan, agent
Farmer, David, baker, 7 Calton street, and
341 Canongate
Farmer, John, baker, 8 Roxburgh place and
130 High street
Farmer, Wm. upholsterer, 57 Nicolson st.
Farnie, Misses, 29 Howard place
Farquhar, Alexander, spirit dealer, 55 Yard-
Farquhar, Arthur, W.S. 21 Coates crescent
Farquharson, Charles H. working jeweller
and watchmaker, 26 Leith street — bouse.
West Preston street
Farquharson, David, confectioner, 30 Westp.
Farquharson, Fran, confectioner, 71 Nicolson
street and 215 Cowgate — ho. 81 Micokonst.
Farquharson, Francis, of Finzean, 25 Nor-
thumberland street
Farquharson, J. C. (^National Bank), 9 Inver-
leith place
Farquharson, John, lodgings, 1 8 Duncan street
Farquharson, Mrs General, 12 Gloucester pi.
Farquharson, Mrs John, 1 Clerk street
Farquharson, Mrs, 26 Elder street
Farquharson, Mrs, 7 Broughton place
Farquharson, Miss, 1 Coates crescent
Farquharson, Miss A. 9 Inverleith place
Farquharson, Misses E. & C. fancy trimming
wareho., 9 Calton st.
Farr, Richard S. 2 Windsor street
Farr & Taylor, com. merchants, 18 Elm row
Farrell, Robert, poulterer, l Hope street
Farrie, Thomas & Robert, contractors, 24
Mitchell street
Faulds, J. R, accountant and general comm.
agent, 80 George street
Faulds, Mrs, 37 George street
Fawcett, Rev. William, 56 Inverleith row
Fazakerley, Henry, 74 Nicolson street
Fearn, Miss, East Coates house
Fearns, William, teacher, 14 Nicolson square
— house, 7 1 Clerk street
Fearns, Mrs Peter, 14 Arthur street
Fegan, J. & Co. importers of French flowers,
and feather manufacturer, 21 George street
— house, 17 Duke street
Feild, Eliza, teacher of drawing and music,
23 Salisbury street
Fell, Wm. Ed. Cotton, 2 Upper Gilmore pi.
Fell, Mrs, 5 Portland place
Female Servants' Home, 1 Charlotte place
Female Shelter, Gilmore's close, 99 Grass-
Fender, Mrs Thomas, 22 India street
Fenton, Alexander & Co. wine and spirit mer-
chants and grocers, 79 Shore
Fenton, Edw. 04. i^.^ Co.), 11 Albany St. Leith
Fenton, Mrs G., 1 East Newington place
Fenwick, Andrew, cowfeeder, 4 Pitt street
Fenwick, George, St Margaret's cottage,
Ferenbacb, P., clockmaker and toy ware-
house, 132 Princes st — ho. 3 Wallace place
Fergus, Wm. woodmerch. Great Junction st.
Ferguson, Sir Adam, 29 Albany street
Ferguson and Stuart, W.S. 17 George street
Ferguson, Alexander, purveyor of confec-
tionary to the Queen, 1 Melbourne pi.
Ferguson, Alex. jun. confectioner, 5 Archi-
bald place
Ferguson, Archibald, typefounder, 1 Salis-
bury place
Ferguson, Archibald, 22 St James' square
Ferguson Brothers, typefounders, Callander
house, 67 Canongate
Ferguson, C. builder and paveraentmerchant,
St Stephen st. — ho. 23 Fettes row lane
Ferguson, Charles, slater, 22 Dundas street. —
See Adv.
Ferguson, Davidson, & Co. merchants, and
agents for Peruvian guano importers, Junc-
tion road, Leith
Ferguson, Duncan, writer, 32 Dundas street
Ferguson, Fergus, accountant, 209 High st.
Ferguson, Geo. sheriff officer, 22 Society
Ferguson, J. & Co. pawnbrokers, 312 Lawn-
market — John Ferguson, manager
Ferguson, James, boot and shoemaker, 6
Buccleuch street
Ferguson, James, agent, 2 Haddington place
Ferguson, James L. D. writer, 32 Dundas
Ferguson, J. & A. sugar-house, Leith
Ferguson, J. H. grocer and spirit dealer, 6
St James' square
Ferguson, Lieut. -col. James, 6 Dundas st.
Ferguson, John, W.S. 1 Regent terrace
Ferguson, Joha, jun. broker, 27 St Mary's wd.
Ferguson, John {S. &f F.), 61 Clerk street
Ferguson, John & Son, marble and coloured
paper makers, Carrubber's close, 134 High
street — house, 3 Blair street
Ferguson, Peter, chimney-sweep, 12 E. Cum-
berland lane
Ferguson, Feter, agent, 26 Grassmarket
Ferguson, Rev. Robert {Free St David's), 12
Atholl place
Ferguson, R. D. G. of Isle, 3 Bellevue cresct.
Ferguson, Robert, spirit dealer, 47 Kirkgate
Ferguson, Robert, china and rag merchant,.
18 Kirkgate, 8 Dock pi. and 30 Couper st.
Ferguson, Thos. grocer and wine merchant, 2
Market place — house, 8 Hamilton place
Ferguson, Thos. & Co., china, glass, and stone
warehouse, 11 Commercial pi. — ho. 43
Bridge street
Ferguson, Walter, drawing master, 36 George
street — house, 9 Graham street
Ferguson, William, 30 Royal circus
Ferguson, Wm., flesher, 60 Charlotte street,
Ferguson, Wm., W.S. 47 George street
Ferguson, Wm. plumber and gasfitter, 112
Nicolson street — house, 11 Lutton place
Ferguson, Wm. merchant, 31 Drummond pi.
Ferguson, William, bookseller, 7 Bank street
Ferguson, Mrs Eneas, 106 Lauriston place
Ferguson, Mrs Janet, smallware shop, 15
Citadel street, Leith
Ferguson, Mrs, 10 Gay field square
Ferguson, Mrs J., Jordan bank, Morningside
Ferguson, Mrs William, 34 London street
Ferguson, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 49 India place
Ferguson, Mrs, spirit dealer, 2 Bernard st.
Ferguson, Mrs, 3 London row
Ferguson, Miss Agnes, 1 Carlton street
Ferguson, Miss Jane, 1 St James' square
Ferguson, Miss, 1 St Col me street
Ferguson, Misses, 1 Park street
Fergusson, Geo. ( Cathcart, F. 4- Co.)^ 5 Atholl
Fergusson, Henry D., W.S. 26 Rutland street
Fergusson, Miss, 9 Coates crescent
Fergusson, Miss, 14 Alva street
Ferrae, Mrs, 11 Gray street
Ferney, Mrs, Glover street
Fernie, James, wright and undertaker, 22
Greenside place — house, 17 Calton hill
Ferrie, J. D. writer, Alison place
Ferrie, IMrs, ladies' nurse, 43 Broughton st.
Ferrier, Charles, grocer and spirit dealer, 10
St Leonard street
Ferrier, David, Bible depository, 17 Leith
sti-eet — house, Mary cottage. Trinity
Ferrier, James, teacher of drawing, 12 Queen
street — house, 8 Keir street
Ferrier, Thomas H., W.S , 89 George street
Ferrier, Mrs James Crawford, Seafield lodge
Ferrier, ^Irs, Seafield house
Ferrier, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 10 Catherine st.
Ferrier, Mrs, 44 Rankeillor street
Ferrier, Miss D. Wallace, 10 Doune terrace
Ferrier, Miss, 38 Albany street
Fever Board — Wm. Whyte, treasurer, 13
George street
Fewtrell, J., chemist and druggist, 321 High st.
Fiddes, William, spirit dealer, 4 Cowgatehead
Field &AlIan, slaters, glaziers, & smoke curers,
27 Fred, street, and Junction road, Leith
Field, Rev. Edward B. 8 Northumberland st.
Field, Mrs J. milliner and stamper, 7 North
St David street
Fielding, Misses, 8 Cumberland street
Fife, Alex, ginger beer brewer, Hillhousefield
Fife, Mrs, ladies' nurse. Union court, Rich-
mond place
Figg, James A. Ordnance storekeeper, Leith ft.
Figge, JVIiss, 3 N. Charlotte street
Filipowski Hershal, accountant, Osborne cot-
tage, Wardie
Finch, John, hosier and shirtmaker, 25 Had-
dington place
Finch, Mrs, 6 West Preston street
Findlater, Mrs, Summerfield house, Leith
Findlay, George, spirit dealer, Water of Leith
Flndlay, -John Gardner, 16 Brandon street
Findlay, William, grocer, 79 Rose street
Findlay, ]Mrs, 00 George square
Finlay, Charles, writer, 6 Great Stuart street
Finlay, G. L. manager, Edinburgh Life Assu-
rance Company, 17 Northumberland st.
Finlay, George, coach-hirer, 12 Charles street
Finlay, James, 5 Moray street
Finlay, Jas. superintendent, Roscbank cem.
Finlay, Jas. (^Lothians and F.), 60 George st.
Finlay, John, bootmaker, 82 Princes street —
house, 12 South St David street
Finlay, Peter, water officer, 16 Heriot place
Finlay, Peter, cooper, 3 Market street
Finlay, Robert ( Wrig/it arid F.),21 Thistle st.
Finlay, Thomas, builder, 43 India place
Finlay, Thomas, baker, 4 Chapel street
Finlay, Thos. meal dealer, 16 Scotland street
Finlay, Walter, baker, 55 Clerk street
Finlay, William, cabinetmaker, &c. 21 South
St Andrew street, 270 and 272 Cowgate —
house, 2 South St David street
Finlay, Wm., M.D. Cherry bank, Newhaven
Finlay, William, secretary, Scottish Equitable
Assurance Co.., 17 Northumberland street
Finlay, William, bank mes. Clyde street lane
Finlay, Mrs Catharine, 52 Broughton street
Finlay, Mies Mary, private boarding school,
50 Minto street
; Finlayson, Donald, confectioner, 62 So. bridge
' — house, 16 Drummond street
I Finlayson, Daniel, tailor, 73 Nicolson street
Finlayson, Geo. painter, 32 Tolbooth wynd,
Finlayson, John, 31 Broughton street
Finlayson, Robert, shoemaker, 13 Brunswick
Finlayson, R. grocer and spirit dealer, 31
Water gate
Finlayson, T. druggist & dentist, 33 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
Finlayson, Rev. Thos. 35 St Bernard's cres.
Finlayson, Wm. G. teacher. Trades' Maiden
Hospital, 2 Lord Russell place
Finlayson, Mrs VVra. 9 Queensferry street
Finlayson, Mrs, dressmaker and embroiderer,
74 George street
Finnie, Jn. farmer, Swanston, Boroughmuirh.
Finnic, John, brush manufacturer, 4t and 50
Nicolson street
Finnie, Miss Agnes, 29 Clarence street
Firewood Factory, Cassells' place See Adv.
Fish, Alex, agent, 2 Dock gates
Fisher, Daniel, S.S.C. 17 York place
Fisher, D. & J., W.S. 17 York place
Fisher, Daniel, lodgings, 23 Lauriston street
Fisher, J.R. china & glass merchant, 65 Hano-
ver street
Fisher, John, W.S. 17 York place
Fisher, M. wine & spirit dealer^ 479 Lawnm.
Fisher, Wm. bootmaker, 11 Catharine st. — ho.
1 Windsor street
Fisher, William, wine merchant and grocer, 17
Home street — house, 16
Fisher, Mrs, oil and colour shop, 43 Clerk st.
Fisher, Mrs J. R. teacher of wax-fruit and
flowers, 65 Hanover street
Fishery, Board of British White Herring,
Royal Institution, Mound
Flanigan, Mich, pawnbroker, 142 Cowgate
Fleming, Alex., W.S., 20 Lynedoch place
Fleming, Archd. 15 Portland place
Fleming, A. 3 High Albany street, Leith
Fleming, A. B. & Co. printing-ink manufac-
turers,, 43 Salamander street — house, 5 Mor-
ton street, Leith
8. J
Fleming, Henry, tailor and clothier, Hill-
Fleming, John, D.D. prof, of natural science
New College, Sea Grove house, Leith
Fleming, T. billiard- table maker, 17 South St
James' street
Fleming, Thomas, gardener. Dairy lane
Fleming, Thos. spirit dealer, 6(j West port
Fleming, Wm. 8 Royal crescent
Fleming, Mrs Marg. cook, Deanhaugh house
Fleming, Mrs Robert, 13 Minto street
Fleming, Mrs Thomas, 34 Rankeillor street
Fleming, Mrs, midwife, 2 Glanville place
Fleming, Mrs J. grocer, Hillhousefield
Fleming, Mrs, 34 Albany street
Fleming, Misses M. & J. milliners and dress-
makers, 7 Brighton street
Fleming, Misses, ^6 Royal cresceut
Flemington, James, waiter, 140 Rose street
Fletcher and Hunter, watchmakers, 31 Frede-
rick street
Fletcher, Angus, of Dunans, advocate, 5 Ainslie
Fletcher, Peter, globemaker and map mounter,
21 Clyde street
Fletcher, Mrs, 13 Union street
Fletcher, Mrs, lodgings, 73 George street
Fiett, James {Customs), 4 Hope terrace, Leith
Flett, George, tailor and clothier, 18 Sandport
street, Leith
Flett, Wm. tea dealer, 4 Bank street — house,
21 Albany street, Leith
Flett, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 37 India place
Fleury Jules, consul de France, 17 Heriot row
Flint, Mrs, furrier, 25 North bridge
Flint, Mrs James, provision dealer,? 1 Kirkgate
Flockhart and Calder, live stock agents, 19
Archibald place
Flockhart, Henry, live stock agent, 11 Gard-
ner's crescent
Flockhart, W. (Duncan, F. ^ Co.'), Seaforth
Cottage, Trinity
Flyn, Miss, 3 Carlton street
Fogo, Lieut.- Col. R.A. 3 Manor place
Foggo, Mrs, lodgings, 11 Elder street
Foot, Mrs Jean, fruiterer, 23 Green market
Foote, John, fruiterer and coach hirer, 23
Dundas street
Foote, William, 13 Comely green place
Forbes, Alex, bookbinder, 5 Milne's court
Forbes & Barton, plumbers and gasfitters,
1 Forrest road
■Forbes, A. builder, &c. 3 W. Newington pi.
Forbes, Arthur, W.S. 6 Rutland street
Forbes, Charles, bookseller, 1 Alva street
Forbes, Charles, Cannon park
Forbes, David, glass, china, and lamp ware-
house, 7 St Andrew square
Forbes, Geo. wine merchant, 16 Howe street
— house, 5 Carlton street
Forbes, James D. professor of natural philo-
sophy, 3 Park place
Forbes, James, spirit dealer, 38 Jamaica street
Forbes, Jas. {Dalgleish § Forrest),l6 St James'
Forbes, James, coach-hirer, 24 Pitt street
Forbes, Jno., LL.D. house governor and chap-
lain, Donaldson's Hospital
Forbes, J. H. 17 Ainslie place
Forbes, Patrick, 8 Morrison street
Forbes, Peter & Co. wine & brandy merchts.
97 South bridge
Forbes, Peter, 18 Ilart street
Forbes, R. &D. spirit merchts. 99 High street
Forbes, Walter, brassfounder and gasfitter,
Swinton row — house, 17 St James' square
Forbes, William, advocate, 4 Shandwick place
Forbes, William, W.S. of Castleton, 19 Atholl
Forbes, Mrs, lodgings, 18 Lothian street
Forbes, Mrs, ladies' sick-nurse, 15 Jamaica st.
Forbes, Mrs, 14 Trinity crescent
Forbes, Miss Margt. Deanbank house
Forbes, Miss, 1 1 Archibald place
Ford, Geo. provision dealer, 145, 205, & 245
High street, 509 Lawnmarket — house, 22
St John street
Ford, George, grocer, 59 High street
Ford, James, wine and spirit mercht. 184
High street and 15 Kirkgate, Leith — house,
25 Haddington place
Ford, Jas. {W. F. & Sons), 2 Anderson's pi.
Ford, James, spirit dealer, 22 Cassells' place
Ford, J. & E. drapers and hosiers, 202
Ford, John, flint glass manufr. to the Queen,
i Holyrood glass-works. So. back of Canon-
gate, and 58 No. bridge — ho. 17 St John st.
Ford, Joseph, mill master. Water of Leith .
Ford, William, 34 Minto street
Ford, William, sen. 4 Cassells' place
Ford, Wm. & Sons, wholes, grocers, wine and
spirit merchants, 102 Constitution st.
Ford, Wm. jun. ( Wm. F.and Sons), 5Pilrig st.
Ford, Miss, lodgings, 18 Leopold place
Fordyce, G. Dingwall, advocate, 19 Rutland st.
Fordyce, Wm. city missionary, 35 Home street
Forfar, Robert, architect, 20 Pitt street
Forgan, David, cabinetm Jker, Milne's close, 2 1 2
Forgan, David, engineer, Middlefield house
j Forgie, John, flesher, 3 IMiddle market
Forgie, Robert, cattle agent, 106 Lauriston pi.
I Forman, James, advocate, 54 Northumb. st.
j Forman, John N., W.S. 8 Heriot row
j Forman, Mrs, 15 Dundas street
j Forman, Mrs, 5 West Maitland street
Forrest, Alexander, smith, 1 10 Rose Street
Forrest, Arthur, Picceiver- General Gtn. Poi/-
office — house, 7 Torphichen street
Forrest, David, 11 Cheyne street
Forrest, David, accountant, 31 Howard place
Forrest, Geo. bootmaker, 96 Nicolson street
Forrest, Jas. gro. & spirit-deal. Water of Leith
Forrest, J. R. (Bafgleish Sf F.)^ 54 Geo. sq.
Forrest, John, 13 Graham street
Forrest, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 115
Forrest, Robt. {R. d; F.), S Gt. King st.
Forrest, T. smith & ironm. 13 St Patrick sq.
Forrest, William, engraver, 17 Archibald pi.
Forrest, Wm. plasterer, 1 1 Bread street
Forrest, Mrs Janet, grocer. 111 Causeyside
Forrest, Mrs W. H. 8 St Vincent street
Forrest, Sirs, spirit-dealer, 38 Abbey hill
Forrest, Mrs, Cherry bank
Forrest, Mrs James R. 31 Howard place
Forrestal, John, manager for Reikie and Co.
66 High street — house, 17 Duke street
Forrester, Alexander, baker, 31 Frederick st.
Forrester, David, Newington acad. 8 Arniston
Forrester, John, W.S. 8 Drummond place
Forrester, Wm. lithographer, letterpress prin-
ter, and engraver, oQ Hanover street —
house, 121 Princes street
Forrester, Mrs Margt. grocer, 10 Horse wynd
Forrester, ]Mrs, lodgings, 8 Jlackenzie place
Forrester, Misses, teachers of pianoforte and
singing, 56 Queen street
Forrester, Miss M. 32 Minto street
Forshaw, Henry, livery stable, Church lane
Forsyth, Alex, boot and shoemaker, 4 North
Melville place
Forsyth, Arthur, road- surveyor, 72 Broughton
Forsyth, D. & J. booksellers and publishers,
7 Brighton st. — Samuel Money, agent
Forsyth. Ebenezer, of Edin. News, 6 Hope
park. Meadows
Forsyth, Francis, cooper, 36 W^faitfield place.
Leith walk
Forsyth, Peter, letter-carrier, 16 Allan street
Forsyth, Robert, 11 King's place
Forsyth, Robert, tailor, 41 Bristo street
Forsyth, Miss, millin. & dressm. 85 George st.
Fortune, John, painter, 44 India street
Fortune, Robert, slater. So. Junction street
Fortune, Robert, bandage and artificial leg
maker, 15 Young street
Fortune, Miss Forbes, 22 London street
Foster, Wm. W^. agent, 7 Leopold place
Fotheringham, George ( Customs), 2 Couper
Fotheringham, Frederick, 15 Abercromby pi.
Fotheringham, James, baker, 8 Cannon st.
Fotheringham, Mrs, 65 Crosscausey
Fotheringham, Mrs, 12 Clarence street
Foulis, Lady, 124 Princes street
Foulis, Robert, M.D. 124 Princes street
Foulis, Miss, 7 St Vincent street
Fountain, James, wright, Hillhousefield
Fowler, Alex, painter, paper-hanger, & glazier,
12 Duncan street, Drummond place
Fowler, Jas. tailor and clothier, 50 Thistle st.
Fowler, John, boot and shoemaker 4 St Patrick
Fowler, William, tailor and clothier, 66 Cum-
berland street
Fowler, Mrs Geo. 51 Broughton street
Fowler, Miss M. dressmaker, 12 Duncan st.
Fox, D. B. 213 Canongate
Fox, M. & Co. coal merchts. 4 Canal basin
Foyer, Jn. French satin hat raanuf. 10 South
bridge — house, Mayfield loan
Frame, Lockhart, bookbinder, 13 N.Bank st.
— house, 3 Melbourne place
Francalanza,T. teacher of fencing, 59 S. bridge,
and Gymnasium, under Music ball, George
street. — See Adv.
Francks, B. foreign commission agent, and
optician, 1 Elm row
Francis, David, agent. Grange road
Frankham, Wm. innkeeper, Duddingston
Fraserand Anderson, clothiers to her Majesty,
1 St Andrew square
Fraser & Co. booksellers, agents for the Irish
National .School Books, 45 North Hanover
Fraser, Alexander, glazier and dealer in win-
dow glass, 34 Blair street
Fraser, Alex, wine & spt. merch. Albany lane
Fraser, Alex. (A^eil Sf Co. Printers), Caoon-
mills cottage
Fraser, Alexander, 1 Forbes street
Fraser, Alex. M. {F. 4" Anderson), 2 Clarence
Fraser, Rev. Alexander C, professor of logic
and metaphysics New College, Churchhill,
Fraser, Alex, hairdresser, 59 Rose street
Fraser, Alex. & Co. coal merchants, 6^ Port
Fraser, Alex, builder, Spittal street — office, 65
Xicolson street
Fraser, Alexander, shoemaker, 51 Bristo st.
Fraser, Andrew, tailor and Highland dress
maker, 16 South bridge
Fraser, A. G. 14 Henderson row
Fraser, Charles, pawnbroker, 170 High st.
Fraser, David, 21 Nelson street
Fraser, Donald, 2 Shakspeare square
Fraser,Donald,lateqr. -master, 20 Rankeillor St.
Fraser, G. boot-tree and last maker, 10 Calton
Fraser, Hugh, W.S. 35 Frederick street-
house, 4 Dundas street
Fraser, Rev. Hugh, 2 Grove street
Fraser, James, Edinburgh and Leith carrier,
15 Clyde street
Fraser, James, house agent, 30 Nicolson st. ]
Fraser, J. Mackay (of Regis. Ho.), Monro pi.- 1
Fraser, John, confectioner, 6 N. St Andrew st.
Fraser, John, soda water manufacturer, 103
Rose street
Fraser, John, coach hirer. Regent terrace lane
Fraser, John, spirit dealer, 99 Causeyside
Fraser, John, actuary, manager of the Life
Association of Scotland^ 2 Hanover st. — ho.
Churchhill house, Morningside
Fraser, John C. accountant. Register house
Fraser, J. C, accountant, 14 Warriston crest.
Fraser, John, general agent for Scotland for
Morison's vegt. med. 71 Princes street
Fraser, John, 1 Scotland street
Eraser, Murd. spirit dealer, 137 Fountainbr.
JFraser, Patrick, advocate, 46 Northumd. st.
Fraser, Patk. N. (^Neil ^ Co. printers)^ jCanon-
mills cottage
Fraser, P. S. 45 North Hanover street
Fraser, Rev. R. W. Croft-an-righ house,
Abbey hill
Fraser, Robert, dairy, 176 Rose street
Fraser, Robert, 6 Saunders' street
Fraser, Robert, spirit dealer, 5 Laurie street
Fraser, R. late of Newington, 18 Dublin st.
Fraser, Simon, co6per, Lothian road, and 6
Greenside place
Fraser, William, coach-hirer, 1 Forres street
Fraser, William, W.S. and master-extraordi-
nary of Chancery, 54 Castle street
Fraser, Wm. spirit dealer, Jock's lodge
Fraser, Wm. jun., W.S. and town-clerk, Ca-
nongate, 31 Princes st. — ho. 42 Melville st.
Fraser, Wm. boot & shoemaker, 4 High market
Fraser, William N., S.S.C, and Master Ex-
traordinary of Chancery, 41 Albany street
Fraser, William, assistant keeper of Register
of Sasines, 1 1 Forres street
Fraser, Wm. superintendent. Night Asylum,
Old Fishmarket close
Fraser, Mrs Agnes, spirit dealer, Canonmills
Fraser, Mrs Alex. 6 Walker street
Fraser, Mrs F. 23 Buccleuch street
Fraser, Mrs F. spirit merchant, 3 Junction
Fraser, Mrs J. R. 31 Nelson street
Fraser, Mrs Jane, grocer and spirit merchant,
22 South James' street
Fraser, Mrs Robert, 7 St Anthony place
Fraser, Mrs Wm. Canonmills cottage
Fraser, Mrs Wm. 11 Portland place, Leith
Fraser, Mrs, 11 Duncan street
Fraser, Mrs, late of Fingask, 10 St Bernard's
Fraser, Mrs Thomas, glass and china riveter,
26 Ashley buildings, Netherbow
Fraser, Miss Agnes, 23 Lauriston street
Fraser, Miss Janet, 5 Great Stuart street
Fraser, Miss, 3 Atholl place
Fraser, Miss, 18 Leopold place
Fraser, Misses, I Forres street
Fraser, Misses, milliners, 2 Warriston place
Frater, William, billiard rooms, 17 South St
Andrew street
Frater, Mrs, dairy, 20 Yardheads
French, G. T. feather artificial-flower maker
and silk dyer, 1 53 Rose street
French, John, D.D. 1 Craigie terrace
French, John, W.S. 6 Graham street
French, John, grocer and spirit merchant, 27
Bernard street — ho. 129 Constitution street
Freer, George, 29 Inverleith row
Friend, John, confectioner, 28 Lothian street
Friend, Mrs Sophia, confectioner, 83 Brough-
ton street
Friendly Insurance Co. 40 Princes street
Alexander Allan & Co. agents
Friendly Societies, Registrar of, Thomas
Cleghorn, advocate, 26 Queen street
Frier, James, grocer, 27 Pleasance
Frier, John, letter-carrier, 82 South Bridge
Frier, Matthew, baker, 5 St Patrick street —
house, 32 St Patrick square
Frier, Robert, draper, 314 Lawnmarket —
house, Ratcliffe place
Frier, Mrs William, 10 Brighton street
Froom, Jonathan, 17 Preston street
Fruish, James, tailor, 1 Giles' street
Fryer and Thomson, pianoforte and music-
sellers, 7 South St Andrew street
Fryer, Jn. J. {F. ^- Thomson), 33 London st.
Fullarton, A. & Co. printers, stereotype found-
ers, publishers, and booksellers. Stead's
place — agency, 44 South bridge
Fullarton, Allan, Rosemount, Leith
Fullarton, Jn. A. (/^. ^ Co.), 6 Abercromby pi.
Fullarton, Mrs Arch., Rosehall, Dalkeith road
Fullarton, Miss, 21 Heriot row
Fuller, John, 6 East Arthur place
Fuller, Miss, 8 Great Stuart street
Fullerton, Alder, & Co. gas meter manufacts.,
Abbey Mount works
Fullerton, And. {F., Alder, and Co.), 3 Abbey
Fullerton, Thomas, builder, Spittal street
Fullerton, Miss, 9 Maitland street
Fulton & Duff, . ham-curers and provision
merchants, 96 West bow
Fulton, Aw. saddler, cap and harness maker,
86 George street — house, 14 Maitland st.
Fulton, Francis, jun. commission merchant,
19 Bernard street
Fulton, Francis, 3 Hope street, Leith walk
Fulton, Hugh, deputy harbour-master, Gran-
ton pier
Fulton, James, rector Edin, Normal School,
Westerhall villa. Meadows
Fulton, John, 4 Fife place
Fulton, John, brewer, 80 Pleasance
Furby, M. teacher of French, 1 6 S. Charlotte
Fyall, Mrs Thos., Trafalgar lane, N. Leith
Fyfe, Andrew, S.S.C. 15 Leopold place, agent
for National Mercantile Life Assurance
and Sun Fire OfBces
Fyfe, Thomas N. (^Customs), Madeira place
Fyfe, Mrs, 29 Saxe Coburg place
Fyffe, Mrs, 7 Albany street
FyfFe, Mrs Dr, 9 Warriston crescent
FyfFe, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 2 Mackenzie place
Gadois, Frangois, house painter, 15 Picardy
place — house, 15 Leopold place
Gaelic School Society, committee rooms and
depository, 6 York place
Gaff, William, superintendent, Canal works,
15 St Anthony's place
Gains, Wm. shipm. 5 N. Junction st. Leith
Gairdner, John, M.D. and F.R.C.S. 52 North-
umberland street
Gairdner, Wm. T., M.D. and F.R.C.P. 52
Northumberland street
Gairns, John, writing-master, and teacher of
arithmetic and book-keeping, 6 George st.
Gairns, Mrs and Misses, dressmakers and
milliners, 24 Castle street
Galbraith, Colin, writer, 2 Melville street
Galbraith, Christopher, wood merchant, Spit-
tal street — house, 1 Lothian road
Galbraith, Mrs, 30 Castle street
Galbraith, Miss Mary, dressmaker, 26 Fred-
erick street
Gall and Inglis, booksellers and publishers,
37 and 38 North bridge
Gall, Jas. ( G. ^- Inglis), Myrtle bank, Trinity
Gall, Jas. jun. sculptor, 20 Gayfield square
Gallaway, Alex, shipmaster, 5 Coburg st. Leith
Gallaway, William D., Bonnington mount
Galletly, Alex. 1 1 Scotland street
Galletly, John, S.S.C. 31 London street
Galletly, Mrs William, 7 Salisbury street
Galli, Chas. gallery of arts, 1 Blenheim place
Gallie, George, cabinetmaker, 27 & 35 Kirk-
Gallie, Laird, & Co. copper, iron, lead, and tin-
plate merchants, 58 High street, and 96
Constitution street
Gallie, James B. 37 Minto street
Gallie, Mrs, Duddingston
Galloway, David, boot and shoemaker, 46
Galloway, James, collector of poor-rates, pri-
son-assessment, and road-money, 59 Con-
stitution street
Galloway, John, shipmaster, 20 Shore
Galloway, Robert T. ( Cilyof Glasgow Bank),
20 Pitt street
Galloway, R. S. writer, 1 Salisbury square
Galloway, Robert, bookbinder, John Knox's
house, 41 High street
Galloway, Wm. tailor and clothier, 3 Monta-
gu street^
Galloway, William, 30 Rutland square
Galloway, William, 10 Rankeillor street
Galloway, William, tobacco manufacturer, 32
Victoria street
Galloway, William, china merchant, 57 Tol-
booth wynd, Leith
Galloway, Mrs Janet, lodgings, 1 BroMghton
Galloway, Mrs, 10 Manor place
Galloway, Misses, dressmakers, 59 Kirkgate
Game Certificate Office, 57 North bridge
Gammell, Captain James, of Ardiffery, 52 In-
verleith row
Garden, John, tea dealer, 10 Morningside
Garden, James & Son, tailors, 150 High st.
Gardiner, J. advocate, 6 Pitt street
Gardiner, John, S.S.C. 27 York place
Gardiner, William, tailor and clothier. Old
Stamp Office close, 221 High street
Gardner, Alex, grocer, wine and spirit dealer,
259 High street — house, 7 Meadow place
Gardner, Alex, tailor, &c. 187 High street —
house, 5 Portland place
Gardner, Alex, grocer, 6 Portland place
Gardner, Alex, corn dealer, 13 New street
Gardner, Andrew A. 27 ISIontagu street
Gardner and Ainslie, pharmaceutical chemists,
58 George street
Gardner, George, dealer in tea and fruit, 12
Lothian street
Gardner, James, 13 Torphichen street
Gardner, James, grocer, 225 High st. — house,
7 Meadow place
Gardner, Rev. James, M.D. and A.M. 9 Ar-
gyle square
Gardner, John, jun. 408 Castlehill
Gardner, John, collector for charitable insti-
tutions, 408 Castle hill
Gardner, Thos. tea mercht. 64 Frederick st. J
Gardner, Thos. leather mercht. 21 Giles' st.
Gardner, W. P. {collector H. M.'s Customs),
Primrose bank
Gardner, W. C. Glasgow & Manchester ware-
house, 140 Nicolson street — house, 10 Dun-
can street, Newington
Gardner, Mrs Jean, lodgings, 23 Downie place
Gardner, Mrs Wm. 37 Constitution st. Leith
Gardner, Mrs, 13 Ann street
Gardner, Margaret & Isabella, milliners and
dressmakers, 23 Downie place
Gardner, Miss Eliz. 58 George square
Gardner, Miss, 34 Wright's houses
Gardner, Miss, 5 Scotland street
Gardner, Misses, 95 Fountainbridge
Gardner, Miss, millioer, 37 George street
Gardner, Miss, 7 Meadow place
Garland, J. Ormond, pawnbroker, 33 St An-
drew street, Leith — house, 11 King's place
Garrow, Geo. Commercial Bank of Scotland,
Garvie, Andrew {A. Aikman S;Co.), 2 Keir
Gavin, Hector, 37 Montagu street
Gavin, John, mason, 40 Whitfield place
Gavin, Peter ( G. ^- Son), 15 Gayfield square
Gavin, Peter & Son, cordage & canvas manuf.
and sail makers, 12 Commercial place, and :
Bath street
Gavin, Peter J. (^Dryden,G. 6; Co.), Jessfield
Gavin, Robert, portrait-painter, 15 Gayfield
Gavin, W. S. (P. G. ^ Son), Cherrybank,
Whale brae
Gavin, Wm. ( W. <^ C. G.), Williamfield
Gavin, Wm. shipmaster, 6 Madeira street,
Gavin, Wm. Allan (Allan ^- G.), 2 Bellevue
terrace ,
Gavin, W. and C. general merchants, 11 Dockk
place, Leith
Gavine, John, mason, 39 Whitfield place
Gay, Robt. fishmonger, 9 So. College street
Gaylor, John, 2 Carlton street
Gaylor, William, writer, 3 Duncan street,
Drummond place
Gazette Office, 13 North Bank street
Geddes, Adam Gordon, 7 Henderson row
G^ddes, James, confectioner, 122 Nicolson st.
Geddes, John, mining engineer, 16 Shandwick
Geddes, John, collector, Granton pier
Geddes, Colonel John, 15 Salisbury road
Geddes, Rod. spirit dealer, 141 Grassmarket
Geddes, Lieut.-Col. Wm.,C.B. 52 George sq.
Geikie, James S. ornamental hair manufac-
turer and perfumer to the Queen, 35 North
bridge — house, 6 Hope park
Geikie, John, 10 Dublin street
G^llatly, Jn. engraver & lithographic printer,
26 Gtorge st. — ho. 14 Scotland street
Gellatly, Robert, watch and clockmaker, 78
Princes street
Gemble, Mrs, 1 St Vincent street
Gemmell, ^Irs, 19 St John street
General Board of Prisons, 99 George street
General Life and Fire Assurance Company,
6 St Andrew sq — C. Spence, S.S.C. agent
General Screw Steam Shipping Company,
17 South St David st. — Wm. Bowie, agent
General Trade Protection Offices, 25 St
James' sq. — Wm. Hill, secretary
Gentle, Jas., W.S. 35 Queen street — house, 36
Gentle, John (G.P.-O.), 15 Parkside street
Gentle, John, teacher, 10 Nicolson street
Grentleman, James, merchant and shipowner,
14 Elm row — house, 13 Smith's place
Gentleman, Mrs, lodgings, 93 Princes street
George, Mrs, 6 Alansfield place
Georgiades, Sorties, photographer, 75 Princes
street — bouse, 56 India street
Ghimer, Lewis, artist, 140 Princes street
Gianetti, Mrs, 37 Castle street
Gibb, Alex, builder, 4 Nottingham place —
house, 28 Greenside street
Gibb, Alex, umbrella and parasol manufact.
28 George street — house, 10 Duncan street
Gibb, A.{T.G. and Son). 11 Buccleuch pi
Gibb, George, boot and shoemaker, 10 Duke
street, Leith
Gibb, H. M., Royal Hotel, 53 Princes street
Gibb, James, 4 Montgomery street
Gibb, James, grocer and provision dealer, 2
St Patrick street
Gibb, John, mason, 9 Greenside place
Gibb, John, tailor, 4 Infirmary street
Gibb, Thos. (T. G. If Son), 4 Buccleuch pi.
Gibb, Thos. & Son, commis. agents, 8 Drum-
mond street
Gibb, Thomas, builder, 39 Home street
Gibb, William (Murray ^ Gibb), 41 York
Gibb, Mrs Fulton, 13 Brown street
Gibb, Miss, dressmaker, 44 India place
Gibbon, Alex, of Johnston, 55 York place
Gibbon, Mrs Alexander, 26 Pitt street
Gibbs, Helenus, shoem., 2 South College st.
Gibson-Craig, Dalziel, & Brodie, W.S.
5 Thistle street
Gibson & Hector, W.S. 1 Northumberland st.
Gibson and Walker, corn merchants, Lochria
Gibson, Adam, Roqueville, Whitehouse gar-
dens, Morningside
Gibson, Alex, builder, Low Broughton —
house, Broughton park cottage
Gibson, Alexander, 26 Buccleuch place
Gibson, Andrew, farmer. Dean park
Gibson, Arch, accountant, 10 Maitland st.
Gibson, David L. silk mercer, 34 South bridge
Gibson, Francis, 18 Leopold place
Gibson, George and Co. merchants, 5 Wet
Gibson, George (G. G. Sf Co.), 13 Hermitage
place, Leith
Gibson, Geo. civil engineer, 5 Deanhaugh st.
Gibson, George, shawl cleaner and agent, 25
Scotland street
Gibson, Henry Gordon, W.S. (/. and H. G.
Gibson), 38 Moray place
Gibson, Hugh, teacher of music, 8 Downie pi.
Gibson, Hugh C. plumber and lead merchant,
&c. 22 Dock street — house, 7 Vanburgh pi.
Gibson, James & Co. dyers and scourers, 90
Nicolson St.
Gibson, James, tobacconist, 149 Princes st.
Gibson, John and Henry Gordon, W.S. 12
Charlotte street
Gibson, John, jun. W.S. (J. 8r H. G. Gibson),
38 Moray place
Gibson, John, W.S. 53 Inverleith row
Gibson, John, Merchiston Castle Academy
Gibson, John, tobacco manufacturer, 499
Gibson, John, Tower park cottage. Trinity
Gibson, Joseph, agent. West of England In-
surance Co., 25 Gayfield square
Gibson, Mungo C. 13 Hermitage place, Leith
Gibson, P. C. surgeon, 6 Windsor street
Gibson, Peter F. clerk, 13 E. Adam street
Gibson, Robert and Thomas, bacon, cheese,
and butter merchants, 99 Princes street
Gibson, Thomas, dairy, 15 Gihnore street
Gibson, William, 8 Inverleith row
Gibson, Wm. corn merchant, 35 Lauriston pi.
Gibson, William, draper, 1 Lothian street
Gibson, Wm. painter and glazier, 8 Howe st.
Gibson, W. F. {B. L. Co.'s Bank), agent for
the Imp'tial Insurance Co, 24 Greenside pi.
Gibson, William, Museum tavern, 42 Whit-
field place
Gibson, William Yule, agent, 1 Pitt street,
Gibson, Mrs Agnes, 50 Cumberland street
Gibson, Mrs Mitchell, 4 Queen's pi. Leith wk.
Gibson, Mrs, 59 Frederick street
Gibson, Mrs, 1 Scotland street
Gibson, Mrs & Misses, boarding-school, Har-
mony house, Morningside
Gibson, Mrs, lodgings, 29 Bristo street
Gibson, Mrs, 6 Annfield, Newhaven
Gibson, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 73 Rose street
Gibson, Mrs, 5 Buccleuch place
Gibson, Miss, 8 AthoU place
Giflfbrd, Adam, advocate, 21 Dublin street
Gifford, Alexander, S.S.C. and N.P, 28 St
Andrew square
Gifford, James, merchant, 105 South bridge —
house, 21 Dublin street
Gifford, John {National Bank) ^ 2 Sylvan pi.
Gilbert, Jas. & Son, tailors & habitmakers, 37
North bridge
Gilbert, James ( G. &^ Son), 2 Rankeillor pi.
Gilbert, John, pawnbroker, 40 Tolbooth wynd,
Leith — house, 6 London Row
Gilbert, Peter, spirit dealer, 25 Cowgate
Gilbert, Robert, grocer, 11 Yardbefid^, Leith
Gilbert, William, tobacconist, 28 Xicolson st.
Gilchrist, George, house painter and glazier,
9 Kirkgate, Leith
Gilchrist, James, carter, 17 Cable wynd
Gilchrist, John, grocer, 52 Giles' street — ho.
37 Cable wynd
Gilchrist, John, agency oflBce, 28 India st.
Gilchrist, J. (G.P.-O.), 24 Middle Arthur pi.
Gilchrist, IMrs, 8 St Colme street
Giles, Mrs James, 17 Scotland street
Gilfillan, Henry {Customs), East Hermitage,
Gilfillan, J. (G. &) Jackson), 104 Nicolson st.
Gilfillan & Jackson, builders, Castle tt^rrace
Gill, Thos. (Romanes ^ Paterson), 49 York
Gillespie's Hospital, Wright's houses — Geo.
Meikle, treas. 66 Grassmarket
Gillespie & Cathcart, commis. agents, 8 and
10 Timber bush
Gillespie, Alex., M.D. 30 York place
Gillespie, Alex, tinsmith, 21 Frederick street
Gillespie, Alexander, gasfitter & smith, 62
Broughton street
Gillespie, Andrew & Co. merchants, 20 West
Nicolson street — house, 11 Salisbury road,
Gillespie Brothers, grain merchants, 14 West
Maitland street
Gillespie, Gordon J. wine & spirit merchant,
14 and 15 Sandport street
Gillespie, James, accountant, 8 Hamilton pi.
Gillespie, James D., M.D. 30 York place
Gillespie, John, W.S. 53 Northumberland
Gillespie, John, 5 Lothian road
Gillespie, John, grocer and wine merchant,
40 Howe street
Gillespie, John, M.D. 68 Constitution street
Gillespie, INIichael, contractor and causeway-
layer, 23 East Drumraond street
Gillespie, P. Bridge place, Bonnington
Gillespie, Thomas, gasfitter and smith,
Broughton market
Gillespie, Wm. 68 Constitution street
Gillespie, William {Jas. Bell 8f Co.), 40 Al-
bany street
Gillespie, William, of Torbanehili, 7 North
St David street
Gillespie, Mrs, millinery and straw bonnet
warehouse, 144 Princes street
Gillespie, Mrs Alexander, umbrella maker, 58
Charlotte street, Leith
Gillies Brothers, silk mercers & drapers, 32
George street
Gillies, Robert {of G. Brothers), 30 Frederick
Gillies, Rev. Francis, 17 Dean Terrace
Gillies, Samuel & Son, tailors and clothiers,
2 Young street
Gillies, Mrs, 16 York place
Gillis, Right Rev. Bishop, Greenhill
Giilman, Mrs, 9 West Claremont street
Gillon, David, sack, &c. manufacturer, 38
Grassmarket — house, 10 Graham street
Gillon, John & Co., preserved fresh provision
manufacturers, 3 Mitchell street
Gillon, James, spirit dealer, 205 Cowgate
Gillon, John, jun. merchant, Hillhouse field
Gillon, Wm. {Smail and Co.), 5 Fingal place
Gilmore, Andrew {National Bank), 2 South
Gray street
Gilmore, Wm. ropemaker, 56 Grassmarket
Gilmore, Mrs, 2 South Gray street
Gilmour, Hugh, tea & coffee dealer and gro-
cer, 13 Leith street
Gilmour, James, cowfeeder, 49 Abbey hill
Gilmour, Oliver, tanr. 49 South back Canong.
Gilmour, Wm. currier, 49 South back Canong.
Gilmour, Mrs Marg. lodgs. 3 Antigua street ■
Gilmo r, Mrs, lodgings, 84 Great King street'
Gilmour, Mrs, Mary cottage. Trinity
Gilroy, Robert, lodgings, 23 Downie place
Gird wood, David, victual dealer, 9 Deanhaugh
Girdwood, Robert ( W. G. ^- Son), 7 Belle-
vue crescent
Girdwood, Robert, wool broker and agent, 2
Bank street
Girdwood, R. G. ( W. G. S^ Son), 7 Bellevue
Girdwood, Thos. surveyor & land valuator, 8
Hill place
Girdwood, Wm. and Son, woollen warehouse,
2 Bank street — house, 7 Bellevue cres.
Girdwood, Miss Mary, matron, Gillespie's
Girle, George H. tanner & currier, 125 High
street — house, 5 St John street
Given, John, vintner, & parcel van oflBce, 10
Bernard street, Leith
Given, Robert, coach builder and coach hirer,
1 Rutland place — ho. 14 Charlotte street
Gladstone, Mrs, 4 Albany street, Leith
Glas, Mrs Stirling, 2 Norton place
Glasgow & Greenock Shipping Office, Dock
Gates — D. Smith, agent
Glasgow, John, victual dealer, 173 West port
Glasgow, Wm. grocer and spirit dealer, 106
West port
Glass, E. printer, 44 South bridge
Glass, Robert, merchant, Victoria terrace —
house, 17 Buccleuch place
Glass, Wm. painter & glazier, 7 East Adam
Gleadhill, Benjamin, teacher of vocal music,
13 Dalrymple place
Glegg, Capt., E.T.C.S. 8 Carlton street
Glegg, James (^Exchequer), Blackford
Glejig, Robert (^Exchequer), Banner place,
Glen, Alex, bagpipe maker, 30 St Andrew
sq uare
Glen, Alexander W. A. chemist and druggist,
I Earl Grey street
Glen, David, broker, 186 Cowgate
Glen, Geo. bootmaker, 33 Hanover street —
house, 8 Dundas street
Glen, Geo. musical instru. maker, 26Kirkgate
Glen, Rev. John, 28 Buccleuch place
Glen, John, commission agent, 13 Bernard
street — ho. 7 Smith's place
Glen, R. & J. coal merchants, 7 Port-Hamilton
Glen, Thos. and Sons, coal merchants, 5 Port-
Hamilton — house, 12 Semple street
Glen, Thomas, musical instrument maker, 2
North Bank street
Glen, Mrs Capt. 1 1 Teviot row
Glen, Mrs, 71 Clerk street
Glen, Mrs, 112 Lauriston place
Glen, Mrs and Misses, milliners, dress and
straw-hat makers, 26 Kirkgate, Leith
Glen, Miss, 22 Rutland square
Glendinning, Robt. coach proprietor, 54 Ber-
nard street, Leith
Glendinning, Miss Janet, 55 Cumberland
Gloag, James, LL.D. teacher of mathematics,
II Duncan street
Gloag, Peter, writer, 6 Saunders' street
Gloag, William E. advocate, 19 Queen street
Globe Life and Fire Insurance Co. London.
— See Adv. for Edinburgh agents
Globe inn, 24 Sandport street, Leith
Glover, Geo. surgeon, 23 Fettes row
Glover, James, painter, and dealer in paper-
hangings, 47 London st. — ho. 33
Glover, Rev. Dr (of Greenside), 19 Howard
Glover, Wm., W.S. sheriff clerk depute, 18
Charlotte street — house, 1 Albany st. Leith
Glover, Miss, Elizafield, Bonnington
Goalen, David, R.N. 2 Darling's buildings
Goalen, Thomas Wright, 8 Morton st. Leith
Goalen, Rev. Waller M. Starbank house.
Godby, Fred, {General Post- Office)— house,
Spylaw bank, Slateford
Goddard, Wm. M. merchant and agent, 56
Giles' street, Leith — house, 6 John's place
Goddard, Miss, 2 John's place, Leith
Goguel, Wm. Fleming, cashier Scot. Equit'
Life Assuraiice Society, 9 Salisbury place
Goguel, Mrs, 9 Salisbury place
Goldie, Archd. W., W.S. 8 York place
Goldie, George, accountant, 2 West Newing-
ton place
Goldie, Geo. G. commission agent. West cot-
tage, Wardie
Goldie, John, 59 Cumberland street
Goldie, Robert, shoemaker, Newhaven
Goldie, William, W.S. 34 Melville street
Goldie, Mrs, West cottage, Wardie
Goldie, Miss, Seafield baths, Leith
Goldsmiths' Hall, 98 South bridge
Good, Mrs M. provision shop, 24 Raeburn pi.
Goodall, John, advocate, 24 Nelson street
Goodburn, Mrs, 1 St Vincent st.
Goodlet, George, postmaster, 7 John's place,
Goodlet, Wm. lace and sewed muslin ware-
house, 36 Hanover street
Goodlet, Miss, 7 John's place, Leith
Goodsir, A. secretary, British LinenCo. 36 St
Andrew square
Goodsir, Geo. clothier, outfitter, &c., 24 South
Goodsir, John, F.R.C.S.E. professor of ana-
tomy in the University, 16 Dean terrace
Goodsir, Misses, dressmakers, 1 1 Dundas st.
Goodsman, Mrs R., Golf tavern, 27 Wright's
Goody, Wm. hairdresser and perfumer, 1
Forth street
Goody, Mrs, dressmaker, 1 Forth street
Goold, Rev. Wm. H., D.D. Rosemount ho.
Goold, Mrs, Rosemount house
Gordon, Alexander, teacher. Water of Leith
Gordon, Alexander, builder, Buccleuch pi. —
house, 41 Leith wynd
Gordon, Alfred R., agent and ship insurance
broker, 2 Coatfield lane
Gordon, Capt. Chas. 20 Claremont crescent
Gordon, Daniel, slater and chimney sweeper,
1 Leggat's land, Stockbridge
Gordon, David, M.D. surgeon 32 Buccleuch
Gordon, Major Duncan, 16 Walker street
Gordon, Ed. Strathearn, advocate, 2 Randolph
Gordon, Francis W. L. 1 Clarendon crescent
Gordon, Geo. contractor for Caledonian and
E. & G. Rail ways — offices, 38 Candlemaker-
row, 11 St James' place, and 7 Bernard
Gordon, George, spirit dealer, 1 Maitland pi.
Gordon, G, Maitland, 20 AthoU crescent
Gordon, James F., W.S. 1 Nelson street
Gordon, James, writer, 1 Lauriston terrace
Gordon, James, 9 Newington place
Gordon, James (7". Constable and Co.), 3
Thistle court
Gordon, James, sen. artist, 11 Brandon st.
Gordon^ James, portrait painter, 37 Brough-
ton place
Gordon, James, Spanish consul and agent, 2
Coatfield lane
Gordon, James, jun. artist, 37 Broughton pi.
Gordon, John Thomson, sberiflF of Midlothian,
sheriff chambers, county buildings. High st.
— house, 12 Royal circus
Gordon, Sir John "Watson, R.A. President of
the Royal Scottish Academy, and limner
to the Queen in Scotland, 123 George st.
Gordon, John, 21 East Claremont street
Gordon, John, woollen draper, 33 North
bridge — house, 7 Middleby street
Gordon, Lt-Col. John, of Cluny, 4 St Andrew
Gordon, J. chemist & druggist, 32 Bristo st.
Gordon, Joseph ( G., Stuart^ and Chei/ne), 5
Royal terrace
Gordon, Richard, accountant, 45 Northumber-
land street
Gordon, Robert {Bank of Scotland), 29 War-
riston crescent.
Gordon, Robert, tobacco manufr. 5 Heriot
bridge — house, 23 Gilmore place
Gordon, Robert (^Muvro ^ Drysdale), 23 St
James' square
Gordon, Robert, painter and glazier, 32 Earl
Grey street
Gordon, Stuart, & Cheyne, W.S. 5 Royal ter.
Gordon, Wm. builder, 5 Lothian road
Gordon, Wm. spirit merchant, 39 Cowgate
Gordon, Wm. tailor, 27 South bridge
Gordon, Wm. spirit mercht. 3 South College
Gordon, William, baker, 11 South Richmond
Gordon, Mrs Catherine, midwife and ladies'
nurse, 3 Carnegie street
Gordon, Mrs Dr, 14 Northumberland street
Gordon, Mrs G. 1 Tarvet st. Home st.
Gordon, Mrs Harry, 2 Clarendon crescent
Gordon, Mrs, 10 Eton terrace
Gordon, Mrs, 31 Rutland square
Gordon, Miss, milliner & dressmaker, 6 Castle
Gordon, Miss, 12 Nelson street
Gordon, Miss, 23 Inverleith row
Gordon, Miss, 4 Hope street
Gordon, Misses, 13 Rankeillor street
Gordon, Miss, of Carleton, 16 Royal circus
Gorhara, Alex, wholesale coflFee and spice mer-
chant, 38 and 40 Earl Grey street
Gorman, Nath. furniture dealer, 239 Cowgate
— house, 1.3 Hill place
Gorrie, Mrs Daniel, 18 Drummond street
Gorwood, Richard, spirit dealer, 113 Rose st.
Goskirk, Alex. & Son, brokers, 70 Cowgate
Goudie, Gavin, builder, Leslie pi. — house, 32
Dundas street
Gough, Owen, in charge of Her Majesty's
apartments in the Lord Chamberlain's
department at Holyrood Palace
Gould, John, 5 Upper Dean terrace
Goulding, James, broker, 128 Cowgate
Goulding, Wm. spirit dealer, 206 Cowgate
Gourlay, James, gardener, Bruntsfield house
Gourlay, Mrs, 3 Duncan street, Leith
Gourlay, Mrs, 37 Inverleith row
Govan, Alexander, 3 West Preston street
Govan, John, W.S. 13 Walker street
Government Emigration office, 17 South St
David St. — Wm. Bowie, agent to Her Ma-
jesty's Emigration Commissioners
Governesses' Institution, 17 Elder street
Gow, a. wine and spirit mercht. 23 Howe st.
Gow, Donald, 1 India street
Gow, Forbes, tailor, 429 High street
Gow, James, paper ruler and bookbinder, 13
Blair street
Gow, Jas. dealer in metals, Easter road
Gow, John, 14 Cumberland street
Gow, Wm. turner & print-cutter, 63 George st.
Gow, Mrs, lodgings, 42 Albany street
Gowan, Alex. {Graham S^ Gowans), 32 Dun-
das street
Gowan, Chas. baker & confectioner, 4 Union
place — house, 6
Gowan, George ( G. P.- O.), 5 Pitt street
Gowan, Mrs, 3 Pitt street
Gowanlock, Robert ho^^ier and stay manufac-
turer, 41 West Nicolson street
Gowanlock, Walter, flesher, 43 West Nicol-
son street
Gowans, James, builder and contractor, 1
Randolph cliff
Gowans, Mrs Jane, merchant, 21 Brown sq.
Gowans, Mrs Thomas, 2 Ratcliffe terrace
Grady, John, messenger- at- arms and sheriflT-
officer, 5 St James' square
Graeme, Miss, 18 Heriot row
Graham and Gowans, silk raer. 11 George st.
Graham, A. cowfeeder & dairy, I Scotland st.
Graham, Andrew, tea, wine, and spirit dealer,
70 Bristo street
Graham, Andrew, spirit dealer, 48 Yardheads
Graham, David, spirit dealer, 5 Holyrood st.
Graham, David {Storrar Sf Graham), 50
Nicolson street
Graham, George F. 31 Gilmore place
Graham, George S. 4 East Broughton place
Graham, George, printer and bookbinder, 31
Nicolson street
Graham, Gilbert, head master. Normal School,
Moray House, 14 West Preston street
Graham, Humphrey, W.S., chambers, 11
Shandwick place — house, 14 Atholl crescent
Graham, Jas. Gillespie, architect, 15 Castle st.
Graham, James (G. and Gowans), 12 Antigua
Graham, James, boot and shoemaker, 18 Ca-
therine street
Graham, James, hosier and shirtmaker, 179
High street — house, 13 Blair street
Graham, Colonel John, H.E.I.C.S., 7 Royal
Graham, John, governor and treasurer of
House of Refuge, 68 Canongate
Graham, J. pianoforte-tuner, 17 Fettes row
Graham, Jos. draper, 15 Union place
Graham, Patrick, W.S. 14 Royal crescent
Graham, Robert M. merchant, 14 Pitt street
Graham, Robt. {Siinpson ^ G,), 1 1 India st.
Graham, Robert, advocate, 18 Heriot row
Graham, Robt. groctr, 16 West port
Graham, Thomas, painter and glazier, 17
Queensferry st. — ho. 29 Alva street
Graham, T. corn mercht. 26 SheriflFbrae
Graham, Thos. slater & glazier, 150 and 152
Rose (street
Graham, Walter, Merchiston lodge
Graham, Rev. Wm. 2 Laverock bank, Trinity
Graham, Dr Wm. teacher of elocution (iVawa/
and Mili. Acud.), private class-rooms, 78
Queen street — house, 6 Ann street
Graham, Wm. & Co. working jewellers, &c.
139 George Street
Graham, Wm. builder, Morningside
Graham, Wm. hotel keeper, 8 Princes st.
Graham, Mrs, 1 Leslie place
Graham, Mrs, 13 Young street
Graham, Mrs Dr William, Duncan street,
— house, Newiiigton
Graham, Mrs, 26 Stafford street
Graham, JMrs, 9 Malta terrace
Graham, Mrs, 10 Dublin street
Graham, Mrs Wm. 76 Constitution street
Graham, Miss Stirling, of Duntrune, 29
Forth street
Graham, Misses, Duddingston
Graham, Jlisses, teacher of pianoforte, 5 Dun-
das street
Grahams, Barron, of Morphie, 30 George sq.
Grahame, James, writer, 29 Ann street
Grahame, John, advocate, 11 Rutland street
Granger, Mrs, of Craigpark, 12 AthoU crest.
Grandison, James, shoemaktr, 125 Pleasance
Grandison, W. linen manufacturer, Binnie's
Grandison, William, punch-cutter, St Ann's
lodge, Croft-an-righ
Grant and Gibson, lath-splitters. Spittle st.
Grant & Ross, cabinetmakers and upholsterers,
15 Greenside place
Giant and Wallace, W.S. 30 Drummond pi.
Grant, Adam, writer, 18 Brunswick street
Giant, Alexander, macer, 3 West Newington
Grant, Alex., dairy, 40 Whitfield place
Grant, Alex, general agent, 14 Clyde street
Grant, Archd. writer, Comely bank villas
Grant, D. {M'Millan &f G.), 37 York place
Grant, D. 14 Canning place
Grant, D. agent for G. Virtue, publisher, 11
Lothian street
Grant, D. S. (R. Brotchie ^ Co.), Claremont
cottage, Leith
Grant, Daniel, tailor, 7 James's court
Grant, Geo. lodgings, 11 No. Melville place
Grant, George S. 9 Bristo place
Grant, Rev. Dr James (i>t Mark's), 1 1 Nor-
thumberland street
Grant,Jas.D. tailor & clothier, 16 So. bridge —
house, 3 Lauriston place
Giant, J. S. druggist, 24 N. W. Circus pi. —
ho. 6 Brunswick street
Grant, James, superintendent of Leith police,
18 Charlotte St. — hous*-, 28 Constitution st.
Grant, James, 47 Great King street
Grant, John, 35 Broughton place
Graat, John, confectioner, 52 Shore — bouse,
45 Tolbooth wyud, Leith
Grant, John, spirit merchant, 1 Bridge street
Grant, John, Royal Exchange Coffee house
Grant, Capt. John, 47 Great King street
Grant, Joseph, W.S. (G. 6f Wallace),30 Drum-
mond place
Grant, Lachlan, hotel keeper, 154 Rose street
Grant, Maximilian, Morrison pi. Jock's Lodge
Grant, Rev. Peter, 17 Brown square
Grant, Robert, spirit dealer, 10 Greenside row
— house, 1 East Gilchiist entry
Grant, Robert & Son, booksellers, publishers,
and stationers, and agents to the Society
for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 54
Princes street
Grant, R. wine & spirit mer. 52 London st.
Grant, Robert, sen. (R. G. ^ Sofi), Forth-
field cottage, Trinity
Grant, Robt. jun. {R. G. §• Son), 14 Scotland st.
Grant, Thomas, printer and publisher, 21
George street
Grant, T. Macpherson {Shephard, Grant, Sf
Cuthbeitson), 15 Moray place
Grant, Thomas, actuary. Savings' Bank, 19
Broughton place
Grant, William, printer, Wright's houses,
Bruntsfield links
Grant, Wm. spirit merchant, 177 High st.
Grant, William, writer, 35 Broughton place
Grant, Dow. Lady M'Pherson, 15 Moray pi.
Grant, Mrs Jane, 41 York place
Grant, Mrs, 3 Maitland street
Grant, Mrs, 24 Cumberland street
Grant, Mrs Ann, Villa, Grove street
Grant, Mrs, 16 Scotland street
Grant, Miss, 24 St Patrick square
Grant, Miss, 19 Broughton place
Grant, Miss, 2 Eastfield, Leith
Grant, INIiss Christina B. Bathfield cott. Leith
Gravett, Jas. butcher, 52 N, Hanover street
Gray, Alex. F. chemist and druggist, 5 Spring
Gray, Alexander D. (Jale Wm. Milne and Co.)
bootmaker, 100 George street — house, 33
Dundas street
Gray, Alex, furnishing ironmong. 3 St Patrick
Gray, Alex, wright and undertaker, 9 Dock st.
Gray, Alexander, dealer in old iron, 70 St
Leonard street
Gray, Alexander, 2 Filrig place
Gray, Andrew, agent for John Wauchope, St
Leonard's depot. — See Adv.
Gray, Aw. grocer and spirit dealer, 27 Tobago
Gray, Andrew, cork manufacturer, 72 Tol-
booth wynd, Leith
Gray, Andrew, coal agent, 169 Fountainbridge
Gray, Arthur & Co. booksellers and station-
ers, 4 Baker's place
Gray, Chas. watch and clockmaker, 14 Bank st.
Gray, Charles, 1 Hill square
Gray, Daniel, house painter, 38 Howe street
Gray, Eneas, doorkeeper Court of Session, 5
Hay's court
Gray, Geo. hatter, 136 Kirkgate
Gray, James (G. P.-O.), 3 Montagu street
Gray, .James, jun. (G. §* Son, bootmakers), 1
Pilris; place
Gray, James {of A. G. ^ Co.), 4 Morton st.
Gray, James, 124 George street
Gray, James, hosier, 6 Nelson street
Gray, James & Son, bootmakers, 7 Catharine
street — house, 1 Pilrig place
Gray, James & Sons, ftirnishing ironmongers,
and stove and grate makers to her Majesty,
85 George street
Gray, James & Son, wholesale wine and spirit
merchants, 19 I.othian street
Gray, James, 2 Hope park
Gray, James, victual dealer, 71 Giles' st. Leith
Gray, Jn. (of Gray S,' Son), 5 Gilmore place
Gray, John, bookbinder and stationer, 3 East
Assembly lane. Rose street — house, 11
Hanover street
Gray, John, grocer, 53 Broughton street
Gray, .1. & J. proprietors and publishers of
North Brit. Advertiser, 8 Melbourne place
Gray, John, manager of the North British
Advertiser, 11 Inverleith row
Gray, John, ladies' shoe manufacturer and
umbrella maker, 73 George st. — house, 37
Gray, John, surgeon, 8 Annandale street
Gray, John, manufacturer, 2 Craigie terrace
Gray, .John, spirit dealer, 16 Leven street
Gray, John W. saddler, 58 Grassmarket
Gray, John, dairy, 10 North Melville place
Gray, Matthew, victual dealer, 329 Canongate
Gray, Matthew, smith and projecting letter-
maker, Horse wynd
Gray, Robert, oil and colour merchant, 9
Carnegie street
Gray, Robert, china mer. 21 W. Nicolson st.
Gray, Robert, grocer and wine merchant, and
tea and coffee dealer, 1 Argyle square
Gray, Thomas, baker and confectioner, 2
Bristo port
Gray, Thomas, flesher, 8 East Register street
Gray, Thomas, victual dealer, 286 Canongate
Gray, Thomas, spirit dealer, 56 Kirkgate
Gray, William, flfsher, 13 Romilly place
Gray, William & Co. bone crushers. Sala-
mander street, Leith
Gray, Rev. W. H. 23 Minto street
Gray, Wm. hosier and glover, 30 South bridge
— house, 2 West Lauriston place
Gray, Wm. & Son, saddlers, 18 Hanover st.
Gray, William, Willow bank, Newhaven
Gray, Wm. coal agent, 8 Roxburgh street
Gray, William, hatter, 29 South bridge
Gray, Wm. A. surgeon & druggist, 17 Bristo
Gray, Wm. accountant, 32 Broughton place
Gray, Dowager Lady, Warriston house
Gray, Mrs George, 24 Clerk street
Gray, Mrs James, 2 Regent terrace
Gray, Mrs Robert, 2 West Lauriston place
Gray, Mrs, 136 George street
Gray, Mrs, lodgings, 27 Castle street
Gray, Mrs, grocer and spirit dealer, 15 King
street, Leith
Gray, Mrs, Church lane, Morningside
Gray, Mrs, midwife, 49 Kirkgate
Gray, Miss, of Carse, 4 St Bernard's crescent
Gray, Miss, 16 Archibald place
Gray, Miss, 3 West Arthur place
Gray, Misses, 30 Royal circus
Gray, Miss Margaret, 23 Archibald place
Great Britain and India and London Life
Assurance Co. — John A. Macrae, W.S.
agent, 14 Gloucester place
Great Seal Office, Register house — Earl of
Home, keeper ; John Gibson, jun. W.S.
depute ; F. W. Gordon, substitute
Greathead, Henry, turnery, toy, and fancy
bazaar, 25 South bridge
Greathead, Miss, straw-hat maker, 78 Nicol-
son street
Green, Charles, macer, 102 Causeyside
Green, Charles, agent for the Patent Portland
Cement, 25 Commercial place, Leith
Green, George, wine and spirit merchant, 35
Commercial pi. and 1 Admiralty st. Leith
Green, .James M'Innes, deputy purveyor for
military hospitals, 8 Annandale street
Green, John M. teacher of writing, arithmetic,
and book-keeping, 37 George street
Green, Mrs, 26 Dundas street
Greenaway, James, grocer and wine mer-
chant, 33 Elder street
Greenfield, James, grocer, 7 Canning place
Greenfield, James, 9 East Claremoat street
Greenhill, James, manager, Clydesdale Bank.,
10 George square
Greenhill, John, stationer, 10 Bank street
Greenlaw, .Jo!)n, Whitfield cottage, Leith walk
Greenoak, Robert, bootmaker, 42 Leith street
— house, 7 Bellevue terrace
Greenslade, Mrs Williamina, milliner & straw-
hat maker, 5 East Register street
Gregg, John, Kirkbank villa, Morningside
Gregor, D. Clunie {Colonial Assurance Office)
— house, 7 George street
Gregor, .John, writer, East Fowderhall
Gregor, W. A. warehouseman, 10 Arniston pi.
Gregorson, Mrs, 39 Inverleith row
Gregory, John, advocate, Canaan lodge
Gregory, William, professor of chemistry, 114
Princes street
Gregory, Miss, 22 Elder street
Greig, Alexander, writer, 14 Leven street
Greig, Andrew, 29 Gayfield square
Greig, Andrew, Chain Pier inn, and office
{Box), North Bridge
Greig, Benjamin, 6 Pitt street
Greig, D & J. printing press and steel plate
manufacturers, smiths, and machine makers,
Lothian road
Greig, Daniel, boot maker, 36 Lothian street
Greig, David, smith, 22 Buccleuch street
Greig, David (Z>. J. S^ G), St Cuthbert's glebe
Greig, George, W.S. 11 Queen street — house,
9 Abercromby place
Greig, George M. artist, and teacher of draw
ing and painting, 10 South Charlotte street
Greig, James, of Eccles, W.S. 9 Abercromby
Greig, James, 14 Minto street
Greig, James, china warehouse, 1 and 2 JjOW
market street
Greig, Jas. boot and shoe maker, 46 Bristo st.
Greig, John, baker, 7 Tol booth wynd, Leith —
house, 59 Constitution street
Greig, John {Jas. Dickson and Sons), 134
George street
Greig, John & Son, booksellers and publishers,
2 Melbourne place
Greig, John Rutherford, of Lethangie, 12 Re-
gent terrace
Greig, John & Son, printers, 433 Lawnmarket
— house, 15 Graham street
Greig, John {D. ^ J. G.), 2 Lothian road
Greig, John & Son, coach lace manuf.World's-
end close
Greig, John, shipmaster, 14 Albany st. Leith
Greig, Peter M. {of Jas. Dickson and Sons),
134 George street
Greig, Robt. Vice-Pres. ( G.P.-O.), 6 Pilrig st.
Greig, Wm. smith, 156 Rose street — ho. 166
Greig, William, 10 AthoU place
Greig, William, baker, 2 Jamaica street
Greig, Mrs, 6 Brunswick street
Greig, Mrs, of West Cambus, 134 George st.
Greig, Mrs, 117 George street
Greliche, A. hotel, lOO Princes street
Gresham Life Assurance Society, 16 Dundas
street — H. J. Rollo, W.S. agent
Greville, Robert K., LL.D. 33 George square
Grey & Son, veterinary surgeons to the Royal
Cal. Hunt, 31 Pleasance, and 119 Rosest.
Grey, Alexander ( G. Sf Son), 5 Roxburgh st.
Grey, Alex. jun. (G. ^ Son), 31 Pleasance
Grey, Rev. Dr Henry, 5 East Claremont st.
Griener, Charles, German clock maker, 178
Grierson, Andrew, W.S. 15 St Andrew square
Grierson, John S. smith, Broughton market —
house, 34 London street
Grierson, Robt. jeweller & silversmith, 36
Leith street — house, 38 Rankeillor street
Grierson, Samuel, 20 Heriot place
Grierson, Mrs Rohert, 11 Keir street
Grierson, Miss E. 40 Broughton street
Grieve and Oliver, hatters to the Queen, 19
Princes street
Grieve, Andrew (Henderson 4' Bissei), i
Dewar place
Grieve, David, joiner, 2 Keir street
Grieve, Gideon, wine and spirit merchant, 87
Rose street
Grieve, James, ladies' and gentlemen's outfit-
ting warehouse, 9 North bridge — house, 27
Salisbury street
Grieve, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 28
Clerk street
Grieve, James, plasterer, 40 St Cuthbert st.
— house, 49 Thistle street
Grieve, John, agent, Eastfield court
Grieve, John {Nat. Bank), 28 Brunswick st.
Grieve, John, tavern keeper, 3 Veal market
stairs. North bridge
Grieve, John, spirit dealer, 68 Thistle street
Grieve, John, Preston Collieries and Bank
Park Fire Clay Works — office. Low CaitoQ
Grieve, John, letter-carrier, 177 Pleasance
Grieve, Robt. spirit merchant, Bank street,
Grieve, Robt. & Co. furniture printers, damask,
moreen, carpet, paper hanging, and bedding
warehouse, 83 George street
Grieve, Robt. coach currier, patent leather &
oil-cloth manufacturer, 599 Castle-hill —
house, 10 Lauriston lane
Grieve, R. S. {R. G. ^ Co.), Blacket place
Grieve, Wm. wright, 23 Bernard street
Grieve, Wm. carter. Upper Dean street
Grieve, Wm. {lunes 4r G.), Biacket place
Grieve, Mrs James, 22 Abercromby place
Grieve, Mrs Dr, 26 Dundas street
Grieve, Mrs, 17 London street
Grieve, Mrs John, grocer, 115 Pleasance
Grieve, Mrs W. 11 Bennington place
Grieve, Miss, 25 Charlotte street, Leith
Grieve, Miss Helen, 48 Lothian street
Grieve, Miss Margaret, Newington cottage
Grieve, Miss, teacher of music, 4 North St
David street
Grieve, Misses, dressmakers, 40 Frederick
Griffith, James, accountant, 30 St James'
Griffith, Mrs, 30 St James' square
Griffin, Joseph, clothes commission agent, 21
Blair street
Grindlay, Cowan, & Co. corn-factors, 4 Ber-
nard street, Leith
Grindlay, John, tanner, 39 Gilmore place
Grindlay, Thomas, 26 Royal circus
Grindlay, Mrs, Grange loan
Grindlay, Mrs, 26 Royal circus
Grindlay, Mrs, lodgings, 7 Hill place
Grinly, Miss, 2 Queen's place, Leith walk
Grinton, Geo. draper, 2 Shimdwick place
Grinton, James, silk mercer, 52 South bridge
— Louse, 18 Nicolson street
Grinton, Wm. draper, 39 Lothian street — ho.
41 Lothian street
Griveson, Mrs Ralph, dairy, 20 Heriot place
Groat, Alex. G. advocate, 12 Hart street
Grogan, William, 10 West Claremont street
Grosart, William, 1 Morrison place, Piershill
Grosset, James, wine and spirit merchant, 1
Lauriston street
Groucock, Copestake, Moore, and Co., lace
manufacturers, 46 North Hanover street
Grubb, J. S. music-seller, 1 Gayfield place
Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Co. 74
Queen street — James Wilkie, accountant,
agent. — See Adv.
Guild, Mrs, 31 Scotland street
Guild, Mrs John, 12 Raeburn place
Guillerez, A. F., F.E.I.S., teacher of French,
139 George street
Gulland & Gray, hosiers, glovers, shirt mer-
chants, and ladies' outfitters, 23 South
Hanover street
Gulland, Andw. corn dealer, 20 Greenside
street — ho. 21 Broughton street
Gulland, Mrs Geo. baker and confectioner,
158 High street
Gulland, Mrs, 7 St John street
Gundlach, Henry, teacher of German, 53
George street
Gunn, Alex, shipmaster, 4 Hope terrace
Gunn, Alex, watchmaker and jeweller, 10
Leith street
Gunn, Alex, bookseller, 35 Parkside street
Gunn, Alex, spirit dealer, 12 Yardheads
Gunn, Daniel, builder, 3 West Preston street
Gunn, Daniel, clothier and cap manufacturer,
6 and 8 High street
Gunn, George, sub- editor, Courant, 22 St
Patrick square
Gunn, James, copper, zinc, and patent metal
agent, 80 Shore, Leith
Gunn, James C. civil engineer, 6 Picardy pi.
Gunn, John, boot and shoe maker, 19 West
Register street
Gunn, John, bookbinder, 13 Georgestreet —
house, 4 St Patrick square
Gunn, Peter, painter, paper-hanger, and gla-
zier, 3 Calton street — ho. 4 Calton hill
Gunn, Robt. bootand shoemaker, 2 Bedford st.
Gunn, Robert, solicitor and accountant, 53
Charlotte street, Leith
Gunn, William, spirit dealer, 60 Shore, Leith
Gunn, William, tavern, 24 FItshmarket close
Gunn, Mrs Don. lodgings, 27 No. Richmond
Gunn, Mrs Ellen, grocer, 38 Clerk street
Gunn, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 49 Broughton st.
Gunn, Miss, 5 Buccleuch street
Guthrie, And. leather merchant and boot-
maker, 14G Kirkgate
Guthrie, Chas. coal merchant, 79 St Leonard
Guthrie, David, printer and publisher {North
British Ayriculturist), 377 High street '
Guthrie, James C. 25 West Nicolson street
Guthrie, James, coal merchant, 127 Causeyside
Guthrie, John, damask weaver, 6 Heriot's br.
Guthrie, Michael, spirit merchant, 11 Coalhill,
Guthrie, R. boot and shoemaker, 52 Bridge st.
Guthrie, Thomas, provision dealer, 11 St An-
thony place
Guthrie, Thomas, D.D. 2 Lauriston lane
Guthrie, Wm. shipmaster, 2 Sandport street
Guthrie, Mrs Alex. 48 London street
Guthrie, Mrs, dressmaker, 8 Thistle street
Guthrie, Miss, of Craigie, 2 Carlton terrace
Guthrie & Patterson, Misses, milliners, 48
South Clerk street
Hackett, John, baker, 53 Yardheads M
Hadden, Robert, painter, 97 Constitution *
street, Leith — ho. 35
Haddow, Hugh, coal merchant, Newhaven
Haddow, Thomas, dairy. Comely bank
Haddow, Wm. dairy, 10 N.-W. Circus place
Haddow, Wm., White Hart inn, 32 Grass-
Haden, George, engineer and manufacturer
of warming and ventilating apparatus, &c.
6 St Andrew square
Hadley, Mrs, English hotel, 10 So. St Andrew
Hagart & Smith, W.S. 9 Dundas street
Hagart, Jas. Valentine, of Glendelvine, 19
Clarendon crescent
Hagart, William D. 1 Bellevue crescent
Hagart, IMrs, 1.3 Atholl crescent
Haig, Andrew, tinsmith, 50 Potterrow
Haig, D. B., 4 Raeburn place
Haig, George, flesher, 32 West Richmond st.
Haig, James D. 3 Gloucester place
Haig,T. School for the Blind, 2 Gayfield sq.
Haig, Robert, 1 Randolph place
Haig, Robt. carver and gilder, 44 Nicolson st.
Haig, Mrs Robt. Viewpark, Bruntsfield links
Haig, Mrs, 13 Hope street
Haig, Mrs, 48 West Richmond street
Haig, Misses, 6 Blacket place
Haig, Miss, milliner and dressm. 57 Charlotte
street, Leith
Hailing, George William, 21 Nelson street
Hair, Mrs, lodgings, 11 Stafford street
Hakluyt Society — T.G.Stevenson,87 Princes
street, agent
Haldane and Rae, brassfounders, gasfitters,
and plumbers, 2 George street, and 5 Old
Physic gardens
Haldane, James, accountant, 17 Charlotte sq.
Haldane, J. (^H. and Rae), 31 Buccleuch pi.
Haldaue, Jn. pawnbroker, 9 Riddle's cl. Leith
Haldane, J. & C. coal agents, 7 Spence's place
Haldane, Robert, of Cloau den, W.S. 17 Char-
lotte square
Haldane, Dr R. physician, 34 Drummond pi.
Haldaoe, Wm. cabinetmaker, 23 Lauriston st.
Haldane, Mrs, 34 Drummond place
Haldane, Mrs W. C. 12 Comely green
Haldon, Geo. builder, 12 Atholl place
Halket, Wm. boot-closer, 41 Rose street
Halkettj Geo. {Ministers' Widows' Fund), 15
Jamaica street
Halkett, John G. {Bank of Scotland), 18 Dun-
can street
Halkett, Samuel, keeper of the Advocates'
Library, 35 East Claremont street
Halkett, Misses, 60 Frederick street
Hail, David, lodgings, 6 India street
Hall, George, smith, Newhaven
Hall, John, shipm. 5 Hermitage hill, Leith
Hall, John, poulterer, 3 Clerk street
Hall, Jn. stocking manufact. Greenside end
Hall, Joseph luQms {Ordnance Survey Dept.),
Bosewell road, Wardie
Hall, Lieutenant-ColoneljOf Killean,23 Drum-
mond place
Hall, Michael, surveyor, 9 Crescent, Trinity
Hail, Richard, tailor & clothier, & robemaker
to the Queen, 20 North bridge — house, 11
Trinity crescent
Hall, Robert, Rose bank, Bonnington
Hall, Robert, smith and edge-tool maker, 4,
Laurie street
Hall, Robt. engineer, 2 Dock place, Leith
Hall, Thos. painter and glazier, 2 Eider st.
Hall, William, joiner and cabinetmaker, 28
Duke street, Leith
Hall, Wm. teacher, 1 9 Thistle street
Hail, Mrs, 14 Henderson row
Hall, Mrs, 1 1 Antigua street
Hall, Misses, dressmakers, 1 Clerk street
Hallard, Frederick, advocate, 29 Scotland st.
Halley, Geo., Leith saw m. — ho. 21 Montagu
Halley, James P. {Chancery), 14 Elder street
Halley, Jas. clerk, Leith saw-mills, 7 Spence's
Halley, Robert, private teacher, 14 Elder st.
Halliday, Adam, flesher, 171 West port
Halliday, Geo. victualler, 42 Fountainbridge
Halliday, Walter, smith & farrier, Croft-an-
Halliday, William, skinner, tanner, and wool
merchant, Bonnington
Halliday, Lady, 8 Claremont street
Halliday, Mrs J. sick- nurse, 11 Leith street
Halliday, Mrs, lodgings, 115 Princes street
Hallion, H. 15 Nelson street
Hambleton, Wm. Innes, 14 Roxburgh street
Hamilton and Macknight, W.S. 12 London st.
Hamilton and Miiller, London pianoforte and
music- sellers, 116 George street
Hamilton, Adam, teacher of the pianoforte
and organ, 31 India street
Hamilton, Alex., W.S. 29 Frederick street —
ho. 29 Rutland square
Hamlltou, Alexander, 45 Fredtrlck street
Hamilton, Alexander, procer, tea, wine, and
spirit merchant, 139 Kirl<gate
Hamilton, Andrew, tea merchant and grocer,
12Nicolson st. — ho. 13 Roxburgh st.
Hamilton, Andw. grocer, 158 Fountainbridge
Hamilton, David, organ builder to the Queen,
116 George st.
Hamilton, Dr, physician and oculist, 140
George street — house, Sciennes house
Hamilton, George, spirit merchant, 39 N.
Richmond street
Hamilton, Jas. flesher, 16 & 17 New market,
Leith — house, 31 Tolbooth wynd
Hamilton, James W. assistant clerk of Justi-
ciary, 8 Elder street
Hamilton, James, 7 East Adam street
Hamilton, J. Anderson, architect, 4 Hunter
Hamilton, John, W.S. and agent for the West
of England Insurance Co. 1 Scotland street
Hamilton, John, flesher, 25 Bernard st. Leith
Hamilton, John, 6 Montgomery street
Hamilton, Major, 9 Bellevue crescent
Hamilton, Peter, architect, 9 Howe street
Hamilton, R. W. manager, Gen. Steam Navi-
gation Co. 21 Waterloo place, & 14 Shore,
Leith. — See Adv.
Hamilton, Robt. bookseller, 4 Hunter square
Hamilton, Robert, Signet Hall keeper, 391
Hamilton, Robt. stamper {G.P.-O.), 73 Rose
Hamilton, Robt. spirit mercht. 25 Charles st,
Hamilton, Robert, grocer, 7 Baker's place
Hamilton, R. S. grocer and spirit dealer, 13
Rose street
Hamilton, Thomas, architect, 9 Howe street
Hamilton, Thos. & Co., wood merchants, 17
Greenside place
Hamilton, Sir William, Bart, of Preston and
Fingalton, advocate, professor of logic and
metaphysics, 16 Great King street
Hamilton, William, stamper {G. P.-O.), 51
B rough ton street
Hamilton, William, bootmaker, 40 George st.
— house, 5 Nelson street
Hamilton, Wm. tea dealer, 10 Briohton st.
Hamilton, W. L. W. tea deal. 8 Brighton st.
Hamilton, Wm. wright, 11 Riego street
Hamilton, W. bootmaker, 122 Nicolson st.
Hamilton, W. L. hatter, 42 North bridge
Hamilton, Mrs Charles, Sydney lodge
Hamilton, Mrs Robert, 24 Inverleith row
Hamilton, Mrs Capt. T. Bellevue, Ferry road
Hamilton, Mrs, 10 Nicolson street
Hamilton, Mrs Thomas, 10 Hill place
Hamilton, Mrs, of Kames, Holyrood House
Hamilton, Mrs, lodgings, 47 Castle street
Hamilton, Mrs Matilda, 140 Princes street
Hamilton, Miss Charlotte, music-teacher,
116 George street
Hamilton, Miss, spirit dealer, 198 Canongate
Hamilton, Mibs Eliz. dressm. 7 E. Adam st.
Hamilton, Miss, milliner, 23 Nicolson street
Hamilton, Miss, 11 Royal circus
Hampton, Wm. cooper and fish-curer, 12, 13,
14, 15, and 19, Dock street, Leith
Handyside, George, boot and shoe maker, 194
Handyside, H., W.S. 6 Northumberland st.
Handyside, Peter David, M.D., F.R.C.S. 66
Queen street
Handyside, Peter, merchant, 14 Constitution
street — house, 6 Vanburgh place
Handyside, The Hon. Lord, 10 Moray place
Handyside, Wm. 23 Great King street
Handyside, Mrs, 2 Alva street
Handyside, Miss, 1 Summerhall place
Hanna, Rev. Dr, 4 Castle terrace
Hannah, Rev. John, D.C.L. Oxon, Rector
Edin. Academy, 62 Great King street
Hannah, William, butter and egg merchant,
15 Frederick street
Hanson, Wm. teacher of music, 26 Nelson st.
Hanson, Miss, teacher of piano and singing, 26
Nelson street
HARBOUR-master's office, foot of Shore, Leith
HARBOUR-works office, west end of New dock
Harden, Robert A. 6 Doune terrace
Hardesty, Geo. draper and commission agent,
35 Lothian street
Hardie and Co. merchants and shipowners, 46
Bernard street, Leith
Hardie, Aw. cabinetmaker, 50 Lauriston st.
Hardie, D. commercial accountant and house
factor, 5 Elder street
Hardie, Charles, woollen warehouse, 86 South
Hardie, James, tea, wine, and spirit merchant,
15 Queensferry street — house, 11 Alva st.
Hardie, Jas. tobacco manufact. 37 Leith st.
— house, 2 Haddington place
Hardie, .Jas. merchant, 35 Bernard st. Leith
Hardie, .J. M. shoemaker, 64 Broughton street
Hardie, John, merchant, 2 Comely green cres.
Hardie, John, builder, 10 Merchant street
Hardie, Ralph, cattle dealer, 5 Tobago street
Hardie, Robt. & Co. printers, 20 Frederick st.
Hardie, Robert {Roht. H. ^ Co.), 6 Pitt street
Hardie, Thomas (.fl'.c*^-Co.),10 St John's place,
Hardie, Thomas, lodgings, 70 Northumber-
land street
Hardie, Thomas, violin maker, 97 High st.
Hardie, Wm. cabinetmaker and upholsterer,
61 Frederick street
Hardie, W. P. {Purves and Co.), 3 Duncan
Hardie, Wm. superin. Regis. Office, Register
Hardie, Wm. (N. B. Railimi/), 24 Fettesrow
Hardie, Wm. provision merciiant, 7 South St
.Tames' street
Hardi*', Mrs Peter, 2 Fyfe place
Hardie, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 26 India place
Hardie, Miss, lodgings, 26 Albany street
Hardie, Miss, straw- hat maker, and milli-
ner, 2 Dublin street
Hardie, Miss, music teacher, 13 Rankeillor
Hardy, Charles H. fancy cabinet and model
maker, 1 Elder street
Hardy, Robert, 10 Minto street
Hardy, E. L. Elizafield, Bennington
Hardyman, John H., W.S. assistant extrac-
tor in the Court of Session, 5 Howard pi.
Hardyman, Mrs Wm. 5 Howard place
Hare, Mrs, lodgings, 1 Queensferry street
Hargitt, Chas. jun. professor of music, 56
Queen street
Harkness, Thos. B. (G.P.-O.), 3 Comely
Green place
Harkness, Mrs, 30 St Andrew square
Harkom, Joseph, gunmaker, 36 West Register i
street — house, 1 Nelson street "
Harley, William, boot and shoem. 51 So. bridge
— house, 15 Nicolson square
Harlow, A. nail manufacturer, 31 Commercial
place, Leith
Harlow, David, wright, 78 Constitution street
— house, 10 Wellington place
Harper, Edward, musician, 12 King's place,
Leith walk
Harper, George, agent. Water of Leith
Harper, James, wine and spirit merchant, 21
Rose street — house, 29
Harper, James, D.D. Leith mount
Harper, James Peddie, M.D. 53 Consitution
Harrington, Robert, West Grange
Harris, Robert, Trinity hut, Trinity
Harrison and Company, woollen drapers and
hatters, 36 North bridge
Harrison, George (H. l^ Co.), 6 Mansfield pi.
Harrison, Henry, merchant, 17 George street
Harrison, John, agent, 5 South College street
— house, 3 Ratcliffe terrace
Harrison, J. G. accountant, 17 George street
Harrison, Captain John, adjt. Royal Mid-
Lothian Yeomanry, 18 Melville street
Harrower, Alex, victual dealer, 46 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
Harrower, D. lodgings, 7 South Charlotte st.
Harrower, John, tobacconist, 167 High st.
Harrower, 'Wm. grocer, Peirshiil
Harrower, Wm. merchant, 5 Hamilton place
narrower, Mrs .lohn, 55 Thistle street
Hart, Francis, teacher and boarding school,
33 Gilmore place
Hart, Isabella, 24 Clerk street
Hartiull's Guide and Emigration Office, 23
Waterloo place
Harthill, .1 newspaper and general agent,
Waterloo news rwoms, 23 Waterloo place
— house, 5 Rankeillor street
Harthill, William, medical galvanist, 7 Castle
Hartley, Thomas F. tailor and clothier, 90
South bridge
Hartmann, C. F. chemist & druggist, 5 Hope
street — house, 16 Comely bank
Harvey^ George, historical painter, 21 Regent
Harvey, James & Co., silk mercers, &c. 80
Nicolson street
Harvey, James, shoemaker, 19 Castle street
Harvey, James, silk mercer and draper, 23
Archibald place
Harvey, Jn. solicitor, and N.P. 43 Bernard st.
Harvey, John, royal bazaar, 25 Princes street
Harvey, Thomas, 23 Claremont crescent
Harvey, Watson, Bonnington house
Harvie, David, dairyman, 48 Thistle street
Harvie, Miss, 45 George square
Hastie, Alex, greengrocer, 14 St Anthony pi.
Hastie, George, spirit merchant, Frithfield
Hastie, .James, hair-cutter and perfumer, 7
Baxter's place — house, 8
Hastie, James, South Back of Canongate
Hastie, W. spirit merchant, 31 North Nelson
Haswell, Geo. writer, 28 Gayfield square
Hasweli, Jas. wine mercht. & grocer, 30 Green-
side street, 497 Lawnmarket, and 27 Grass-
market — house, Gayfield house
Hately, John, cowfeeder, 2 East St James' st.
Hately, Thomas, teacher of music, 17 St
James' square
Hathorn, Mrs, of Castlewigg, 9 Forth street
Hatton, James, W.S. 25 Nelson street
Hauptman, Ignaz, glass engraver and glass-
cutter, 22 Greenside lane
Hawk FIELD House Lunatic Asylum, Res-
talrig road, Leith
Hawkins, Benjamin, late commander Revenue
service, Laverock bank
Hawks, Jn. bit and spur maker, 1 Calton hill
Hawks, Hen. sen. and jun. engineers, E. P. &
D. Railway station. Canal street
Hawthorns and Co. engineers, Leith engine
works, South Junction street
Hay & Addis, plumbers, brassfounders, gas-
fitters, &c. agents for Easton's patent
hydraulic ram, 79 George street
Hay and M'Kechnie, silk dyers, &c. &c. 13
North Melville place
Hay and Pringle, W.S. 20 Young street
Hay, Adam {H. and Privgle), 25 Rutland sq.
Hay, Alex., W.S., 57 Northumberland street
Hay, Alex. 1 Gayfield place
Hay, Alexander, jun. watchmaker & jeweller,
39 Leith street — house, 31 Broughton st.
Hay, Alex, writer, Bofinington bank
Hay, Alex, portrait engraver, 9 Henry street
Hay, Alex, stationer, engraver, and printer,
4 North bridge
Hay, David, bookseller and stationer, 30
Leith street — house, 30 Haddington place
Hay, Chas. 10 Fettes row
Hay, D. R. and Co. decorative painters to the
Queen, 90 George st.— ho. 7 Jordan bank
Hay, F. and W. Cooper, dyers and scourers —
Offices, 1 Heriot's pi. Leith walk, 11 South
Frederick st., and G3 Clerk st. — See Adv.
Hay, George, house agent, .39 Home street
Hay, Geo. (J. Milne ^ Son), 30 Haiidington pi.
Hay, George, bootmaker, 27 Haddington pi.
Hiiy, George, missionary, 19 Keir street
Hay, Hamilton, accountant, 21 Gardner's
Hay, Major H. 13 Rutland street
Hay, James, postmaster, 107 Abbey hill
Hay, Jas. Edin. Ropery Co. 5 Links pi. Leith
Hay, James, baker, 277 Canongate
Hay, John, Stockbridge mills
Hay, John, smallware dealer, Newhaven
Hay, J. H., John's place, St Leonard's
Hay, John, of Morton, 22 Charlotte square
Hay, John, plasterer, 10 North College street
Hay, Jn. inspector and treasurer to Parochial
Board, 18 St .John street
Hay, John ( Thomson 8j^ H.), 25 George street
Hay, John, depute clerk of Sess. 4 Hill street
Hay, John, woollen draper, 289 High street —
house, 3 Duncan street
Hay, John, china, crystal, and stoneware
merchant, 50 South Clerk street
Hay, John, hosier and draper, 61 Pleasance
Hay, P. & R. {late Cooper'), silk-dyers and
scourers, 1 Heriot buildings, and 5 So. St
David street See Adv.
Hay, Captain Philip, 25 St Bernard's crescent
Hay, Peter {P. ^ R. H.),^ King's place
Hay, Peter, grocer, 44 Lothian street
Hay, Peter, grocer, 1 Filrig place
Hay, Robert (P. 4- R. H.), 10 Fyfe place
Hay, Samuel, Trinity cottage
Hay, Thomas, merchant, 31 Quality street —
house, Prospect bank
Hay, Wra. Cooper {F. and W. Cooper H.),
1 North St James' street
Hay, William, wood merchant, Haddon's court
— house, 120 Nicolson street
Hay, William, smith, 3 Greonside row
Hay, William B. writer, 20 Cumberland st.
Hay, Wm. G. 25 St Bernard's crescent
Hay, Mrs Alex. 25 St James' square
Hay, Mrs Beatrice, 6 Comely green place
Hay, Mrs Colonel, 30 Regent terrace
Hay, Mrs, ladies' outfit and baby linen ware-
house, 25 George street
Hay, Mrs, 51 Constitution street
Hay, Mrs, milliner and straw-hat maker, 65
Hay, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 2 Mackenzie place
Hay, Miss, Trinity cottage
Hay, Miss, grocer, 19 Haddington place
Hay, Misses Dalrymple, 7 Coates crescent
Hayne, Miss, stayraaker, 92 Princes street
Hay ton, Mrs, 17 George street
Headland, Wm. homoeopathic chemist, ,69
George street
Healy, Mar. shoemr. to the Queen, 74 Geo. st.
— house, 40 Northumberland street
Heatly, Adam, dairy, 9 St Andrew st. Leith
Hector, Aiex. (^Gibson and H.), 57 Inverleith
Hector, D. advocate, 44 Northumberland st.
Hedderwick, Robert, Christian bank
Heddle, M. F., M.D. 8 Clarence street
Heddle, Miss, Xewbattle terrace
Hedley, John, locomotive manager Caledo-
nian Railway^ 15 St Anthony place
Helton, John {late Crease, Heiton, 4- Douglas),
1 Hunter sq. — house, 7 North-west Circus
Heiton, Mrs George, 5 Deanhaugh street
Helmsdale & Leith Shipping Co. — E. David-
son, agent. Wet docks, Leith
Henderson & Bisset, bookbinders to her Ma-
jesty, 19 Hill street
Henderson & Jackson, wine merchants, 56
NicolsoQ street
Henderson & Wilson, builders, 27 Charlotte
street, Leith
Henderson, Adam, 7 Salisbury street
Henderson, Alex. 191 Rose street
Henderson, Alex, agent, 70 Timber bush
Henderson, Alex, smith and farrier, 4 JIurray
street, Crosscausey
Henderson, Alexander, beef-ham shop, 72
Leith street
Henderson, Alex. 41 Lothian street
Henderson, A. (Bank of Scot.) ^ 20 Danube st.
Henderson, And., M.D., F.R.C.P. Portland
villa, Morningside
Henderson, Andrew, late officer of Customs,
9 West Claremont street
Henderson, Andrew, & Co. engi-avers, litho-
graphic and letterpress printers and pub-
lishers, Coalbill, Leith
Henderson, Arcbd. 21 Lauriston street
Henderson, Archibald, spirit merchant, 71
Henderson, Barclay, superin. of works. Gas
Co. Reid's court, Canongate
Henderson, Charles, commission agent, 4
North St David street
Henderson, Charles, flesher, 6 Kerr street
Henderson, Charles J. (Berry, H. 6f Co.), 34
Royal terrace
Henderson, David, ironm. 81 Broughton st.
Henderson, David & Co. wine & spirit mer-
chants, 53 Bernard street
Henderson, David, refreshment rooms and
lodgings, 32 Rose street
Henderson, David, mere, elk., 35 Bristo street
Henderson, D. (Z>. H. Sf Co.), 9 Wellington
place, Leith
Henderson, Rev. D. chaplain and house go-
vernor, Gillespie'HhoHpital, 1 Bruntsfield pi.
Henderson, Dav. chiiu.-swjir. 9 Gibb's entry
IIenderst)n, Dav. writer, G Upper Gilmore pi.
Hendtrson, Dav. Wemyss, commission agent,
129 Constitution st. — ho. 9 Glover st. Leith
Henderson, Ebenezer, bookseller, 10 Nicolson
Henderson, Edward M. bookseller and sta-
tioner, 24 Princes street
Henderson, George, coach proprietor, Carlton
cottage. Spring gardens
Henderson, George, licensed coppersmith and
brazier. Market street — house, above
Henderton, G. vict. dealer, 43 Broughton st.
Henderson, Geo. F. watch and clock maker,
6 X.-w. Circus place
Henderson, Geo. {B. L. Co.), 2 Scotland st.
Henderson, George, writer, 7 Argyle square
Henderson, Gines, Laverock bank. Customs,
Henderson, H, coachmaker, 98 Abbey hill
Henderson, Hugh, grocer and spirit mercht.,
19 High street
Henderson, Jas. shipmaster, 8 Bennington pi.
Henderson, Jas. spirit merchant, 5 Dock place,
Henderson, James, teacher of English and
geography, 6 George st.
Henderson, James, engraver, 10 India street
Henderson, Jas. lodgings, 42 Frederick street
Henderson, James (P. ^ W. Macniven), 9
Gilmore place
Henderson, James, cowfeeder, 69 Thistle st.
Henderson, James, 10 South Charlotte street
Henderson, James, horse dealer, 58 St Leo-
nard street
Henderson, Jn. slater & glazier, 63 George st.
— house, 3 Castle st.
Henderson, John, Primrose villa. Grange road
Henderson, John, architect, 7 Hill street
Hen<lerson, John, Queen's remembrancer.
Henderson, John, jun. hat manufr. 46 N.
bridge — house, 27 South Clerk street
Henderson, Jn. commission agent, Swanfield
Henderson, John, agent London parcel des-
patch company, 1 Fredeiick street
Henderson, Jn., M D. 26 Charlotte st. Leith
Henderson, John, S.S.C. 20 St Patrick square
— house, 16
Henderson, John, builder — yard, lane east end
of Atholl crescent — house, 2 Stafford street
Henderson, John S., 6 Brunton place
Henderson, John, bootmaker, 12 High terrace
Henderson, John, wright, 19 Rose street lane
— house, 62 Hanover street
Henderson, John, cowfeeder, 5 Union street
Henderson, John, painter, 4 Spence's place
Henderson, Peter, teacher, Heriot's school,
12 Grange loan
Henderson, Peter, hatter, 3 North bridge — ho.
Sharpdale, Dalkeith road
Henderson, Robt.,S.S.C. 11 Royal Exchange
— house, G St Vincent street
Henderson, R. (//. and Wilson), 40 Kirkgate
Henderson, Thomas, 16 East Adam street
Henderson, Thomas, M.D., E.I.C.S. 27 South
Clerk street
Henderson, Thomas, clerk of the Corn mar-
ket, 23 Lauriston street
Henderson, Thoraas, spirit dealer, 127 Can-
ongate — house, 115
Henderson, T. jun. (o/" H. 8f Jackson), 5
I>utton place
Henderson, W. & R. merchts. 293 High st.
Henderson, Walter, comm.trap. 46 Pleasance
Henderson, Wm., M.D., F.R.C.P. prof, of med.
6 gen. pathology, 61 Northumberland st.
Henderson, Wra. {Nat. Bank), 8 Brunton place
Henderson, Wm. S., W.S., 2 Queen st. — ho,
39 Albany street
Henderson, Wm. victual dealer, 20 Buccleuch
Henderson, William, Rosehall, Newington
Henderson,Wm.(5. Ziwew Co.), 21 Scotlandst.
Henderson, William, smith and bell hanger,
Chalmers' close
Henderson, Mrs Alexander, 10 Gayfield sq.
Henderson, Mrs Ann, lodgings. Rosewood
place, Morningside
Henderson, Mrs Dr, 6 Brunton place
Henderson, Mrs Grace, Fillyside house
Henderson, Mrs James, Larkfield, Ferry rd.
Henderson, Mrs James, 12 High terrace
Henderson, Mrs John, 1 Manor place
Henderson, Mrs M. lodgings, 2 Keir street
Henderson, MrsWm. milliner and dressmaker,
7 South College street
Henderson, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 38 India pi.
Henderson, Mrs, ladies' nurse, Gilchrist entry
Henderson, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 44 India place
Henderson, Mrs, 17 Keir street
Henderson, Mrs, 5 Manor place
Henderson, Mrs, 35 Model buildings
Henderson, Mrs, lodgings, 7 N.-w. Circus pi.
Henderson, Miss, 2 Newington place
Henderson, Miss, dressmaker, 4 E. Arthur pi.
Henderson, Misses, 12 Ann street
Hendrie, Hugh, grocer, &c. 10 W. Adam st.
Hendrie, James, tobacco manf. 4 Catharine
street, and 2 Baker's place
Hendrie, Mrs John, china and gl. warerooms,
23 Greenside place
Hendrie, Miss, 5 Dewar place
Hendry, Wm. Sadlers, ironmonger, Sime's
Henry, Alex, gun, rifle, and pistol manufac-
turer, 12 South St Andrew st. — house,
37 Register street
Henry, J. accountant, 81 George street
Henry, John (Jolly, Strong, and H,), 6 St
Vincent street
Henry, Jn. artificial limb and bandage maker,
29 W. Register street. — See Adv.
Henry, Wm. builder, 11 Scotland istreet
Henry, Wm. bootmaker and leather mert.,
1 Maitland st. — house, 29 Torphichen st.
Henry, Mrs Edw. 2 Frederick street
Henry, Mrs, grocer, 1 Bowling-green street
Hepburn, George, 15 Shandwick place
Hepburn, James, janitor. Bell's school. Junc-
tion street, Leith
Hepburn, John Buchan, W.S. 15 Royal circus
Hepburn, Simon, carver and gilder, 26 Han-
over street — house, 26 Frederick street
Hepburn, Misses, dressmakers, 10 North St.
Andrew street
Hepburn, Miss, 23 London street
Herbert, P. boot and shoemaker, 74 Clerk st.
Hercules Insurance Co. 47 George street
Herd, Mrs Geo. lodgings, 1 Broughton place
Herdraan & Blair, corn merts. &c. Bristo port
Herdman, Andrew, teacher, 5 Newport street
Herdman, John, baker, 2 Charles street
Heriot, Fred. L. Maitland, of Ramornie, ad-
vocate, 18 Rutland street
Heriot, Thomas, woollen and linen draper, 427
Lawnmarket — house, 22 Soriety
Heriot, William, printer, 17 Quality st. — ho.
11 WeUington place, Leith
Heriot, Miss, 28 Rutland street
Heriot, Miss, 24 Buccleuch place
Heriot's, George, Hospital — .John Dick,
treasurer — chambers, 1 1 Royal Exchange
Herkes, Adam, grocer, 39 St Andrew Btreet,
Heron, James, grocer, 160 Cowgate
Heron, John (Royal Bank), 1 Danube street
Heron, Wm. spirit merchant, 1 Howard pi.
Heron, Mrs, 37 Constitution street
Herrald, Robert, wright, Whitfield lane
Herries, Wm. Young, of Spotts, 16 Heriot row
Herring Fishery office, 2 Dock place, Leith
— J. Miller, inspector
Hetherington, Rev. Dr, 47 Minto street
Hetherton, Henry, bell-hanger and locksmith,
Hillmount — house, 21 Salisbury street
Hetherton, James, spirit mercht. 27 Thistle st.
Hewat, Alexander, wholesale provision mer-
chant, 9 Quality street, Leith
Hewat, J. (J. Spittal 4" Co.), 5 Henderson row
Hewat, Mrs, cook, 24 Lauriston street
Hewit, George, bill-poster, 399 Lawnmarket
Hewit, J. & Sons, leather merchants, 6 and 8
Niddry street — house. Grange loan
Hewit, Mrs, 2 Hewit's place, Grange loan
Hibbs, Rev. Richard, M.A., 1 Randolph pi.
Hickman, Wm. 19 Clarence street
Hickson, Mrs Elizabeth, 14 Brandon street
Higgins and Thom, engravers, printers, and
lithographers, Gabriel's road
Higgins, Mrs, grocer and tobacconist, 4 Citadel
Highland and Agricultural Society of Scot-
land, 6 Albyn place — ^Museum, 3 Geo. IV.
Hill and Robertson, W.S. 25 Frederick st.
Hill, Alex, printseller and publisher to the
Queen & R. S. Academy, carver & gilder,
67 Princes street — house, 7 Dundas street
Hill, Alexander, wood carver, 12 South Rose
street lane
Hill, Crawfurd, advocate, 19 Dundas street
Hill, David Octavus, R.S.A Calton hill stairs
Hill, Geo. & Co. grocers, wine merchts. & pur-
veyors to the Queen, 45 Frederick street
Hill, Geo. (Geo. H. ^ Co.), 6 Saxe Coburgpl.
Hill, George, smith and beam maker, 12
Richmond place — house^ 30
Hill, George, 8 Roxburgh terrace
Hill, Henry David, W.S. 2 Picardy place
Hill, Jas. L., W.S, 25 Frederick street —
house, 26 Heriot row
Hill, James, plumber and gas-fitter, 4
Brighton street
Hill, Jas. 10 St John street
Hill, James Matthew, 6 Darnaway street
Hill, Jas. grocer, wine and spirit merchant, 85
Kirkgate — house, 86
Hill, Jas. builder, Edinburgh saw-mills, 21
Leith walk
Hill, John, manager Scottish Property In-
vestment Co., 102 South Bridge— ho. 23
London street
Hill, John {B. Linen Co.), 28 Scotland street
Hill, John, boot and shoe warehouse, 43 Nicol-
son street
Hill, John, wrighi, 3 Dean street
Hill, Richard, 2 Salisbury road
Hill, Robt. tea and spt. deal. 491 Lawnmarket
Hill, Robert, spirit dealer, 523 Lawnmarket
Hill, Wm. and George, general and commis-
sion agents, 25 St James' square
Hill, Wm. accountant, 25 St James' square
Hill, W. (J. ^- J. Ritchie^- Co.) 12 Castle st.
Hill, Wm. leather-cutter, 58 Calton
Hill, Mrs John, 71 Cumberland street
Hill, Mrs John, 17 Keir street
Hill, Mrs John, 10 Merchant street
Hill, i\Irs Robert, 5 Abercromby place
Hill, Mrs Robert, 9 Hailes street
Hill, Mrs, lodgings, 10 Dublin street
Hill, Mrs, 19 Alva street
Hill, Mi^8, 9 Chapel street
Hillditch, Samuel, agent, 9 Ann street
Hilliard, H. & H. cutlers' instrument, artificial
limb, truss, and bandage makers to Royal
Dispensary, 7 Nicolson street
Hindshaw, James, plasterer, 5 Kerr street
Hislop, Alex. 2 Dean street
Hislop, Rev. George, chaplain to the prison, 6
Comely green place
Hislop, John, spirit dealer, 1 Shandwick place
Hislop, Robert, assistant inspector of letter-
carriers, 67 Cumberland street
Hislop, Robert, coach-hirer, Regent ter. lane
Hislop, Thomas, 46 Nicolson street
Ilihlop, Wm. furniture warerooms, 42 and 44
Howe street
Hislop, Mrs Stephen, lodgings, 26 Cumber-
land street
Hitchcock, John Deyking, 23 Union place
Hinlop, Mrs, 21 Broughttm place
Hobbs, Thomas, 38 Broughton street
Hobday, T. postmaster, liackney, posting, and
funeral tquipa^e establishment offices, 2
York place and York lane
Hobday, Mrs F., Berlin lepos. 6 Queensf. st.
Hobkirk, Wm. & John, corn merchants, 18
Chapel street
Hodder, Rob. (^Customs), 7 Hermitagepl. Leith
Hodge, Archd. corn factor, 40 Bernard street,
Hodge, Colin, 30 Bath street
Hodge, James & Son, tailors and clothiers, 90
Rose street
Hodge, Jas. warehouseman, 2 John's lane,
Hodge, Robert, coppersmith and brassfounder,
20 Niddry street — house, 8 Chapel street
Hodge, Mrs, 19 Salisbury street
Hodges, James M., M.D. 21 Charlotte square
Hodges, Mrs, 1 Lutton place
Hodgston, Mrs, 21 Howard place
Hodson, John, M.D., The Bloom, Canaan
Hodson, Miss, boarding school, 18 Royal circ.
Hodson, Hoey, John, boot and shoemaker, 86
St Andrew street
Hofford, William, printer, 1 Oxford terrace
Hoffmann, John D. R. plane- maker and edge
tool manufacturer, 45 and 47 Lothian st.
Hoffmann, ]\Iagnus L. teacher of the cornet-
a-pistons, 28 Greenside street
Hogarth, Jlrs, 13 Frederick street
Hogben, Wm. S. inspector of poor for Leith,
2 Smith's place
Hogben, Mrs, 3 Hamburg place
Hogg, Alex, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, 7
Bristo sreet
Hogg, David, Gray's court
Hogg, Fraser {F. G. Mitchell Sr Co.), 5
Haddington place
Hogg, James, grocer, 125 Causeyside
Hogg, Jas. haircutter & toy warehouse, 34 W.
Register street
Hogg, James, 1 Randolph place
Hogg, Jamts, printer and publisher, 4 Nicol-
son street, and Brown street lane
Hogg, John, 9 Scotland street
Hogg, John, stationer, 22 Pitt street
Hogg, Robert, 37 Abbey hill
Hogg, Robert, watchmaker, 81 South bridge
Hogg, Thomas, temperance coffee-house, 1
Hunter square
Hogg, W upholsterer and undertaker, 30
Dundas street
Hogg, William, auctioneer and appraiser, 44
S^icolson street
Hogg, Mrs, 5 Middleby street
Hogg, Mrs Isabella, 7 Park street
Hogg, Mrs Marion, grocer, 45 William street
Hogg, Mrs F. fishing tackle maker, 79 Princes
Hogue, Rt. surgeon-dentist, 65 Queen st.
Iloilis, Daniel, tailor, 34 Frederick street
HoUis, Misses, milliners, dress & straw-
bonnet makers, 34 Frederick street
Hi'lmes, Matt, locomotive superintendent
JS. ^- G. ii., Haymarket
Iloltum, Thomas, tailor, 45 George street
Ilolium & Welsh, coat makers, 6 George st.
HoLYRooD Flint-glass works, S. B. of Canon-
Home, Dr A. G., M.D. Whitefield— house,
Leith walk
Home, A. F. accountant, 9 Cheyne street
Home, D. Milne, of Milne Graden, 10 York pi.
Home, J. H. 13 Inveileith row
Home, Robt. engraver, &c. 9 Leith at. terrace
Home, Robert, tailor, 39 South bridge
Home, Lady, 11 South Charlotte street
Home, ]\Irs George, 9 Cheyne street
Home, Mrs N. Merchiston house
Home, Miss, 3 Danube street
Home, Miss, lodgings, 13 Union place
Home, Miss, 45 George square
Hood, Alexander, wine and spirit merchant,
22 Couper street, Leith
Hood, Jas. smith and beam-maker, 3 M'Dou-
gal street
Hood, Robert, M.D. 5 Salisbury road
Hood, Thomas, bootmaker, 05 Rose street
Hooper, William, 3 Duke street
Hope, Olipbaut, & Mackay, W.S. 119 Princes
Hope, Andw. flesher, 60 Queen street — house,
60 Castle street
Hope, Lieut. -Col. F. 35 Albany street
Hope, James {H. O. Sf ilf.), D.K.S. 14 Saxe
Coburg place
Hope, James, jun. (J. Sf J. H.), 31 Moray pi.
Hope, James, flesher, 24 Union place
Hope, John and James, W.S. 31 Moray pi.
Hope, Right Hon. John, Lord Justice-clerk,
20 Moray place
Hope, John, W.S. 31 Moray place
Hope, John David, 6 Constitution street
Hope, John, baker, 2 India street
Hope, Robert A. grocer, wine and spirit mer-
chant, 75 Kirkgate and 38 Giles' street
Hope, William, 54 South Clerk street
Hope, Mrs, 1 1 Archibald place
Hope, Marion, dressmaker, 7 Raeburn place
Hope, Miss, Wardie lodge
Hope, IMiss, 9 Gloucester place
Hope, Miss Eliz. dressmaker, 16 Jamaica st.
HoPETouN Rooms, 72 Queeu street — John
H. Barry
Hopekirk, Adam, printer, 21 Salisbury street
Hopkirk, John G., W.S. 75 Great King street
Hopkirk, Wm. florist & gardener, 32 Kirkgate
Hopper, Thomas, 15 Calton hill
Hopper, Mrs Thomas, cowfeeder, Restalrig
Hopton, John & Co. wine and spirit mercht.
10 Drummond street
Hopton, Mrs, staymaker to the Queen, 46
Hanover street
Horetzky, Mons. teacher of music, 7 Scot-
land street
Horn, Andw. accountant, 19 Queen street
Horn, Robert, advocate, 7 Randolph crescent
Home and Rose, W.S. 96 George street
Home, Archd. accountant, 15 Hill street
Home, Donald, of Langwell, W.S. 10 AthoU
Home, Jas. W. surveyor of roads, 4 Park st.
Home, James, civil engineer & land surveyor,
19 St Andrew square
Home, Peter, Starbank place, Trinity
Home, Wm. advocate, sheriff of Haddington,
New Club, Princes street — ho. Portobello
HouNiNG Office, Register house
Horsburgh, Jas. tea dealer, 34 Clerk street
Horsburgh, James, agent, 27 Quality street
Horsburgh, John, engraver, 18 Buccleuch pi.
Horsburgh, Thomas, gardener, Dean
Horsburgh, W., W.S. 2G Northumberland st.
Horsburgh, Mrs G. ladies' nurse, 42 India pi.
Horsburgh, Miss Margt. 30 Alva street
Hosie, Mrs, lodgings, 17 Albany street, Leith
Hosie, Miss E. 15 Constitution street, Leith
Hospital, Donaldson's, Whitehouse Toll
Walter Cook, W.S., treasurer
Hospital, Gillespie's, Wright's houses — Geo.
Meikle, treasurer
Hospital, Fever, Royal Infirmary
Hospital, George Heriot's, Lauriston — John
Dick, treasurer
Hospital, George Watson's, Meadows — Jas.
Young, treasurer — Rev. J. Johnston, M.A.
head master
Hospital, Leith, and Humane Society — A.
Main, 21 Bernard street, secretary
Hospital, Lock, 6 Surgeon square
Hospital, Merchant Maiden, Lauriston lane
— James Burgess, treasurer
Hospital, Orphan, Dean — J. Scott Moncreiff,
20 India street, treasurer
Hossack, D. grocer, 329 Cowgate
Hossack, Mrs, 4 Lindsay place
Hossack, Mrs, provision shop, Granton pier
Hossack, Misses, milliners & dressmakers, 118
Princes street
Houlden, Thos. jun. stationer, 9 Nicolson
street — house, 26 Rankeillor street
Houliston, John, tea, wine, and spirit mercht.,
74 Leith street — house, 2 Elm row
House Agency office, 22 South Hanover st.
House of Industry, 19 St John street — Mrs
Gemmell, matron
Houston, John A.,R.S.A. 13 Fettes row
Houston, Wm., advocate, 31 Howe street
Houston, Mrs, 41 Clerk street
Houstoun, Misses, 20 Heriot row
Houy, William, accountant to the G.P.O.,
Jordan Bank, Morniugside
Howden, Aw. {Mowbray ^ H.), 21 Walker st.
Howden, James, secretary. National Fire and
Life Insurance Company, 21 Walker street
Howden, James C, assistant physician. Royal
Edinburgh Asylum
Howden, Jas. and Son, jewellers and watch-
makers, 56 North bridge — house, 2 Mans-
field place
Howden, Oliver, stock and sharebroker, H
George street — house, 11 Fettes row
Howden, Patrick, furniture dlr. 40 Blair st.
Howden, Peter and Co. wine merchants, 7
Meuse lane — house, 6 Brandon street
HowdeD, Robert, W.S., 5 North Charlotte
Howden, Wm. gardener, 20 Dundas street
Howden, Mrs Alex. 12 Clarence street
Howden, Mrs, 8 Carlton terrace
Howden, Mrs A. Grange road
Howden, Mrs Francis, 7 Haddington place
Howden, Mrs John, 5 Dean street
Howden, Mrs, boarding house, 31 Howe st.
Howe, Alexander, W.S. 62 Castle street —
house, 7 Forres street
Howe, David, printer, 9 Thistle street
Howe, William, 19 Salisbury street
Howell, John, polyartist, 110 Rose street
Howey, Thomas & Co. agents for the goods
traffic of the North British, and E. Perth,
and Dundee Railiuays — Offices at the Rail-
way Stations
Howie, James, com. agent, 54 South bridge
Howie, Alex. 4 Milne square
Howie, Charles, fruiterer, 39 Howe street
Howie, James, plumber and brassfounder, 59
Tolbooth wynd, Leith — house, 4
Howie, James, com. agent, 59 South bridge
Howie, James, portrait and animal painter, 45
Princes street
Howie, Jas. jun., miniature painter, and pho-
tographic artist, 71 Princes st.
Howie, J. surgeon & druggist, 69 Pleasance
Howie, John, sculptor, Brandon st.
Howie, Jn. tea and coffee dealer, 5 & 6 Tol-
booth wynd — house, 1 Madeira street
Howie, Thomas, railway agent, 3 Charlotte
Howison, Arch. Y. of Hyndford, 6 Carlton ter.
Howison, Dr W., F. R.C S. 9 Nicolson square
Howison, Mrs, of Hillend, 5 Inverleith row
Howkins, John, civil engineer, Granton pier
— house, Queensberry place, Wardie
Howkins, Miss, South cottage, Wardie
Hudson, Thos. coram, agt. 20 Gr. Stuart street
Hughes and Mylne, WS. 1 Sj Charlotte st.
Hughes, Edwin, saw maker, Leith sawmills
— house, Pitt street, Leith
Hughes, Geo. (//. &; Mylne), 10 Rutland st.
Hughes, John, printer, 3 Thistle st. — house,
6 Mansfield place
Hughes, Herbert Jones, 17 East Claremont st.
Hughes, Pat. furniture dealer, 110 Cowgate
Hughes, Wm. saw maker, Greenside row
Hughes, Elizabeth, spirit dlr. Hillhousefield
Hughson and Dobson, stockbrokers & law
agents, 5 Royal Exchange
Hughson, A. D., writer, 16 Royal Exchange
— house, 1 1 Darnaway street
Huie, Edward, merchant, 2 Walker street
Huie, Richard, M.D. 8 George square
Huie, Mrs James, 27 St Patrick square
Hull and Leith Steam Pacl<et Co. 34 Ber-
nard street
Hull, Captain, Lufra Cottage, Granton
Humane Society, Edinburgh and Leith — A.
Mann, 21 Bernard Btreet, secretary
Hume & Melville, plumbers, brassfounders,
and gasfitters, 1 W. Register pi. — See Adv.
Hume, Alex.inn-kpr. Parkside, Old Gibbet toll
Hume, George, spirit merchant, 16 India pi.
Hume, George, 20 Pitt street
Hume, James, Haymarket mills
Hume, James, builder, Cassells' place —
house, 49 Kirkgate
Hume, James, spirit dealer, 1 Niddry street
Hume, John, brush manufacturer, 104 West
Hume, John, wood merchant, 60 Cowgate
Hume, M. N. Macdonald, 4 Heriot row
Hume, Peter, flesher, 76 Thistle street
Hume, Robert, cowfeeder, 1 Wallace place
Hume, Robt. (^H. Sf Melville), kxmahiW Villa,
Grange road
Hume, Thos. plumber and gasfitter, 5 Rose
street — house, 17 James' street
Hume, W^illiam, clerk, 8 Morrison street
Hume, Mrs, 27 Nelson street
Hume, Mrs George, 26 Cumberland street
Hume, Mrs, 18 Broughton street
Hume, Misses, 6 Nelson street
Hunt, James, of Pittencrieff, 13 Moray place
Hunt, William, W.S. 28 Gt. King st.
Hunter, Blair, & Cowan, W.S. 7 York place
Hunter, Adam, physician, 18 Abercromby pi.
Hunter, Alex. {H., Blair, 6^ Cowan), Cameron
Hunter, Andrew, 59 South Bridge
Hunter, David, ironmonger and tinplate-
worker, 15 Howe street — ho. 17
Hunter, David, carpet warehouse, 178 High
street — ho. 2 George place
Hunter, David {Duncan, Flockhart, ^ Co.), 15
Minto street
Hunter, Evan Allan, 7 York place — house,
Cameron House
Hunter, Francis, flesher, 9 Middle market —
house, 21 Blair street
Hunter, Geo. flesher, 1 Fleshmarket, Leith
Hunter, H. lodgings, 13 N.-w. Circus place
Hunter, James, 29 Claremont street
Hunter, James, staflF-oflScer, Castle
Hunter, James, grocer, 68 shore Leith
Hunter, James, 20 Haddington place
Hunter James, builder, Morningside
Hunter, John, writer, 13 Hill street
Hunter, John, Auditor of the Court of Ses-
sion, 16 R. Exchange — house, Craigcrook
Hunter, Rev. John, principal. Episcopal
Church Training Institution, 16 St John st.
Hunter, John, painter, 72 Tolbooth wynd,
Hunter, Rev. Dr John, 15 Regent terrace
Hunter, .In. session clerk, 179 Canongatc.
Hunter, John M. teacher, 27 Albany street —
house, 17 Howe street
Hunter, Patrick {F. and //.), 26 Frederick st.
Hunter, Peter, spirit-dealer, Canonmills
Hunter, Philip, cooper, 64 Nicolson street —
ho. 2 West Nicolson street
Hunter, Richard, 10 Ainslie place
Hunter, Robert, advocate, sheriff of Dumbarton
and Bute, 67 Northumberland street
Hunter, R. grocer and spirit dealer, 35 West
Hunter, R. wi igbt and cabinetmaker, 3 Albany
8t. lane — warehouse, 4 Albany street
Hunter, Robt. & Son, smiths, 109 Kirkgate
— house, 33
Hunter, Robt. soda water manuf. Allan's close
Hunter, Robert, 4 East Adam street
Hunter, Robert, tailor, 64 Bristo street
Hunter, R. letter-carrier, 27 North Richmond
Hunter, Robert (Johnstone &j- H.^, 7 Rox-
burgh street
Hunter, Robert, builder, 98 Abbey hill
Hunter, Robt. jun. sculptor and builder, 14
N. R. Canongate
Hunter, Thomas M. teacher of music, 7
Broughton place
Hunter, Thomas, grocer, 36 Tolbooth wynd,
Hunter, W. picture-frame and looking-glass
manufacturer, 62 & 64 Candlemaker row
Hunter, William, wright, 1 So. Howard place
Hunter, Willm. wright and builder. Morning-
Hunter, Wm. 5 Calton hill
Hunter, Wm. furniture dealer, 164 & 168
Hunter, Mrs Andrew B. 7 Salisbury street
Hunter, Mrs E. sick nurse, 7 Hill square
Hunter, Mrs F. grocer, 23 College street
Hunter, Mrs, 9 Brunswick street. Hillside
Hunter, Miss A. 7 Minto street
Hunter, Miss C. 51 Minto street
Hunter, Miss, 26 Rankeillor street
Hunter, Miss H. 17 Keir street
Hunter, E. & M. milliners and dressmakers,
34 India place
Hunter, Misses, dress & cloak makers, 13 Hope
Hurley, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 67 Fountainbr.
Husband, Wm., M.D., F.R.C.S.E., surgeon,
28 Clarence street
Huskie, J. & M. wine and spirit merchants, 17
Chapel lane, Leith
Hutchins, Chas. surgeon and dentist, 26 Char-
lotte square
Hutchinson and Rogers, timber merchants,
Duke street, Leith
Hutchinson, .Jn. wood merchant, 17 Cassells*
Hutchinson Brothers, merchants. Railway
buildings, Citadel
Hutchinson, Thos. {H. Brothers), 4 St James'
place, Leith
Hutchinson, Mrs J. R. 12 Manor place
Hutchinson, Mrs, 16 Hart street
Hutchinson, Misses, 3 Doune terrace
Hutchison &Co. merchants, 11 Bernard street
Hutchison, Alex, solicitor, 18 London street
Hutchison, Alex, successor to W. Finnic, brush
and portmanteau manufacturer, 99 George
street — house, 34 Castle street
Hutchison, Alexander, commercial traveller,
6 Albany street, Leiih
Hutchison, And. Alex, advocate, 18 London st.
Hutchison, Andw. sugar agent, 15]{ose st.
Hutchison, C. M'K. teacher, St Bernard's
school. Dean street
Hutchison, David, spirit-dealer, 6 W. Adamst.
Hutchison, George, spirit dealer, 1 Hamilton
place, High riggs
Hutchison, Hen. spirit merchant, 41 Home st.
Hutchison, Rev. Dr James, 7 St Bernard's cres.
Hutchison, James, 31 Wright's houses
Hutchison, John, bootmaker, 28 Dean street
Hutchison, John, wool staple and coram.
agent, 14 Constitution street — ho. 28 Ber-
nard street
Hutchison, John, writer, 1 Claremont place
Hutchison, M. spirit merchant, 89 Canongate
Hutchison, Peter, victual dealer and grocer,
121 Pleasance
Hutchison, Peter, grocer and spirit dealer, I
Hamburg place
Hutchison, Rob. bootmaker, 5 St Patrick sq.
Hutchison, W. & T. coach builders, Lothian
Hutchison, Mrs Colonel, 45 Heriot row
Hutchison, Mrs Helen, ladies' nurse, 18 Bed-
ford street
Hutchison, Mrs, sick nurse, 16 Jamaica street
Hutchison, Mrs, Hermitage house, Leith
Hutchison, Miss Mary, dressmaker, 28 Dean
Hutton and Ross, London, Manchester, and
Glasgow warehouse, 124 High st.
Hutton and Romania, undertakers. Mint
Hutton, Arch, pawnbroker, 10 High street
Hutton, David, clothier and tailor, 15 South
College street
Hutton, J. teacher, 1 Lord Russell place
Hutton, James {E. ^ L. Gas-L.Co.), 3 Baltic
street, Leith
Hutton, James, grocer. Water of Leith
Hutton, John, inspector of works, Taaphall,
Ferry road
Hutton, John, 4 Poplar lane, Leith
Hutton, John {H. 6f Ross), 8 Graham street
Hutton, Wm. writer, 10 Duncan street,
Drummond place
Hutton, Mrs, midwife, 70 St Leonard street
Hyndman, A. lodgings, 8 St Patrick street
Imlach, Fran. Brodie, dentist and surgeon,
48 Queen street
Imlach, George, 47 Ann street
Imlach, Mrs Agnes, 48 Queen street
Imperial Fire and Life Insurance Co. of Lon-
don, Wm. F. Gibson of the British Linen
Co., agent. — See Adv.
Imperial Fire Insurance Office, Murray &
Logan, agents, 141 George street
Imrie, Andw. spirit dealer, 89 Fountainbridge
Imrie, Henry, pastry cook, 65 South bridge
Imrie, Robert B. 27 Nelson street
Inch, John, flesher, 3 Howard street— house,
3 Howard place
Inch, John, jun. flesher, 53 London street
Inderwick, Miss, 22 Rose street
Indigent Gentlewomen's Fund Office, 69
N. Hanover street — John K. FuUarton, sec.
Indisputable, the London, Life Policy Co.,
•11 Albany street. — See Adv.
Industrial and General Life Assurance and
Deposit Company — David Marshall, 9 N.
St David street
Industry, House of, 19 St John street
Industrial School (United), South Gray's
close, 58 High street — See Adv.
Infirmary, Royal, Infirmary street
Inglis & Leslie, W.S. 16 Queen street
Inglis, Alex, spirit dealer, 1 Infirmary st,
Inglis, A. grocer, wine, and spirit merchant,
95 Nicolson st — ho. 2 W. Nicolson st.
Inglis, Archibald, M.D. and F.R.C.S. 11
Albany street
Inglis, David, Broughton cottage
Inglis, David, 10 Wright's houses
Inglis, H. Maxwell, W.S. 8 N. St David street
— house, 4 Coates crescent
Inglis, Henry (/. 4" Leslie), 29 St Andrew sq.
Inglis, John, advocate, Dean of Faculty, 30
Abercromby place
Inglis, John, warehouseman, Laurie street
Inglis, John, tailor, 62 Nicolson street
Inglis, John, gardener, E. Powderhall
Inglis, Rob. ( Gall &) Inglis), 1 1 INIinto street
Inglis, Robt. boot and shoemaker, 51 India pi.
Inglis, T. depute commiseary-clerk, Mer-
chiston mount
Inglis, Thos. victualler, 38 Lothian street
Inglis, William T. 8 Dean street
Inglis, W. & C. booksellers, stationers, and
circulating library, 48 Hanover street —
house, 11 Minto street
Inglis, William, coachbuilder and harness-
muker, 69 Adam square, and 4 Hay street
Inglis, William, postmaster, 3 Hay street,
and Forrest road
Inglis, Wm. & J. shoemaks. 16 Qiieensferry st.
Iniiiis, William, spirit & victual dealer, 41 St
Leonard street
Inglis, Mrs Dr, 4 Coates crescent
Inglis, IMrs E. lodgings, 71 Cumberland st.
Inglis, Mrs George, and Miss Edmond,
boarding school, 12 Great King street
Inglis, Mrs J. spirit deal. 8 Spence's pi. Leith
Inglis, Mrs, 2 Melville street
Inglis, Mrs I'eter, Seafield place, Leith
Inglis, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 2 Carnegie street
Inglis, Miss Anne, 5 Clarence street
Inglis, Isabella, dressuiaker, 8 Carnegie st.
Inglis's lodgings, i;5 y\lbany street
Ingram, J. bookseller, stationer, and circula-
ting library, 2 Catharine street
Inkster, John, manager of the Hull, Leith, &
Hamburgh Steam Packet Co. 34 Bernard st.
Inland Revenue Office for Scotland, 10
Waterloo place
Inland Revenue Office, Customhouse, Leith
Innes & Grieve, oilmen, grocers, and wine
merchants, 11 St Andrew square
Innes, Charles, plasterer, 46 Thistle street
Innes, Cosmo, advocate, principal clerk of
session, 15 Inverleith row
Innes, Sir David, 14 Brandon street
Innes, John B. {Mackenzie, I. and Logan),
37 Heriot row
Innes, John, spirit dealer, 16 Catharine street
— house, 6 Union place
Innes, John, gardener, Seafield, Leith
Innes, Robt. shipbuilder, 8 Bridge st. — house,
Old Church street
Innes, Robt. portrait painter, 20 Howe street
Innes, Robt. (/. and Grieve), 5 Pitt street
Innes, Robert (Alex. §* J.), 29 Clarence street
Innes, Thomas, tailor, 36 Home street"
Innes, Rev. William, 64 Frederick street
Innes, Wm. ( UnionBank of Scotland), 8 Great
Stuart street
Innes, Wm. bookseller and stationer, and Scot-
tish tract depositary, 31 Hanover street
Innes, William, stationer, 34 Frederick street
Innes, Mrs Thomas, 6 Danube street
Innes, Miss Isabella, Berlin wool and fancy
repository, 13 Dundas street
Inskip, Wm. warehouseman, 26 George st.
Institution, Deaf & Dumb, Henderson row
Institution for Drawing and Painting, 54
Frederick street — George Sirason, U.S.A.
Institution, John Watson's, Dean — John
Hamilton, W.S. treasurer
Insurance Co. of Scotland, 95 George street
— David Maclagan, manager. — See Ado.
Insurance companies. — See Insurance Direc-
tor!/, also Advertisements.
Iona Society, T. G. Stevenson, 87 Princes
street, agent
Ions, James, agent, 7 Scotland street
Ireland, Chas. smith, 35 Commercial place
Ireland, George, builder, house carpenter, and
agricultural implement manufacturer, North
Back of Canongate — house, J 5 New street
Ireland, Thomas, Mercantile acct. 4 Hunter
square — house, 71 Clerk street
Ireland, Thos. jun. bookseller and stationer,
2 Lindsay place
Ireland, Wm. contractor for mason and house
work in general, Broughton cottage — yard,
Broughton road
Ireland, ]\Irs, 21 Charles street
Ireland, Miss, 14 Gay field square
Irish Evangelical Society, Edin. Auxiliary
— W. F. Watson, treas. 52 Princes street
Irish Archaeological Society — T. G. Steven-
son, 87 Princes street, agent
Irish Celtic Literary Society — T. G. Steven-
son, ^7 Princes street, agent
Irons, David, tailor, 4 St Patrick square
Ironside, Edmond, carver, 134 High street
Ironside, Mrs, lodgings, 116 Princes street
Irvine, Alex. F. advocate, 22 Coates crescent
Irvine, David, 3 St Bernard's row
Irvine, Duncan (JVational Bank), 13 Hart st.
Irvine, Geo. flesher, 13 Queensferry st.
Irvine, Captain Francis, 8 Blacket place
Irvine, Jas. die and stamp-cutter, 3 West Re-
gister street
Irvine, John, 23 Cheyne street
Irvine, John, assistant superintendent, New-
ington cemetery
Irvine, John, portrait- painter, 3 Duncan st.
Irvine, P. auctioneer & appraiser, Victoria st.
Irvine, Robert, 18 Buccleuch place
Irvine, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 56 Bridge street
Irvine, Miss, 23 Northumberland street
Irvine, Miss E. 6 Dean street
Irving, David, LL.D. 6 Meadow place
Irving, David, spirit dealer, 5 So. Melville pi.
Irving, James, 13 Charles street
Irving, James, portmanteau, trunk, and brush
manufacturer, 97 Princes street
Irving, Brothers, portmanteau, trunk, and
brush manufacturers, 80 Princes street
Irving, Mrs, furniture dealer, 10 Victoria st.
Irving, Mrs, 2 George square
Irving, Mrs, 18 Moray place
Irving, Misses, & Rae, dressmak. 81 George st.
Isbister, Thos. brush manufacturer & general
merchant, 48 Frederick street
Isbister, Miss, lodgings, 5 Drummond street
Isles, Andrew, currier and leather merchant,
9 and 11 Blair street — ho. 24 Buccleuch pi.
Isles, Miss Catherine, milliner, 3 Lindsay pi.
Ivory, Holmes, actuary and accountant. Na-
tional Fire and Life Insurance Company of
Scotland, 2 Steele's place, Morningside
Ivory, Lord, 9 Ainslie place
Ivory, William, advocate, 11 Nelson street
Ivory, Wm. {Madachlan §• i.), St Roque,
Grange loan
Izatt, James, baker, 4 North Junction street
Jaap, Jas. teacher of music, 3 S. St Andrew st.
Jaap, Miss Isabella, teacher of music and sing-
ing, 3 South St Andrew street
Jaap's Temperance hotel, 3 and 14 South
St Andrew street
Jack, Andrew, printer, 13 Clyde street
Jack, Chas. jun. gardener, 133 Causey side
Jack, Charles, 113 Causeyside
Jack, James, agent, 9 Davie street
Jack, John, writer, 28 India street
Jack, John, slater, 5 North Bank street
Jack, John, grocer, 2 Norton place
Jack, Samuel, boot and shoemaker, 1 Barony
Jack, Thomas C. bookseller, stationer, pub-
lisher, circulating library, 92 Princes st.
Jack, Mrs Andw. 13 Montgomery street
Jack, Mrs, housekeeper. Royal Edin, Asylum
Jack, Mrs, midwife, 9 Duke street, Leith
Jack, Miss Agnes, 84 Great King street
Jack, Misses, milliners, 3 No. St David st.
Jackes, Rodon, 22 India street
Jacob, Frederick, bricklayer and furnace-
builder, Richmond cottage, Wardie
Jacob, Robert E. bricklayer and furnace
builder, AVardie cottage
Jacob, Moses, broker, 32 George IV. bridge.
Jackson, Dr Alex., F.R.C.P.E. 9 India street
Jackson, Edw. James, 6 Coates crescent
Jackson, Edward {Gilfillan 4 J".)) H Mel-
ville place
Jackson, Henry, 59 Castle street
Jackson, James, 23 Dundas street
Jackson, John, victual dealer, 219 Canongate
Jackson, Thos. plumber, &c. 37 Howe street
Jackson, Thomas, wine and spirit merchant,
1 Howard street
Jackson, Mrs James, 9 India street
Jackson, Mrs, lodgings, 4 Sahsbury street
Jackson, Mrs, 3 Regent terrace
Jackson, Mrs Eliz. 18 Nelson street
Jaffray, Rev. .John, 60 Frederick street
JafFray, Mrs William, 29 Alva street
James, Alexander, S.S.C. 16 DubliH street
James, Alex, gardener, Wardie, Trinity
James, George, surveyor, 30 George street
James, J. & Son, bootmakers, 102 George st.
James, Capt. Henry R. E. Erneston, Granton
James, Wm. boot and shoemaker, 9 Keir st.
Jameson, Andw. advocate, Greenhill gardens
Jameson, John, fishmonger, 79 Queen street
— house, 6 Great Stuart street
Jameson, R. W., W.S. and Notary Public,
5 North Charlotte street
Jameson, R. fruiterer, 79 Queen st. — ho. 76
Jameson, IMrs Cecilia, 5 Pitt street
Jameson, Miss, 21 Royal circus
Jameson, Jane M. 3 East Newington place
Jamieson, Alex, accountant, 65 Princes street
— house, 6 Nelson st.
Jamieson, Alex, cowfeeder, 4 St James' sq.
Jamieson, Alex, turner, 71 Adam square
Jamieson, Andrew, S.S.C. 7 Great Stuart st.
Jamieson, Andrew, tailor, foot of Fleshmt. cl.
Jamieson, Bernard, spirit dealer, 42 Shore
Jamieson, Gilbert and Son, wine and tea
merchants, 66 Grassraarket
Jamieson, Hen. ivory turner, 29 Richmond pi.
Jamieson, James, boot and shoemaker, 13
Riddel's close
Jamieson, N. commercial clerk, 13 Cannon st.
Jamieson, P. wine and spirit merchant, 6
Nicolson square
Jamieson, Robert & Co. wholesale coffee and
spice dealers, 8 Leith street terrace
Jamieson, Robert, chemist and druggist, 4
Deanhaugh street — ho. 23 Raeburn place
Jamieson, William T. solicitor, and agent for
the Defender Fire and Life Insur, Co. 38
N. Hanover street — ho. 23 Raeburn place
Jamieson, W. M. haberder. 60 & 62 High st.
Jamieson, Mrs Isabella, ladies' nurse, 25
Arthur street.
Jamieson, 3Irs, 10 Comely green place
Jamieson, Mrs R. 136 Causeyside
Jamieson, IMrs William, 34 Howe street
Jannetti, Signer, Italian teacher, 14 Hope st.
Jardine, Francis, wine merchant and grocer,
109 George street ■
Jardine, James, civil engineer, 18 Queen st.
Jardine, Stodart, & Fraser, W.S. 31 Princes st.
Jardine, W. A. engineer and surveyor, 18
Queen street
Jardine, Miss, 14 Inverleith row
Jastrau, William {W. J. S,- Co.), 8 Baxter pi.
Jeandin, Francis, French basket warehouse, 3
Crichton street — ho. 26 Rankeillor street
Jeannin, Mademoiselle, professor of French,
65 George street
Jeffery, E. broker, 240 Cowgate
JefFery, .James, 2 High school yards
JefFery, John J. grocer and wine merchant,
Jeffrey, John & Co. brewers, 73 Grassmarket
Jeffrey, John (J. J. and Co.), 5 Lynedoch pi.
Jeffrey, John, tobacconist, 37 Hanover street
Jeffrey, Robt. engraver and printer, 72 Nor-
thumberland street
Jeffrey, Thomas, grocer, 227 Canongate
Jeffrey, William, draper, 4S Tolbooth wynd,
Leith — house, 10 Wellington place
Jeflfrey, William, accountant, 43 Potterrow
JeflFrey, Airs Jessie, 6 Mansfield place
Jeffrey, Mrs, 27 Brunswick street
Jelly, Mrs Bethia, 7 Upper Gilmore place
Jenkins, Mrs, 5 St Bernard's row
Jenkinson, Wm. and Jas. wine and spirit
merchants, 77, 78, and 79 St Andrew street,
Jenkinson, James ( W. and J. J.), So. Junct.
Jenkinson, James, grocer, 2 East Arthur pi.
Jenkinson, John, cowfeeder, 3 Dean street
Jenkinson, Wm. ( W. mid J. J.), 17 Bath st.
Jenkinson, Maitland, spirit dealer, 34 Giles'
street, Leith
Jenner, Charles (A', and J.), 32 Howard place
Jervis, Mrs, cloak, bonnet, and corset rooms,
9 1 Princes street
Jobson, Kobt., innkeeper, 15i Fleshmarket cl.
Jockel, Conrad, flesher and ham-curer, 55
Frederick street — house, 59
Jockel, Christian, Berlin and Frankfort ware-
house, 1 18 George street. West end Bazaar
.loel, Moses, 18 Drummond street
.Johns, T. i\- Co. clothiers, 95 Princes street
Johnson, Joseph {Scot. Wid. Fund), 39 Dub-
lin street
Johnston, A. and J. victuallers, 91 Canongate
Johnston and Thorn, coal merchants, 11 Port-
Hamilton — house, 4 Grove street
.Johnston, Adam, currier and leather mer-
chant, C6 St Mary's wynd
Johnston, Ad. merchant, 1 Rankeillor street
Johnston, Adam, baker, 12 Home street
Johnston, Alexander, W.S. 5 York place
Johnston, A. cabinetmaker and undertaker,
9 Charles street, and 6 Park place
Johnston, Alex, builder, 1 1 South Norton
Johnston, Alex, flesher, 3 Qneensferry street
Johnston, Alex, baker and victual dealer, 10
and 14 Calton street — ho. 13 Calton hill
Johnston, Alex. K. geographer to the Queen
{W. ^ A. K. J.), March hall park, Dal-
keith road
Johnston, A. (T/ios. J. S^- Son), 69 Rose st.
Johnston, Bosewell, cowfeeder, 26 Brunswick
Johnston, Charles (A". B. Rail. Co.'s office),
24 St Andrew square — house, Freeman's
cottage, Causeyside
Johnston, Daniel,cabinetmaker & woodmercht.
S. back of Canongate — ho. 10 E. Adam st.
Johnston, David, tanner and currier, 70 St
Mary's wynd — tanwork, do.
Johnston, David, brassfounder, 62 Thistle st.
Johnston, Major George, 10 Pilrig street
Johnston, Geo., teacher of dancing, 11 Brown
Johnston, Geo jun. professor of dancing, 75
Princes street
Johnston, Geo., Edinburgh Temperance hotel
and reading-room, 5 Nicolson street
Johnston, Rev. George, F.S.A.6 Minto street
Johnston, George, private teacher, 7 N.-w.
Circus place
Johnston, George, hairdresser, 55 Earl Grey
Johnston, Henry, 3 Hermitage hill
Johnston, Hugh, 12 Bellevue crescent
Johnston, H. lieutenant R.N., Bellevue Ferry-
Johnston, J. S., S.S C. 28 Pitt street
Johnstoi^ J. S. 5 George square
Johnston, James, 10 Gilmore place
.Johnston, James, 53 Cumberland street
Johnston, James, writer, Silvermills cottage
Johnston, James, 61 York place
Johnston, James, currier, 68 St Mary's wynd
Johnston, James, M.D. surgeon, a4 Queen st. .
Johnston, .Tas. belt maker, 501 Lawnmarket
Johnston, James, ofiBcer of Fishery, 1 East-
field place
Johnston, James, cowfeeder, 6 Allan street
Johnston, Jn. (Coi/ S,- J.), 17 Union place
Johnston, Rev. John, M. A. bead-master, Geo.
Watson's Hospital
Johnston, John, gardener, Braid's burn
Johnston, John, surveyor, 28 Grcenside st.
Johnston, John G. 7 Scotland street
Johnston, John K. teachtr, 3 West Preston st.
.Tohuston, M. spirit dealer, Newhaven
Johnston, Patrick, broker, 136 Cowgate
Johnston, I\Iajor P. 37 East Clarcmont street
Johnston, Peter T. writer, 9 Crichton street
Johnston, Robert, 1 Albany street, Leith
Johnston, Robert, W.S. 8 Broughton place
Johnston, Robt. paiuter, 5 Charlotte st. Leith
Johnston, Robert, Merchiston cottage, Burgh-
Johnston, Robt. chaplain to city workhouse,
17 St James' square
Johnston, Robt. victual dealer, 49 Hanover st.
Johnston, Robert, builder and house agent,
91 and 92 Fountainbridge
Johnston, Robert, accountant, 19 North St
David street
Johnston, Robert, accountant, 20 Annandale
Johnston, T. and Sons, Wrights', 69 Rose st.
Johnston, Thos. cabinetmaker, 34 Castle st.
Johnston, Thomas, ironmonger, 44 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
Johnston, T. B. {W. S; A. K. J.), 17 Gay-
field square
Johnston, Thos. victual dealer, 5 Bedford st.
Johnston, Thos. printer, 11 West Adam street
Johnston, W. & A. K. geographers, engravers,
and printers to the Queen, publishers, litho-
graphers, and stationers, 4 St Andrew sq.
Johnston, Rev. William, 23 Archibald place
Johnston, W^m. B. artist, Silverraills cottage
Johnston, Wm. (iV. B. Office), 24 Heriot pi.
Johnston, Wm. victual dealer, ]9 Howe street
— house, 1
Johnston, William, baker, 123 Rose street
Johnston, Wm. dairy, 29 St Patrick square
Johnston, William, agent, 3 Davie street
Johnston, Mrs, of Sands, 18 Royal terrace
Johnston, Mrs Isabella, stoneware merchant,
74 St Andrew St.— ho. 13 Tolbooth wynd,
Johnston, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 31 Brunswick st.
Johnston, Mrs William, II Howe street
Johnston, Mrs J. stabler, 100 Grassmarket
Johnston, Mrs, victual dlr. 74 Broughtoii st.
Johnston, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 7 Abbey
Johnston, Mrs, French stay-mkr.45 George st.
Johnston, Mrs Dr, 8 Pilrig street
Johnston, Mrs, lodgings, 27 Elder street
Johnston, Mrs, 3 South Charlotte street
Johnston, Miss A. 31 East Claremont street
Johnston, Miss Isabella, shawl cleaner, 21
Carnegie street
Johnston, Miss, 13 Gilmore place
Johnston, Miss, straw-hat maker, 7 Hay st.
Johnston, Misses E. & J. silk and worsted
warehouse, 57 South bridge
Johnstone & Hunter, printers, publishers, and
booksellers, 15 Princes street, and 104 High
Johnstone, David, 2 Rankeillor place
Johnstone, Fred, tavern-keeper, 11 Abbey
Johnstone, John {J. ^ Hunter), 13 St John st.
Johnstone, John, engraver, printer, & litho-
grapher, 7 Park street
Johnstone, John, 12 Buccleuch place
Johnstone, William, commission agent,. 4
Glover street
Johnstone, William James Hope, Rear-admiral,
24 Albany street
Johnstone, Wm. teacher, 38 Fountainbridge
Johnstone, Mrs Major, 4 Howard place
.Johnstone, Mrs, 37 Albany street
Johnstone, Miss, 3 Howard place
Johnstone, Miss, Holyrood palace
Johnstone, Miss Agnes, 4 Montgomery street
Johnstone, Miss G. milliner and dressmaker.
6 Ronaldfon's buildings
Johnbtone, Miss Margaret, shoe warehouse,
283 High street
.loiner, James, tailor, 4 N. St David street
Jollie, Strong, & Henry, W.S. chambers, 21
Young street
Jollie, Walter, W.S. 59 Melville street
Jolly, Robt. of Stevenston, 21 Windsor st.
Jones, Alex, shipmaster, 14 Albany st. Leith
Jones, Francis {G.P. O.), 17 Keir street
Jones, George, merchant, 24 Danube street
Jones, Liston, tea, coffee, and spirit dealer,
31 Couper street
Jones, Rev. T. Henshaw, 13 Shandwick place
Jones, T. agent. Bank of Scotland, 17 Char-
lotte street, Leith
Jopp and Johnston, W.S. 30 Albany street
Jopp, Charles, civil engineer, 118 George
street— house, 1 5 Northumberland street
Jopp, John, W.S. 30 Albany street
Jordan, William, spirit dealer, 13 Calton st.
Jordan, Mrs John, 45 Tolbooth wynd, Leith
Junkison, Wm. flesher, 91 Kirkgate
Junner, J. M. solicitor and accountant, 6 N.
St David street — house, U Union st.
Juridical Society, 40 Charlotte square
Jury Clerk's Office, Register house
Justice of Peace Office, City, Royal Exchange
Justice of Peace Office, County hall
Justiciary Office, Register house
Karley, Capt. A., R.N., 4 Clarendon crest.
Kay, Alex, plumber & gasfitter, 144 Princes
street — house, ditto
Kay, George, fruiterer, 147 Princes street
Kay, Jas. basket manufacturer, Gd Tolbooth
wynd and 18 Queen street, Leith
Kay, Jas. & Son, upholsterers & undertakers,
1 Teviot row
Kay, Jas. surgeon R.N. 27 Hamilton place
Kay, J. W. lace warehouse, 1 05 George street
Kay, John, agent, 26 Charles street
Kay, John, teacher, 98 Constitution street
Kay, John, wine & spirit merchant, 39 Jamaica
street — house, 72 Northumberland street
Kay, John, basketmaker. Market stairs, 27
North bridge
Kay, Peter ( Oliver ^ Boyd), 2 Buccleuch pi.
Kay, Robert, stabler and spirit dealer, 9 St
Anthony place
Kay, Robert, Union Hotel, 4 Lothian road
Kay, Thos. {Jas. K. ^ Son), Dick pi. Grange
Kay, Tho. plumber and gastitter, 18 Charlotte
place — house, 9 William street
Kay, Thomas, missionary, 8 Glover street
Kay, Wm. ship-chandler and painter, 6 & 8
Commercial pi ho. 1 Prince Regent street
Kay, William, stationer, 6 Bank street
Kay, Mrs T. 20 Barony street
Keating & Co. outfitters, 4 Kirkgate, Leith
Keddie & Knox, wrights and cabinetmakers,
12 North Melville pi. and 17 Church st.
Keddie, John, bootmaker, 25 Hanover street
Keddie, Nicholas, spirit merchant, 202 Rose
Keddie, Thos. cahinetraaker and appraiser, 7
and ] 4 Melville place — house, 9
Kedslie, Alex, Malta house
Kedslie, A. F., Middlefield house, Leith walk
Kedslie, A. F. commis. mercht. 27 Quality st.
(agent for Atlas Assurance Co. London)
Kedslie, Geo. late upholsterer, Hebron bank,
Canaan lane
Kedslie, Mrs, ]\Iiddlefield house, Leith walk
Keedy, William, 49 Canongate
Keegan, John, solicitor, 5 N. St David street
Keegan, T. wine merchant, ] N. St David
street and 7 ISTorth St Andrew street
Keighley, Matt. 2 Upper Gray street
KeiUer, Dr Alexander, F.R.C.P.E. 30 Nor-
thumberland street
Keiller, Mathewson, 5 George square
Keiller, William, 5 George square
Keiller, JIrs, 5 George square
Keir, Robert, warehouseman, 9 Fife place
Keir, Miss Ann, furnishing shop, 48 Kirkgate
Keir, Miss, 12 Torphichen street
Keir, IMisses, 12 Buccleuch place
Keith E. bookseller and stationer, 36 Howe st.
Keith, Geo. S., M.D., F.R.C.P. 58 Northum-
berland street
Keith, James, printseller.pictureframe maker,
and artists' colourman, 60 Princes street
Keith, Dr Jas., F.R.C.S.E. 10 Wemyss place
Keith, Thomas, grocer, 152 Fountainhrldge
Keith, Thos., M.D., F.R.C.S.E. 26 India st.
Kell, Mrs, 145 Princes street
Kelland, Professor, 20 Clarendon crescent
Kelly, And. pocket-book maker, 52 West
Register street
Kelly, .John, locksmith, 156 Rose st. — ho. 166
Kelly, Patrick, pawnbroker, 258 Canongate
Kelly, Peter, lodgings, 6 Howe street
Kelly, Mrs. lodgings, 9 Hope street
Kelly, Mrs, midwife & ladies' nurse, 2-3 Howe
Kelt, Mrs, china merchant, 17 Horse wynd
Kemme, Jacob, Granton brick and tile work
Kemp & Co. chemicaland philosophical instru-
ment makers, 12 & l.i Infirmary street
Kemp, Francis, janitor, Circus place school,
2 Royal circus
Kemp, George, clerk, 17 Cannon street, Leith
Kemp, J. & R.coal merclits. 14 Port-Hamilton
Kemp, .lames, coal merchant, 5 Morrison st.
Kemp, .lames, baker, 42 Jamaica street
Kemp, John, chimney-sweeper, (5 Rose street
Kemp, Robert, letter-carrier, 7 Calton hill
Kemp, T. Lindley, M.D. 2 Upper Dean ter.
Kemp, Wm. confectioner, 12 North bridge,
and 37 Nicolson street
Kemp, William, victual dealer, 13 Tobago st.
Kemp, William, tailor, 75 Giles' street
Kemp, Mrs Robert, 27 j\Iontagu street
Kemp, jNIiss, 25 Royal crescent
Kempster, Thomas, sheriflF officer, 3 Salisbnry
Kenmore, John, 22 Elm row
Kennedy, Angus, 26 Cumberland street
Kennedy, A., tea and coffee merchant, 102
High street, house 4 West Adam street
Kennedy, Bruce, King's Arms inn, Newhaven
Kennedy, Daniel, sheep and cattle agent, 1 3
Gardner's crescent
Kennedy, Donald, wine and spirit merchant, 6
East Register street
Kennedy, Francis, 71 York place
Kennedy, Fred, hop and seed agent, 51
Princes st. — house, 100 Lauriston place
Kennedy, Hugh, W.S. 37 L<mdon street
Keimedy, James, tailor, 25 Thistle street
Kennedy, J. ironm. & gasfitter, 3 Wemyss pi.
Kennedy, John, 3 Anderson's court
Kennedy, John, W.S. 71 Great King street
Kennedy, Robert, grocer and spirit dealer, 1
St James' place
Kennedy, Thomas, artist, 30 Rutland square
Kennedy, Thomas, Wardie hotel, Granton
Kennedy, Wm. ship hotel (successor to Fer-
gusson), East Register street
Kennedy, Wm., W.S. 59 Northumberland st.
Kennedy, W. P. bookseller, &c. 15 South St
Andrew street — house, 7 London street
Kennedy, Mrs, of Romanno, 71 York place
Kennedy, Mrs, straw-hat maker, 5 North
Richmond street
Kennedy, Miss, Helen cottage, Canaan
Kennington& Jenner,silk mercers and drapers,
47 and 48 Princes st. and 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10
St David street
Kenward,W.D. music-teacher, ISt Vincent st.
Ken ward, W. music-teacher, 1 St Vincent st.
Keir, Robert, warehouseman, 9 Fife place
Keir, Miss, 12 Torphichen street
Ker, Robert, spirit dealer, 38 Potterrow
Ker, Robert Darling, St Leonard's hou-e
Ker, Thomas and Son, corn merchants, St
Leonard's house
Ker, Mrs, 26 Ann street
Ker, Mrs, Nelson's Monument, Calton hill
Ker, Mrs Thomas, 6 West Preston street
Ker, IMrs Wm. Herris, 9 Albyn place
Ker, Miss M. A. 18 Upper Gray street
Ker, ]\Iiss, Greenhill gardens
Ker's laboratory, 16 Leith street
Kermack, John, W.S. 20 Broughton place
Kermack, John and W. R., W.S. 20 Brough-
ton place
j K^mack, W. R., W.S. 20 Broughton place
Kermack, Mies, '.i Lynedoch place
Kidd, Chas. tailor & clothier, 146 Princes st.
Kidd, Rev. George, teaclier, I Farquharson pi.
Kidd, James, 121 Nicolson st.
Kidd, John, merchant, 88 Constitution st.
Kidd, John, baker & vict. deal. 21 Arthur st.
Kidd, Tho8. (G. P. Office), 2 Gienorchy pi.
Kidd, Mis&, 5 Portland place
Kieser,Jn.C. teacherof music, 14 Hope street
Kigie, Wm. tailor, 22 Society
Kilgour, James, assistant- keeper of register of
deeds, &c. 8 IMinto street
Kilgour, James, flesher, Newhaven
Kilgour, Jas. classical teacher, 8 Downie pi.
Kilgour, Joseph, wholesale and retail tea and
coffee merchant, 74 Tolbooth wynd, Leith
Kilgour, Thos. (^Royil Bank), 5 Comely bk.
Kilgour, William, of Glaslie, 39 Ann street
Kilg-our, Mrs, lodgings, 136 Princes street
Kilgour, Mrs Wm. 18 Nicolson street
KiLi.iNGWoRTH Colliery, 3 E. Register street
Killoch, Miss, straw hat mak. 66 Nicolson st.
Kilpatrick, Mrs, vict. dealer, 173 Wtst port
Kincaid, Sir John, Inspector of the Prisons
and Factories of Scot. United Service Club
King, Chas. spirit dealer, 6 Shakspeare sq.
King, R. gas-fitter and bell-hanger, 6 Simon sq.
King. Thos. gardener. Canon st. Canonmills
King, Mrs, band-box manuf. Old Assembly cl.
King, Misses, milliners, &c. 35 Castle street
Kinghorn, Jas. wright, 12 Coburg st.
Kinghorn, Wm. 15 India street
Kinghorn, Mrs Alex. 3 Cromwell street
Kininmont, Rev. A. D. 1 Morton street
Kinlay, John, agent for Tranent colliery,
Rose lane house. Comely green cottage. —
See Adv.
Kinloch, Sam. silver-chaser, 11 Drummd. st.
Kinloch, Mrs, lodgings, 146 Princes street
Kinloch, Miss, teacher of pianof. and singing,
25 India street
Kinnaird, Miss, 32 Rankeillor street
Kinnaird, Miss Margaret, 6 Leopold place
Kinnear, David, accountant and stockbroker,
4 North St David street
Kinnear, J.German clock maker, 475 Lawn-
Kinnear, John, spirit dealer, 1 Johnston place
Kinnear, Robert, 48 India street
Kinnear, Mrs James, 3 Clarendon crescent
Kinnear, Mrs Thos. 3 Clarence street
Kinnell, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 5 St James' place
Kinniburgh, David, coal merchant, agent for
Garnkirk Fire- clay Co. 16 Port-Hopetoun
— house, 18 Downie place
Kinnis, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 50 Cumberland st.
Kinnoch, Andrew, foundry. Abbey hill —
house, 61
Kippen, A . hotel, 2 Terrace, Leith street
Kippen, Dun. spirit mer. 25 Richmond place
Kippen, Miss Margaret, 1 Rutland square
Kirk, Rev. John, Hopefield cottage, Greenhill
Kirk, John, W.S. 40 Heriot Row
Kerr,j!Llex. boot and shoemaker, 7 Romilly pi.
Kerr, Andrew, clerk (office o/H. M. Works),
Sciennes gardens
Kerr, And. A. {Royal Bank), 4 Broughton pi.
Kerr, Archibald, tailor, 17 West Register st.
Kerr, Chas. M. wine mer. 9 Bernard st. Leith
— house, 1 1 Dean terrace, Edinburgh
Kerr, Chas. Jas. sec. Edin. ^ Glasgow Bank,
45 Albany street
Kerr, Geo. grocer and tea dealer, 48 Brough-
ton street — house, 26 St James' square
Kerr, G , china warehouse, 149 Canongate
Kerr, George, house agent, 8 Hamilton place
Kerr, Lieut. Geo. C, R.N. 4 Saxe Coburg pi.
Kerr, Henry, com. agent, 53 Albany street
Kerr, H. N. J. 40 Inverleith row
Kerr, Hugh, coach-hirer, 9 William street
Kerr, James, provision merchant,27 Bridge st.
Kerr, James, grocer, 15 Poplar lane
Kerr, James, 6 Gardner's crescent
Kerr, James, grocer, 89 Nicolson street
Kerr, James, missionary, 3 Shrub place
Kerr, James, Lieutenant R.N. Hope cottage
Kerr, Jas. tea & coffee merchant, 21 Richmond
Kerr, Jas. bookseller & circulating library,
32 Nicolson street
Kerr, James, spirit dealer, 155 West port
Kerr, James, hosier, 91 Nicolson street
Kerr, James, lath-splitter. Low Broughton
Kerr, John, 17 Norton place
Kerr, John B. umbrella manuf. 47 Tolbooth
wynd — house, 13
Kerr, John, grocer, 37 North Richmond street
Kerr, John, grocer, 146 Cowgate
Kerr, Jonathan D. cupper to the Queen
Kerr, R. & Son, tailors & clothiers, 1 Elder st.
Kerr, Robt., M.A. classical teacher, 3 Lothian
Kerr, Robert {Com. Bank), 53 Albany street
Kerr, Robt. wine mercht. & grocer, 5 and 6
Richmond lane
Kerr, Robert, baker, 16 Hill place — house, 7
Hill square
Kerr, Robert, victual dealer, 12 Jamaica st.
Kerr, Thomas, cowfeeder, 2 Riego street
Kerr, Thomas and Son, tailors and clothiers,
85 South bridge
Kerr, Thomas, letter-carrier, 37 Arthur st.
Kt-rr, Wm. wine & spirit merchant, 1 Princes
street, 148 High st., 19 Hanover street, and
Bridge hotel, 1 Princes street
Kerr, W. steam boat & coach office, 1 Princes st.
Kerr, William, builder, 2 Lord Russell pi.
Kerr, Mrs, 19 Fettes row
Kerr, Miss, 1 5 Scotland street
Kerr, Miss Agnes, milliner, 31 Lothian street
Kerr, Miss G. milliner, &c. 3 Downie place
Kerr, INIiss Margaret, 31 Morrison street
Kerr, Miss, dressmaker, Baxter's close
Kerr, Miss, 4 Upper Dean terrace
Ketching, Wm. clockmaker, Malloch's close,
75 Canongate
Kirk, John, Ship Inn, Newhaven
Kirk, Robert, 13 Cassels' place
Kirk, Mrs, 5 Roxburgh place
Kirkaldy, Mrs, 22 Windsor street
Kirkham, Mrs, 6\ Broughton street
Kirkhope, John, grocer and wine mercht. I
So. JNIelville place— house, 3 Randolph pi.
Kirkland, John, clerk, 24 Gardner's crescent
Kirkland, John, manager Duke of Hamilton's
collieries, 10 Port-Hamilton
Kirkland, Mrs, I Hope street, Leith walk
Kirkland, Mrs James, lodgings, 10 Preston st.
Kirkpatrick, John, advocate, 12 Charlotte sq.
Kirkwood & Murray, wholesale hardware
merchants, 78 South bridge
Kirkwood, Alexander, die and stamp cutter,
Meuse lane — house, 20 Pitt street
Kirkwood, Alex, flesher, 297 Canongate
Kirkwood, Charles, accountant, 2 Paterson's
court, Old Broughton
Kirkwood, James, working jewr. 12 Thistle
Kirkwood, James, goldsmith, 10 Duncan street
Kirkwood, Rev. James, 27 Claremont street
Kirkwood, Robt. tailor, 8 Brunswick street
Kirkwood, Robt. civil engineer, 57 No. bridge
— house, 1 Carleton street
Kirkwood, Waiter, 7 Hunter square
Kirkwood, Wm. & Sons, plumbers and gas-
fitters, West Thistle street lane — house,
Arniston place
Kirkwood, Mrs Captain James, 25 Yorkpl.
Kirkwood, Mrs John, 26 Royal crescent
Kirkwood, Mrs, 30 Pitt street
Kirkwood, Mrs, 1 Carlton street
Kirkwood, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 109 Rose st.
Kissock, Miss, 10 Forres street
Kitchen, John, plasterer, 11 Cowan's close
Klausman, A. and D., clockmakers, 10 Nicol-
8011 street
Kitchie, Robert, blacksmith, 9 Beauaiont pi.
Knapp, Dr John, 65 Inverleith row
Knight, And. waggoner. Bowling-green ho.
Knight, George, 1 Montpelier
Knight, G. & Son, smiths and furnishing iron-
mongers, 21 Wtst Register street— ho. 24
Calton hill
Knight, R. (of G. K. and Son), 26 Calton hill
Knight, Wm. hairdresser, 19 Kirkgate
Knight, W., gro. & spirit dealer, 88 Canong.
Knight, Mrs, grocer & spirit deal. 6 Coburg st.
Knox retreshnn-nt rooms, 53 High street —
.John M'Kechnie, superintendent
Knox, Captain Alexander, 3 Salisbury place
Knox, James, land surveyor iS: civil engineer,
Knox, James, Batlifield cottage, Leith
Jvnox, James, glazier, 16 Catharine street
— houne, 4 Kast Uroujihton place
Knox, Samuel, & Dickson, fringe and gimp i
manufacturers, hosiers, glovers, & small-
ware merchants, 13, 15, and 17 South
Hanover street
Knox, Thomas (ifi, Samuel, ^ Dickson), 67
Hanover street
Knox, Wra.,M.D. and surgeon, 11 Hart street
Knox, Mrs, 16 Barony street
Knox, Miss, Drum, Easter road
Knox, Miss, 7 Fife place
Knox, Miss, 15 Clerk street
Kohler, E. harp-string maker, 187 High street
Kreutzer, Bernhard, director of music to H.
R.H. the Grand Duke of Baden, 1 Great
Stuart street
Kyle, Alexander, baker, 82 Kirkgate
Kyle, James & Son, bootmakers, 12 Constitu-
tion street — house, 3 Madeira street
Kyle, John, coal merchant, 3 St Leonard's
depot — house, 45 New street
Kyle, Mrs Archibald, 1 Whitfield place,
Leith Walk
Kyles, Thomas, carver and gilder, 2 Vennel
Kynoch, Mrs, 9 Torphichen street
Laidlaw & Cowan, drapers and milliners, 294
Laidlaw, David, victualler and dairyman, 1 14
Laidlaw, George, grocer and spirit merchant.
New lane, Newhaven
Laidlaw, James, baker, 4 Kerr street
Laidlaw, R. & Son, Venetian blind manufs.
bell-hangers, brassfounders, gas-meter ma-
nufacturers, and gasfitters, Simon square
Laidlaw, Mrs, victual dealer, 23 Arthur st.
Laidlaw, Mrs, 3 Newington place
Laidlaw, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 120 Nicolson st.
Laidlaw, IMiss, 10 South Gray street
Laidlaw, Miss, dressmaker, 32 Clerk st.
Laing, A. tailor & clothier, 23 Sandport street
Laing, Archd. C. tailor, 29 N. Richmond st.
Laing, David, Signet library — house, James'
street, Portobello
Laing, David, writer, 5 Randolph place
Laing, Geo. Venetian blind maker & wright,
70 Potterrow. — See Adv.
Laing, H. & Co. fishmongers, I Hope street
Laing, James B.(-B. of Scutlu^id), 27 Windsor
Laing, James, accountant, 19 St Andrew sq.
Laing, James {R. Schaw &; Co.), 15 Albany
street, Leith
Laing, John and Sons, Royal horse bazaar, &
postmastfrs to her JNlajesty, Lothian road ■
— house, 7 St Cuthbert's glebe
Laing, Jn. glass stainer and japanntr, 8 Caltoa
hill — house, 12 High terrace
Laing, Rev. .John, 26 Pitt street
Laing, Rob. {Rat/nl Bank), 27 Windsor street
Laing, R. gravel dealer, Rosehall, Newington
Laing, William, ship agent, 44 Bernard street,
— house, 9 Albany street, Leith
Laing, Mrs Isabella, matron, Orphan hospital
Laing, Mrs, 25 Gayfield square
Laing, Mrs, 41 East Claremont street
Laing, Mrs, 22 London street
Laing, Mrs, 16 York place
Laing, Miss, 32 Gilmore place
Laing, Miss Helen, boarding-school, Newh.
Laird & Banks, salt manufacturers, 22 Con-
stitution street
Laird, Robert B. (Z>. §• L.), 9 Grove street
Laird, Mrs, grocer, 5 East Richmond street
Laird, Mrs, sick-nurse, 28 India place
Lamb, Edm. clerk, Ho. of Refuge, Canong.
Lamb, James, glasg-stainer, 1 Market place
Lamb, John, builder, Lothian road — house,
4 Dunbar street
Lamb, John and Thomas, slaters, glaziers,
and house agents, 78 Clerk street
Lamb, Peter (C'«s^OMw), 2 Vanburgh pi. Leith
Lamb, Richard, accountant, 21 Leith street
Lamb, Robert (late wood merchant), 90 St An-
drew street, Leith
Lamb, Robert, embosser and black borderer,
11 Hanover street
Lamb, Tho, confectioner, 19 Leith street —
house, 21
Lamb, Thos. & J. slaters, glaziers, and house
agents, 78 Clerk street
Lamb, Wm. wright, 10 Coatfield lane, Leith
Lamb, William, wright, 40 Rose street lane
Lamb, Miss, matron, St Cuthbert's poorho.
Lamb, Mrs, 26 Duiidas street
Lambe, A. J. 8 Coates crescent
Lambie, teacher, 2 Ellen street. North Leith
Lammie, Hugh, 76 Broughion street
Lamond, Alex, accountant, 40 India street
Laraond, Duncan, 15 Graham street
Lamond, Duncan, spirit mercht. 1 Maitlandst.
Laraond, Jas., S.S.C & N.P. 11 Darnaway st.
Lamond, John, watchmaker, 16 Riddle's ct.
Lamond, William, W.S. 56 Buccleuch st.
Lamond, Mrs C^pt. 7 Frederick street
Lamond, Mrs Dr, 18 Windsor street
Lamond, Miss Christian, 56 India street
Lamont and Newton, W.S. 33 Gt. King st.
Lamont, Alex, of Knockdow, W.S. 28 Royal
Lamont, John, manager, Inverleith nursery
Lamont, Mrs, lodgings, 7 Park street
L'Amy, Sylvester, 27 Northumberland street
L'Aray, Miss, 27 Northumberland street
Lancaster, Mrs, lodgings, 35 Moray place
Lancefield, Alfred, civil engineer, surveyor,
teacher of fortifications, and civil and mili-
tary engineering drawing, 6 S. Castle st.
Land, E. M. & Co. printers, 25 St James' sq.
Landale, David, mining engineer, 6 Forth
Landale, Robert, of Pitmedden, S.SiC. &
N.P. 9 Drummond place
Landale, T. and R., S.S.C. 18 Forth street
Landale, Thomas, S.S.C. 18 Forth street
Landels, Mrs E. spirit dealer, 1 Haddington pi.
Lane, Thos. school-slate maker, 37 Leith walk
Lane, Mrs T , Taaphall, Ferry road
liang, Daniel, 11 Henry street
Lang, Peter {Com. Bank), 8 Wharton place
Lang, Rob. L. writer, 10 Grove street
Lang, Samuel, fishing-rod and tackle mauu-
facturer, 59 Princes street
Lang, Mrs W. 8 Danube street
Lang, Mrs Margaret, 3 Blacket place
Lang, Miss, George street, Leilh
Lang, Miss Mary, Greenhill bank
Langhorn, Mrs, 1 South Charlotte street
Langlands, William, wright, Tipperlinn cot.
Lapsley, Mrs, 24 South Castle street
Largie, J. Edin. Ropery Co. Fritbfield cottage
Larnach, Alex, commercial hotel, 14 Com-
mercial place
Lascelles, Mrs, broker, 262 Cowgate
Latimer, George B. watch and clock maker.
Cant's close
Latimer, Mrs, 14 Castle street ^
Latimer, Mrs, proprietor of M'Phersou's
ointment, Cant's close
Latta, Mrs Robert, St Ann's Bank house
Latta, Mrs T. A. 39 Minto street
Lauder, A., carpet manufacturer, draper, and
furnishing warebouee, 46 Princes street —
house, 17 Windsor street
Lauder, James Eckford, E.S.A. historical
and portrait- painter, 24 Fettes row
Lauder, James, 19 Lutton place
Lauder, John, victual dealer, 55 Canongate
Lauder, Sir John Dick, Bart, of P'ountainhall,
The Grange house
Lauder, Thomas, baker, 9 East Regi?ter street
Lauder, William, 3 Darling's buildings
Lauder, Dowager Lady Dick, Greenhill house, '
Bruntsfield links
Lauder, Mrs Catherine, lodgings, 1 Alva street
Lauder, Mrs, 17 Windsor street
Lauder, Mrs George, 5 Lothian road
Lauder, Mrs Dr, 8 Windmill street
Lauder, Miss M. lace cleaner, 13 Fredrck. st.
Laughton, Mrs Jane, lodgings, 7 Hill place
Laule, Fidely, German''clock maker and Ger-
man fancy bazaar, 5 North bridge and 92
South bridge
Laurence, Geo. C. hair-dresser, 25 Rose st.
Laurence, William, surveyor, 1 Darnaway st.
Laurie & Glover,painters, 30 West Register et
Laurie, Alex. & Co. printers to her Majesty,
13 North Bank street
Laurie, A. surg. & druggist, 47 Broughton st.
Laurie, Andw. upholsterer, 3 Saunders street
Laurie, Geo. dairy, 6 Elbe street
Laurie, James, conjunct town-clerk, 10 Royal
Exchange — house, 43 Ann street
Laurie, J., groc. and spirit mer., 52 Yardheads
Laurie, Jdhn, teacher, 31 Coatfield lane, Leith
Laurie, Peter, Helena cottage, Sciennes hill
Laurie, R. {L. Son, &^ Co.), 21 Claremont cr.
Laurie, R. painter & paper-hanger, 3 Davie st.
Laurie, Robert (T. B. Campbell 6i Co.), 118
Constitution street
Laurie, Thomas, writer and accountant, 6
Clarence street
Laurie, Son, and Co., American merchants,
10 Quality street
Laurie, Thomas, auctioneer and appraiser, 26
Rankeillor street
Laurie, Wro. Alex.,"W".S. Gazette keeper, and
Sec. Grand Lodge of Scotland, 13 North
Bank street
Laurie, Wm. victual dealer, 161 Rose street
Laurie, Wm. F. Hunterj W.S. 1 Avenue
villas, Comely bank i
Laurie, Wm. accountant, 126 Lauriston pL
Laurie, Mrs James, 9 Hill place
Laurie, Miss, dressmaker, 67 Cumberland st.
Law Life Assurance Society of London, 33
York place — D. Cormack, agent. — See Adv.
Law Property Fire and Life Assurance Co.
25 York place ;
Law, Geo. {w. S^ G. L.), Rose park, Trinity
Law, George, gardener, Hiilhousefield
Law, James, tailor & clothier, 429 Lawnmar.
Law, John, working jeweller, 3 Hanover st.
Law, John, victual dealer, 5 ToUcross
Law, John, Hillhouse6eld
Law, Philip, officer, Commissioner of North.
Lights, 84 George street
Law, Robt. H. grocer and wine merchant, 16
GreensiJe street
Law, W. and G. dealers in tea and coffee, 31
St Andrew square
Law, Wm. ( W. c^ G. L.), Hermitage, Mur-
Law, Mrs, midwife and ladies' nurse, 13 Rae-
burn place
Law, Mrs Helen, midwife, 3 Dean street
Laws, Mrs A. T., Retreat cottage, Sciennes
Law, iSIiss Elizabeth, 32 Saxe Coburg place
Law, Miss S. grocer, Water of Leith
Lawder, James, mason and chimney-sweep,
Merrilees' close
Lawrence, David, clerk, Granton pier
Lawrence, James, surgeon R.N. 20 Minto st.
Lawrence, Jane A. baby linen warehouse, 79
Princes street
Lawrenson, W. H. sp. deal. 10 Commercial pi.
Lawrenson, Wm. spirit dealer, 56 Bernard st.
Lawrie & Ritchie, brassfound. 12 Catharine st.
Lawrie, A. & Co. commission coke and coal
merchts. 24 Sheriff brae, Leiih — house, Cor-
Lawrie, Alex, spirit merchant, 9 Dock place
Lawrie, Alex, flrshcr, 40 High street
Lawrie, Alex, music-teacher, 11 York place
Lawrie, Alex. & Sons, commission merchants,
6 St Andrew sq. — house, 46 Castle st.
Lawrie, Aw. coke and coal wharf, 24 Shirra
brae, Leith
Lawrii', A. T. surgeon, Parkside house
Lawrie, Andrew, 16 Downie place
Lawrie, Charles, flesher, 71 Broughton st.
Lawrie, Henry, clothitr, 7 Hill ^qua^e
Lawrie, J. cabinetmaker and upholsterer,
.32 Causeyside
Lawrie, JameH, M.D. surg. 22 Rankeillor st.
Lawrie, James, grocer, 5 East Sciennes Bt.
Lawrie, James, flesher 4 Duke street, Leith
Lawrie, J. W. (Sanderson §• i.), 6 Hay's court
Lawrie, John (Z. |- R.), 2 St James' place
Lawrie, John, baker, 26 Rose street
Lawrie, Robt. mess. Com. Bank., 10 George st.
Lawrie, Thomas, marble cutter, 37 Leith walk
Lawrie, William H. commission merchant,
46 N. Castle street
Lawrie, W. mills, Coltbridge, Murrayfield
Lawrie, Mrs Rachel, 47 Constitution street
Lawrie, Mrs, 16 South Charlotte street
Lawrie, Mrs, 39 St Leonard street
Lawrie, Miss, 17 Arthur street
Lawrie, Miss, 9 Ain^lie place
Lawson, Andw. (G.P.-O.), 40 Model build.
Lawson, Charles (P. L. §- iion), 35 George sq.
Lawson, Francis, 1 Annandale street
Lawson, Geo. boot and shoemaker, 86 Rose st.
Lawson, George, 46 Charlotte square
Lawson, G. assistant-secretary and curator to
the Botanical Society, 7 Hill square
Lawson, George, baker and conft'Ctioner, 1
Arniston place — ho. 29 Upper Gray st.
Lawson, George, poulterer and victual dealer,
1 North St Andrew street
Lawson, James, W.S. 33 London street
Lawson, James, tobacco and snufF manufr.
110 West port — house, 9 Graham st.
Lawson, James H. Bos well road, Wardie
Lawson, Jas. letter-carrier, 6 S. St James' st.
Lawson, James, wright, 83 Rose street —
house, 1 Tollcross
Lawson, John, dairy, 21 Water lane
Lawson, John, flesher, 180 Canongate
Lawson, John and Robert, victual dealers,
I 64 Grassmarket
I Lawson, Mich.,S.L.&S.S.C. 16 S. Bridge st.
I Lawson, Peter & Son, nurserymen, seeds-
1 men, and wood foresters to the Queen's
most excellent majesty, and to the High-
land and Agricultural Society of Scotland,
1 Geo. IV. bridge. — Nurseries, Golden
Acres, Bangholm, Inverleith row, and
Lilliput, Trinity
Lawson, Wm. coach-hirer, 25 Duke street
Lawson, William, silk and merino dyer, 31
West Nicolson street
Lawson, William, 10 Young street
Lawson, Wm. glazier, 39 Bridge street
Lawson, William, 5 Glover street
Lawson, Mrs William, ladies' nurse, 4 Little
King street
Lawson, Mrs, cook, 39 India place
Lawson, jNIiss, 21 Fettes row
Lawson, Miss, designer and ornamental hair-
worker, 47 Cumberland street
Lawson, blisses, dressmakers, 9 Chapel street
LawtoD, ]\Ir8 Allison, 4 Springfield
Lazzaroni, Ant, figure maker, 96 Princes st.
Lazzaroni, Ant. spirit dealer, 184 Cowgate
Leackie, G, grocer and fruitertr, 1 Dundas st.
Leailbetter, C. architect, Dick's place, Grange
Leadbetter, James, spirit and provision mer-
chant, 26 Causeyside and 12 Canning pi.
Lear, William, 23 Pitt street
Learmont, James and Co., Port-Hopetoun
foundry, 69 Fountainbridge
Learmonth, A. victual dealer, 54. Bristo et.
Learmonth, John, of Dean, 6 Moray place
Learmonth, Thomas, beilhanger,gasfitter, and
coal merchant, 10 Barony street
Learmonth, Misses, board, sch. 1 1 Rutland sq.
Leask, J. B. ironm. 10 Tolbooth wynd, Leith
— house, 1 Union street, foot of Leith v/alk
Leaton, Miss, of Hoppyland castle, 88 Abbey
Leavock, Mrs, 6 Windmill street
Leburn, Thomas, S.S.C .58 George square
Leburn, Pat. M. writer, 8 Upper Gilmore pi.
Leckie, John, spirit merchant, 214 Cowgate
Leckie, William, cashier. Com. Bank, 22
Picardy place
Leckie, Mrs, 22 Picardy place
Leckie, Mrs, 4 Stafford street
Le Conte, John, engraver, 15 St James' eq.
Ledingham, Alex. M. merchant, 6 Hermitage
place, Leith
Lee, the Very Rev. Dr John, Principal of
the University, College
Lee, .Tames {Begbie and Z.), 5 Nicolson sq.
Lee, Richard, lace merchant, 1 1 Nicolson st.
Lee, Rev. Robt. D.D. professor, 24 George sq.
Lee, Wm. corn merchant, 2 Leven street
— house, 2 Gilmore place
Lee, Miss, 21 Leopold place
Lee, Misses, ladies' school, 5 Nicolson sq.
Leechman, Alex, coal mercht. 3 Downie pi.
Port Hopetoun
Leechman, Jas. merchant, 4 Park street
Leechman, Miss, Merchant Maiden hosp.
Leef, Mrs Robert, 72 Northumberland st.
Lees, Charles, R.S.A. 19 Scotland street
Lees, David, 33 Earl Grey street
Lees, George, LL.D. lecturer on natural
philosophy, School of Arts
Lees, Henry, secretary Edin. Perth and Dun-
dee Railway, 26 Royal crescent
Lees, John, tobacco manufr. 3 Brown square
— house, Argyle park
Lees, Robt. surg. & druggist, 20 Nicolson st.
Legal and General Life Assurance Society, 7
Nelson st. — Murray & Rhind, W.S. agents
Legal and Commercial Life and Manchester
Fire Assurance Societies, 8 Bank street —
James P. Falkner, S.S.C. agent
Legat, R. leather and hide factor, 28 Blair st.
Leggat, G. & J. whip and thong makers to the
Queen, 4 Brown square. — See Adv.
Leggat, Jas. manager, Benniehill and Strath-
aven collieries, 4 Port-Hopetoun — house,
17 Portland place
Leggat, James, 16 Chapel street
Leggat, Robert, spirit merchant and coach-
hirer, 54 Broughton street
Leggat, Miss, 17 Portland place
Leggate, D. D. skinners, leather manufacturers
and wool merchants, Dean Skinner works
Legget, Robert, skinner, tanner, and wool mer-
chant. Water of Leith
Leighton, Alex. York lodge. Trinity
Leighton, George (G. P. O/^ce), 5 James' pi,
Leighton, Robert, flesher, 6 Charlotte place —
house, \ Grove street
Leishman, James, merchant, 42 Minto street
Leishman, John, W.S. 18 Drummond place
Leitch, Alex, tailor and clothr. 3 E. Regist. st.
Leitch, John, 9 Antigua street
Leitch, Thos. tailor, 15 Dean street
Leith and Rottekdam St. Ship. Co.'s office,
5 Wet docks — Geo. Gibson & Co. agents
Leith, Jas. chem. and druggist, 14 Union pi.
Leiih, John, solicitor, 123 Constitution street
— house, 2 Portland terrace
Leith, Sara, lithographic printer, 9 South St
Andrew street
Leith Barm Co. of Bakers, 4 Spence's place
Leith Candle Co. Old Sugar-house close, and
20 Frederick street, Edinburgh
Leith Com. List office, 2 Bernard st. Leith
Leith Dock Commission office. Customhouse,
Leith Mechanics' Library, 13 Tolbooth wynd
Leith News-room, 51 Tolbooth wynd
Leiih and Newcastle Steam-packet Com-
pany, 44 Bernard street
Leith Public Library, 116 Constitution st.
Leith Poor's House, South Junction street
Leith Reading- Rooms, 130 Constitution street
Leith, South, Parochial Office, Junction road
Lemmi, Enrico, LL.D. teacher of Italian, 1
Rutland street
Lendrum, R. & Co. booksellers and station-
ers, 20 Hanover St. — ho. 5 N. Charlotte st.
Lennie, Jas. optician, 14 Leith street — ho. 17
St James* square
Lennie, James, spirit merchant, 42 Cross-
Lent, James, Old Ship hotel, 28 Shore
Leny, James M. of Dalswinton, 27 Abercromby
Lennie, P. agent, 9 Davie street
Lennox, James, spirit merchant, 42 Cross-
Lennox, Mrs, dressmaker, 97 Nicolson street
Lennox, Mrs Ann, lodgings, 21 Lothian st.
Leon, Morris, & Co. wax chandlers and general
agents, 7 Ingliston street
Leslie, A. tinsmith and gasfitter, 60 Pleasance
Leslie, Andrew, stationer, 37 Earl Grey st.
Leslie, Geo. {Cowan S^- Co.), 13 St James' sq.
Leslie, James, civil engineer, 72 George street
— house, 2 Charlotte square
Leslie, John, 6 Howe street
Leslie, John, 4 Forth street
Leslie, Thomas, tailor, 9 Bridge street
Leslie, Captain William, 24 Minto street
Leslie, Wm., W.S. (Inglis ^' Leslie), 2 Nelson
Leslie, Hon. Mrs George, 3 Inverleith terrace
Leslie, Mrs, 4 Albany street
Leslie, Miss, 20 Fettes row
Lessels, John, architect, 21 Heriot row
Lethem, James, tobacconist, 7i Shore — house,
2 Regent street
Lethem, James, jun. {Customs), Madeira st.
LettoD, W. H. tail or and clothier, 1^ N. bridge
Letton, W. H. 9 Elder street
Leuchars, David, shoemaker, Newhaven
Leven, John, W.S. 1 Bellevue crescent
Levy, Philip, fur manufr. 25 Hanover street
Levy, JL A. clothier and woollen draper, 94,
96, and 98 So. bridge, and 7 St Andrew sq
Levy, M. A., 21 Clarendon crescent
Lewis & Beater, general drapers and lacemen,
7 7, 78, 7 9, and 80 Leith street
Lewis, Chas. tobacconist, 1 Bernard street
Lewis, David, bootmaker, 217 High street —
ho. Farquharson place
Lewis, Rev. James, Claremont park, Leith
Lewis, James, grocer, wine and spirit mer-
chant, 34 Hanover street
Lewis, Jas. grocer, 6 & 7 Market street and
177 Canongate — house, 1 George square
Lewis, John {Lewis ^' Beater), 8 Salisbury
place, Newington
Lewis, William, 4 Crosscausey
Lewis, Mrs H. \\ . 3 Henderson row
Lewis, Mrs, 1 Park street
Lewis, Miss, ladies' school, 19 Rutland tq
Liddall and Sons, watchmakers, silversmiths,
and jewellers, 5 Bank st.
Liddall, B. {of Liddall ^' Sons), 6 Fingal pi.
Liddall, ^Ym. (of Liddal S,^ Sonft) 2 JMeadow pi.
Liddell Brothers, engravers and gen. printers,
62 Charlotte street, Leich
Liddell, James, upholsterer, 6 St James' st.
Liddell, Joseph M. accountant, Cambrian Fire
and Life Insurance Co. 8 South St David st.
— house, 12 Scotland street
Liddell, J. J. optician, artificer in glass, &c.
3 Hanover street
Liddell, Robt. engraver and lithographer, 46
Nicolson street
Liddell, W. H. currier, 135 West port
Liddell, AVilliam, wright, 77 Clerk street
Liddell, IMiss, 2 Meadow place
Liddle, James, victual dealer, 531 Castlehill
Liddle, Joseph, S.S.C. 12 Scotland street
Liddle, Thomas, gardener, Heriot hill
Lidgate, Jn. leather mercht. 6-b St Patrick sq.
Lite Association of Scotland, 2 Hanover
street — John Fraser, manager. — See Adv.
Lightbody, John, staff- surgeon, 17 Danube st.
Lillie, .Joseph, 4 I George square
Lillie, Peter, smith, Chalmers' close
Lillie, Miss, Rankeillor place
Lillico, "William, baker, 1 Brown street
Limond, Mrs, 18 Rutland square
Limont, Mrs, 3 Sylvan place
Lind, Andrew, jun. tailor, clothier, and gene-
ral outlitttr, 12 Dock place
Jviiid, Andrew, sen. tailor and clothier, 30
Lind, David, tailor & clothier. Glover street
Lind, David, stone merchant and builder, 2
Port-Hopetoun — house, 1 S. Charlotte st.
Lind, Robert, commission sale rooms, 21
Picardy place— house, 17 London street
Lind, Wm. cheese merchant, 4 Lothian street
Lindesay, Jas. & Sons, wine merchants, 33
Quality st — ho. 18 Constitution st. Leith
Lindesay, James, of Feddinch, wine mer-
chant, 18 Constitution street
Lindesay, Jas. jun., W.S. 110 George street
Lindesay, Mrs Patrick, 48 Albany street
Lindesay, Mrs Wm. 22 Regent terrace
Lindores, Wm. wine and spirit merchant, 55
Frederick street
Lindsay, Mackay, & Howe, W. S. 62 Castle st.
Lindsay & Paterson, W.S. 24 Dublin street
Lindsay and Shaw, pharmaceutical chemists
and druggists, 1 1 Elm row
Lindsay & Son, grain merchants, 31 Cowgate
Lindsay, Chas. & Co plumbers, brass found-
ers, and meter manufacurers, 8 Green-
side street
Lindsay, D. painter and glazier, 56 Bristo st.
Lindsay, Don., & Geo. A. Esson, accountants,
59 George street
Lindsay, Donald, 15 Abercromby place
Lindsay, George, rope manuf. 28 Horse wynd
Lindsay, Geo. (Z. ^ Son)., 65 Lauriston place
Lindsay, Geo. 47 Constitution street
Lindsay, J. dairy, 78 Queen street
Lindsay, James & Sons, agents and wholesale
wine and spirit merchants, 5 Royal Exch.
Lindsay, Jas. {Susine office), 42 Gilmore pi.
Lindsay, James, baker, 73 Kirkgate — ho. 52
Lindsay J. painter and glazier, 12 Chapel st.
Lindsay, James, W.S. 1 Minto street
Lindsay, James, fruit salesman, 8 Physic gard.
— house, 13 Aigyle square
Lindsay, Jas. bookseller, 32 Candlemaker row
Lindsay, John M., P.C.S. 19 Melville street
Lindsay, John, 18 West Richmond street
Lindsay, John, printer, 1 Buccleuch street
Lindsay, John, cowfeeder. Link well, Leith
Lindsay, John, gardener. Bower's hall
Lindsay, Jn. coal mercht. 2 E. & G. R.
Lindsay, Robert, printer, 1 Buccleuch street
Lindsay, Robert, 8 Brunton place
Lindsay, Robert, fruiterer, 8 Physic gardens
Lindsay, Thos. shipmaster, 30 Charlotte street,
Lindsay, Thos. shoe merchant, 171 High st.
— house, 4 Lindsay place
Lindsay, Thos. silk dyer, 35 Leith street
Lindsay, Thos. S. assistant sec. and cashier to
JScoltin/i N. Plot. Sac. 85 Great King st.
Lindsay, William (^Mercury office), 3 West
Preston street
Lindsay, Win., S.S.C. & Xotary Public, 124
Constitution st.— ho. Hermitage hill house
Lindsay, R. surgeon, 8 Brunton place
Lindsay, Wm. cooper, 31 Hanover street —
house, 5 North Bank street
Lindsay, Wm. tailor and clothier, 2 Drum-
raond street
Lindsay, William, ropemaker, 47 Rose street
Lindsay, Mrs, 7 Cassells' place
Lindsay, Mrs, Bathfield house
Lindsay, Miss, 8 Duncan street, Newington
Lindsay, Miss, 25 Forth street
Lindsay, Misses, straw-hat makers, 175
Canon gate
Linkie, Thomas, china dealer, 15 Home st.
Linklater, J. & J. provision dealers, 104
Grassmarket — house, 62
Linklater, Mrs M. tavern, 71 Shore
Linn, Mrs PL 4. East Adam street
Linton, Andrew, cork-cutter, 87 High street
Linton, Thomas, superintendent of police.
Parliament square
Linton, W. C. painter, 5 Frederick street —
house, 8 Mackenzie place
Linton, Mrs, dressmaker, 73 Rose street
List, Alfred John, justice of peace fiscal for
the county, and superint. county police^
county hidings. — ho. Clarkeville, Grange rd.
List, Alfred 0. C. {Bank of Scotland)^ Clarke-
ville, Grange road
List, Louis G. {Exchequer), Clarkeville,
Grange road
Lister, Richard, commercial traveller, 31 S.
Clerk street
Liston, Alexander, 22 St John street
Liston, Andrew, spirit dialer, Newhaven
Liston, David, professor of Oriental languages.
Elm cottage, west, Whitehouse gardens
Liston, Mrs Ramage, 19 St Cuthbert street
Lithgow & Purdie, house painters and deco-
rators, 60 Hanover street and 15 George st.
Little and Reid, joiners and cabinetmakers,
107 High street
Little, A. & A. ironmongers, 35 Hanover st.
Little, Andrew, St Bernard's cottage
Little, Jas. commission agent, 12 Catharine st.
— house, 17 Elm row
Little, Jas. jun. tobacconist, 28 Princes street
Little, Jn. commission agent, 12 Catharine st.
Little, Robert, Royal Institution, Mound
Little, Mrs, 18 Fettes row
Little, Mrs W. M. 3 Pitt street, Bonnington
Littlejohn, David, writer, 13 North Bank st.
Littlejohn, Dr, 67 York place
Littlejohn, T. M. confec, 31 and 3-3 Leith st.
Littlejohn, Mrs, 67 York place
Littlejohn, Mrs, 2 Minto street, Newington
Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insur-
ance Co K. Mackenzie aa:ent, 29 North-
umberland street
Livingston & Gibson, clothiers and outfitters,
106 South bridge
Livingston and Weir, mercantile agents, 7
Roxburgh place
Livingston, Alex, general agent and cork ma-
nufacturer, 15 St Patrick square — house, 12
Buccleuch place
Livingston, Alex. 14 Barony street
Livingston, J. messenger. Commercial Bank,
10 George street
Livingston, John, tailor and clothier, 20
South bridge
Livingston, .John, S.S.C. 11 Young street —
house, 4 Danube street
Livingston, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 30
and 32 Water lane
Livingston, Josiah, hosier, glover, and shirt-
maker, 37 George st — ho. 31 Scotland st.
Livingston, Jos. (/y. ct Weir), 6 Arniston place
Livingston, R. F. herbalist, 15 Ingiiston st.
Livingston, Mrs, 7 Buccleuch street
Livingston's lodgings, 16 Castle street
Lizars, Professor, consulting & operating sur-
geon, 15 South Charlotte street
Lizars, W. H. engraver, lithographer, copper-
plate and letterpress printer, 3 St James' sq.
Lizars, Mrs, Bonnington bank
Lloyd, John, agent, 31 B rough ton place
Loch, Thomas Francis Erskine, Rear-admiral,
27 George square
Locke, Mrs, 6 Comely bank
Lockhart, Archibald, 8 Shakspeare square
Lockhart, William, gardener, Dean
Lockhart, Mrs Elizabeth, 3 W. Claremontst.
Lockhart, Miss M. Elliot, 5 Rutland place
Lockhart, Miss Ann, of Castlehill, 40 Ann st.
Lockie, Ch. merchant, 25 W. Nicolson st.
Lockie, Tliomas, 32 William street
Lockie, William, tailor, 118 West port
Lockie, Mrs, lodgings, 6 Brighton street
Loewenstein, Sigismund, teacher of German,
5 York place
Loewenstein, Madame, teacher of piano and
French, 5 York place
Loewentbal, M. chiropodist, 14 North Bank
street and 7 James' court
Logan, Alex. S. advocate, sheriff of Forfar-
shire, 12 York place
Logan, Edmond, W.S. 141 George street
Logan, Geo., W.S. clerk of teinds Register
house. Hawthorn brae, Duddingston
Logan, George, writer, 3 South Howard pi.
Logan, Hugh, ship carver, 49 Timber bush
Logan, James, 13 Annandale street
Logan, John {Mackenzie, Innes, andL.), 29
India street
Logan, John, 6 Malta terrace
Logan, John, printer, 86 Pleasance
Logan, John, watchmaker, 5 Dean street
Logan, John, Broughton point
Logan, William, Broughton point
Logan, Mrs, Seafield lodge
Logan, Mrs, 7 East Claremont street
Logan, Mrs, 18 Dundas street
London Assurance Corporation — Alexander
Stevenson, S.S.C. agent, 4 St Andrew sq.
London Mission. Society, Edin. Auxiliary
to — W. F. Watson, treasurer, 52 Princes st.
London Hotel, 2 St Andrew square
London & Edin. Ship. Co.'s clippers office,
67 Shore — Archibald Ritchie, manager
London Union Assurance Society and An-
nuity Office, 20 Nelson st. and 16 Hill st. —
See Adv.
London Union Fire and Life Assurance
Co. and Annuity Office, 17 George street
— J. G. Harrison, agent
London' and Leith Old Shipping Co.'s office,
71 Shore
London, Leith, Edin. and Glasgow Ship.
Co.'s office, Upper drawbridge, Leith, and 9
Waterloo place — Thos. Dowie, manager. —
See Adv.
London General Steam Navigation Co. 21
Waterloo place, Edin. and 14 Shore, Leith
— R. W. Hamilton, manager. — See Adv.
London Printg. & Pubg. Co. 3 Roxburgh st.
Long, Thomas, engineer and machine maker,
Logan's close — house, 45 New street
Longmore, Adam C. {Exch.)^ 2 Mansfield pi.
Longmore, John Alex., W.S. 56 Melville st.
Lorimer, G. builder and contr. 18 Graham st.
Lorimer, James, advocate, 27 Alva street
Lorimer, James, civil engineer and surveyor,
41 George st. — house, 10 Torphichen st.
Lorimer, John, builder, 10 Torphichen street
Lorimer, John, advocate, 19 Albany street
Lorimer, Wm., S.S.C. 18 Annandale street
Lorimer, Mrs, 69 York place
Lothian, Andrew, S.S.C. 6 Elm row
Lothian, D. and Son, painters, 3 York place
Lothian, John, painter, 25 Barony street
Lothian, John, victual dealer, 244 Canongate
Lothian, George, 1 1 Carlton street
Lothian, Maurice, procurator-fiscal for county,
County buildings — ho. 28 Drummond pi.
Lothian, Peter, gardener, 10 Saunders' street
Lothian, Mrs John, 15 Carlton terrace
Lothian, Mrs, grocer, 1 1 Greenside row
Lothian, Mrs, 25 Barony street
Lothians and Finlay, solicitors, GO George Bt.
Louden, David, lodgings, 44 Howe street
Lough, John, chimney-sweeper, 19 Wm. st.
and 14 Jamaica street. — See Adv.
Loughton, Alex, lodgings, 146 Princes street
Love, M. & J. milliners, &c. 9 Hill square
Love, Miss E. milliner, 8 Lothian street
Lovell, Miss E. 39 Montagu street
Low, David, professor of agriculture, Univer-
sity, Mayfield, Trinity, and 14 Young street
Low, David, outfitter, 3 Hope park
Low, D. AV. (//. M. Customs), Cherry bank,
Low, Jas. gardener, 2 South b. Canongate
Low, John, plumber and gasfitter, 14 N. St
Andrew street
Low, John, hootmaker, 10 N. St. David st.
Low, John, slater, 30 Nicolson street
Low, William, accountant, 58 Great King st.
Low, Lieut.- Col. Robert, Mayfield, Trinity
Low, Miss, 14 Dublin street
Lowdcn, Wm. wholesale and small wares, 18
Hill place
Lowe, John, 16 Ann street
Lowe, John D. & Co. booksellers & stationers,
123 Princes st. — ho. 1 Lower Gilmore place
Lowe, Joseph, teacher of dancing and calis-
thenic exercises, 32 Frederick street
Lowe, Capt. W., Indian navy, 50 Melville st.
Lowe, Robt. Wm. assistant procurator-fiscal
of county, Middlefield house, Leith walk
Lowes, Thomas C. (G.P.-O.), Bridge place,
Lowne, Thomp. M.D. surgeon, 46 Minto st.
Lowrie, John, cart and plough wright, 77
Abbey hill
Luckie, David, Leithwalk saw mills. Brown's
Luis, EUice, stucco manufr. Fountain close
Luke, James, baker, 25 Brunswick street — ho.
72 Cumberland street
Luke, Jn. & Wm. merchants, 193 High st.
Luke, Wm. of Cairnbank, 5 Gardner's cresc.
Luke, Mrs James, 116 Lauriston place
Luke, Miss, 7 Charles street
Lumsdaine, .Tames, spirit dealer, 2 Old Phy-
sic gardens
Lumsdaine, John, grocer and spirit-dealer,
317 Cowgate
Lumsdaine, Wm. 8 Comely green place
Lumsdaine, Miss, 8 Comely green place
Lumsden, Henry, 6 Leopold place
Lumsden, James, tailor, 51 Cumberland street
Lundin, Miss, 3 Eyre place
Lyall &Swinton, builders, Ingleston street —
house, 18 Roxburgh street
Lyall, David, 23 Alva street
Lyall, David, writer, 20 Rankeillor street
Lyall, Alexander, baker, 5 Shrub place
Lyall, John, merchant, 8 Port-Hopetoun — ho.
7 Lothian road
Lyall, Richard, meal-dealer, 37 Bridge street
Lyall, Robert, 8 Clarendon crescent
Lyall, William, goods superintendent N. B.
Railway, 11 Drummond street
Lyle, Alex, merchant and commission agent,
58 Timber bush — house, 17 Bath street
Lyle, George, 5 Drummond street
Lyle, Thomas, stockbroker, 65 Princes street
Lyle, Thomas, 3 West Newington
Lynch, Thos. spirit dealer, 285 Cowgate
Lynch, Mrs Charles, broker, 161 Cowgate
Lyon, C. refreshment rooms, 30 Lothian rd.
Lyon, David, bookbinder, 505 Lawnmarket
Lyon, Francis {Edinbunjh and Leith Gas Co.),
12 Baltic street, Leith
Lyon, George, accountant, 54 Rankeillor street
Lyon, George, W.S. 26 Forth street
Lyon, Hugh, S.S.C. 7 N. St Andrew street
Lyon, J. W. stockbroker, bill-broker, and
agent to the Globe Insurance, I..ondon —
34 Dundas street
Lyon, James, hairdresser, 61 LowCalton
Lyon, John Stewart, of Kirkmichael, 47
Albany street
Lyon, Robert, teacher of law, 4 Northumber-
land place
Lyon, Wm. (X)o?^e//s^ L,), 1 Dundas street
Lyon, Mrs, lodgings, 27 Brunswick street
Lyon, Misses, 12 Nelson street
Lyons, Lewis, quill manufacturer, 2l North
Richmond street — ho. 12 Buccleuch street
Lyschinski, Adam, M.D. 10 Warriston cres.
Macadam, Anstruther, clothier and linen
draper, 27 West Nicolson street — house,
8 Chapel street
M'Adie, David, spirit dealer, 20 Giles' street
M' Adie, W. spirit mer. 1 11 Kirkgate — ho. 1 1 2
Macallan & Chancellor, W.S. 26 Rutland sq.
Macallan, J. (M.^- Chancellor), 26 Rutland sq.
Macall urn, Walter Buchanan, stock & share
broker, 10 Hanover street — house, 8 Annan-
dale street
Macallum, Mrs W. B., 8 Annandale street
Macallum, Miss, 2 Windsor street
Macalpine, Wra. saddler, 12 Broad wynd
M'Alpine, Mrs James, 19 Comely bank
Macandrew, D. M. merchant, 15 Bernard
street, Leith
Macandrew, J. and J., S.S.C. 33 Dublin st.
Macandrew, James M. accountant, 65 Princes
street — house, 28 Dublin street
Macandrew, John {J. Sf J. M.), 41 Inver-
leith row
Macandrew, John, jun. (J. S^- J. M.), 41 In-
verleith row
Macandrew, R. {Reg. House), Inverleith
field, Queensferry road
Macara, Cbs. commercial agent and appraiser,
6 Brighton street
Macara, James, W.S., 8 Roxburgh terrace
Macara, L. M., W.S. 14 S. Charlotte street
Macara, Mrs, lodgings, 12 Antigua street
Macart, James, shoe shop, 30 Bridge street
Macarthur, Alexander, builder, 31 William
street lane — house, 7 Randolph clifF
Macarthur, Mrs, 12 Queen street
M'Arthur, A. writer, 9 Antigua street
M' Arthur, John, grocer, &c. 29 Lothian st.
M'Arthur, Neil, shoemaker, 1 Water lane
M'Arthur, Peter {Com. Bank), 8 Wharton pi.
Macaulay, Alex., broker, 6 St Andrew st.
Macaulay, B. J. 6 Park street
Macaulay, Miss, 4 West Claremont street
Macaw, Mrs, 38 York place
M'Bain, Mrs, midwife and nurse, 41 India pi.
M'Bain, Mrs, nurse, 9 St Bernard's row
M'Bayne, Miss, 20 Dublin street
Macbean, ^neas, W.S. 11 Charlotte square
Macbean, jEneas, jun. W.S. 11 Charlotte sq
— house, 63 Great King street
Macbean, Mrs, St Ann's yard*", Abbey
M'Bean, H. A. 6 Warriston crescent
M'Bean, Miss, 6 Warriston crescent
Macbrair, Dav. J., S.S.C. 8 Darnaway street
M' Bride, Mrs John, 28 Bernard street
M'Call, Adam, baker, 449 Lawnmarket
M'Call, C. & Co. engineers and millwrights,
Montgomery street
M'Call, John, Hawthorn bank
M'Call, Peter & Co. sugar and spice grinders,
and coffee roasters, Montgomery street
Maccallum, Alexander, 4 Moray street
Maccallum, Geo. accountant, 13 Montgomery
Maccallum, George, stockbroker, and agent
for the London Fire and Life Assurance Co.
30 St Andrew square
M'Callum & Dundas, C.E. 143 Princes st.
M'Callum, Duncan, C.E. 7 Torphichen street
M'Callum, Dn. spirit merchant, 3.9 Thistle st.
M'Callum, Jas. commercial hotel, 3 Hill place
M'Callum, John and Son, soda water manu-
facturers, 1 West Richmond street
M'Callum, John, farmer, Plewlands, Mor-
M'Callum, Male, agent, 17 London row
M'Callum, Peter, coal agent, 11 Buccleuch st.
M'Callum, Mrs, dressmaker, 166 Fountain-
M'Callum, Mrs Edward, 12 Brandon street
M'Callum, Mrs Janet, spirit dealer, 26
Heriot buildings
M'Callum, Mrs, lodgings, 64 Frederick st.
M'Cambridge, Peter, pawnbroker, 59 & 61
Candlemaker row
M'Candlish, John M., W.S. manager National
Fire and Life Insurance Co. 18 Moray pi.
M'Candlish, Wm. View field ho. Trinity road
M'Cann, Jas. stationer, 6 Deanhaugh street
M'Cann, John, shawl merchant, 99 South br.
M'Carron, Charles, boot and shoemaker, Old
Fishmarket close
M'Carter, D. (Hume ^- Melville), 6 Scotland st.
M' Carter, Mrs, 6 Scotland street
M'Cartney, Hugh, tailor & clothier, 4| North
M'Caskie, James and Co. hat manufacturers,
90 Candlemaker row
M'Caskie, J. {J. M'C. 6f Co.), 25 George sq.
M'Caul, Charles, contractor, Heriot cottage
M'Caul, James, hatter, 11 Bread street
M'Cheyne, Mr.'*, 24 Maitland street
M'Cheyne, Mrs, 33 Cumberland street
M'Chrystal, Mich. Paisley shawl warehouse,
9 Jamaica street
Maccoll, Alex. S. teacher of English and clas-
sical literature, 11 Hillsid.e crescent
Maccoll, John, messenger. Bank of Scotland,
2 Lauriston terrace
M'Clurapha, John & Co. Balmoral tavern, 4
Milne square
M'Clumpha, John, tailor and clothier, 26 Wil-
liam street
M'Clure, Henry, 1 Henry place
M'Combie, D. spirit dealer, 37 St Leonard st.
M'Connel, K. & M. embroiderers, dressmakers,
and milliners, 33 Castle street
Maconochie, Jas. 4 Middle Arthur place
Maconochie, Robt. B., W.S. 49 Castle street
Maconochie & Co., toy and fancy bazaar, 35
George street
Maconochie, IMrs, French stay maker, 35
George street
M'Cook, Mrs James, 44 Great King st,
jVI'Carrack, ]\Iiss, 12 Hope stret- 1
M'Cowan, Fran. D., M.D. & surg. 14 Elder st.
ArCrae, Mrs^ ladies' sick nurse, 4 Young st.
M'Craken, John, S.S.C 22 Walker street
M'Craw, John, shoe warehouse, 249 High st.
— house, Westerhall lodge
M'Craw, Robert, tobacco and snuff manufac-
turer, 167 Hiah street
M'Craw, William, boot and shoe warehouse,
281 and 287 High street
M'Credie, Miss, teacher, 63 Cumberland st.
M'Crie, Thos., D.D. 45 George square
M'Crie, WilUam & Co. paper-stainers to the
Queen, 22 Leith walk
M'Crie, Wm. 11 Carlton terrace
M'Crie, Mrs Dr, 13 Salisbury place
M'Crorie, Mrs Jane, Admiralty street
M'Cuaig, Dn. & Son, tailors and clothiers, 10
Frederick street
M'CuUoch, Alex. {J. P. officer), 134 High st.
M'Culloch, Horatio, R.S.A. landscape-painter,
7 Danube street
M'CuUocb, John, teller B. Linen Co. Bank, 1
London st., agent for Phce.'iix Fire and Pe-
lican Life Insurance Companies See Adv.
M'CuUoch, John, painter, 22 Downie place
M'CuUoch, Thomas, plumber, Lothian road
M'CuUoch, Wm. sheriff-officer, 391 Lawn-
M'CuUoch, Wm. jun. messenger-at-arms, and
sheriff-officer, 391 Lawnmarket
M'CuUoch, William T. librarian, Edin. S. L.
24 George street
M'CuUoch, Mrs A. & Co. dealt^rs in hams,
sausages, &c. 32 Lothian street
M'CuUoch, Mrs Wm. lodgings, 6 St Vincent st.
M'Dermaid, grocer and spirit dealer, 1 Sherriff
brae, Leith
M'Dermott, James, feather merchant, 61
North Hanover street
M'Diarmid, Archd. clothier, 83 Princes street
]\I'Diarmid, Angus, Donaldsoji's hospital
]M'Diarmid, -John, clothier, 13 North bridge
Macdonald, A. flesher, 8 Antigua street —
house, 9 Antigua street
Alacdonald, Alex., Edin. and Leith carrier,
6 Richmond court
Alacdonald, Alexander, boot and shoemaker,
73 Nicolson street
INIacdonald, A. market officer, Physic gardens
Macdonald, Alex. {G. P.O.), 50 Thistle st.
IMacdonald, And. gardener, 42 Caustyside
Alacdonald, Andrew, 7 Summerhall
IMacdonald, Angus, saddler, 42 Grassmarket
Macdonald, Angus, 3 Annfield lodgings. New-
Macdonald, Rev. Arch. .12 Bernard street
Macdonald, Arch, cabinitm. 21 Castle street
Macdonald, Arch. & Co. cabinetmakers, 4
Swinton row
Macdonald, Arthur, horse dealer, 100 Rose
street — house, 82
Macdonald, Dan. tinsmith, 41 Earl Grey st.
Macdonald, David, watchm. 3 East Arthur pi.
Macdonald, David, tailor, Merrilees' close
Macdonald, Donald, of Dulness, Aultnafeigh
cottage, Abbotsford park
Macdonald, Donald, accountant, collector of
poor's rates, 57 North bridge — house, 28
Gayfield square
Macdonald, Don. victualler, 24-5 Canongate
Macdonald, D. gardener, 44 India street
Macdonald, Gilbert, bookbinder, 21 George st.
Macdonald, George, chemist and druggist, 7
Duke street. — See Adv.
Macdonald, G. & Son, boot and shoemakers,
148 Princes street
Macdonald, James, tailor, 42-3 Lawnmarket
Macdonald, Jas. manufr. 15 Buccleuch place
Macdonald, James {G. P.-O.), 19 South St
James' street
Macdonald, John, writer and accountant, 23
Cumberland street
Macdonald, John, lodgings, 6 Forres street
Macdonald, John, teacher of elocution, 56
George street
Macdonald, J. C, M.D. 3 Forrest road
Macdonald, John, shoemaker, 28 Thistle st.
Macdonald, Rev. John, 17 Brown square
Macdonald, John, printer, 13 Carrubber's close
Macdonald, John, bootmaker, 76 Leith street
Macdonald, John, accountant, 1 Nelson st.
Macdonald, John, porter, 17 South St James'
Macdonald, John, flesher, 4 Greenside place
Macdonald, Ronald, writer, 27 Hamilton pi.
Macdonald, Stodart, S.h.C. 1 Abercromby pi.
Macdonald, Thos. A. agent, 7 Brighton st.
Macdonald, Tertius, surgeon and druggist,
13 Catharine street
Macdonald, Thos. spirit dealer, 21 Coatfield
Macdonald, William, surgeon and druggist, 42
Macdonald, Wm. of Powderhall, Powderhall
Macdonald, Capt. Wm. 4 Ann street
Macdonald, Wra. J. working jeweller, 5
Castle street — house, 12
Macdonald, W^m. tailor, 4 West Adam street
Macdonald, W. gentlemen's attendant, War-
riston court
Macdonald, Mrs Hay, dyer, 27 South back of
Macdonald, Mrs, of Dalness, 1 1 Torpichen st.
Macdonald, Mrs Col., St Ann's house
Macdonald, Mrs Capt. 3 Warriston crescent
Macdonald, Mrs, 2 Gardner's crescent
Macdonald, Mrs, straw-hat mkr. 429 Lawnmt.
Macdonald, Mrs, 8 Barony street
Macdonald, Mis, 33 London street
Macdonald, Mrs, 31 Gayfield square
Macdonald, Mrs, grocer and spirit dealer, 1
Stafford street
Macdonald, Mrs, 35 West Nicolson street
Macdonald, Mrs Mary, 1 Henderson row
Macdonald, Mrs, lodgings, 13 Hill place
Macdonald, Miss, housekeeper, George He-
riot's Hospital
Macdonald, Miss J. silk and worsted ware-
house, 32 Princes street
Macdonald, Miss Robertson, 24 Walker st.
Macdonell, Mrs G. B. 5 Raeburn place
M'Donell, Mrs James, JO Broughton place
M'Dougal, Alex, farmer, Grancon
M'Dougal, Alex, grocer, &c. agent for Guin-
ness & Co.'s Dublin porter, 18 Howe st.
M'Dougal, George, grocer, &c. 3 India st —
house, 30 Hamilton place
M'Dougal, J. grocer, 19 Dublin st. — ho. 23
M'Dougal, Walter, cowfeeder, 26 Greensidest.
M'Dougald, Robert, 19 Nelson street
Macdougald, R. & J. W. china and glass mer-
chants, 84 Candlemaker row
MacDougall, Patrick C. Professor of Moral
Philos. University, 6 Clarendon crescent
MacDougall, Mrs Alex. 6 High Albany street
M'Dougall, Alex, spirit mercht. 82 Potterrow
M'Dougall, Alexander, treasurer superintend-
ent. Royal Infirmary
M'Dougall, David {Clj/desdale Bank), 16
Royal Exchange
M'Dougall, Dougall, 21 St Leonard street
M'Dougall, James, gardener, Swanfield
M'Dougall, John, grocer aud spirit merchant,
78 Giles' street
M'Dougall, Neil, spirit dealer, 23 Bank st. —
house, 9 Bristo place
M'Dougall, Patrick, W.S. 4 Great King stre t
M'Dougall, Mrs John, 20 Heriot place
M'Dougall, Mrs Captain, South coates
Macdougall, Gilbert, 2 Gardner's crescent
Macdougall, Miss, matron R. Edinb. Asylum
M'Dowall, James, merchant and agent, 4
Leith street terrace — house, 43 East Clare-
mont street
M'Dowall, Robt. baker, 57 George street
M'Dowall, Thomas, 11 Lothian street
M'Dowall, William, bookseller and stationer,
14 North bridge — house, 12 Hill square
M'Dowall, Mrs William, 8 Bellevue crescent
M'Dowall, Mrs, lodgings, 7 Hill place
M'Dowell, James, United States consul, 14
Montgomery street
M'Edward, Mrs J. grocer, Canaan
M'Elrevy, Mrs M. lodgings, 14 Dundas st.
M'Evoy, J,, saddler, 58 Charlotte st. Leith
M'Ewan, A. W. 25 Haddington place
M'Ewan, Rev. David, 7 Newington place
M'Ewan, Daniel, clothier, 20 North bridge
M'Ewan, Duncan, pavement merchant, Scot-
land street Station
JI'Ewan, Hugh, grocer, 17 Greenside row
M'Ewan, John, wine merchant, 122 Princes
street — house, 121
M'Ewan, Peter, 13 St James' square
M'Ewan, W. spirit deal. 23 Bridge st. Leith
M'Ewan, Robert, baker, 22 Cowgate
M'Ewan, Mrs James, tea dealer, 3 Downie pi.
M'Ewen, James, W.S. (Patrick, M'JEwen, §•
Garment), 11 Picardy place
M'Ewen, Miss, dress and cloak maker, 16
George street
M'Ewin & Son, sculptors. South Clerk street
M'Fadyen, Hector, principal city officer. City
Chambers — house, 103 George street
M'Farlan, Dav., H.E.I.C.S. 6 Randolph ores.
M'Farlan, John (/. F. M'F. Sf Co.), 4 Park pi.
M'Farlan, Mrs, 17 Lynedoch place
M'Farlan, Miss, Lauder road. Grange
Macfarlan, John F. &. Co. chemists and drug-
gists to Her Majesty, 17 & 18 North bridge
Macfarlane, Alex, corn factor and agent, 61
Constitution st. — ho. 8 Wellington pi. Leith
Macfarlane, Alex. {Sun Fire Office), 3 West
Arthur place
Macfarlane & Wallace, house-painters, 46
Frederick street
Macfarlane, Barth. 10 East Adam street
Macfarlane, Donald, dairy, 14 Queensferry st.
Macfarlane, George, missionary, 5 Bowling-
green street
Macfarlane, James, W.S. 9 Atholl place
Macfarlane, James, wine & spirit merchant,
49 Frederick street — ho. 13
Macfarlane, Rev. Dr Jas. manse, Duddingston
Macfarlane, John, 7 St Cuthbert's glebe,
Lothian road
Macfarlane, John, coach-hirer, 159 Rose st.
Macfarlane, Robert, advocate, sheriff of Ren-
frewshire, 31 Heriot row
Macfarlane, Robert (IF. <§• J. M' Murray), 3
Stead's place
Macfarlane, Robert, painter, -35 Frederick st.
Macfarlane, Thos. writer, 11 Darnaway st.
Macfarlane, William, M.D., F.R.C.S.L. 21
St Bernard's crescent
Macfarlane, Walter, 5 Cheyne street
Macfarlane, Mrs, lodgings, 1 1 Trinity cresc.
Macfarlane, Mrs, spirit dealer, 39 Cumberland
Macfarlane, Miss, straw-bonnet maker, 55
George street
M'Farlane & Gibb, cabinetmakers, 23 Dundas
street — house, 37 London street
M'Farlane, David, carpet and hearth-rug
manufacturer, dyer and scourer, &c. Canon-
M'Farlane, David, lodgings, 7 East Adam st.
M'Farlane, Jn. (British Linen Co.), 7 Comelv
M'Farlane, Peter, lodgings, 40 N. Richmd. st.
M'Farlane, W. H. 1 Darnaway street
M'Farlane, Wardlaw (Duncan, Flockhart, Sf
Co.), 1 Darnaway street
M'Farlane, Mrs, lodgings, 4 Montgomery st.
M'Farquhar, Misses, 18 Fettes row
Macfeat, Mrs Wallace, china and glass mer-
chant, 42 South bridge
Macfeat, Mrs, 25 West Nicolson street
M'Fee, Mrs Isabella, spirit dealer and carriers'
ofiBce, 209 High street
Macfie, Rev. Daniel, 24 Rankeillor street
Macfie, Mrs, 27 Regent terrace
Macfie, Mrs Pat. provision dealer, 299 Cowg;.
M'Gachie, John, watchmaker and jeweller,
41 South bridge — house, 11 Henry street
MacGachen, D. John, Episcopal clergyman,
chaplain to St Andrew's hall, Leith wynd, 4
AVest Newingtoa
M'Gechan, Mrs, lodgings, 8 Castle street
M'George, Eben. ( Union Bank), 9 Gilmore pi.
M'George, John, agent, 9 Gilmore place
M'George, Mrs Ebenezer, 33 Richmond place
M'George, Mrs, shoe wareho. 89 Pleasance
M'Gibbon,Chas.builder, 33 East Clareraont st.
M 'Gibbon, John, builder, 40 Great King st.
M'Gibbon, John, clothier, 15 S. College st.
M'Gibbon, Miss, 3 Duncan st. Drummond pi.
M'Gie, Robert, J.P. constable, Cbessel's court
M'Gilchrist, John, M.D. 3 Gilmore place
M'Gilchrist, Rev. John, 124 George street
Macgill & Begbie, painters & paper hangers,
62 Bristo street
Macgill, Edw. painter & glazier, 21 Castle st.
!Macgill, William, artists' colourmanand print-
seller, 7 Hanover st.— house, 6 Castle street
M'Gill, JatBCs, baker, 7 Haddington place
M'Gill, Jn. boot & shoemaker, 48 Nicolson st.
M'Gill, William, ground-officer, Grange ho.
M'Gill. Mrs, 11 North Melville place
M'Gill, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 126 Rose street
M'Gillivray, Andw. wright, 29 Horse wynd
M'Gillivray, William, writer, 13 North-west
Circus place
M'Glashan & Wilding, engravers and litho-
graphic printers, 26 Clyde street
M'Glashan, Alexander, teacher of dancing,
23 York place
M'Glashan, A. {M'Glashan ^ Wilding), 91
M'Glashan, Charles, accountant, 20 Had-
dington place
M'Glashan, Don. wine merchant and grocer,
39 Broughton street and 1 Jlansfield place
— bouse, 48 London street
M'Glashan, James, cabinetmaker and up-
holsterer, 82 South bridge — ho. 1 7 Archibald
M'Glashan, Ralph, cabinetmaker, &e. 249
Cowgate — house, 12 Roxburgh place
M'Glashan, Stewart, sculptor, Canonmills br.
M'Cilashan, Miss M. lodgings, 5 India street
M'Gowan, Alex, commercial travel. 1 Clerk st.
MacGoun, Rev. Robert W. Morningside
Macgregor, Donald II. Insur. broker, and coal,
iron, and general agent, Exchange buildings,
Leith — house, 18 Minto street, Edinburgh
Macgregor, Malcolm, S.SC, 30 St Andrew
M'Circgor, Alex, architect, 3 North Char-
lotte street
iM'Gregor, Alex, provis. deal. 13 Yardheads
M'Gregor, Alex, tea, wine, and spirit mer-
chant 1 St Patrick st. and 21 West Cross-
M'Gregor, Ang. chimney sw. 18 Gifford park
M'Gregor, David, wool mercht. 26 King st.
Leiih — house, 23 Lynedoch place
M'Gregor, Don. lodgings, 51 Broughton st.
M'Gregor, Dug. spirit dealer, 24 Downie place
M'Gregor, Jas. hotel-keeper, 8 W. Register
M'Gregor, James Gardner, St Mark's
M'Gregor, James, {of M'Gregor ^- Son), 2
Baxter's place
M'Gregor, J. & Son, watchmakers, 7 Bread
street, and 20 Roxburgh place
M'Gregor, John, tobacco manufact., 104 High
street, 2 Leith street, and 7 7 Princes street
M'Gregor, John, 3 Roxburgh place
M'Gregor, John {of M'Gregor ^ Son), 25
Barony street
M'Gregor, John, spirit mercht, 2 Niddry st.
M'Gregor, John, tailor, 5 Kerr street
M'Gregor, John, chairman, 156 Rose street
M'Gregor, John, shoemaker, 22 Thistle st.
M'Gregor, Peter, Sons, & Co. silk mercers &
drapers, 30 George street
M'Gregor, Thomas, gardener, Beaver- hall
M'Gregor, Wm. temperance coffee-house, 2
Princes street
M'Gregor, iMrs, furniture-print cleaner and
glazer, 194 Rose street
M'Gregor, Mrsj 7 Drummond street
M'Gregor, Mrs, 15 Chapel street
M'Gregor, Mrs Margaret, 1 1 Melville place
M'Gregor, Mrs, lodgings, 8 Argyle square
M'Gregor, Miss Margaret, 34 Hanover street
M'Gregor, Miss, 3 Gloucester place
M'Guire, Patrick & Co. Operative hat factory
73 St Mary's wynd
Machattie, John, agent for Carron Co. East-
field house
M'Hutchen, Wm. collector of land and as-
sessed taxes, income and property tax,
57 North bridge — house, 35 Royal terrace
M'llriach, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 50 South br.
]M'Iune8, J., tin-plate worker, 7 Lothian st.
M'Innes, Robert, Comm. tavern, 3 Milne sq.
M'Innes, S.,wine niercht. &gro., 57 Pleasance
M'Innes, ^Irs, lodgings, Granton
Macintosh, R. T. seedsman and nurseryman,
7 Victoria street
Macintosh, Mrs J. spirit dealer, 2 Hope street
Macintosh, Mrs, ladies* nurse, 57 Haoover
M'lntosh, Adam, glass-cutter, Greenside lane \
M'lutosh, Allan, bookseller, 70 Nicolson st. '
M'lntosh, A. turner & undertaker, 29 Horse
M'lntosh, Alexander, Gaelic missionary, 35
West Nicolson street
M Intosh, Akx, commission agent 22 Gayfield
M'lntosb, Andrew, cooper, 47 Crosscausey I
M'Intosb, Geo. shoeraak. 39 Candlemaker row
M'Intosh, Henry, shoemaker, 27 South Rich-
mond street
M'Intosh, Jas. bookseller, 5 No. College street,
and 7 N, Bank st.— house, 2 N. College st.
M'Intosh, James, tailor and clothier, 25 & 2G
North bridge — house, 68 Lauriston place
M'Intosh, Jas. A. wood engraver, 35 Lothian
M'Intosh, Jn. mail-guard, 1 So. St James' st.
M'Intosh, John, shoe- warehouse, 301 High st.
M'Intosh, Jn. shoemaker, 1 1 So. St James' st.
M'Intosh, Robert, dairy, 23 Lothian street
M'Intosh, Robt. tobacconist, 34. Kirkgate
M'Intosh, R. pavement merchant, 24 Sheriff
M'Intosh, Thomas, livery stables, 26 William
street lane
M'Intosh, Wm. shoemaker, 28 Kirkgate —
house, Morton's entry
M'Intosh, Mrs, lodgings, G4 Buccleuch street
M'Intyre, Alex. 33 Broughton place
M'Intyre, Alex, shipmaster 2 Bridge street
M'Intyre, Daniel, linen draper, 381 High st.
— house, I Fingal place
M'Intyre, Dun. combmaker, 2 Northumber-
land street
M'Intyre, Donald, Jordan bank
M'Intyre, John, 6 Johnston place
M'Intyre, John, writer. Windmill house
M'Intyre, Jn. spir. deal. 180 High st — ho. 233
M'Intyre, J. writer, Lord Russell place
M'Intyre, W. D. mail-guard, 21 Broughton
M'Intyre, Mrs Isabella, 18 Ann street
M'Intyre, Mrs, 1 Fingal place
M'Intyre, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 35 Scotland st.
M'Intyre, Misses, French stay and straw bon-
net makers, 29 London street
Maciver, Wm. merchant and auctioneer, IC
and 17 Kirkgate, and 76 Shore
Mack, Andrew, writer, 5 York place
Mack, Wm. B. hat and cap manufacturer, 2
Hunter square — ho. Carlton villa. Abbey
Mack, Mrs W. Gordon, 23 Stafford street
M'Kain, James, shoemaker, 5 So. St James'
Mackay & Chisholm, jewellers, silversmiths,
and dealers in curiosities, 49 North bridge
Mackay, Adam, wright and undertaker, 25
Horse wynd
Mackay, Benjamin, A.M. 5 St James' square
Mackay, Charles, senr. 17 Lutton place
Mackay, Charles, goldsmith, 7 Baxter's place
Mackay, C. G. {Inland Revenue), 17 JiUttonpl.
Mackay, Cunningham, & Co. goldsmiths to the
Queen, 54 Princes street
Mackay, D. tailor & clothier, 300 Lawnmar.
Mackay, Dav. boot & shoemaker, 38 Leith st.
— house, 25 Gay field square
Mackay, David, hairdresser, 8 Greenside pi.
Mackay, Donald, 14 Howe street
Mackay, Donald, messenger. City of Glasgow
Bank, 10 Hanover street
Mackay, D. spirit dealer, 16 Croft-an-righ
Mackay, Duncan, gardener, Grange loan
Mackay, Eneas, tea dealer, 2 Clerk street —
house, 64 Buccleuch street
Mackay, Henry, tailor, 15 S. College street
Mackay, H. temperance hotel, 170 High st.
Mackay, H. grocer & spirit raer. 12 W. port
Mackay, Jas. (Nat. Bank), 24 Quality street
Mackay, James (M, Cunningham, Sf Co.), 24
Forth street
Mackay, James, gardener, Trinity mains
Mackay, Jas. coal merchant, 4 Newport street
Mackay, Jas. T. hat manufacturer, 64 North
bridge — house, 21 Danube street
Mackay, John, M.D. & surgeon, 17 Nelson st.
Mackay, John (Public Librar)/), house fac-
tor, 2 Janefield place, Leith
Mackay, Jn. A. of Blackcastle, 26 George sq.
Mackay, John, 13 India street
Mackay, J. (Mackay s hotel), 91 Princes st.
Mackay, John (M. ^ Chisholm), 41 E. Clare-
mont street
Mackay, John, 166 Rose street
Mackay, John, pharmaceutical chemist, 121
George street — house, 1 1 Danube street
Mackay, John, cabinetmaker, 12 Castle street
Mackay, John, spirit merchant, 168 High st.
Mackay, John, messenger, 22 George street
Mackay, J. tea & spirit mer. 218 Canougate
Mackay, Neil, builder, St Andrew's place.
Links — bouse, 10 Charlotte lane, Leith
Mackay, Robt. , W. S. ( Hope, Oliphant, ^ M'K.)
10 Shandwick place
Mackay, Robt. painter and paper-hanger, 13
S. St David street — ho. 17 Nelson street
Mackay, Robert, 6 George street
Mackay, Thomas G., W.S. 7 Albyn place
Mackay, Thomas, tailor, 134 High street
Mackay, T. bootmaker, 6 Northumberland pi.
Mackay, Wm. upholsterer, &c. 3 Hope st.
Mackay, W. grocer & spirit mer. 120 Rose st.
Mackay, Wm. cork-cutter, 104 High street
Mackay, Mrs Alex. 7 Torphichen street
Mackay, Mrs Andw, 7 Drummond street
Mackay, Mrs, wax-flower maker, 3 Tollcross
Mackay, Mrs Jean, lodgings, 7 Brighton st.
Mackay, Mrs David, 9 Hill square
Mackay, Mrs Marg. spirit dealer, 143 High st.
Mackay, Miss, 69 Northumberland street
Mackay, Miss Christian, dressmaker, 4 West
Adam street
Mackay, Misses, milliners and furriers, 6
George street
Mackay, Miss, 1 1 Melville street
Mackay 's hotel, 91 Princes street
M'Kay, Charles, tavern, 7 Hunter square
M'Kay, George, hairdresser, 2 Giles' street
M'Kay, John, spirit dealer, Newhaven
M'Kay, Mrs, lodgings, 4 Young street
M'Kean, Alex, baker, 22 Bristo street and
207 High street
M'KeaD, John, tailor and clothier, 12 Koyal
M'Kean, Martin, baker, 174 Fountainbridge
M'Kean, Robert C. 7 Torphichen street
M'KeaD, Mrs J. Blair park, Ferry road
M'Kechney, A. furnace-builder, SO Potterrow
Mackellar, Miss, 6 St Bernard's row
M'Kelvie, Jas. Western Colliery Co. Hay-
M'Kelvie, James, coal merchant, 1 Junction
bridge, Wharf, North Leith
M'Kelvie, William, Haymarket
M'Kendrick, Robert, tailor and clothier, 29
Sandport street
M'Kendrick, William, boot & shoemaker, 35
Sandport street
M'Kechen, D. & Co. funeral undertakers, 55
South bridge
Mackenzie & Baillie, W.S. 9 Hill street
Mackenzie & Middlemass, cooks and confec-
tioners, 63 Queen st. — ho. 63
Mackenzie, A. & M. jewellers, 27 Nicolson st.
Mackenzie, A. K. secretary Commercial Bank,
12 Claremont crescent
Mackenzie, Alexander, yr. of Muirton, 19
Charlotte square
Mackenzie, A. teacher of music, 72 Northum-
berland street
Mackenzie, A. C. (J. Wilson S,- Co.), 24
Greenside place
Mackenzie, Alex. 22 Raeburn place
Mackenzie, Alex, clothier, 42 Lothian street
Mackenzie, Alex, late captaiu 58th Regt. 1
Danube street
Mackenzie, Alex, accountant, 19 Salisbury st.
Mackenzie, Alexander, boot and shoemaker,
14 Nelson street
Mackenzie, Alex, spirit dealer, 3 and 4 Shore
Mackenzie, B. Geo. agent, 3 Clerk street
Mackenzie, David, surgical instrument maker
and cutler, 58 South bridge
Mackenzie, D. M., S.S.C. 12 Broughton st.
Mackenzie, Don. advocate, 9 Randolph cresc.
Mackenzie, D. chemist and druggist, 40 Dub-
lin stnet — house, 38
Mackenzie, Finlay, wine and spirit merchant,
6 South College street
Mackenzie, Frank, teacher of music, 10 N.
St David street
Mackenzie, Geo. W.S. 9 Hill street
Mackenzie, Innes, & Logan, W.S. 23 Queen st.
Mackenzie, Jdines{M'K., Innes, ^- Logan), 9
Doune terrace
Mackenzie, .lames, tailor, 3 N. St David st.
Mackenzie, .lamis Hay, W.S. chambers 29
Charlotte square
Mackenzie, James, tinsmith, 151 West port
Mackenzie, James, 27 Howe street
Mackenzie, J. W. & J., W.S. 16 Royal circus 1
Mackenze, John, W.S. 16 Royal circus |
Mackenzie, Jn. Whitefoord, W.S. 1 6 Royal cir. i
Mackenzie, John, gardener and florist. Rose
cottage, Grange loan
j Mackenzie, John, manager, Scottish Widows'
! Fund and Life Assurance Society, 11 Aber-
1 cromby place
Mackenzie, John, 9 George street
j Mackenzie, John U. general commission mer-
i chant, 44 Rankeillor street
Mackenzie, Joseph, 2 Hermitage hill
Mackenzie, J. O. {M'K. ^ Baillie), 7 Royal
Mackenzie, Kenneth, accountant,29 Northum-
berland street
Mackenzie, Rev. John, 1 Oxford terrace
Mackenzie, John Ord, W.S. master extraor-
dinary in Chancery, & commissioner of the
Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas,
and Exchequer, 9 Hill street
Mackenzie, Rich. Jas., F.R.C.S.E. medical
practitioner, 34 Heriot row
Mackenzie, Samuel, mason and builder, 47
Buccleuch street
Mackenzie, T. bank messenger, 46 Bernard st.
Mackenzie, Thomas, advocate, sheriff of Ross
and Cromarty, 24 Heriot row-
Mackenzie, T. of Applecross, 10 Heriot row
Mackenzie, Thos. jun. W.S. 35 Frederick st.
Mackenzie, Wm. B. manufacturer of Shetland
shawls, hosiery, and woollen underclothing,
126 Princes street
Mackenzie, W. of Muirton, W.S. 29 Charlotte
Mackenzie, Dr W., H.E.I.C.S. 14 Carlton ter.
Mackenzie, Rev. Wm. 2 Jamaica street. Ferry
road. North Leith
Mackenzie, William, bookseller and publisher,
5 Clerk street
Mackenzie, W. and J. H., W.S. chambers 29
Charlotte square
Mackenzie, Wm. road overseer, Lochend road
Mackenzie, Wm. lodgings, 25 Abercromby pi.
Mackenzie, Wm. boot maker, 27 W. Regr. st.
Mackenzie, JIrs Wm. 3 Hamburgh place
Mackenzie, Mrs A. lodgings, 111 George st.
Mackenzie, The Hon. Mrs Hay, of Cromarty,
10 Royal circus
^Mackenzie, Mrs Alex. 5 Duncan st. Newington
Mackenzie, JMrs Kincaid, 5 Gayfield square
Mackenzie, Mrs, midwife, 150 High street
^lackenzie, Jlrs Pilchard, 31 Abercromby pi
Mackenzie, Mrs Rodrick, 10 Cassells' place
Mackenzie, Mrs, 22 Lyndoch place
Mackenzie, Mrs, 29 Broughton place
^Mackenzie, Mrs, draper, 83 Nicolson street
Mackenzie, The Hon. Charlotte, and the Hon.
Augusta, of Seaforth, 57 Castle street
Mackenzie, Miss, boarding establishment for
young ladies, Morningside, Bank house
Mackenzie, Miss, Jordan bank, Morningside
Mackenzie, Miss, 38 Dublin street
Mackenzie, Miss, French staym. 59 Thistle
Mackenzie, Misses, 36 Dublin street
M'Kenzie, Alexander, tailor, 3 Clyde street
M'Kenzie, David, ironmonger, 36 Victoria st.
M'Kenzie, James, bookbinder and stationer,
22 Duke street
M'Kenzie, John, clock maker, 82 So. bridge
M'Kenzie, Thomas, jeweller, 48 Rose street
M'Kenzie, VVm. 5 Brown street
M'Kenzie, Wm. tailor, 10 Duncan street
Mackenzie, Mrs, 40 Northumberland street
M'Kenzie, Mrs A. map and plan colourer, 6
Rose street
M'Kenzie, Mrs, 5 Craigside place
M'Kenzie, Mrs, lodgint;s, 9 Roxburgh terrace
M'Kenzie, Mrf, straw hat maker, 5 Alison sq.
M'Kerlie, Robert, Ordnance store-keeper,
Castle, Stuart street, Piershill
M'Kerracher, Miss J. Berlin and fancy ware-
house, 57 North Frederick street
M'Kerrell, Rev. Francis, St Mary's Catholic
Church, Broughion street
M'Kerrell, Mrs, 42 Drummond street
Mackersy, Wm., W.S. 24 London street
Mackie, Chas. surgeon, 7 N.-west Circus place
Mackie, John, messenger, Ba?ik of Scotland
Mackie, John W, confectioner and biscuit
manufacturer to the Queen and Royal
Family, 108 Princes street
Mackie, John, letter-carrier, 16 Roxburgh pi.
Mackie, John, 10 Hermitage place, Leith
Mackie, Lieut. John, iustrucior of military
and civil engineering and mining, in the
Scottish Military Academy, 4 Raeburn pi.
Mackie, N. M. (M. B. ^ Co.), 32 Bernard st.
Mackie, Thomas, shipmaster, 4 London row
Mackie, Mrs, 25 India street
Mackie, Mrs John, engraver, lithographer,
and stamp- cutter, 265 High street
Mackie, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 8
Werayss place
Mackie, Miss, milliner, 7 St Vincent street
Mackinlay and Macphail, drapers and whole-
sale stay manufacturers and outfitters, 1
Bank street
Mackinlay, David, of Newlandburn, 25 Royal
Mackinlay, Duncan, 138 George street
Mackinlay, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 38 India place
Mackinlay, Mise, 138 George street
M'Kinlay, Chas. & Co. winemerchts. and gen.
agents, 104 Constitution street
M'Kinlay, Chas. {M'K. S Co.), 14 Pilrig st.
M'Kinlay, Mrs Janet, 52 Cumberland street
M'Kinlay, Mrs, milliner, French stay & dress-
maker, 4 Blenheim place
Mackinron, John, spirit mercht. Bristo port
Mackinnon, Duncan, Ship tavern, ]35 High st.
Mackinnon, Charles, Edgehill, Deau
Mackinnon, A. & J. spirit dealer, 1 13 Cowgate
Mackintosh, Alex, dairyman, 13 Greenside st.
Mackintosh, Alexander, tailor and clothier,
23 Howe street
Mackintosh, jEneas, classical teacher, 10
Nicolson street
Mackintosh, Andrew, advocate, 31 Northum-
berland street
Mackintosh, James, of La Mancha, 7 Inver-
leitli row.
Mackintosh, John, tobacconist, 42 Nicolson
St., 155 High St., and 63 S. bridge— house,
Eden cottage
Mackintosh, John (Inland Revenue), 2 Forbea
street, Beaumont place
Mackintosh, Rev. Lauchlan, 25 Scotland Bt.
Mackintosh, L., S.S.C. 31 Northumberland st.
Mackintosh, Wm. writer, 18 Lothian street
Mackintosh, Mrs William, 1 Dean terrace
Mackintosh, Mrs Jas. 58 Lauriston street
Mackintosh, Mrs, lace-joiner and repairer,
23 Howe street
Mackintosh, Miss, milliner and dressmaker,
9 Hill square
Macknight, A. Edwd. advocate, 12 London st.
Macknight, James, W.S. 12 London street
Macknight, Thos. M.D. 8 Mansfield place
Macknight, Mrs, 12 London street
M'Kutcheon, Jas. governor, Orphan hospital
Mackray, Rev. W. 8 Keir street
Maclachlan, John (M. §- Stewart), Clearburn
house, Prestonfield
Maclachlan and Ivory, W.S. 22 Duke street
Maclachlan & Stewart, booksellers and pub-
lishers, 64 South bridge
Maclachlan, George (-M'L. and Ivory), 20
Duke street
Maclachlan, William, 2 Morrison place
M'Lauchlan, Rev. James, 12 Roxburgh place
M'Lachlan, John, teacher, 15 Graham street
M'Lachlan, Robert, 81 Canongate
M'Lachlan, Wm. grocer and wine merchant,
5 Lindsay place — ho. 38 Rankeillor street
M'Lachlan, Mrs, 2 London street
Maclagan, David, M.D.,F.R.C.P., surgeon to
the Queen, 129 George street
Maclagan, David, manager. Alliance Assurance
Company, 95 George street
Maclagan, IDavid, accountant, 24 Stafford st.
Maclagan, Douglas, M.D. surg. 28 Heriot row
Maclagan, Peter, 77 Great King street
Maclagan, Thos. teacher of dancing, 70 St
Leonard street
M'Lagan, Miss Janet, 5 John's place
M'Laine, Angu:*, 39 Inverleith row
Maclaren, Charles, Moreland cottage. Grange
Maclaren, J. teacher, 11 Hamilton pi. — ho. 10
Maclaren, John, bookseller and stationer, 139
Princes street — house, 7 Mary's place
M'Laren, Oliver, & Co. linen, woollen, and
furnishing drapers and haberdashers, 329
High street
M'Laren, Alex, furnish, tailor, 21 Carnegie st.
M'Laren, Alex. 3 Leopold place
M'Laren, A. hosier and draper, 67 Pleasance
M'Laren, Daniel, cork manufacturer, 6 East
Adam street
M'Laren, Daniel, baker, 23 Duke st. Leith
M'Laren, Dav. (Jas. ML. ^- Son), Greenhill
M'Laren, David and Co. merchants, 9 Con-
stitution street
M'Laren, D. and G. wine merchants, 15 St
Andrew street, Leith
M'Laren, David {D.M'L. ^ Co.), 15 Forth st.
M'Laren, Right Hon. Dun., Lord Provost of
the City, Newington house
M'Laren, G. Adinston (i>. ^ G. M'Laren), 1
Cassells' place
M'Laren, James & Sons, wholesale tea dealers,
7 Roxburgh place
M'Laren, James, bootmaker, 6 Duncan st. —
house, 20 Drummond place
M'Laren, Jas.(Smith ^-AI'L.), 10 Welling, pi.
M'Laren, John, riddle maker and wooden
ware merchant, 98 West bow
M'Laren, John, shoemaker, 1 Claremont place
M'Laren, John, boot and shoemaker, 2
Veitch's place
M'Laren, John, spirit dealer, 220 Cowgate
M'Laren, Jos. merchant, 2 Haddington place
M'Laren, Lockhart, watchmaker, 20 Drum-
mond place
M'Laren, M. wine and spirit merchant, 14
Roxburgh place
M'Laren, Peter, cabinetmaker and upholsterer,
22 Greenside place — ho. 59 Broughton st.
M'Laren, Peter, officer of Inland Revenue,
9 Gardner's crescent
M'Laren, Thos. spirit dealer, 12 Shore
M'Laren, Thomas, wright, 9 Davie street
M'Laren, William ( Wrn. Gray &^ Co.), 7 Pilrig
M'Laren, William, printer, 2 Salisbury square
M'Laren, Mrs Alex, spirit dealer, 1 Bath st.
— house 1 Fox lane, Leith
M'Laren, Mrs Duncan, 7 Mary's place
M'Laren, Mrs, 42 George square
M'Laren, Mrs Catharine, 24 Clarence street
M'Laren, Mrs Neil, 56 Great King street
M'Laren, Miss Jane, Moredun, Spring gar-
dens. Abbey hill
Maclauchlan, Rev. Thos. 104 Lauriston place
M'Lauchlan, Peter, tea, wine, and spirit mer-
chant, 34 Castle street
M'Lauchlan, Mrs Lieut. G.Preston street
Maclaurin, Mrs J. 6 West Claremont street
Maclaurin, J. {Brilisk Linen Co.), 6 West
Claremont street
Maclaurin, Mrs P. 48 Frederick street
M'Lay, Peter {Melrose <^ Co.), 27 Hamilton
Maclean & Son, grocers, fruiterers, and Italian
warehousemen to the Queen, 27 Princes st.
and 61 Queen st.
Maclean, Alexander, architect, 10 North St
Andrew street
Maclean, Alexander, architect, 6 Laverock
bank, Trinity
Maclean's School, 19 Thistle street — William
Hall, teacher
Maclean, T. engineer, West end of N. Dock
M'Lean, Alex, writer, 5 Leilh street terrace
M'Lean, Alex, wine and spirit merchant,
1 High street
M'Lean, And. basketmaker and importer of
willows, 61 Tolbooth wynd, Leith
M'Lean, Andrew, chemist and druggist, 2 St
Andrew square
M'Lean, Angus, spirit merchant, 133 Highst.
M'Lean, Charles, engraver and enameller, 18
St James' square
M'Lean, Charles, mattress-maker, 42 Tol-
booth wynd, Leith
M'Lean, Charles, grocer, tea and winemercht.
4 Queensferry street and 50 Dundas street
M'Lean, Dug. & Son, purveyors of fruit to
the Queen, 61 Queen street
M'Lean, Fitzroy J. G. {3Iartin 6; M'Lean),
21 Albany street
MacLean, John, S.K. Laverock bank, Trinity
MacLean, John, lodgings, 57 Hanover street
IM'Lean, Malcolm, gentlemen's sick nurse, 148
Rose street
M'Lean, M. New S/tip hotel, 20 Shore, Leith
M'Lean, Robert, house-steward, George He-
riot's hospital
M'Lean, Thomas, & Co. guano, corn, and seed-
merchant, 46 Victoria st — ho. 4 George sq.
M'Lean, William, 90 Fountainbridge
M'Lean, William, boot & shoe warehouse, 275
M'Lean, William, JMadeira cottage, Canaan
lane, Morningside
M'Lean, Mrs Charles, Silvermills cottage
M'Lean, Mrs Donald, 10 Hill place
M'Lean, Mrs Janet, ladies' nurse, 1 India st.
M'Lean, Mrs, repository, 19 S. College street
M'Lean, ]\Irs, 2 Hill street
M'Lean, Mrs D. 62 Queen street
jNI'Lean, Mrs, 2 Charlotte street, Leith
M'Lean, Misses, milliners, 2 Charlotte street,
LI'Leay, Ken., R.S.A. portrait painter, 5
Castle terrace
M'Leish, Robert, clerk, 3 Cannon st. Leith
M'Lellan and Son, booksellers, 20 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
M'Lellan, Miss, teacher, Leith Mill road
^I'Lennan, Donald, spirit dealer, 43 High st
AI'Lennan, Donald, commercial traveller, 6
Keir street
M'Lennan, Dun. spirit dealer, 65 Shore
M'Lennan, J. tailor & clothier, 15 Dublin st.
M'Lennan, Thos. victualler &. spirit dealer,
50 Kirkgate
M'Lennan, Mrs J. sick-nurse, 39 India place
M'Lennan, Mrs, midwife and ladies' nurse, 1
Queensferry street
Macleod, Alexander, 6 Lynedoch place
Macleod, Donanld, agent for A. FuUarton &
Co. publishers, 44 South bridge
Macleod, Gordon, 16 St Vincent st.
Macleod, J. G. E. (Edin. Academy), 1 Eyre pi.
Macleod, J. tailor and clothier, 37 Broughton
Macleod, Nich. (iV. M'L. &; Co.), So. Fort
street, Leith
Macleod, N. & Co. commission merchants,and
agents for the London Assur. Corporation,
Exchange buildings, Leith
Macleod, Peter, 2 George place
Macleod, Rod. gutta perclia and American
over-shoe warehouse, 95 Princes street
Macleod, Wm. tailor, &c. 23 Howe st. — ho.
71 Cumberland street
Macleod, Mrs, 3 Crichton street
Macleod, Mrs John, 21 Fettes row
M'Leod, Hugh, coach-hirer, 14 Charles street
M'Leod, Jas. B. teacher, Morningside place
M'Leod, Jn. animal-painter, 4 Buccleuch st.
M'Leod, Kenneth, house-painter, 23 East
Thistle street
M'Leod, JNIjs Elizabeth, grocer, 48 Bridge st.
M'Leod, Miss, 9 Archibald place
M'Leod, Miss, teacher, 48 Bridge st.
M'Letchie, Rev. James, 6 Regent terrace
M'Luckie, Mrs James, 6 Madeira street
M'Luskie, Wm. shoe merchant, 387 Lawn-
Macmahon,M. fur manufacturer, 37 Hanover
street — ho. 17 Dundas street
Macmahon, Rd. lodgings, 6 Shandwick place
Macmanus, Rev. Patrick, St Mary's Ca-
tholic Church, Broughton street
M'Martin, Mrs, 39 Montagu street
M 'Master, Mrs, lodgings, 101 Princes street
M'Menamy, Rev. Patrick, D.D. 44 Minto st.
Macmillan, John, M.A. {High School), 15 Buc-
cleuch place
M'Millan and Grant, W.S. 37 York place
M'Millan, Andrew, flesher, 7 High market —
house, 66 Leith wynd
M'Millan, Chas. shipmaster, 6 Hamburgh pi.
M'MQlan, Dugald, teacher, SO Brunswick st.
M'Millan, George, butcher, 4 So. Melville pi
— house, 1 Queensferry street
M'Millan, James, shipmaster, 6 Hamburgh pi.
North Leith
M'Millan, T. sen. flesher, 8 High market
M'Millan, Tho. jun. butcher, 20 Greenside pi.
—house, 9 Antigua street
M'Millan, Thos. butcher, 31 Kirkgate, Leith
M'Millan, Mrs, 5 Dundas street
M'Minn, Francis, superintendent, ^^rfcwtora/
Insurance Co. 48 Cumberland street
MacMorland, Rev, Peter, 20 Dean terrace
M'Morrin, Adam, dairy, 13 New street
MacMurdo, Misses, I^ugton cottage
M'Murray, James, bootmaker, 30 Candle
maker row
M'Murray, William & J. wire-cloth manufac
turers, Stead's place
M'Murtrip, Mrs, 20 Brunswick street
Macnab, James, writer, 3 Darling's buildings
Macnab, John (A. FuUarton and Co. pub'
lishers), 4 Laverock bank, Trinity
Macnab, Peter, ironmonger, 29 Earl Grey st.
M'Nab, A. gown-keeper, Parliament House,
&5 India place
M'Nab, James, curator of the Royal Botanic
gardens, Inverleith row
M'Nab, James, grocer and wine merchant, 12
Downie place — house, 8
M'Nab, Peter, wine and spirit merchant, 7
East Richmond street
Macnair, John, brewer, 11 St Anthony street
— house, 12 Royal terrace
M'Nair, William,' mercht. 21 Quality street
— bouse, 12 Eastfield
M'Nair, Mrs, 5 Rutland square
M'Nair, Mrs, 5 London street
M 'Naught, Mrs, 4 Hill square
M'Naughtan, Charles, commission agent, 5
Lutton place
M'Naughton, A. hairdresser, 58 Bernard st
M'Naughton, D. shoemaker, 9 Raeburn pi.
M'Naughton, Don. tea, wine, & spirit mercht.
65 Rose street
M'Naughton, John, licensed coppersmith
and brazier, Fife place
M'Naughton, Mrs, 33 Montagu street
M'Naughton, JMiss, 8 Athole place
Macnee, James & Co. coach and harness-
makers, 106 Princes St. and 148 Fountainbr.
M'Nees, William, watchmaker, 153 High street
M'Neilie, David {Chancery), 21 Nelson street
Macneill, Captain Archibald, 8 Maitland street
M'Neill, Alex, advocate, 34 Dublin street
M'Neill, Archibald, W.S. 8 Hill street— ho.
73 Great King st.
M'Neill, Right Hon. Duncan, Lord Justice
General, 73 Great King street
M'Neill, Sir John, G.C.B. Granton house
M'Neill, Robert, wright, 1 Nelson place
M'Neill, Mrs Col. 23 St Cuthbert street
M'Nicol, Mrs, 22 Ann street
M'Nicoll, Alex, shoemaker, 32 Brunswick st.
M'Nicoll, Mrs James, 26 Pitt street
Macnider, Mrs, 12 Rutland square
Macnie, J. & C. grocers and spirit-merchants,
102 West port
Macnish, Wm,, M.D. 28 Warriston crescent
M'Niven, Allan, wine and spirit merchant,
2 Lothian street — house, 28 Buccleuch pi.
Macniven and Cameron {established J 770),
wholesale stationers, 23 Blair street
Macniven, James, 9 Henry street
Macniven, P. & W. & Co., wholesale and
retail stationers and pasteboard manufrs. 19
Blair street
M' Ornish, Patrick, writer, 74 Lauriston place
Macphail, Myles, publisher, bookseller, and
stationer, 11 South St David street
Macphail, Wm. bookseller, stationer, and
printer, 98 Princes street
Macphail, Mrs, 12 Antigua street
M'Pherson & Syme, printers, 12 South St Da-
vid street
M'Pherson, Alex, leather r cutter, 9 Litt'.e
King street
M'Pherson, Alex, gardener, Canaan park
M'Pherson, Alex, city officer, Hope park end
M'Pherson, Archibald & Son, plasterers, 1
Hill square
M'Pherson, Charles, architect, 50 Cumbd. st.
M'Pherson, Charles {^Macpkerson and Syme),
4 North Melville place
M'Pherson, D., 7 Salisbury street
M'Pherson, Lieut. Evan, 1 Alva street
M'Pherson, H. spirit mercht. 289 Canongate
M'Pherson, James & Co. plumbers and brass-
founders, 99 Constitution street — house, 35
M'Pherson, John, lamp and oil merchant, 4
Melbourne place — house, 10 Graham street
M'Pherson, N. 8 Fredrick street
M'Pherson, Peter, agricultural implement
maker, Norton place
M'Pherson, W. {late of Customs), 5 Lapside pi.
M'Pherson, William, tailor and clothier, 423
M'Pherson, Christina, spirit- dealer, 4 West
Richmond street
M'Pherson, Mrs C. ladies'nurse, 89 Ironside pi.
M'Pherson, Mrs, 50 Cumberland street
M'Pherson, Mrs, of Glentruim, 12 Coates cres.
M'Pherson, Mrs, of Belleville, 8 Piutland st.
M'Pherson, Mrs, lodgings, 57 York place
M'Pherson, Miss C. tobacconist, 2 7 Hanover st.
M'Pherson, Miss, dairy, 4 Barony street
M'Pherson, Miss, dressmaker, 5 Duke street
Macqueen, Gtorge (Justiciary Office), 47
Hope park end
Macqueen, John, haberdasher, 29 West Nicol-
son street
Macqueen, Ken., H.E.I.C.S. 9 Royal circus
Macqueen, Jn. M., S.S.C. 72 Princes street —
house, 7 Alva street
Macqueen, Miss Caroline, baker, 9 India st.
M'Queen, John, wholesale warehouseman, 54
North bridge — house, 67 Great King street
M'Queen, John, lodgings, 60 Cumberland st.
M'Quillen, Wm. silk-dyer and scourer, 4
Portland place
M'Quillen, James, dyer and renovator, 7 W.
Adana street
Macrae, James, plumber and gasfitter, 28 So.
Hanover street
Macrae, John A., LL.D., W.S. master ex-
traordinary of the High Courts of Chancery
of England and Ireland, 14 Gloucester place
Macrae, John, grocer, 2 Clarence street
Macrae, William, tailor, 32 Wright's houses
M'Rae, Dr John, R.N. 1 Comely green cres.
M'Rae, Kenth. wine & spirit merclit. 45 Nicol-
son street — house, 11 West Richmond st,
Macredie, Mrs, 69 Northumberland street
Macritchie, Bayley, & Henderson, W.S. 11
Royal Exchange
Macritchie, Thos. Elder, of Craigton, W.S. 4
Gayfield square
Macritchie, W. D., M.D. 4 Archibald place j
M'Kitchie, John, writer, 59 Lauriston place ;
M'Vicar and Winks, dressmakers, &c. 42
George street
M'Vicar, Miss, 1 Pilrig place
M'Vie, Mrs, provision shop, 121 Canongate
M'Vitie, Robert, baker, 5 Charlotte place
M'Whea, Mrs, 9 Soutli Melville place
M'Whinnie, Hugh, shipmaster, 4 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
M'Whirter, John, baker, 10 Antigua street
M'Whirter, Miss Harriet, 50 Moray place
M' William, Robert, S.S.C. 23 London street
M'William, Wm. agtnt, Stirling und Alloa
Steam-boat Company, Granton
M'William, Mrs, 25 Put street
Mabon, John, auctioneer, 48 High street
Mabon, Miss A. grocer, 12 Wright's houses
Machell, Edward, agent, 25 Lothian street
Mack, James S. writer, 4 Pitt st. Bonnington
Mack, Wm. B. hat and cap manuf. 2 Hunter
square — house, Carlton villa, Spring gar-
dens. Abbey hill
Mack, ]\Irs, 3 West Arthur place
Macwhirter, Dr. F.R.C.P. and F.R.S.E. 50
Moray place
Madden, Major, 26 Regent terrace
Mahood, Alex. {E. S^ G. Ry. Co.), Granton
Maidraent, James, advocate, 25 Royal circus
Mailer, Wm. commer. traveller, 5 Glover st.
Main and Son, bootmakers, 5 Catharine st.
Main, Edward, seal and copperplate engraver,
42 George street
Main, George, hairdresser, 9 Queen st. Leith
Main, Peter, Esq. IMoredun, Spring gardens
Main, Thos. hairdresser, 6 Coalhill
Main, Mrs Thomas, 6 Leopold place
Main, Mrs, 112 Lauriston place
Mair, Major Arthur, 29 Abercromby place
Mair, William Ludovic, 18 Duncan street,
Drummond place
Maitland, Augustus, W.S. 49 Melville street
Maitland, Edward Francis, advocate, sheriff
of Argyleshire, 31 IVIelville street
Maitland, George R., W.S. 7 North St An-
drew street — house, 54 Melville street
Maitland, Henry, & Co. stockbrokers, 9 North
St David street
Maitland, John, 9 Walker street
Maitland, Mrs Jane, 4 Torphichen street
Maitland, Miss, 9 South-east Circus place
Maitland, Miss, 1 1 Norton place
Makellar, Rev. Dr Angus, 8 Charlotte square
Makgill, Mrs, 1 1 George square
IMalcolm, Dr, M.D., F.R.C.P.E. 126 Geo. st.
Malcolm, Walter, W.S. 2 Forth street
Malcolm, Wr. ( Customs), 1 Bowling-green st.
Malcolm, Wm. painter and glazier, 16 Cowg.
Malcolm, Mrs, lodgings, 18 Charles street
Malcolm, Mrs, Middlefield
Malcolm, Mrs, 42 Lothian street
Malcolm, I\Irs, lodgings, 65 Castle street
Malcolm, Miss, 28 London street
Maiden, Jas. lodgings, 15 & 16 Albany street
Malloch, Pat. & Son, map-mounters, 18 Market
Manchester Fire Assurance Co. 50 Castle
street — Murray & Beith, agents
Manderson, D. & G. provision shop, 11 Lon-
don street
Mann, Alex, solicitor, 6 Wellington pi. Leith
Mann, Benjamin, shipmas. 17 Albany st. Leiih
Mann, David, baker, Newhaven
Mann, John {Boyle §• M.), 42 S. B. Canongate
Maun, Wm. {Mil/an ^ M.), 8 London street
Mann, Wm. writer,21 Raeburn place, and 119
Princes street
Mann, Mrs, spirit merchant, 15 Yardheads
Mann, Miss, 21 Leopold place
Mansfield, Thomas, 26 Abercromby place
Mansfield, Thomas & Robert Spottiswoode,
accountants, 7 Thistle street
Mansfield, William, 27 Montagu street
Manson, David, S.S.C. 23 Thistle street
Mansou, Robert, clerk, 1 Forbes street, Beau-
mont place
Manson, Miss, 17 Castle street
Manson, Jane, lodgings, 10 Hill place
Mantica, Anthony, 15 Catharine street
Mancfactujies, Board of Trustees for,
Royal Institution, Mound
Marine Life and Casualty Mutual Assur-
ance Society — William Bowie, agent, 17
South St David street. — See Adv.
Mariners' Church and School, 10 Dock st.
]\Iarjoribank8, Wm. 21 Inverleith row
Marley Hill Coking Co.'s office for Scot-
land, 3 East Register street
Marquis of Lothian's coal establishment,
St Leonard's, Edin. and 22 Baltic street
Marr, James & Co. typefounders and printers*
joiners, 27 & 29 New street, and London
and Dublin. — See Adv.
Marr, Dr Jas., F.R.C.P.E. 5 Brandon street
Marr, John, Richmond villa, Wardie, Ferry rd.
Marr, Robert, china merchant, 237 Canongate
Marr, W. teacher of mathematics, 11 Keir st.
Marr, William, shoemaker, Lochend road
Marr, Mrs James, 5 Vanburghplace, Leith
Marrable, John, Mansion-house road. Grange
Marrin, Michael, broker, 167 Cowgate
Marsh & Beattie, booksellers, stationers, and
artists' colourmen, 13 Hanover et.
Marsh, Mrs, 1 Rutland street
Marshall & Aitken, woollen drapers and clo-
thiers, 27 North bridge
Marshall & Sons, jewellers & silversmiths, 87
George street
Marshall & Sutherland, plasterers, 86 Consti-
tution street
Marshall, Alex, shoemaker, 2 Dean street
Marshall, Arch. 41 Minto street
Marshall, Captain D., H.E.I.CS. 10 Royal
Marshall, David, accountant, 9 North St
David street
Marshall, George H. 3 Heiiot row
Marshall, George, hosier, glover, and shirt
maker, 13 Waterloo pi. — house, 11 Comely
green place
Marshall, Geo. {late of Manilla), Grecian cot.
IMarshall, James, plumber and gasfitter, 62
Broughton street
Marshall, James and Walter, jewellers, 41
George street
Marshall, James & Sons, agents, wine and
spirit merchants, 1 Roxburgh place
Marshall, James, {J. M. ^ :Sons), Man-
sionhouse road. Grange
Marshall, Jas. {J. Sf W. M.), 13 Royal terrace
Marshall, James (Redpath, Brown, ^ Co.), 16
Thomson's place
Marshall, James, plasterer, 33 Coatfield lane
Marshall, Jas. engineer, 2 Couper street
Marshall, Jas. house-steward, Ho. of Refuge
Marshall, J., corn-mercht, 34 Constitution st.
Marshall, John (Jury Court), 22 Dundas st.
Marshall, John, S.S.C. 22 Howe street
Marshall, John, plumber and gasfitter, 15
West Register street, and 11 S. St Andrew
street — house, 11 York place
Marshall, John, advocate, 5 Randolph cresc.
Marshall, Martin, merchant, 21 Quality street
Marshall, Ramsay, & Co. merchants and
commission agents, 24 St James' square
Marshall, Robert, merchant, 23 Archibald
place, and farmer, Gateside, Kivklistim
Marshall, Robt. spirit dealer, Leven cottage
Marshall, Robt. printer, 12 S. Rose street lane
Marshall, Robert P. working jeweller, silver-
smith, and optician, 15 Bank street
Marshall, Robert, Rosebank cottage
Marshall, Thos. & Son, drapers, 14 W. Adam
Marshall, Thos. lodgings, 2 Trinity crescent
Marshall, Thos. victual dealer, 2 Antigua st.
Marshall, Thomas, officer. Royal College of
Physicians, 9 and 10 Queen street
Marshall, Thomas and James, brass casters,
Broughton place lane
Marshall, Walter (J. S^ W. M.), 27 Gayfield sq.
Marshall, William, Danish consul-general for
Scotland, 26 Constitution street, Leith
Marshall, Wm. & Co. gold and silversmiths,
jewellers, & watchmakers, 62 North bridge
— house, 10 Archibald place
Marshall, Wm. jeweller, 290 Lawnmarket —
house, 120 Lauriston place
Marshall, Wm. coachbuilder, 58 Bristo street
Marshall, Wm. engineer, 13 King's place
Marshall, Captain William, H.E.I.CS. 10
Windsor street
Marshall, Wm. jeweller, 41 Leith street
Marshall, William {M. M. ^' Co.), 93 Consti-
tution street
Marshall, Wm. livery stables, Dublin st. lane
and Meuse lane, St Andrew street — house,
20 Dublin street
Marshall, Rev. William, 1 Great Wellington
street, Leith
Tklarshall, W. R. merchant, 2 Smith's place
Marshall, INIrs Dr, 25 Alva street
Marshall, Mrs Thomas, 1 Laurie street, Leith
Marshall, Mrs Wm. 18 Albany street
Marshall, Mrs, 3 Summer place
Marshall, Mrs, 27 Howe street
Marshall, Mrs, 41 Minto street
Marshall, Mrs, midwife and ladies' nurse, 30
William street
Marshall, Miss, 9 Forres street
Marshall, Misses, 5 Grove street
Martin & Maclean, W.S. 32 Great King st.
Martin and Maclean, dispensing and family
chemists, 47 South Clerk street
Martin, Alex, butcher, 79 Queen street
Martin, David, baker, 233 Canongate
Martin, Geo. plumber, 1 Picardy place — ho. 6
Martin, Hugh, tea, wine, and spirit merchant.
19 Carnegie street
Martin, James, wholesale and retail stationer,
engraver and lithographer, 21 Greenside st.
— ho. 20 Haddington place
Martin, Jas. victual dealer, 167 Fountainbr.
Martin, James, 16 Maryfield
Martin, John, surgeon, 7 Coburg street
Martin, John S. {Bank of Scotland), 20
Annandale street
Martin, M. J., M.D. 16 Melville street
Martin, John, W.S. 32 Great Kiog street
Martin, John, farmer, Inverleith mains
Martin, John, Clifton bank, Grange road
Martin, Robert, 2 James' place
Martin, Thomas, accountant, 14 Young st. —
house, 27 Rutland street
Martin, Walter, wood turner, 1 4 E ast Rose street
IMartin, William, glass merchant and glazier,
15 Frederick street
Martin, William, S.S.C. 17 Union street
Martin, Wm. victual dealer, 98 Nicolson st —
house, 12 West Nicolson street
Martin, Wm. victual dealer, 1 Raeburn place
Martin, Wm. victual dealer, 2 Dean street
Martin, William, 7 St Vincent street
IVIartin, INIrs Col. Stephen, 33 Regent terrace
IMartin, Mrs D. lodgings, 14 Trinity cresc.
Martin, Mrs, lodgings, 23 St Patrick square
Martin, Miss Agnes, 30 Clarence street
Martin, Miss Anne, 27 Rutland square
IMartin, Miss Janet, corsetmaker, 4 Tollcross
Martin, Miss, bookseller, 1 William street
Martin, Miss, 2 S.-w. Circus place
IMartin, Miss, 13 Melville street
Martin, Janet, cloak and dress maker, 2 James'
Martine, James, 22 Scotland street
Martinson, Jn. N. writer, 4 St Bernard's row
Marwick, William, 1 West Claremont street
Marwick, Wm. ham and egg shop, 44 West
Richmond street
Mason, And. T. brassfounder, Chalmers' close,
81 High street
Mason, Alex, baker, 20 Coupcr street
Mason, D. & Co. tea and coffee salesmen, 37
South bridge
Mason, George, flesher, 73 Hanover street
Mason, Hector, assist.-clerk of session, 15 Re-
gister house — ho. Spylaw house, Colinton
Mason, James, S.S.C. 14 Pitt street
Mason, John, spirit dealer, 22 Shore
Mason, John, provision dealer, 117 Kirkgate
Mason, Robert, Meadowbank
Mason, Robert, farmer, Morton mains
Mason, Thomas, 24 Mitchell street, Leith
Mason, Thomas, com.-agent, 9 Hercles street
Mason, Wm., S.S.C. 6 Frederick street
Mason, Mrs Agnes, 35 Castle street
Mason, Mrs Elizabeth, lodgings, 31 India st.
Mason, Mrs, spirit dealer, 6 Queensferry st.
Mason, Mrs J. W. 26 Nelson street
Mason, Mrs, 27 Clyde street
Masonic Lodge, Grand, of Scotland — His
Grace the Duke of Athole, grand master;
W. A. Laurie, G. secretary ; J. L. Wood-
man, G. clerk ; Donald Ross, chamberlain,
29 S. Frederick St., G. Tyler ; Wm. Bryce,
388 Castlehill, assistant G. Tyler
Masonic Lodge, Canongate Kilwinning—
W. N. Fraser, S.S.C. 41 Albany street,
master; Stewart Watson, artist, 79 Princes
St. secretary — 2d Wednesday, monthly
Masonic Lodge, Canongate & Leith — Tho-
mas Dunn, 4 Junction street, Leith, mas-
ter; Alex. Haldane, Coatfield lane, sec. —
1st Tuesday, monthly
Masonic Lodge, Celtic — Wm. Ireland, con-
tractor, B rough ton cottage, master; Alex.
Prin2:le {Adjutant- General' s office), sec—
1st Friday, do.
Masonic Lodge, Defensive Band — Geo. Bell,
8 St James sq. master; Daniel Grant, James'
Court, Lawnmarket, sec. — 4th Tuesday, do.
Masonic Lodge, Journeymen — Walt. Wright,
millmaster, Canonmills, master; Robert
Phimester, wright, 14 Lauriston st. sec. —
Masonic Lodge of Edinburgh, Mary's Chapel
— Wm. Belfrage, master ; Robert Gordon,
23 St James' square, sec. — 2d Tuesday,
each month. Ship hotel, E. Register street
Masonic Lodge, Roman Eagle — John Burnet,
Caledonian hotel, 1 Castle st. master; James
M'Donald, printer, Scottish Press, High St.,
sec. — 2d Thursday, do.
Masonic Lodge, St David's — Arch. Douglas
{G.P.-O.), 17 Gilmore place, master; Ed-
mund Wilson, writer, 108 George street,
sec. — 3d Tuesday, do.
Masonic Lodge, St James's, Operative — Wil-
liam !Mann, clothier, 1 Hanover street,
master; James Melville, 8 St Cuthbert's
glebe, sec. — 1st Thursday, every month
Masonic Lodge, St Luke — Sylvester L'Amy,
27 Northumberland street, master; Rich.
Wilson, 33 St Andrew square, secretary —
3d Fridary do.
Masonic Lodge, St Stephen's — Walter Hen-
derson, 46 Pleasance, sec. — 2d Monday, do.
Masonic Lodge^ St Clair — Thomas Drum-
mond, 14 St Vincent st. master; Alex.
Wright (clerk, Adam & Charles Black, pub-
lishers), North br., sec — 1st Monday, do.
Masonic Lodge, Portobello — John Tough,
jun., Kirk's pi., Portob. master; A. Taylor,
146 High St. sec. — 3d Thursday, do.
Massiah, Wm. W. farmer, East Pilton, Inver-
leith row
Masson, Miss, 1 1 Castle street
Masters, Mrs A. spirit dealer, 110 Rose street
Masterton, George, spirit dealer 11 N,-w. Cir-
cus place
Masterton, John, tobacconist, 60 Leith street
Masterton, Mrs A. spirit dealer, 1 Cable wd.
Maternity Hospital, Royal, Minto house
Mather, Alex, millwright, 162 Fountain-
Mather, Geo. M. min.-painter, 63 Princes
Mather, Rev. James, United Presbyterian
Library, 6 Queen street
Mather, James, flesher, Post-office, Newhaven
Mather, Jn. & Son, warehousemen, 11 Leith
street terrace
Mather, Thomas, farrier, 1 4 Greenside row
Mather, Thomas, jun. veterinary surgeon, 7
Queen's place
Mather, William, flesher, 117 Grassmarket
Mather, W. F. bookseller, 101 Rose street
Mather, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 27 South bridge
Mathers, David, bookseller and stationer, cir-
culating library, 21 Nicolson street, and
news-agent, the Box, North bridge
Matheson, Alex., Taaphall, Queensferry road
Matheson, A. & Co. black silk and crape mer-
cers to the Queen, 39 Georpe street
Matheson, Alexander (.4. M. §- Co.)., 56
George street
Matheson, Donald, 15 Rutland square
Matheson, James, dairy, 46 Rose street
Matheson, Robert, clerk of H. M. Public
Works, Exchequer Chambers — house, 8
Abercromby place
Matheson, Wm. J. builder, West Canonmills
— house, 8 Abercromby place
Matheson, Wm. superintendent of children,
city parochial board, 22 Gayfield square
Mathie, Robt. 3 Links place, Leith
Mathie, Mrs Mary, Jock's lodge
Mathieson, D. spirit dealer, 1 Macneil's place
Mathieson, George, shipowner and agent,
Clitton lodge, Wardie
Mathieson, Thos. A. and Co. plane and edge-
tool makers, 65 Nicolson street and 1 Gil-
more street, Paul's work
Mathison, Alex, spirit dealer, 17 India place
Mathison, Archibald, gardener, Plewlands
Mathison, Jas. spirit dealer, 7 Arthur st.
Mathison, Peter, 17 Keir street
Mathison, R. spirit mer. 262 & 339 Canong.
Mathison, Thos. spirit dealer, 1 Dean street
Mathison, Miss Elizabeth, lodgings, Darnley
cottage, Morningside
Mathison, J. straw-hat maker, 5 1 Earl Grey st.
Matson, Alex, tobacconist, 1 Union place —
house, 14 Bedford street
Matson, Thos. wright, 14 Bedford street
Matthew, Jas. & Son, drapers and linen manu-
facturers, 431 Lawnmarket
Matthew, James, macer. High Court of Justi-
ciary, 2 Hay street
Matthewson, J. provision mercht. 37 Kirkgate
Mauchline, Aw. grocer, 23 S. Richmond st.
Mauchline, James {G. P.- O.), 30 James' sq.
Maughan, Ed. J. inspector of Inland Revenue,
5 Mary's place
Maughan, Captain Philip, 37 Melville street
Maule, George, builder, 58 Broughton street
Maule, John, architect, 50 Brunswick street
Maxton, Jn. wine mercht. Bank street, Leith
Maxton, Mrs, 1 1 Archibald place
Maxwell, Marshall, and Co. corn factors, 26
Constitution street
Maxwell, Airs A. H. 1 1 Coates crescent
Maxwell, Geo. dairy, 7 North Melville place
Maxwell, J. L. clerk, 20 Rankeillor street.
Maxwell, John Hall, of Dargavel, secretary.
Highland and Agricidtural Society of Scot-
land, 6 Albyn place
Maxwell, J. teacher, 17 Duke street, Leith
Maxwell, Patrick, 2 Lord Russell place
Maxwell, William, draper, 2 So, St David st.
Maxwell, Dowager Lady, of Calderwood, 6
Royal circus
Maxwell, Mrs, of Shrub hill, Shrub hill house
Maxwell, Airs James, 2 Salisbury place
Maxwell, Mrs James, lodgings, 18 Dundas st.
Maxwell, Mrs Jane, ladies' nurse, 6 Rich-
mond place
Maxwell, Miss, Greenhill
May, Wra. general furnishing and agency
house, 22 Catharine street
Mayne, Robert, 27 Melville street
Mayne, Miss, 20 Drummond place
Meade, John, jeweller, lapidary, and seal en-
graver, 4 North St Andrew street
Meade, John, 64 Broughton street
Meaten, Fred, teacher of Music, 7 India st.
Mechanics' Subscription Library, 7 James'
Medical Hall, H.C, Baildon, 73 Princes st.
Medical, Invalid, and General Life Society,
2 North St David street — W. Bell, agent'
Medical, Legal, and Gen. Mutual Life As-
surance Society — J. Mundell, agent, 33
Warriston crescent
Medical Royal Society, 7 Melbourne place
Meek, And. hosier and glover, 43 North bridge
—house, 6 Stafford street
Meek, John, city missionary, Wight's place
Meek, Robert, working jeweller, 12 Thistle
street — house, 33 Howe street
Meek, Thomas, baker, 23 Hercles street
Meek, Thos. & Co. merchants and commission
agents, 104 Constitution st. — house, Thom-
son's place
Meek, Mrs, private boarding establishment, 6
Stafford street
Meek, Mrs, 4 Duncan street, Newington
Meik, Miss, 8 Howard place
Meiklam, Mrs, 18 AthoU crescent
Meikle, Chris, accountant, G3 Hanover st.
Meikle, George (G. Jamiesun ^- Son)^ 3
Park street
Meikle, G. tailor and clothier, 10 Hanover st.
Meikle, Philip, provision shop, 18 Yardheads
Meikle, Wm., S.S.C. master extraordinary in
Chancery, 66 Great King street
Meikle, Mrs Geo. lodgings, 3 Regent street
Meikle, Mrs, dressmaker, 10 Hanover street
Meiklejohn, John, teacher, 7 St Anthony pi.
Meiklejohn, John, spirit dealer, 127 High st.
Meiklejohn, Mrs, 74 Great King street
Meiklereid, David, shipmaster, 41 Shore, Leith
Mein, Alexander, hat manufacturer, 20 St
John street— house, 94 George st.
Mein,A.,M.D. surgeon-dentist, 94 George st.
Mein, Francis, lodgings, 69 Broughton street
Mein, J. Z. engraver, printer, aud litho-
grapher, 35 Leith street
Mein, Mrs, 65 Nicolson street
Meldrum, George, accountant, 53 York place
Meldrum Sisters, milliners, 44 N. Frederick
Melrose, Andvv. & Co. teadealers to theQueen,
and grocers, 93 George st. and 122 High st.
MelrD33, Andw. {A. M. ^' Co.), Chapel house
Melrose, Colville, 2 Poultry market
Melrose, James, manager, Eagle and Hender-
son's nursery, Leith walk
Melrose, John {A. M. i' Co.), 18 Moray place
Melrose, John, tailor & clothier, 10 George st.
Melrose, John, cork- cutter, 13 South back of
Melrose, ]Mrs, lodgings, 99 Princes street
Melville aud Douglas, accountants, &c. 9 N.
St David street
Melville, Andrew, fishing- hook manufacturer,
28 Leith street — house, 4 Salisbury street
Melville, Archd., W.S. 43 York place
Melville, F. S. (Melville ^ D.), 11 South
Castle street
Melville, Geo. 14 Brandon street
Melville, Janoes M., W.S. 110 George street
Melville, John, W.S. 13 Heriot row
Melville, John, 12 Calton hill
Melville, Mrs, grocer, Ciierrybank
Melville, Misses Whyte, 27 Moray place
Melvin, Alex, brewer, Boroughloch
Mellon, John, pavior, 109 Canongate
Menelaws, Wm. grocer and wine merchant,
143 George st. — 1 W. Maitland st.
Menelaws, William, baker, 187 Canongate
Menelaws, Mrs, milliner,
Menteath, A. Stuart, 38 Melville street
Menzies & Maconochie, W.S. 10 Hill street
Menzies & Co. shipbuilders. Wet docks
Menzies, Allan (M. and Maconochie), Murray-
Held bouse
Menzies, Archibald, teacher of music, 55
Cumberland street
Menzies, George ( Jf. and Co.), Leith mount
Menzies, Graham & Co. distillers, Sunbury
Menzies, Grab. {G. M. ^'Co.), Sunbury house
Menzies, James, 19 St Patrick square
Menzies, Jas. Queen's Hotel, 131 Princes st.
Menzies, Js. M. engraver, printer, and litho-
grapher, 27 Hanover st. — ho. 1 Gardner's
Menzies, John, bookseller and publisher, 61
and 63 Princes st. — ho. 28 N. Nelson st.
Menzies, John, pawnbroker, 8 Cowgate
Menzies, John, engraver, 1 Gardner's crescent
Menzies, Sergt. Alexander, teacher of ladies'
exercises, Naval and Militai-y Academy, Lo-
thian road
Menzies, Thomas, wholesale lace and furnish-
ing warehouse, 39 Lothian street
Menzies, Thomas (Leith, Edinburgh, and Glas-
gow Shipping Co.), 2 Cooper street
Menzies, Captain Wm. 114 George street
Menzies, Wm. 56 Buccleuch street
Menzies, William, M.D. 3 Lothian road
Menzies, Hon. Lady, of Menzies, Abbey hill
Menzies, Mrs E. lodgings, 22 India street
Menzies, Mrs John, Regent street, Leith
Menzies, ]\Irs Robert, 7 Rankeillor street
Menzies, ]\Irs, Reading-Room., 129 Constitu-
tion street
Menzies, Mrs, 25 Pitt street
Menzies, Mrs, grocer and spirit dealer, Lap-
side place
Menzies, Miss, A. 32 Rankeillor street
Menzies, Miss, 3 Graham street
Menzies, Miss, 25 Charlotte square
Menzies, Misses, boarding school, Lauriston
Menzies, Miss Jessie, 3 Leopold place
Merard, Diseari, hatter, 8 N. bridge — house,
1 Fieshmarket close
Mercantile Marine Shipping Office, 60
Tolbooth wynd, Leith — Capt. T. Thomson
Mercantile & House Agency Office &
Rooms, 5 Elder street — D. Hardie
Mercantile Agency Office, 413 Lawnmar-
ket — W. S. Douglas, manager
Mercantile Record and Remembrancer
Office, 25 St James' sq — William Hill, sec.
Mercer, George and Son, lace merchants, 17
Nicolson street
Mercer, Mrs Geo. of Gorthy, 14 Moray pi.
Mercer, James (Inland Revenue), 3 Hill sq.
Mercer, Valter ( G. M. and Son), 7 Lutton pi.
Mercer, William, trimming merchant, 12
Union pi. — ho. 59 Broughton st.
Mercer, William ( VV. M. and Co.), 59
Broughton street
Mercer, Mrs Ann, 4 Morton street
Mercer, Miss, dressmaker, 5 So. James' st.
Merchants' Hall, 4 Hunter square
Merchants' and Tradesmen's Mutual Life
Assurance Society, 1 North St David's st.
— James T. Douglas, agent — See Adv.
Merrilees, Fletcher, surgeon-dentist, 101
George street
Merrilees, Mrs John, 4 N. St Andrew st.
Merrilees's dental surgery, 4 N. St Andrew st.
Merry, Dr, 12 Comely bank
Messer, Adam, F.R.C.S.E. 6 Maitland street
Messer, James, slater, 36 St Leonard street
Metcalfe, Rev. John, 19 Regent terrace
Methuen, Jas. fish-curer, 90 Giles' st. and 4
Sandport street, and 8 Elbe street — ho. 1
Albany street. North Leith
Methven, Thomas, nursery and seedsman,
Stan well lodge
Methven, William, trimming warehouse, 6
Lindsay place
Methven, Wm. 11 Roxburgh street
Meyer, M. H. cabinetmaker, Burnet's close —
house, 156 High street
Meyer, Charles, silk mercer and French
importer, 95 George street
Meyer, Rev. Theodore, teacher of Hebrew and
German, 136 George street
Meyer, Mademoiselle, dress and corset maker,
miUiuer, &c. 95 George street
Michie, James, 4 York place
Michie, R. S. engraver, and printer, 19 St
David street
Michie, Miss, furnishing shop, 7 Queen's pi.
Leith walk
Michie, Miss Margaret, 14 Archibald place
Mickel, Stephen, grocer, 106 High street
Middlemas, Adam, grocer and prov. merchant,
52 S. Clerk street
Middlemass, Geo. wright, 169 Causeyside
Middlemass, G. cattle dealer, 1 W. Newington
Middlemass, James, clothier, shirt-merchant
and outfitter, 18 South bridge
Middlemass, John, wine and spirit merchant,
93 Nicolson street — ho. 169 Causeyside
Middlemass, Robert, wine and spirit mercht.
4 Spittal street
Middlemass, Robt. baker and confectioner,
2o West Preston street
Middlemass, Thomas, furniture dealer, 21 St
Andrew street, Leith
Middlemass, William, 6 Elm row
Middlemass, William, wright, 20 Bedford st.
Middlemass, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 36 Lauriston
Middlemess, Mrs E. victl. deal. 44 S. Clerk st.
Middleton, Alex. Commer. hotel, Lothian rd.
Middleton, David, H. M. assistant inspector of
schools, 5 Clarence street
Middleton, John, M.D., physician and sur-
geon, 1 West Adam st. — ho. 4 St John st.
Middleton, Captain John, district paymaster,
3 Hope street — house, Waltham lodge, Mur-
raj field
Middleton, Robert, mill-master. Bell's mills
Milburn, Dr George, 3 Nicolson square
Mill, Ebenezer, S.S.C. and Notary Public, 51
Princes street — house, 12 AthoU place
Mill, George, tailor, 22 Raeburn place
Mill, Jas. grocer and spirit merchant, 16 Wil-
liam street
Mill, John (ISr. B. Advertiser), 2 Buccleuch pi.
Mill, Mrs, 39 George street
Mill, Mrs John, 8 Picardy place
Millan and Mann, clothiers & habit makers, 1
Hanover street
Millan, Robert {M. ^ Mann), 8 Abercromby
Millar, A. M. & Co. commission merchants
and insurance agents, 4^ North bridge
Millar, Adam, watchmaker and jeweller, 62
Leith street
Millar, Andrew, watch and clockmaker, 5 W.
Nicolson street — house, 5 Lutton place
Millar, Archd. smith, 37 Lothian street
Millar, D. printer, 24 Salisbury street
Millar, David B. tailor, 166 High street
Millar, David, coal merchant, 2 Alva street
Millar, David, buildtr and pavement mercht.
Bellevue — house, 75 Broughton street
Millar, Rev. James, garrison chaplain, Edin-
burgh castle — house, 5 Ann street
Millar, James S, surgeon, 9 Archibald place
Millar, James, teacher of English, 6 Mary pi.
Millar, Jas. cork manufacturer, 32 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
Millar, James, grocer, 160 Pleasance
Millar, James, merchant, 59 Kirkgate
Millar, James, ironmonger and seed merchant,
52 Grassraarket — house, 3 Morningside pi.
Millar, James, confectioner, 1 North-west
Circus place
Millar, James, baker, 7 Keir street
Millar, John, {late Ric/id. Mi/larSiSo7i),dock
and watchmaker, 44 North bridge — house,
1 Brown's place, Vennel
Millar, John, confectioner, 8 and 13 Kirkgate
Millar, Rev. John, 30 Gilmore place
Millar, John, advocate, 10 Abercromby place
Millar, John, shoemaker, 3 N.-W. Circus place
Millar, John, potter to her Majesty, china and
glass warehouse, 2 So. St Andrew street —
house, 4 Meuse lane
Millar, John, victual dealer, 248 Canongate
Millar, John, wine and spirit merchant, sta-
bling, 3 Church street
Millar, Laurence, 26 Frederick street
Millar, Richard, watchmaker, 44 N. bridge —
ho. 1 1 Lutton place
Miliar, Richd. jun. watch, clock, and nautical
instrument maker, 58 Bridge st. — house,
Albany street, Leith
Millar, Robert, teacher, 57 N. Hanover st.
Millar, Robert, block maker, 6 Royal Ex-
Millar, Thos, and James, trimming mer-
chants, 12 St Andrew square
Millar, Wm. transcriber of ancient manuscripts,
searcher of records, and law stationer, 3
Dundas street
Millar, William S., M. D., 68 Broughton place
Millar, Wm. smith. Castle terrace— house, 22
Rutland square
Millar, Wm. writer, 28 Cumberland street
Millar, Wm. grocer and spirit dealer, 15 Cable
Millar, Wm. White, S.S.C agent for the
Monarch Fire and Life Insurance Co. 8
Bank street
Millar, Mrs Anne, 4 Picardy place
Millar, Mrs David and Miss Morison, 15 Leo-
pold place
Millar, Mrs Dr J. 30 Gilmore place
Millar, Mrs J. H. 10 Abercromby place
Millar, Mrs Jane, Werter house
Millar, Mrs Rachel, grocer, 13 Atholl place
Millar, Mrs Wm. 73 Constitution street
Millar, Mrs, 7 Craigie terrace
Millar, Mrs, East Hermitage, Leith
Millar, Mrs, of Earnock, 21 Royal terrace
Millar, Miss Elizabeth, 129 Princes street
Millar, Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 108
GeorgQ street
Millar, Miss, 17 Broughton place
Millar, Miss, 18 Frederick street
Millar, Miss, 1 1 Ainslie place
Miller & Richard, typefounders to her Ma-
jesty, G5 Nicolson street
Millers & Arthur, paint, varnish, and colour
manufacturers and oil merchants. Timber
bush and 5 Shore
Miller and Crawford, S.S.C. 59 George sq.
Miller and Fairly, printers, 11 Horse wynd
Miller and Grinton, basket and toy wareho.
32 Princes st. — house, 1 Hill square
Miller, Alex, cabiuetmaker,. 58 Albany street
Miller, Alex. 5G Broughton street
Miller, Andrew, 9 St Leonard's lane
Miller, David, typefounder, West Sciennes
Miller, Geo. wine & spir. mer. 23 Elm row
Miller, James, S.S.C. 20 Nelson street
Miller, James, F.R.C.S.E. professor of sur-
gery in the University, 51 Queen street
Miller, James, ironmonger, 70 Princes street
Miller, James, gardener, Bonnington house
Miller, James, 90 Constitution street
Miller, Jas. jun. S.S.C. (Dw^ecan 4- M.), 11
South Nelson street
Miller, James, agent, 21 East Crosscausey
Miller, James, engineer, 1 Braudfield place
Miller, Jas. & Co. coal depot, Edin. Fire-
wood Company, 136 Fountainbridge
Miller, J. & Sons, merchants, 92 Constitution
Miller, John, 11 Arniston place
Miller, John & Co. silk mercers, 6 George st. —
house, 26 Nelson street
Miller, John, draper, 43 South bridge — ho.
5 Roxburgh place
Miller, John, 1 Rutland street
Miller, John, woollen draper, 29 N. bridge-
house, 92 Lauriston place
Miller, John M. bookseller, printer, and pub-
lisher, 90 South bridge
Miller, John, writer, 2 Church street
Miller, J. jun. civil engineer, 12 St Andrew
square — house, 1 Ramsay place
Miller, Jn. baker and confectioner, 1 North
St Andrew st bo. 15 Clyc^e st.
Miller, John, stone warehouse, 19 Castle st.
Miller, Jno. gen. inspector of fisheries. Upper
Hermitage, Leith
Miller, Joseph, tailor, 33 Dundas st.
Miller, Joseph, and Co. booksellers, 25
George IV. bridge
Miller, Michael, gardener, Morningside
Miller, Richard {J. M. ^ Sons), 90 Constitu-
tion street
Miller, Rob. accountant, 12 St Andrew eq.
Miller, Robert, candlemaker, 23 Grassmarket
Miller, Robert, 7 Salisbury road
Miller, Robert, goods department Caledonian
railway — house, 5 Ladyfield place
Miller, Robert, late merchant, 3 Hailes' street
Miller, Thomas, sharebroker and Irish estates
agent, C St Andrew square — bouse, Green-
hill gardens
Miller, Thomas, grocer, 1 Fingal place
Miller, Thomas, baker, 1 Bread street
Miller, Wm. baker and confectioner, 86 Ni-
colson street
Miller, Wm. spirit dealer, 41 Tolbooth wynd,
Miller, William, engraver, 4 Hope park
Miller, Wm. merchant, 3 Gayfield place
Miller, Wm. sharebroker, 82 Princes street
Miller, Wm. C. {Royal Institution'), 6 Cas-
sells' place
Miller, Wm. pocket-book maker, 46 Leith wy.
Miller, Mrs Margaret, 2 London row
IMiller, Mrs N. 18 Downie place
Miller, Misses, 3 Gayfield place
Miller, Mrs, of Glenlee, 3 Shandwick place
Miller, Mrs, U Lutton place
Miller, Misses, George street, North Leith
Miller, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 15 S. College st.
Miller, Mrs, 24 Buccleuch place
Miller, Miss Mary, Holyrood gardens
Millidge & Son, jewellers, 28 Princes street —
house, 25 Gayfield square
Millidge, Mrs Edin, 25 Gayfield square
Millidge, Miss, 82 Princes street
Millie, Thomas, joiner and cabinetmaker,
37 Jamaica street lane
Milligan, James, S.S.C. agent for the Royal
Fire and Life Insurance Co. 4 Pitt street.—
See Adv.
Milligan, John, 2 St John street
Milliken, Miss, 37 Charlotte square
Millin, C. gardener. Dairy lane
Millons, Thos. & Robt. veneer saw-mills, 69
Millons, T.(^TSc R. M.), 23 Gardner's cresc.
Millons, Thomas & Son, wood merchaots,
Home street
Millons, Thomas, jun. {T.M.Sf Son), Drum-
dryan house
Millons, Miss, 12 Gardner's crescent
Mills, Wm. tailor and clothier, 63 N. bridge
Milne, David, leather merchant, 259 Cowgate
Milne, George, 1 1 Archibald place
Milne, George, tailor, 9 Brighton street
Milne, Geo. M. Chalmers' close, 81 High st.
Milne, James S. advocate, 20 Duncan street,
Drummond place
Milne, James & Son, brassfounders, gasmeter
manufrs. &c. IVlilton house, 90 Cauongate
Milne, James (M. ^' Son), 39 Lauriston pi.
Milne, Jas. surgeon, Milne's land, Chalmers'
close, 81 High street
Milne, James, spirit dealer, 17 Charlotte pi.
Milne, James, bootmaker, 16 Bank street —
house, 47 Buccleuch street
Milne, John & Co. typefounders, 12 Thistle
Milne, John, gardener, Sunnybank cottage,
London road
Milne, John, provision shop, 2 N. Junction st.
— house, 29 Couper st.
Milne, John, baker, 1 Maitland st. Newhaven
Milne, Jn. wholesale stationer, 97 George st.
Milne, John {James M. Sf So7i), H Albany st.
Milne, John, 1 Forres street
Milne, Peter, baker, 8 Clerk street — bouse, 4
Milne, R. painter and glazier, 70 Broughton
Milne, Wm. painter and glazier, 3 Picardy pi.
Milne, William, merchant, 106 Lauriston pi.
Milne, Wm. Temp, hotel, 24 Greenside St.
Milne, W. S. ( W. .S'J- Milne), 13 Torphichen
Milne, Wm. & John, booksellers, desk and
dressing-case makers, 33 Hanover street
Milne, Wm. spirit merchant, 17 Broughton
street — house, 1 Blenheim place
Milne, Mrs Agnes, 15 Keir street
Milne, Mrs Andrew, 19 Gay field square
Milne, Mrs Janet, 5 Albany street
Milne, ]\Irs Margaret, midwife, 2 Murray st.
Milne, Miss Janet, dressmaker, 2 Alison sq.
Milne, M. & Co. straw hat makers, 46 Geo. st.
Milner, Eben., M.D. surgeon, Leith medical
hall, 77 Shore — house, 50 Charlotte street
Milner, Robt. surgeon & apothecary, 57 Bridge
street — house, 47 Couper street
Milner, Sons, & Co. silk mercers, drapers, and
haberdashers, 31 Greenside street, and 41
Nicolson street
Milner, Wm. R. silk mercer, linen draper,
and shawl warehouseman, 7 Kirkgate, Leith
Milroy, Rev. Andrew, 86 Lauriston place
Minerva Life Assurance Co. 82 Great King
street. — See Adv.
Ministers' Widows' Fund ofRce, 6 N. St
David street
Minto, Dr, 41 Queen street
Minto, Mrs James, copper and tin smith, 31
Whitfield place
Minto, Mrs, 2 Helen place, Leith
Mitchell & Heriot, straw-hat manufacturers,
49 George street
Mitchell, Cadell, & Co. comm. merchants and
corn factors, 2 Dock place
Mitchell, Adam, gardener, Mayfield loan
Mitchell, Alex. (Exchequer), 14 Carlton street
Mitchell, Alexander, 21 Melville street
Mitchell, David, baker, 1 Dublin st. — ho. 15
Mitchell, David, 35 Buccleuch street
Mitchell, David, grocer, 55 Potterrow
Mitchell, D. shoemaker, 9 West Crosscausey
Mitchell, Edward, surgeon, 2 Leopold place
Mitchell, Edward, hairdresser and perfumer,
18 Dundas street — ho. 35 Cumberland st.
Mitchell, F. G. & Co. wholesale tea and spice
dealers, 10 Shakspeare square
Mitchell, F. G. (F. G. 31. ^- Co.), 23 East
Claremont street
Mitchell, Geo. T. accountant, 4 Fettes row
Mitchell, G«o. bootmaker, 23 Greenside st.
Mitchell, Geo. spirit dealer, 20 Greenside lane
Mitchell, James, accountant and stockbroker,
18 Royal exchange — ho. 47 Gilmore place
Mitchell, Jh8. surgeon R.N. 1 Brandfield pi.
Mitchell, James, engraver, 94 Pleasance
Mitchell, J. & Son, coopers, 86 High street
Mitchell, John, tinsmith, 13 South Richmond
Mitchell, John, general mer. 16 King's stables
Mitchell, John M. Belgian consul and mer.
chant, Mayville, Laverock bank. Trinity
Mitchell, John, merchant, 23 So. Norton pi.
Mitchell, John G. engraver and printer, 2
Leopold place
Mitchell, John, master of fire-engines. Police
ofiice. Parliament square
Mitchell, Colonel John, 23 St Bernard's
Mitchell, Joseph, W.S. 8 Pitt street
Mitchell, R. & Co. wine and spirit merchts.
(agents for Combe, Delafield, and Co.
porter brewers, London), 5 Old Physic
Mitchell, W. L. 5 Nelson street
Mitchell, R. (R. M. §- Co.), 8 Regent terrace
Mitchell, Robt. Burn, wine merchant, 29
Windsor street
Mitchell, R. B. tide surveyor, 17 Albany street,
Mitchell, R. H. {M. ^ Heriot), 49 George
Mitchell, Robert, cabinetmaker, 63 Abbey hill
Mitchell, Robt. & Co. agents for Combe, De-
lafield, & Co. 8 Quality lane
Mitchell, Robert, lodgings, 7 East Register st.
Mitchell, Captain T. P. 18 Inverleith row
Mitchell, Thomas, spirit mer. 1 York place
Mitchell, Thos. merchant, 23 Dundas street
Mitchell, Thomas, flesher, 124 West port
Mitchell, William, fruit and provision ware-
house, 21 Greenside place
Mitchell, Willi-m, city missionary, 9 Beau-
mont place
Mitchell, W. engraver, 25 So. Richmond st.
Mitchell, Mrs Elizabeth, 23 Danube street
Mitchell, Mrs G. S. 39 Dublin street
Mitchell, Mrs, 2 Portland place
Mitchell, Mrs, 4 Fettes row
Mitchell, Mrs, dressmaker, 1 Patterson's court
Mitchell, Miss, 9 Comely bank
Mitchell, Miss, 23 St Bernard's crescent
Mitchell, Misses & Co. milliners, 1 15 George st.
Mitchelhill, Peter, tailor& cloth. 63 N. bridge
Mochrie, James, wine merchant and grocer,
84 Nicolson street — house, G Grange place
Mochrie, Robert, draper, 19 Dundas street
Moffat, Alex, gardener. Cherry bank
Moffat, Alex, commer. travel. 3 Roburgh ter.
Moffat, And. cabinetmaker, 62 Thistle street
Moffat, Andrew, flesher, 1 Couper st. Leith
Moffat, David, Harrow Inn, 54 Candlem. row
Motfat,G. Dickson, fish establishment and cod-
liver oil merchant, 46 Dundas street
Moffat, Henry, S.S.C. & Solicitor at Law, 23
Geo. IV. bridge — ho. 43 Minto street
Moffat, Jas. victual dealer, 19 St James' st.
Moffdt, Jn. spirit deal. 85Broughton st.
Moffat, John, tailor, 33 Castle street
Moffat, John, engraver, 3 Nicolson square
Moffat, Robert, wright, 9 Beaumont place
Moffat, Thomas, spirit dealer, 20 Drummond
Moffat, Thomas, 58 Cumberland street
Moffat, Wm. Butterworth, teacher of writing,
arithmetic, and book-keeping, 7 Infirmary
Moffat, Wm. & Co. druggists, 53 Nicolson st.
Moffat, Wm. wright & undertaker, Darling's
brae — house, 42 Yardheads
Moffat, Wir.jun. wright, 5 Darling's brae
Moffat, Wm. painter and glazier, 1 Leith walk
Moffat, Wm. tea and spirit merchant, 11 S(:
Vincent street
Moffat, Wm. flesher, 58 Kirkgate— house, 9
Glover street
Moffat, Wm., M.A.. teacher of mathematics.
High School, and 63 South bridge — house,
8 Duke street
Moffdt, W. Wilson, bookseller, stationer, and
circulating library, 44 George street
Moffat & Ttiomson, straw-plait dealer, 10 S.
College street
Moffdt, Mrs Alex, dairy, 2 Coburg street
Moffat, Mrs Thomas, 9 Portland place
Moffat, ]\Irs Thomas, 7 Cassells' place
Moffat, Mrs, 27 St Patrick square
Moffdt, Mrs, lodgings, 1 Hill square
Moffat, Miss, 7 Cassells' place
Moffdtt, Wm. L. architect, 23 Geo. IV. bridge
Mohring, Henry, home and foreign fruit
merchant, 55 Regent arch
Moinet, John, accountant, 14 Stafford street
Moir, Chas. ( Union Bank), 5Q Lothian street
Moir, David {late Wilson and 31.), smith and
ironmonger. Mint — house, 5 Keir street
Moir, George, advocate, 41 Charlotte square
Moir, George, letterpress printer, 317 High st.
— house, 9 Gardner's crescent
Moir, Dr John, F.R.C.P.E. 52 Castle street
Moir, John, artist, 9 Gardner's crescent
Moir, Robert, inspector of dead letters, G.
P.-O. 33 Montagu street
Moir, Robert (G. P.-O.), 22 Society
Moir, Rev. R. (Circus Place school), private
classical and mercantile academy, Canon -
mills house
Moir, Thos. writer and accountant, 8 Kerr st.
Moir, Mrs, 30 Haddington place
Moir, Mrs Hugh, 5 King's place
Moir, Misses, boarding school, 7 Great Stuart
Moir, Miss Jane, 7 Alva street
]Moir, Miss, 2 William street
MoUeson, James, M.D. 31 India street
Moucrieff, A. advocate, 16 Northumberland st.
Moncreiff, Rev. Sir Henry Wellwood, Bart.,
9 Alvastreet
Moncreiff, James, Lord Advocate for Scot-
land, M.P. 15 Great Stuart street
Moncrieff, James, & Son brassfounders, gas-
fitters, and plumbers, Roxburgh close, 341
High street
Moncreiff, John Scott, accountant, 20 India st.
Moncreiff, W., & J. M. Baillie, accountants,
59 George street
Moncreiff, William, 10 Rutland square
Moncreiff, Wm. mason and causey-layer,
21 Market street — ho. 10 M. Arthur place
Moncreiff, William Glen, e Buccleuch street
Moncrieff, Rev. William Scott, 17 George sq.
Moncur, Mrs M. 8 Buccleuch place
Monilaws, Alex. Geo., W.S. 22 Young street
Monilaws, Mrs Capt. 1 9 Gayfield square
Monro, George, S.S-C. 54 Albany street
Monro, George, advocate, 5 Darnaway street
Monro, Miss, 13 India street
I Monro, ^Nliss, dressmaker, 22 Broughton st.
I Monro Miss, dressmaker, 6 Cumberland st.
Monteath, Alex, of Duchally and Broich, 12
Grove street
Monteith, Alex. E. advocate, sheriff of Fife-
shire, Inverleith house
Monteith, Thomas, tea, wine, & spirit dealer,
302 Lawnmarket — house, 3 Melbourne pi.
Monteith, Thomas, spirit merchant, 60 Fouu-
! tainbridge
I Monteith, Mrs, 9 Maitland st.
1 Montgomery, Alexander, 41 Clerk street
i Montgomery, Jas. F. advocate, 17 AthoU cres.
[ Montgomery, Robert, 17 AthoU crescent
Montgomery, Wm. W.S. 17 AthoU crescent
Montgomery, Miss E. dressmaker, 120 Nicol-
, son street
Montignani, Henry G. merchant and comrais-
1 si on agent, 6 Drummond street
Montignani, W. R. teacher of music, 19 India
Mood, John, Rosehall
Moodie and Lothiau, booksellers, publishers,
and stationers, 82 Princes street
Moodie, Wm. ( Wauchope, M., and Hope), 11
Pilrig street
Moodie, Mrs, 38 Rankeillor street
Moodie, Misses, dressmakers, 49 India place
Moon, D. billiard maker, 3 Clyde street
Moon, W. working jeweller, 27 S. Hanover st.
Moore, James, S.S.C. 18 Castle street
Moore, R. B. lodgings, 2 Forres street
Moore, Mrs Churchill, Morningside
More, Alex. 14 Danube street
More, Graham, haircutter and perfumer, 134
Princes street, and 1 Duke street
More, George, W.S. 5 Fettes row
More, John, accountant, R. Bank^ Royal Bank
More, John Shank, adv. professor of the law
of Scot, in the Univ. 19 Gt. King street
Morgan, John & Co. clothiers & military
tailors, 104 George street
Morgan, James, S.S.C. 7 Walker street
Morgan, John B. commercial traveller, 16
Salisbury street
Morgan, John, cow feeder, Heriot buildings
Morgan, Mrs, 30 Danube street
Morgan, Mrs, 18 Clarence street
Morham, James, clerk of Police court, 17
West Preston street
Morham, Rob. deputy city clerk, city cham-
bers— house, 9 Lauder road, Grange
Morham, Robt. flesher, 19 Fleshmarket close
Morison, A. grocer, 3 Maitland st. Newhaven
Morison, Alex, of Bognie, 12 Randolph cr.
Morison, Alex., S.S.C 40 Great King street
Morison, Alex. K., SS.C. 6 Elder st.
Morison, George, 4 Smith's place
Morison, Hector, draper, 14 Queensferry st.
Morison, Jas. cabinetmaker and upholsterer,
78 George street — house, Redbraes
Morison, James {Nat. Bank), 37 Register st.
Morison, James, 4 Hill square
Morison, James Mitford, advocate, 8 Fred. st.
Morison, James, 17 Norton place
Morison, John, wine and spirit merchant, 1
Macdowall st. and 12 Greensidest. — ho. 10
Morison, John C. tailor & clothier, 75 Nicol-
son street
Morison, Patk. accountant, 2 Scotland street
Morison's iodgs. Millburu cottage, Canaan la.
Morison, Miss, 6 Archibald place
Morrieson, Lieut. -Col. Hugh, 27 Heriot row
Morris, Andw. flaxdresser, Dickson's close
Morris, David, clothier and tailor, 132 Princes
St. — lio. Morrisville, Boroughm airhead
Morris, Hugh, bootmaker, 5 India pi. — ho. 1
Spring gardens
Morris, James, late wine merchant, 1 Great
Stuart street
Morris, Robert, stationer, 7 W. Register street
— house, 1 Great Stuart street
Morris, Robert, bootmaker, 63 Thistle street
Morris, Wm. waiter, 59 Broughton st.
Morris, Mrs, lodgings, 30 Lothian st.
Morrison, Adam, S.S.C 45 York place
Morrison, Alex, builder, 3 Warriston crescent
Morrison, Andrew, smith, Hope street lane
Morrison, Charles, agent and yeast merchant,
59 Shore — house, 5 Queen's pi. Leith walk
Moriisoo, D. dock aiaster, 9 Albany st. Leiib
Morrison, James D. surgeon-dentist and lec-
turer on dentistry, 18 Elder street
Morrison, James, 150 Fouutainbridge
Morrison, James, wright, Lothian road — ho.
3 Tollcross
Morrison, M. bookseller, 16 E. Richmond st.
Morrison, Mark, commission merchant, &1
Constitution st. — ho. 3 Vanburgh place
Morrison, R. commercial agent, 8 S. Gray st.
Morrison, Robt.,H.E.I.C.S. 6 Heriot row
Morrison, T. {Reg. Ho.), 11 W. Maitland st.
Morrison, Wm. & Co. tea, wine, and spirit
merchants, 91 Constitution street
Morrison, Wm. ship-master, 34 Clerk st.
Morrison, Wm. blacksmith, 39 WhiteBeld pi.
Morrison, Wm. com. traveller, 2 Morton st.
Morrison, Wm. general com. agent, 3 Bank
street, Leith
Morrison, Mrs Cath. lodgings, 2 Portland ter.
Morrison, Mrs H. 5 London row
Morrison, Mrs Wm. 3 Vanburgh place
Morrison, Mrs, 3 Ronaldson's buildings
Morrison, Misses, & Scott, boarding and day-
school, 60 Gt. King st.
Morson, Mrs, Heriot hill
Mortimer, Anderson, and Co. pianoforte ma-
kers, East Broughton place
Mortimer, John, & Co. army and navy con-
tractors, and tailors to the Queen, 101
George street
Mortimer, J. clothier, Bruntsfield lodge
Mortimer, Thos. E. gunmaker, 86 George st.
— ho. 97— late 34 St James' st. London
Mortimer, Wm. bullion dealer, lapidary, and
jeweller, 18 North br.— ho. 10 George st.
Mortimer, Miss, milliner & dressmaker, 2
Baxter's place
Mortimer, Misses, 1 Gayfield street
Morton & Co. gold & silver lace manufacturers,
21 North bridge
Morton, Whitehead, & Greig, W.S. 1 1 Queen
Morton, Alex, ribbon and lace merchant, 14
South bridge— house, 61 Clerk street
Morton, Chas., W.S. 11 Queen st — hou^e,
Ramsay lodge
Morton, H. {S. and H. M.), 3 Smith's place
Morton, James, teacher of English, 20 Nel-
son street
Morton, John L. civil and agricultural en-
gineer, 7 Pitt street
Morton, S. & H. agricultural implement, pa-
tent slip manufacturers, and engineers,
Leith walk and Granton
Morton, Wm. accountant ( W. B. of Scot.), 13
Annandale street
Morton, William, lapidary, 6 Meuse lane
Morton, Jlrs, 6 Annandale street
Mosses, William, tailor, 74 Thistle street
Mosses, Mrs, milliner, 74 Thistle street
Mossman, A. & Co. jewellers & watchmakers,
32 North bridge — ho. 14 Blackett place
Mossman, Mrs Wm. 2 Teviot row
Mossman, I\Irs, 1 Eyre place
Mouat, Misses, boardg. school, 4 Middleby st.
Mould & Tod, engravers, printers, and litho-
graphers, 3 Waterloo place
Moule, Joseph, Superintending Pres^ident G.
P.- O. St Catharine's villa. Grange road
Mount, James, church officer, 125 Canongate
Mount, John & Co. metal merchants and re
finers, 46 Abbeyhill
Mount, Hugh, & Co. china and metal mer-
chants, 174 Cowgate
Mowat, Joseph, coram, agent, 48 Whitfield pi.
Mowat, Robert, 14 George street
Mowat, Thos. engineer, 6 Admiralty st. — ho.
3 Bank place
Mowat, Thos. tea, wine, and spirit merchant,
2 Arthur street
]\Iowat, Wm. dairy, 119 Kirkgate
Mowatt, Robert, teacher of pianoforte, 33
Arthur street
Mowatt, William, keeper of the College lib-
rary hall, 33 Arthur street
Mowbray and Howden, W.S. 7 Howe street
Mowbray, John T., W.S. 33 Albany street
Mowbray, Jn.M. (M. ^- Howden), 13 Howe st.
Mowbray, Robert, Bath place
Mowbray, Robert, jun. agent for Commercial
Bank, 24 Constitution street, Leith
Mowbray, Thomas, agent, 6 Union street
Mowbray, Mrs Chas. lodgings, 60 Cumber-
land street
Mowbray, Mrs James, 36 Queen street
Moxey, George T., M.D., surgeon R.N. 4 Syl-
van place
Moxon, C. and J. painters, 63 George street
Mi>yes, James, pewterer, 108 West bow
Mozzi, John, artificial florist, 53 George st. —
house, 34 Hanover street
Mozzi, Mrs, millinery wareh. 53 George st.
Muckle, Wm. (G. P.-O.), 3 Comely green or.
Muckle, Mrs Alex. 3 Comely green crescent
Mudie, D. C. engineer and ironfounder. Pan-
mure Foundry, N. B. of Canongate
Mudie, Mrs Susan, 151 Fountainbridge
Muir^ Andrew, general agent, 14 Royal Ex-
change— house, 20 Buccleuch place
Muir, David, spirit dealer, West Norton place
IMuir, Rev. Francis, 5 North Fort st. Leith
Muir, Henry and Son, ladies' bootmakers, 83
Princes street
Muir, James, 63 Hanover street
Muir, Jas. & Son, brewers, Calton hill brew-
ery, 26 North back of Canongate
Muir, J. {G. P.-O.), 16 N. back of Canongate
Muir, James, tailor and clothier, 9 Charlotte
place — house, 29 Alva street
Muir, James S. bookseller and stationer, 17
South College street
Muir, John, commission agent, 42 Lothian st,
Muir, John {Jas. Muir ^' Sim), brewer, 14
Leopold place
Muir, Peter, bow-maker. Archers' hall
Muir, Peter & Son, upholsterers, 38 Blair st.
Muir, Richard G. 9 Annandale street
Muir, Robert, coal mercht. 5 Murray street,
Muir, Thomas, 4 N. Melville place
Muir, Wm. tailor and clothier, 377 High st.
Muir, Rev. William, D.D. 13 Saxe Coburg pi.
Muir, Wm. bookbinder, Riddle's close
Muir, Wm. merchant and agent, 42 Quality
street — house, 7 Wellington place
Muir, William, S.S.C. 18 Picardy place
Muir,Wm. 8i Son, com. agents, 14 Royal Ex-
change— ho. 15 Warriston crescent
Muir, William ( W. M. §- Son), 15 Warriston
Muir, William, baker, 42 St Leonard street
Muir, Mrs John, dressmaker, 3 Downie place
Muir, Margaret, grocer & spirit dealer, 2 Holy-
rood street
Muir, Mrs William, 15 Warriston crescent
Muir, Mrs, 16 Regent terrace
Muir, Mrs, lodgings, 21 Charles street
Muir, Mrs, grocer, 8 Bristo street
MuiRAVONsiDE ColHery Co. 69 Fountain-br.
Muirhead, Alex, tavernkeeper, 49 Broughton
Muirhead, Charles, poulterer, 79 Queen street
— house, 16 Young street
Muirhead, Claud {Edinburgh Advertiser)., 7
Heriot row
Muirhead, George, spirit dealer, 52 Rose st.
Muirhead, G. spirit dealer, 4 West Adam st.
Muirhead, J. smith and wright, 8 Dunbar st.
Muirhead, James, carver and gilder, 10 North
Richmond street
Muirhead, James, Sheephead tavern, Dud-
Mullholand, James, grocer, 29 Hercles street
Muller, Charles William, teacher of music, 73
Queen treet
Mundell, John {R. TuUis, c^- Co.), 33 War-
riston crescent
Mungall, Mrs, grocer and spirit dealer, 15
Greenside row
Munro, Alex, pawnbroker, Whicehorse close,
276 Canongate
Munro, Alex. 10 Nicolson street
Munro, Alex, tailor and clothier, 23 S. bridge
Munro, Alex, spirit dealer, Bonnington bank
Munro, Andrew, acccmntant, 8 Mary's place
Munro, Arch., A.M. teacher, 12 Middleby st.
Munro, Arthur, 17 Canning place
Munro, Daniel, shipmaster, 8 Glover street
Munro, Daniel, wright, 10 Baker's place
Munro, David, Madeira street
Munro, Don. spirit dealer, 7 Greenside row
Munro, George, grocer, 11 Macdowall street
Munro, George, 14 Salisbury street
Munro, George, 17 London street
Munro, Huijh, stock and sharebroker, 4 N.
St David street
Munro, Hugh, 3 Great King street
Munro, Hugh, draper, 6"2 Earl Grey street
Munro, Jas. ( Wilsuu &,- Co.), 12 S.-Coburg pi.
Munro, James K. draper and hosier, 9
Baker place
Munro, James, accountant, 71 George street
Munro, John, bookbinder and stationer, 7
Milne square
Munro, R. bootmkr. 52 Tolbooth wynd, Leith
Munro, Wm. coach-builder, Broughtoo mrkt.
Munro, Wm. boot & shoem. 43 N. Richmond
Munro, Wm. coach proprietor, 3 Dublin st.
Munro, William, spirit dealer, 5 Abbey
Munro, W. provision mercht. 2 Summer's pi.
Munro, Wm. J. macer, Hli/h Court of Justici-
ary, 23 St James' square
]Munro, Mrs Catherine, lodgings, 9 Mackenzie
Munro, Mrs Elizabeth, 15 Brown street
Munro, Mrs Mary, lodgings, 1 1 Maitland st.
Munro, Mrs, Bathtield
Munro, Mrs, spirit dealer, Castle o' Clouts
Munro, Miss A. 31 Buccleuch place
Munros and Drysdale, messengers-at-arms,
23 St James' square
Murdoch &Boyd, S.S.C, 120 Constitution st.
Murdoch, Charlt^s, seal engraver and envelope
die cutter, 4 George street
Murdoch, Jas. {Northern Lights), 17 St James'
Murdoch, John B. of Gartincaber, 20 Y^ork
Murdoch, John, S.S.C. 120 Constitution st.
Murdoch, Jn. Burn, jun., advoc. 8 Manor pi.
Murdoch, William Burn, ]M.D. surgeon, 12
Rutland street
Murdoch, Wm. wine and spirit merchant,
197 High street
Murdoch, Miss M. lodgings, 132 Rose street
Mure, Andrew, advocate, 33 Dublin street
Mure, David, advocate. Sheriff of Perthshire,
12 Ainslie place
Mure, James, writer, and messenger-at-arms,
27 Clyde street
Mure, R(»bert, writer, 41 Great King street
Mure, Misses, 8 Albyn place
Mure, Mrs, 3 Warriston crescent
Murphy, Miss, china warehouse, 2 Cowgate
Murray & Bciih, W.S. 50 Castle street
Murray & Gibb, printers, N.E. Thistle st. lane
Murray & Logan, W.S. 141 George street
Murray & Rhind, W.S. 7 Nelsim street
Murray and Stuart, printers and publishers,
28 South Hanover street
Murray's time table office, 12 Leith street —
P. Pollock, agent
Murray, A. W. late army surgeon, 6 N.
Forth street
Murray, Abijah, sheriff-officer, 8 St James' sq.
Murray, Alex- Erskine, 36 Ann street
Murray, Alex, builder, 15 Cassells' place
Murray, Alex, wine merchant and grocer, G7
South bridge — ho. 1 Hope park square
Murray, Alex. 54 S. Cleik street
Murray, Alex, victual deakr, 12 Drummond
Murray, Andrew, jun. W.S. 17 Walker st.
Murray, Andrevv, printer and lithographer,
269 High street
Murray, Andrew, Turf hotel, 3 Princes street
Murray, And. of Conland, W.S. (Ji. 8^- Rhind),
1 Scotland street
IMurray, Andrew, bootmaker, 9 London street
Murray, Ant. of Crieff, W.S. 8 Rutland square
Murray, Dan. furniture dealer, 210 Cowgate
Murray, David, accountant, 39 George street
— house, 1 ]\Iiddleby street
Murray, Ebenezer (^Dalgleisk ^- Forrest)., 9
Wt'st Claremont street
Murray, Eras, lieut. & barrack-master. Castle
Murray, G. clothier, 35 George street
Murray, George, baker, 2 Market st. — ho. 5
Murray, George (F. ^ W. Macniveii), 7
Blacket place
Murray, Geo. grocer & wine merchant, agent
for Bass & Co.'s pale ale, 15 Howe street —
house, 14 Dundas street
Murray, George, mason, Hamilton place — ho.
13 Market place
IMurray, George, accountant, 59 George street
Murray, Henry, confectioner, 109 Nicolson st.
Murray, Henry, boot and shoemaker, 1 S. E.
Circus place
Murray, James, provision shop, 123 Kirkgate
Murray, James T., W.S. 31 Queen street
Murray, James (G.P.-O.), 30 Hamilton place
Murray, James, 25 Parkside street
IMurray, James, grocer, 36 Dundas street
Murray, John, of Murray's hall, advocate, 5
Walker street
Murray, John, W.S. 18 Ainslie place
Murray, John, wine and spirit merchant, 1 a
Catharine St., and 60 South bridge — house,
5 Nicolson street
Murray, John, assessor, Waterloo place — ho.
2 Summerhall place
Murray, John, S.S.C. and N. P. 21 Northum-
berland street
Murray, John, letter-carrier, Greenside end
Murray, John, sheep and cattle agent, 19 St
Patrick square
Murray, John, writer, agent and secretary,
National Guardian Life and Fire Insurance
Society, 3 Great King street
Murray, John, jun., S.S.C. 32 St Andrew
square — house, I East Claremont street
Murray, John, cooper & fish-curer, 7 Coal
hill — house, 43 Bridge street
Murray, John W^m., W.E. 3 Great King st.
Murray, John, printers' joiner and brass rule
maker, 22 Niddry street — house, 11 South
St James' street
Murray, Lord, 11 Great Stuart street
Murray, Peter, 36 Miuto street
Murray, Richard, cabinetmaker and uphol-
sterer, 27 Dublin street — house, 23
Murray, Robert, confectioner, 2 St Patrick
Murray, Robert, coal merchant, 3 Coal hill
Murray, Thomas, furniture dealer, 68 Cowg.
Murray, Thomas, LL.D., Blanfield house
Murray Thomas G., W.S. 24 Hill street-
house, 4 Glenfinlas street
Murray, Thomas, wright, 16 Leith wynd
Murray, William, S.h.C. 6 St Vincent street
Murray, Wm. upholsterer, 12 St James' sq.
Murray, Wm. hotel-keeper, 2 St Andrew sq.
Murray, Wm. writer, 2 W. Newingtoa place
Murray, Wm accountant, .39 George street
Murray, Wm. Hugh, advocate, 13 Albany st.
Murray, Wm. cabinetm. 8 Carrubber's close
Murray, Wm. (G.P.-O.), IS Mid. Arthur pi.
Murray, Hon. Mrs Erskine, 36 Ann street
Murray, Mrs Dr James, 25 Queen street
Murray, Mrs Henry, 19 Pitt street
Murray, Mrs J. 10 James' place, Leith
Murray, Mrs John, 25 Buccleuch place
Murray, Mrs John, 18 Clarendon crescent
Murray, Mrs P. 5 Danube street
Murray, Mrs, Old Town Cafe, 209 High st.
Murray, Mrs William, 65 Lauriston place
Murray, Mrs W. R. 5 Laverock bank
Murray, Mrs, 5Q India street
Murray, Miss, 118 Lauriston place
Murray, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 24
Howe street
Murray, Miss, Scottish Institution, 46 Moray
Murray, IMiss, 6 Comely green place
Murray, Misses, 17 Dean terrace
Murray, Miss, Clifton bank
IVIurray, Miss Barbara, 126 Lauriston pi.
Murray, JNIisses, milliners and dressmakers,
21 Broughton place
Musgrave, J. gardener, Mayfield, Grange toll
Musgrave, Mrs, portrait and miniat.-painter,
32 Royal circus
Musgrove, Jn. hosier and glover, 27 Duke st.
Musgrove, Wm. successor to Geo. Book-
less, glazier, 66 Rose street
Mushet, James, draper, 33 Nicolson street
Mushet, John, 1 Walker street
Mutrie, Wm. hairdresser, 41 Blair street
Mutter, Andrew, coal merchant and general
agent, 9 Romily place
Mutter, John, 9 Gilmore place
Mutter, Margt. straw-hat maker, 9 Romily pi.
Mutter, Miss, 31 Clerk street
Muttit, .James, spirit dealer, Newhaven
Mutual Scottish Amicable Life Insur. Soc.
3 No. St David st.— H. G. Watson, agent.
— See Adv.
Myles, John, tavern, 5 Fleshmarket close
Mylne, James, W.S. 35 Charlotte square
Mylne, Jas. trunk and portmanteau maker, 63
Princes street — house, 1 1 Picardy pi.
Mylne, James, umbrella and parasol manu-
facturer, 15 Norih bridge
Mylne, Miss Emily, 43 St Cuthbert street
Myrtle, John Young, M.D., F.R. C.P. 24 Rut-
land street
Myrtle, W^m. accountant, 4 North St David
St. secretary to A^ew Zealand Otngo Associa-
tion, and agent for London Union Assurance
Society {Fire and Life)^ and for Western
Life Assurance Society.
Nachot, Dr H. W. 113 Princes st.
, Nagle, Mrs, 5 Aruiston place
j Xairn, William, greengrocer, 6t Nicolson .«t.
' Nairne, James, sec. N. Brit. Railway, 8 Hen-
derson row
I Nairne, Mrs Charles, 8 Henderson row
. Naismith, Alexander, farmer, Windlestrawlee
[ Naismith, John, grocer, Hillhousefield
. Naismith, Robert, tavern, 17 Citadel
j Naismith & Richardson, dressmakers, 38
I Cumberland street
Naismith, Mrs T. small- wares, 14 South Col-
] lege street — house, 9 Brighion street
Napier, Major General, C.B. commander-in-
chief for Scotland, Bruntsfield house
I Napier, Alex. John, W.S. 23 Albany street
Napier, B. & Co. paper-rulers, 150 Hiijh st.
Napier, George, adv. and sheriff of Petbles-
I shire, Coates hall
Napier, George, tailor, 129 Rose street
' Napier, James, smith, 39 Water lane
Xapier, J. Spring valley, Mornings-ide
{ Napier, James, chemist and druggist, 126
Nicolson street
Napier, James Brand, teacher of drawing and
! painter, 21 Castle street
Napier, John, printers' joiner and lead maker,
j 12 Sciennes street
I Napier, Mark, advocate, sheriff of Dumfries-
shire, 6 Ainslie place
. Napier, Robt. builder, 40 Bread street
Napier, Robert, 6 Granae place
Napier, Thomas, vintner, 7 Charlotte place
Napier, ]\Irs Andrew, spirit dealer, 78 Shore
Napier, Mrs, spirit merchant, 15 Abbey
Napier, ^Irs, lodgings, 35 Bristo street
Napier, Miss C D. 4 South Gray street
Nash,Wra. B.(G. P. 0.)21 Gardner's crescent
Nasmyth, Jas. (Jas. A\and Co.), 14 Windsor
Nasmyth, J. & Co. jewellers, 1 Swinton row
Nasmyth, Robert, F.R.C.S. surgeon-dentist
to the Queen, 5 Charlotte square
' National Bank of Scotland, 42 St Andrew
square, and 1 6 St Bernard street, Leith
National Fire & Life Insur. Com. of Scot-
land, 22 St Andrew square — John M.
I M'Candlish, nansgir.— See Adv.-
National Loan Fund Life Assurance So-
ciety and Equitable Fire Insurance Coy. —
Alex. Jameson, secrttary, 65 Princes street.
— See Adv.
National Registry, 1 Frederick street — J.
Henderson, manager
National Security Savings Bank, head of
Mound. — See Adv.
Neaves,Cha. deputy-clerk justiciary, 47 Queen
Neaves, Lord, 7 Charlotte square
Neil, Jolin & Co. brassfounders and gasfitters
to the Queen, 44 Hanover street
Neil. Mrs, 16 Warriston crescent
Neill & Co. printers, 10 Old Fishmarket close
Neill, Heerup & Co. corn merchants, Exchange
buildings, Leith, and Corn exchange, Edin.
Neill, Mrs Andrew, 31 India street
Neill, Mrs, 13 Windsor street
Neili, Miss, 31 Gay field square
Neill, Miss, 69 York place
Neilson, G. & Son, hand-railers and bell-
hangers, Sandilands' close
Neils(m, George, smith, 27 College wynd —
house, 48 West Richmond street
Neilson, James, S.S. C. 3 Abercromby place
Neilson, John (G.P-0.), 3 Shrub place
Neilson, Stuart, W.S. 1 No. Charlotte street
Neilson, Thomas, cooper, 8 Glover st. Leith
Neilson, Thomas, lodgings, 36 Casile street
Neilson, Wm. 1 North Cliarlotte street
Neilson, Mrs George, 28 Constitution st.
Neilson, Mrs, 1 North Charlotte street
Neilson, Mrs, lodgings, 1 32 High street
Neilson, Mrs, 8 Gayfield square
Nelson & Sons, putilishers, Hope park end
Nelson, James, 9 Morrison street
Neilson, James, grocer, 324 Lawnmarket
Neilson, James, baker, 1 North Richmond
Nelson, John, cabinetmaker, 14 N. St Andrew
street — house, 15 St James' square
Nelson, Robt. R., printseller, stationer, and
artists' colourman, 27 Hanover st. — house.
Elm-tree cottage, 106 Canseyside
Nels-on, T. publisher, Blacket place
Nelson, Thomas, linen draper, 8 Calton street
Nelson, Thomas, printer, 3 Register place
Nelson, Wm. publisher, W. Newington ho.
Nelson, Miss Barbara C. tobacconist, 9
Broughton st. — ho. 63 South bridge
Ness, David, marble- cutter and sculptor, 15
Leith walk
Ness, John, tea, wine, and spirit merchant,
1 Montgomery street
Ness, T. smith, 29 Commercial place — ho. 2
Regent street
Ness, Mrs John, 18 Gardner's crescent
Nevay, Alex. 26 Pitt street
Nevin, John, 35 Northumberland street
New Club, 84 Princes street — David Home,
New College, head of Mound
New Equitable Life Assurance Office — Robt
Allan and 11. J. Dunlop, agents, 4 St An-
drew square
Newbigging, David, agent, 128 Nicokon et.
Newbigging, Jas. painter, 31 Candlem. row —
house, 9 Society
Newbigging, Patrick, M.D.,F.R.C.S.29 Heriot
Newham, Peter, 6 Middleby street
Newlands, Peter, rope manufacturer, 106
Newlands, Mrs, 16 Gilmore place
Newton, Christ. {Duncan, Flockhart, 6f Co.),
2 South Charlotte street
Newton, James, W.S. 33 Great King street
Newton, James, 9 South-east Circus place
Newton, Robert, superintendent of roads,
County hall — house, 13 Middleby street
Newton, Wm. Waring Hay, of Newton, 36
George square
Newton, William, 12 Athol place
Niblett, F. B. 38 Northumberland street
Nichol, Davidson, stationer, 9 Arniston place
Nichol, James, bookseller and publisher, 9
N. Bank street (publication office of Mis-
sionary Records of Free Church of Scotland, and
tile Bulwark or Reformation Journal) — ho.
7 Salisbury place
Nichol, Walter, LL.D. teacher of mathematics,
86 South bridge — house, 2 Queen street
Nichol, Misses, milliners and dressmakers,
37 North Castle street
Nicholson and Johnston, grocers and wine
merchants, 1 E. Preston street
Nicholson, Jas. shipmaster, 1 Albany st. Leith
Nicholhon, John, lodgings, 44 Cumberland st.
Nicholson, Joseph, grocer, 207 Pleasance
Nicholson, Wm. grocer, &c. 53 Lauriston pi
and 33 Buccleuch street — house, 33
Nicholson, Mrs, 41 East Claremont st.
Nicol and Camming, tailors, &c. 26 Homest.
Nicol, Rev. Andrew, 11 Hill place
Nicol, Andrew, bootmaker, 26 Elder st.
Nicol, Erskine, artist, 15 Fettes row
Nicol, James, cooper, 13 Baltic street
Nicol, John, archt. & build. 16 Broughton st.
Nicol, John, 2 W. Lauriston place
Nicol, K. slater, 1 9 Buccleuch st.
Nicol, Robt. painter & glazier, 27 Frederick st.
— house, 6 S. Charlotte street
Nicol, Robert, die & stamp cutter, 37 North
bridge — house, 26 Raukeillor street
Nicol, Robt. G. Blandtield cottage
Nicol, Mrs James, 9 Montagu street
Nicol, Miss C. 28 Brunswick street
Nicol, Misses, dressmakers, 16 Clyde street
Nicol, Misses, 17 Union place
Nicoll, Alexander, 2 Salisbury street
NicoU, Alex, accountant. If East Broughton pi.
Nicolson, D. 26 Carrubber's close
Nicolson, David & Son, grocers, wine & spirit
mercht8.36 Canongate— ho. 120 Causeyside
Nicolson, David, baker, 40 Abbey hill
Nicolson, George {Henderson <L- Bisset), 2
Atholl place
Nicokon, J. (Russell d- Alcolson), 28 India st.
Nicolson, William, WiUiamfield, Bonnington
NicolsoB, William, grocer, 33 Buccleuch st.
Nicolson, Mrs, 12 Warriston crescent
NicolsoD, Mrs, 7 Frederick street
Nicolson, Mrs, 19 St Patrick square
Night Asylum, Old Fleshmarket close, 190
High street
Nightingale, Edward W. clothier and general
outfitter, 19 South St Andrew street — house,
22 Rutland bquare
Nimmo, Arch. {B. Linen Co.), 37 St An-
drew square
Ximmo, David, engraver, lithographer, and
printer, 3 East Register street
Nimmo, Jas. engra. lithographer, copperplate
& letterpress printer, 7 Carrubber's close
Nimmo, James (P. and J. N.), 38 Castle street
Nimmo, John, grocer, 328 Latvnmarket
Nimmo, VnmvuseiP.andJ.N.), 18 Brown sq.
Nimmo, Primrose & Jas. brassfoun. plumbers,
and gas-meter manufrs. 9 N. Bank street
Nimmo, Thos. late forage-master, Jock's lodge
Nimmo, William, stationer, 132 Kirkgate
Nimmo, William, commission agent. Bell's
court, Leith
Nimmo, jSIrs Alex. 6 Albany street, Leith
Nimmo, Mrs F. J. 46 Bernard street
Nimmo, Mrs, 3 Ronaldson's buildings
Nimmo, IMisses, dressmakers, 43 Broughton
Nisbet, Alexander, cabinetnaaker, 9 Moray st.
Nisbet, James, 5Gibb's entry
Nisbet, James, S.S.C. 31 St Andrew square
Nisbet, John, grocer, &c. 48 Main street,
Nisbet, John, 2 Beaumont place
Nisbet, John, coal merchant, 9 E. and G. rail-
way, Haymarket
Nisbet, Jn. house-painter, 69 N. Hanover st.
Nisbet, Joseph, boot and shoem. 23 Bristo st.
Nisbet, Joseph, grocer and spiiit dealer, 67
St Andrew street, Leith
Nisbet, Robert, apjent, 12 No. Richmond st.
Nisbet, Robert, 20 St Leonard street
Nisbet, Rev. Robert, D.D. (TF. Ht Giles), 19
Lynedoch place
Nisbet, Robert, letter-carrier, 35 Lothian st.
Nisbet, Robert, baker, 38 Rose street
Nisbet, Rob. boat builder, 3 Albany st. Leith
Nisbet, Robert, & Co. boot and shoemakers,
87 Nicolson street
Nisbet, Thomas, cane-worker, 15 St James'
Nisbet, Thos. auctioneer and appraiser, 11
So. Hanover st. — house, 4 Henderson row
Nisbet, Thomas, 8 George street
Nisbet, Rev. Wm. Bristo manse, 26 Bristo
Nihbet, Wm. J. druggist, 1 So. College st.
Nisbet, Mrs James, 24 Northumberland st.
Nisbet, Mrs, flesher, Veal market
Nisbet, Miss C. 16 Broughton place
Nisbet, Misses, 9 Manor place
Niven, Archd. dairy, 42 Cumberland street
Niven, Alex. T. accountant, British Empire
Mutual Life and Fire Assurance Society,
29 Northumberland street
Niven, John, M.D. surgeon, 1 10 Lauriston pi.
Niven, John, hotel and tavern keeper, 13
Shakspeare square
Niven, Robert, gardener, Allanfield
Niven, Robt. jun. gardener, Jamaica st. Leith
Niven, William, baker, 45 St Leonard street
Niven, l\Iiss, 8 Athol place
Nivison, Rev. Alexander, LL.OO.P. 22 Gay-
field square
Nixon, J. currier. World's end close, High st.
Noa, Leopold, teacher of German and music,
27 Nelson street
Noble, James, grocer, I Ciaremont place
Noble, James, University hotel and tavern, 1
North College street
Noble, John, grocer & wine mer. 10 Howe st.
Noble, Robert, grocer and spirit merchant, 94
West port
Noble, Thomas, grocer, 38 William street
Noble, William, wine merchant and grocer, 7
William street
Noble, Mrs, coal merchant, 13 Port-Hope-
toun — ho. 151 Fountainbridge
Nolile, Mrs Alexander, 65 Cahtle street
Noble, Mrs James, 14 Charlotte square
Noble, Mrs, 10 Arniston place
Nockles, James, dealer in linen thread, 2
Drummond street
Norie, A. dressmaker, 24 Brunswick street
Norie, Miss, 17 Maitland street
North British Advertiser Ofiice, 8 Melbourne
North British Agriculturist oflSce, 377
High street
North British Colour Works — W. Dawson,
20 Elbe street, and Little Carron, Leith
North British Daily Mail, 14 S. St Andrew st.
North British Fire and Life Insurance Co.
64 Princes street. — See Adv.
North British Railway Co. offices, 24 St An-
drew square and 1 Shore — James Nairn, sec.
Northern Assurance Co. 20 St Andrew
square — Christie, R. jun. sec. — See Adv.
Northern Club, 91 George street
Northern Coal Mining Co. 3 Coalhill
Northern District School, Henderson row
! Northern Lighthouse Office — A. Cunning-
ham, secretary, 84 George street — ho. 17
Coates crescent
Northern Reversion Co. 7 N. St Andrew
street — Wm. Wood, manager
Norwich Union Fire and Life Insurance So-
ciety, 31 Princes street. — See Adv.
Notman, David, builder, 13 Young street
Novice, George William, artist. 3 Comely
Green crescent
O'CoNNELL, B. whip gut manufac, Beavethall
O'Connor, Bernard, grocer and spirit dealer,
234. Cowgate
O'Donnell, Rev. Alexander, 17 Brown square
O'Donnell, Charles & Co. furniture dealers,
156 Cowgate
O'Donnell, E & Co. furniture dealers, 49
Hanover street — house, 52
O'Donnell, Mrs Charles, 3 Howard place
Office for Arrears of City and County Tuxes,
160 High street — W. A. Thomson, jun.
Offices for the Schemes of the Church of
Scotland, 22 Queen street
Offices of the Free Church, 58 and 62 Fred-
rick street
Officer, Mrs, 11 Picardy place
Ojjg, Peter, cowfeeder, 128 Rose street
Ogilvie, A. {J. b, A. 0.), 5 West Newington
Ogilvie, Andrew, lodgings, 9 Trinity crescent
Ogilvie, J. & A. tweed wart housemen, 31
North bridge
Ogilvie, James (/. cj- A. 0.), 128 Princes st.
Ogilvie, John, secretary North British In-
surance Co. 65 Princes street
Ogilvie, Jn. com. merchant, 10 N. St David
street — house, 9 S.E. Circus place
Ogilvie, Robt. G., W.S. 14 Cumberland street
Ogilvie, Lieut. S. T., R.N. 5 Comely green pi.
Ogilvie, T. baker & coVifectioner, 2 Elm row
Ogilvie, Thos. cloth merchant, 17 Brislo st.
Ogilvie, Mrs General, 32 Heriot row
Ogilvie, Mrs, Windmill house
Ogilvie, Mrs, 5 West Newington
Ogilvy, Alexander, Inverforth, Trinity
Ogilvy, Charles, \8 Nelson street
Ogilvy, G. Ramsay, advocate, 16 Duke street
Ogilvy, Jamts, accountant, 22 Dundas street
Ogilvy, James, artist, 2 West Nicolson street
Ojiilvy, James, writer, 9 South Melville pi.
Ogilvy, J. S. accountant, agent for Lancashire
Insurance Co. 15 Great King st.
Ogilvy, Wm. tea, wine, and spirit merchant,
7 Elm row — house, 6
Ogilvy, Mrs, 35 Gilmore place
Ogle and Murray, booksellers and stationers,
49 South bridge
Ogle, Robt. 7 Raeburn place
Old (Indigent) Men's Society — William Scott
Elliot, 32 Regent terrace, secretary
Oldham, J. 31 New buildings — house, 2 East
Preston street
Oliphant, Francis, baker, 6 Middle Arthur pi.
Oliphant, Francis, jun. baker, 110 High st.
Ohphant, Robt., S.S.C. 17 Young street
Oliphant, Robert, 10 Charlotte square
Ohphant, Robert, stabler, 16 Charlotte place
Oliphant, Wm. & Sons, publishers and book-
sellers, 7 S. bridge — ho. 21 Buccleuch pi.
Oliphant's, Mr, school, 33 Charlotte square —
house, 28 Charlotte square
Oliphant, Mrs Dr, 22 Clarendon crescent
Oliphant, Mrs John Hope, 2 Atholl crescent
Oliphant, Mrs Walter, 8 Buccleuch place
Oliver & Boyd, publishers, printers, and book-
binders, Tweeddale court, 1 6 High street
Oliver, James Lawrie, 1 1 Canning place
Oliver, R. S. (Grieve Sf O.), 13 Gay field sq.
Oliver, Walter, tailor, 22 William street
Oliver, W. grocer and spirit dealer, 152 Cowg.
Oliver, Mrs Thomas, 7 Regent terrace
Oliver, Mrs, 48 London street
Oliver, Mrs Thomas, Newington lodge
Oman, Natb. tailor, 56 Thistle street
Omond, Robert, M.D., F.R.C.S.E. 43 Char-
lotte square
O'Neill, J. clothier, outfitter and draper, 74
High street
O'Neill, John, stafF-adjutant, 29 Hamilton pi.
Operative Bakers' House of Call, Borth-
wick's close, 186 High street
Operative Tailors' Co. 4 Riddle's cl. Leith
Orange, Andr6, daguerreotype portraits, 43
Princes street
Orchardson.Wm. Q. artist, 26 Royal crescent
Ordnance Office, Castle and Leith lort
Ordnance Survey Office, 13 Royal circus, 5
St Vincent street
Orkney, George, gardener, Northfield
Orme, Miss Mary, 24 Clarence street
Ormiston, John, baker, 3 Orchardfield place
Ormiston, John, coal mercht. Jock's lodge
Ormiston, Thomas, spirit merchant, 51 St
Andrew street
Ormiston, Mrs, lodgings, 7 No.- west Circus pi.
Orphan Hospital, Dean — J. Scott Mon-
creiflF, treasurer, 20 India street
Orphoot, Peter, M D. dentist, 113 George st.
Orphoot, Mrs, 113 George street
Orr, David, letter carrier, 3 Lauriston street
Orr, Capt. Edw. M., H.E.I.C.S. 13 Bruns-
wick street. Hillside
Orr, Captain J. superintendent of Naval and
Military Academy, 42 St Cuthbert street
Orr, John, CM. 33 Parkside street
Orr, Robert, advocate, 37 Great King street
Orr, Mrs, 5 Randolph place
Orr, Mrs, 37 Great King street
Orrock and Romanes, bookbinders and sta-
tioners, 35 South bridge
Orrock, Alex. (O. Sf Romanes), 5 Roxburgh
Orrock, J. surg. & dentist, 7 Abercromby pi.
Orrock, Mrs, lodgings, 67 Hanover street
Orrok, Wemyss, of Orrok, 9 Carlton street
Osburn, Mrs, la Duncan street
Oswald, John, tobacco manufactr. 5 Lothian
Oswald, Henry, grocer, 27 London street
Ott, William, clock maker, 48 Leith street
Outram, Mrs, 42 York place
Ovenstone, Miss, 2 Morton street
Owen, Chas. painter & glazier, 2 W. Preston
Pack, Misses, 16 West Preston street
Packwood, Thomas, tailor, Newhaven
Pailon, A. & D. booksellers and stationers, 13
St Andrew square
Padon, Tliomas, S.S.C. 15 Hart street
Fadon, I\Irs, 15 Hart street
Pae, James, cowfeeder, 36 Broughton street
Pagan, Oswald, spirit dealer, 1 1 Lady Law-
son's wynd
Pagan, Oswald, grocer and spirit dealer, 14
India place
Pagan, Dr S. A., F.R.CS. 40 Melville street
Pagan, Mrs, 16 London street
Page, G. sole agent for Elphinstone Colliery,
10 Elder street
Pairman, W. prov. mer. 7 North College st.
Paisley, John F., M.D. 6 Queen street
Palladium Life Assurance Office, 24 Queen
St. — Shand and Farquhar, W.S. agents.
Palmer, David, hairdresser, 13 St Anthony pi.
Palmer, Janots. teacher of music, 6 Union pi.
Palmer, John, hairdresser, Lothian road
Palmer, Thos. victual dealt r, 15 Cowgate-hd.
Panton, William, clothier, hatter, and hosier,
36 South bridge — ho. 31 Gayfield square
Panton, Mrs Wm., 37 Fountainbridge
Pape, George, Coltbridge house
Paris, George F. stationer, 34 Northumb. st.
Paris, John, shoemaker, 92 Kirkgate
Paris, Mrs, grocer & sp. dealer, 61 Cumb. st.
Park, Andrew, merchant, Leith walk
Park, A. & J. tea, wine, spirit, linseed cake,
and artificial manure merchants, 5 Hunter
square — house, 3 Queen street
Park, Arch. {A. 4- J. P.), 3 Queen street
Park, John, advocate, I Thomas street
Park, John W. boot maker, 4 William street
Park, Howard, Inland Revenue office. War-
die cottage
Park, Robert, merchant, 2 Brandon street
Park, R. & J. timber merchants. Tower st.
Park, Thomas, shoemaker, 3 Hay's court
Park, Thomas, bootmaker, 5 Glanville place
Park, Mrs, 23 London street
Park, Miss, 33 Dundas street
Parke, Alex, teacher and translator of French
and Italian, 17 Dundas street
Parker, .John, Principal Extractor Court of Ses-
sion, Register office — house, 8 Fettes row
Parker, John James, W.S. 8 Fettes row
Parker, John, Legacy Duty Office — house,
44 George square
Parker, J. & J. cabinetmakers and uphols-
terers, 30 Broughton street
Parker, John W. public tea gardens. Budding.
Parker, M. & Co. oil and com. merchants,
2 Crown st. Leith walk
Parker, Wm. A. advocate, 26 Great King st.
Parry, Geo. Farquharson place, W. Preston st.
Parlane, Miss, lodgings, 16 Cumberland street
Pass, Edwin, perfumer and hairdresser, 47
Frederick street — house, 45
Paler^on and Co. carpet manufacturers, 7 7
South bridge
Paieison, A. $i J. smiths, St Cuthbert's lane
Paterson and Sons, London pianoforte and
music saloon, 27 George street
Paterson & Anderson, merchants, 34 Grass-
Paterson & Thomson, human hair manufacts.
21 Elder street
Paterson, A. & Co. machine and axle makers,
Greenside lane
Paterson, Abertas, furniture dealer and auc-
tioneer, 136 Pleasance
Paterson, Adam, W.S. 36 Heriot row
Patt-rson, Alex, wine merchant, fl Bernard
street — house, 21 Drummond place
Paterson, Alex, collector, 17 Thistle street
Paterson, Alex. F. grocer, 39 Kirkgate, Leith
— house, 72
Pattrson, Andrew Murray, accountant, 30
St Andrew square — house, Wardie villa
Paterson, Andrew, accountant, 3 North St
Andrew street — bouse, 10 Howard place
Paterson, Arch, merchant, 2 Baxter's place
Paterson and Co. lacemen, 51 Frederick st.
Paterson, D. & Co. fancy bird dealers, 11
South St Andrew street
Paterson, David, plumber, gasfitter, and tin-
plate worker, 10 Thistle street
Paterson, David A. {Cochrane^ Paterson, if
Co.), Fort street, Nprth Leith
Paterson, David F. agent, 5 Kerr street
Paterson, David, brassfounder and gasfitter,
S.w Thistle St. lane,— ho. 31 E. Cumber-
land street
Paterson, George & Son, builders, 18 West
Preston st. and 27 Charlotte st. Leith
Paterson, Geo. of Castle-Huntly, advocate, 8
Coates crescent
Paterson, Geo. (Bank of Scot.) ^ 35 Minto st.
Paterson, George, Geo. IV. hotel, 5 Brown sq.
Paterson, Henry, 57 Cumberland street
Paterson, Hugh (^Hunter ^ Paterson)., 13
Henderson row
Paterson, Hugh, plumber, 6 Ingliston street
Paterson, James {Romanes ^ P.), 4 India st.
Paterson, James, watchmaker, 429 High street
Paterson, Jas. pawnbroker, 1 Richmond pi.
Paterson, James {Inland Revenue Office),
6 South Gray street
Paterson, James ( Geo. P. and Son), 54 South
Clerk street
Paterson, J. {A. P. S,- Co.) 1 Greenside lane
Paterson, James, coach-hirer, 10 Union street
Paterson, James, M.D. 17 St Bernard's cresc
Paterson, James, land surveyor, Western Dud-
Paterson, John, S.S.C. 14 Dublin street
Paterson, John (Dymock Sf P.), 42 Rankeillor
street '] 1
Paterson, John, civil engineer, 4 Bellevue • I
Paterson, John, jun. (P. S; Sons), 27 George st.
Paterson, John, dairy, 5 Duke street, Leith
Paterson, John, inspector of lighting and
cleaning. Lord Russell place
Paterson, John, vintner, 21 Fleshraarket close
—house, 22
Paterson, John, civil engineer and surveyor,
10 N. St Andrew st. — ho. 4 Bellevue ter.
PaterHon, L. merchant, 38 Charlotte street,
Paterson, Maurice, bookbinder & bookseller,
J 2 Catharine street — ho. 31 Broughton st.
PateraoD,R. architect, surveyor of police, West
Union villa, Grange road
Paterson, Robert, musicseller, SeaclifF villa.
Paterson, Robert, M.D., F.R.C.P. 32 Char-
lotte street, Leith
Paterson, Rob. merchant, 118 Lauriston pi.
Paterson, Rob. lodgings, 19 Duke street
Paterson, Robert, baker, 35 Tolbooth wynd,
Paterson, Thomas, grocer, wine and spirit
mercht. 5 E Register street
Paterson, Thos. custom-ho. officer, 6 Annfield
Paterson, Thos. K. jeweller, 24 Nicolson street
Paterson, Thos. draper, 56 Lothian street
Paterson, Thos. spirit dealer, 98 Kirkgate
Paterson, Thos. letter-carrier, 174 Rose street
Paterson, Thomas, teacher of writing, arith-
metic, and book-keeping, 29 Frederick street
Paterson, Rev. William, 42 Lothian street
Paterson, W. (F. Richardson £^ Co.), 11 Gra-
ham street
Paterson, Wm. 1 Madeira street
Paterson, Wm. tea merchant and grocer, 53
Tolbooth wynd, Leith
Paterson, Wm. (B. L. Co.'sBk.),20 Leopold pi.
Paterson, Mrs Ann, spirit mer. 105 Kirkgate
Paterson, Mrs, millinery, baby linen, and stay
warehouse, 54 Lothian >treet
Pater:ion, Mrs, lodgings, 3 Grove place
Paterson, Mrs, lodgings, 52 Bristo street
Paterson, Mrs Maria, lodgings, 3 Rutland st.
Paterson, Mrs, Wardie villa
Paterson, Mrs, 42 Drumraond place
Paterson, Mrs, of Castle Huntly, 3 Coatescr.
Paterson, Mrs, of Merryflats, 4 Carlton st.
Paterson, Miss J. baker, 1 South St Andrew
street — house, 1 St David street
Paterson, Miss Mary, 11 Warriston crescent
Paterson, Miss, dressmaker, 13 Frederick st.
Patison and Forrester, silk mercers, 13 St
Andrew square
Patison, Wm. Williamfield
Patison, Mrs William, Pirniefield
Patison, Misses, 60 Cumberland street
Paton & Ritchie, printers, publishers, and
stationers, 3 Hanover street— printing-office,
13 George street
Paton & Kohler, metal refiners, Croft-anrigh
Paton, Alex, boot and shoe maker, 28 South
Paton, Alexander G. boot & shoe maker, 24
Hanover street
Paton, Charles, painter, 21 London street
Paton, David, builder, 17 Greenside street
Paton, Hugh, printer, publisher, picture-
cleaner, carver and gilder to the Queen and
H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent, 10 Princes
street — printing-office, 8 North College st.
— house, 1 Hay street
Paton, John, 33 Parkside street
Paton, Rob. shipmaster, 12 Trinity crescent
Paton, Thomas S. advocate, 8 Nelson street
Paton, Thomas, 23 Pitt street
Paton, Walter, cabinetmaker, 12 Brandon st.
Paton, Walter, surveyor for Lloyd's, 33 Sand-
port street — house, 2 Bank place
Paton, Mrs, Mansionhouse road
Paton, Miss Janet, 4 West Claremont street
Paion, Miss, 7 London street
Patrick, M'Ewen, & Garment, W.S. 32 Al-
bany street
Patrick, Robert, Sunbury distillery — house.
Bell's mills
Patrick, William, W.S. 32 Albany street
Patrick, Mrs S. 4 Gloucester place
Patriotic Assurance Co. of Ireland, 15
Royal Exchange
Patten, John, W.S. 7 Drummond place
Patterson, J. C. 14 Nicolson square
Patterson, John, baker, 22 Brunswick stre e
Patterson, J. R. Stuart street, Piershill
Patterson, Wm. boot and shoe manufacturer,
233 Cowgate
Patterson, Miss J. dressmaker, 67 Ironside pi.
Patteson, Matthew, 1 West Claremont street
Pattison, G. H. advocate, 18 Duke street
Pattison, John, W.S. 39 London street
Pattison, T. H., M.D., F.R.C.P. S9 London st.
Pattison, Walter G. merchant and agent, 72
Timber bush, I,eith
Pattison, W. J. agent, 24 Greenside place —
house, 33 East Claremont street
Pattison, Mrs H. spirit dealer, 1 1 Market st.
Pattison, Mrs Thos. Summer lodge. Trinity
Pattison, Mrs, 2 Pilrig street
Pattison, Miss, boarding-school, 13 West
Preston street
Pattison, Misses, 33 East Claremont street
Pattison, Miss, 24 Greenside place
Patton, George, advocate, 30 Heriot row
Patton, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 8 Kerr street
Paul, Henry, 13 Torphichen street
Paul, Rev. John, D.D. 13 George square
Paul, Patrick, S S.C. 19 York place
Paul, Rob. 16 Randolph crescent, and Kirk-
land lodge, Hermiston
Paul, Thomson, W.S. 15 Hart street
Paulin, George, cabinetmaker and furniture
dealer, 4 Howe st. — work-shop, Jamaica st.
Pawnbroking Co. 35 South bridge — Wm. C.
Poole, managing partner — house, 11 Keir
street. — See Adv.
Paxton, Js. shoemaker, 27 N. Richmond st.
Paxton, John, wine & spirit merchant, 6 Coat-
field lane
Paxton, Miss, teacher of music, 30 Rutland sq.
Peace, Jas. (P. |- Co.), 2 Haddington place
Peace, Philip, optician & looking-glass manu-
facturer, 99 Princes street
Peace & Co. railway agents — offices, Leith
and Granton Railway Stations
Peacock, Adam, tobacco manufacturer, 54
Shore — house, 10 Wellington place
Pf acock, Adam, 19 Home street
Peacock, Andrew, tobacco manufactr. World's
end close — house, 1 Arniston place
Peacock, George, tailor, 27 Dundas st.
Peacock, John (f. Lawsun and Son), 3 Mel-
bourne place
Peacock, Thos. mercantile accountant, 24
Salisbury street
Peacock, T. B. com. agent, I Annandale st.
Peacock, W. tailor and clothier, 20 N. bridge
PeHCock, E. & M. milliners and dressmakers,
51 Home street
Peacock, Mrs Henry, lodgings, 41 Castle street
Pearce, Mrs, 24 Alva street
Pears, Jas. baker, 66 Buccleuch street — ho. 2
Buccleuch place
Pearson & Robertson, W.S. 17 Royal circus
Pearson, Charles, accountant, 128 George street
Pearson, David A., W.S. 17 Royal circus
Pearson, David, lodgings, 40 Cumberland st.
Pearson, J. minister, 11 London row, Leiih
Pearson, Thos. road contractor. Powburn
Pearson, Thomas, officer of Inland Revenue,
Primrose cottage, Lochend road
Pearson, Mrs James, plumber and gasfitter,
48 South back of Canongate
Pearson, Mrs, 23 South Norton place
Pearson, Miss A. 12 Darnaway street
Peaston, Alex, jeweller, 51 North bridge
Peaston, Jas. tailor and clothier, 4 West Re-
gister street — house, 17 Scotland street
Peaston, Miss E. dressmaker, 2 Cannon st.
Peat, Captain, ll.N. Viewforlh house
Peat, James, merchant, 100 Laurifcton place
Peat, James D. Z. {Edin. ^ Glas. Bank), 100
Lauriston place
Peat, Mrs Mary, 11 Lynedoch place
Peattie, John, grocer, 34 Cumberland street
Peattie, John, working man's refreshment
rooms, 1 Market stairs
Peddie, Alex., M.D., F.R.C.P. 15 Rutland st.
Peddie, Don. S. accountant, 1 George street —
house, Richmond lodge. Trinity
Peddie, James, W.S. 36 Albany street
Peddie, John Dick, architect, 10 Nelson street
Peddie, R. {Young &; P.), 2 Upper Gilraore pi.
Peddie, Rev. Dr William, 57 George square
Peddie, William, grocer, 45 Home street
Peddie, Mrs Dr, Richmond Lodge, Trinity
Peddie, Mrs, stay and corsetmaker, 15 W.
Richmond street
Peddie, Mrs Wm. 36 N. Hanover street
Peddie, Miss, 59 Lauriston place
Peddie, Miss, straw-hat mak. Orchardfield ct.
Pedie, Wm. sheriff-officer, 297 High street
Peebles, John G. C, S.S.C, 5 Hill street-
house, 15 Dublin street
Peffers, Jas. surveyor of taxes, 6 Waterloo pi.
Peiyton, Misses, 30 Nicolson street
Pelican Life Assurance Company — Agents,
Jas. Balfour, 14 George st., Murray &
Beith, 50 Castle st., and John M'Culloch,
B. L. Co.'s Bank. — See Ado.
Pendrich, John, baker, 47 Fountainbridge
Pendrigh, William, family linen warehouse,
88 Princes street
Penman, Jas. cattle agent, 16 Clerk street
Penman, John, grocer, 42 Giles' street
Penman, Mrs J. tobacconist, 115 Nicolson st.
Penney, David, chemist, 72 Princes street
Penney, Wm. advocate, 24 Great King street
Penny, Mrs Thomas, lodgings, 104 Rose st.
Pennycuik, J. spirit dealer, 76 Causeyside
Pentland, D. working jeweller, 63 North br.
Pentland, Y.J. & Son, coopers and stave mer.
13 Spence's place, Leith
Perigal, Arthur, artist and drawing master,
21 Hill street
Perriot, Robert, boot and shoe maker, 14 St
Andrew street
Perry, Mrs Dr, 12 Archibald place
Peter, David, 74 Thistle street
Peters, Alex, plumber and gasfitter, 13 Dun-
das street — house, 27 Cumberland street
Peters, David, cabinetmaker, 8 Hamilton pi.
Peterson, Archd. S. H. {Petenon Bro. dj Co.),
Woodville, Trinity
Peterson Brothers & Co. general commission
merchants, Allison's place
Peterson, John (Piterson Bro. Sf Co.), Alli-
son's place
Peterson, Magnus M. (^Peterson Brothers), 6
Haddington place
Petre, Hon. Edmund, St Margaret's works,
N. B. Railway
Petrie, Gavin, gen. merchant, 122 West port
Petrie, Geo. accountant, 31 North bridge
Petrie, Jas. shoemaker, 18 Cumberland street
Petrie, R. S. Seafield place. Links, Leith
Petrie, Miss Helen, French stay maker, 6
Charlotte place
Pettet, Mrs, 1 1 Lothian street
Petty, Miss, 10 North St Andrew street
Philip, Alexander, grocer, tea, wine, & spirit
merchant, 84 West port
Philip, Alexander, watchmaker, 60 Princes
street — bouse, 7 Mound place
Philip, C. & Co. merchants, 11 Dock place —
house, 2 Bonnington place
Philip, Jn. wood merchant, 34 Whitfield pi.
Philip, R. merchant. Old Church street
Philip, William, clock and watchmaker to the
Queen, 6 Nelson st.
Philip, Mrs James, 25 Minto street
Phillips, Jas. {G. P.-O.), 30 S. St James' sq.
Phillips, Stephen, keep, gallery of casts, Royal
Phillips, Mrs B. bookseller and stationer, 5
Warriston place
Phillips, Mrs, 21 London stnet
Philp, John, wine and spirit dealer, Druna-
mond court — house, 8 Blenheim place
Philp, William T. accountant, 11 Clarence
Philp, Mrs F. P., Willow bank cottage
Philp's Albion Temp, hoiel, 28 St. James' sq.
Philosophical Institution, 4 Queen street
— Henry Bowie, s«c; A. Tod, librarian
Philpot, James, furniture dealer and commis-
sion agent, 47 Hanover street
Phimester, Robt. wright, 14. Lauriston street
Phin, John, S.S.C. 13 Heriot row
Phin, Mrs W. fishing tackle manufacturer, 80
Princes street — house, 9 Thistle street
Phin, Miss J. Boroughmuirhead
Phin, Miss, 7 London street
Phipps, Thomas, Allanfield, Ferry road, Leith
Fhipps, Mrs, Allanfield, Ferry road, Leith
Phoenix Fire Assurance Company — Ag<-nts,
Robt. Allan, 4 St Andrew square ; John
M'CuUoch, B. L. Co S Bank ; Amlrew
Muir, 14 Royal exchange ; H. G. Watson,
3 St David st. ; Wm. Muir, Quality St.,
Picken, John, watchmaker, 8 Gilmore street
Picken, William, clock and watchmaker,
18 Victoria street
Pickford and Co. railway contractors & town-
carters, offices, Lothian road, North bridge,
and 6 Drummond street
-Piggott, George {N. L. office), 2 John's place
Pike, Wm. silk mercer and draper, 37 Princes
street — house, 10 George stieet
Pilkinion, T. and Son, archits and surveyors,
10 Dundas street
Pillans, H. and J. printers, 7 James' court
Pillans, Hugh Scott {City of Glasgow Bank),
15 Nelson street
Pillans, J. (H. §■ J. P.) printer, 2 E. New-
ington place
Pillans, James, professor of humanity, 43
Inverleith row
Pillans, Robert, musicseller, 37 Hanover st.
Pillans, Mrs, 2 East Newington place
Pinkerton, Adam, janitor, Edin. Academy
Pinkerton, David, cowfeeder, Patrick hall
Pinkerton, Mrs John, 26 Cumberland street
Pinkerton, Miss, teacher, 2 Causeyside
Pinkerton, Miss, 22 Scotland street
Piper, John, tailor and clothier, 4^ N. bridge
— bouse, 2 Buccleuch place
Piper, Mrs, 8 Windsor street
Pirie, Jas. {Customs), Ellen street
Pirret, James, grocer, 58 Clerk street
Pirrie, David, wright, 8 St Anthony street and
Junction street
Pirrie, Mrs Margaret, lodgings, 1 Rutland st.
Pitbladdo, James, clerk of works, 34 Wright's
Pitcairn, Robt. W.S. official searcher of public
records, G. R. office, 9 Northumberland st.
Pitcairn, W. F. 19 Forth street
Pitcairn, Mrs, 14 Heriot row
Pitcairn, Miss, 14 Howe street
Pitcairn, Miss, 8 Ainslie place
Pitcaithley, R. wright and undertaker, 13
West Nicolson street
Pitman, Mrs General, 46 Heriot row
Pitt, Lieut. E. W., R. N. agent for transports,
42 Bernard street
Pitt, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 15 Catharine street
Pittendrigh, Rev. George, 15 Gilmore place
Player, J. agent, E. P. & D. Railway Com-
pany, Granton
Play fair, Wm. H. architect, 17 Great Stuart
Playfair, Misses, 28 Moray place
Plenderleath, Mrs, 6 Windmill street
Plenderleith, Miss, 13 Dundas street
Plowman, Geo. missionary, 16 Buccleuch st.
Plummer, Alexander, flesher, 47 Home street
Plummer, Jo. 1 and 2 Middle market — ho.
J 12 Lauriston place
Pocock, James, upholsterer, Haddon's court
Police Office, Police Chambers, High strert,
and 18 Charlotte street, Leith
Police Surveyor's Office, Police Chambers,
High street
Poison, Charles, 6 Brighton street
Pollexfen, James R., W.S. 6 India street
Pollock, Peter and Son, veterinary surgeons,
83 Rose street — house, 2 Frederick street
Pollock, Pet. hosier and glover, 25 Nicolson
Pollock, Peter, bookseller and stationer, 12
Leith street
Pollock, Robt. teacher of dancing, 3 Duncan
street, Leith
Pollock, William, solicitor, 13 York place
Poison and Falconer, paper rulers and book-
binders, 1 Milne square
Ponsonby, Mrs, boarding school, 6 Drummond
Ponton, George, baker, 10 St Vincent street
Pontton, Robert, spirit merchant, 16 Coal hill
Ponton, Thomas, architect, 10 Forres street
Poole, Alex, hairdresser, 50 Broughton st.
Poole, Wra. C. (South, Bridge Pawnbroking
Co.), 11 Keir street
Poor's Rate Office, 57 North bridge — Donald
M'Donald, collector
Pope, James, tea, wine, and spirit merchant,
23 Charlotte st. — house. Junction house
Pope, Mrs Mary, 3 Bellevue terrace
Popowitz, George, photographic artist, 60
Princes street
Porteous, Alex, preparer of scurvy ointment, 5
Spence's place
Porteous, Alex, currier and leather merchant
GuUand's close, and 31 S. Rose street lane
— house, 4 Roxburgh street
Porteous, Alex, farmer, East Merchiston
Porteous, Alex, spirit dealer, 86 Candlemaker
Porteous, A. coal merchant, 13 Elm row, 84
South Clerk street, and 1 Port Hamilton
Portpous, Andrew, postmaster, Boroughmuir-
Porteous, George, victual dealer, 86 Crosg-
Porteous, J. officer of Calton incorporation, 23
Calton hill
Porteous, Jno. overseer, Craighouse, Borough-
Porteous, John, 6 Haddington pi. — house, 16
Grove street
Porteous, William, writer, 53 George street
Portt'ous, William, corn merchant, 6 Grass-
market — house, 4 Brown's place
Porteous, W. {Inld. Rev.) 1 7 W. Nicolson st.
Porteous, William, tailor, 377 Hitch street
Porteus,Wra. house painter, 15 N.-W. Circus
pla -e
Porteou«, Mrs Wm. grocer and spirit dealer,
1 Heriot mount
Porteous, Miss, 13 Leopold place
Porteous, Misses, 16 St Vincent street
Porter, ^lartin, stationer and news agent, 3
S.-E. Circus place
Porter, Thos. wright. West Northumberland
street lane
Porter, Wm. H. coke and English coal agt-nt,
8 E. Register st. — ho. Springfield cottage.
Porterfield, John H. gardener. Upper Her-
PoRT-HopETOUN Foundry, 69 Fountainbr.
Post-Office, General, Waterloo place and
128 Constitution street
Pott, James, 55 Albany street
Pottie, James, baker, 9 West Richmond street
Potts, Cairnie, & Ray, cabinetmakers and
upholsterers, 9 Princes street
Potts, George, cabinetmaker, Northfield cot-
Pott<, G. H. & Co. painters and decorators,
92 Princes street
Potts, Thomas, assistant clerk of Session, 14
Register office — house, 13 Gayfit-ld square
Potts, Thomas, lodgings, 57 Hanover street
Potts, Wm. wine merchant and grocer, 17
Downie place — ho. Clermont villa, Morn-
Potts, William and Henry, merchants and
wholesale agents, PortHopetoun warehouses
Potts, William, agent, 16 Broughton place
Pourie, Adam, boot and shoe maker, 44 Bridge
Pourie, John, & S ns, coopers, 10 Sandport
street — house, 33 Bridge street
Pow, James, surgeon, 20 Drummond place
Powell, Frederick W. {Duncan, Flockhart, d:
Powell), 33 St Bernard street
Prager, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 9 Society
Pratt, John, gun maker, 99 Princes street —
house, 17 George street
Pratt, Robert, tailor, 44 South bridge
Pratt, Mrs Alex. 12 Hill square
Pratt, Miss, matron. House of Refuge
Pratt, Miss, teacherof muMC, 37 Broughton pi.
Prentice, J. R. 20 Gilmore place
Prentice, John, cowfeeder, 8 ToUcross
Prentice, Mrs Thos. grocer, 13 Couper street
Prescot, Thomas, gun polisher, 27 Jamaica st.
Preshaw, John, hotel, 25 Fleshmarket close
Preston, James, umbrella maker, 3 Bread st.
Preston, Mrs, .51 Broughton street
Pretsell, .James, spirit dealer, 44 West Cross-
Pretaell, Miss Margaret, 5 Keir street
Prettie, Mrs T. lodgings, 3 Saunders street
Pridie, Peter H. solicitor, 5 Nicolson street
Primmer, Mrs John, toy shop, 26 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
Primrose, Hon. B. F. 22 Moray place
Primrose, John, coil merchant, 3 Crown street
Prince of Wales Life and Educational Assur-
ance Company, 80 George street
Prince of Wales hotel, 44 & 46 W. Register st.
Pringle, Alex, of Whytbank, 2 Randolph clifF
Pringle, A. grocer and spiritdeal. 35 Clerk st.
Pringle, Alex. {Adjutant- General's Office), I
Grove street
Pringle, David (N. B. Advertiser Office), 13
Torphichen street
Pringle, Dav. carver and gilder, 10 Simon sq.
Pringle, George, 14 Rutland street
Pringle, James, grocer, 6 St Leonard's hill
Pringle, .T. provision mercht. 3 Spring gard.
Pringle, James {Edin. Rope Co.)^ 3 Hermit-
age place
Pringle, James, barm brewer, Gibb's entry
Pringle, Jn. innkeeper, 3 West Crosscausey
Pringle, .John {Edin. and Glas. Bunk), 9
Wharton place
Pringle. John, superintendent of slaughter-
bouse^, 55 Fountain bridge
Pringle, Major-Gen. of Svraington, Raimes'
place, Bonnington
Pringle, Robert, W.S. 32 Ann street
Pringle, Robert, canteen, Jock's lodge
Pringle, Thomas, 10 Brighton street
Pringle, William, 18 Scotland street
Pringle, Wm. cowfeeder, 4 Elbe street
Pringle, Wm. victual dealer, 16 Grassmarket
Pringle, Wm. lodgings, 5 Shandwick place
Pringle, Mrs Andw. spirit dealer, 9 Stead's pi.
Pringle, Mrs, grocer and spirit merchant, 78
Canongate — ho. 80
Pringle, Miss W. 54 Cumberland street
Pringle, Misses, 2 Randolph cliff
Pritty, John, printer, 42 Thistle street
Privy Seal Office, Register house
Proctor, Adam, plumber and gasfitter, 5
Church lane — house, 55 India place
Proctor, Mrs Jane, lodgings, 1 8 Lothian street
Procurator Fiscal's Office, 10 Royal Exchange
Professional Life Assurance Company, 32
St Andrew sq.— Richard Wilson, manager.
— See Adv.
Profit, Alexander, 12 Elbe street, Leith
Property & Income Tax Office, Waterloo pi.
Property & Income Tax, for ancient royalty,
. 23 Geo. IV. bridge, G. Cairns, S.S.C. & S.L.
Profertv Investment Company — office, 114
High street — Alex. Cuthbert, manager
Prophit, Thomas, fishmonger, 49 London st.
Proud, John, baker, 114 West port
Proud, Mrs, grocer, 11 Earl Grey street
Proudfoot, G. 80 St Andrew street, Leith
Proudloot, John, teacher, 1 Duncan st. Leith
Proudfoot, Robert, shoemaker, 1 1 Davie st.
Proudfoot, Thomas, 5 Fyfe place
Proudfoot, Wm. letter-carrier, 59 Potterrow
Proudfoot, Mrs Ann, 15 Fettes row
Proven, David, club- master, 14 Queen street
Provident Clekks' Mutual Life Assurance
and Benevolent Fund — A. Paterson, 3 No.
St Andrew street
Provident Clerks' Mutual Life Assurance
and Benevolent Fund, and Unity Fire In-
surance Association, 11 Picardy place —
Wm. Gray agent
Provident Life Office, 8 Gloucester place —
Webster and Renny, agents
Provincial (The) Fire Insurance Co., Great
Britain and India, and London Life Assur-
ance Offices,— Wm. Kelso Thwaites, S.S.C.
— chambers, 2 Queen street — house, 30
Clarence street
Provest, Mrs, lodgings, 37 Northumberland st.
Pryde, Jas. teacher of mathema. 50 South br.
PuUar, James Y., S.S.C. 16 Picardy place
Puuton, Robert, spirit merchant, 16 Coal hill
Purdie, James, furnishing iroumonger, 23
Leith street
Purdie, John, London pianoforte and music
warehouse, 83 Princes street
Purdie, John, 10 Inverleith row
Purdie, John {Refreshment Rooms), \9¥\eiih-
market close
Purdie, Thos. {Lithgow and P.), 60 Hanov. st.
Purdie, Christina, toy warehouse, 79 Princes
Purdie, Mrs, lodgings, 14 Trinity crescent
Purveis, Mrs, lodgings, 113 Princes street
Purves, John, warehouseman, 15 Hart street
Purves, Peter, tailor & clothier, 22 Waterloo
place — ho. 8 Barony street
Purves, Robert, 18 Leopold place
Purves, Robert, 30 Alva street
Purvfcs, Thos. gardener, Arthur St. Leith walk
Purves, Thomas, lodgings, 19 Albany street
Purves, William, clerk, 7 Crichton street
Purves, William and Co. clothiers to the Queen,
58 Princes street
Purves, Wm. tailor and clothier, 31 N. bridge
Purvis, Alexander, smith, 12 Deanhaugh st.
Purvis, Joseph, 34 Castle street
Purvis, William, 5 Melville street
Purvis, Mrs Dr, 6 Hill place
Purvis, Mrs, of Glassmount, 4 St Colme st.
Pyle, George H. 9 Montagu street
Pyle, William, 13 Cheyne strt-ct
Pyper, Hamilton, advocate, 15 Royal crescent
Pyper, John, agent, 7 Johnstone street
Pyper, John, writer, 37 York place
Queen's Temperance Hotel, 71 Princes st.
Quin & Donald, china merchts. 10 Bristo pi,
Quinet, Mrs, housekeeper, Holyrood palace
Quigley, Mrs James, 32 Dundas street
Racket Court, 180 Rose street
Radley, William, coal agent, 101 Causeyside
Rae, Alexander, grocer, 3 and 4 Glanville
place — house, 10 Mary place
Rae, David, builder, 6 Spring gard. Stockbr.
Rae, Francis, grocer, 45 Cumberland street
Rae, George, joiner, 2 Cumberland strett
Rae, George M., 2 George street
Rae, George, grocer and victual dealer, 43
Dundas street
Rae, Henry, silk mercer, and draper, 8 Spring
gardens — house, 6
Rae, Jas. gardener. East Morningside house
Rae, Robert, plumber, 23 W. Register stret-t
Rae, Robert, wood merchant, 3 Wallace place
Rae, Thomas, baker, 5 Leven street
Rae, Thos. writer and account. 14 Raeburu pi.
Rae, Wm. chimney sweep, 33 St Patrick sq.
Rae, Wm. Fraser, 2 George street
Raeburn, James, portmanteau & trunk manu-
facturer, 5 South St Andrew street — house,
7 North St David street
Raeburn, John, broker, 245 Cowgate
Raeburn, John P. 4 Warriston crescent
Raeburn, Robt. R. architect, 4 Warriston cr.
Raeburn, William, wine & spirit dealer, 5'd7
Castle hill and 343 High street
Raeburn, Miss, 22 Gayfield square
Railway, Caledonian — station, Lothian road
Railway, Dalkeith Br. ot N. B. St Leonard's
Railway, Edinburgh & Glasgow — stations.
North bridge and Citadel
Railway, Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee —
office, 9 Princes street
Railway, Edinburgh, Leith, and Granton —
station. Princes street
Railway, North British — offices, 24 St An-
drew square, and 1 Shore (James Nairn,
secretary; W. Hardie, manager goods de-
partment ; William Lyall, superintend-
ent)— station, North bridge
Railway Passengers' Assurance Office, 4 St
Andrew square — Robert Allan, agent
Raimes, Blanchard, & Co. agents, wholesale
druggists, and manufacturing chemists.
Smith's place
Raimes, John, Smith's place
Raimes, Richd. {R. ^ Co.), Bonnington park
Rainie, Robert, accountant and actuary, 19
Gilmore place
Rainnie, George, 6 Gardner's crescent
Raleigh, Samuel, accountant, 5 N- St David
street — ho. East Union villa. Grange road
Ralston, Alex, staymaker, Hyndford close
Ralston, Mrs, coach hirer, Regent terrace lane
Ramage, Adam, Britannia metal manufacturer,
25 Lothian road — house, 23 Bread street
Ramage, Alex, letter-carrier, 26 Carnegie 8t.
Ramage, J. wright & undertaker, 20G Rose
Ramage, James, lithographer and draughts-
man, Boroughlochhead cottage
Ramage, John, baker and confectioner, 3 & 4
Albert place — bouse, 2
Ramagp, John & Son, plasterers, 39 Jamaica
Ramage, Robert {J. R. ^ Son), 27 Howe st.
Ramage, Wm. cowfeeder, 8 South Niddry st.
Ramage, Mrs, 22 St Patrick square
Ramaee, Mrs, lodgings, 7 East Adam street
Rampini, Jos. 10 Gloucester place
RampUng, J. Waterloo hotel, & Waterloo
rooms, 23 & 24 Waterloo place
Ramsay, Adam, farmer. Trinity park
Ramsay, Alex, manager Water Oj. Greenhill
RaiDsay, Alex, draper, 21 Haddington place
Ramsay, Da v. & Son , printers and publishers of
the^. Evening Courant,lS% & 190 High st.
Ramsay, David, me/chant and com. agent,
24 St James' square — house, 1 Links place
Ramsay, David, surgeon, 29 London street
Ramsay, the Very Rev. Edward B. {St Johi's
Episcopal Chapel), 23 Ainslie place
Ramsay, George, Courant Office, 188 High st.
Ramsay, George, manager Scottish Union In-
surance Company, 12 Alva street
Ramsay, Genrjie, stabler, 16 W. Xicolson st.
Ramsay, James, writer, 1 Clermont place
Ramsay, James, coal agent, 14 Semple street
Ramsay, James, lodgings, 3 Maitland place,
Ramsay, Jn. pianoforte wareroom, 6 Calton
Ramsay, John, wright and undertaker, St
Stephen street — house, 69 Cumberland st.
Ramsay, John, tailor, 30 William (Street
Ramsay, Johu Wedderburn, 12 Alva street
Ramsay, John W. wine merchant, Wet docks
— house, 12 Alva street, Edinburgh
Ramsay, Peter, Esq. Viewville house, Gran-
ton road
Ramsay, Thomas, baker, 14 High street and
26 South Hanover street
Ramsay, W. coach hirer, 21 West Preston
Ramsay, William, tailor, 11 Home street
Ramsay, William, Viewville bouse. Gran-
ton road
Ramsay, William, slater and glazier, St Ste-
phen street — house, 18 St Vincent street
Ramsay, Mrs C. L. of Fala, 9 Manor place
Ramsay, I\Irs Dr, 15 Melville street
Ramsay, Mrs Euphemia, 33 London street
Ramsay, Mrs John, 9 Blacket place
Ramsay, Mrs, 1 Links place, Leith
Ramsay, Mrs, 4 North St James' street
Ramsay, Miss Janet, trimming shop, 46 Ha-
nover street
Ramsay, Miss, 44 Minto street
Ramsden, James, wool merchant, 1 Stafford st.
Ranken, D. flesher, 9 West Salisbury place —
house, East Sciennes street
Ranken, Francis, cut glass manufacturer,
brassfounder, and gasfitter, 16 Picardy place
— house, 8 Hope crescent
Ranken, George, optician, 112 Rose street
Ranken, P. coal merchant, 10 Salamander st.
Ranken, Thomas, S.S.C 68 Queen street
Ranken, Mrs Helen, 23 Lauriston street
Ranken, Miss, 3 Fyfe place
Rankin, John A. 23 Regent terrace
Rankin, Thomas, 2 Hill place
Rankin, Miss, 19 Queen street
Rattray, William, writer, 14 William st.
Rattray, Misses, 13 Torphichen street
Rausch& Busse, tailors & clothiers, 8 George st.
Rausch, W. L. {Rausch 6^ Bussn), 4 St
Andrew square
Ray, James (P. C. 6f i?.), Jordan bank,
Ray ner, Richard, riding-master. Young street
lane — house, 3 Rutland square
Reading Rooms, Waterloo, 23 Waterloo place
Rfxords, Home and Foreign Missionary, and
Children's Missionary, of Established
Church of Scotland, publication office, 3
Hanover street — (Paton & Ritchie)
Records, Home and Foreign Missionary, and
Children's Missionary, of Free Church of
Scotland, publication office, 9 North Bank
street — (James Nichol)
Record Office, Register house
Record for Servants, 4 South St Andrew st.
Recorder's Office (Calton), 21 Calton hill
Recordkr's Office (Canomjate), 163 Canong.
Recorder's Office (Grey friars'), 30 Upper
gate, Crindlemaker row
RtcoRDEii's Office (St Cuihbert's), West kirk
Rednall's stny warehouse, 57 Princes street
Redpath, Alex, bookseller and army sta-
tioner, 295 High st bouse, 10 Hermitage
place, Stockbridge
Redpath, Brown, & Co. iron merchants aiid
ironmongers, 33 Candlemaker row, and 81
Constitution street, Leith
Redpath, H. (/?. ^' Brown), Grange bank,
Redpath, Peter, flesher, Coates place
Redpath, Miss, 39 George square
Ree, Hermann {Combe^ Ree, ^- Co.), 18 Wind-
sor street
Reed, Robt. com. traveller, 16 S Charlotte st.
Refreshment and Reading Rooms for the
Working Classes — See detailed at Hotels
and Inns
Refuge, House of, Queensberry house
Register for Servants, 11 South College
street — Mrs Young, keeper
Registration Office, Register house
Rehern, Mrs, cowf. East Hermitage, Leith
Reid, Alexander, 10 Greenside street
Keid, Alexander, optician, 6q Nicolson street
Held, Alex, tinsmith & gasStter, 34 Victoria st.
Reid, Alex, LL.D. head master Edinburgh
Institution^ 8 Queen street
Reid & Son, booksellers, stationers, printers,
and chartsellers to the Admiralty, 36 Shore
Ri id & Co.'s London porter store, 69 Shore —
Charles Morrison, agent
Reid, Charles G., W.S. 3 St Colme street
Reid, Charles, baker, 1 Jamaica street
Reid, C. P. {R. & Son), 10 Albany st. Leith
lleid, D. and Son, nurserymen, Leith walk
Reid, David, cabinetmaker, &c. Hope st. lane
—house, 7 South Charlotte street
Reid, David, wright & undertaker, 1 Hope pk.
Reid, Daniel, grocer and spirit dealer, 11
William street
Reid, Daniel, mason and chimney sweep, 1
To! booth Wynd
Reid, George, hairdresser, 164 Rose street
Reid, Gilfillan, fishmonger, 4 Fishmarket
and 61 Frederick St.— house, 74 Thistle st.
Reid, James, accountant, 10 N St Andrew st.
Reid, James, agent, 35 West Nicolson street
Reid, James, bone yard, 49 Salamander st.
Reid, James {Com. Bank), 5 Upper Gray st.
Reid, James, 21 Minto street
Reid, James, Receiver of Crown Rents, Ex-
chequer, Morton House
Reid, James, gardener, Ferneyhill
Reid, John, skinner and leather dresser, Pow-
Reid, John, baker, 43 Cumberland street
Reid, John & Co., silk mercers, 75 George st.
Reid, John, cabinetmaker and joiner, ;i Inglis-
ton street— ho. 13 East Adam street
Reid, John R. writer, 30 Royal circus
Reid, M. W. & Son, printers, 4 Nottingham pi.
— house, 10 Greenside street
Reid, Robert, 44 Charlotte square
Reid, Robert, house-painter, 3 Blenheim pi.
—-ho. Spring villa. Abbey hill
Reid, Robert, bootmaker, 32 St Leonard st.
Reid, Robert, ordnance contractor, 49 Bruns-
wick street
Reid, Dr Robert, dentist, 19 Heriot row
Reid, Thomas G. Inland Revenue, Edin-
burgh, Jock's Lodge
Reid, Rev. William, 7 Montpelier
Reid, Wm. pewterer and hardware merchant,
6 Victoria street
Reid, Wm. mercantile agent — warehouse, 12
Hill square, 5 Blacket place
Reid, William, & Sons, builders, Castle place
Reid, Wm. grocer, 58 Earl Grey street
Reid, Mrs Dr J. W., 10 Jordan bank, Morn-
Reid, Mrs Robert, 2 Scotland street
Reid, Mrs William, 28 Greenside street
Reid, Mrs, 5 Picardy place
Reid, Mrs Adam F. 2 Alva street
Reid, Mrs, straw- hat maker, 6 Rose street
Reid, Mrs, 8 Comely green place
Reid, MfH, 2 Nelson street
Reid, Mrs, 1 Lower Gilmore place
Reid, Miss, charity school, 81 Causeyside ;
Reid, Miss, tobacconist, 22 Bank street
Reid, Misses, milliners, 5 Hanover street
Reikie, .James, fruiterer, 4 Stafford street
Reikie, James, confectioner, .'38 Kirkgate
Religious and Charitable InstitutiouH, office,
6 York place
Rendall, Wm. CommisKion agent, 32 Bernard
Rendall, Magnus C. agent, 32 Bernard street
Rennie, Alex, spirit merchant, 3 Old Phytic
Rennie Brothers, agents and merchants, 135
Constitution street, Leith
Rennie, Archd. flesher, Craigside house
Rennie, Jas. warehouseman, 3 Anderson's pi.
Rennie, John, furnishing ironmonger and
smith, 53 Hanover street and North- West
Thistle street lane
Rennie, John, fishmonger and poulterer, 53
Clerk street
Rennie, P. house carpenter, 32 Cumberland st.
Rennie, Wm. smith and ironmonger, S. E.
Thistle street lane — house, 39 Thistle street
Rtnnie, William, grocer and wine and spirit
merchant, 25 Union place
Bennie, Win. flesher, 118 Nicolson street
Rennie, Mrs, midwife, 38 Brunswick street
Rennie, Mrs, 12 Gayfield square
Renny, Wm. J., W.S. 8 West Maitland st.
Renton, Hepburn, 2 West Circus place
Renton, James, S.S C. 2 Thistle court— house,
25 Scotland street
Renton, John, organ-builder, 8 North Bank
street— house, 10 St Patrick square
Renton, Robt., M.D., F.R C.P.E. 26 Howe st.
Renton, William, 22 Buccleuch place
Renton, Wm.jun. 22 Buccleuch place
Renton, Wm. & Co. mercers and general dra-
pers, 12, 13, & 14 Princes street, and 14
West Register street
Renton, William, baker, 98 Canongate
Renton, Wm. (P. Howden ^ Co.), 1 Morning-
side terrace
Renwick, Mrs, 30 Queen street
Reoch, Daniel, victual dealer, 20 Union |)1.
Reoch, Geo. W. agent for Scottish Union In-
surance Co. 15 Bernard street — ho. 5 Bon-
nington place
Reoch, Jn. Inglis, 4 Hamilton pi. Newingfon
Reoch, Reeve Burgess, designer, 29 Alva st.
Reoch, Mrs, cook, 90 Rose street
Repository for Ladies' Work, 6 N. Charlotte
Reston, Miss J. fringe, tassel, and trimming
maker, 68 George street
Revans, C. commer. traveller, 1 High Albany
street, Leith
Reynolds, Andrew, printer, 14 Pitt street
Rhind, D. architect, 54 Great Kinjr street
Rhind, John, accountant, 8 Hill t^quare
Rhind, Robert {Murray 8f R.), 7 Nelson st.
— house, 9 James street, Portobello
Rhind, Win. surgeon, 121 Princes street
Rhind, Mrs, 5 GlouceHter place
Rhind, Miss Jane, 3 Dean terrace
Riach, G. S. 52 Raukeillor street
Riach, Mrs Alex. 52 Rankeillor street
Riccaltoun, Miss, 26 Charles street
Richard, Ji>hn, 20 "Windsor street
Richard, Walter {Miller Sf R.), 24 Regent ter.
Richardson, Aiex.& Son, bootmakers, 5 N.-w.
Circus place
Richardson Brothers, merchants, 105 West
Richardson, Andrew, Glover street
Richardson, David, urchitect, 6 Gt. Stuart st.
Richardson, Francis & Co oilmen, drysalters,
and cheese merchants, Grassmarket
Richardson, Francis {F. R. §• Co.), 2 Archi-
bald place
Richardson, Geo. victual dealer, 76 Rose st.
Richardhon, James {F. R. ^- Co.), 10 Keir st.
Richardson, James, smith and cart-wright,
Orchardfield street
Richardson, Jas. advocate, 22 Claremont or.
Richardson, Jas. accountant, 25 India st.
Richardson, Jas. merchant, 16 Coates cresc.
Richardson, Jas.jun.cSt Co. merchts. Calton pi.
Richardson, James, coal mercht. Duddingston
Richardson, James, victual dealer, 3 South
Melville place
Richardson, James, flesher, 45 and 46 Middle
Richardson, John, 11 Lothian street
Richardson, Johu, W.S. 13 Dundas street
Richardson, Xiven, dairy, 110 Kirkgate
Richardson, Peter, woollen draper, 213 High
street — house, 22 Claremont crescent
Richardson, Robert, grocer, Jock's lodge
Richardson, Robert {R. Brothers), 12 Brunts-
field place
Richardson, "W, agent to Jos. Rogers and Sons,
cutlers to the Queen, 53 New buildings,
North bridge — house, 13 Duke street
Richardson, V\' alter, upholsterer and under-
taker, 41 London street
Richardson, William, engraver, 3 Summer-
hall place
Richardson, Mrs J, grocer, Starbank place,
Richardson, Mrs, Drumsheugh cottage
Richardson, Mrs, Restalrig house
Richardson, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 16 Jamaica st.
Richardson, Mrs Walter, stationer, 101 Kirk-
gate, Leith
Richardson, Miss, 15 Gardner's crescent
Richmond, John & Co. grocers, 12 Clerk st.
Richmond, Miss, 6 Scotland street
Riddle, James, boot and shoemaker, 4 St
Vincent street
Riddell, John, advocate, 57 Melville street
Riddell, John, tailor, 74 Thistle street
Riddell, Robt. merchant, 15 Bonnington pi.
Riddell, Mrs Major, 49 Minto street
Ridland, John, grocer and wine merchant,
11 Union place— ho. 11 S. Norton place
Ridpath, David, confectioner, 36 Nicolson st.
—ho. 30
Rigg, Rev. Geo., St Mary's Catholic church,
Broughton street
Riley, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 38 India place
Rintoul, Misses, teachers, 6 Morton street
llitchards, John, dyer, 46 Water lane
Ritchie, A. Carnegy, advocate, 10 Albany st.
Ritchie, A. {R. ^ Son), 25 Gayfield square
Ritchie, A. H. tobacconist, 3 Kirkgate
Ritchie, Alex. Handyside, sculptor, I Mound
place, Ramsay lane
Ritchie, Alex, liihojjraphic printer and engra-
ver, 19 South St David street
Ritchie, Alex, agent for Edmondson's Rail-
way Ticket Apparatus^ 7 Young street
Ritchie, Arch, manager London and Edinb.
Shipping Co. 7 Madeira place
Ritchie, Archd. sculptor, Lothian road
Ritchie, Charles, agent for Shotts Iron Co.
24 Citadel
Ritchie, David, tobacco and snuff manufac.
7 North bridge and 32 Greenside street
Ritchie, George, Bell's brewery, 46 Pleasance
Ritchie, Hugh H. engraver, 60 New build-
ings, North bridge
Ritchie, H. mess. Com. Bank— Cot. Rose st.
Ritchie, J. & J. & Co. clothrs. 107 Princes st.
Ritchie, Captain James, 8 Hermitage place
Ritchie, James (J. Sj J. R. Sf Co ), 107 Prin-
ces street
Ritchie, James & Son, watch & clockraakers,
29 Leith street
Ritcliie, James, sculptor, Coates place
Ritchie, James, grocer, 15 Romilly place
Ritchie, J. mpemaker, 2 So. back Canongate
Ritchie, James, wholesale stationer, 140 High
street — house, Blacket place, Newington
Ritchie, James, smith, 77 Nicolson street and i,
38 Candlem^iker row
Ritchie, Rev. John, D.D. 19 Salisbury road
Ritchie, John S. accountant, 3 Young street
Ritchie, John, 29 Cheyne street
Ritchie, Jn. {Luwrie §• R.), 22 Broughton st.
Ritchie, John, 65 George square
Ritchie, John, teacher, Lauder park villa,
Grange road
Ritchie, Leitch, 32 Danube street
Ritchie, Patrick, press and projecting letto-
manufacturer, Oakfield, 102 Pleasance—
house, 18 Buccleuch place
Ritchie, Robert and Son, press & machines
makers, 43 Crosscausey
Ritchie, Robt. civil engineer, and agent for
Perkins' patent heating apparatus, and agent
for London Assurance Co. 16 Hdl street
Ritchie, Rob. blacksmith, 9 Beaumont place
Ritchie, Robert, flesher, Drumdryan
Ritchie, Thomas, sculptor, London road
Ritchie, W. plasterer, 37 Tolbooth wy. Leith
Ritchie, W. cattle and sheep agent, 1 Hill sq.
Ritchie, Wm. spirit merchant, 96 North Back
Ritchie, William {Paton S^- R.), 1 4 Brandon st.
Ritchie, Wra. shoe warehouse, 1 Haddington
Ritchie, W. W. (J. ^^ H. Ritchie §• Co.), 107
Princes street
Ritchie, Mrs E. 8 Chapel street
Ritchie, Mrs James, 3 Gayfield place
Ritchie, Mrs, 128 Xicolson sireec
Ritchie, Mrs, 4 London street
Ritchie, Mrs, 1 Nelson street
Ritchie, Miss, 21 Lothian street
Roach, James, bookbinder, 208 Canongate
Road OfSceof County Trustees,County rooms
Robb & Whittet, silver-plate manufacturers,
3 East Thistle street lane
Robb, Charles {R. ^ IF.), 25 Thistle street
Robb, Gorden, 11 Argyle square
Robb, Henry, baker, 173 Pleasance
Robb, John, painter, 2 Howard place
Robb, John {^National Bank)., 7 Henderson row
Robb, John, builder, &c. 22 Barony street
Robb, John, builder, Dean cottage
Robb, Thomas, grocer, 9 Frederick street — ho.
74 George street
Robb, Wm. sheriif-ofBcer, 59 Charlotte street,
Robb, Mrs, cowfeeder, 33 Canongate
Robb, Mrs, 56 Crosscausey
Roberts, C. Sons, & Co. ot London, importers
of French silks, &c. 26 George street
Roberts, Alexander, tailor, 17 Elder street
Roberts, George, wright and builder, 12
James' place — house, 4 St James' square
Roberts, G. surgeon, Royal Navy, 22 Howard
Roberts, Thomas, grocer, 8 West port
Roberts, Thomas, miller, 115 Fountainbridge
Roberts, W. A., M.D. dentist and surgeon, 11
Duke street
Roberts, William Hen., British wine works.
Laverock bank
Roberts, Mrs Janet, midwife, 11 Romily pi.
Roberts, Mrs Margaret, 3 Ainslie place
Roberts, iirs Wm. 22 Gay Held square
Robertson & Hope, grain and seed factors,
129 Constitution street
Robertson & Cairns, plumbers, brassfounders,
and gas-fitters, 31 Nicolson street
Robertson and Scott, newspaper agents, 36
George street
Robertson &, Forrest, auctioneers, appraisers,
upholsterers and undertakers, 80 George st.
Robertson, A. carver and gilder, 29 Frederick
street — ho. 8 William street
Robertson, Alex, and Co. music-sellers to the
Queen, 39 Princes street
Robertson, Alex, cabinetmaker, 4 Princes st.
Robertson, Alex, joiner East Cumberland st.
lane — house, 38 Brunswick street
Robertson, Alex, anatomist, 1 Craig'^ide ho.
Robertson, Alex. W. accountant, 82 Great
King street
Robertson, A. assistant to the superintendent
of streets, &c. 11 Middle Arthur place
; Robertson, Alex, cabinetmaker, 16j Rose st.
Robertson, Alex, spirit merchant, Ibl High
Robertson, Alexander, railway station hotel
and refreshment rooms, Market street
Robertson, Alex, cowfeeder, 70 Rose street
Robertson, Alex. Murray, 11 Heriot row
Robertson, Alex, spirit dealer, 167 Pleasancn
Robertson, Alex, cork manufacturer, 31 Com-
mercial place
Robertson, Alex. 68 T^icolson street
Robertson, Alexander, grocer and provision
merchant, 3 South Richmond street
Robertson, Andrew, wood merchant, Annan-
dale street — house, 4 East Broughton placf
Robertson, Andrew, jun. insurance agent, 19
Gayfield square
Robertson Brothers, general merchants, 40
Timber bush
Robertson, Charles, advocate, 22 Great King st.
Robertson, Chas. accountant, 21 Gayfield sq.
Robertson, Chas. messenger Commercial Bunk,
Cottage, Rose street
Robertson, Charles, ropemaker, Bainfield
Robertson, D. Albert hotel, 19 Hanover st.
Robertson, David B. brewer, Summerhall
Robertson, D.H., JLD. 10 Wellington place
Robertson, D. 1. city chamberlain, 10 Royal
Exchange — house, 12 Gilmour place
Robertson, D. & J. com. agents, 15 Royal
Robertson, Dan. commission agent, 19 Sr
Patrick square
Robertson, Daniel, teacher of music, 21 South
College street
Robertson, David (i?. ^'F.), 28Torphichen st.
Robertson, David, accountant. Cherry bank
R()bertson, David, provision dealer, 4 Fox lane
Robertson, David & Son, cork manufacturers,
and coopers, 8 Elbe street
Robertson, David, tailor, 3 Fox lane
Robertson, Donald, writer, 66 Great King st.
Robertson, Donald, coach proprietor, & horse-
dealer, 8 Howe street
Robertson, Donald coach-hirer, 14 Barony
Robertson, Donald, lodgings, 27 Elder street
Robertson, Duncan, tailor, 62 Thistle street
Robertson, George, W.S. 17 Royal circus —
house, 15 Alva street
Robertson, George B., W.S. 28 Albany street
Robertson, H. confectioner, 94 Nicolson st.
Robertson, Jas. Railway agent, St Leonard's
Robertson, James, spirit mercht. 184 Canone.
Robertson, James, house gover. St Cuthhert's
Robertson, James, & Sons, working jewellers
and metal eiiders, 501 Lawnmarket
Robertson, J. H., M.D. 78 Lauriston place
Robertson, Jas. A. sol. -at-law, 56 Frederick st.
Robertson, Rev. James {^Newington U, P.
church), Grange cottage, 138 Causeyside
Robertson, Rev. James, D.D., prof, of divinity
and church history, 25 Ainslie place
Robertson, Jas. Stewart,jun.\V,S. 1 Fettesrow
Robertson, Jas. gown-keeper, 9 Rose street
Robertson, J. umbrella manufactr. hosier, and
glover, 32 Leith st. — house, 15 Drummoud
Robertson, James, agent, 2 Lauriston terrace
Robertson, James, wright, Morningside
Robertson, James, of Torrie, 2 Heriot row
Robertson, James, shipmaster, 19 Albany st.
Robertson, James, manager, Edinr. Perth, and
Dundee railway, Edinburgh station
Robertson, Jas. lodgings, 19 South St James'
Robertson, James, tailor, 119 Causeyside
Robertson, James, wine and spirit mercht. 6
Milne square and 119 High street — house,
5 Teviot row
Robertson, James, grocer and spirit merchant,
2 and 100 West port — house, 78 Lauriston
Robertson, Jas. mill-master, Water of Leith
Robertson, James, 29 Cheyne street
Robertson, James, W.S. 11 Heriot Row
Robertson, James, M.D., F.R.C.S. 2 Char-
lotte place
Robertson, James, chemist and druggist, 35
George street — house, 28 Dundas street
Robertson, James, baker, 2 Stafford street
Robertson, James, jun. baker, 66 Cumberland
Robertson, James, coach-hirer, 5 North St
James' street
Robertson, Jas. spirit merchant, 58 Fountain-
Robertson, James, 7 Torphichen street
Robertson, James, 6 Comely green place
Robertson, James, baker, Newhaven
Robertson, James, wine and spirit merchant, 18
Hanover street
Robertson, James, plumber, 48 Constitution st.
Robertson, Jas. shipmaster, 8 Albany st. Leith
Robertson, J. civil engineer, 7 Randolph cliff
Robertson, James, spirit dealer, 48 Couper st.
Robertson, Captain J. 15 Upper Gray street
Robertson, John E. engraver and lithographer,
102 South bridge
Robertson, J. & M. china merchants, 9 South
Union place, and 38 Victoria terrace
Robertson, J. & J. wholesale Scotch and Eng-
lish warehousemen, 128 & 142 High st.
Robertson, John, W.S. 69 Great King street
Robertson, John and Co. stock and share-
brokers, 47 George street
Robertson, John, ladies' boot & shoe manufac.
6 Carnegie street
Robertson, J. bootmaker, 8 Shakspeare square
Robertson, John, small- ware merchant, 129,
Kirkgate — house, 2 Wellington place
Robertson, John, dairy, 40 London st.
Robertson, John T. 2 Summerfield, Leith
Robertson, John B. writing-master, 3 North
St David street
Robertson, John, 128 Nicolson st.
Robertson, John H. 1 Jamaica street, Leith
Robertson, John, solicitor, 63 Hanover street
Robertson, John, jun., S.S.C. 7 Elder street
Robertson John {D. ^ J. E.), 11 Archibald
Robertson, Jos. {J. i' J. R.), 11 Portland pi.
Robertson, Joseph, 23 Buccleuch place
Robertson, Hon. Lord, 32 Drummond place
Robertson, Murdoch, Wardie burn house
Robertson, Peter, tea, wine, and spirit mer-
chant, 62 Canongate
Robertson, Peter, tailor, 38 Hanover street
Robertson, Peter, draper, 40 Bristo st.
Robertson, P. (^Commer. Bank), 17 Upper
Gray street
Robertson, Peter, agent, 7 Torphichen street
Robertson, P. S. manager (P. Lawson ^ Sons),
Robertson, Robt. accountant, Claremont park,
Robertson, Robert, watch-case maker, 51
Nicolson street
Robertson, Robt. corn merchant, 130 Nicol-
son street — house, 34 Clerk street
Robertson, Robert, tobacco manufacturer, 3
St Patrick street
Robertson, Roderick, Queen street gardens
Robertson, Thomas R., W.S. and sharebroker,
47 George street — house Gorgie lodge,
Robertson, Thomas, grocer and spirit dealer,
5 Ronaldson's buildings
Robertson, Thomas, tea and spirit merchant,
23 Constitution street
Robertson, Thomas (^Standard Life Assuranc
Office), Eden Bank, Grange road
Robertson, Thomas, clerk of works, 25 Cum-
berland street
Robertson, Thos. cattle salesman. Spring villa,
• Morningside
Robertson, Thomas, baker, 72 Thistle street
Robertson, Rev. Wm. 12 Drummond place
Robertson, George Brown, W.S. deputy-keep* r
of records. Register house
Robertson, Wm.,M.D.,F.R.C.r. 28 Albany sr.
Robertson, William, S.S.C. 25 Fredrick st.
Robertson, Wm. brewer to her Majesty, 2
Robertson, Wm. letter-carrier, 10 Hill place
Robertson, William, justice of peace officer,
St John's hill
Robertson, Wm. coach-hirer, 33 Pitt street
Robertson, W. grocer, 8 Rose st.
Robertson, WiUiam, 5 St Andrew square
Robertson, Wm. gardener, Pilrig st, gardens
Robertson, Wm. Oakfield foundry, 102 Pleas.i
Robertson, Mrs A. 2 Scotland street
Robertson, Mrs Andrew, 18 Duncan street
Robertson, Mrs Andrew, 38 Castle street
Robertson, Mrs C. 122 Lauriston place
Robertson, Mrs Captain, 33 Ann street
Robertson, Mrs Dr, 2 Summerfield, Leith
Robertson, Mrs Dan. 18 W. Nicolson street
Robertson, Mrs J. lodgs. 14 Cumberland st.
Robertson, Mrs James, 31 Buccleuch place
Robertson, Mrs James, 15 Walker street
Robertson, Mrs John, 24 Duke street
Robertson, Mrs T. 3 Ronaldson's buildings,
Leith walk
Robertson, Mrs John, 8 Keir street
Robertson, Mrs Major, 37 Drummond place
Robertson, ]Mrs Maria, 18 Clarence street
Robertson, Mrs Patrick Graham, 11 Albyn pi.
Robertson, Mrs P. milliner, &c. 40 Bristo st.
Robertson, Mrs Susan, lodgings, 115 Rose st.
Robertson, Mrs Thomas, 7 Albany st. Leith
Robertson, Mrs Wm. 16 Drummond place
Robertson, Mrs Wm. 1 Thomson's place
Robertson, Mrs Wm. lodgings, 10 Hill place
Robertson, Mrs, 4 Great King street
Robertson, Mrs, 30 Castle street
Robertson, Mrs, cowfeeder, Rosemount
Robertson, Mrs, 1 1 King's place
Robertson, Mrs, 2 Elm row
Robertson, Mrs, 38 Minto street
Robertson, Mrs, 2 Reid's court, Canongate
Robertson, Mrs, 9 St Vincent street
Robertson, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 50 Broughton
Robertson, Mrs, midwife, 4 Fox lane
Robertson, Mrs, spirit dealer, 83 Shore
Robertson, Mrs, ladies' nur. 35 W. Nicolson st.
Robertson, Miss Ann, milliner and dress-
maker, 65 Cumberland street
Robertson, Miss E. 2 Portland terrace
Robertson, Miss Harriet, 52 Minto street
Robertson, Miss Helen, 23 George square
Robertson, Miss, 22 London street
Robertson, Miss, 33 Howe street
Robertson, Miss, 7 Henderson row
Robertson, Miss, 46 George square
Robertson, Miss, stay-raaker, 10 Charlotte
street, Leith
Robertson, Miss, dressmr. 45 Broughton st.
Robertson, Miss, 65 Northumberland street
Robertson, Misses, milliners and dressmakers,
13 George street
Robertson, Misses, 56 India street
Robertson, Misses, 1 Meadow place
Robin Hood hotel, Gabriel's road
Robin, Mrs Sa. 2 Raeburn place
Robinow, Adolph, Hanseatic Vice-Consul, 16
Rutland square
Robinows & Marjoribanks, corn factors and
general merchants, 25 Constitution street
Robinson, H. news agent, bookseller, and sta-
tioner, 11 Greenside street. — See Adv.
Robinson, John, oflBcer town-hall, Leith, 5
View place
Robison, James, boot and shoemaker, 8 Nicol-
son street
Robison, Joseph, screw-bolt and rivet manu-
facturer, 22 Greenside place
Robison, Mrs, 10 Dewar place
Robson, James, merchant, 22 Commercial pi.
— house, Albany street, Leith
Robson, Thos. 36 Alva street
Robson, Mrs M. worsted shop, 137 Rose st.
Rochester, J. 51 New buildings, North br-
Rodford, Jn. inspector of mails, Whitfield
house, Portobello
Rodger, David, silk dyer, 24 Crosscausey
Rodger, William P. spirit merchant, 24 Shore,
Rodger, Wm. writer, 26 St Patrick square
Rodger, Mrs David, midwife, 7 Charles street
Rodger, Mrs, lodgings, 35 Lothian street
Rodger, Mrs Joan, greengrocer, 6 Baker's pi.
Rodgers, D. mercht. 4 Duncan st. Drum. pi.
Rodgers, Samuel, surveyor, 31 Cheyne street
Rodgers, Misses E. & A. milliners, 38 Alvast.
Rodgers, Mrs William, 13 Brown street
Roeding, Theodore, teacher of German, phar-
macy and chemistry, 37 George street
Roeding, Mrs, teacher of French and German
fancy work, 37 George street
Roger, George, house agent, 150 High street
Roger, Wm. miniature-painter, 7 Dewar place
Rogers, Alex, timber merchant, Duke street
— house, 3 Cassells' place
Rogers, Jas. smith, gasfitter, and ironmonger,
1 1 Queensferry street — ho. 1 Grove street
Rogers, J. H. (^Boog and Rogers), 30 Alva st.
Rogers, John, 16 St Vincent street
Rogers, John, S.S.C. 16 Dean terrace
Rogers, Robert, tailor, 107 Nicolson street
Rogers, Thos. 27 Howe street
Rogers, Wm. bookbinder and stationer, 15
Charlotte place — house, 29 Alva street
Rogerson, Mrs, 14 Clerk street
Roland, Geo. fencing-master. Royal academy,
86 South bridge— house, 2 Bellevue terrace
Roland, Geo. jun. {Naval^Military Academy^,
30 Gayfleld square
Rolland and Thomson, W.S. 1 Thistle court
Rolland, Jas. {R. ^ Thomson), 29 Melville st.
Rolland, Mrs E. 32 Dundas street
Rolland, Misses M. & A. 14 Shandwick place
Rollison, Mrs Wm. spirit dealer, 32 Pitt st.
Rolloj Alexander, 13 Vanburgh place
RoUo, Andw. spirit dealer, 1 70 Fountainbr.
RoUo, Hugh James, W.S. master extraor-
dinary in Chancery, and Commissioner for
the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common
Pleas, and Exchequer, 16 Dundas street
Rollo, James, bootmaker, 13 Nicolson street
Rollo, R. boot and shoemaker, 2 Castle st—
ho. 22 Gayfield square
Romanes and Paterson, silk-mercers and tartan
manufacturers to the Queen, 59 N. bridge
Romanes, Robert, 2 Doune terrace
Romanes, Mrs ( Orrock 4" R^, 6 Union pi.
Rombach Brothers, and Co. wholesale toy
warehousej 82 South bridge
Ronald, David, plumber, 6 Vennel
Ronald, John, S.S.C 12 Walker street
Ronald, Thomas, 25 Parkside street
Ronaldson, James S. 23 Warriston cres.
Ronaldson, John, writer, Somerset cottage,
Mary's place
Ronaldson, Wm- wine merchant and grocer^
St Patrick st ho. Belville, Dalkeith road
Ronaldson, Miss, teacher of drawing, 15
Chapel street
Roome, Mrs General, Arthur Lodge, Dud-
llooney, Hugh, commercial agent, 10 St
Patrick square
Rosa, Edward, chiropodist, 23 Howe street
Rosa, Dr George, surgeon, 30 Castle street
Rosa, Madame, chiropodist, 30 Castle street
Rose, J. T. & Co. shipbuilders, Wet docks —
house, 5 Albany street, Leith
Rose, Alex, lecturer and mining surveyor,
1 Drummond street
Rose, H. (Craig and R.), 15 Windsor street
Hose, James (Home and /?.), 96 George st.
Rose, Jas. boot and shoemaker, 41 Thistle st.
Rose, Lachlan, shipowner, Leith mount
Rose, L. comm. agent, 23 Commercial place
Rose, Neilson ( Carron Co. office), 8 Bank pi.
Rose, Thomas, 31 India street
Rose, William K. sec. Total Abst. Socieij/,
2 North bridge
Rose, William, wright, 61 Albany street
Rose, ]\Irs Hugh, 4 Henry place
Rose, Misses, milliners, &c. 1 Drummond st.
Rosie, Thomas, Richmond cottage, Wardie
Ross & Auld, W.S. 10 Duke street
Ross & Scott, shirt merchants and family
linen drapers, 3 Nicolson street
Ross and Thomson, photographers to the
Queen, 90 Princes street
Ross & Wright, gold-beaters and dealers in
coins, 25 New street
Ross, Alex, teacher of music, 4 Milne square
Ross, Alexander, printer, 91 Rose street
Ross, Alexander, 19 Inverleith row
Ross, Alexander, tea dealer and grocer, 5 N.
St Andrew street
Ross, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 135
Ross, Alex. com. traveller, 8 Annandale street
Ross, Andrew, grocer, &c. 95 Grassaiarket
Ross, Andrew, lodgings, 3 Hope street
Ross, Andrew, grocer, 9 Duke street
Ross, C. M. (Purves ^ Co.), 18 Warriston cr.
Ross, Daniel, cabinetmaker, upholsterer, and
house-agent, 16 Picardy place — house, 11
Norton place
Ross, David, tailor, 3 Warriston place
Ross, David, tailor and clothier, 1 6 Kirkgate
Ross, David, gardener, Lochend road, Leith
Ross, Donald, 3 East Claremont street
Ross, Evander, tailor, 297 High street
Ross, George, adv. Woodburn, Morningside
Ross, George, jun. advocate, 45 Castle street
Ross, George, wright, 2 Portland place
Ross, George, comm. and provision mer. 19
Quality street, Leitli
Ross, George, writer, 27 Nelson street
Ross, Hugh, writer, 6 Saunders street
Ross, Hugh, W.S. 48 India street
Ross, Hugh A. grocer, 108 Causey side
Ross, Hugh {R. cC- Scott), 10 Beaumont place
Ross, James, bookbinder, 19 West Register st.
Ross, James (R. ^ Thomson), 59 Cumberland
Ross, James, calotypist, 90 Princes street
Ross, James, S.S.C. 10 Duke street — house,
Mauricewood, near Penicuick
Ross, John, S.S.C. 79 Great King street
Ross, John, officer Old Church, So. Foulis cl.
Ross, John, engraver, 31 X. Hanover street
Ross, John, Venetian blind maker, 37
Wright's houses
Ross, John, engineer, 24 Duke street, Leith
Ross, Joseph, bank messenger, 2 Baltic street
Ross, N. 1 Amphion place
Ross, Rob. J. painter, glazier, and paper hanger,
8 W. Nicolson st. — house, 26 Buccleuch
Ross, Robert, tailor, 17 St Patrick square
Ross, Thomas, grocer, 3 Home street
Ross, Robert T. portrait-painter and teacher
of drawing, 78 Queen street
Ross, Robert, 1 Tarvet street
Ross, William, china merchant, 34 Brough-
ton street
Ross, Wi\\\2m {Gazette Office), 2 Parkside st.
Ross, Wm. spirit dealer, 14 Dock place
Ross, Wm. grocer, 64 Lauriston st.
Ross, Wm. {Hutton S) Ross), 11 Keir street
Ross, ]\Irs, of Invercarron, 3 Dean terrace
Ross, Mrs, 8 Royal circus
Ross, Mrs Sarah, 48 North bridge
Ross, ]\Irs, miniature-painter and teacher of
drawing, 51 Hanover street
Ross, Mrs, sick-nurse, 1 1 Dundas street
Ross, Mrs Wm. 14 Pitt street
Ross, Mrs, 11 Comely bank
Ross, Mrs, 46 George street
Ross, Miss Charlotte, 19 Inverleith row
I Ross, Miss, of Kerse, 1 6 Buccleuch place
I Ross, ]Miss M. M. dress & cloaknukei-, 2b
India p'ace
I Ross, Miss, 16 Forth street
i Ross, Miss, 17 London street
I Ross, Miss, dressmaker, 31 India place
! Ross, Miss, dressmaker, 19 Arthur street
1 Ross, Misses I. & H. milliners, 37 Candle-
[ maker row
Ross, Misses, 3 Graham street
I RoTTERKAM and Leith Steam Ship Office — 1).
I R. ]\Iacgregor, agent. Exchange buildings,
' Leith
; Rough, Arch, upholsterer, chairmaker, and
I house anent, 18 Leith walk
Rough, A. jun., colour merchant, 17 Leith w.
Rough, John, general merchant, 17 St Leo-
nard street — house, 128 Nicolson street
Rough, Robert, lace and sewed muslin ware-
house, 107 George street
Rough, Mrs Thomas, dairy, .5 Quality street
Rough, Mrs J. candlemaker, 124 Nicolson st.
Rouohead, P. C. pianoforte maker, 1 Lord Rus-
sell pi. 3 and 7 Sciennes st. — ho. 2 Hope st.
Roughead, William, hosier and shirtraaker
to H. R. H. Prince Albert, 69 Princes st. —
house, 9 Middleby street
Roughead, Mrs, 3 Gloucester place
Roughead, Miss A. lodgings, 18 Duncan st.
Rougvie, David, salesman, 4 Bristo place
Rowden, John {Simpson and R.), Madeira st.
Rowe, T. L., M.D. assistant physician to
Royal Edinburgh Asylum, Morningside
Rowell & Stoddart, mast, block, and pump
makers, 6 Dock street
Rowell, W. (i?. d- Stoddart), 9 Portland pi.
Rowley, Edw. 21 Parkside street
Roxburgh, Wm. victual dealer, 63 Rose st.
Roy, George, waiter, 25 Gardner's crescent
Roy, James, laceman, 23 and 24 North bridge
Roy, James, lodgings, 2 Dewar place
Roy, Mrs M. victual dealer, 37 Cumberland st.
Roy, Mrs, of Nenthorn, 22 Druramond place
Roy, IMiss, upholstress, 1 Market place
Royal Bank of Scotland, 36 St Andrew
square, and 30 Bernard street, Leith
Royal Caledonian Bazaar, 9 & 10 Leith walk
— John Croall & Sons, proprietors
Royal Clan Tartan warehouse, 101 George st.
Royal College of Physicians, 10 Queen street
Royal College of Surgeons, Nicolson street
Royal Edinburgh Asylum, Morningside
Royal Engineers' Office, 16 Pitt street
Royal Exchange Assur. Corpor. 18 So. St
Andrew st. — J. G. Thomson & Co. agents
Royal Farmers' and General Fire and Life,
Hail Insurance Institution— Offices, 346
Strand, London, and 24 Pitt street — J.
Spence, W.S. agent
Royal Fire & Life Insurance Company, 4
Pitt street — See Adv.
Royal Naval, Military, and East India Life
Assurance Society, 2 N.-E. Circus pi D.
Crawford, S.S.C. agent
Royal Physical Society, 6 York place
Royal Scottish Society of Arts — James Tod,
55 Great King street, secretary
Royal Society apartments. Mound
Ruddiman, John, cutler and surgeons' instru-
ment maker, 31 West Register street
Ruddiman, Mrs, 6 Shrub place
Ruddiman, Miss, 5 Atbole place
Rule, Geo. (Comm. Bank), 7 Buccleuch place
Rule, Thomas, 8 Cumberland street
Runcie, Mrs, teacher of drawing, &c. 4 North
St David street
Runciman, John, lodgings, 17 Howe street
Russells & Nicolson, C.S. 9 Shandwick pi.
Russell, Alex. 17 Regent terrace
Russell, Alex. Jas., C.S. 9 Shandwick place
Russell, Alex, wright & undertaker, Carrub-
ber's close
Russell, Alex- {Scotsman Office), 2 Ramsay
Russell, Alexander, 1 Grove street
Russell, Alex. 27 Warriston crescent
Russell, Alex, agent for Lochgelly coal, Scot-
land street station
Russell, Alex, baker, 2 Pitt street
Russell, Francis, advocate, 17 Randolph cres.
Russell, George, 8 Roxburgh street
Russell, George, 65 Cumberland street
Russell, George E. {Jas. Richardson, jun. Sf
Co.), 14 Regent terrace
Russell, Hugh, tailor, 4 Tolbooth wynd, Leith
Russell, Sir James, 112 Princes street
Russell, Jas.,M.D., F.R.S.E. 15 Lynedoch pi.
Russell, James, spirit dealer, 7 Shakspeare sq.
Russell, James ( G.P.-O.), 8 Glover st. Leith
Russell, John {/ate J. and J. Baxter), glazier
and slater, 18 Leith st. — ho. 8 Scotland st.
Russell, J., P.C.S., South bank, Canaan lane
Russell, John, wright, 21 Lauriston street
Russell, John, tailor, 45 Rose street
Russell, John, provision merchant and grocer,
42 West Richmond street
Russell, John {Russell and ^Son), CanonmilJs
Rufsell, John, accountant, 5 Lutton place
Russell, Joseph, Leith saw mills
Russell, Robert & Son, skinners, tanners, and
w^ool dealers, Canonmills
Russell, Robert, grocer and spirit dealer, 18
Lauriston street
Russell, Robert, clothier, 10 Romily place
Russell, Thos. wholesale and retail ironmon-
ger, 6 and 7 Hunter square — ho. 102 Lauris-
ton place. — See Adv.
Russell, Thomas, currier, Boyd's close
Russell, Thos. brush and trunk manufacturer,
10 North Bank street
Russell, Rev. Wm. 5 Norton place
Russell, Wm. accountant, 35 Howe street
Russell, W. tailor and clothier, 8 Charlotte pi.
Russell, William, wine and spirit merchant,
2 Quality lane— ho. Claremont park
Russell, William, wright, Seafield, Leith
Russell, Mrs, 18 Leopold place
Russell, Mrs Major, 24 Gardner's crescent
Russell, Miss, 1 Howe street
Russell, Miss, Gothic House, Trinity
Russell, Miss M. Bethany house. Grange loan
Russell, Miss Jane, 18 Gardner's crescent
Rutherford & Herries, W.S. 16 Howe street
Rutherford & Son, bootmakers, 142 George
street — house, 137 Princes street
Rutherford, Andw. and Son, wine and spirit
merchants, 142 & 144 High street
Rutherford, Andrew, manager C. L. Company,
87 Causeyside
Rutherford, James, tea and coffee merchant,
15 Catharine street— ho. 28 Greenside st.
Rutherford, John, smith and ironmonger,
14 Downie place
Rutherford, John, city missionary, Little
Lochend's close
Rutherford, Robert, W.S. 16 Howe street-
house, 64 Great King street
Rutherford Robert {Rutherford S; Son), 137
Princes street
Rutherford, Walter {Andw. R. and Son), 2
Elm row
Rutherford, Walter, 6 Hamilton pi. Newingt.
Rutherford, Walter, wine and spirit dealer, 40
Rose street
Rutherford, Walter ( Wm. R. ^^ Son), 8 New-
ingtoa place
Rutherford, Wm. & Son, wine & spirit merchts.
3 Niddry st. 72 and 75 High st. 5 & 7 Leith
street, 3 Drummond street, & 30 Bristo st. —
counting-house, 30 Niddry street
Rutherford, Wm. victual dealer, 94 Cross-
Rutherford,Wm. (TTwi. R. 4- Son), 7 Brunts-
field links
Rutherford, Wm. spirit dealer, 38 Shore
Rutherford, Mrs John, 22 Dean Terrace
Rutherford, Mrs, 4 Park street
Rutherford, Mrs P., lodgings, 18 Salisbury st.
Rutherford, Miss Helen, 5 Wharton place
Rutherford, Misses, 31 St James' square
Rutherfurd, Lord, 9 St Colme street
Rutherfurd, Rev. Henry, 2 Hamilton place,
Rutherfurd, John, W.S. 14 Albany street
Rutherfurd, Wm. fishing-tackle maker, book-
seller, and auctioneer, 52 Princes street
Rutherfurd, Mrs, 4 Carlton terrace
Ruthven, John, patent press & engine manu-
facturer, 23 New street
Ruthven, M. W. engineer, 23 New street
Ruthven, Mrs, 15 Chapel street
Ruthven, Miss, 29 Wright's houses
Rutter, Joseph, lodgings, 6 Saunders street
Rymer, Thomas, solicitor, 38 Frederick street
— house, 31 Great King street
Rymer, Mrs John, 16 Hart street
Rymer, Mrs, 51 Hope park end
Ryrie, Alexander, gardener, Dairy lane
Ryrie, Miss, 31 Gayfield square
Sabbath Alliance Office, R. K. Greville,
LL.D. honorary secretary, 6 York place
Saddler, Andw. grocer, 138 Pleasance
Saddler, Mrs James, grocer and spirit dealer,
19 Hart street
Sadler, William, 54 South Clerk street
Safely, Miss Janet, matron Canongate Charity
workhouse, Tolbooth wynd
Sale rooms {Robertson and Scott), 36 George
Sale rooms {Stevenson's), 4 St Andrew sq.
Salmond, J. & Co. grocers and wine merchts.
131 Rose street
Salom, B. & Co. opticians, 27 Hanover street
Salomon, Henry, boot and shoe maker, 44
Princes street
Salomon, Madame, importer of corsets and
flowers, 63 George street
Salter, Miss, 29 Regent terrace
Salvesen, Chr. ( T. Sf S.) 20 Charlotte street,
Samson, Misses, 33 Montagu street
Samuel, James, flesher, Hillhousefield
Samuel, James, flesher, 76 Abbey hill
Samuel, John, wrigbt, 10 I^eren street
Samuel, Peter {Knox, S. and Dickson), 16
Gardner's crescent
Samuel, Robt. {Leith Candle Co.), 5 Morton st.
Samuel, Miss, 20 Frederick street
' Sandeman, John, 13 St James' square
Sandeman, Robt., cabinetmak. and upholst. 9
Greenside st. — ho. 13 Montgomery street
; Sandeman, Wm. B. collector of shore dues, 13
Elm row
I Sandeman, Mrs T. R. 28 London street
I Sandeman, Mrs, 4 East Broufrhton place
I Sanders, Wm. R., M.D. 15 Duke street
j Sanders, William, 11 Clarence street
, Sanders, Mrs Dr, 15 Duke street
' Sanders, Miss, repository of ladies' work, 6
N. Charlotte street
Sanderson & Son, lapidaries, jewellers, & seal
engravers, 15 George s-treet
Sanderbon and Lawrie, .wine merchants and
grocers, 101 Princes street
Sanderson & Muirhead, build. Old Broughton
Sanderson, G. B. victualler, 6 Melville place
Sanderson, James, cowfeeder, 60 Nicolson st.
Sanderson, Jas. 12 Barony street
Sanderson, J. H. {S. and Son), 9 S. Gray
Sanderson, Mark, tea, wine, and spirit mer-
chant, 21 Chapel lane, Leith
Sanderson, Matthew, bird-stuffer, 66 George
Sanderson, Robert & Thomas, coach-builders,
Lothian road
Sanderson, William, printer, 148 Canongate
Sanderson, Mrs Jas. grocer, 7 Earl Grey st.
Sanderson, Mrs John, 7 India street
Sanderson, Miss Euphemia, 2 Windmill st.
Sanderson, Miss Jane, 11 Drummond street
Sanderson, Miss, 72 Princes street
Sanderson, Miss, 1 Annandale street
Sanderson, Miss, 25 Upper Grey street
Sandford, E. D. adv. steward of Kirkcud-
bright, 11 Randolph crescent
Sandilands, Wm. C. 1 Bellevue crescent
Sandilands, Wm., coal fitter, 3 Arthur street,
Leith walk
Sandilands, Mrs, dressmaker, 194 Rose street
Sandilands, Mrs, 1 Broughton place
Sandilands, Mrs, lodgings, 4 Elder street
Sands, Warren Hastings, W.S. and solicitor
of customs, 5 Roval circus
Sands, W. H. & W'. J., W.S. 5 Royal circua
Sands, Wm. John, W.S. 2 N. Charlotte st.
Sands, Mrs, 11 Cheyne street
Sandwith, Mrs, 14 Melville street
Sang & Adam, S.S.C. 61 Great King street
Sang & Barker, wholesale druggists, manu-
facturing chemists, and commission agents,
York lane
Sang, John {S. 6; Adam), 61 Gt. King street
Sandelands,. James, tea dealer, 194 Hose st.
Sangster and Dunlop^ wholesale stationers,
&c. 16 South St David street
Sangster A. {Dunlop&j S.),7S Cumberland st.
Sangster, Mrs Robert, 26 Carrubber's court
Sangster, Mrs, lodgings, 6 Park street
Sansome, Frederick Stevens, 11 Forres street
Sanson, Alex, tailor & clothier, 10 Arthur st.
Sasine Office, Register house
Saunders, John & Son, auctioneers, 27 Qua-
lity street — house, 2 Albany street
Saunders, John, wright, 15 Mitchell street —
house, 28 Bernard street
Saunders, P. R. appraiser, 2 Albany st. Leith
Saunders, Wra. sol.-at-law and S.S.C. 51
Albany street
Saunders, Miss Catharine, 12 Clarence street
Savings Bank, Nat. Sec. 15 Bernard street,
Sa»^ille, Miss, 19 Duke street lane
Sawers, George, commission merchant, 85
George street
Sawers, John, Bell's mills
Sawers, Peter, saddler to her IMajesty, 24
Frederick street — house, 1 7 Union place
Sawers, Thomas, jun. baker, 310 Lawnmarket
— house, 441
Sawers, Thomas, 8 Archibald place
Saxty, Richard, ladies' bootmaker, 52 George
Saxty, Mrs, and Leslie, lace cleaners, 52
George street
Sayers, Robert, 31 Broughton street
Scarman, George, cook, 23 Union place
Scarth & Scott, W.S., N.P. 37 Bernard st.
Scarth, Pillans, W.S. & N.P. {S. Jj Scott), 37
Bernard street
Scales, Andrew, 3 Madeira place
ScealeSj Adolphus M. Willow bank, Newhaven
Sceales, Miss, Adelphi place
Schaw, Robt. & Co. wine merchants, 33 Giles'
street, Leith
Schaw, Robert (-R. S. 6f Co.), Links pi. Leith
Schaw, Miss, 1 Morton street, Leith
Schenck & Macfarlane, lithographers and en-
gravers, 19 St James' square
Schenck, Frederick (iS. and Macfarlane), Can-
ning bouse. Canning place
Scheniman, Mrs, 14 Howard place
Schmitz, Leonard, Dr Phil., L.L.D., F.R. S.E.
Rector of High School, 9 Regent terrace
Schnieder, C. H. French Academy, 132
George street
Schoelcher, Madame E., Magazine Fran9ais,
103 Princes street
School of Arts library and model room,
Adam square
School, St Thomas's, Gibb's close, 250 Ca-
School, Rev. Dr And. Thomson's, 10 Queens-
ferry street — Robert Burns Crowe, rector
ScHOOLMAsi ERs' Widows' Fund, 1 6 Thistle st.
Schopp, teacher of German, 29 Frederick st.
Schultze, Alex, merchant, 1 Vanburgh place
Schultze, Alex. & Co. wholesale grocers and
commission merchs. 23 Coburg st. Leith
Sclanders, A. (Allardice and S-.), 143 Princes
Sclater, Robert & Son, die and stamp cutters,
63 North bridge — house, 18 Buccleuch pi.
Sclater, Alex, wood engraver, 63 N. bridge —
house, 50 Rankeillor street
Sclater, T. & D. boot and shoerars. 3 Elder st.
Sclater, Mrs, lodgings, 3 Maitland place
Scobie, David, bookbinder, 1 6* Market street
Scoon, Kenneth, baker, 37 Clerk St.— ho. 31
Scoon, Wm. & Kenneth, bakers, 161 High st.
Scot, Miss, 87 Great King street
Scotland, A. Pearson, S.S.C. 7 S. Charlotte st.
Scotland, Major D., E.I.C.S., 10 Inverleith
Scotland, D. & J. grocers and provision deal-
ers, 21 Coburg St. — ho. 40 Bridge st. Leith
Scotland, Thos. inspec. of the poor, & teacher
of navigation, 40 Bridge street
Scotsman Newspaper Office, 257 High street
Scott & Allan, wine merchants, 3 ^irkgate
Scott & Ferguson engravers, lithographers,
and printers, 11 South St Andrew street
Scott & Gillespie, W.S. 17 Duke street
Scott & Orr, chemists & drug. 21 Dundas st.
Scott, Low, & Co. (late Patison & Pringle),
silk mercers, drapers, and general outfitters,
4, 5, and 6 South bridge
Scott, Rymer, & Scott, W.S., 38 Frederick st.
Scott, Adam B. tailor, 18 Shore
Scott, A. W. manufacturer of aerated waters,
5 Water lane
Scott, Alex, bootmaker, 109 George street
Scott, Alex, engraver, 4 Northumberland place
Scott, Alex., H.E.LC.S. 41 Lauriston place
Scott, Alex, shipmaster, 6 Madeira street
Scott, Alex, baker, 47 London street
Scott, Alexander, baker, 10 Scotland street
Scott, Alex, mason, 44 Howe street
Scott, Andrew, W.S. 13 Drummond place
Scott, Andrew, seamen's hat manufacturer, 36
Commercial place
Scott, Andrew, outfitter, &c. 11 Salisbury pi.
Scott, Andrew, sen. shipm. 5 Madeira place
Scott, Andrew, jun. builder, 7 Regent st.
Scott, Andrew, tailor, 53 Bristo street
Scott, Andrew, cabinetmaker, 3 Leopold place
Scott, Arch. 20 Walker street
Scott, Archibald, 5 Leopold place
Scott, Archibald, architect, 10 Teviot row
Scott, B. spirit dealer, Hillhousefield
Scott & Son, postmasters, 83 Rose st.
Scott, Charles Glendonwyn, 16 St John st.
Scott, Charles, advocate, 22 Abercromby pi.
and Canaan villa, Morningside
Scott, David, baker, 40 Lothian street
Scott, David, accountant, and agent for the
Sun Insurance Company, 1 London street
Scott, David, inspector of lighthouses, 6 Her-
mitac^e place
Scott, David, flesher, 3 West Richmond st.
Scott, David, shipowner, 5 ^ladeira place
Scott. David, farmer, INIeadowfield, Portobello
Scott, F. shipmaster, 8 Bonnington placo
Scott, George, 5 Ratcliffe terrace
Scott, George, baker, 1 Warriston place
Scott, George, 3G George street
Scott, Georse, 11 King's place, Leith walk
Scott, George, spirit dealer, 32 Abbey hill
Scott, George, builder, Bellevue
Scott, George, gatekeeper, Royal Infirmary
Scott, Isaac, postmr. to the Queen, Braehouse,
and Royal academy for riding, Lothian road
Scott, James, surgeon, 20 Elder street
Scott, James, portrait-painter, 63 Frederick st.
Scott, James, shoemaker, 40 Cumberland st.
Scott, James, M.D. surgeon, 19 Young street
Scott. James (JVight cS' »S'.), Claremont park
Scott. Dr .James, deputy-inspector of hospitals i
and fleets, 6 Areyle sq.
Scott, James, 25 Pitt street
Scott, James, Oakfield house, W. Arthur pi.
Scott. .James, cabinetmaker, upholsterer, and
undertaker, 10 Clyde st. and 3 Dundas st.
Scott, James, grocer, 46 Bridge street
Scott, James, ginger beer brewer, 96 Giles' st.
Scott, .James (G. P.-O.), 5 Ratcliffe terrace
Scott. .Jas. furnishing ironmonger, 24 Howe st.
tiCOtt. James, baker, 51 No. Richmond street
Scott, James, grocer and coal merchant, 18 N.
Union pi ice
Scott. James (.7. arid T. 5.), 14 Frederick st.
Scott, .Jas. coal merchant, 30 Lothian street
Scott, James Fitzmaurice, 10 Randolph cres.
Scott, J. & T. upholsterers and undertakers,
10 George street
Scott. John, spirit merchant, 13 Hope street
Scott, Jn. {S. <^ Gillespie), 21 Abercromby pi.
Scott, John (S'carth tS- 6'.), 11 Hermitage pi.
Scott, John {Blackhall!^ S.), 30 Haddington pi.
Scott, John, cabinetmaker, 237 Cowgate
Scott, John (Customs), Cockburn bank, Bon-
Scott, John, provision merch. 2 Leith walk
Scott, John, boot and shoem. 54 Broughton st.
Scott, .John, leather-mercht. 12 Baker's place
Scott, John, smith, 4 Robb's court
Scott, Jn. R. landscape-painter, 22 Dundas st.
Scott, John, grocer, 1 Canon st. Canonmills
Scott, John, grocer, 40 Water lane
Scott, John, smallware mercht. 135 Kirkgate
Scott, John, 2 Salisbury square
Scott, John, 8 Cumberland street
Scott, .1. cowfeeder, 1 Albany street
Scott, Morris, Peacock Inn, Newhaven
Scott, Peter, clothier and ehirt merchant, 9
South bridge — house, 3 Bruntsfield place
Scott, Peter, corah printer and wholesale shirt,
stock, and bandana merchant, 7 Hunter sq.
Scott, R. P. writing-master, 53 George street
Scott, Robert, 4 Gardner's crescent
Scott, Robert (S. and Allan), Bonnington bk.
Scott, Robert, sol.-at-law and S.S.C. 63 Noril'
Hanover street
Scott, R. E. accountant, 127 Princes street
Scott, Robert, Regent hotel, 14 Waterloo pi.
Scott, Robert (Excise), 6 Bank place
Scott, Robert, comm. agent, 8 Duke street
Scott, Robert, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit
merchant, 175 High street
Scott, Stewart, upholsterer and cabinetmaker,
IMeuse lane and Broughton market
Scott, Thomas G. (S., Bymer, and S.), 22
Heriot row
Scott, Thos. accountant, 8 North St David
street — house, 3 Gayfield square
Scott, Thos. {J. §f T. S.), 16 Rutland street
Scott, Thos. spirit dealer, 9 Couper street
Scott, Thomas, 41 Lauriston place
Scott, Thos. bank messenger, 16 Fettes row
Scott, W. vegetable pill wareh. 10 S. College st.
Scott, Captain Walter, 9 Gayfield square
Scott, W. spirit dlr. 27 Tolbooth wynd, Leiih
Scott, Walter, commission agent, 23 Duke st.
Scott, Wm. & Co., Jawcraig colliery office, 5
' Port-Hopetoua
Scott, Wm. spirit dealer, 35 Giles' street
Scott, Wm. painter, 23 Home street
Scott, William, joiner, Venetian blind maker,
! 156 Rose street
Scott, Wm. M.D., F.R.C.S.E. 4 Dean terrace
! Scott, Wm. N. B. Railwatj, 2 Abbey liill
Scott, VVm. gatekeeper, Edinburgh Poor Ho.
! Scott, Wm. coal master, 5 Graham street
'' Scott, Wm. H., Dr, 4 Rutland street
Scott, Wm. flesher, 18 Roxburgh place
Scott, W'm. draper,' I Nicolson street — house,
1 1 Scotland street
Scott, Mrs A. fruiterer, 78 Queen st — ho. 76
Scott, ]Mrs Adam, 10 St Andrew square
Scott, Mrs David, 27 Rutland street
Scott, Mrs James, 28 London street
\ Scott, Mrs Mary, 17 Ann street
Scott, Mrs Mary, baker, 2 Claremont place
Scott, Mrs, 4 Nicolson square
Scott, Mrs, millinery wareho. 13 Union pi.
; Scott, IMrs Wm. coach-hirer, 10 Buccleuch st.
Scott, ]\Irs, ladies' nurse, 75 Broughton street
Scott, ]Mrs, ladies' nurse, 14 Arthur street
Scott, Mrs, 2 Lauriston terrace
Scott, Mrs, 33 Heriot row
Scott, Mrs, 9 Raeburn place
Scott, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 23 Home street
Scott, Mrs, 6 Haddington place
Scott, Mrs, 41 Great King street
Scott, Mrs, lodgings, 46 Rankeillor street
Scott, Mrs, 2 Bellevue terrace
Scott, Mrs, 10 St Patrick square
Scottj Mrs, flesher, 20 Lothian street
Scott, Mrs, Muirhouse, Granton
Scott, Miss B. 30 India street
Scott, Miss Catherine, 4G Ann street
Scott, INIrs Isabella, Seafield place, S. Leith
Scott, jMIss, 5 George square
Scott, Miss, 5 Buccleuch place
Scott, Miss, 59 Lauriston place
Scott, Miss, 26 Alva street
Scott, IVIiss, 39 Dublin street
Scott, Miss, 12 Pilrig street
Scott, Miss, dressmaker, 100 George street
Scott, Miss, milliner, &c. 19 Queen street
Scott, Misses M. k E. dress and straw-hat
makers, 2 West Nicolson street
Scott, Misses, 9 Gayfield square
Scottish Agriculturist Almanac and Year
Book of Progress — office, 7 Pitt street
Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society,
3 North St David street. — See Adv.
Scottish Association for Suppressing Drunk-
enness, 6 York place — John Buckle, conv.
Scottish Colour Works, Timber bush, and 5
Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society,
26 St Andrew sq. — Robert Christie,raanager
— See Adv.
Scottish Institution for Education of Young
Ladies, 9 Moray place See Adv.
Scottish Jurist Office, 7 George street
Scottish Missionary Society's Committee-
room, 6 York place
Scottish Naval and Military Academy,
Lothian road
Scottish Press Office, 251 High street.
Scottish Provident Institution for Life As-
surance and Annuities, ] 4 St Andrew sq.
—James Watson, manager. — See Adv.
Scottish Provincial (formerly Aberdeen)
Assurance Co. 65 Princes street — James M.
Macandrew, account., local sec. — See Adv.
Scottish Property Investment Co. 102 South
Scottish Permanent Property Investment
Society, 13 Royal Exchange — Thomas
M'Dowall, manager
Scottish Railway Gazette Office, 30 Hanover
Scottish Rights Association — F. H. Carter,
sec. 4 St Andrew square
Scottish Reformation Society, office, 6York
place — George Lyon, hon. secretary ; Rev.
Dr Edward M. Dill, acting secretary
Scottish Trade Protection Society, II
Bank street— James P. Falkner S.S.C,
secretary and law agent — Thos. S. Lind-
say, assistant secretary and cashier
Scottish Union Fire and Life Insurance
Co. 47 George street — George Ramsay,
manager ; James Barlas, sec See Adv.
Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance
Society, 5 St Andrew square— John M'Ken-
zie, manager. — See Adv.
Scougall & Drysdale, grocers, tea, wine, &
spirit dealers, 223 High street and 14 South
St James' street — house, 150 High street
Scougall, G. &Son, corn factors, 1.5 Quality st.
Scougall, Ellis, & Co. merchts. 132 Consti-
tution street
Scougall, Andrew, flesher, 67 Nicolson street
— house, 1 West Richmond street
Scougall, J. iS. Ellis, S,' Co.), 13 Pilrig st.
Scrivener, William, commercial lodgings, 17
Union place
Scrymgeour, Daniel, teacher, Circus place
school, 2 Athole place
Scrymgeour, Henry, upholstery work-rooms,
23 George street
Scrymgeour, Miss, 23 Clerk street
Scrymgeour, Miss, lodgings, 125 Princes st.
Seater, Geo. S. (Hull Sf Leit/i Ship. Co.), 8
London row
Seaton & Marshall, bootmakers, 50 West Re-
gister street
Seaton, David, tavern keeper, 10 Fleshmarket
Seaton, David, bootmaker, 6 St Andrew sq.
Seaton, Robt. auctioneer, Lothian road
Seator, Robert, lighthouse-storekeeper, 18
Granton cottages
Seggie, Alex, machine and press maker, 3
East Rose street la. — ho. 6 Brunswick street
Selby, Robert Barclay, solicitor-at-law and
S.S.C. 26 Dundas street
Select Subscription Library, 26 Waterloo
place — Hunter Simpson, librarian
Seller, Dr, F.R.C.P. 18 Northumberland
Senebier, Fr. teacher of French, Naval and
Military, 3 Alva street
Servants' Institution, 5 Frederick street —
David Stevenson, clerk
Session Clerk's Office for the City, 10 Royal
Session Clerk's Office for St Cuthbert'c, 14
Lothian road
Session Clerk's OflBce of Canongate, 179
Session Clerk's Office for South Leith, 3
Coatfield lane
Session Clerk for North Leith, 40 Bridge st.
Seton, George, advocate, 13 Coates crescent
Seton, Gregor, wine & spirit mer. 73 York pi.
— house, 15 St Jameb' square
Seton, Henry, veterinary surgeon, 129 Rose
street — bouse, 17 Lauriston street
Seton, Patrick, boot and shoemaker, 45 Can-
dlemaker row
Seton, Robert, foreign and English booksel-
ler, stationer, and bookbinder, 81 George
street and 12 N. Bank street — house, 121
Princes street
Seton, Maj. R, S,, H.E.I.CS. 9 Windsorst.
Seton, Mrs, 13 Coates crescent
Shakspeare Society — T. G. Stevenson, 87
Princes street, agent
Shand and Farquhar, W.S. masters extraor-
dinary in Chancery, 24 Queen street
Shand, Alex. B. advocate, 5 Albany street
Shand, Chas. Farquhar, advocate, 6 StColnae st.
Shand, John, W.S. 24. Royal circus
Shand, R. bookseller and stationer, 41 Dundas
Shand, Thos. victual & spirit dealer, 2 Dean st,
Shand, W. R,, 46 Brunswick street
Shand, Mrs Alex. Garden,, 4 West Maitland
Sband, Mrs, 25 Walker street
Shankly, John C, painter and glazier, 105
Shanks, Christopher, bootm, 2 Catharine st
Shanks, D. cabinetmaker and house factor, 1
Leslie place — ho. 22 Raeburn place
Shanks, James, 2 Melville street
Shanks, Thomas, fishing-tackle manufactTirer,
25 ISTorth bridge
Shanks, Mrs, 58 Broughton street
Sharp, William, Auckland villa
Sharp, 'Mrs, ladies' nurse, 46 Great King street
Sharp, Mrs, private lodgings, !• Erskine place
Sharp, Mrs Robert, 5 Lutton place
Sharp, JMiss, 126 Lauriston place
Sharp, Isabella, poulterer, 13 Dundas street
Sharp, Mrs, lodgings, 6 Eastfield
Sharp, Miss H. 17 Shand wick place
Sharp, Miss Marion, ladies' outfit and milli- 1
nery warehouse, 37 Geo. IV. bridge
Shaw & Son, coal merchts. 2 Port-Hamilton
Shaw, Alexander, tailor, 53 Brunswick street I
Shaw, Charles, confectioner, 17 Hanover st. |
Shaw, D. chimney-sweeper, 3 Pitt street '
Shaw, Capt. H. J., Spring Garden House, I
Abbey hill ■
Shaw, James, 1 Lower Gilmore place j
Shaw, James, boat-builder, Coates place i
Shaw, John (^Lindsay ^- iS".), 2 Baxter's place |
Shaw, Patrick, advocate, sheriff of Chancery,
36 Charlotte square
Shaw, Robert, dairy, Mainpoint
Shaw, Thos. W. peruke maker, 7 Chapel st.
Shaw, Wni. {N. British Railway'), St Ann's
mount, Abbey hill
Shaw, William (.S. 4 Son), 21 Semple street
Shaw, Mrs Dr, 7 Clarence street
Shaw, Mrs John, 25 Stafford street
Shaw, Jliss, 7 Union street
Shaw, Miss Margaret, 2 Howard street
Shea, David, provision dealer, 113 Kirkgate
Shearer, John (G.P.-O.), 7 E. Preston street
Shearer, J. T. Elizafield, Bonnington
Shearer, ;Mrs, 21 Broughton place
Shedden, R., spirit dealer, 23 Greenside row
Shennan, John, builder, Bellevue cottage
Shennan, Mrs, Bellevue cottage
Shepherd, Grant, & Cuthbertson, W.S. 5 K
Charlotte street
Shepherd, Alex, spirit merchant, 22 Bread st.
Shepherd, Js. (S. G. and Cuthbertson, W.S.),
15 Charlotte square
Shepherd, James, stationer and bookseller,
8 Leith street — house, 4 Eldpr street
Shepherd, John, tea dealer, 54 India street
Shepherd, Wm. drysalter, 2 S. St James' st.
— ho. 1 N. St James' street
Shepherd, Wm. draper, 46 Howe st. — ^ho. 44
Shepherd, Mrs, 18 Cumberland street
Sheppard, John & James, painters, glaziers,
and paper-hangers, 21 Frederick street
— house, 68 George street
Sheppard, Mrs Jas. painter, glazier, and paper-
hanger, 107 George street — house, 37 Castle
Sheppard, Miss, hair-preserver, 30 Castle
street, and Bury street, London
Sherar, John, surveyor & account. 9 Dean st.
Sherifi' Clerk's Office, County buildings
Sheriff Clerk's Office, 18 Charlotte st. Leith
Sheriff Court Room, 108 Constitution street,
Clerk of Chancery Office, Exchequer cham-
bers, Parliament square — T. G. Souter,
Sheriff, David, boot and shoe maker, 43 St
Leonard street
Sheriff, James, cabinetmaker, 5 Hope street —
house, 4 Melville place
Sheriff, Wm. C. 5 Saunders' street
Sherlaw, G. & Co. grocers, 1 Couper street
Shield, George, depute-clerk of session, 14
Duke street
Shiell, Ant. stockbroker, 5 Hanover street —
house, 1 Windsor street
Shiell, John, builder and cabinetmaker, 3 E.
Newingtou place
Shiell, Wm. assistant clerk of session. Regis-
ter /louse, 8 Middleby street
Shiels, John S. ( JF. S. 6; Co.), 24 Pilrig street
Shiels, Matthew, confectioner, 109 High street
and 45 N. Bridge — house, 106 Lauriston
Shiels, Robt. & Son, wholesale confectioners,
5 and 6 Bristo place
Shiels, Wm, & Co. wine merchts. 52 Constitu-
tion court
Shiels, Wm., R.S.A. 19 N.-W. Circus place
Shillinglaw, Thos. writer, 11 Rankeillor street
Shillinglaw, Thos. E. B. 29 Cheyne street
Shiress, David S. 48 India street
Shirley, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 22 William street
ShirrefF, Charles H. corn factor. North British
Railway station
Shirreff, C. J. advocate, 22 Abercromby pi.
Shirreff, Mrs James, 38 Great King street
Shirreff, Mrs, 6 Quality street, Leith
Shirreff, Miss, 16 Hart street
Shoolbraid, Miss, 15 Thomson's place, Leith
Shore-Dues Office, Custom-house, Leith
Short, James, clerk, 3 E. Arthur place
Short, John, church officer, 19 Rose street
Short, Mrs, 5 N. Newington place
Shotts Iron Co.'s Foundry, 9 Springfield,
Leith-walk— Alex. Sinclair, manager
Sibbald, Alex, flesher, 177 Cowgate
Sibbald, And., goods agent, {E. P. S^ D. Rail-
way^, citadel, Leith
Sibbald, And., Southern District Academy,
23 St Patrick square. — See Adv.
Sibbald, George, surgeon, 2 Argyle square
Sibbald, J. and Sons, ironmongers, 64 Geo. st.
Sibbald, James S. & Co. corn factors. Quality
court — house, Elizafield house
Sibbald, John Robertson, M.D., F.R.C.S.E.
141 Princes street
Sibbald, Thos. (J. <S. and Sons), 64 George
Sibbald, Walter (J. ;S. and Sons), 45 Geo. sq.
Sibbald, Wm. cowfeeder, Bell's mills
Sibbald, Mrs, Elizafield house
Sibbald, Mrs Captain, 20 Nelson street
Sibbald, Mrs, cook, 39 India place
Sibbald, Mrs Henry, 27 Great King street
Sibbald, Mrs, 5 Nicolson street
Sibbald, Mrs, 5 Bank place, Leith
Sibbald, ]\Iiss, 11 Brandon street
Sidey, Charles, surgeon-accoucheur, 64 Ha-
nover street
Sidey, Dr James A. surgeon, 25 Howe street
Sidey, John, draper and hosier, 12 Charlotte
place — house, 1 Gardner's crescent
Signet Library, Parliament square
Signet Office, Register house
Silvie, James, writer, 46 Home street
Sim, Alex. 1 Janefield place
Sim, Fr. R. glass chandelier and cut glass
manufacturer, 95 Princes street
Sim, George, writer, 40 Charlotte square
Sim, John, 16 Danube street
Sim, William, trimming warehouse, 29 Fre-
derick street
Sim, Wra. secretary Edinburgh Bible tiocieiy,
2 East Preston street
Sim, Mrs, 40 Charlotte square
Sime, A. teacher of navigation, 5 Fox lane
Sime, Geo. smith, 15 Roxburgh terrace
Sime, Rev. John, 3 Windmill street
Sime, John, accountant {H. Maitland 8f Co),
3 Duncan street, Newington
Sime, Robert, 1 8 West Nicolson street
Sime, Thos. (P. Sf R. Wright), 31 Scotland st.
Sime, Mrs Andrew, 29 Richmond place
Simm, John, 7 Fyfe place,
Simmie, Mrs Dr, 6 Raeburn place
Simpson & Graham, silver-platers and sad-
dlers' ironmongers, Mound place
Simpson & Rowden, corn merchants, 22 Com-
mercial place
Simpson & Wilson, coach-builders, 62 Abbey
Simpson, Alex. & Co. grocers, tea, wine, and
spirit merchts. 5 Baker's place — house, 50
Brunswick street
Simpson, Alex, tailor, 6 Ingliston street
Simpson, Archd. Inglis, Primrose place
Simpson, Edward, staff-surgeon R.A. Jess-
field, Newhaven
Simpson, George, Lothian road
Simpson, George, chimney sweep, 69 Causey-
Simpson, G. B. Cook, 4 Albany street
Simpson, Henry, clerk, 17 Princes street
Simpson, Hunter, librarian Edinburgh Select
Subscrijdion Library, 9 Meadow place
Simpson, Dr James Y., F.R.C.P. professor of
midwifery in the University, 52 Queen st.
Simpson, Jas. surveyor of buildings, 42 Home
Simpson, James, shoemaker, 6 Melbourne pi.
Simpson, James, 12 South St Jaraes' street
Simpson, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 42
Main st. Newhaven
Simpson, Jn. ( Union Bank), Bonnington lodge
Simpson, J. {^Clydesdale ^.), 11 Archibald pi.
Simpson, John {A. Melrose^ Co.), 2 Melville st.
Simpson, J ohn{ SSj^ Rowden), Maideira. st.Leith
Simpson, John (G. P.-O.), 9 Meadow place
Simpson, John {S. c^- W.), 62 Abbey hill
Simpson, John, spirit dealer, 56 Fountain br.
Simpson, John, grocer, 101 Grassmarket
Simpson, John, baker, 34 N orthumberland st.
— house, 22 Duudas street ,
Simpson, John, bootmaker, 2 Crichton street
Simpson, John, stoneware merchant, 4 Warris-
ton place
Simpson, P. tailor and clothier, 9 Downie pi.
Simpson, Patrick B., younger of Cobairdy,
15 Albany street
Simpson, Richard, cabinetmaker and uphol-
sterer, 121 George st ho. Lothian road
Simpson, R. and H. coal merchants, 7 Port
Simpson, Robt. boot & shoe maker, 2 Circus pi.
Simpson, Robert, mason, 8 Glover street
Simpson, Robt. D. scale and beam maker, 2
W. Crosscausey and 13 Clerk street
Simpson, Walter {London and Edinburgh-
Shipping Company), 41 Shore
Simpson, Rev. Wm. 1 Buccleuch street
Simpson, Wm. china merch. 6 Low market st.
Simpson, Mrs And. lodgings, 69 Hanover st.
Simpson, Mrs Colonel, 4 Melville street
Simpson, Mrs George H. 2 Henderson row
Simpson, Mrs James, 4 Park street
Simpson, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 1 Broughton pi.
Simpson, Mrs, grocer, tQ Lauriston street
Simpson, Mrs, lodgings, 39 Northumb. st.
Simpson, Mrs, Lothian road
Simpson, Mrs, draper and dealer in shells, 40
Simpson, Mrs, victual dealer, 7 St Patrick sq.
Simpson, Mrs, lodgings, 4 Albany street
Simpson, M. & J. dress and straw-hat makers,
19 Home street
Simpson, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 92
George street
Simpson, Miss, milliner, 3 N. St Andrew st.
Simpson, Miss, 30 St Andrew square
Simson, David, teacher of drawing, 25 India st.
Simson, Geo., R.S.A. teacher of drawing, 54
Frederick street
Simson, Jas., M.D., F.R.C.S.E. 3 Glenfinlas st.
Simson, James, accountant^ 5 Picardy place
Sirason, Thos. 1 West Maitland street
Simson, Wm. assist, sec. jBa?ik of Scotland, 9
Eton terrace
Simson, Mrs James, 13 Gayfield square
Simson, Mrs Walter, 18 Albany street, Leith
Simson, Miss, seminary, 15 St Andw. st. Leith
Sinclair, Liddle, and Co. commission af^ents,
drysalters, oil and colourmen, 1 & 2 Calton
Sinclair, Adam, A. & B. officer, 35 Kirkgate
Sinclair, Alex. 133 George street
Sinclair, Alexander, manager Shotts Foundry ^
10 Springfield, Leith walk
Sinclair, Andw. hairdresser, 7 Milne square
Sinclair, Colin, bookseller and stationer, 69
George street
Sinclair, Daniel, cottage, Powderliall
Sinclair, David, grocer, 9 Fox lane, Leith
Sinclair, Daniel, commercial traveller, 4 East
St James' street
Sinclair, D. janitor. High school
Sinclair, Duncan & Sons, letterfounders,
Whiteford house
Sinclair, George L., W.S. 4 Walker street
Sinclair, James, draper, 4 Bank street
Sinclair, James, mercantile accountant, Uni-
corn pursuivant, Scotch college of arms,
7 Brown street
Sinclair, John, baker, 14 Lothian street
Sinclair, John, baker, 24 Tobago street
Sinclair, John, conjunct city clerk, City Cham-
bers— house, 2 Wharton lane
Sinclair, John, baker and confectioner, 142
Princes street
Sinclair, John, letter-carrier, 5 Calton hill
Sinclair, John, junior, shirt maker, and manu- !
facturer, 79 So. bridge — ho. 10 Hailes st. j
Sinclair, John, wine and spirit merchant, 126
Kirkgate — house 125
Sinclair, Peter, commercial temperance hotel,
12 South St David street
Sinclair, Robert, assist, clerk of Session, 12
Henderson row
Sinclair, Robt. shipmaster, 2 N. Fort street
Sinclair, Dr Veitch, surgeon, 12 Elder street
Sinclair, William, 7 Dfummond street
Sinclair, William, com. merchant, 24 Scotland
Sinclair, Wm. late merchant, 7 Brown street
Sinclair, Wm. cooper and fish-curer, 22 Giles'
Sinclair, Wood, cooper and stave merchant,
5 Mitchell st ho. 3 Summerfield, Leith
Sinclair, Mrs, sick-nurse, 3 Windmill lane
Sinclair, Mrs, 108 George street
Sinclair, Mrs Malm, sen., 29 Buccleuch place
Sinclair, Miss B. coal merchant, 22 Port-
Sinclair, Miss C. 7 Charles street
Sinclair, Miss, Whiteford house
Sinclair, Misses, of Ulbster, 133 George street
Sinclair's Commercial Temperance Hotel, 11,
I 17, and 20 Waterloo place
' Singer, Mrs, 2 St Bernard's cresent
Sinton, John, slater, 57 Nicolsoa street
Sinton, Wm. slater, 11 St Leonard's lane
Sivewright, C. K. Cargillfield, Trinity
Skae, David, M.D., F.R.C.S., physician to
Royal Edin. Lunatic Asylum
Skae, Ebenezer, M.D. 5 Argyle square
Skaife, Mrs, 5 Nelson street
Skeen, Mrs, 56 Bridge street
Skelden, Rob. wood and coal merchant. Rose
lane, Abbey hill
Skelton, Misses, 20 Alva street
Skene & Tod, W.S. 53 Great King street
Skene, Capt. A. 9 Mansion-house rd. Grange
Skene, William Forbes, 20 Inverleith row
Skene, Mrs Jane, 4 Duncan street, Leith
Skiffington, John, broker, 93 High street
Skill, Mrs, 3 Montagu street
Skilling, Andrew M. shoemaker, 3 Helen
place, North Leith
Skilling, Jno., & Son, bootmakers, 30 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
Skinner, John Holt, 18 Carlton terrace
Skinner, Wm., W.S. 12 Forth street
Skinner, W. R., S.S.C. 12 Windsor street
Skinner, Mrs J. R. 2 Elder street
Skirving, David, 3 Frederick street
Skirving, Thos. farmer. Nether Quarryholes
Slate, Misses, 20 Annandale street
Slater, Andrew, slater, 1 St John street
Slater, James, cabinetmaker, 52 Broughton st.
Slater, Peter, sculptor, 36 Albany street
Slater, Mrs, grocer, 30 India street
Sleigh, George, tailor, 41 Lothian street
Sleigh, Mrs Eleanor, baker, 6 Glanville pi.
Slight, Alex. 3 Shrub place
Slight, Alex, road surveyor, 13 Downie place
Slight, George, 3 Summerhall place
Slight, Geo. H. engineer, 19 Gayfield square
Slight, Jas. engineer, machine-maker, & foun-
der, 34 Leith walk — ho. 2 Haddington place
Sligo, John, of Carmyle, 5 Drummond place J
Slimon, Wm. dairyman, 31 Giles' st. Leith aj
Slimmon, Mrs, hosier, 55 Tolbooth wy. Leith
Sloan & Stoddart, coal merchants, 49 Brough-
ton St., St Cuthbert's lane, and Leith walk
Sloan, Mrs Thos. lodgings, 5 Keir street
Sloan, M. dressmaker, 1 S. St James' street
Sloan, G. Douglas, dressra. 35 W. Nicolson st.
Slymand, John, printer, 138 Nicolson street
Small & Co. wholesale & retail china and
gla?s warehouse, 33 George IV, bridge
Small, Andrewr, victual dealer, 19 Charles st.
Small, Robert, victual dealer, 2 Hamilton pi.
High riggs
Small, Wm. A. of Overraains, R.N. 1 Athole
Small, Andrew {Royal Bank), 8 London st.
Small, Miss, spirit dealer, 200 Rose street
Small, David, basketmaker, 33 Hanover st.
Small, John, college librarian, 16 Duncan st.
Small, Wm. & Js. bird-stuflFers, 38 George st.
Small, Wm., hosier, 59 Clerk st. — house, 61
Small, Wm. grocer and spirit dealer, 93
Small, W. Kerr, basketmaker, 35 Blair street
Small, Mrs, 16 Duncan st. Drummond place
Smart, Alex, printer, 5 South College street
Smart, James, flesher, 25 Middle market
Smart, Rev. John, D.D. 11 Smith's place
Smart, John & Son, bootmakers, 1 Queen
street — house, 12 Union street
Smart, John, flesher, 15 W. Nicolson street
Smart, Jno. spirit mercbt. 45 Leith st. 19 W. |
Richmond St., US Giles' St., and 33 Shore,
Leith — house, 11 Calton street
Smart, R. C. engraver, lithographer, and gold
printer, 20 Elm row — ho. 9 Smith's place
Smart, Robt. wine and spirit merchant, 1 Shak-
speare square — house, 2
Smart, Wm. spirit dealer, 27 Richmond place,
and 172 Pleasance
Smart, Mrs J. spirit mer. 84 St Mary's wynd
Smart, Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 6
Brighton street
Smeal, J. grocer and spirit dealer, 3 Admiralty
Smellie & JefFery, grocers and spirit dealers,
263 Cowgate
Smellie, H., grocer, 82 Crosscausey — ho. 84
Smellie, Henry, jun. grocer, 30 North Rich-
mond street
Smellie, Jn. tea dealer & grocer, 33 Bristo st.
27 Home street, and 2 Orchardfield place
Smellie, Wm. J. {G. P.-O.), 7 N.-W. Circus
Smibert, George, baker, 216 Canongate
Smibert, Robt. spirit dlr. 27 Queen st. Leith
Smibert, Thomas, 8 Morrison street
Smith & Garland, tobacconists and fancy
warehouse, 108 and 109 Kirkgate
Smith & Kinnear, W.S. 35 Queen street
Smith and Girvan, milliners, 70 George st.
Smith & M'^Laren, merchants, 3 Bank street,
Smith & M'Gregor, ale bottlers, 68 Grange
court, Causeyside
Smith & Win wick, spirit mers. 97 Kirkgate
Smith, Brothers, window ticket and show-
card printers, engravers and lithographers,
25 North bridge
Smith, Adam, hairdresser, 43 Shore — house,
Fillyside cottage
Smith, Alexander, W.S. 18 York place
Smith, Alex, umbrella maker, 99 Nicolson st.
Smith, Alex. M. teacher St Stepheiis school —
house, 7 St Vincent street
Smith, Alex. "William, teacher of singing, 12
Antigua street
Smith, Alex. Gordon, 20 Gardner's crescent
Smith, Alex, tailor, 127 Rose street
Smith, Andrew, Willowbrae
Smith, Andrew, S.S.C. 29 Buccleuch place
Smith, Andrew, W.S. 27 Dundas street
Smith, Chas. grocer, 3 Duke street, Leith
Smith, Capt. Charles, li.N. 25 Howard pi.
Smith, Colvin, portrait painter, 32 York pi.
Smith, C. 125 Nicolson street
Smith, Daniel, tailor, 170 High street
Smith, David, writer, 6 Clarence street
Smith, David {Edinburgh and Perth Bread
Co.), 16 Richmond place
Smith, David, plumber and gasfilter, 2G West
Smith, David, dyer and scourer, 10 St An-
drew square and St John's hill
Smith, David {Inland lievcnue)^ 10 Roxburgh
Smith, David, builder, 8 Glover street
Smith, David {S. Sf Kinnear), 2 Ainslie place
Smith, David, clerk, 7 Spence's place, Leith
Smith, David, & co. ship-brokers and commis-
sion agents, 2 Dock gates — house, Madeira
Smith, George, joiner, 19 N.-W. Circus place
Smith, George, architect, 18 Gt. King street
Smith, Rev. George, 4 Randolph chff
Smith, George, shawl manufr. 1 08 So. bridge
— house, 4 Salisbury road
Smith, George, Lauder road. Grange
Smith, George, fruiterer, 7 St Patrick street
Smith, Geo. tailor, &c. 4 Tolbooth wynd, Leith
Smith, Geo. brush & trunk manuf. 73 Nicol-
son street
Smith, George, provision dealer, 89 Kirkgate
Smith, George, boot and shoemaker, 40 Home
Smith, George, 1 Stead's place.
Smith, G. {H. M. Customs), S. Fort street
Smith, G. F. agent, 11 Dundas street
Smith, G. L, Royal bank
Smith, Henry {T. and H. S.), Catherine cot.
Smith, Henry, tea mercht. 51 Nicolson st.
Smith, Harry, W.S., 9 Dundas street
Smith, I. tobacconist, 39 W. Register street
Smith, J. smith and farrier, 101 Abbey hill
Smith, J. A. baker, 183 High street
Smith, Js. & Co. cork manuf. 56 Nicolson st.
Smith, James, house superintendent Royal
Edinburgh Asylum — house, Fuschie cottage
Smith, Jas. architect, H. M. master mason'—
office, 6 Charlotte place ; house, 7 W. Mait-
land street
Smith, James cabinetmaker, 3 Middle Arthur
Smith, James, 128 Constitution street
Smith, Jas. musical glass manuf. 7 Union st.
Smith, James, spirit dealer, 62 Shore
Smith, James, 27 St Patrick square
Smith, James, spirit dealer, 43 Earl Grey st.
Smith, Jas. ( T. Meek cL- Co.), I George pi.
Smith, James, wright, 7 Brown street
Smith, Jas. & Co. woollen drapers, 241 High st.
Smith, John Alex., M.D. and surgeon, 7 West
Maitland street
Smith, J. A. Arbuthnot {B. L. Co. B.), 14
Gardner's crescent
Smith, J. L. books, stationer, circulating libr.
and stamp distributor, 1 Antigua street —
house, oMoredun house, Spring gardens
Smith, John, governor of Prison, Regent road
Smith, John, cut-glass manuf. 1 Amphion pi.
Smith, John, M.D., F.R.C.F. 16 India street
Smith, John, currier, 101 Pleasance
Smith, John Gordon (of J. and R. Morley,
London), 16 Minto street
Smith, John, M.D. surgeon-dentist, 12 Dun-
das strpet
Smith, J. D. carver and gilder, picture liner and
cleaner, 33 W. Register street
Smith, John, umbrella and parasol manufac-
turer, 227 High street
Smith, John K. builder, 6 Gardner's crescent
Smith, John, writer, 6 Clarence street
Smith, John, umbrella & parasol maker &
furrier, 78 Princes street See Adv.
Smith, John, tailor and clothier, 102 South
bridge — house, 11 Argyle square
Smith, Jn. contractor and stabler, 14 Grass-
Smith, John, coal merchant, 8 Downie place
Smith, John, 3 Gillespie street
Smith, John, cabinetmaker, 42 Hanover street
— house, 57
Smith, John, shawl & dress manufacturer &
draper, 105 South bridge
Smith, John, shipowner, 9 John's pi. Leith
Smith, John, wright, 8 Glover street j
Smith, John (J. S. and So?i), 24 Nicolson st. j
Smith, J. & Son, wireworkers and weavers,
mill-stone builders, importers of French
burr locks, 219 High street — See Adv.
Smith, Lau. shipmaster, 4 Portland terrace
Smith, Peter, wine and spirit merchant, 21
Smith, Peter, letter-carrier, 32 Buccleuch st.
Smith, R. M. 4 Bellevue crescent — office, 35
Bernard street, Leith
Smith, Robt. (Customs), 2 Hamburg place
Smith, Robert, S.S.C, 9 Stafford street
Smith, R. architect, practical and consulting
builder and valuator, 12 Royal Exchange —
house, St Cuthbert's glebe
Smith, Robert, house- governor. Poor-house,
Forrest road
Smith, Robert, spirit merchant, 7 Hamilton
Smith, R. Philips, 24 Gayfield square
Smith, S. tailor and clothier, 16 South bridge
Smith, T. & H. surgeons and druggists, and
manufs. of aerated waters, 21 Duke street
Smith, Thomas, surgeon, 21 Duke street
Smith, Thomas, teacher of music, 3 Heriot
Smith, Thomas, 3 "Wallace place
Smith, T. 8 M'Kenzie place
Smith, Thomas, spirit dealer, Morningside
Smith, Thomas, 1 Bank place
Smith, Thomab nnd Patrick, merchants, 35
Bernard street
Smith, Thos. painter and paper-hanger, 21
George street
Smith, Thos. lodgings, 8 Frederick street
Smith, Thomas, lodgings, 44 Cumberland st.
Smith, Walter, plumber and gasfitter, 11
India place
Smith, Walter, flesher, 12 St Anthony place
Smith, Wm. printer, 42 Gilmore place
Smith, Wm. surveyor, 147 Causeyside
Smith, Wm. wright & undertaker, 12 Upper
Dean street
Smith, William, architect and civil engineer,
35 Lothian street
Smith, Wm. (late o? Excise), 27 Montagu st.
Smith, Wm. brush manufr. 70 Nicolson st.
Smith, William, brush manufacturer, 161
Smith, William C. portioner, Tipperlinn, by
Smith, William, flesher, 10 West port
Smith, William, boot and shoemaker, 71 Tol-
booth wynd, Leith
Smith, William & Sons, builders, 79 Clerk st.
Smith, William, woollen draper, 267 High
street — house, 19^ Lauriston street
Smith, William, grocer and spirit dealer, 114
Smith, Wm. spirit dealer, 12 Grassmarket
Smith, Wm. manager £. Sf S. Law Life
Assurance Association, 120 Princes street —
house, Elmbank, Whitehouse loan
Smith, SVilliam, spirit merchant, 231 Canon-
Smith, Wm. com. traveller, 12 Meadow place
Smith, William, grocer and spirit merchant,
23 South back of Canongate
Smith, William, 42 Gilmore place'
Smith, Wm. watchmaker, 33 W. Nicolson st.
Smith, William, writing-master and litho-
grapher, 1 Hanover street
Smith, William, sheep and cattle salesman,
7 St Anthony place
Smith, William, gardener, Bonnington
Smith, Mrs A. Palace yard
Smith, Mrs Alex, lodgings, 1 Charlotte st.
Smith, Mrs Alex, lodgings, 8 Eastfield, Leith
Smith, Mrs Alison, 8 Vennel
Smith, Mrs Andrew, 103 George street
Smith, jNIts David, 26 Warriston crescent
Smith, ]\Irs David, 8 Glover street
Smith, Mrs David, 1 70 High street
Smith, Mrs Elizabeth, 66 Frederick street
Smith, Mrs Gilbert, 35 Scotland street
Smith, Mrs John, 5 Morton street
Smith, Mrs, J. grocer and spirit dealer, 10
Spence's place
Smith, Mrs James, 4 Montgomery street «
Smith, Mrs Lieut. 3 Gillespie street «
Smith, Mrs M. provision store, 269 Cowgate
Smith, Mrs Margaret, 30 Alva street
Smith, Mrs T. 38 Dublin street
Smith, Mrs Walter, 5 Gillespie street
Smith, Mrs Wm. 1 Hope street, Leith walk
Smith, Mrs William, ladies' nurse, 1 Dean st.
Smith, Mrs W. B. 1 Maitland pi. Newhaven
Smith, Mrs W. 1 George place
Smith, Mrs, lodgings, 62 Hanover street
Smith, Mrs, Greenhill lodge
Smith, Mrs, 24 Gay field square
Smith, Mrs, 17 Pilrig street
Smith, Mrs, 23 Minto street
Smith, Mrs, 16 Broughton place
Smith, Miss E. lodgings, 2 Trinity crescent
Smith, Miss M. A. 15 Danube street
Smith, Miss Margaret, 2 Crichton street
Smith, Miss, 9 Graham street
Smith, Miss, Ashfield lodge
Smith, Miss, 6 Fettes row
Smith, Miss, 3 Saxe Coburg pi.
Smith, Misses E. & M. dress and cloak
makers, 62 Rose street
Smiths and Co. purveyors of lamps and oils
to the Queen, brassfounders, gasfitters, tin-
smiths, railway lamp manufrs, 1 Blair st.
Smyth, Chas. Piazzi, professor of practical
astronomy, and astronomer royal for Scot-
land, 1 Hillside crescent
Smyth, .J. of Balharry, advocate, 1 Hart street
Smyth, John, professor of dancing, 35 Fre-
derick street
Smyth, Robert, W.S. 1 Hart street
Smyth, Mrs, 30 Clarence street
Smyttan, Geo., M.D. 20 Melville street
Snadden, Mrs Maria, 2 West Preston street
Snodgrass, Jas. surg. & drug. 238 Canongate
Snodgrass, Mrs, lodgings, 9 Crichton street
Snodgrass, Misses, milliners and dressmakers,
112 George street
Snody, Andw., S.S.C. city agent for Leith, 26
Gayfield sq. and 123 Constitution st. Leith
Snow & Johnston, fleshers, 5 Middle market
Snow, F. flesher, Middle market
Snow, John, flesher, 16 South St James' street
Society of Antiquaries, 24 George street —
Alex. Christie and J. A. Smith, secretaries
Society, Botanical — W. Evans, Experimen-
tal Gardens, treasurer
Society, Calvin New Translations — Robt.
Pitcairn, secretary, 9 Northumberland st. —
depositaries, Sutherland & Knox, 23 George
Society, Camden — T. G. Stevenson, agent
Society, City Misson — T. Scott and Wm.
Whyte, joint treasurers
Society for Clothing the Industrious Poor,
18 Bristo street
Society, Celtic, of Ireland — T. G. SteVenson,
Society, Destitute Sick — Wm. Whyte, 13
George street, treasurer; John M'CuUoch
(^British Linen Company), sub-treasurer
Society, Gaelic Schools — W. P. Kennedy,
treasurer, 15 St Andrew street
Society, Gratis Sabbath-school — Wm.Whyte,
13 George street, treasurer
Society, Hakluyt — T. G. Stevenson, agent
Society, lona — T. G. Stevenson, agent
Society, Irish Archaeological — T. G. Steven-
son, agent
Society, Irish Evangelical, Edinburgh Auxi-
liary— W. F. Watson, 52 Princes street
Society, London Missionary, Edinburgh
Auxiliary to — W. F. Watson, 52 Princes
street, treasurer
Society, Naval and Military Bible — William
Whyte, 13 George street, treasurer
Society for Preventing Cruelty to Animals
— Wm. Whyte, 13 George street, treasurer
Society for Promoting Religious Knowledge
among the Poor — Wm. Whyte, 13 George
street, treasurer and secretary
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
— Robert Grant and Son, 34 Princes street
Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge,
49 Queen street
Society for Relief of the Destitute Sick,
— W. Whyte, treasurer; John M'CuUoch
{British Linen Company), Sub-treasurer
SociETY,Anglia Christiana — T. G. Stevenson,
Society, Scottish Episcopal Church — H. J.
RoUo, W.S. 16 Dundas street, secretary and
Society, Shakspeare — T. G. Stevenson, agent
Society, Total Abstinence, committee rooms,
2 North bridge — W. K. Rose, secretary
Solicitor-General, James Crawford, 18
Charlotte square
Solicitors of Supreme Courts — library,
Parliament house
Solicitors-at-Law — hall, 3 R. Exchange
Somervaille, D. J. corn merchant, 10 Quality
street, Leith
Somerville, A. G. 1st vice-president General
Post- Office, Larchfield villa, Easter road
Somerville, Alex. {^Inland Revenue)^ 22 Rut-
land square
Somerville, Rev. Andrew, secy, to Mission
Board, U. P. Church, 5 Queen street
Somerville, Andw. leather merch. 98West port
Somerville, Aw. mercht. 32 Constitution st.
Somerville, David, grocer, 79 Giles' street
Somerville, David, spirit dealer, 37 India pi.
Somerville, D. draper, 52 W. Richmond st.
Somerville, Geo. innkeeper. New Market inn
Somerville, Geo. vict. dealer, 27 Greenside st.
Somerville, James, S.S.C. 25 Dundas street
Somerville, James, baker and victualler, 129
Rose street
Somerville, Jas. victual dealer, 1 Hamilton pi.
Somerville, J. & Co. merchts. 46 Quality st-
Somerville, John, merchant and general agent,
69 Constitution st. Leith
Somerville, John, hosier and glover, 67 North
Hanover street
Somerville, John, printer, 58 Lauriston st.
Somerville, Lieut.-Col. 9 Royal crescent
Somerville, Robert, W.S. 19 India street
Somerville, Robert, stationer, 13 India place
Somerville, Robert, 12 St Leonard street
Somerville, Sana., M.D , F.ll.C.P. 17 Hart st.
Somerville, Thos. of Greenfield, 19 Danube st.
Somraerville, Hugh, wine anil spirit merch.
123 Canongate
Somraerville, Hugh, lodgings, 20 Albany st.
Sommerville, James, mason, 13 Jamaica street
Sommerviile, Wm. grocer and spirit dealer,
183 Canongate
Sommerville, Wm. 17 W. Preston street
Sommerville, Jlrs, 212 Canongate
Sommerville, Mrs, lapidary, seal engraver,
and mineral dealer, 20 West Register street
Somner, Mrs Margaret, 45 East Claremont st.
Sorreck, Miss, French stay maker, 15 Brown st.
Souter, D. Robertson, accountant, 15 Glou-
cester place
Souter, Francis George, Sheriff-clerk of Chan-
cery, chambers. Parliament square — ho. 39
Great King street
Souter, Jas. innkeeper, 20 So. b. Canongate
Souter, James, W.S. 80 Great King street
Souter, James, turner, 26 St James' square
Souter, Peter, shipmaster, ^Madeira pi. Leitli
Souter, Peter, grocer, 52 Clerk street
.Souter, Mrs, 46 Great King street
Southern Academy, Park place house
Southern Horaoepathic Dispensary, 2 West
Richmond street
Soutter, James, fancy turner, 60 Princes st.
— workshop, Swinton row
Spalding, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 9 Jamaica street
Spankie, Miss, 32 Broughton place
Sparks, John, cricket-ground keeper, Grove
cottage, 118 Fountainbridge
Spaven, Robert, saddler and harness maker,
16 S. St Andrewr st ho. 8 W. Adam st.
Spaven, Mrs John, 11 Duncan street
Spears, George. Jock's lodge
Spence, Alex. Ogilvy, 7 Brunswick st. Hillside
.Spence, Andrew, tea, wine, and spirit mer-
chant, 66 and 67 Tolbooth wynd — house,
Adelphi place, Leith links
.Spence, Chas, S.S.C. andX.P.6 St Andrew sq.
Spence, Charles, grocer, 3 Haddington place
Spence, David, bootmaker, 10 Kirkgate —
house, 137
Spence, George, merchant, 2 Haddington pi,
Spence, James, tailor & clothier, 31 S. bridge
Spence, James, W.S. 24 Pitt street
Spence, James, smith, 18 West Crosscausey
Spence, James, F.R.CS.E. lecturer on sur-
gery, 12 Northumberland street
Spence, John, tavern-keeper, 10 Hunter square
Spence, John, surgeon-dentist, 50 Great
King street
Spence, Joseph, saddler, 24 Grassmarket
Spence, Norman {Edln. and Leith Gas Co.),
2 Haddington place
Spence, William (B. Linen Co.), 17 Bruns-
wick street, Hillside
Spence, Mrs Alex. 7 Brunswick st. Hillside
Spence, Mrs George, cowfeeder, Thornybank
Spence, Mrs John, 6 Smith's place
Spence, Mrs, 17 Clarence street
Spence, Mrs, dairy, 15 William street
Spence, Mrs, Athelstane cot. Ferry rd. Wardie
Spence, Miss, 2 Thistle court
Spens, Nathaniel, W,S. of Craigsanquhar, 28
Walker street
Spens, Mrs Dr, 14 Drummond place
Spiden, Robt, builder, 21 Charles street
Spiers, Mrs, Belgrave villa
Spindler, Misses, teachers, 137 Princes street
Spink, James, lapidary, 5 Rose street
Spinks, Charles, turner, 24 and 25 Duke st.
Spinks, Wm. wood- turner, 24 Kirkgate
Spittal, James and Co. silk mercers and shawl
manufacturers, 12 St Andrew square
Spittal, Thos. janitor, 33 Charlotte square
Spittal, Lady, 3 Minto street
Spittal, Mrs James, 4 Eyre place
Spittal, Mrs John, 8 Nicolson square
Spottiswoode, Arthur C, Major Bengal Army,
36 Great King street
Spottiswoode, Robert, accountant, 7 Thistle
street — house, 18 Howard place
Sprot, John, 10 Darnaway street
Sprot, Thomas, W.S, 10 Drummond place
Sprot, Mrs, 24 Moray place
Sprot, Miss, 23 Rutland square
Squair, Jas, (S. Un. Insur.), 21 Gardner's cres.
St Clair, Archd, lodgings, Windmill house
St Clair, John, teacher of violin and accor-
dion, 79 South bridge
St Clair, J, P. teacher of languages, 63 S. br.
St Clair, Mrs, 63 South bridge
St Clair, Mrs, lodgings, 1 Gabriel's road
St Cuthbert's Lodge of Free Gardeners —
D. Grant, R.W.M., 14 Canning place; W.
Burge, 10 North bridge, treasurer
St Cuthbert's Poorhouse, Lothian road —
house governor, James Robertson
St Margaret's Convent, Bruntsfield links
St Stephen's School, 58 Brunswick street
Stacey, James M., S.S.C, 2 Thistle court
Stage Coaches — See Conveyance Direc-
Stalker, James, grocer, &c. 36 North Pitt st.
Stalker, Thomas, hairdresser aud perfumer,
23 North-west Circus place
Stalker, Wm. sailmaker, 3 Bernard street
Stalker, Mrs, 50 Cumberland street
Standard Life Assurance Co. 3 George street
— Will. Thos. Thomson, manr. — See Adv.
Stanley, Mrs Montague, 3 North Charlotte st.
Star Life Assurance office, 10 George street
— J, Livingston, agent
Starforth John, architect, 12 S. Castle street
Stark, Adam, ironmonger, 3 Bank street —
house, 48 London street
Stark, G. G. {Williamson &,^ S.), 3 Pilrig street
Stark, James, M.D., F.RrCP. 21 Rutland st.
Stark, Robt, M, seedsman and florist, 145
Princes street — nursery, Edgehill, Dean
J 69
Stark, Thomas, tobacco manuf. 81 West port
Stark, Win. builder & architect, 48 London st.
Stark, William, jun. builder, yard, Castle ter-
race— house, 45 Ann street
Stark, Miss, Salisbury green
Starke, James, advocate, 23 Heriot row
Siavert, Mrs, 18 Walker street
Stead & Simpson, shoe manufacturers, 375
High street
Steam Packet Offices. — See Conveyance
Stebbine, Alexander, painter, 102 Kirkgate
— house, 9 Glover street
Stebbing, Isaac, bookbinder, 5 Xicolson st.
Steedman, Henry, bookbinder, 44 George st.
Steedman, John, clerk, 76 Queen street
Steedman, William, grocer, tea and coffee
merchant, 1 Charlotte street, Leith
Steedman, James, canteen, Piershill
Steedman, Mrs H. greengrocer and victualler,
20 Thistle street
Steedman, Mrs, 25 Howre street
Steedman, Mrs, victl. dealer, 13 Fountainbr.
Steel, David, spirit dealer, Hillhouse field
Steel, David, mason. Mount pleasant
Steel, Ebenr. grocer, 4 King's place
Steel, James, 2 West Newington
Steel, Jas. boot and shoemaker, Canaan lane
Steel, William, upholsterer, 59 Thistle street
Steel, Wm. dealer in horses, and horse-hirer,
153 Rose street — house, 18 Castle street
Steel, INIrs, 33 Dundas street
Steel, Mrs John, lodgings, Canaan lane
Steel, Miss, dressmaker, 2 Kerr street
Steel, Miss Janet, milliner and dressmaker,
7 Milne square
Steele, Charles, house agent, 19 Gardner's cr.
Steele, James, baker, 55 iSTicolson street
Steele, Jn. ironmonger & pasfitter, 100 High
street — house, 25 James' square
Steele, Peter, classical master, F. C. formal
school, 4 Park street
Steele, Pat. S. 25 Inverleith row
Steele, W. & P. furnishing ironmongers to the
Queen, 61 George street
Steele, Wilkinson, merchant, 18 Pilrig street
Steele, William (.S'wjd. Cowr^s), agent for Gua-
rantee Society, 29 S. Frederick street
Steele, William, wine and spirit merchant, 5
West Richmond street
Steele, Wm. 24 Gayfield square
Steele, Mrs Dr, 6 Pitt street
Steele, Mrs, midwife & nurse, 50 Thistle st.
Steele, Misses M. & C. dressmakers, 23 South
Steele, Misses, 33 Howe street
Steell, George, 31 BroQghtoa place
Steell, Gourlay, A.R.S.A., portrait and animal
painter, 4 Randolph place
Steell, Jno., R.S.A. sculptor to her Majesty —
studio, 9 Randolph place; bronze foundry,
Grove street — house, Greenhill gardens
Steell, Mrs, 20 Gallon hill
Stegmann, C, Ciaremont Park, Leith links
Stegmann, Westenholz, & Co. corn factors
and com. merchants, 34 Constitution street
Steill, John, Grange road
Stein &. Campbell, W.S. 49 Northumberland
I Scein, John, spirit dealer, 195 High street
Stein, Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 3
j Portland place
j Stenhouse, Andw. & Geo. agents and ship
brokers. Wet docks
Stenhouse, G. {A. Sf G. S.), 4 Hope terrace
Stenhouse, AVm. baker, 5 Little Kiug street
and 4 East Register street
Stenhouse, Mrs, 30 Haddington place
Stenhouse, Mrs, cook, 38 India place
Stenhouse, Miss, 4 Hope terrace
Stephens, Henry, Redbraes cottage, Bonning-
ton road
Stephens, John, shipmast. 25 Queen st. Leith
Stephens, J. tea dealer, 4 Fleshmarket close
Stephens, Mrs Wm. 6 Saunders street
Stephens, Mrs, IMorningside
Stephenson, John and Co. railway contractors^
Lothian road
Stephenson, Robt. comb manufacturer to her
Majesty, 25 Leith street — house, Grange
villa. West Newington
Stephenson, Mrs, 53 Frederick street
Steuart, Charles, W.S. 17 India st. — house, 3
Albyn place
Steuart, Lieut.-Gen. G. M. 48 Melville street
Steuart, .James, W.S. 17 India street — house,
8 Doune terrace
Steuart, Robert, of Carfin, 32 Royal terracf
Steuart, Mrs Charles, 3 Albyn place
Steuart, Miss, of Steuart hall, 16 Maitland st.
Steuart, Miss, 17 St Andrew square
Steuart, Miss, 16 Stafford street
Steven, James, Edinburgh and Leith carrier,
7 Windmill street
Steven, Robt. victual & spirit dealer, 54 East
Steven, Rev, Dr Wm. II Nicolson square
Steven, W. grocer & wine mercht, 45 Bridgt-
street & 37 Sandport street — house, 2 Pit:
street, Bonnington
Steven, Wm. hairdresser and perfumer, -id
St James' square
Stevens, Wm. cooper, 6 ToUcroes — house, b
Stevenson's sale rooms, 4 St Andrew square
Stevenson, Messrs, civil engineers, 84 George
Stevenson & Co. printers, 32 Thistle street
Stevenson & Co. R. H., licensed passage
brokers, 10 N. St Andrew street
Stevenson, Andrew R. 38 North Hanover st.
Stevenson, Alexander, S.S.C. 4 St Andrew-
square — house, Eden Bank, Church lane.
Stevenson, Alexander, W.S. 9 Heriot row^
Stevenson, Alex. jun. stockbroker, 4 St An-
drew Square
Stevenson, Allan, hat manufactui-er, 5 Drum-
mond street
Stevenson, David, civil engineer, 8 Forth st.
Stevenson, David, secretary to Edinburgh Y.
M. P. Society, 4. St Cuthbert's street
Stevenson, Rev. Dr, 14 Hermitage pi. Leith
Stevenson, Duncan (.S'. &; Co.), 4 Carlton st.
Stevenson, Jas. bookbinder, 265 High street
Stevenson, James, draper, 190 Canongate
Stevenson, James, builder & house carpenter,
Broughton market — ho. 10 Cumberland st.
Stevenson, Jas. late surg. iladras establishm.
H.E.I.C.S. 11 St Bernard's crescent
Stevenson, Rear-Admiral .Jas., Seacot, Leith
Stevenson, Jn. (Union Bk.), 17 Archibald pi.
Stevenson, John, grocer and wine merchant,
8 North ]\Ielvillti place
Stevenson, John, hat manufuc. 90 S. Bridge
Stevenson, John, wine and spirit merchant, 3
St Vincent street
Stevenson, Peter, philosophical instrument
maker, 9 I^othian street — house, 6
Stevenson. Philip, R. N. 33 Bridge street
Stevenson, Rev. R. Home, 18 Manor place
Stevenson, E. H. accountant, 10 N. St And-
rew street
Stevenson, Rev. Thomas, 15 Leith walk
Stevenson, Thos. Geo. bookseller, publisher,
and bookbinder, 87 Princes street — house,
4 Torphichen street
Stevenson, T. & A., Berlin wool, button, and
trimming warehouse, 53 South bridge
Stevenson, Thos. maltster, corn factor, and
coal merchant, 14 Assembly street
Stevenson, Thos. civil engineer, 1 Inverleith
Stewart, Thos., wine mercht, 266 Canongate
Stevenson, Wm. Cowman, 1 Grove street
Stevenson, Wm. cattle dealer, Jordan burn
Stevenson, Wm. upholsterer, 34 Hanover st.
— house, 65 Cumberland street
Stevenson, William, 22 Alva street
Stevenson, Mrs James, 8 Atholl place
Stevenson, Mrs, cook, foot of Craig's close
Stevenson, Mrs, 1 Albyn place
Stevenson, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 82 S. Bridge
Stevenson, ]\Irs, 14 Nicolson square
Stevenson, Mrs James, 1 1 Lutton place
Stevenson, Mrs, lodgings, 54 Bristo street
Stevenson, Mrs James, 4 W. Xewington pi.
Stevenson, Miss B. 48 India street
Stevenson, Miss M., milliner and dressmaker,
6 Dublin street
Stevenson, Eliz. M. dressmaker, &c. Jordan
burn cottage
Steven ton, .John, Bay Horse inn and livery
stables, 55 Rose street
Stewart & Bell, slaters and chimney-sweepers,
9 Queeusferry street
Stewart and Co. merchants, 31 St Andrew sq.
Stewart, Alex, painter and paper-hanging
merchant, 95 Princes street — house, 7 Fre-
derick street
Stewart, Alex, bootmaker, 28 Pitt street
Stewart, Alex. (Customs), 4 Pitt street, Leith
Stewart, Alex. James, W.S. 27 Pitt street
Stewart, Alex, letter-carrier, 8 W. Adam st.
Stewart, A., spirit dealer. Main st. Newhaven
Stewart, A. Wood, 1 BeUevue crescent
Stewart, A., letter carrier, 45 Earl Grey st.
Stewart, Ben., dentist, 12 Howe street
Stewart, Chas. & David, solicitors, 23 Castle st.
Stewart, Charles (C. §' B. Stewart), 11
Clarendon crescent
Stewart, Charles, messenger Edinburgh and
Glasgow Bank, 29 George street
Stewart, Chas. tailor and clothier, 3 Barony st.
Stewart, Charles, W.S. 17 India st. — house,
3 Albyn place
Stewart, Charles, flesher, 10 Canning place
Stewart, D., Crown hotel, 10, 11, and 12
Princes street
Stewart, Daniel, lodgings, 8 Shakspeare square
Stewart, Dan. superintendent -JJ.^- G.Railivay.
North bridge station — house, Haymarket
Stewart, David, 6 Hailes street
Stewart, Donald, crier Parliament house,
31 Cumberland street
Stewart, Captain Duncan, 10 Rankeillor street
Stewart, Duncan, lodgings, 27 Castle street
Stewart, Dun. wine and spirit merchant, 3P
Frederick street — house, 40 Jamaica street
Stewart, George {E. and G. Bank), 45 North
Hanover street
Stewart, Hope James,por.-painter,35 Alva st.
Stewart, J. and G. tea, wine, and spirit mer-
chants, 113 High street
Stewart, J. L. landscape-painter, 25 E. Clare-
mont street
Stewart, James, lodgings, 30 Castle street
Stewart, .James W. civil engineer, 5 North St
David street — house, 11 Duncan street,
Druramond place
Stewart, James ( Union Banh), 5 Archd. pi.
Stewart, Jas. baker, 10 Couper street